Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Goldinvest

    Na schau mal, die 1.226 Klippe ist wieder da.
    Einige Contrarians haben begonnen den Dollar zu verkaufen die versuchen schlauer zu sein als die Meah Meeh Herde. :O

    Nein zur EU und Ja zum Export in die USA ,... Hurrah ! :D

    Bei GM und SM braucht man Nerven und Geduld sowie Ueberzeugung sonst hat man schnell ein Magengeschwuer damit.

    Ich freue mich aber auf den Tag wenn die Flucht in Gold und Silber beginnt, ....egal in welcher Waehrung.

    Gold is real money in the end of the day when the shit hits the fan.
    Will it ??.... Die Frage muesst ihr Euch selber stellen. ?(

    Rueckschlage mit -35% muss man gleich beim Einsteigen in Kauf nehmen und manchmal schlucken. :(

    Bei Juniors kann es -55% sein, aber die erholen sich auch wieder ganz schnell. In diesen Markt ist der Markt noch nicht, die schlafen alle noch. :D

    Nothing comes easy, easy comes, easy goes ! :D

    Wichtig ist das man am Ende happy ist mit seinen Depo. ;)

  • Hmmmm....... :rolleyes:

    Please book profits in metals because I don't see next five that favourable. As previously mention many time that June would be positive months and looks like but current over scenario is very choppy so book profit is always a good thing.

    Treasury Bond looks weak.
    Oil will hang around here and than fall will came.
    Stock market may hang around this level during this week but looks weak and very weak.
    Don't forget to buy dollar index in weakness.

    Time will tell !!!


  • IMAs Rechtssache oder besser AQIs Unrechtssache wird hier irgendwann aufgearbeitet. Das ist natürlich keine Garantie für den Erfolg.

    Die wesentliche Verhandlung wird am 15. Okt. in Vancouver stattfinden - so pls spare me with any specs on the outcome. - Except that I don't like extortionists.
    Ich kenne nunmehr die Geschichte und habe Beweise, dass IMA keinerlei Zweifel an der Rechtmässigkeit ihrer Ansprüche hegt.

    ... und wenn Du noch Zweifel hast - geh zur website von AQI und Du wirst feststellen, dass black mail, vielleicht die einzige Erwerbsquelle dieser Fa. ist.

    Ya gotta luv a judicial system favoring the tresspassers! No wonder though, as too many laywers are chasing the same kind of culprits and can't care less about justice.

    So in the end - who cares? We wannabe rich instantly! No sweat or wet dreams - instant gratification is the name of the game ...

    Go figure ... frr

  • frr,
    spekuliere zwar gerne, aber ich verschone dich damit. :D
    Wollt nur wissen, ob es etwas Neues gibt.
    15.10 war mir neu.

    Zweifel hab ich immer mal, aber IMA ist mein größte Position im Silberbereich.

    schönes Bild, sieht man immer wieder gern.

    Das ist auch schön:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


  • frr,
    na klar, why not?
    dann look mal hier: vom 19.4.…d=&postid=48990#post48990

    Ab 20.5. bin ich mit allem rein, was da war, jetzt kann ich nur noch schauen, wie es steigt. :D

    Na, Schmäh ohne, die hab ich eh am radar.

    Die anderen 2 vom Grosso Club sind für mich schwer zu handeln.

    Muss mir durch verkäufe wieder ein bisserl Cash reinspielen.
    Aber Zur Zeit will ich nichts verkaufen.

    Heu mähen und Unkraut jäten, das wär noch eine Option.
    Aber ich brauch auch was zum gegenrechnen.
    Und es zahlt sich net wirklich aus.


  • Keinem aufgefallen ?

    Sinngemäss schreibt er seit Tagen : Da der goldpreis unter den AUfwärtstrend von 420 USD gefallen ist erhöht sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass durch gezielte Verkäufe der Zentralbanken der Goldpreis unter 420 gedrückt werden kann. Aktuelle Wahrscheinlichkeit 80/20.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • Ulfur

    Die ganzen Daten und Non Farm Payroll sind ein Joke.
    In einer Woche wechseln oder verlieren eine Million Amerikaner ihren Job. Soll das ein Masstab sein ? :D

    Sie verschulden sich taegliche mehr und glauben Treasury Mr.Snow laesst wie Frau Holle den Schnee aus den Kissen damit sie weiterborgen koennen.

    Disneyland !!! :D

    Eines Tages haben sie 25% Arbeitslose die dann Probleme haben ihre Schulden zu bezahlen.

