New Guinea Gold Corp. WKN 914 962 CA6449021089 NGG



    4m GRADING 2.69g/t GOLD PLUS 32m GRADING 0.91g/t GOLD

    Vancouver, 7 March, 2006. Three holes were drilled

    at the Weioko Prospect, Sehulea Property and they intersected strong to

    intensely illite-sericite-quartz-pyrite altered hydrothermal breccia.

    Several narrow distinctive intervals of intense - pervasive silicification

    and saccharoidal vuggy silica were intersected in the top interval of

    WED032. Elevated gold grades appear to correlate with these zones

    and the best assay interval returned was 4m grading 2.69 g/t gold from

    8.2m to 12.20m down hole. This interval also includes 1.0m grading

    6.71 g/t gold plus 14.9 g/t silver.

    Hole WED033 intersected a broad, low grade gold zone in strong to

    intensely illite-sericite-quartz-pyrite altered hydrothermal breccia and

    returned 32m grading 0.91g/t gold from 8m to 40m down hole, with a

    maximum assay of 2.36g/t gold.

    WED034 was abandoned at 44.20m due to difficult ground conditions

    and the only significant assay result was 2m grading 2.59g/t gold from

    12m to 14m down hole, from a strongly weathered and limonite stained

    conglomerate breccia.

    The holes were drilled in late 2005 and assays have just been received.

    In the meantime, the drill has moved to the Imwauna Prospect,

    Normanby Property. An additional drill is expected to become available

    later in 2006 which will then permit resource definition drilling at Weioko to commence.

    At Weioko, approximately 34 drill holes have defined gold mineralisation

    with possible bulk grades estimated between 1g/t to 3g/t over a strike

    length of ~400m.


  • BDI hält sich ran mit Bohren.



    LONDON - 3 April 2006 - BDI Mining Corp. ("the Company")

    reports a high-grade gold intersection from drilling at its 100%-owned

    Woodlark Island Gold project in Papua New Guinea.

    Diamond drill hole BKD33 was drilled 50m to the south of BKD32, with

    the goal of testing further strike extensions to the south of the Kulumadau deposit.

    Intersections from BKD33 include

    7m @ 23.18 g/t Au from 214m to 221m downhole

    (including 3m @ 52.69 g/t Au from 214m to 217m

    downhole, and 1m @ 140 g/t Au from 215m to 216m downhole),



    @ 1.47 g/t Au from 165m to 173m downhole (including 1m @ 5.47g/t Au from 171m to 172m).

    Managing Director and CEO, Lee K. Spencer commented "the results

    from BKD33 show that the mineralisation now extends at least 150m to

    the south of the current known resource at Kulumadau. We now intend to

    in-fill drill this southern extension with the aim of adding significant

    additional ounces to the currently defined resource".

    An aggressive drilling campaign continues on Woodlark Island, where

    BDI Mining Corp is targeting a JORC compliant resource of over one

    million ounces of gold as soon as possible. Further assays from this

    drilling are expected soon


  • Gebe das hier so wieder wie vorgefunden.

    Die Company ist nichts für Weicheier;

    Ostern hin oder her.

    Man sollte ahnen was ein Vogelmensch

    in Micro- Melanesien bedeutet.

    Sicherheitshalber hab ich vor knapp 10 Jahren

    ein farbenprächtiger Exemplar aus Holz erworben.


    Quelle. SHARECAST.COM vom 18.04.06

    BDI reports incresed gold resources at Woodlark Island
    Tue 18 Apr 2006

    LONDON (SHARECAST) - BDI Mining inched higher as it said an

    updated resource assessment of its 100%-owned Woodlark Island gold

    project has resulted in an increase in resources to 880,000 ounces of

    contained gold.

    The revised JORC compliant resource estimate at the Papua New

    Guinea project is a 34% increase over resources reported in December last year.

    According to consultants Continental Resource Management in their

    assessment, potential exists for additional resources to be outlined on

    the numerous Woodlark Island deposits.

    “The recently reported southern strike extension of the Kulumadau

    mineralisation and recent exploration success immediately to the north

    and north east of Kulumadau indicate that the current resources…can

    be increased significantly with planned infill drilling,” it said.

    “CRM have also noted that increases of other known resources are

    possible by drilling along strike and at depth from them.”

    Managing director and CEO of BDI Lee Spencer said, “Management is

    extremely excited with the potential of this project, and with gold at over

    $600 per ounce, we could not have chosen a more opportune time to be

    advancing a quality asset like Woodlark Island.”

