Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Bill
    This report below backs up your comments today on the very sad situation in Iraq, and comes from an authoritative US source.

    But first it is interesting to try and analyse what effect the Iraq options still open to the US may have on the PM markets.

    1) A pull out of Iraq on domestic public opinion pressure (as happened in Vietnam) would leave 3 or more competing fractions in Iraq in a power vaccuum. The resulting uncertainty and security problems in Iraq would probably lead to higher oil prices. The question mark as to the viability of the USA's role in the rest of the world, and the uncertain aftermath if they decided to pull out of other bases would put pressure on the $. Security of oil supply doubts would raise the oil price. All these factors would lead to rising gold prices.

    2) If the USA decides to stay in Iraq the escalating costs will increase the deficits putting pressure on the $ and cause a rising gold price.

    Conclusion : There is no Iraq scenario visible at the moment which can save the $ and hence it is a win win situation for Gold.
    Very tragically it seems that it is much easier to go to war than to end the war with a just and peaceful conclusion and recreate geopolitical stability in the world.
    It was easier to open Pandora's box than it is to close it.

    All JMHO

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • Thursday December 23, 05:01 AM

    U.S. faces worsening Iraq attacks

    By Carol Giacomo, Diplomatic Correspondent

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is facing increasingly deadly attacks in Iraq because, as in the Vietnam war, it failed to honestly assess facts on the ground, according to a new think tank report.

    The report, prepared by Anthony Cordesman, senior fellow of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said administration spokesmen had appeared to live "in a fantasyland" when giving accounts of events in Iraq.

    Cordesman, a former Pentagon official who has made several trips to Iraq, said Iraqi spies were a serious threat to U.S. operations and that there was no evidence insurgent numbers were declining despite vigorous U.S. and Iraqi counterattacks.

    The report was updated after Tuesday's attack on a U.S. base in Mosul which killed 22 people. Defence officials said the explosion was apparently caused by a suicide bomber, underscoring the problem of infiltrators in U.S. operations.

    After the 2003 invasion to oust Saddam Hussein, the United States "assumed that it was dealing with a limited number of insurgents that coalition forces would defeat well before the election" of a new Iraqi government, Cordesman asserted.

    "It did not see the threat level that would emerge if it did not provide jobs or pensions for Iraqi career officers or co-opt them into the nation-building effort. ... It acted as if it had years to rebuild Iraq using its own plans, rather than months to shape the climate in which Iraqis could do it," he said.

    Cordesman said in the first year of the U.S. occupation, Washington "failed to come to grips with the Iraqi insurgency ... in virtually every important dimension."


    Under the heading "Denial as a method of counter-insurgency warfare," the report accused the United States of minimizing the insurgent and criminal threat in Iraq and of exaggerating popular support for U.S. and coalition efforts.

    Washington "in short ... failed to honestly assess the facts on the ground in a manner reminiscent of Vietnam," Cordesman wrote.

    He said that as late as July 2004, administration spokesmen still lived "in a fantasyland in terms of their public announcements," including putting the core insurgent force at 5,000 individuals when experts in Iraq knew the correct number to be 12,000 to 16,000.

    As in most insurgencies, including Vietnam, sympathizers within the Iraqi government and Iraqi forces, as well as Iraqis working for the coalition, media and non-governmental organizations, "often provided excellent human intelligence (about U.S. and coalition operations) without violently taking part in the insurgency," the report said.

    Cordesman said U.S. attempts to vet these Iraqis cannot solve the problem because "it seems likely that family, clan and ethnic loyalties have made many supposedly loyal Iraqis become at least part-time sources."

    Since early 2004, insurgents have suffered tactical defeats in Baghdad, Falluja and elsewhere. Still, "there is no evidence that the number of insurgents is declining as a result of coalition and Iraqi attacks to date," Cordesman said.

    U.S. troops left Vietnam in 1973 after the war lost support at home. Many Americans became disenchanted with their government's failure to tell the truth about U.S. operations in Vietnam and about casualty levels.

