Golden Minerals / AUM (TSX)

  • Kein Problem!

    Das ist kein Optionsschein (die haben eine Laufzeit) , sondern ein Turbolongzertifikat.

    Wenn CDE 1% steigt, dann steigt der Schein 3,24%. Fällt natürlich auch, um diesen Wert.

    SL, kann man auch Knock-out nennen. Dort wirst Du automtisch ausgestoppt, wenn Du nicht schon vorher ein Stop gesetzt hast. Wenn also CDE auf 3,5$ fällt,dann kriegste den Rest ausgezahlt. Ist wie ein Stop-Loss. Ich würde aber vorher SL setzen, denn die 4$ muß eh halten.


  • @ELDO

    Hey, das geht nicht.....Du musst Plus machen bei SIL damit Du in den Urlaub fahren kannst.....wir alle wissen doch was in der Regel mit dem POG passiert wenn Du globetrottest..... :]



    TORONTO, ONTARIO, Feb 01, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Apogee Minerals Ltd. (CA:APE) has received additional results from the Phase II resource definition diamond drilling program at the Company's Paca Silver-Zinc Open Pit Target that have confirmed the intersection of broad zones of silver, zinc and lead mineralization on the western side of target area. Drilling is complete and Micon International have commenced resource calculation and NI43-101 Technical Report.


    The Phase II drill program was designed to follow-up and expand on broad zones of high grade mineralization previously reported in historical drilling by joint venture partner, Apex Silver Mines Limited (SIL:apex silver mines ltd ord) , and Apogee Phase I confirmatory drilling which also intersected high grade silver mineralization within broad zones of zinc and lead mineralization (see Apex Silver Press Release October 23, 2002 and Apogee Press Release July 31, 2006).

  • Was war denn das kurz vor Börsenschluss? Da wollten wohl noch ein paar rein in Apex.

    Ich denk, trotz der DERZEITIGEN politischen Stimmung wird Apex seinen Kurs machen. Wenn Apex anfängt zu produzieren, wird die Investment-Community sicher drauf anspringen. Was die in Bolivien an Steuern mehr zahlen, sparen sich die bei den Arbeitskosten. Und wenn das Ding in zwei Jahren profitabel arbeitet und Silber bei 20 Dollar steht, ist längst der nächste Präsident dran.

    Ich denke, man kann da jetzt mit einiger Absicherung nach unten zu einem optimalen Zeitpunkt einsteigen. Man braucht halt ein paar Nerven. Aber man muss ja nicht sein ganzes Geld dort reinstecken. :P


  • Die Meldung ist zwar schon etwas älter, aber bisher hier gar nicht kommentiert worden (wenn ich nicht etwas übersehen haben sollte).
    Sumitomo Corp. wird sich schon was dabei gedacht haben. Apex Silver hat dadurch genug "Pulver".

