@ Tambok
meinst Du die Strasse in Frankfurt/ Main?
gruss hpoth
10. Januar 2025, 21:21
@ Tambok
meinst Du die Strasse in Frankfurt/ Main?
gruss hpoth
ja, Hpoth,
aus den oberen Etagen aller Bankentürme schaut man auf die
Mainzer Landstr.
Hi Jungs
Das sieht alles nicht sehr gut aus. Die nächste Bewegung nach unten kommt ins rollen
YEESS, heute braut sich was zusammen, schaut mal auf GRZ.TO KRY BGD.TO .... there is something going on in Venezuela Amigos !
Mannomann ,einige solcher Tage...... :))
"Unverhofft kommt oft,"oder was tut sich da?
Vieleicht kommt der Hund endlich über den Schwanz!
vergiss HL nicht.
Sollte keine Spitze sein! So unter dem Motto: Die vergisst du nie.
Na, im Ernst, die hatte den Sprung schon vor 2 Tagen. Die kommt wieder bis Minimum 5.
Hab zur Zeit kein Moos, sonst würd ich die kaufen als rebounce.
Die gut laufen, will ich nicht verkaufen.
Von den anderen hoff ich, dass es mal einen hebt.
In dem sinn war die KRY für mich a blede Spielerei.........
wie sagt man so blöd: unverhofft kommt oft.........
ja das ist ja jetzt witzig:
stell das Posting rein und seh das vom Edelman, der auch gerade das
selbe: Unerhofft........... reingestellt hat.
Edel: pa resources hab ich noch nicht, hab mal den Split abgewartet. Auf 52 Wochen hoch geschlossen. Gehört zwar nicht hierher, aber passt gerade.
Ach von daher weht der Wind, gilt wohl fuer alle.
Ausser Hecla, die werden erst untersucht.
unverhofft ist wie mein Spruch, erwarte das unerwartene.
So ist es mal im Leben, gute Nacht
Bin gespannt was KRY und die anderen Cicas heute machen.
Bei den Goldpreis im vergleich zu den anderen Gringa's.
Der Salsa ist noch lange nicht vorbei, heute geht es wieder rauf oder runter.
Don't worry be happy !
Mining promotion is NOT among Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez' skills
In an excerpt from today's (Canadian) National Post, Chris Sorensen and Sean Silcoff write that among (Venezuelan President) Hugo Chavez' skills, mining promotion isn't one of them.
Think back to September, when Mr. Chavez delivered a speech that threatened foreign companies with mining projects in his country.
Crystallex International Corp. lost almost half its market value the next day. Also stung was Bolivar Gold Corp.
George Albino and Peter Bures, analysts with Orion Securities, yesterday issued a note pointing out that Venezuela appears to be taking steps to ease investor concerns.
Bolivar und Cristina hat sich gut behaupted bei den POG.
Cristina zeigt sich heute wieder von ihrer besseren Seite.
Sorry, bald gehen mir die schoenen Bilder aus wenn das so weiter geht.
Die Cristina hält einen in Schwung.
Heute + 9% ,ein Häkchen im Chart
Besser, Dir gehen die schönen Bilder aus, Aladin,
als manchem Junior das Licht ,oder die Luft ! :))
Hi Aladin
Ein edles Weibchen !
Juergen die Cristina muss man oefters loben dann steigt sie.
Heute wieder ein kleiner Auftrieb.
Da schauen manche andere schwach aus im Vergleich.
Die ist nun Wasserfest und steht mit beiden Beinen am Boden.
Crystallex Reports Third Quarter 2005 Results
Thursday November 10, 4:10 pm ET
Commenting on the Company's progress, Todd Bruce, President and Chief Executive Officer of Crystallex said, "Both the company and its shareholders have been affected by the stress resulting not only from the extended permitting process for the Las Cristinas project, but also from the all too successful efforts by some sectors of the media to misrepresent the Venezuelan Government as having an agenda to drive out foreign investors, nationalise the mining industry and terminate existing valid contracts. However, our confidence in the Venezuelan Government's commitment to honour its contractual commitments remains strong and has, in fact, been reinforced by various recent events.
We have had extensive meetings with senior government representatives and, as a result of those meetings, remain confident that the permit which will allow Crystallex to commence construction at Las Cristinas will be successfully secured. We are particularly encouraged that the Special Commission established by the Venezuelan National Assembly to investigate the situation in the Las Claritas area of Bolivar State recently concluded in its public report that the small miners and the people of Las Claritas shared the conviction that Crystallex should immediately begin the development of Las Cristinas and continue to carry out the social investment programs to which Crystallex has committed, and it was therefore urgent that the permit which allows Crystallex to commence construction at Las Cristinas be granted."
Mr. Bruce continued, "Additionally, in direct repudiation of the recently published media reports that Venezuela intends to drive out foreign investors, cancel contracts and nationalize the resource sector, the Venezuelan Government announced during the quarter that an Australian company had committed to investing in a major new aluminium production facility in Bolivar State, that new offshore gas leases had been awarded to a number of companies including the US company, Chevron, and that Bolivar Gold would receive its outstanding Exploitation Certificate for its Choco mining operation. In addition, Chevron announced that it was proposing a new 400,000 barrel per day heavy oil operation in conjunction with Spain's Repsol YPF and the Venezuelan national oil company, PDVSA, which would see Venezuelan total heavy oil production increase from the current 600,000 barrels per day to almost 1,000,000 barrels per day."
The Company's confidence in the Government of Venezuela is unchanged and we believe that the Venezuelan government recognizes and values its contractual commitments and working relationships with international companies, like Crystallex, that have demonstrated both compliance and good corporate citizenship in their dealings with government. Consequently the Company has continued to advance the development of the Las Cristinas project.
Engineering design work is now essentially complete and a total of $174 million has been committed under equipment purchase orders and construction and service contracts, including $70 million which has been paid. At site, upgrading of the 19km access road and refurbishing of the camp to accommodate the construction work force has been completed, and social investment, training and education programmes are in place.
Nach längerer Zeit mal was von Cristina.
Wird aber Zeit, daß nach "confidence" das "permitting" kommt.
Jedenfalls scheint die charttchnisch sowas wie den Boden gefunden zu haben.
Jedenfalls scheint die charttchnisch sowas wie den Boden gefunden zu haben.