Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…ess-1/108610435142170.xml

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    Tuesday's Gold Coin Prices

    The Associated Press
    6/1/2004, 11:31 a.m. ET

    Selected coin prices Tuesday

    Gold Coins

    Bid Chg.

    American Eagle, 1 troy oz. $415.07 up $ 4.12
    American Eagle, .50 oz. $214.49 up $ 2.13
    American Eagle, .25 oz. $108.24 up $ 1.08
    American Eagle, .10 oz. $44.49 up $ 0.45
    Austla. Kangaroo, 1 troy oz. $415.07 up $ 4.12
    Aus. Philharmonic, 1 troy oz. $415.07 up $ 4.12
    Maple Leaf, 1 troy oz. $415.07 up $ 4.12
    China Panda 1994, 1 troy oz. $421.03 up $ 4.18
    Krugerrand, 1 troy oz. $403.20 up $ 3.95
    U.S. Silver Coins $1000 face
    value pre 1964 circulation. $4618.90 off $318.18
    U.S. Silver Eagle, 1 troy oz. $8.02 off $ 0.45
    U.S. Platinum Eagle, 1 troy oz. $883.04 up $11.52

    Bulk wholesale prices. Source: Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Inc.
    Rare U.S. Coins (Mint State 65)

    Bid Asked

    Morgan Silver Dollar $118.00 $125.00
    Peace Silver Dollar $114.00 $125.00
    Walking Liberty Half Dollar $95.00 n.a.
    $20 Liberty Gold Type III $4020.00 $4300.0
    $20 St Gaudens, motto $1080.00 n.a.

    Source: Certified Coin Exchange

    n.a. - Not available from source

    Copyright 2004 The Associated Press.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…id=4987944&action=article

    Breaking news

    2004-06-01 08:57 GMT:

    Glencar Mining sees exciting 12 mths ahead, cuts FY pretax pre-ex loss

    LONDON (AFX) - Glencar Mining PLC said it is confident of an exciting 12 months ahead.

    The company reported reduced losses before tax and exceptionals of 370,595 usd for the year to end-Dec 2003, down from 1.04 mln usd a year earlier.

    Chief executive Hugh McCullough said the year under review marked the re- emergence of Glencar as a successful gold explorer in Africa following the recommencement of active exploration activity on two important projects in West Africa.

    Glencar has completed a shallow drilling programme in Ghana with very encouraging results and has also reported exceptional assay results from its first field programme in Mali, he said.


    "There is much to look forward to in the next six to twelve months."

    McCullough said Glencar has a very attractive portfolio of exploration projects in West Africa, two of which are demonstrating clear signs of economic potential. The company has some other projects under discussion which may result in additional attractive projects being acquired, he said.

    "We are confident that we have a very exciting 12 months ahead of us with every reason to expect continuing success at our Asheba and Sankarani Projects in particular."

    The Asheba project is in the Western Region of Ghana. Assuming positive results from the current phase of drilling at Asheba, the group said it expects to embark on a sustained drilling programme during the second half of 2004, which will be directed towards delineating the gold resource within the mineralised structure.

    The Sankarani Project comprises a ground holding of 1,000 square kilometres in southern Mali, close to its border with Guinea. Drilling results clearly confirm the potential of the Sankarani Project to contain economic concentrations of gold.

    Other, similar targets within the concessions are also being examined, the company said.

    In Uganda, the company said it is in discussion with a number of interested parties in relation to concluding a joint venture comprising some 350 square kilometres in the southeastern part of the country. The current plan is to conduct a trenching programme on the property in July, but this plan will be reviewed in the context of the progress and outcome of the joint venture discussions.

    Glencar said it believes this part of Uganda to be geologically very prospective, since the Nyanzian rocks which underlie the licence areas occupy a geological setting similar to the Nyanzian Greenstone belt which hosts the Lake Victoria Goldfields on the Tanzanian side of the lake.

    A number of other gold projects in West Africa are also under review and the group said it believes it can maintain a pipeline of technically attractive projects commensurate with available funding.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…pl?/current/0601136n.html


    JUNE 1, 2004 - 13:25 ET

    South Atlantic Reports Additional Drill Results for Copper-Gold Rakkurijarvi Discovery Zone in Northern

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Tuesday, June 01, 2004, 11:16:00 AM EST

    Gold Market Summary

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    My firm belief is that the price of gold is only starting its price appreciation despite the claptrap coming from all the purely technical analysts who have no fundamental understanding of gold and what drives it. Right now the fundamentals are in place for gold to deliver $480 plus.

    Afghanistan cut the jugular vein of the former Soviet Union so what makes you think that Iraq and Afghanistan are not going to mortally injure Western capitalism?

    Will Iraq become a democracy with its newly-appointed government or can you democratize a country that is devoid of democrats? With recent poles showing strong support for the fanatical martial cleric al-Sadr, can elections be expected to institute a democracy?

    If Saudi Arabia does in fact flood the market with oil, will that action signal the end of the Saudi Royal Family in a blood bath? Is Western capitalism changing its traditional form both of government and of balance sheet health?

    Is Western capitalism on the same road to nowhere that the Soviet Union took when it invaded Afghanistan with the purpose of imposing Soviet autocracy on that traditionally ungovernable country?

    Have you checked the definition of the word "Sovereignty?"
    The American Webster dictionary defines this word "sov·er·eign·ty" as follows: "n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties - Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state. Royal rank, authority, or power. Complete independence and self-government. A territory existing as an independent state."

    If this is not what is turned over to the appointed members of the new Iraqi government, will it not be embarrassing to those who state it has occurred? Does the management of Iraq really believe that Americans are so stupid that they do not know what words mean?. Well, maybe.

    The answers to all of the above questions are the fundamental factors that will impact the dollar which in turn will impact gold. This is what the nit wit technicians should have known when they issued their bearish forecasts about gold and their even dumber bullish dollar pronouncements.

    Shame on every gold advisor who pushed you into a loss for no reason whatsoever. Shame on you for following them. Greater shame on you for sending them your money.

