ZitatOriginal von ageka
Auch ein Dankeschoen aus Belgien
@ Ageka: Herzliche Grüße zurück von Deutschland nach Belgien
10. Januar 2025, 06:26
ZitatOriginal von ageka
Auch ein Dankeschoen aus Belgien
@ Ageka: Herzliche Grüße zurück von Deutschland nach Belgien
@ smartie/checkpoint
Primär- Sekundärsilber:
Primärmarkt bei Anleihen sind Anleihen direkt vom Emittenten---
Sekundärmarkt: wenn ich meine T-Anleihe über den Markt wieder verkaufe.
analog Primärsilbermarkt: Wenn Pro Aurum Silberbarren von Degussa kauft wird sie mehr bezahlen als für meine Barren wenn ich sie an Pro Aurum zurück verkaufen will. Primärsilber "teurer " als Sekundärsilber
(zumindest für pro Aurum). Sekundärsilber war bereits im Markt.
# Hallo Schwabenpfeil,
es ist ja toll wie Du Dich hier behühst, mit Deinen Englischen - Texten, sei aber auch bitte so nett und fasse wenigstens in kurzen Sätzen auch was deutsches, dam Namen nach bist du doch auch ein deutsches Urgestein oder sehe ich das Falsch???
Wäre Dir sehr dankbar eine kurze Zusammenfassung über GSS zu lesen, da ich in diesem Wert eine größere Postion halte. Danke Dir
Gruß hpoth
Hinweiss !!
Heute aktuell im Spiegel,solltet ihr unbedingt lesen,verzichte aber auf einzelne Links.
1.) Bush will hart gegen den Iran vorgehen.
2.)Deutsche Banken organisieren Widerstand gegen drohende
US- Sanktionen.(einfrieren von Konten in USA)
3.)Dramatischer Abfluss bei DEKA Immobilienfonds,allein im Oktober,
mehr als 650 Millionen Euro.
4.) 500000 Arbeitslosenbezieher werden nach dem 1.1.05 leer ausgehen
auch von mir Dank an Dich,für Deine mühevolle Arbeit,für unser Forum
schönes WE
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal von hpopth
# Hallo Schwabenpfeil,
es ist ja toll wie Du Dich hier behühst, mit Deinen Englischen - Texten, sei aber auch bitte so nett und fasse wenigstens in kurzen Sätzen auch was deutsches, dam Namen nach bist du doch auch ein deutsches Urgestein oder sehe ich das Falsch???
Wäre Dir sehr dankbar eine kurze Zusammenfassung über GSS zu lesen, da ich in diesem Wert eine größere Postion halte. Danke Dir
Gruß hpoth
Hallo hpoth,
klar bin ich deutsches Urgestein, da siehst Du nichts falsch. Leider ändert dies nichts daran, dass meine Zeit als einzelnes Individuum trotzdem auch sehr sehr endlich ist. Alle Texte aus dem Metropole auch noch zu übersetzen, dass schaffe ich beim besten Willen nicht
Mein Rat daher: Nutzt die englischen Texte wenn Sie Euch nützen oder überspringt sie, wenn Ihr Sie nicht mögt ...
ZitatOriginal von kalle14
auch von mir Dank an Dich,für Deine mühevolle Arbeit,für unser Forum
Hallo Kalle14,
danke an auch Dich für die netten aufmunternden Worte. Ich wünsche Dir auch ein schönes WE.
Zum Spiegel: Wenigstens ist dieser Bush "berechenbar"
Das denke ich auch,
Kerry hat die gleichen Ziele - würde aber subtilere Mittel einsetzen.
Bei Bush weiss man, was man hat.
Mexico Issues
100-peso Silver Coin
Honoring States
Other Silver Coins
Also Issued
Mexico's national mint, Casa de Moneda, has introduced a
new 100-peso silver circulating coin series celebrating
the Union of the States of the Mexican Republic into one
A total of 32 different coins will be issued, one each month
through 2005, for each Mexican state. They will be issued in
reverse alphabetical order, with Zacatecas being first, then
Yucatán will follow, then Veracruz and finishing with
Aguascalientes. This coin is bimetallic with the center of the
coin being of 0.925 silver, and the outside ring of the coin an
alloy of bronze and aluminum.
Each coin contains 16.812 grams of silver. The Banco de
Mexico will determine mintage levels, and it is believed that
they will authorize 250,000 coins for each of the 32 states. This
coin program could potentially consume over four million
ounces of silver.