    Fasten your seatbelts and hang onto your jobs, buy Gold and Silber,...heisst es in den naechsten Jahren.

    Soon the Party is over.



  • Traders were selling euros leading up to the French referendum and now that both the French and the Dutch have voted not to ratify the European constitution, it is time to rebalance portfolios. "No" votes were expected, and consequently so was the euro's fall. Locking in profits therefore means buying euros and that, for most part, implies selling something else, such as dollars. So the dollar fell on Thursday and the gold price (in dollars) rallied.

    Economic growth in Europe is anemic. It is not much better in the US, where long-term interest rates are still declining in spite of US Federal Reserve efforts to raise short-term interest rates. Ten-year interest rates in the US have fallen from over 4.6% in March to less than 3.9% today. Investors typically move capital to bonds when they are nervous about economic growth and equities. Clearly the bond market is warning us of slowing economic growth.

    I like to watch the auto industry in the US because Americans love cars. Auto sales in the US fell 8% in May compared to a year ago. May sales at General Motors, the largest automaker in terms of production, fell 13% and at Ford sales were down 11%. In response, GM said it would cut third quarter production by 9% and slash prices. I expect that the unemployment rate will also rise.

    Until something happens to give the markets direction we will see sideways trading in bonds, equities and currencies, including gold, so I would not put too much weight on what currencies and the gold price do in the next week or so. There is much uncertainty in the financial markets: the most probable result is volatility, making for interesting times ahead.

    Junior mining and exploration companies issued an inordinate amount of shares during the past twelve to eighteen months and those shares will most likely continue to weigh down the junior sector, giving us some stellar buying opportunities this summer. At the same time, the prospect of weak economic growth does not auger well for base metals, and I am avoiding that sector altogether and sticking primarily to gold.

    Paul van Eeden

    Don''t panik.......

  • In particular, we expect gold and gold stocks to bottom well before the dollar peaks so a peak in the dollar around the middle of next year would fit nicely with our forecast of a gold-sector bottom during October-November of this year. One probable scenario, for instance, would have gold stocks bottoming in October of 2005, rallying strongly into December along with a rebound in the Swiss Franc, and then consolidating for several months while the SF dropped to a new low.

    Steve Saville

  • Adam Hamilton has served commentary at The Kiki Table
    entitled, "Currency Countertrends 2."

    "It was really funny to watch the hysterical antics
    of the Eurocrats in Brussels after these votes. Calling
    it a crisis, they acted as if an asteroid had pulverized
    Europe into a smoldering crater. Bureaucrats, since
    they willingly decide to live as parasites on society
    rather than taking up an honorable living producing a
    good or service that people actually want to buy of
    their own free will, can only grow their fiefdoms by
    usurping power from the people."

  • From Bob Moriaty:

    I did a piece, in my youth, four years ago called Small is Beautiful. In it, I said we were at a bottom because by every measure, the public wasn't interested in precious metals. We didn't even open 321gold until a couple of months later, I wrote the piece for friends and to post on our old website.

    It was a real good call. And today, with all the doom and gloomers pissing on gold, silver and oil, we ignore the fact that gold is well above $400, silver above $7 and oil above $50. What's everyone whining about? Markets don't go straight up unless you are one of the fools wearing the tin foil hats and think that markets are supposed to move only in one direction and everything else is manipulation.

    Markets go up and down. At tops, everyone is bullish, at bottoms everyone is bearish. I can't tell you how many emails I have had from readers ready to pull the plug on all resource investments.

    That's the time to be buying with both hands and both feet. I said back in April that we had all the signs of a bottom. Well, what I meant was, it was a bottom.

    At the end of the day, when the dollar has been destroyed and our Republic is no more, many will be claiming it was a surprise. Disaster may have been a surprise in 1929 when the market crashed but with all the great pieces being written today, no one can fairly claim ignorance.


  • @ Bin - by Bob the Fly(er) Boy holds some truth.
    I'm a bit of skeptic anyway, since my sources tell me the NY gold show was better attended than Fly Boy seems to have noticed. Anyway, the truth is it was a far cry from the crowd a couple of years back. Which in itself is, of course good news.

    Still, I'm convinced we've seen the lows of the PM cycle and think what we're experiencing is covering the retreat of the shorts - as all markets are increasingly managed - cycle turns seem to have become particularily slow and painful affairs.
    This too will come to pass - the time for shorts is becoming an ever shorter fuse in the sector.

    Got Gold and its miners? Cheers frr

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