  • sehr gute Bohrergebnisse beim Imwauna Projekt:

    Dieses Projekt gehört in diesem Jahr zu den zwei wichtigsten Projekten, die untersucht werden. Eine ähnliche Mine in der Nähe hat ca. 5 Mio. Unzen Gold.

    Bei diesem Projekt wird mit der eigenen Mannschaft kontinuierlich weitergebohrt, so dass in den kommenden Wochen mit weiteren Meldungen zu rechnen ist. Es soll spätestens Ende des Jahres eine 43-101 bestätigte Reserven-/Ressourcenbewertung geben.

  • auf halbem Weg zwischen FfM-Sachsenhausen und dem Flughafen.

    Der glaubt, dass die unterlegene Mannschaft in einem

    Erdofen beim Wäldchesfest gegrillt wird.

    NGG hatte ich mit gut 100% verkauft.

    Es gibt gute Gründe in NGG wieder zu investieren.

    Nur was jetzt berichtet worden ist -"bombshell"

    und gute Reserven auf Nachbarinseln-

    gehört in die Abt. Propaganda.

    BMG.L = BDI Mining hat sich erstaunlich gut gehalten.

    Die spülen mit dem Gartenschlauch Diamanten aus.

    Mit dem Erlös wird eine GM errichtet.



  • New Guinea Gold Corporation: Sinivit Gold Project Development Update
    Tuesday June 20, 2:44 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 20, 2006 -- Investor Update Conference Call, June 22, 2006 - 8:30am PT/11:30 am ET
    Wayne Johnston, VP Operations, New Guinea Gold Corporation, (TSX VENTURE:NGG.V - News) has reported recent significant progress in the construction of the Sinivit gold project. The heavy rains, which had caused delays, eased towards the end of May allowing the full use of all heavy equipment (two bulldozers and two excavators) for the first time this year. Construction of the northern access road and the heavy equipment workshop area is nearing completion. Earthworks were commenced for the vat water diversion channel, processing plant site, cyanide and lime storage areas and the general maintenance workshop. This work is 90% complete.

    Jim Farley, an experienced builder and engineer, arrived on site on 9th June to take up his appointment as Site Executive and building construction works will gain additional momentum. The 25 man camp, which is in addition to the existing accommodation, will be completed by the end of July, trusses for the heavy equipment workshop roof are being fabricated in timber from the portable sawmill, and construction of the additional outbuildings for the existing main camp is 80% complete. The front gate, equipment staging area, has been prepared for fencing and building construction.

    The mine area has been surveyed, and earthworks for the crushing plant site and Vat construction has commenced. Pre-stripping will start once the survey data has been reviewed.

    The crusher screen unit dispatched from Ireland is due to arrive in Lae, PNG, on 30 June having been off-loaded in Honiara, Solomon Islands, along with all other Lae bound cargo, due to congestion in the Lae port. Mobilization of the mining equipment by chartered barge from Lae is now scheduled around delivery of the crusher screen and should take place in the first week of July.

    Fabrication of the gold processing plant is now complete and it is being prepared for immediate dispatch from Brisbane. The two 100kw Generators have arrived in Rabaul and preparation for their installation is under way. Fabrication of the drill and blast rig is well advanced and is expected to be completed by mid July.

    "We're pleased to report that, with the improving weather in Papua New Guinea, Sinivit is on track for completion in the third quarter," said Bob McNeil, Chairman and CEO. "We look forward to reporting on Sinivit, and our other key projects at the AGM and the presentation/reception in Vancouver on June 21, and the following day in our conference call."

    To join the call, dial: 416-695-5259 or 800-769-8320 five minutes before start time, 8:30 am PT/11:30 am ET, Thursday June 22. Replay available to June 29: 416-695-5275 or 888-509-0081 pass code 626260.

    The AGM is being held at 11:00 am, June 21 at Computershare Trust Company, 3rd Floor Boardroom, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B9.

    The Investor Presentation and Reception is being held after the AGM at 1:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, (formerly the Georgia Hotel) corner of Georgia & Granville, Vancouver in the Queen Anne Room.



    Robert D. McNeil, Chairman & CEO

  • BDI sind die, die mit dem Gartenschlauch durch

    den Regenwald laufen und ordentlich Diamanten ausspülen


    Quelle vom 25.07.06 abr

    BDI Mining Corp announced further "significant" results from recent
    drilling at its Woodlark Island gold project in Papua New Guinea.