Although the coin is legal tender, early reports suggest that
people are hoarding the coins and not spending them.
The Mint is issuing other silver coins, too. A silver one-troyounce
proof coin, with a 10-peso face value, will also be issued
with a mintage of 10,000 coins. A bimetallic proof coin, with a
face value of 100 pesos, made of gold and silver, will also be
issued with a mintage of 1,000 coins.
In 2002, world fabrication demand for coins and medals
grew by almost three percent to 31.1 million ounces.
For Future Reference
Silver Prices 1979-2003
2003 High Low Average
Dec 5.98 5.45 5.66
Nov 5.41 4.92 5.19
Oct 5.19 4.81 5.01
Sep 5.33 4.99 5.19
Aug 5.13 4.86 5.00
July 5.19 4.57 4.84
June 4.61 4.46 4.53
May 4.86 4.53 4.74
Apr 4.64 4.40 4.51
Mar 4.68 4.35 4.51
Feb 4.91 4.50 4.64
Jan 4.90 4.75 4.83
2002 High Low Average
Dec 4.80 4.42 4.65
Nov 4.59 4.41 4.52
Oct 4.50 4.27 4.39
Sep 4.65 4.45 4.56
Aug 4.67 4.40 4.52
July 5.10 4.60 4.91
June 5.11 4.82 4.90
May 5.03 4.53 4.72
Apr 4.74 4.40 4.57
Mar 4.67 4.47 4.53
Feb 4.54 4.29 4.42
Jan 4.70 4.22 4.46
Year High Low Average
2003 5.98 4.35 4.89
2002 5.11 4.22 4.60
2001 4.81 4.03 4.36
2000 5.55 4.56 4.97
1999 5.76 4.87 5.22
1998 7.26 4.62 5.51
Markets for Silver in Food
Processing Expected to Grow
By Jeffrey R. Ellis, Technical Consultant to
the Silver Institute
In a world where there is increasing concern over
the safety of food and how it is processed, packaged
and stored, silver-based biocides are being evaluated
for many different purposes. Sales of silver for such
purposes are still small, less than 10,000 ounces world
wide, and mostly in Japan and in Europe, but major
growth is expected.
Silver, because of its antibacterial qualities, offers
greater hygiene, control of odor, and prevention of
discoloration and structural damage in processing
areas. Use of silver-based biocides also offers reduced
downtime because there is less need to take processing
equipment offline for cleaning. Additional uses are in
specialty packaging, occupational clothing worn by
food processing workers, prevention of pathogen build-up in climate control systems,
and on floors, walls and ceilings of food processing and storage facilities.
Hygiene needs are greatest for meat and poultry processing because of the danger of
potentially deadly microbes such as Salmonella and Listeria. Dairy and bakery products
can also be a large potential market for control of pathogens in processing areas. Ice
making and beverage preparation also make use of silver biocide coated parts in
processing machinery. So far, there has not been any use or need for the processing and
packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables as the pathogen danger is lower.
Silver-based biocides in packaging can also help keep the foods inside fresh for
longer periods of time, but are generally too expensive to be used on throw-away items.
For cost-effective adoption, a minimum of a 1,000 fold decrease in pathogen count is
necessary and often a 100,000 fold decrease is necessary to really excite food processors.
Lower loadings are acceptable against gram positive and gram negative bacteria than are
needed for control of usually less prevalent and less dangerous molds and fungi.
Meat and poultry processors are taking increasingly more steps to minimize any
possible build up of particularly virulent pathogens such as E. Coli H157:O7 and Listeria.
Current steps include welding of metals and other components of machinery so that no
biofilms suitable for supporting pathogens can form in small or narrow spaces. Stainless
steel surfaces, especially for meat and poultry, are widely used and have traditionally not
had problems. Meat and poultry processors also use other well established processes
such as washing and bleaching, high-energy irradiation, and organic antimicrobial
treated parts and surfaces. The American Meat and Poultry Institute (AMPI) has
published a pamphlet on principles of sanitary design for meat and poultry processing
plants. The AMPI is aware of the possible beneficial effects of silver for meat and poultry
processing and packaging, and the Silver Institute is in the process of contacting the
AMPI in order to develop further potential uses of silver-based biocides.