    Shame on the web sites that post every opinion so as to lead you into the type of confusion that sets the stage for the gold geezers to issue their bearish technical calls in the face of fundamentals that are going to give you gold over $500 in the near future.

    I pose the final question: Why in the world sell gold this morning at $399.80 when it is going to or above $480 by August 15th. If you were fooled once by the nit wits, are you going to be fooled twice?

    Who with credentials was out there yelling, "stop the madness" to you when gold was being hammered and the professional interests were covering as fast as they could?

    Gold at only $400 is madness in light of the fundamental condition now present and forming in the market.

    Remember that oil impacts the dollar and the dollar impacts gold.

  • Das waren noch Zeiten!

    Im Gegensatz des heutigen zum Absurdum geführten Fiat Money System, konnte man sich in früheren Zeiten noch auf Papier Geld verlassen.

    Damals gab es auch noch keine private Federal Reserve Bank!

    Der Dollar hatte einen ehrlichen inneren Wert, und war begehrt, weil er durch physisches Gold, oder Silber gedeckt war, und nicht nur wegen irgendwelchen Fantasie Zahlen die heute auf den Papier Dollars stehen.



  • Hallo thai,

    ein sehr schöner Artikel von Jim Sinclair, besonders gut gefällt mir
    seine Frage: Warum in aller Welt sollte man Gold heute morgen
    für $ 399,80 verkaufen, wenn es bis zum 15. August auf oder
    über $480 steigt? Einmal von den "Nichtswissern getäuscht,
    wird es Dir ein zweites Mal passieren?

    Der ganze Artikel ist sehr gut geschrieben, aber diese beiden Sätze
    sind für mich die Kernaussage. Glaubst Du, dass die Prognose stimmt?
    Ich würde mich darüber freuen, aber diese Marke ist mein Ziel für



  • Ein wenig Geschichte!

    Kommt mir irgenwie alles sehr bekannt vor!

    Leider sind die meisten Menschen ob in den USA, in Europa, oder anderswo sehr vergesslich, und können Zusammenhänge nicht frühzeitig genug erkennen. Sonnst würde der Goldpreis trotz Preis Manipulation bereits heute bedeutend höher stehen. Aber das kommt mit Sicherheit alles noch.

    Geschichte neigt leider dazu sich zu wiederholen!



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Hyperinflation 1923

    Auf dem Höhepunkt der Inflation zirkulierte in Deutschland eine wahre Flut von Papiergeld. Innerhalb von wenigen Monaten hatte sich die im Umlauf befindliche Geldmenge jeweils verzehnfacht.

    Für die astronomisch hohen Beträge, die auf den Banknoten vermerkt waren, standen jedoch keine Werte mehr. Für die wöchentlichen Lohnzahlungen wurde körbeweise Papiergeld von den Banken abgeholt. Die Hyperinflation hatte dazu geführt, dass Länder, Kommunen, Reichsbahn und große Privatunternehmen eigenes Geld (Notgeld) gedruckt haben. Direkt nach der Lohnzahlung wurden die Geschäfte gestürmt. Denn, wenn man heute noch für seine Millionen Mark Mehl, Milch und Reis kaufen konnte, so war die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass dieses Paket morgen schon wieder 1,5 Mio. Mark kosten würde. Die Lebensmittel aber, die man zu Hause in der Vorratskammer aufhob, würden auch nächste Woche, nächsten Monat, teilweise nächstes Jahr zu gebrauchen sein. Bei dem Papiergeld war das nicht der Fall. Obwohl damals Deutschland voll von Millionären war, konnte sich kaum jemand ein Haus oder einen Urlaub leisten. Das Geld war wertlos.

    1871 wurde die Reichsmark eingeführt und war stets mindestens zu einem Drittel durch Gold gedeckt, für den Rest gab es andere Sicherheiten. Wie eigentlich immer was es der Krieg, in diesem Falle der erste Weltkrieg, in dessen Umfeld die Golddeckung aufgehoben wurde.

    Im August 1914 wurde durch das Ermächtigungsgesetz die Reichsbank von der Pflicht enthoben, die Reichsmark jederzeit gegen Gold zu tauschen.

    Der Verlauf des Krieges und die anschließenden Reparationszahlungen an die Alliierten führten nicht dazu, dass die Werte hinter dem Papiergeld in gleichem Masse anstiegen. Vielmehr verschuldete sich Deutschland durch seine Rüstungsausgaben so sehr, dass die Inflation bereits Ende des Krieges begann. Mit der Festsetzung der Reparationszahlungen 1921 beschleunigte sich die Inflation und wurde schnell zur Hyperinflation.

    Da die Reichsbank alleine mit dem Gelddrucken nicht nachkam, halfen Gemeinden sowie Unternehmen aus: Sie druckten ebenfalls Geld und nannten es Notgeld, mit dem sie ihre Angestellten dann bezahlten. Für dieses Notgeld bekamen Arbeiter und Angestellte dann Sachwerte wie Weizen, Zucker oder Kohlen. Am Ende waren 700 Trillionnen Reichsmark und weitere 524 Trillionen Mark Notgeld im Umlauf.

    Reichsfinanzminister Hans Luther macht angesichts dieser Lage am 16.11.1923 vor dem Reichstag darauf aufmerksam, dass es nur eine wirklich gute Lösung gebe:

    Rückkehr zu einer durch Goldreserven gedeckten Währung.

    Am Dienstag, dem 20.11.1923, wurde dann eine Billion Papiermark durch eine Rentenmark abgelöst. Auch gegen-über dem Ausland verpflichtete man sich zu einer Deckung der neuen Währung durch die Goldreserven.

    Der Begriff Goldmark statt Rentenmark setzte sich im Volksmund aufgrund der Golddeckung durch. Ein klares Zeichen dafür, welchen Stellenwert das Gold beim Volk hatte.