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  • Aha, trotz reiner Propaganda in den Nachrichtensendungen seitens FOX-News, CNN und NBC scheinen die intelligenteren Amerikaner trotzdem langsam aufzuwachen. Der Vergleich mit Vietnam wird Hoffähig und immer öfter liest man auch in Anspielung auf Stalingrad von Falludjagrad.

    Vielen Dank an Schwabenpfeil für deinen unermüdlichen Einsatz hier.


  • @ Schwabenpfeil :)

    Vielen Dank für deine Mühen und Dein Durchhaltevermögen! ;)

    Gesegnete Tage bis zum Neuen Jahr

    und ein festes gutes Händchen für die Entscheidungen im nächstenJahr,

    Dir und allen anderen Goldbugs die dem Board Lben geben



  • December 27 – Gold $445 up $3.50 – Silver $6.95 up 8 cents

    Our Planet To Win Coming War Of The Worlds

    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth -- not going all the way, and not starting...Buddha

    GO GATA!!!

    London and Canada were closed for Boxing Day. They have the day off tomorrow also.

    The big economic news of this Monday was the continued mauling of the dollar and a corresponding modest reaction by the US bond and stock markets. About time. Thus far the US stock market and bond market have paid little attention to the disappearing greenback. Did the Wake Up Call finally START to register in the investment world as to what is going on here?

    By the close today:

    *The dollar fell .53 to 80.78.
    *The euro took off to 136.28, up 1.34.
    *The yen rose all the way up to 103.08.
    *The pound gained 1.36 to 192.41.
    *The 30-year March T bond lost 29/32 to 111 12/32, although way off its early 1 ½ point loss.
    *The DOW fell 51, mostly late in the trading session, to 10,776, with the DOG dropping a meager 6 to 2154.

    Gold which gained 70 cents on Friday, tagged along today too, putting on another $2.80. Still, the more the dollar falls, the further gold falls in terms of foreign currencies. The yoke of The Gold Cartel becomes more burdensome by the day/weeks in many regards. Our gold colleagues who correlate gold only to the action of the dollar are a bit off kilter here. While the euro has made new highs by a substantial margin, the euro gold price has fallen from its high of 344 to 326.43, a NEW LOW CLOSE for the move DOWN.

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  • This has been a repetitive theme of late, but warrants mention once again:

    *The significance of the manipulation of the price of gold could not be more apparent as gold goes into a mini-bear market in foreign currencies. These crooks and heinous cabal folks are desperate to continue their scheme in order to keep the dollar from collapsing. Thus, they will go to any lengths to further corrupt the system, as they are running out of simplistic/politically viable, economic, quick fix options; save dumping cheap Western gold – gold which the East is scooping up with glee.

    *The dubiousness of GLD becomes more apparent by the week. Thus far we have seen it precipitate a $20 move DOWN in the price of gold for one. Two, its $100 million of supposed new demand for gold has proved to be a complete non-issue compared to the virulent selling by the cabal. Since GLD introduction to Wall Street, gold has lost ground in dollar terms and significantly so in foreign currency terms.

    The World Gold Council should be disbanded, as it is the most useless and counterproductive industry organization in history.

    Thus, a day like this one is encouraging in many regards, yet just as infuriating because of the capping of the gold price by The Gold Cartel in order to dampen gold fever in other markets. Yes, the dollar has fallen sharply of late, however, with gold going into a mini-bear market in foreign currencies, gold share prices have been comatose as a result. This is no accident. It is by CABAL design.

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  • Gold is rallying towards the top of its uptrend channel:

    February gold

    The euro is soaring:

    March euro

    The gold open interest rose 74 contracts to 319,537. What hits me over the head is, despite the relatively weak gold action vis-à-vis the dollar, there is potential here for gold to explode in the weeks to come, which is JUST what ought to happen. The gold open interest is some 56,000 contracts off its high, while gold is less than $10 off its high.

    The specs were brutalized by GLD-induced massive $20 raid. Many have been loath to re-enter, especially at year-end. However, with the dollar falling apart and Iraq an unmitigated fiasco, the ramifications of which will not be able to be denied in the near future, the hedge funds are likely to pour into gold after the first of the year.