    Apex Silver Forms Strategic Alliance with Sumitomo Corporation

    08:00 EDT Monday, September 25, 2006

    DENVER, September 25 /CNW/ - Apex Silver Mines Limited (AMEX: SIL) today announced the formation of a strategic alliance with Sumitomo Corporation, a diversified international company whose business operations include major interests in mining, metal products, transportation and construction systems, finance and logistics. Under the agreement, approved by the respective Boards of Directors, Sumitomo will acquire a 35% participating interest in Apex Silver's San Cristobal open-pit silver-zinc-lead project located in southwestern Bolivia and will be granted a two-year option to earn a 35% share of certain Apex Silver exploration projects located in Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Bolivia. In exchange, Apex Silver will receive consideration consisting of:
    -- Cash amounting to $224 million
    -- Deferred silver payments consisting of 22.86% of Sumitomo's share of future payable silver production from San Cristobal (currently projected to amount to over 20 million ounces of payable metal accrued to Apex Silver) plus payments related to additional reserves and mine extensions
    -- Deferred zinc payments equal to the dollar value of 20% of Sumitomo's share of payable zinc production from San Cristobal (currently projected to amount to approximately 200,000 tonnes of payable metal subject to the payment) plus payments related to additional reserves and mine extensions, multiplied by the amount by which the London Metal Exchange price of zinc exceeds $1,800 per tonne. On September 22, 2006, zinc prices on the London Metal Exchange were quoted at $3,400 per tonne.
    -- Assumption by Sumitomo of its 35% share of: San Cristobal's project financing, ultimately to total $225 million, and San Cristobal-related derivative liabilities, which at June 30, 2006 were stated at $130 million.
    Closing of the transaction requires completion of certain procedural steps expected before the end of September 2006. Sumitomo will participate in any capital under- and over-run related to San Cristobal. Apex Silver will remain the operator of San Cristobal which is on track to begin production in the third quarter 2007.
    "We welcome Sumitomo as our strategic partner," said Jeffrey G. Clevenger, Apex Silver's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Sumitomo's proven track record of partnerships in major mining operations around the world will solidify the successful development of San Cristobal." Sumitomo's other mining partners include Newmont, Teck Cominco, Phelps Dodge, Rio Tinto and Penoles with whom the company has joint ventures in gold, silver and copper mining operations located in the U.S., Chile, Peru, Mexico, Indonesia and Australia.
    "Upon completion of the Sumitomo transaction, Apex Silver will be a stronger company. With the San Cristobal project fully financed and over $400 million in unrestricted cash and liquid investments, the company will be well positioned to make further strides in building lasting shareholder value," added Mr. Clevenger.
    "We are looking forward to a mutually beneficial strategic relationship with Apex Silver," said Mitsuhiko Yamada, Executive Officer of Sumitomo. "Our partner has a first-rate team which has advanced the development of San Cristobal in a highly professional and socially conscious manner. We are confident that Sumitomo's involvement will further strengthen the time-tested bonds that exist between the peoples of Bolivia and Japan."
    Apex Silver is a mining exploration and development company. The Ordinary shares of Apex Silver trade on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol "SIL."

  • Verstaatlichung der bolivischen Rohstoffe stockt

    Guarani-Indianern ist ihr Präsident Morales zu bürgerlich/Proteste im Süden des Landes

    Von Falk Hornuß

    Bild: Valter Campanatno/ABr

    Evo Morales, ein Aymara-Indio, ist seit einem Jahr Präsident Boliviens. Am 1. Mai 2006 verstaatlichte der Sozialist Morales die Erdgasindustrie des Landes. Er erfüllte mit diesem international umstrittenen Schritt sein Wahlversprechen gegenüber der indianischen Bevölkerung. Trotz seines Reichtums an Bodenschätzen (früher Silber und Zinn, heute Erdgas) ist Bolivien eines der ärmsten Länder Südamerikas. Vielen Indianern geht Morales Verstaatlichungskurs allerdings nicht weit genug. Deshalb gehen sie nun auf die Barrikaden.

    Im Süden Boliviens haben sich die Guarani-Indianer jetzt mit Gewerkschaftern zusammengeschlossen. Seit einer Woche protestieren sie laut der â“Jungen Weltâ“ mit Straßensperrungen für eine „žvollständige Verstaatlichung“ der Rohstoffreserven. Zudem wurde für mehrere Stunden eine Erdgasleitung unterbrochen. Die Sicherheitskräfte beendeten diese Blockade gewaltsam. Dabei gab es zehn Verletzte. Die Mitglieder des Bürgerkomitees werfen der Regierung Morales vor, den im Land operierenden Konzernen zu weit entgegengekommen zu sein.

    In Bolivien arbeiten die 12 ausländischen Konzerne mit neuen Verträgen in der Erdgas- und Erdölproduktion im Süden und Osten des Landes weiter, doch sie halten sich momentan mit Neuinvestitionen zurück. Es sind denn auch die politisch ähnlich veranlagten Regierungen der Nachbarstaaten Argentinien und Brasilien, die ihre Konzerne zwangen, auf die Forderungen von Morales bereitwillig einzugehen. Bolivien erhält nun offiziell statt 18 Prozent Anteil am geförderten Gas und Erdöl deren 82 Prozent. Doch auch schon vorher gab es Sondersteuern, die den Staatsanteil auf bis zu knapp 50 Prozent brachten.