    Luther ist es in kurzer Zeit (durch eine Golddeckung,TG) gelungen, das Sanierungswerk zum Abschluss zu bringen. Am 20.11. wurden die Noten-bankpressen für Papiergeld stillgelegt. Verantwortlich für den Erfolg war aber auch das Verhalten der Bevölkerung und der Regierung: Des Zahlenzaubers der Inflation überdrüssig, wurde die neue Währung anerkannt. Beendigung der öffentlichen Schuldenwirtschaft. Luther formulierte treffend, die öffentliche Hand und die Wirtschaft müssten mit einem Schlag von „der süßen Gewohnheit der Inflation“ ablassen und die Vorstellung aufgeben, der Staat könne jederzeit mit der Notenpresse Geldmittel bereitstellen.

    Und heute?

    Der Euro ist bereits zum Scheitern verurteilt. (Fast,TG) Keine Golddeckung und die ersatzweise Bindung an die Wirtschafts-Leistung der jeweiligen Länder ist durch Frankreich bereits zu Genüge missachtet worden und durch Deutschland gebilligt – denn demnächst wird auch Deutschland in der Position von Frankreich stecken.

    (Voraussage ist zwischenzeitlich bereits eingetroffen! TG)

  • Warren

    Bin mir sogar sicher, dass Sinclair Recht behalten wird mit seiner Gold Preis Prognose von 480.- Dollar per Unze bis mitte August 2004.

    Kann mir sogar noch weit höhere Gold Preise vorstellen, wenn der Dollar endlich ins Trudeln gerät. Bei der von der FED praktizierten wahnsinns Geldmengen Ausweitung, des Haushalts-, und Handelbilanzdefizites, und vor allem wegen der Geschwindigkeit der Ausweitung der Geldmenge, und der Defizite, lässt sich dies nicht nur vermuten, sondern wird zwingend erfolgen. Damit meine ich nicht die jetzt noch gesteuerte Dollar Entwertung mit allen charttechnisch inszinierten Spielen der BoJ, EZB, FED, und ihrer Primary Dealer, sondern eine durch diese Institutionen nicht, oder nur noch sehr begrenzt kontrollierbar werdende Dollar Abwertung.



  • Warren

    Schau Dir einmal die heutige Preisentwicklung dieser wichtigen Lebensmittel an. Die offiziellen US CPI Zahlen sind ein Witz, die Berechnung abenteuerlich, wenn nicht sogar kriminell?

    Inflation in Reinkultur !!!

    Crude Oil ist heute wiederum um für die Weltwirtschaft gefährliche weitere 2.45 Dollar gestiegen!

    Der DOW konnte sich wieder einmal mehr allen fundamentalen zum Trotz gerade noch halten.

    Die Nasdaq hat sogar nochmals einen Tick zulegen können.

    Der Dollar Index ist eine einzige Farse. Hat zwar heute wiederum trotz aller Bemühungen von interessierter Seite, ein wenig nachgegeben.

    Gold ist heute zuerst massiv gestiegen, und wurde wiederum kurz vor 400 Dollar massiv in kurzer Zeit um fast 5.- Dollar abverkauft.

    Gold darf NOCH nicht steigen. Schon gar nicht über die 400.- Dollar Marke!



  • @ Thaiguru

    Kannst du mir vielleicht sagen warum Jim Sinclaim bis mitte August einen solchen Anstieg projeziert.

    Fundemental ist es schon begründet!!!

    Aber wiso fixiert sich der alte Herr zeitlich so sehr auf mitte August?

    Hast du eine Begründung?

    Wenn du lügen erzahlen willst,die geglaubt werden sollen,dann sage keine Wahrheiten die geglaubt werden.
    Shogun Tokugawa


    Sinclair sagt nicht, dass der Goldpreis genau am 15. August 2004 bei 480.- stehen wird. Er hat nur bereits angekündigt, dass falls der Goldpreis bis spätestens am 15. August die 480.- Dollar nicht erreicht, er sich von seiner bisherigen puplizistischen Arbeit verabschieden, und ebenso auch seine Homepage schliessen will.

    Das war jedoch eine wie ich glaube, Überreaktion auf den grossen Gold Preis Abverkauf seit Januar, entgegen aller positiven Fundamentaldaten fürs Gold, und seinen früher gemachten Ankündigungen, über einen weiter massiv steigenden Goldpreis, der bis jetzt leider NOCH nicht eingetreten ist.



  • Der heutige Wochen-Kommentar von Ted Butler:


    June 1, 2004

    All Systems Go

    By Theodore Butler

    Still spectacular. That's the only way to describe the current COMEX market structure, as evidenced by the Commitments of Traders Report (COT). Not only have the COTs for silver, gold and copper remained in strong "buy signal" territory, the latest COT indicated that silver and gold actually got better, with the dealers covering more of their short positions. Also notable was the concentrated short position of the 4 and 8 largest traders, in that it was smaller than anytime in the recent past. This tells us that these markets have big upside potential and small downside risk.

    I think that the next rally that takes us through the key moving averages could be the big one. I say that because I feel the commercial dealers will not sell short aggressively on this next price rise, creating a selling vacuum or void, that will enable prices to explode. Since it is obvious that the recent sharp sell-off was designed to rid the dealers of as many short positions as possible, I'm guessing that the dealers will be reluctant to re-short big again on the next rally. I just don't think they will be putting their heads back into the lion's mouth by going naked short the 200 million ounces of silver they just covered.
    Of course, I can't know the future, so I look for signs to either confirm or invalidate my opinion. Basically, that's what analysis is all about. I also confess that sometimes I try to do more than analyze. I try to influence. So convinced am I that the silver market is manipulated, I have tried to help end that manipulation. That was my intent in writing to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer about the manipulation and, specifically, concerning the powerful dealer, AIG. There are now signs emerging that my efforts might be having the intended impact.

    First, as I've noted previously, AIG has disappeared from the COMEX silver delivery process, since I started writing about them. Remember, they had been the most active dealer in COMEX silver deliveries before that, so their withdrawal was noteworthy. But it is a story today from Reuters, that provides the surest sign that the dealer community is losing its appetite for wanting to be short big in silver. Here's the headline and excerpts from the story:

    AIG no longer an LBMA market maker in gold, silver

    Tuesday June 1, 8:04 am ET

    LONDON, June 1 (Reuters) - AIG International Limited, part of American International Group Inc will no longer be a London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) market maker in gold and silver, the LBMA said on Tuesday.