    Silver acted well right off the bat and the fell apart near the close, as so often happens in the precious metals. The silver open interest rose a whopping 6 contracts to 98,024. Percentage wise it is further off its highs than gold is. It was 33% higher when silver rose to $8 a few weeks ago.

    Perhaps of some interest this week will be the various economic and market predictions for 2005. As far as Wall Street is concerned, certainly most of the predictions for our stock market will be bullish and the price predictions for gold will be muted – or slightly bullish, to neutral, to bearish. Even more banal will be the Wall Street/bullion bank commentary that any gold rally will be completely linked to further falls in the dollar.

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  • For example, the most well known gold antagonist wasted no time:

    Hi Bill,
    I awakened in my hotel room this beautiful Christmas Eve morning, in the French Alps. Poured a cup of coffee, flipped on the TV on my way out on to the balcony to get some fresh alpine air and enjoy the view. In the background was an interview being given on CNBC's European franchise. A female announcer was interviewing a fellow with an annoyingly grating voice. She asked him about gold and he immediately downplayed it. This caught my attention and I walked back into the room to see a frizzy headed pencil necked geek doing everything in his power to talk about the glorious future for platinum and palladium, "metals that actually have a use," and switch the subject from gold.

    The announcer kept at him on the gold issue, much to his angst. This interviewer was very aware that something big was happening in gold. He would not give an inch. Unabashed Cartel cheerleading.

    The bottom line of the interview was; he stated that there was only another 5% left to the upside of gold, followed quickly by a 20% downside, with gold settling in the $350 range. The interviewee, whom I had never seen before, turned out to be Andy Smith.

    The blatant propaganda function of this interview bothered me all the way home today. Has GATA got a spare stretcher for this fool?
    Don Duca
    Moissac, France

    We will save one for Andy, Don.

    Clearly, The Gold Cartel will press its case anytime the dollar strengthens. We know their game plan is to cap, cap, cap, then POUND gold on dollar strength. Soon this aspect of their price manipulation scheme will fall apart as investors take to gold for MANY other reasons than a falling dollar. When this happens, the cabal is kaput.

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  • The John Brimelow Report

    India still buying; more curious Eichel remarks

    Monday, December 27, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $7.73, PM $7.87, with world gold at $443 and $442.50. Ample for legal imports. On Friday the ex-duty premiums were: AM $7.92, PM $8.38, with world gold at $442.05 and $441.90. Also ample for legal imports.

    The Bombay Stock Exchange closed at a record high today, as it did on Friday. Of course, there has been discussion of the possible effects on gold of the Indian Ocean earthquake wave disaster, with some in Japan envisaging some safe-haven buying as seems to happen there after natural disasters. In my view it is unlikely to have a distinct influence.

    TOCOM traded the equivalent of 13, 137 Comex lots today, down 33% from Friday’s 19,370, which in turn was up from 9,807 Comex equivalent on Thursday. The active contract closed up 3 yen today; it was down 10 yen on Friday. This is mainly the consequence of FX rate fluctuations. World gold went out this morning at $442.75, $1 above Friday’s close and $2.25 Thursday’s last NY price. Open interest is static (up 302 Comex lots today, down 499 on Friday). NY on Thursday traded only an estimated 19,000 lots.

    After a morning session tomorrow TOCOM is closed until Tuesday January 4th.

    With the more civilized parts of the English-speaking world closed until Wednesday in continued observance of Christmas, the only significant news item seems to be the reiteration, by the German Finance in a radio interview, of his assertion that all other central banks bound by the second Washington Accord actually intend to sell:

    Berlin, Dec 25 (Reuters) -

    "German Finance Minister Hans Eichel…said the Bundesbank would have to explain why it is the only one of 15 central banks in the gold agreement that is not exercising its sale option. Eichel is quoted wondering why the Bundesbank is not planning to sell its full quota of 120 tonnes…Eichel told the radio network that in his view it is currently a favourable time to sell gold reserves because the market price is currently high and no one knows what will happen with those prices in the future."