    Den bolivianischen Bergbausektor erwarten vielleicht bald ähnliche Entwicklungen. Da drohen Konflikte mit der eigenen Basis, sind in diesem Bereich doch viele kleine Kooperativen tätig. Die Regierung will auch den ehemals staatlichen Telekommunikationskonzern Entel wieder unter ihre Kontrolle bringen. Dieser war erst 1996 privatisiert worden. Die Aussichten für Boliviens Wirtschaft sind daher momentan nur schwer zu beurteilen. Wirklich schlecht sind sie aber kaum. Doch noch fehlt dem Land hauptsächlich Industrie.

    Erschwert wird die innenpolitische Lage Boliviens durch Autonomiebestrebungen einzelner Landesteile. Dazu gab es bereits eine Volksabstimmung. In den vier östlichen reichsten Departaments des Tieflandes stimmte die eher europäisch-stämmige Bevölkerung für die Einführung einer föderalen Staatsstruktur mit regionaler Autonomie, in den fünf westlichen Departaments im indianischen Hochland (Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, Oruro, La Paz und Potosí) lehnte die Bevölkerung dagegen die Autonomiebestrebungen ab und stimmte für die Beibehaltung eines zentralistischen Staats. Die angestrebte Verfassungsreform kommt deshalb nicht voran. Denn Morales sozialistische MAS hat keine Zweidrittel-Mehrheit.

    Veröffentlicht: 7. Februar 2007

  • Feb. 8, 2007, 7:13PM
    Bolivia to Nationalize Mineral Plant

    By CARLOS VALDEZ Associated Press Writer
    © 2007 The Associated Press

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    LA PAZ, Bolivia — President Evo Morales said Thursday he would nationalize a mineral processing plant owned by the Swiss mining company Glencore International AG, the first step of his plan to take control over a larger share of Bolivia's mineral wealth.

    Morales did not state the terms under which his government would take over the Vinto plant on the outskirts of the city of Oruro, 110 miles southeast of La Paz.

    But the president said the plant would be nationalized by a decree to be issued Friday, saying there had been a lack of transparency in its financial dealings without providing details.

    "Companies that respect Bolivian laws, that do not steal money from the Bolivian people, will be respected," Morales said Thursday to community leaders in Oruro ahead of the city's Carvinal celebration next week. "But if the companies do not respect the laws, I have no other alternative than to recover those companies."

    Offices of Glencore's Bolivian affiliate Sinchi Wayra were closed Thursday evening and company officials could not immediately reached for comment.

    The announcement marks the first step in Morales' plans to nationalize Bolivia's mining industry, though how the process will continue still remains unclear.

    All of Bolivia's extensive mineral deposits are already owned by the government, which operates a handful of mines through the state mining company Comibol. The rest are mined through concessions granted by the state to independent miners' cooperatives or international companies, including Glencore and U.S.-based companies Coeur d'Alene Mines and Apex Silver Mines Ltd.

    Rising international metal prices, fed in part by demand from China, doubled the value of Bolivia's mineral exports to more than $1 billion last year from $547 million in 2005. The metals _ mostly zinc, silver, gold and tin _ together represent Bolivia's largest export after natural gas.

    Despite the sharp increase, the Bolivian government collected only $45.5 million in mining taxes last year. Morales has proposed a tax hike that aims to boost the government's take to as much as $300 million.

    Earlier this week more than 20,000 members of independent miners' cooperatives marched into the capital of La Paz to protest the tax increase, hurling dynamite and blocking traffic in the city center. Morales agreed to freeze the miners' taxes and instead direct the tax hike at larger private mining companies operating in Bolivia.

    The Vinto plant _ which refines ore containing tin, lead and silver _ has a strong symbolic value in Bolivia. After its 1996 privatization, the plant was bought by Comsur, a private mining company whose largest stockholder at the time was former Bolivian President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.