    LBMA Chief Executive Stewart Murray told Reuters AIG had been reclassified as a member and so would still trade, with effect from close of business on Friday May 28.

    AIG was a first-tier market maker and dealer in over-the-counter spot, forward, option and swap markets in precious metals. Murray said the company requested to be reclassified.

    AIG was not immediately available for comment.

    This is an extraordinary development. The only development that could possibly be more extraordinary would be an announcement from China that they would no longer sell government silver. Supposedly, the LBMA is the largest physical precious metals marketplace in the world. While I have doubts about this, the CFTC stated this clearly in their recent 9 page denial of the silver manipulation. If the CFTC is correct, and the LBMA is the largest market for physical silver, what does it mean for it to lose perhaps its largest silver market maker.

    Why is AIG abandoning the silver market making business? It's certainly not because there is less need to trade silver, as we produce and consume more than at any point in history. It's not because the silver market is dull and boring and offers little incentive for a market maker. On the contrary, volatility and volume have rarely been greater in silver, seemingly offering tremendous opportunities for any market maker. So why quit now, just when things are going well?

    The answer is painfully obvious. AIG sees something that tells them to abruptly depart a business they dominated and controlled. Maybe it's an agreement with Spitzer, or the threat of becoming embroiled in the quagmire of a soon to detonate manipulation, or maybe they just see what many more see everyday - the inevitability of an exploding silver price. Who, in their right mind, would want to be short in a soaring price environment? If you're a market maker, you have to go short. The only way you can avoid going short is to stop being a market maker. I've said a lot of things about AIG, but I never said they were stupid. Abandoning the silver market is the smartest thing they've ever done.

    Say what you will, but this move by AIG is a blow to the wolf pack. The pack may not be suddenly powerless, but they were definitely weakened, not strengthened, by AIG's retreat. Anything that weakens the wolf pack's dominance is good news for silver investors and the free market. AIG's departure is pure good news.
    Lately, I've heard the question asked, "If silver is manipulated, why would anyone buy it? Can't it stay manipulated forever?" My answer is that the manipulation is a reason to buy silver, regardless of all other considerations. Fortunately, an even better is the silver deficit. The deficit guarantees the manipulation must end, as physical silver cannot be brought to market indefinitely at uneconomic prices. Probably it is the deficit that is responsible for AIG exiting the market. For the silver investor, the manipulation is your best friend. But you must buy silver to take advantage of it.

    If AIG could get long silver, they'd do so in a heartbeat. In order for them to get long, however, someone would have to go short to them. That entity doesn't exist. The best that AIG can do is quit selling short. That's what they just announced. You, on the other hand, are not AIG. Buying silver is something you can do. The signs are becoming clearer that we are reaching the point of no return in the silver market. Waiting for final confirmation will, by definition, cause you to miss the best prices.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    June 1 - Gold $394.40 down 70 cents - Silver $6.04 down 11 cents

    How Long Until Gold Vaporizes?


    "It is inevitable, that eventually the people will demand absolute security from the state... And absolute security is absolute slavery." --Taylor Caldwell

    The Gold Cartel rarely disappoints its contingent and fellow groupies. As mentioned yesterday, over the past many years gold has not been allowed to rally, or is held in relative check, on the days when its price should rocket. "As we know, gold has become a "reverse barometer indicator. The days when it should take off most, cabal forces sit all over it to calm down financial markets," MIDAS – 5/31.

    Whenever you think this manipulation can’t get any more blatant, it does. There is no better example of the ubiquitous cabal gold price fixing scheme than what occurred today. This is what gold had going for it, at a time when we have the least amount of spec longs relative to the commercial shorts over the past year or two:

    *22 dead in oil town Khobar, Saudi Arabia with 3 out of 4 terrorists escaping.
    *36 more dead in Baghdad today as a result of two major explosions.
    *Oil trades over a record high of $42 per barrel, and closes at $42.33, up a whopping $2.45.
    *Soybeans lock limit up with July beans at $8.64, up 50 cents.
    *July corn locked limit up at $3.24, up 20 cents.
    *July wheat closed up 26 cents to $3.88.
    *The CRB soars to 281.75, up 4.50 and would have been more if grains not subject to limit gains.
    *The word on the floor is that Bush is sending out the fleet towards the China sea to demonstrate to the Chinese that the US is serious about defending Taiwan. The Feds believe China may try to extract concessions about Taiwan for their support in the Security council for Bush's UN-Iraq proposal.
    *Even with rumored intervention to prop up the dollar, it closed down .07 to 88.91. Most currencies fell against the dollar with the euro up .12 to 22.22.

    How pitiful it will be to read later on how the mainstream bullion dealer gold analysts decry the poor gold action in light of international/financial market events. The commentary of these mega-lightweights is only worth noting to prove up what stooges they are. When a market acts in contrary fashion to what it ought to 100 times in a row, you would think some of these morons would want to understand the why of the peculiar gold action. Not these nitwits, they just go on and on as if they are performers in the Matrix or Stepford Wives.

    The gold open interest fell a surprising 5,799 contracts to 234,516, which is extremely bullish for the weeks ahead. This tells us even further that the cabal’s gold takedown in April and in early May effected many tech specs to go short, which they have continued to cover on the rally. The Gold Cartel, who was happy to take on those shorts between $371 and $380, is now letting them out below $400, which is why the open interest continues to contract.

    What this latest OI drawdown means is there is even more room for the specs to pile in to the long side with 70,000 new positions and take gold through $430. The 200-day moving average was taken out briefly in the early going (the cabal sucked in some spec buyers this time) before The Gold Cartel blasted bullion. They put their "Do Not Pass Go" sign up again this morning.

    Gold input from London:

    *Our bullion dealer source is looking for gold to perform solidly in June, reaching $420.

    *Gold demand has surfaced from the unlikeliest of places.