    The gold market has long since factored in full utilization of the WA2 sales quotas. One wonders what purpose is served by a purported aspiring beneficiary of higher gold prices repeatedly highlighting the only piece of news, short of an abandonment of the quotas, which could be seen a negative.


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  • The following input from a fellow Café member relates to the rigging of the price of gold from a big picture geopolitical standpoint. It also relates to how the short-sighted strong dollar policy of the US (with the rigging of the gold price as its main feature) has played right into the hands of the Chinese – Russians too for that matter.

    G’day Bill,
    Compliments of the Season to you.

    Something is afoot????

    I have just read an article by Don Stott, entitled "Over":

    In his article Don outlines that the Chinese currency is currently "pegged" to the US$, and he further outlines that with the demise of the US$ the Chinese currency will also lose in value.

    The US Geological Web site gives current Gold Resources and Reserves"

    Figures are in Tonnes

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

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  • Of the estimated 145,200 tons of all gold ever mined, about 15% is thought to have been lost, used in dissipative industrial uses, or otherwise unrecoverable or unaccounted for. Of the remaining 123,000 tons, central banks hold an estimated 32,000 tons as official stocks, and about 91,000 tons is privately held as coin, bullion, and jewelry. (USGS).

    GATA have suggested that 17,000 tonnes of the Central Banks stocks have been either sold or swapped.

    World Resources: Total world resources of gold are estimated at 100,000 tons, of which 15% to 20% is a byproduct resource. South Africa has about one-half of all world gold resources, and Brazil and the United States have about 9% each. Some of the 9,000-ton U.S. resource would be recovered as byproduct gold.

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    In 1994, Gold production from China was 3.5 million ounces, and in 1994, ten years ago, China was ranked sixth in world gold production. (Minobras 1996). Today , China is ranked fourth in World production, and has recently deregularised their Gold market.

    Gold in China is produced from a number of sources about 550 mining operations, including 300 primary small gold lode mines, 160 dredges and about 85 alluvial operations. About 25% of the total production came from mines in the Shandong Province of Northwestern China. Other significant gold production came from Northeast China located in the Provinces of Herbei, Heilongjiang and Shaanxi. Major goldmines in Southeastern China are located in the Henan, Guizhou and Huei Provinces. In west in central China, gold is produced from mines in the Gansu and Sichuan Provinces.

    Now, assuming that Gold has been produced in China based on the annual, rate of 3.5 million ounces per year, and that gold has been produced at this rate for some 3,000 years, and that the Chinese do not openly export Gold. Who has the Gold, China.!

    It would suggest that the Chinese have an awful lot of Gold, "under their beds". I realize that this is a gross assumption, but "official" figures do not really exist.

    Now assume that the US$ Index is headed way down, toward 60 on the index. It would be very unlikely that the Chinese would accept a depreciation in their currency to the same extent, because, quite simply, they do not have to accept this, by virtue of having all that historically mined Gold.

    Supposition, maybe, but one must remember that the Chinese think very long term!!

    One must also remember that the Chinese own the order of 20 to 25% of the US Bond Market, which in essence is Government debt.

    Also, the short selling of Gold was initiated around 1996, which corresponded to the start of the asset bubbles in the US Markets, particularly in the US$ Index. In other words, one could suggest that the short selling of Gold underwrote the US Market Bubbles, as it still does, by virtue of the Gold short position still existing.

    And so, what is this Gold Market really about?

    One can only use one’s imagination!

    Och aye

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  • Here is a keeper for later on next year:

    "Gold will be a horribly boring instrument next year," said Dennis Gartman, editor of the Gartman Letter newsletter in Suffolk, Virginia.

    Rhody on GLD:

    When is investing in gold, not investing in gold? The answer to this question is investing in the new gold ETF: GLD. You cannot get gold out of an investment in GLD. That means it's a derivative. Worse, it's listed only in the NYSE. That means you have to buy US dollars in order to acquire it. That means you sell your CAD for USD and that boosts the USD. But a rising USD means a falling gold price. So the very act of buying GLD, lowers its value! I might remind you that this USD denominated fund is in a currency that has already fallen 33% since 2000, and has a long way to fall yet.

