Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • @eldo,
    :D :D
    die tun so als, wenn sie was verloren hätten.

    Value, edel,
    das zeugt doch von eurer hervorragenden Aktienauswahl.
    Nur die Besten werden übernommen... :D

    am Schnitt. entweder noch mehr runter, oder rauf.
    Ich hab jedenfalls gestern Impact aufgestockt.
    Das Dreieck ist komplett.
    EDG mit der beteiligung an IPT. IPT selber jetzt in vernünftiger Anzahl.
    und natürlich kleiner: Yale YLL.V als JV von Impact und auch Exmin EXM.V.

    Außerdem hab ich erste Position in Bandera gold gekauft.
    Man soll sich da nicht schrecken lassen vom kursverlauf des Vorjahres unter dem Motto: das Schönste schon verpasst.
    IMO kommt das noch.

    Da hat im übrigen noch kein Insider etwas verkauft. Sagt auch was.
    43-101 ist komplett.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Bei allem Gejaule über den vieleicht verlorenen Groschen aber die Taler gesichert. :] :

    Der Ordnung halber - mein Depot

    Impact hat einen sehr spannenden Chart, bin da auch mittelprächtig drin.
    Dein Nachkauf könnte gut getimed sein.

    Du gräbst öfter was Seltenes aus: Was spricht für Bandera(s)?

    Btw: Sabina / SBB fast ehrfurchterheischend. :)
    Auch Esperanza / EPZ auf ATH.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel, value,
    ich versteh schon euren Ärger. Ich schimpf bei solchen Gelegenheiten ja immer am lautesten.
    Kommentar bezog sich mehr auf eldo (Bildchen), war witzig gemeint.
    Na ja...
    Ich verkauf auch immer sofort seit Wheaton.
    Diesmal hätt ich vielleicht noch ein bisserl gewartet, ein paar wochen.
    Zinifex anschauen.

    Impact: ich glaub auch, dass der Zeitpunkt nicht schlecht ist.
    Ich hab mir den Satz gemerkt in dem Artikel von Moriarty:
    "I've never seen so much silver in my life. They will be mining there for another 400 years".

    Warum Bandera?
    Die wollt ich ja schon länger (siehe Seite 1).
    Management verkauft nichts, obwohl sie schon stark im Geld sind.

    Weiters kannst du dir auf der Homepage das letzte PP anschauen.

    Haben verschiedene Mineralstrukturen und wollen sie durch verschiedene Mills bedienen.

    Da liegt sehr viel auf Halde vom Vorgänger.

    Der Wert wird kaum gehandelt, weil auch ziemlich unbekannt.

    Das beste Argument ist 43-101 und das 2. Peojekt, das man shareschonend aufbauen kann, da ja dann schon cash flow generiert wird.

    Weiter fragen an Kelvin Williams.... :D

    Bandera Gold Ltd.: Revised Summary of NI 43-101 Report
    Friday February 2, 3:38 pm ET

    EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 2, 2007) - Bandera Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BGL - News) -
    (Clarification) Some highlights of the NI 43-101 Technical Report completed on December 11, 2006, and filed with the TSX Venture Exchange, in addition to selected information regarding our anticipated work schedule for the next six months to a year, are as follows:

    1. The chronological history of the Cinco Minas and area mines illustrates the vast potential of this overall mining area to support economical mining activities today and in the future. Bandera Gold Ltd., together with our joint venture partner Minera San Jorge (MSJ), is making considerable positive strides to make this happen. The company cautions that a feasibility study has not been completed and there is no certainty that the Company's proposed operations will be economically viable.

    2. New low level aerial photography and GPS controlled survey work will be undertaken during the early spring of 2007 when vegetative cover is at a minimum in order to proceed with field exploration and mapping of known mineralized deposits in the El Abra and El Abrita areas of the Cinco Minas property. This will allow for new three dimensional mapping to be completed in order to be able to prepare a thorough block model of the fault structure and related cross structures.

    3. Test production of high grade materials (old tailings dump material and other materials obtained from small high grade deposits on the Cinco Minas property) will be commenced between late February and early March when construction of the 60 tonne/day mill has been completed. There is sufficient high grade material within the old dumps (greater than 6000 tonnes selectively determined) to run the mill for at least 100 days. Assays taken indicate an average grade of 3.44 g/t (0.100 oz/st) Au and 333.02 g/t (9.71 oz/st) Ag (see Appendix 1).

    4. Additional high grade feed for the mill will come from the Destajos and Trinidad level adits as well as other high grade areas which have been and are being identified. This high grade material will be blended with lower grade materials from Cerro Colorado and/or additional old tailings dump materials. It is expected that sufficient volumes of high grade material will be available to run the 60 tonne/day mill in a testing mode for at least an additional year and that these will provide sufficient feed for the 250 tonne/day mill (to be constructed later this year) for at least as long. Sampling in the San Diego Cross area of the Destajos level produced an average grade across 6.3m of 4.0 g/t (0.117 oz/st) Au and 458 g/t (13.36 oz/st) Ag (see report at page 1). Disclosures of gross value in the January 31 news release are hereby retracted.