    Silver was sluggish right from the get-go, refusing to follow gold’s early advance after it had come in modestly higher. This is not unusual. Silver really moves when it wants to and not when other markets dictate it should.

    The silver open interest remains relatively low at 85,686, up 207.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report:

    Is India back?

    Monday, June 1, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums:

    Monday: AM $3.35, PM $4.47, with world gold at $394.40 and $395.40. Below, and approaching, legal import point.

    Tuesday: AM $5.61, PM $4.95, with world gold at $394.40 and $395.40. Above, and questionable, for legal imports.

    While this is somewhat surprising given the rise in world gold, Friday is reported to have been the first day for three weeks to see net foreign portfolio investment on the Indian stock market: maybe commercial confidence in India is starting to improve. Shanghai Gold Exchange returned to slightly positive this morning as well.

    Japan continues to be a follower in gold. On Monday world gold rose during Japanese hours: up $1.70 on NY’s close at the end of the Tokyo day. TOCOM volume rose 4.7% to the equivalent of 23,863 Comex lots; the active contract was down 11 yen. Open interest rose the equivalent of 790 Comex lots. Today world gold edged up another 25c; but volume slumped 48% to only the equivalent of 12,380 Comex; open interest slipped by 156 Comex lots. (On Friday NY traded 56,124 contracts of which 16,670 could be attributed to switches) -heavy for a shortened day. Open interest fell a startling 5,799 contracts.)

    The mid $390s represent, of course an extremely critical level for gold technically on various measures. Not surprisingly, UBS yesterday observed:

    "In Asia, gold traded lower on some aggressive selling from one Australian bank"

    (A proceeds-maximizing seller moving the market with no London or NY market open?) And today, a record high in Oil and a floundering dollar has had no price effect: gold being smashed down from a post-weekend-adjustment rally on quite heavy volume. But, as UBS notes, there is huge scope for the Bulls on the basis of the CFTC data:

    "Net longs increased only a fraction to 7.1 million ounces despite the $11/oz rally in the gold price to $388/oz. Since then we have seen gold rally further while Comex open interest fell, probably representing further short covering…. We estimate that the net long position probably stands at about 8.5-9.5 million ounces, still much lower than the 22.5 million ounces seen at the start of April. The conclusion is that there is plenty of room for speculative buying to lift gold should investors and funds climb back in - a break of the 200 day moving average of about $396 may be the trigger…"

    With open interest down over 18,000 contracts since last Tuesday, and gold rising some $10, one can only marvel at the confidence of the short sellers who drove gold down below $380 in mid-May.


    by Richard J. Greene
    Portfolio Manager, Thunder Capital Management
    June 1, 2004

    In the day and age of technical analysis, the precious metals markets have been dealt a serious blow, catalyzed by the relentless April decline in the silver futures market. There is unquestionable technical damage to the metals and the stocks. From this perspective, it is obvious what is needed: a period of rebuilding and successful tests of the recent downtrend after rallies. The lack of any substantial rebounds in the stocks over the past seven weeks, attests to the fact that these markets are still dominated by trend followers-technical players, rather than fundamentalists that desire exposure to the precious metals for the protection that they offer to one’s overall portfolio.

    At the other end of the spectrum, fundamentally, if we could write the script for the perfect backdrop to a true bull market environment for precious metals let’s see where we stand.

    IF ONLY:

    - Government spending were out of control with little regard for bringing budget deficits into balance;

    - Trade deficits were to mount toward new records despite a more than 30% decline in the value of the dollar;

    - Inflation rates were actually much worse than the Government’s reported figures;

    - Real interest rates were to remain negative for an extended period of time, not only destroying the purchasing power of savings, but also encouraging the misallocation of capital to assets with artificial demand;

    - Government sales of gold and silver were to subside or diminish;

    - Production of gold and silver were declining;

    - Demand for gold and silver were rising;

    - There were huge short positions in gold and silver that could not be delivered;

    - Loose regulations on the CFTC to encourage dangerous short positions existed;

    - A major lawsuit were underway to uncover the manipulation of gold and silver prices from attaining true market prices, (allowing us the gift to purchase almost unlimited amounts of gold and silver now at what is surely below market prices);

    - The masses, particularly in the US, were so uneducated in the histories of fiat money systems and historical prices of gold and silver, allowing for the buying opportunity of the millennium;

    - The true meaning of the word inflation was widely understood;

    - The size of the gold and silver markets compared with all of the existing asset bubbles could be considered;

    - Gold and silver stocks had a negative beta, making for the perfect fit in a diversified portfolio or fund-of-fund to increase risk-adjusted returns;

    - Foreign governments would get in the spirit and competitively devalue their currencies against the US dollar, where gobs of paper have recently been printed;

    - The idea of once again backing currencies with precious metals got underway;

    - Armed conflicts were underway with their never-ending budget busting calls for more inflationary spending to achieve their military objectives at any cost;

    - There existed incomprehensible leverage in the financial system, largely in the form of financial derivatives, (last estimated by the BIS at $234 Trillion notional);

    - The biggest savers in the world, Asians, believed in gold and silver;

    - Other commodity prices such as gas and oil were soaring;

    - Gold and silver were at attractive long-term buying points. (see for yourself) Silver Chart Gold Chart

    Relax precious metals investors. While there are many things to worry about in this world, including many of the things listed above, your choice to invest in precious metals is hardly at risk. Most of the things on this list have already occurred or are in the process of happening. These are the very reasons you would want to invest in precious metals in the first place. In the past few months, there are undoubtedly investors of precious metals fleeing the market; prices have come down. Many do not understand why they were there in the first place and are selling because they stopped going up, technical chart patterns have broken, etc. etc., but the fundamentals have NEVER been better and are getting better every single day. Just look at their selling as your opportunity to buy at a generous discount to true value. You are among the few who are buying true value in the markets today.
    © 2004 Richard J. Greene


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Well, what a surprise! With all that is going on in the world, the US stock market, led by the DOW, made one of its patented late day Hail Mary rallies again, just when it appeared it might really break down. "What great market action," will be the cry of the pundits on CNBC. I am not going to say too much on this – am too disgusted – except to say this Orwellian routine will end VERY badly. Nelson Hultberg is right. Our country is hurtling towards Mussolini's Economic Facism. Big business, big government, the money-center banks and the financial press are so intertwined, they have corrupted our formerly free financial markets and free financial market press.