    So an investment in GLD is actually a bet on a RISE or stable USD. That is unlikely. Finally, the custodian of GLD gold are all members of financial entities proven hostile to gold. This includes JPM and HSBC. These entities actively trade against gold's rise. So buying GLD is putting gold into the hands of the enemies of gold who can then use your investment against your long term interests. In the late December sell off of gold, this ETF dumped 15 tons of gold the day before gold broke down. This makes sense as the custodians were the entities that arranged the sell off. So GLD had prior knowledge of the coming attack, and sold early, but in doing so, probably helped to initiate the breakdown. So buying GLD is handing ammunition to the enemies of real money. As is usual with most derivatives, they are perverse. Please avoid this derivative called GLD.
    May you all have a safe and happy New Year. Rhody.

    The understanding of what the gold market is really all about is Neanderthal. No market in history has been more misread and so egregiously reported on. The people who write about it know almost nothing. What can we expect? Those who know among the least are the pundits in the gold industry itself, who are clearly the most clueless group of analysts ever produced on this earth.

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  • Typical gold related commentary:

    December 26
    It's a good time to sell gold

    PHILADELPHIA - Those who beat a path to Howard Steinberg's precious-metals refinery in Philadelphia with old gold jewelry have done far better lately than those who went to their broker to buy stocks of gold-mining companies.

    That's because the price of gold has jumped since May -- but the stock prices of many of the precious-metals mining companies are far below their 52-week highs, and nearly every mutual fund in the sector is down for the year.

    The situation is a classic warning to investors who might tend to mix up the two: The price of gold alone does not determine the price of gold-mine stocks, said Lynn Russell, precious-metals analyst at the Morningstar investment research group.

    Shares of some companies, such as Barrick Gold Corp., of Toronto, languished because the companies locked in future prices for their gold at levels that were overtaken as the market price rose, she said. Meanwhile, South African companies were hurt by a stronger domestic currency.

    But if you own the metal, this is a good time to sell that old jewelry and lock in some profits, said Steinberg, proprietor of Abington Metals Refining & Manufacturing Inc. "I can't predict that gold will go up much further," he said.

    The run-up in gold also indicates spreading concern that the United States is living beyond its means, with hefty budget and trade deficits, and that inflation may be returning, said Jack Worrall, who heads the department of economics at the Camden, N.J., campus of Rutgers University. Traditionally, gold has been a hedge against inflation.

    "Gold right now is a stronger currency" than the dollar, Worrall said. But that can change if people perceive that U.S. policy-makers are taking steps to shore up the dollar, including reducing the deficits, he warned.

    To capitalize on such bullishness about gold, a new exchange-traded fund began trading in November. StreetTracks Gold Trust is backed by gold bars stored in a warehouse. Shareholders own the bullion without having to take it home.

    Investors tempted by this new fund should ask themselves the same questions they would before buying any stock or mutual fund, Russell said. Will it help them diversify? How does it fit into their long-term investment strategy?

    Two rules of thumb are that precious metals should not be more than 5 percent of an investment portfolio and, because their prices tend to be volatile, they should be considered long-term investments, she said.

    Russell suggests investors look for mutual funds with low costs that are diversified across several precious metals, not just gold. Don't buy just "because it is the hottest sector with great recent returns," Russell said.


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  • Newmont Mining has received a good deal of unwanted press lately for its mining activities in Indonesia. The following article was in the New York Times last week and leads to an Oldie But Goodie MIDAS entry of many years ago – one which has left a foul GATA taste re Newmont ever since……

    Mining Giant Was Warned
    About Pollution in Indonesia

    By Jane Perlez
    The New York Times
    Wednesday, December 22, 2004…ional/asia/22newmont.html

    JAKARTA, Indonesia -- An internal company report warned top executives at the Newmont Mining Corp., the world's largest gold producer, in 2001 that the company was putting tons of toxic mercury vapors into the air in Indonesia.

    The document, shown to The New York Times by a person close to Newmont, sheds new light on operations at one of the most troubled mines of a Fortune 500 company based in Denver that has drawn the rising ire of environmental groups and local communities over the impact of its operations….

