TWILIGHT of the Hippo-Gods? WAR, RANGE

  • @ Goldesel

    Sitz das aus ich mache das selbe, die ist unten wegen den Aktien die Kebble versteckt hat. Die Sache wird sich klaeren da bin ich mir sicher.
    Wenn die wieder den Handel aufmachen in JHG dann solltest du sehen wie die hupft, nach oben denke ich, denn weiter runter kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Also mach da gar nix !



  • Schopenhauer sprach davon, daß Gott tot sei.

    Das mache die irdische Welt schwierig.

    Hippo-Sohn wurde erschossen und das alte Vater-Hippo zog

    sich zurück.

    Das macht die RSA Tiefminen schwieriger zu verstehen.

    Simmers und Jack ist zum Perpetuum Mobile für abwechselnde

    Watschen und Arschtritte für Drooy mutiert.

    South Deep ein 3.000 m tiefes Mausoleum der Weltspitzenklasse.

    Ohne Götter eine neue Minenwelt in RSA.

    Sitzen wir sie aus, die neue Welt.

    Die falschen Götter machen es abwechslungsreich.

    Ein Spanferkel wird nie ein Hippo werden.

    Aber es quiekt wenigstens lauter.

    Ähnlichkeiten und Bezüge zur aktuellen Situation

    im Westen an und für sich wären mehr oder weniger zufällig.


  • Hi Gogh

    Das hast ja schoen geschrieben. :]

    Das letzte was ich gelesen habe ist das JCI und Randgold Expl. bis Maerz nicht gehandelt werden an der JSE.
    Man macht eine Forensic Investigation und sucht nach dem Schatz und Aktien von Piraten Kebble der uns schoen gelinkt hat.
    Er wird sicherlich wie Swanepoel in die Geschichte des groessten Unternehmen Skandal in RSA eingehen.

    3000 meter tiefe Minen, einen starken Rand der nicht fallen will aus einem bestimmten Grund machen RSA bei diesen Scenario nicht mehr attraktiv IMO.

    Der Tourismus hat heftig darunter gelitten und die Immobilienpreise sind am fallen bei der hohen Produktivitaet der Schwarzen die gleich militant werden wenn es nicht nach ihrer Nase geht.

    Schade, ein Fass ohne Boden so tief wie deren Minen.



  • Eldo,

    weiß ja, dass Du auf den Clan aus JCI, WAR und RANGE

    nicht gut zu sprechen bist.

    Von RANGE ist mir fast nichts bekannt.

    Aber WAR und JCI sind eine heisse Kiste.

    WAR habe ich grösstenteils mit kräftigem Gewinn verkauft.

    JCI wird urplötzlich wieder auf der Matte stehen.

    Und auf irgendeine Art und Weise die Performance von WAR

    in letzter Zeit nachholen.

    Habe diese Woche noch Nachricht über die Depotbank

    von JCI erhalten. Vor Jahren war mal eine "Entstrickung".

    Da gab es für WAR Aktionäre u. a. einige Schuldverschreibungen

    und Optionen von JCI "gratis zur Begradigung".

    Das eingebuchte Zeugs war jahrelang nur "Erinnerungsposten".

    Jetzt zahlt JCI den "Kredit" zurück und wandelt die

    Optionen in JCI Stammaktien. Wie gesagt, wurde

    diese Woche durchgeführt.

    Barrick liess zuletzt verlauten, dass man South Deep

    sexy findet und sich die tiefste Mine im Konzern

    daraufhin ansieht, sie zu behalten.

    WAR hat die Betriebsführung alleine und natürlich 50%.



  • ;)Gogh ich habe ein interview vom 23 Januar gefunden bezueglich diesen Thema.

    MONEYWEB: A strange announcement that came out after the market had closed, and we will have to bring Barry Sergeant in for this one, because I certainly can’t pick it apart. Barry, Randgold Resources are saying that Randgold & Exploration had sold, I think, four million shares. What happened there? Remember, going back to the missing shares last year – just remind us.