    The DOW finished the day at 12,201, up .13, while the DOG gained 4 to 1990.

    Sep bonds closed at 104 15/32 down ¾.

    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Federal reserve added $6.75 Billion to the repo pool today June 1st 2004, an action that upped the repo pool's size to $48.20 Billion. This is getting up in size and it will be interesting to see how much longer the DOW can resist going sharply up with this much pressure under it. The Fed has been busy adding liquidity to the overall M-3 aggregates as Dr. McHugh opines below:

    Financial Markets Forecast and Analysis
    by Robert McHugh

    One can draw no other conclusion [From the Fed's massive 6 week add of $122 Billion to M-3 levels] except that the Fed is acting irresponsibly in its managing the money supply, in fulfilling its duty to "maintain a stable currency." I reject the notion that the Fed is acting irresponsibly. No, something is up, bigger than we have ever seen in the history of the United States. Let me ramble. Perhaps they simply see the ominous technical landscape we have been warning about in recent issues, and are attempting to pull out all the stops to avert the predicted crash. The recent rally in just about everything is similar to 2003's market behavior when the Fed pumped massive amounts of liquidity into the system during the first half of the year. This time seems different. The amount of liquidity is too large. The Fed is deflating the value of the monetary base by a fifth! Why are they willing to do this? Wisdom says something bad is up - big time.

    The good doctor of economics is very jittery over the M-3 levels and we can’t blame him for noticing the obvious M-3 dislocations. However, if the Fed is deeply worried about a DOW "crash" they aren’t showing it in their repo pool activity. It’s just been business as usual with more and more repos in a gentle up slope of support (As shown by the pool’s 30-day ma). Dr. McHugh is ignoring the reality that the Fed can create a trillion dollars of repos in a few minutes to buy DOW futures. The idea of a DOW crash in today’s government manipulated "market" misses the mark. It won’t crash through an ocean of repo support.

    What WILL happen is something the Fed hasn’t planned for, something they forgot in all their numerous "models" and in all probability that accident will surface in a rush to one or more of the strategic commodities. Because the stocks of the COMEX and LBMA commodities (Including the SPR-Strategic Petroleum Reserve) are limited, a large player can simply exhaust them in a single afternoon of trading. The resulting default in the commodity will wreak havoc in all the financial markets (Such a default would take several months to play out before the final announcement). All the M-3 liquidity in the universe can’t replace an exhausted stock of a "national security" commodity.

    Such a default will occur (or more likely be announced) at the least expected moment. It is this default risk that today’s players on the COMEX aren’t paying enough attention to. They have been seduced by the past history (late 1970’s) of strong leverage in commodity squeezes but the Fed has invested an enormous body of research and manpower to thwart the price spikes of past history. We shouldn’t underestimate the Fed when they focus on a narrow target.

    Where one wins against the Fed is to obtain the strategic commodity itself while you can and then bank of natural high leverage in the aftermath of the inevitable defaults.

    The legendary Catherine Austin Fitts with a few thoughts:


    Just read Midas.

    [B]Why don't you mention the fact that the US Treasury has to date refused to produce audited financial statements ever since the laws kicked in the mid 1990's requiring them and has over $3.3 trillion of undocumentable adjustments between 2001 and after 9-11 stopped reporting even that?

    The cartel can not manipulate the gold market unless they can finance such manipulation. Financing such manipulation requires running the US Treasury operation illegally -- in a manner that could not continue if the laws regarding transparency are in effect. As long as the US Treasury apparatus can be used to spend very significant sums of money outside of the law and engage in ongoing accounting and securities fraud using agencies like FHA, Ginnie, Army, Navy, etc... they can finance a multitude of manipulations and other illegal activities. The gold manipulations are one of them. The manipulation of the gold market is an integral part of the sources and uses of the black budget.

    Want to stop an army? Pull the plug on their gas supply. The gold cartel's primary gas supply is US Treasury accounting and securities fraud.

    It's a lot easier to prove that the US government has refused to comply with the laws requiring audited financial statements than it is to prove that they are manipulating the gold market. That is because they provide the documentation to prove it. It is on the record -- Rubin, Summers, O'Neill, Snow. All of em.

    See Kelly's O'Meara's latest…d.Unbalances-658744.shtml

    Or all the articles and background:

    Where is the Money?

    Missing Money -- Links and Articles

    Lots of love,

    **Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc. (, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration and a former Managing Director and member, Board of Directors, of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.

    Speaking of audits – isn’t it about time Fort Knox and the US gold reserves be independently audited:

    Hi Bill,

    Not that it is all that big a deal, but I thought you would be amused to know that last night at our dinner party for my wife's sister and her husband and cousin, my dear brother-in-law, a delightful man who drives a truck, piped up out of the blue with the remark, "All the military guys know there is no gold in Fort Knox."

    I nearly fell out of my chair.

    We weren't even talking about investments, let alone gold. I think the subject of the conversation was more along the lines of things the public is not generally aware of.

    Anyway, this morning I asked Jack again about his remark, and he told me that he completed his tour of duty in 1990, but he insisted at that time, "among the the sergeants", it was well known and common knowledge that the gold supposedly in Fort Knox was long gone.

    Now that, if true, certainly puts the lie to the idea that gold just sits there collecting dust.

    Whoever said it doesn't earn interest?

    Maybe it doesn't earn monetary interest obviously, because it doesn't have to, but certainly gold earns much OWNERSHIP interest. It earns LOTS of that kind of interest, and IT MUST BE SOMEWHERE if it is not in Fort Knox and OWNED BY SOMEONE, but the taxpayers are purposely kept in the dark about WHO represents that considerable ownership interest.

