Herbst der offenen Hausse (PoG 600)

  • Das PPT wird ein oder zwei Schritte zurückweichen

    und auf höherem Niveau das Spiel weiterspielen wollen.

    Da kommt noch Schröckliches für die Figaros.

    Das ist aber nicht meine Sorge. Schlimmer ist,

    daß den Masters of Universe früher oder später das Ruder abbricht.

    Dann crasht der Dow und GM sind auch nur Aktien.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://frouzins.info.free.fr/pierrecoiffeurbarbier/barbierextreme.gif]

  • Da hast du meines Achtens auch recht, Tambok. ;)
    Der Dow wird kurzfristig die GM's mit runter reissen, man sollte auf ihn aufpassen wenn die 10.000 Grenze faellt und kurzfristig aussteigen mit der haelfte vom Depo, dann wieder rein in die GM's wenn der HUI einwandfrei chart technisch wieder ansteigt.
    Bei HUI 310 gibt es wieder Gewinnmitnahmen, zumindest bei mir.

    They say, history repeats itself.

  • Grüß Dich, Hpoth,

    Die JCI wurde vom Handel an der Johannisburger Börse

    ausgesetzt, weil JCI bis zum Stichtag keine testierten

    Bilanzen eingereicht hatte.

    Was materiell dahintersteckt weiß keiner.

    Schlimmstenfalls sind die total überschuldet

    und die Geschäftsleitung hat die Aktien der

    Tochtergesellschaften veruntreut.

    Bestenfalls fand sich keine große Wirtschaftsprüfergesellschaft,

    die das Haftungsrisiko eingehen wollte, "das dunkle Afrika" zu testieren.

    Dann muß garnichts passiert sein.

    Als Gerücht wird so ziemlich alles verbreitet, was man

    sich nur ausdenken kann.



  • Randgold Exploration wurde gestern von Amex zu den Pink Sheets verfrachtet,somit dekradiert.
    Man findet sie nun auf den Stink Sheets unter den Symbol RANGY.PK.
    Die muessen erst noch die Buecher bzw.Bilanzen kochen.

    Selbst bei einer Hausse lebt man gefaehrlich wenn Hugo Chaves spricht fallen sofort die Minen in Venezuela.
    Nichts ist sicher, nur der Tod.

    Ja so kanns gehen, immer eine Ueberaschung fuer die Goldbugs.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wie man sieht, können LEO´s / Löwen abstürzen,
    wenn der Steuermann döst,oder was. ;)

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ich lege das mal hier rein, die habe echt noch was anderes offen.
    Neger machen die Bilanz.... :D