    BARRY SERGEANT: Yes, Belinda, if you go back about 12 months we know already from then that Randgold Resources, the London company which was established by Randgold & Exploration way back in 1995, stated that out of the 18.4m shares that the Jo’burg stock owned in the London stock, which of course was by far its most valuable investment, 14m-odd of those shares were just untraceable. They had disappeared, so to speak. Now they hadn’t disappeared into the great, you know, the region – they’d been sold to legitimate buyers. The question was: where had the cash gone? Now for some months I have been writing that, in fact, the other four million shares, in other words 14 plus four, the 18m shares, had all been sold by the late Brett Kebble while he was chief executive of the Jo’burg stock. Now we get an announcement today from Randgold Resources in London, and they have done another shareholder audit, and basically what they have said is that Société Générale, Socgen, that’s much easier for me, told Randgold Resources on 20 January this year that Socgen had acquired four million shares in Randgold Resources. And Randgold Resources here are quoted as saying this is an official announcement – that Socgen has in fact sold those shares. So Randgold Resources, the chief executive, Mark Bristow, was saying the bottom line is that Randgold & Exploration, the Jo’burg stock, has got no further stock in Randgold Resources, which Randgold Resources is rather chuffed about. But the extraordinary thing here is that the four million shares, No 1, we don’t actually know who Socgen acquired them from. And the $66m raised, which is quite a lot of cash – they were sold at $16.5 a share – where has the cash gone? This is a serious question and it’s extraordinary that we don’t have any announcement from the Johannesburg stock, Randgold & Exploration. We’re expecting to hear from Peter Gray, the new chief executive, any time.

    MONEYWEB: David Shapiro?

    DAVID SHAPIRO: Well, I was with Socgen but, Barry, I think what you may investigate is that, I’m sure, Kebble had dealings with Socgen and those shares may have been acquired or offset against perhaps debt that Kebble had with Socgen. So he might have given those or “sold them” to them to offset perhaps loans or outstanding amounts. And then, what they have done now by selling off is realising their collateral.

    BARRY SERGEANT: All right.

    DAVID SHAPIRO: So I’m suggesting – I’ve got absolutely no proof of this, but it may be something worth looking into.

    BARRY SERGEANT: No, David, absolutely. I mean, to reiterate what I’ve been writing for quite some months now is that, as I was saying, the entire 18m shares were sold by the late Brett Kebble and quite a lot of that money, about $300m in cash, actually went back into the group, Randgold Exploration, JCI and Western Areas. I think the point here is that we are getting this information from London from another stock. It’s of extraordinary interest to holders of Randgold & Exploration, even though the stock was suspended in Jo’burg August 1st last year. It’s incredibly important, and we are getting this information second-hand, so can we please have the information from the Johannesburg head office?

  • Mein Fehler bei der Betractung könnte sein,

    dass es mir bei den Vorgängen WAR, JCI schon

    fast garnicht mehr ums Geld geht.

    Die Finanzakrobatik zu verstehen macht riesig Spass.

    Ungefähr voriges Jahr um dies Zeit hatte der listige Brett

    die Aflease wieder flott gemacht. Die Trickserei war

    ein Bravourstück. Bei Aflease stellen heute Ganoven

    der Räuber Hotzenplotz-Liga das Management.

    Da ist der Schlüssel zur Lösung zu finden,

    sollte jemand suchen wollen.



  • South Africa Kebble linked to male prostitute :D


    Brett Kebble had an intimate relationship with a young man :P :P, Vaughn, from Gauteng, police sources say.

    Johannesburg - Brett Kebble , mining magnate, ANC supporter, and apparently a happily married family man :D, had an intimate relationship with a young man, Vaughn, from Gauteng.

    The dark side of the super-rich businessman's life, that very few people know about, came to light during the investigation into his death and has been confirmed to Rapport, by a number of police officers.

    Vaughn, whose surname is known to Rapport but is being withheld on advice from their lawyers, is a male prostitute who works in Johannesburg. Police have questioned Vaughn and his pimp.

    Kebble had apprently paid Vaughn up to R1 000 for each session they had.

    Vaughn was traced through cellphone calls between him and Kebble. Vaughn was questioned by police and allegedly admitted that there had been a relationship between him and Kebble.

    Vaughn was, however, allegedly not the only male prostitute that Kebble, a father of four, spent time with. "Kebble liked variety but he had a soft spot for Vaughn.

    'Open hand and heart'

    "Brett always had an open hand :D and heart for his friends," a police captain told Rapport.

    The police sources have confirmed that Kebble at one stage bought a car for Vaughn and that he allegedly paid for his accommodation.

    The relationship between the flamboyant Kebble and the prostitute has not been linked to the murder.

    The police are still "in the dark" over who is responsible for Kebble's murder.

    Kebble was killed in September last year in a hail of bullets during an apparently well-planned assasination.

    The police recently raided a house in Johannesburg, which turned out to be the wrong one, after a tip-off about the killing was received.

    Brother 'shocked' His brother, Guy Kebble, said he was shocked to hear about the rumours around his brother.