    Lozada fled Bolivia in October 2003 during riots against his administration, and is still sought by the Bolivian authorities in connection with a crackdown on the protests that left more than 60 Bolivians dead.

    Glencore bought the plant from Comsur in 2004.

  • AP
    Bolivia to Nationalize Mineral Plant
    Thursday February 8, 8:08 pm ET
    By Carlos Valdez, Associated Press Writer
    Bolivian President Evo Morales to Nationalize Swiss-Owned Mineral Processing Plant Bolivia to Nationalize Mineral Plant

    Also, die Meldung der Verstaatlichung der Glencore-Mine kam am Donnerstag raus. Da es zu keinem Kurssturz bei SIL kam, könnte das eigentlich sehr bullish stimmen. Aber es wurden IMHO auch keinen nennenswerten Umätze generiert. Kein Abverkauf, aber auch keine größere Nachfrage. Wie ist das ganze also zu interpretieren, keine Ahnung.

    Meinungen hier?


  • Bolivia says won't nationalize silver mine - Coeur
    Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:01pm ET28
    Market View

    NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters) - The head of a U.S. silver company developing a mine in Bolivia said on Wednesday he does not believe the leftist government there will nationalize foreign mining operations.

    But President Evo Morales does want foreign mining operations in his country to pay higher taxes, Dennis Wheeler, chief executive of Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. (CDE.N: Quote, Profile , Research) told Reuters.

    "I do not think there is any suggestion of wanting to nationalize any mining projects. To the contrary, I was given a specific affirmation" about Coeur's San Bartoleme silver mine in Bolivia, he said.

    Na also, wird schon wieder. Heute kräftiger Kursanstieg!!!! 8)

  • DENVER, Mar 02, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apex Silver Mines Limited (SIL:
    apex silver mines ltd ord) today reported a delay in the release of its 2006 year-end results. The company also reported that it has filed for a fifteen-day extension to file its annual report on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company has concluded that certain available market information that it did not use in calculating the fair value of its open derivative positions which the company holds as a requirement of its project financing facility, would have been a more reliable indicator of the fair value of those positions. The company will require additional time to finalize the calculation of the fair value of its metals derivative positions utilizing that additional market information. The company has determined that it will be required to restate the quarter ended September 30, 2005, the year ended December 31, 2005, and the first three quarters of 2006 to reflect the corrected fair value of its metals derivative positions and has filed a Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission reporting its intent to restate these periods.
    In addition, the company is currently assessing whether it will be required to reflect as a current liability on its December 31, 2006 balance sheet the outstanding principal and interest under the company's $225 million San Cristobal project finance facility, of which the company has drawn $200 million, and the estimated cost of settlement of the derivative positions required by the project finance facility, due to potential noncompliance with certain covenants of the project finance facility.
    The company expects to report a loss for the year ended December 31, 2006 that is significantly greater than the loss reported for the year ended December 31, 2005. The increase in its net loss for the year ended December 31, 2006 is due primarily to the company's share of the non-cash mark-to-market loss, preliminarily estimated at $670 million, related to the open metals derivative positions required by the company's project finance facility as discussed below and an approximate $43 million realized loss on the cash settlement of its discretionary metals derivative positions during the year.
    The company also reports significant progress on the development of its San Cristobal project which is now approximately 90% complete. The first sale of concentrates from San Cristobal is expected in the third quarter of 2007. In addition, the company has accelerated the evaluation of many of its more promising exploration properties and the company's board of directors has approved an increase in the exploration budget from $8.5 million in 2006 to $14.5 million for 2007 in the hopes of advancing one or more of its properties toward the development stage.

  • Oder man kann auch sagen, eine sch... Meldung! Habs mir eben nochmal genauer durchgelesen.......................

    Nachbörslich war der Tiefstkurs bei 12,11$.

    19:41 $ 12.11 300
    17:59 $ 12.32 300
    17:39 $ 12.80 200
    17:39 $ 12.80 2,800
    17:03 $ 13.25 500
    17:03 $ 13.21 100

    Wundert mich nicht!