Different government and non-government entities are involved in keeping foods
safe. In the United States, for example, the FDA oversees food contact applications, and
the EPA oversees non-food contact surfaces such as walls, floors, ceilings, and climate
control ducting. The National Sanitation Foundation of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a nongovernment
organization, sets industry standards often codified by government
regulators worldwide for silver coated contacting parts in ice and potable water
Fourth Quarter 2004
Silver biocides in meat
processing equipment
can help reduce
downtime due to
V I R G I N I A D E P T . O F
A G R I C U L T U R E &
processing machinery. The US Department of Agriculture only rarely gets called in for meat and poultry inspections.
Use of biocides in food processing in the U.S. is likely to undergo more detailed scrutiny by the FDA. The agency is starting
to look more carefully at health effects of both one-time and cumulative biocide intake resulting from the use of these chemicals.
It must be remembered that although food and beverages can come into contact with biocide treated surfaces, these biocides
must not become food or beverage ingredients. Consequently, it must be demonstrated that all biocides remain bound to the
surface and do not leach into the food.
Most food processors in North America are just beginning to be acquainted with products containing silver-based biocides.
Experience in Japan and Europe indicates that adoption and success is likely.
Continued from page 1
Silver nanoparticles have unique optical properties, especially enhanced sensitivity to changes in their environment, and
show promise as sensors used in applications ranging from laboratory testing equipment to biohazard alarms.
When light is reflected off a substance, it scatters into many different wavelengths, depending upon the material’s unique
chemical make-up.
Scientists at Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory led by Dr. Tuan Vo-Dinh have built a silver nanoprobe based on
these light scattering techniques. Tuan says that the probe can detect and analyze chemicals, explosives, drugs, and other
substances of close to a single molecule size. This ability makes it possible to detect minute amounts of substances despite the
The probe is a 100 nanometer optical fiber honed to a point with an extremely thin coating of silver nanoparticles that are
sensitive to light. When a laser is pointed at the sample, light is reflected and scattered according to a pattern unique to that
substance. This pattern is captured by the probe and fed into a computer for analysis.
Research continues to produce a sensor that can be used outside the laboratory, but the team says it’s just a matter a time
before this is accomplished.
Nano-Silver Used in Super Sensor
In an effort to introduce a wider audience to silver
investing, Japan’s Taisei Coins Corp., along with Hello Kitty
owner Sanrio Co., are selling silver and gold coins featuring
Japan’s most widely-known cat.
The coins commemorate Hello Kitty’s 30th anniversary.
Issued by the Cook Islands in the South Pacific, a set of 3
coins – a one-ounce silver coin, one-ounce gold coin and onequarter-
ounce gold coin -- sells for US$2,210, but the coins
also are sold separately.
One side features Hello Kitty in one of six different
kimonos, each representing a heroine in a classic kabuki play.
The other side features Queen Elizabeth II.
This is the first time that Hello Kitty has been seen on a
coin, and Sanrio officials hope that it will introduce fans to
investing in the precious metals market. Toshiharu Kato, a
spokesman for Taisei Coins, said sales have been brisk. “We went with the Hello Kitty design to specifically attract women, a
demographic that has traditionally shown little interest in coin collecting.”
A First for Japan’s Most Famous Cat;
Hello Kitty on a Silver Coin
In an effort to spur interest in silver investing,
Taisei Coins and Sanrio are selling silver and gold
coins featuring Hello Kitty.
Bush und berechenbar ???
Dies ist zwar kein Politikforum,aber dazu möchte ich mich doch nochmal äussern.
Israel kann und wird es unter gar keinen Umständen zulassen,dass der Iran in naher Zukunft über Atomwaffen verfügt,denn dadurch würde es seine militärische Macht im nahen Osten verlieren.Israel muss handeln,und wird handeln.Sollten sie wirklich so vorgehen,wird der ganze Nahe Osten,einschliesslich zentral Asien zu einem Pulverfass und kann sich unter Umständen zum dritten Weltkrieg entwickeln.Sämtliche Regierungen in der Region wären dadurch direkt gefährdet,vielleicht,steckt ja auch System dahinter.
Durch den Vorfall in Bezlan,verstärkt der Russe seine Grenzen und stationiert seine neusten Sunburn Raketen in der Nähe von Teheran.
Arafat wird mit der Maschine von Chirac direkt in ein millitärisches Krankenhaus,nach Frankreich geflogen
Massive Bombenangriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung im Irak
Das einfrieren aller Auslandskonten der grössten arabischen Bank CBS
Nach meiner Meinung wird die Bevölkerung,in der Region gerade auf etwas sehr grosses eingestimmt,mich würde dazu die Meinung von Peter Scholl Latour interessieren.