    Shall we assume that the gold really has been moving all along, only surreptitiously? One then doesn't have to wonder why all the secrecy and obfuscation if it should turn out that the transfer of ownership from the American people to ?? whoever?? has been illegal.
    My best

    Silent Gold Cartel associate is pulling back:

    LONDON, June 1 (Reuters) - AIG International Limited, part of American International Group Inc (NYSE:AIG - News), will no longer be a London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) market maker in gold and silver, the LBMA said on Tuesday.

    LBMA Chief Executive Stewart Murray told Reuters AIG had been reclassified as a member and so would still trade, with effect from close of business on Friday May 28.

    AIG (XETRA:IREG.DE - News) was a first-tier market maker and dealer in over-the-counter spot, forward, option and swap markets in precious metals. Murray said the company requested to be reclassified….. –END-

    Crude oil commentary this morning from AD:


    The bond market is in a spectacular decline today. Crude oil, as I predicted, has recovered from its temporary pull back. As a result of these two factors it looks as if the ESF was actively rescuing the dollar today.

    Spot tanker rates do not indicate that anyone is actively looking for a significant amount of extra tonnage. Saudi has done the jawboning that they can produce more but there are no takers. The world needs light, sweet crude not the heavier higher sulfur contents that are typical of Saudi production. So the Saudis are not looking to ship any more because no one wants it. World demand for refined products is now greater than world refining capacity. At this point the refiners have to be very particular about what quality of crude they buy. OPEC does not have any spare capacity to produce the grades of crude that the world needs right now. They have spare capacity in what the world doesn't need. Non-OPEC meanwhile is pumping all they can.

    The world doesn't have very much spare capacity in the tanker fleets, particularly with the new European rules requiring double hull vessels. The oil industry has production bottlenecks, transportation bottlenecks and refining bottlenecks. Anyone hoping that the oil price is going to significantly correct downwards is doing exactly that...hoping. The oil crisis of 1973 is generally attributed to the Arab Oil Embargo as protest against the US support of Israel. In fact that was just the catalyst. At that time oil demand and supply were balanced on a just needed a disruption of any nature to spark the crisis. Today we are in the same position of being finely balanced. Any major disruption today from strikes, civil unrest, terrorism etc will be the catalyst that will spark a major oil crisis where the oil price will not only make new records in nominal dollars but in 1973 dollar terms too....which would be a number north of $80.

    I hear the Federal Reserve is sponsoring research on alternative energy source engine that is fueled by out of the money derivative contracts. Apparently this energy source is expected to be huge and perhaps even renewable!

    For anyone who thinks the Cabal's $6 rule in Gold is an unbreakable rule I would remind him or her that gold HAS BEFORE and CAN AGAIN go up $100 in a single day. The Nobel Prize Laureates of LTCM made the catastrophic error of thinking that market prices move in a continuum where equilibrium between supply and demand is continuously adjusting will from time to time deliver a discontinuity, a catastrophic event. And contrary to popular belief they are not totally unpredictable, the forces can be seen to be building for some time, the failure point timing, however, is almost impossible to predict.

    Oil is high on my choice of possible catalysts that will trigger a discontinuity in markets.

    Another good reason for gold not to rise, which was released before today’s substantial move in the grains:

    May 28, 2004

    April Farm Prices Received Index Up 7 Points
    Index Reaches Record High

    The US Department of Agriculture announced that the All Farm Products Index of Prices Received by Farmers in May stood at 132 (1990-92=100), up 7 points (2.5%) above April's upward revised index.

    Agricultural prices are an indicator that BTM closely watches for signs of inflation. May's farm prices received level of 132 was the highest level since the index began in 1910. The largest contribution to the increase came from livestock products (up 9 pts. or 7.1%), also at a record high. Year-over-year the prices received index is up 26.0 percent.


    The Elephant Hiding In The Corner

    I would like to discuss the notion that J.P. Morgan overtly acts as the Fed's de facto agent in financial markets. My best guess is that there are few market watchers who would dispute this notion. Now I would like everyone to consider the size of J.P. Morgan’s derivatives book – which stood at 36 and change Trillion at the end of Q4 2003. These statistics are public knowledge and are lodged with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States. I remember reading in a recent Midas commentary the size of Morgan’s derivatives book and it got me thinking. The last time I looked up the same statistics regarding Morgan was early January 2004. At that point in time the latest available reporting was at Sept. 30 2003 (end of Q3) when ‘the book’ was only 33.654 Trillion. I didn’t think too much of this at first but now I’ve gotta admit I’m really scratching my head about the increase.

    Just for fun I reviewed my trusty GDP figures from Q3/03 at 8.2% versus Q4/03 at 4.1%. The thinking here was perhaps if the economy ‘exploded’ with growth in Q4/03 it might account for some of the roughly 3 TRILLION GAIN IN 3 MONTHS. But low and behold GDP actually decelerated over this time frame? Now I know the guys at Morgan are supposed to be the best and the brightest but surely to heavens they didn’t discover the wheel in Q4/03 – and the whole U.S. economy is 11 Trillion/yr. So how would anyone possibly offer an explanation as to how Morgan’s derivatives book bloated 3 TRILLION in 3 MONTHS?

    If you think like me and read the same kind of stuff, you remember that Alan Greenspan has ‘lobbied hard’ to keep derivatives in the realm of the unregulated – meaning away from public scrutiny. Many academic papers have been written on the adverse consequences derivatives might have on the global financial system. By some accounts we have even had near brushes with financial Armageddon in the case of a couple of loose cannon Nobel-laureates in the LTCM crisis (sound familiar Al?). There have even been muted cries in some vestiges of sanity that derivatives trading must be regulated. But not easy Al – nope, to hell with the prying eyes of regulators in J.P. Morgan’s wonderful derivatives book. The man must be a true free trader right to the bone. Gotta wonder what regulators might find if they ever did an independent audit of Morgan’s derivatives book?

    Since one of my favorite things in life is connecting dots, I now draw your attention to a recent Sol Pahla offering (The Perfect Storm) where Sol stated, "The feds will attempt to try to save the economy by trying to monetize the debt as no sane nation is going to keep buying this toilet paper forever. By doing so they will keep driving energy prices higher." Now I ask you dear reader, "As expressed by the recent bulge in the Morgan Chase derivatives book - what if they already have?"

