Dow unter 10 tausend dann geht es aber los !
Ebenso bei USD Index 80 , da werden die Dollar bulls fickrig.
Gruss und Gnight
9. Januar 2025, 17:33
Dow unter 10 tausend dann geht es aber los !
Ebenso bei USD Index 80 , da werden die Dollar bulls fickrig.
Gruss und Gnight
More infos from :…earch/Industries/Gold.asp
Its new for me, maybe you know already.
Have a nice day,
# All
Heute habe ich mir weiter 10 Unzen Gold zugelegt, aus Gewinnen von verkauften Aktien!Ist nicht viel aber langsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnschen.
Gruß hpoth
@ Hpopth, enjoy ! :))
Ist schon ein schoenes gefuehl den unterschied zwischen papiergeld und goldmuenze in den haenden zu spueren.
Und es glaenzt so schoen !
Wenn ihr den obigen bericht gelesen habt dann sage ich euch das die tage fuer die oilprinzen auch gezaehlt sind. Die bekommen bald eine art mandela und die situation aendert sich.
Frieden mit den Palestinensern ???
Watch Asia !
Best time ever to get so cheap gold for oil !
Indicators show gold will rise again. Halleluja !
It's a big stand off !
Do you really believe the arabs watch the dollar go down and don't buy gold. The petro dollars are in T-bonds and in exchange the US Navy protects the oil of the princes who live in Switzerland and USA already.
Those corrupt guys who sell out their own people some of them still sit on a camel.
There will be a revolution sooner or later in oilproducing arab states.
The bubble will blast there too !
Alah is great, Alah akbar ! Falluha is the future write newspapers.
It took the russions two weeks to invade Afghanistan and ten years to get out, time is a weapon too !
Even if they get Iran and Syria oil will shoot up because bush wants it.
Poor guys, but bush gives them a job and a flag to believe in.
Another war they can't win and finance in the long run.
They boys want to come home !!!!
No sex, no booze, and snipers every day.
Bush the biggest oil war lord and greenspan the biggest financial terrorist in our century will fail in the end. Bush started the holy war with you know what. (another fabrication). 7/11 is a supermarket.
The fiat dollar which started it will backfire !
A tree can not grow to heaven, and what goes round comes around !.
Sooner or later, alligator
Papal funeral forces Prince of Wales to delay wedding
By Simon Freeman, Times Online
Mensch der hat Ohren !!!
Wie ein Elefant !
The Prince of Wales bowed to the inevitable today and agreed to postpone by a day his long-awaited wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles so that he – and the Prime Minister and Archbishop of Canterbury – can attend Friday’s funeral of Pope John Paul II.
The decision will ensure that the three pillars of established power in Britain – Church, Crown and Parliament – will all be properly represented when up to four million mourners gather to mark the Pope's passing. Other world leaders to due attend the ceremony include President Bush, President Chirac and Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General.
Several hours of frantic phone calls followed this morning’s news that the Pope’s funeral would be held at 9am on Friday, five hours before Prince Charles and Ms Parker Bowles were due to marry at a register office in Windsor.
Clarence House, already reeling from a series of embarrassing constitutional hitches in its preparations for the wedding, was under intense pressure to take the step of delaying the wedding, and finally announced: "It [the funeral] must take priority. Diaries are being rescheduled to fit the royal wedding in on Saturday."
The Prince took the decision with Mrs Parker Bowles after returning early from his skiing trip in the Swiss Alps, Clarence House said.
Jumbo was hang gliding with his ears as well.
No new time has been finalised although the ceremony will have to be fitted around three other civil ceremonies at the Guildhall in Windsor on Saturday. Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will lead a prayer blessing held at St George’s Chapel, inside Windsor Castle, shortly afterwards.
The Prince’s decision to delay his big day also came as a relief in Downing Street, where Mr Blair, an Anglican with known Catholic leanings, faced a dilemma. A spokesman said: "The Prime Minister is now very glad he is able to go to both events."
Prince Charles and his bride-to-be were among hundreds of VIP guests and Catholics to attend a service of prayer for the Pope in London today.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, paid tribute to the late pontiff as "one of history’s greatest Christians.
Wearing a blue suit and black tie, Charles made no comment to waiting reporters as he entered Westminster Cathedral. Mrs Parker Bowles wore a black jacket and skirt, black hat, high heels and black gloves.
The Royal couple arrived shortly after Mr Blair, who attended the service with his wife, Cherie.
They were joined in the congregation by other VIPs and politicians including Baroness Thatcher, Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, House of Commons speaker Michael Martin.
Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor said that the OPope, who died on Saturday after a long illness, had presided over an "epic papacy".
He remembered the Polish-born pontiff for having triggered a "fever for freedom" in his homeland that would "sweep across iron curtains $$$ and armed borders".
Ain't that sad !!!
Brot $$$$$ fuer die Welt, Sir Alan kann auch gute cookies backen sagt man. Aber wie lange haelt der Teig ?
Manipulation hin und her,nothing lasts forever ! :
Wie vermutet , bei den preisen! geht man shopping !
Le Metropole Members,
Midas du Metropole has served an alert at The James Joyce
Table entitled, "The Gold Cartel Is Dead Meat!"
Midas du Metropole has served commentary at The James
Joyce Table entitled, "Physical Demand For Gold Is Surging."
Die sind ja nicht bloed !
Have a nice day,
Tuesday, April 05, 2005, 10:28:00 PM EST
Gold and Dollar Market Summary
Author: Jim Sinclair
Dear CIGA:
The slowest car crash in history hit the fan today - perhaps even twice!
Now the item to look at is the condition of the obligations on retirements which will inure to you. Yes, you will have to pay all those unfunded or under-funded retirement accounts because the funds will come from the expansion of federal debt.
Now there is another nail in the dollar’s coffin, so if you are bullish on the dollar longer term you are wealthy short term.
GM Debt Ratings Lowered by Moody's; Ford Under Review (Update5)
April 5 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp.'s debt ratings were cut one level to Baa3, the lowest investment grade, by Moody's Investors Service. The ratings company also said it was reviewing Ford Motor Co.'s debt for a possible downgrade.
Moody's today said Ford and GM, two of the world's five- biggest bond-market borrowers, are both losing U.S. auto-market share while health-care costs are growing, pushing profits lower. Moody's began reviewing GM's ratings on March 16, when the automaker forecast its biggest quarterly loss since 1992.
``What Moody's did today is publicly state that they're concerned abut the state of the North American auto industry,'' says Sasha Kamper, who helps manage $65 billion, including GM and Ford debt, at Principal Global Investors in Des Moines, Iowa. ``GM's rating move was widely anticipated. I think the market might have been a little surprised that they were so quick to act on Ford since there was no new news on Ford.''
There is nothing that the Federal Reserve can do to offset the inflationary implication of the historic level of oil prices except to talk oil down.
Thanks to Goldman’s report saying that it is possible for crude to trade at $105 and Merrill’s report today that a major bubble could develop in energy, the Fed Chairman came out of his closet saying that the market itself will remedy the situation. Of course the market will do it because there isn’t anything you can do.
Increased interest rates are simply an inflationary ingredient as it increases business costs. At the same time, it is a tax on consumers as are higher oil prices. The result of increased interest rates now is to blow the Federal Budget deficit straight to the moon.
So you are between a rock and a hard place that the Fed created itself with the use of non-traditional tools to fight deflation. You were successful for sure, but now inflation beyond your wildest fears is coming down the track like a run away locomotive heading straight at the US dollar. Mr. Chairman, the light at the end of the tunnel is in fact a train.
Die vielen Unwägbarkeiten und der Kapitalmangel haben schon vor Jahren einen breit gestreuten Prozeß von Fusionen und Übernahmen unter Goldproduzenten in Gang gesetzt, der nicht abgeschlossen ist. Dies verleiht Minenaktien zudem noch Übernahmephantasie.
@ Hi, Eldorado,
ja das ist ein schönes Gefühl, es geht nichts über pyhsische Ware,Papiergeld geht immer auf den Nullwert zurück, nur " Gold ist Geld"
Alan is talking at capitol hill about freddy's fannies !
Quiet please !
And the beat goes on, another brick in the wall song it is !
What the heck, just do another chapter 11 !
Check this one:
That is why when looking beyond the edge of the current fiscal plate, I see the seeds for recovery in Europe being planted while in the US I see them hacking down all the fruit bearing trees, instead of just pruning them back a bit and waiting for a new generation to blossom. In short, it amounts to destroying all your future seed for a short term bumper harvest.
In conclusion, let me remind you:
There are two irrevocable laws on this earth: You cannot drink yourself sober and, you cannot borrow your way to solvency. The longer either continues, the more terrible the hangover.
4 April, 2005
Randolph Buss
Are we facing a financial chaos or a political setback ???
Gold haelt sich leicht ueber den 50 ma ! :))
# Hallo Eldorado,
gibt es was neues über den Hypotheken-Finanzier in den USA?
Gruß hpoth