    But in a 2001 company memorandum, also seen by The Times, Lawrence T. Kurlander, then a senior vice president and chief administrative officer, admonished his senior colleagues that Newmont had "told the world" it upheld American environmental rules abroad, when in fact it did not.

    He suggested that because of the failure to live up to Newmont's advertised standards, he and his colleagues should forfeit their annual bonuses. The concern, he said, extended to operations in Peru and Uzbekistan, as well as Indonesia….

    Villagers at Buyat Bay, near the Newmont mine on the northern island of Sulawesi, sued the company for $543 million in August after complaining about dizziness, difficult breathing, tumors and skin diseases, which they say began soon after Newmont started mining in 1996.

    The audit of the Peru mine, Yanacocha, also criticized a range of operations and cited violations that were subject to substantial fines, two former employees familiar with the audits said. The company was forced to call off plans to expand operations in Peru in
    November after local people angrily protested.

    In his memorandum dated Jan. 18, 2001, to Wayne W. Murdy, who had just been appointed Newmont's chief executive, Mr. Kurlander wrote of the Peru mine that in December 2000 "we, the senior management team, learned for the first time we do not operate environmentally by U.S. standards."

    "Our environment teams are not the ministers of good news," the letter scolded, "they are the guardians of our most treasured asset: our reputation." Mr. Kurlander, who left the company in 2002, continued, "Moreover, there is concern we are not operating at U.S. standards" in Uzbekistan and Indonesia.

    Mr. Murdy said in an e-mail to The Times that he did "not have a specific recollection" of the memo, but that the issues described were being discussed by senior management at the time. Bonuses, he said, saw a "significant deduction" after the Peru spill.


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  • What caught my attention was the mention of Larry Kurlander. From an old MIDAS:

    July 31, 2000 - Spot Gold $277 down $1 - Spot Silver $4.99 up 4 cents…090&SearchParam=Kurlander

    …The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee has courted Newmont's financial support and moral support for well over a year now. One year ago, Larry Kurlander, one of their senior executives, came to Dallas to pick my brain and we spoke for over 3 hours. Then, he met with Frank Veneroso of Veneroso Associates in Newark, New Jersey for about the same amount of time. My meeting with Larry, a nice enough fellow, who rides a Harley over the countryside for recreation and fun, was very business like, and could not have been more cordial. While he has a nice salary, it was my time on my dime.

    Since then, he refuses to take my phone calls and will not correspond at all. Worse, I called Chairman Ron Cambre's office to get his email address to send him some information. In the strangest return email in history, his office sent my email back saying that was not Ron Cambre's email address (after they gave it to me), thus "suggesting" that he could not have received an email from me in the first place. Good Lord. What did Larry Kurlander, a former District Attorney with extensive Washington contacts tell Cambre? Does Newmont know about the ESF, the Fed, and the rest of the mob and is so afraid that GATA is right that they have to send back emails? - that they won't even accept phone calls when we are trying to help their own shareholders?


    Based on this Newmont/Indonesia article, who knows what Larry Kurlander was told by the Newmont brass after his visit to see me and then Frank. What I do know is that Kurlander is right. Newmont does not live up to its advertised standards. There are many ways Newmont could have dealt with GATA in a professional manner – an organization out to help their own shareholders. Instead, they chose to heap insults and rebukes on us.

    Newmont, the flagship company in the gold industry….what a sorry state of affairs.

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  • Looking forward to saying hello to Café members/GATA supporters in Vancouver:

    12:09a ET Monday, December 27, 2004

    Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

    Here's a reminder that GATA Chairman Bill Murphy will be a speaker and GATA will have a booth at the 2005 Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, to be held at the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre on Sunday and Monday, January 23 and 24, and that we'll be joined by some of the gold and silver world's favorite experts, including:

    * Bob Bishop of Gold Mining Stock Report.

    * John Embry of Sprott Asset Management.

    * Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors.

    * Brien Lundin of Gold Newsletter.