Warum bauen die Russen ein Kernkraftwerk im Iran,denen waren doch die Folgen schon vorher bekannt,ist das eine Provokation an die vereinigten Staaten und Israel,oder gar gesteuert?
Sollten sie das Atomkraftwerk vernichten,brennt die ganze Region,einschliesslich Pakistan,und wahrscheinlich die Türkei.
Auch ich habe die Hoffnung,das dieser Präsident berechenbar ist,denn die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.
ZitatOriginal von kalle14
Auch ich habe die Hoffnung,das dieser Präsident berechenbar ist,denn die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.
Hallo Kalle14,
da haben wir uns wohl etwas falsch verstanden. ich habe mehr die "Befürchtung" das dieser Präsident Bush berechenbar ist !!!
Resuming Countdown!
Please re-read our essay The Gold-Shuttle from March 31, 2004. As anticipated, it did take "months" before the actual liftoff, but that liftoff is now imminent.
Throw away your charts, and watch the event "live" on your "Euro vs Dollar TV" set. Why look at boring graphical representations when you can see the whole thing for real before your very eyes?
Charts prove very little, except for what has already happened. Charts show that trend lines are always broken and reversed - and they always show this after the fact. Fundamental analysis, on the other hand, puts your finger on the very pulse of what drives the things you see represented in charts.
The bottom-line is: fundamentals always break charts - but charts NEVER break fundamentals!
Nevertheless, charts are very popular. They give you something to look at during times of drought, when not much is happening in the world of gold prices. So, despite this diatribe, I will occasionally continue to use them to make a point here or there. But euro vs dollar analysis never relies on, and never depends on them.
So, what does our flickering TV screen reveal?
We see a nose-cone slowly rising above the highest level of smoke (the $430 line) created by the gold-shuttle's battle with the gravitational pull - the pull exerted by historically high levels of mass anti-gold indoctrination.
While in March we witnessed the rocket engines' ignition, and the belching of that very smoke all around the shuttle in its launching position, we also saw the mission aborted in mid-launch by a number of factors, not the least of which was the previous talking down of the euro by Monsieur Trichet in the East, and a talking up of the dollar by "Uncle Al" on this side of the pond.
Trichet was able to leave it at talking alone, but Uncle Al's hand over here was forced by then-rising inflation, and by the need to support the dollar (and thus keep the Dow underperforming) during the run-up to the presidential election we just passed (just a theory I have that uncle Al didn't really want Bush to get reelected).
Although a further falling dollar surely would have been in the best interest of the US (it's just about the only way left to seriously pump up the Dow these days as you can see in The Dollar: Poison for the Dow?), the voter-perceived symbolism of the engine of US economic supremacy falling off a cliff would not have supported Bush's reelection bid.
But now all of that is behind us. Bush no longer needs to worry about getting another term. He increased his winning margin over his brothers-in-arms, the Dems, by a decent clip, and "republi-cons " (neocon-Republicans with a small "r") have gained some more seats in both houses. It's time for the end-game.
The "end-game" is an end-run around the Constitution and US sovereignty via the artifice of "free trade" (the FTAA is on schedule to go into effect next year), the quasi-legalization of illegal immigrants, further draconian restrictions on financial privacy and individual liberty by "new and improved" versions of the Patriot Act, and a cradle-to-grave mental health screening and forced intervention system a la Soviet Russia, albeit couched in more Orwellian terminology (i.e., the President's ‘New Freedom' Commission on Mental Health (scroll down to title). New Freedom?? Sounds like Hitler's "Arbeit Macht Frei" inscription over the entrance to the Auschwitz labor camps.
Meanwhile, the ECB has given the signal for further dollar deterioration. ECB officials are stating they are not unhappy with a rising euro for several reasons:
It helps to counter recent inflationary pressures.
It accordingly makes rate hikes unnecessary.
The biggest of all reasons: it almost nullifies recent dramatic rises in oil prices, which could have an even bigger drag on euro-area economies than the decrease in competitiveness of their exports to the US.
The euro area's dependence on exports to the US has lessened considerably over the past six months, during which time the dollar got a short breather from its rapid descent against the euro. This "quiet time" served to enable the Euroland economies to switch a good portion of their exports to Asia, and Asian countries' recent economic gains made them better able to afford such European imports.