    "It's the first I have heard about this. There are so many rumours that are doing the rounds that you just don't know what to believe anymore.

    "I am very sorry for my brother's family. Their lives are like a volcano that keeps on threatening to erupt," he said.

    Head of the serious and violent crimes unit, Assitant Commissioner, Sharon Schutte, was not prepared to talk about the case.

    "Talk to the police's official spokesperson. There are a lot of high-profile cases in the country. This is just one of them," she said.

    Director Sally de Beer, national SAPS spokesperson, said police were working around the clock but there had been no significant progress. :D

    Several other police spokespersons said they have been instructed not to talk about the Kebble case. :]

  • schon 2 Wochen alt, der Artikel vom 08.02.06


    Western Areas is still attractive - Georges Lequime, RBC Capital

    In an interview on Radio 2000 @ 18:00 on Wednesday, 8 February 2006

    [] --

    DESPITE recent the recent downgrade in its reserves, Western Areas

    was still a very attractive acquisition target for gold mining firms seeking

    to replace reserves, said Georges Lequime, a gold analyst for RBC Capital Markets.

    “I think it’s (Western Area) vulnerable if it stays down, certainly at these

    kinds of levels. And I think it’s very attractive when I’m speaking to all the

    corporates and they’re looking to replacing reserves," he said.

    ...big companies are looking for big resources“It’s nine years down the

    track and that’s what makes it attractive,” said Lequime, who was

    speaking on week nightly business show, the Moneyweb Power Hour, broadcast on Radio 2000.

    Lequime, who was not surprised by the downgrade of 55 million ounces

    to 29 million ounces, feels that it is still a big resource.

    “It doesn’t matter if you’ve got 55 million ounces or 29 million ounces, the

    big companies are looking for big resources,”

  • @ Gogh

    ""“It doesn’t matter if you’ve got 55 million ounces or 29 million ounces""

    Hier ist alles ""egal"" geworden Gogh, another African Nightmare is looming.

    Bin froh noch rechtzeitig hier rauszukommen, muss leider noch die Stellung halten. :(

    Ich fasse jedenfalls nichts mehr an was Kaffer oder Bure ist.

    Sicher, z.B. die Moto Aktie vom Kongo laeuft gut im Moment, aber wenn die Rebels wie in Nigeria sagen raus mit Euch dann faellt die ab wie eine Coconut. 8o

    Bitte schaut Euch den Video an ""Hotel Rwanda"" dann wisst ihr was ein Neger alles kann und die Welt davon haelt.

    Es ist eine wahre Geschichte die verfilmt wurde.

    Ihr koennt Euch nicht vorstellen wie es ist mit Negern zu leben die nun der grosse Boss sind.

    Fangen wir gleich mit dem Strom und Sicherheit an.

    Bei Euch wirds auch mehr und mehr ""multi-kulti"", na dann Prost Mahlzeit.

    Ich kenne das von hier wie es dann weiter geht.

    Die fressen Euch noch die Haare vom Kopf, D wird ueberrannt und abgegrast von denen.

    Bravo Angela Merkel, setzt dich gleich neben De Klerk.

    Fuer sowas gibt es einen Friedensnobel Preis. :D



  • Kebble had a soft spot for me :P


    The male prostitute, who was allegedly involved with Brett Kebble, says that other young men were present at their intimate sessions.

    Johannesburg -

    Brett Kebble was never alone with me when we were intimate. There always had to be a few other young men, to stroke his ego. And he enjoyed watching."

    So said Vaughan, a 29-year-old male prostitute that the former mining magnate apparently had a "soft spot" for.

    Rapport newspaper last week reported that the police, during their extensive investigation into Kebble's death, discovered that he regularly paid Vaughan and other male prostitutes for their services.

    Rapport tracked down Vaughan at the Randburg agency he works for as a prostitute.

    Vaughan (the name he uses with his clients) said he and Kebble, 41, met each other regularly over a number of years in Johannesburg and Cape Town and that their friendship developed into an "intimate" one last year.

    He said Kebble spoilt him and on certain occasions appeared with him in public, late at night.

    "I was shocked to read about the murder. He was good to me and I am sorry he is dead."

    Police had questioned Vaughan at the agency in Randburg, two weeks ago.

    They were interested in information about a threatening letter to Kebble that had been e-mailed to Vaughan's computer.

    He was also shown pictures of three men that have apparently been linked to the Kebble murder.

    Vaughan said he did not recognise any of the men.