    Two new drill holes at the 100 pct owned project have confirmed the

    existence of "significant gold mineralisation" away from deeper, high-

    grade holes, which demonstrates continuity, the mining company said.

    BDI added it is shortly to revise its current resource estimate of 880,000

    ounces of gold at the Woodlark Island project, to include drilling up to June 30, 2006.

    BDI, which focuses on mining in the Asia-Pacific region,

    also owns the Cempaka alluvial diamond mine in Indonesia.
    ================================================ abr

  • 7/26/2006 2:18:26 PM ET News Release Index

    Exploration Update on Mt Penck, Mt Nakru, Fergusson Island, Yup River, Bismarck Papua New Guinea



    July 26, 2006 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) – announces that its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation (“NGG”), manager of the projects owned by Kanon Resources Ltd. (“Kanon”) in Papua New Guinea, has provided an update on the Mt. Penck project and four other jointly owned projects in Papua New Guinea.

    Mt. Penck (40% Vangold)

    The Mt Penck evaluation program which has been beset by rain delays since it was re-activated earlier this year is now proceeding at a fast pace. A second drill was recently mobilized to site and it is expected that the two rigs both of which are currently drilling, will continue operating for at least a further three months. At that time it may be necessary to move the second drill to another project. However, the first drill will continue to drill at Mt. Penck until the evaluation program is completed. Vangold beneficially owns 50% of the first drill, and NGG beneficially owns the remaining 50%.

    The initial 239 core samples and 61 trench channel samples were sent from site on June 27th and arrived in Lae where sample preparation (crushed/split/pulverised) was completed. On July 12th these samples were sent to the assay laboratory in Jakarta. The samples were received by the laboratory and accordingly results are expected in the very near future.

    In the current program 8 holes for approximately 1,000m have been completed or are in progress, with initial holes targeting geological concepts. Both drills are now focussing on defining a resource at the Kavola South prospect at Mt Penck, with holes being drilled to 100m depth on a nominal 25 to 50m grid (depending on topography and access).

    The delays in this program have been largely weather related with Papua New Guinea experiencing the worst wet season in many years. Although the weather is still un-seasonally wet, drilling is now proceeding satisfactorily.

    Mt Nakru (25% Vangold)

    Assessment of data was undertaken and drill targets defined for action in the last quarter of 2006, subject to drill availability. Mt Nakru is owned 25% Vangold.

    Fergusson (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical program was completed at Igwageta and an assessment of the results is currently underway. A report should be available in the near future.

    Yup River (50% Vangold)

    A broad soil geochemical program will commence in August to attempt to define drill targets at the Dauri Prospect, referred to in earlier press releases.

    Bismarck (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical soil program is planned for the last quarter of 2006 to attempt to extend the 300m long gold zone defined earlier this year (see Press Release dated 1st March 2006).

    The technical data in this release was prepared by or under the supervision of Robert D. McNeil, CEO of New Guinea Gold Corporation. Mr. McNeil has an MSc. in Geology, 44 years mining industry experience, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and meets the requirements of NI 43-101 for a qualified person.

    Vangold is a diversified natural resource company with a portfolio of 29 diverse advanced stage projects including revenue generating oil and gas projects.

    In addition to the above projects in PNG a program is also planned for 2006 at the Feni Islands (50% Vangold). In Uganda, Vangold recently announced an acquisition of 90% of seven rare metal mines through its subsidiary Horn Rare Metals Ltd. Vangold also has licenses covering over 60 sq km in the prospective Kilembe copper/cobalt belt, licenses covering over 300 sq km in the Kilo Moto region and licenses covering over 287 sq kms in the Kafunzo area. The Ugandan government is currently spending US$42 million of airborne geophysics in the area of Vangold’s licenses.

    Vangold’s oil and gas drilling programs in Alberta, Canada, include the Killam North oil field. Vangold is currently planning high impact gas well drilling on three other projects this summer. As a result of Vangold’s oil and gas investments, Vangold has reported its 2006 first quarter revenues was $948,764, an increase of 875% over the same period for 2005. Vangold is continuing to expand its oil and gas interests globally.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

  • "barfuss im Regenwald" wurde als zu anstoessig aus

    der Threadueberschrift geloescht.

    Dafuer entwickelt sich der Kurs der BDI ordentlich

    BMG.London. Die Company geht mit dem

    Gartenschlauch in den Regenwald der Philippines und schwemmt

    Diamanten aus. Die werden in Antwerpen verkauft als Original-Barfuss_Brillanten.

    Man kann nicht alles haben
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

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