They, in turn, focused more of their export-efforts on each other and on Europe, so that dependence on the soon-to-be-toast US consumer is lessened - and so that an eventual turn away from all dollar-support efforts won't be so painful for the world economy.
That has a great effect on the dollar-price of gold.
What's further in gold's favor is the fact that Bush won. "The markets" like it because markets never like change as the saying goes - and they didn't get any this time. This combination: a lower dollar coinciding with happy stock markets, allows the Fed and other principals in the gold-control game to throw their heads back and huff and puff a few more times to gather more air for the moment when they are finally forced underwater.
Another short-term breather was provided by the positive employment numbers posted on Friday. 337,000 new jobs "created" in October. Yippiieee! Just in time for a neocon re-election celebration - and very close to the number Bush had promised in March. What a relief! But that relief will be short-lived since only psychological. During the Bush administration, more government jobs were created than any in private business, so that private sector employment racks up a 1.3 million deficit. These job gains are mainly in the federal, state, and local government sector - and hence illusory! No government employment creates economic value. Instead, it drags.
Since stocks are momentarily on a tear again, gold can rise further without worrying about of too many headwinds from the manipulation crowd, as discussed in my last two essays. When the Dow finally turns Dow(n), expect more rabid gold-control measures, but this time they won't take because of interest rates.
What about interest rates?
Rates are still at historic lows, of course, They are moving up, but how fast and how far is anyone's guess, because there are a number of constraints on how fast and how far the Fed can afford to raise them. These constraints have been discussed in the past, but here are the highlights:
If short term rates move up too fast, they will crimp and then cripple consumer spending, and thereby the economy at large. If they move up too slowly, the dollar will fall further than even the Bush camp would like it. Good for gold, good for the Dow (at first), but bad for the economy since most raw materials will be come too expensive, leading to higher prices AND a need to raise rates - which gets us back to the first sentence in this paragraph.
If long term rates move up too fast, they will form a steep, jagged cliff against which the waves of market action will smash the US "homeowner-ship." If they move up too slowly (as in when the Fed uses its "unconventional" arsenal of tools and buys long-term treasuries outright to force rates down), then the rapidly added liquidity will drive US prices up.
The Fed's buying of long term debt will be counteracted by the currently begun wave of foreign disinvestment of US debt (which puts upward pressure on yields), forcing the Fed to buy treasury bonds at an even faster clip than it wants to. The result: a tidal wave of dollars from both at home and abroad, driving consumer prices even higher, crimping disposable income - and therefore economic growth.
But long before the disposable income squeeze shows up in the economic figures, it will show up elsewhere:
In the stock market!
If you are a 401k, IRA, 403b, or individual stock investor, you should take great care to protect your investments from the torrential downpour that is brewing right outside your window as you read these lines. The only real protection from this storm lies in gold-sheltered assets. Everything else will be like trying to stay dry in a Texas thunderstorm under one of those little paper umbrellas that grace your favorite party cocktail.
Not a good strategy!
You need to know what gold assets to buy and where, and where to put them. Helping with that is one of the "Monitor's" reasons for being.
Got gold?
Alex Wallenwein
Editor, Publisher
What is your investing style?
Is it "Constantly check, fret, and-sweat-bullets"?
Or is it "Watch-your-wealth-grow, kick back - and RELAX !!"
If it's the latter, "The Monitor" is for you.
Free Report: currencywar@getresponse.com
Grossen Respekt, Schwabenpfeil, Du trägst sehr viel für das Forum bei.
Danke für die Guten Berichte!!
Wenn Du aus dem Schwabenland kommst - Respekt! Es zeigt mal wieder dass die Schwaben halt doch sehr fleissige SCHAFFER sind.
(auch aus dem Schwabenland)
Hallo Silversurfer,
danke für die aufmunternden Worte. Nach dem permanenten Rumnörgeln einiger Anderer freue ich mich über die Zustimmung besonders !
# Schwabenpfeil,
Deinen Fleiß schätze ich ja auch, wenn ich hier rumnörgele so sind es eben nur die vielen " Englischen-Texte",nicht jeder beherrscht die Weltsprache eben, ein klitze kleine Zusammentfassung in unserer Muttersprache würde ich sehr begrüssen, schwäbisch verstehe ich auch, meine Frau kommt daher.
Nichts für Ungut.
gruß hpoth
Hallo hpoth,
Deine Punkte hatte ich nie als Nörgelei sondern immer als Anregung aufgefasst