    Apex Silver Files For 15-Day Extension For 10-K Report >SIL
    Apex Silver Mines Ltd. (SIL) plans to delay its annual report for 15 days to give it time to fully evaluate an estimated $43 million loss in the value of its open metal derivative positions.

  • DENVER, Mar 16, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apex Silver Mines Limited (SIL: apex silver mines ltd ord) today reported a further delay in the release of its 2006 year-end results. The company had previously reported in its press release dated March 2, 2007 that it had filed for a fifteen-day extension to file its annual report on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission to allow additional time for the company to determine the fair value of its metals derivative positions using certain additional market information that it had not previously considered. The determination of the fair value of the company's metals derivative positions has taken more time than initially expected and, therefore, the company will be unable to file its Form 10-K on or before the extended annual report deadline. However, the company believes that its final determination of the 2006 mark-to-market loss related to its metals derivative positions will not significantly differ from the $670 million estimate reported in its March 2, 2007 press release. As of December 31, 2006, the total liability related to the company's metals derivative position is currently estimated at $818 million. As previously reported, restatement of the company's financial statements for the quarter ended September 30, 2005, the year ended December 31, 2005, and the first three quarters of 2006 will be necessary in order to correct the previously reported valuation of the company's metal derivative positions as the company expects that the related adjustments will be material. As a result of the late filing of its Annual Report on Form 10-K the company will not be able sell securities under its existing shelf registration statements for a period of at least one year. The company has concluded that the restatement indicates its related internal control over financial reporting was ineffective as of December 31, 2006 and is taking steps to remediate this material weakness.
    The company had also previously reported in its press release dated March 2, 2007 that additional time was necessary to assess whether it would be required to reflect amounts outstanding under the company's $225 million San Cristobal project financing facility and the estimated settlement cost of its metals derivative positions as a current liability on its December 31, 2006 consolidated balance sheet, due to potential noncompliance with certain covenants of the project financing facility. The company has since received waivers and confirmations from its lenders for the potential covenant violations and any related events of default. As a result, the company will only reflect the portion of such liabilities which are payable during 2007 as current liabilities in its December 31, 2006 consolidated balance sheet. The company has evaluated the procedures and processes it had in effect to identify or prevent noncompliance with loan covenants and the results of this evaluation indicate internal control over financial reporting was ineffective resulting in a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006. The company is taking steps to remediate this material weakness.
    Apex Silver is a mining exploration and development company. The Ordinary shares of Apex Silver trade on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol "SIL."

  • Wide Zones of Silver, Zinc Mineralization

    TORONTO, ONTARIO, Mar 28, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Apogee Minerals Ltd. (CA:APE: news, chart, profile) has intercepted wide zones of significant silver-lead-zinc mineralization in recent drillholes to evaluate the near-surface, Upper Tajo Vein System (UTVS) at the historic Pulacayo Silver project. The drillholes are located approximately 4 km from the company's Paca Open Pit Resource (see Press Release dated February 19, 2007).
    Apogee Vice President Exploration, Doug Currie stated: "These results confirm the potential to define zones of significant silver, zinc, and lead mineralization substantially wider than the high-grade lode structures historically mined underground at Pulacayo. With mineralization beginning at surface in some areas, this bodes well for the definition of an open pittable mineral resource. The proximity of this mineralization to the Paca Open Pit Resource also adds the possibility of impacting potential efficiencies and being complementary to any potential development scenarios at Paca. Further drilling will be completed during Q2-2007 to enable a 43-101 Resource Estimate in 2007."
    A mineralized zone extending at least 800m in strike length has been defined by surface diamond drilling within the brecciated and stockworked upper oxidized portion of the high grade, lode-style Tajo Vein System. The Pulacayo Mine was historically mined between 1883 and 1959 to a depth of over 1000m. It produced over 600 million ounces of silver with head grade averaging 30 oz/tonne, in addition to 180,000 tonnes each of lead and zinc.