    * David Morgan of

    * Jay Taylor of J. Taylor's Gold and Technology
    Stock Report.

    * James Turk, editor of the Freemarket Gold
    & Money Report and proprietor of GoldMoney.

    * And Frank Veneroso of Veneroso Associates.

    Dozens of mining companies will be exhibiting as well.

    It's always a great conference in an eclectic, beautiful, and comfortable city -- and admission is free to those who register in advance. You just have to find a place to stay, and the conference has arranged a discounted rate at the beautiful Pan Pacific hotel adjacent to the convention hall.

    You can learn all about it here:

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

  • There has been a great deal of speculation from the gold camp re the relative weakness of the price of gold vis-à-vis the shares in 2004, one which worsened as the year went on. Some reasons cited:

    *Gold is topping out and won’t be able to hold its breakout gains above $430.
    *A price correction to $400 and below is in the cards.
    *Naked shorting of stocks.
    *Price manipulation of the gold shares by The Gold Cartel and others using naked shorting to enhance their positions and create a negative technical scenario – one which induces further selling by the general investing public.
    *Tax loss selling.

    Whatever the real reasons are, they should ALL be coming to an end in the weeks to come. Perhaps of extra significance will be new regulations regarding naked shorting which come into play right after the first of the year (see Appendix for details).

    The gold shares continue to flutter. The XAU rose .82 to 100.12, while the HUI gained 2.97 to 219.06. The HUI is still struggling with 220, making a high of 219.37. Technically, the HUI chart is firming up, curling higher after its spike topping over a week ago.


    The tale of the two planets is on route to a collision course:
    *The Wall Street planet people continue to cite one micro statistic after another why the US stock market is going to go up 10 to 15% next year and why the US economy is going to sail along in 2005. These people see US deficits as minor annoyances to their continued prosperity. Iraq? Democracy right around the corner! Most remain neutral to bearish on the gold price and regard gold as a non-event for the coming year (what else is new). They refuse to acknowledge a Gold Cartel even exists much less to what their scam is leading too.

    *The GATA-like planet camp sees the US economy and market hitting a speed-bump due to macro issues such as Iraq, the tanking dollar and horrific, entrenched US deficits – ones which are worsening. We see gold soaring in response to all these problems, which appear unsolvable in the short-term. We also see the price of gold exploding because we know there is a Gold Cartel. We also know they are running out of available gold to continue their fraud for too much longer.
    In a way this will be a mini War of the Worlds which is about to unfold – a war in which our planet comes out on top as far as market understanding and analysis is concerned. Ironically, even few in the gold camp are prepared for what is to come as almost all are still looking for a major correction and have their followers out of the market.

    MIDAS has pounded the table since the New Orleans Investment Conference that there is NO WAY we will get a major correction with so many gold bulls neutral to bearish and after taking out extremely significant support at $430. It took five attempts over a 15-month period to successfully clear that formidable level – a level which now acts as support. Gold has rallied $10+ since the New Orleans conference.
    We are in holiday trading mode so anything could happen on a day to day basis here. Yet, the time is NOW for investors to do their homework and understand why our planet/world is going to prevail in 2005. By prevailing, I mean it will be those in our camp who are going to be the ones who make the fortunes next year. Just remember, you:



    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

  • Bill
    The SEC effective date is January 3, The naked short list of all companies comes out January 10 per the SEC for the world to see. bob…sg.asp?message_id=4916651


    Got this off another Board SEC INFO

    OT: On January 5th , 2005 the SEC is implementing a revised Regulation Sho / Affirmative Determination with strict rules for Market Makers to CLOSE OUT all naked short positions on all stocks . Beginning January 10th , 2005 the SEC will DAILY PUBLICIZE ALL stocks where the MM's have not complied , where traded shares have not been accounted for , which will force the MM's to buy shares of the aggrieved company's equity .

    Public investors will recognize this MANDATORY REQUIREMENT and will refuse to SELL for give-away prices which will FORCE the MM's to raise their bids .

    This will cause SHORT SQUEEZES on the Market Makers because it will be THEY who are forced to pay higher and higher prices in order to be compliant .