    By Rob Kirby

    Gold share news:

    Wheaton, Iamgold reject rival bids

    Both move ahead with merger plans Shareholders meeting to be held June 8

    The boards of Wheaton River Minerals and Iamgold Corp. say they believe their proposed merger is still a better opportunity than rival bids last week by two American companies, which are seeking to prevent a marriage of the two mid-sized Canadian gold producers.

    Vancouver-based Wheaton River was first to reject an unsolicited shares-and-cash offer from U.S. silver producer Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp., valued at $2.5 billion when it was made last Thursday.

    Toronto-based Iamgold followed suit yesterday, rejecting an all-stock bid from Golden Star Resources Ltd. of Denver that was worth $1.2 billion….

    The XAU fell 1.43 to 88.38 and the HUI dropped 3.89 to 196.35, down 3.58.

    The Gold Cartel made its usual points today:

    *Don’t invest in gold in days of crisis/market stress, or we will hurt you.

    *No reason to stress out investing public – if there were real problems in the financial markets gold would soar – look - it is down on the day.

    The cabal has huffed and puffed once again and aggravated us all in the process. At some point in the not too distant future, they are going to run out of breath. They will have huff and puff one time too much and it is going to bury them. With the US money supply doing what it is doing, oil soaring, commodity prices readying to move into new high ground, Iraq becoming more of a horror show by the day, the US deficits out of control, gold demand on the rise, and their gold short position an untenable one in the long term, The Gold Cartel will vaporize one day. POOF! Gold is likely to rally $100 in a week out of nowhere as sheer panic sets in when the cabal loses control of this too obvious rigging operation. What goes around, comes around.

    Those not long gold, or invested in the shares, may have little opportunity for decent risk market entry, which is why it is so important to keep in mind:


    From Mahendra:


    Dear Friends,

    While I was in Dallas, Bill suggested to me that many more people will have a chance to benefit from my insights if I adjusted the price of my weekly newsletter. He proposed that I reduce the cost so that the newsletter can be accessible to a larger audience. I have given careful thought to Bill's proposition and since I have also received many similar requests from people in different parts of the world, I am glad to announce that for next four weeks you can subscribe for the whole weekly newsletter for just $190. I have therefore reduced the cost from $2850 to only $190. This offer is valid till 30 JUNE 2004. After that I shall announce a new price which may be a little bit higher.

    Subscribe for any one subject from my newsletter list and you will receive the rest at no extra charges. You will automatically get the additional ones absolutely free. Once again, this offer is valid for only four weeks.

    Thanks & God Bless


  • hallo thaiguru,

    ich lese jetzt seit einigen wochen die verschiedenen beiträge....
    sehr interessant.

    dass gold/silver weitersteigen sollten -dafür werden tgl. zig gründe genannt....

    dabei beschäftigt mich eine zentrale frage:

    wie will das cartell (die manipulierenden shorties) aus ihrem dilemma
    einigermassen heil herauskommen ?????

    folgende prämisse:

    1. ted butler hat an elliott spitzer bzgl. der manipulationen geschrieben.
    jetzt geht er sogar davon aus, dass dieses schreiben beginnt, früchte
    zu tragen = a) rothschild hat sich aus dem goldhandel verabschiedet
    b) aig zieht sich als einer der grössten rohstoff - market -
    maker zurück
    c) china hat eine eigene, gold & siverbörse eröffnet, u.
    verkündet jetzt, dass sie kein regierungsgold& silver
    mehr verkaufen werden...

    2. d.h., der immense druck auf die shorties wird tgl. noch grösser!!!

    wie kommen die shorties einigermassen heil raus ?????
    diese frage ist für mich deshalb die entscheidenste !!!, weil sie die akteure sind !! -u. die anleger eher nur reagieren können.
    sie bestimmen (noch!?), u. das haben sie über jahre gezeigt...

    anders formuliert:
    sie sind sicher nicht dumm -dh., sie müssen eine variante in petto haben, um nicht unterzugehen...
    und hierbei ist es immens wichtig, miteinzukalkulieren, dass sie über leichen gehen werden -wenn notwendig !

    - der einzige ausweg, der mir einfällt, wäre folgender:
    " sie lassen ihre firmen hopps gehen (=wenn es so sein sollte, wird es vor allen dingen sehr schnell gehen...).

    dh., chapter11/ 12? tritt in kraft....
    dh., sie müssen für nichts aufkommen (vgl. enron /ltcm...), wechseln ihren firmennamen, u. das spiel beginnt von neuem -als wäre nichts geschehen.
    nur, die anleger sind die dummen -was sie (=di shorties) jedoch in keinsterweise stört!

    d) denkbar ?

    e) wie würden gold u. silver darauf reagieren (=beachte: man ist der shorteindeckung durch die bankrotterklärung entgangen -hat sich dieser einfach entzogen& davongestohlen!)

    um meinungen dankbar.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Barclays to join London gold fix from June 7

    LONDON, June 1 (Reuters) - Barclays Capital, the investment banking division of Barclays (BARC) PLC, said on Tuesday it would start to take part in London's gold fixing sessions from Monday, June 7.

    The bank announced last week it had bought a vacant seat in the London Gold Market Fixing from NM Rothschild and Sons Ltd.

    The fixings are an open process at which participants can transact business on the basis of a single quoted prices.

    Orders can be changed throughout as the price is moved higher or lower until such time as buyers' and sellers' orders are satisfied and the price is said to be "fixed".

    Late in April, the London Gold Market Fixing said chairmanship of the twice-daily process -- previously chaired by Rothschild since 1919 -- would rotate annually among member firms, with Scotiabank, through its precious metals division ScotiaMocatta, elected as the first chair from May 5.

    The fixing is now done over the telephone by member firms HSBC (HSBA), ScotiaMocatta, Deutsche Bank (DBKGn) and Societe Generale (SOGN).

    ©2004 Reuters Limited.…ate=20040601&cat=INDUSTRY

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