  • DENVER, Apr 03, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apex Silver Mines Limited (SIL:
    apex silver mines ltd ord ) today reported a net loss of $326.4 million or $5.58 per share for the fourth quarter 2006 and a restated net loss of $72.3 million or $1.44 per share for the same 2005 period. The loss in the fourth quarter 2006 was mainly due to the company's share of a $340.5 million unrealized mark-to-market charge related to the commodity hedge position required by the company's lenders in connection with the $225-million project financing for its 65%-owned San Cristobal open-pit silver-zinc-lead project located in southwestern Bolivia. The charge stems from the application of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS No. 133), whereby the company records all derivative instruments on the balance sheet at fair value with changes in fair value recorded each period in current earnings. As of December 31, 2006, the company had closed out all of its discretionary hedges unrelated to the project financing. The company's remaining hedge positions are solely related to the San Cristobal project finance facility. The settlement dates for the hedge positions begin in the third quarter 2007, coinciding with the anticipated first sale of production at the company's San Cristobal mine, and are substantially settled by the fourth quarter of 2011. The company's fourth quarter 2006 loss was partly offset by $7.0 million in primarily interest income earned on higher cash and investment balances. In addition, the company recorded $1.6 million of royalty income received from a joint venture property in Mexico during the quarter.
    For the year ended December 31, 2006, the company recorded a net loss of $513.5 million or $9.09 per share, primarily due to a realized loss of $42.6 million on its discretionary derivative program and the company's share of the unrealized mark-to-market derivative charge of $672.5 million related to the San Cristobal project financing offset by the third quarter $199.6 million gain on the sale of the 35% interest in San Cristobal to Sumitomo Corporation.
    The company's loss for the year ended December 31, 2006 was partly offset by $19.7 million in interest and other income consisting primarily of interest earned on higher cash and investment balances and a $2.9 million gain related to the extinguishment of convertible notes during the year. In addition, the company recorded $1.6 million of royalty income received from a joint venture property in Mexico during the year.
    At December 31, 2006, the company's aggregate cash and short and long-term investments, both restricted and unrestricted, amounted to $514.9 million. This amount included $97.2 million of cash and investments restricted to fund development of San Cristobal and outstanding corporate financial commitments. At December 31, 2006, the company had spent approximately $494 million of the projected $650 million total project cost including approximately $300 million spent in 2006.

  • 8)

    Apex Silver May Expand in Latin America After Sale to Sumitomo

    By Claudia Carpenter

    April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Apex Silver Mines Ltd., owner of San Cristobal silver and zinc mine in Bolivia, is considering expanding in Latin America to diversify its assets, Chief Executive Officer Jeff Clevenger said.

    Shares of Apex Silver tumbled 42 percent in the past year on speculation Bolivia may take control of its mining industry after President Evo Morales said he would ``nationalize'' the country's oil and natural-gas fields. The San Cristobal mine is set to start production in May or June, Clevenger said.

    ``We think we have a real advantage being in Bolivia, but investors have real concern about the country,'' Clevenger, 57, said today in an interview at a gold conference in Zurich. ``We think it is best if we can diversify.''

    Apex has tripled its exploration budget this year to $15 million, looking for metals in Argentina, Peru and Mexico, Clevenger said. The $224 million sale of a 35 percent stake in San Cristobal to Japan's Sumitomo Corp. in September left Apex with $300 million for acquisitions and exploration, he added.

    Bolivia's government has talked about nationalizing the mining industry for two years, and nothing has changed, Clevenger said.

    ``It's a rhetoric thing,'' Clevenger said. ``Evo Morales said he was going to nationalize the oil companies, and he ended up renegotiating contracts with the oil companies. None of them has left.''

    San Cristobal has about 470 million ounces of silver, 8 billion pounds of zinc and 3 billion pounds of lead contained in 231 million tons of reserves. Production next year will be about 17 million ounces of silver, 225,000 tons of zinc and 82,000 tons of lead, Clevenger said.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Claudia Carpenter in Zurich at
    Last Updated: April 18, 2007 09:03 EDT

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