    "Brett kept his business and family life private. Those were topics he avoided. I actually thought he was gay and was surprised when I read in the paper that he was married and was a family man," said Vaughan.

    Always friendly =)

    He had met Kebble at a massage parlour in Norwood, Johannesburg, three years ago.

    "You recongnise your clients by the cars they drive. We would say here comes 'Mitsubishi Charles' or 'Mustang Peter'. Kebble was known as 'Nugget Ricky', :D... because he had introduced himself as Ricky and always had a nugget of gold in a handkerchief that the masseuses had to touch. :D

    "And we knew him by his silver Mercedes. Later there was also a black Porsche. He was always dressed in nice suits and shoes. He was always friendly and talked easily. The lights were always on in the room," said Vaughan.

    Their relationship steadily grew into a close friendship, in the space of a year. Kebble took Vaughan out regularly and gave him enough money to pay for his accommodation.

    "He freely gave money and gifts, without expecting anything in return.

    "He had a soft spot for me, but there was never any jealousy," said Vaughan who travels regularly between Cape Town and Johannesburg. He works in both cities.

    Kebble would never go into a shop with him. "He gave me money for gifts, but I had to go buy it myself. Then he would walk off in another direction as if he did not know me."

    When Kebble wanted sex, he wanted variety. "Always four or more young men," said Vaughan.

    "He enjoyed sitting back and being pampered while he watched what the others were doing." And he was not "shy" to pay, said Vaughan. :D

    News24/City Press

  • @ELDO,

    ähnliches war auch woanders zu lesen.

    Das ist alles wirres Zeugs;

    so in der Art "nachts ist es kälter als draussen".

    Bis jetzt ist nichts aufgeklärt.



    Hallo Gogh

    Kebble hat 180m Rand Schulden beim Finanzamt, sein offizielles Erbgut ist aber nur 40m Rand welches er seiner Frau hinterlassen hat.
    Der Gangster Brett hat es geschafft, das Geld ist verschwunden auf immer und ewig. Wirres Zeug ????

    Kebble flogged R2.3bn shares


    Brett Kebble began the unauthorised sale of Randgold Resources shares in New York, late in 2003, continuing until all R2.3bn worth had been sold.

    He began the unauthorised sale of vast numbers of shares in the mining group Randgold Resources in New York, late in 2003.
    He continued selling until he had sold all 21.5 million shares in the mother company, Randgold & Exploration.

    It is difficult to determine the proceeds of these sales, but the shares would have fetched R2.3bn today.

    The shares could not be traced at all after Kebble's murder in September last year.

    Since then, a team of forensic auditors has been working flat out to try to determine what happened to the shares, and the proceeds of the sales.

    The transactions at that time made the share price of Randgold Resources so volatile that chief executive Dr Mark Bristow tried to trace the origin of the shares.

    He traced a stockbroker in New York who had done the transactions and, in this way, established that Kebble was selling the shares.

    No shareholders' permission

    The shares in Randgold Resources, now an independent London company but formerly a subsidiary of Randgold & Exploration, were the main asset of Randgold & Exploration, which Kebble controlled and which was listed in Johannesburg.

    At today's prices, the shares would be worth about R2.3bn, but the shareholders' permission to dispose of the assets was never obtained.

    A graph of the volume of share transactions in Randgold Resources in New York clearly shows that the shares were sold there. The share price was highly volatile for a long time.

    The Randgold shares were listed on the Nasdaq using the system of American deposit certificates.

    Most of Kebble's transactions took place in March, April and May 2004.

    Randgold Resouces has a normal trading volume on the Nasdaq of about 250 000 to 500 000 shares a day, but in those three months there were weekly volumes of more than a million shares and at times even up to 2.5 million shares a day. Die meeste van die Kebble transaksies is in Maart, April en Mei 2004 gedoen.

    All the transactions were sales offered by a well-known stockbroking firm in New York. Sake was asked not to publish the name of the firm.

    A source close to the forensic audit said: "The money was used for obscure purposes, for example to finance transactions for black empowerment. :D

    "Some of the blocks of shares were probably used as paper security for loans that Kebble couldn't repay later.

    Two recipients liquidated

    "Then the banks would have instructed that the shares be sold to redeem the debt."

    Two companies, Tuscan Mood 1224 and Paradigm Shift, into which about R34m of the money was channelled, were liquidated last week in the Rand High Court.

    Other similar companies probably will be found in the coming weeks in the attempt to trace the enormous sums of money poured into them.

    The source said: "It doesn't look good, but at least it doesn't look as though none of it will be regained."

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