    As the public becomes fully aware of this enforcement by the SEC, investors will be inclined to hold onto their shares until they can either capitalize on a short squeeze or until a FAIR market of true supply and demand is established for their chosen equity investment .

    The Market Makers' reign of MANIPULATION through the illegal action of trading non-existent shares at the extreme consequence to public companies and investors will soon be over ************************************************************

    The following is from another board, where a person spoke to someone from the SEC in regard to the blatant MM shorting of some OTC stocks, and the proposed regulation SHO that is supposed to start on Jan.3rd, 2005

    The SEC Market Reformation…

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) really has been on our TEAM all along. For years we thought as investors that we were out there all alone in the market because of years and years of many people being on the losing end from stocks being manipulated.

    I received a very important phone call from the SEC that was very powerful. The info is so powerful that I deemed it would be selfish for me to not share such with those in here since our goals have always been to help each other as much as possible. What I am about to share might be known by some, but I am sure that it is not understood by most. This is concerning the true power and intentions behind Regulation Sho. There is more that I have not heard discussed by people and I think there are some things we are not seeing correctly by normally seeing the SEC unsuccessful attempts so often in the past.

    What you are about to read are not my opinions. It is what I was told by the SEC and was given permission to share this information with you for a better understanding. I was told that they want our feedback so they will want to know if it worked or not in fixing what they knew was broke for years, but just recently discovered how to resolve.

    The pressure is on the Market Makers (MMs) to do what is right because all eyes will be placed on them. There will be many key Federal Authorities, Economists, Mathematicians, etc. that are already lined up to be performing certain studies for historical purposes. All the MMs have to do to not make matters worse is to do what is right and fix what they had broken for years with any fully reporting company that’s a threshold security as soon as possible. Let me explain a bit further to show you how this will work.

    First understand that the SEC always wanted to help us shareholders, but never knew how to do so. They had always received many complaints, but never knew how they could trap the MMs to simply do what was right. The shorting and naked shorting had gotten out of hand as I will explain both.

    The Naked Shorting
    With the implementation of Regulation Sho, the MMs will be forced to close out their open naked short position on all stocks that meet the Regulation Sho requirements for coverage. They will have to do this everyday by midnight beginning on 3 Jan 05.

    This leads us to talk about the requirements as some are already familiar. A stock must be fully reporting and considered a threshold security. A threshold security is one where .5% of its outstanding shares (OS) have been proven to have been naked shorted for 5 consecutive trading days and where the MMs have failed to close out those positions for five consecutive trading days.

    Example: If stock ABCD had 2,000,000 shares outstanding and was a fully reporting company as of 3 Jan 05, the MMs would need to fail to close out the open naked shorted position of .5% of 2,000,000 shares which would equate to 10,000 shares not being "completely" covered for 5 consecutive trading days. This means that the MMs would need to make sure they don’t allow 5 consecutive days to happen where they leave any balance remaining of the 10,000 naked shorted shares as an open account of stock ABCD. They must "completely" close all open accounts of naked shorted positions.

    For proper accountability of all of this to work, the SEC will have to have a coordinated TEAM effort from key entities within the market as authorities. The SEC, Depository Trust Company (DTC), brokerage companies, all market exchanges, the fully reporting companies, and their transfer agents will all be working together to make sure all the proper coordination take place for Regulation Sho to work.

    Coordination will take place with the fully reporting company (and their transfer agent if they have one) to make sure there is a full accountability of what’s their OS. The facts will be reflected in the company’s SEC filing which is why it is essential for them to be a fully reporting company.

    The DTC will be responsible for informing the SEC where the open sales exist as in the amount of shares existing that have transacted through them that they placed into our brokerage accounts. This was a problem before because many relied on the DTC to give them more than this information to help resolve this issue sooner.

    This is where the brokerage companies come in along with the help from the exchanges. The SEC will be further detailing and defining their information of transacted shares from the DTC by having revealed to them the guilty MM that have transacted the naked short position from information received from the brokerage companies and all of the market exchanges. This is proving to be something bigger than what many of us had realized. Let me explain why.

    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

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