    Randgold & Exploration Company

    Limited - Media Statement

    (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
    (Registration number 1992/005642/06)
    Share code: RNG (suspended) ISIN: ZAE000008819
    Nasdaq trading symbol: RANGE
    ("Randgold" or "the Company" or "the Group")
    Randgold announces a change of Auditors and receipt of Notice of Delisting from
    The Nasdaq National Market
    The Group"s auditors, Charles Orbach & Co., have notified Randgold of their
    resignation from the audit of the Company"s financial statements as of and for
    the year ended December 31, 2004. The reason given for the resignation was that
    material financial information to conduct and complete the audit was not
    available timeously.
    KPMG Inc. has agreed to accept the appointment as auditors
    to Randgold, subject to completing certain client acceptance procedures.
    Randgold remains committed to finalising and publishing its audited results as
    of and for the year ended 31 December 2004 as soon as is practicably possible,
    and to complete and file its Form 20-F with the U.S. Securities Exchange
    Commission shortly thereafter.
    It is anticipated that the audited annual financial statements of the Group will
    reflect material differences compared to the reviewed preliminary results for
    the year-ended December 31, 2004, which were published on April 29, 2005, and as
    a consequence Randgold hereby gives notice withdrawing the previously published
    preliminary results and that such preliminary results should not be relied upon
    by investors.
    The principle changes in terms of accounting treatment relative to those
    utilised in preparing the reviewed preliminary results are as follows:
    AC110 - Investments in Associates
    This standard requires that if a company has significant influence over an
    investment it should equity account for the investment. As a result of the
    scrip lending arrangement entered into by the Group, Randgold does not currently
    believe that significant influence over Randgold Resources Limited ("RRL") can
    be demonstrated, and that the method of accounting for the investment in RRL
    should be changed to one of fair value in accordance with AC133 - Financial
    Instruments: Recognition and Measurement ("AC133"). As a consequence of applying
    AC133 on the RRL investment, the preliminary results as previously published are
    expected to be revised to show the impact of taking the change in the market
    value of RRL to equity reserves and bringing account a portion of the
    attributable income on an equity method. In the preliminary reviewed results,
    RRL was accounted for on the equity method. The Group expects that the nature
    of these changes will be material in terms of the previously reported reviewed
    preliminary results.
    A subsidiary of Randgold, Kabusha Mining and Finance (Pty) Ltd"s ("Kabusha") :D
    audited financial statements have changed significantly from those used to
    prepare the reviewed preliminary financial results published.
    The auditors of
    Kabusha are different from those of Randgold. Kabusha"s audited financial
    statements disclosed that a significant portion of its listed investments were
    disposed during the year ended 31 December 2004, whilst these were still shown
    as investments in the reviewed preliminary financial results. A further
    complication in the consolidation of the Kabusha accounts into those of
    Randgold, is the liability that was settled by JCI Ltd for the amount owing by
    Kabusha to Benoryn for the Aflease shares purchased. This amount was not
    reflected in the accounts used to compile the reviewed preliminary results.
    Listed Investments
    In terms of SA GAAP, the fair value adjustments on listed investments were
    accounted for in an equity reserve in the reviewed preliminary results and the
    diminution in value was considered as not to be permanent nature. Due to the
    continued low market price of these investments subsequent to year-end, Randgold
    expects that it will adopt a conservative approach and account for this
    diminution in the Income Statement.

    Angolan investments
    When preparing the reviewed preliminary results, the book value of the Angolan
    assets were shown at the original acquisition cost. Discount cash flow
    valuations for the concessions, some of which are early grassroots exploration
    opportunities, are not amenable to this valuation methodology, and hence
    expected that the audited financial statements will reflect an impairment of
    these assets.
    The total impact on, and the period of time to complete, the Group"s audited
    financial statements cannot be known until the audit is completed by the Group"s
    auditors, and the Company"s Audit Committee and Board complete their
    deliberation thereof. Consideration will be given to publishing unaudited
    results in the interim after consultation with JSE Limited in the light of the
    withdrawal of the previously published preliminary results.
    Randgold received notice from The Nasdaq National Market indicating that the
    Company"s securities were delisted from The Nasdaq National Market effective as
    of the opening of business on September 21, 2005 due to the Company"s failure to
    timeously file its Form 20-F for the year-ended December 31, 2004, as required
    under Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4310(c)(14).
    The delisting notice followed the Company"s filing with The Nasdaq National
    Market of a compliance plan requesting an extension of time for the Company to
    regain compliance with the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules. The Company supported its
    request for an extension at a hearing held before the Nasdaq Listing
    Qualifications Panel. The Company currently intends to appeal the delisting
    decision to the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council, however, such appeal
    will stay the delisting and there can be no assurance that any such appeal would
    be successful.
    The Company is currently examining other available trading alternatives for its
    securities in the United States, including Over-the-Counter ("OTC") trading. :D Am Flohmarkt ! :D

    21 September 2005
    Sasfin Corporate Finance
    A division of Sasfin Bank Limited
    Date: 22/09/2005 07:05:16 AM Produced by the JSE SENS Department

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Vielleicht gleich "Pink Sheet" oder gar "Black Shit"? :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • so ist das nunmal.

    Die einen sagen, daß die Randgold Resources-Anteile

    von den Kebbles verkauft wurden. Nix mehr da!

    Und die anderen sagen, es gibt soviele Anteile,

    daß als Konzern bilanziert werden muß.

    erst Offene Hausse, dann SansCulottes und zuletzt Guillotine.

  • Ich sags Euch ich habe die Schnauze so voll von Kebble's und Swanepoel, bei denen habe ich schon viel verloren. Die Typen sind fuer mich die groessten Gangster die es gibt in RSA.

    "So ist das nunmal "

    Da lege ich lieber bei Hugo Chaves an als nochmal bei denen.

    Das war teures Lehrgeld. :(


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