    5. Bulk sampling has been completed at the crest of Cerro Colorado and this lower grade material will be used in a test heap leach operation with the objective of expanding the heap leach pad to at least 500,000 tonnes over the next six months to a year. An agreement has been reached with the local council to develop an area of approximately 244,750 square meters (24.5 hectares) for use in the test heap leach operation (see page 27). It is expected that the pad will be ready for initial heap leach testing by late summer or fall of 2007.

    6. The mineral resource volumes have increased significantly for the inferred resource category to 4.80 million tonnes from 0.40 million tonnes, a twelve-fold increase (see Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates at page 81). The following table summarizes both indicated and inferred resource information as per our technical report:

    Ag Avg. Avg.
    cut Grade Grade Ounces Ounces
    Resource off Tonnes Ag Au Ag Au
    Location Category (g/t) (millions) (g/t) (g/t) (millions) (thousands)
    Minas Indicated 30 2.27 171.9 1.22 12.50 89.1
    Minas Inferred 30 0.40 137.9 1.07 1.80 13.8
    Cohete Inferred 30 2.50 64.1 1.09 4.63 79.2
    Colorado Inferred 30 1.30 64.1 1.09 2.50 42.8
    San Juan/
    Coral Inferred 30 0.60 97.9 0.56 1.90 10.8
    TOTALS Inferred 30 4.80 74.5 1.02 10.42 142.8
    TOTALS Indicated 30 2.27 171.9 1.22 12.50 89.1

    7. To date, references from older reports have indicated that only 20% of the known main Cinco Minas vein system has been tested. Bandera intends to continue field work begun in 2006 to identify new sources of mineralized sections. It is expected that this work will considerably enhance the reported mineral resource volumes given in this technical report.

    The technical information contained in this news release was collected, compiled and reviewed by Richard Munroe, B.Sc., FGAC, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101.

    Bandera Gold Ltd. is a Junior Canadian Exploration Company whose corporate strategy is to build shareholder value by finding and developing overlooked and undervalued mineral properties in North America and South America. By partnering with an experienced mining and mineral exploration entity, the Company's core focus will be the continued exploration and advancement of the Cinco Minas property in Mexico to production, exploration of the Gran Cabrera property in Mexico and the exploration of the Belmira property in Colombia.

    On behalf of the Board

    Kelvin Williams, CEO

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Schon klar! Wirklich erregen uns besser andere Dinge. :D

    Zinifex ist nicht verkehrt, mag da aber eher :
    Ein paar Riesen,der Rest Zwergerl im Depot. :]

    BGL scheint wirklich ein interessanter Zwerg zu sein.
    Mal gucken, wie der sich erholt.

    Bei IPT warte ich noch etwas, habe aber NDM zugekauft.
    Guck mal deren enorme Resourcen an!!
    Northern Dynasty

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Also noch jemand, der die letzten paar % übrig läßt. :]

    Aber äusserst seltsame Duplizitäten:
    Hatte heute gleich 30 % der Sabina verkauft !! Gewinn: jaa 8).

    Die Premier Gold / PG mag ich wegen ihrer Deposits Red Lake.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @eldo,
    warum PG? Die meisten "Wölfe" wandern zu PG.

    Sehr interessanter artikel:
    am besten über link lesen, da er überreich unterverlinkt ist.

    Die darin lang besprochene EXM.V, hier schon oft erwähnt, geht mir noch ab in der Sammlung mex. Minen. Dann reicht´s mal.
    Dann kommt Idaho! :D
    Junior Mining Companies: Other Peoples MoneyTuesday February 20, 8:22 am ET

    Trey Wasser (III-D Capital) submits: When I evaluate junior (exploration stage) mining companies I tend to like to those with strong partners who are footing a large portion of exploration and development expense. There are now hundreds of junior companies, throughout the world, doing extensive drilling. It is really getting difficult, and time consuming, to look at every project. I am generally attracted to the companies who have partnerships, earn-ins and drilling agreements with major mining companies. While this is never a guarantee of success, it generally does pave the way for development if a project proves to be economical. It also means substantially less dilution when drilling and studies are completed with OPM (others people’s money).

    The majors are getting very selective in the partners and projects they choose. Most have an attractive portfolio of in-house projects. They are looking for large deposits and are willing to spend the money to find them. They have large staffs of seasoned geologist and engineers. They have access to the drilling rigs, equipment and labor. They have the experience of mine development, construction and operation that most juniors lack. They have valuable political and industry relationships in foreign countries. And most importantly, they have access to the capital needed to develop a mine.

    This is not to say that the majors have a lock on all the best projects. It is also not to say that a junior company can’t bring a mine into production on their own or with another junior partner. But when a major company is willing to fund drilling, managed by the junior partner, it speaks volumes about the junior’s management and engineering staff. The majors review many project before they commit the first drilling dollar. They are only interested in projects that can potentially have a serious impact on their production and reserves. When a major mining company is willing to move a project towards the feasibility level, it often means, “there is more here than meets the eye”.

    Most of the major North American precious metal names do not need any introduction. These include Newmont (NYSE: NEM - News), Barrick (NYSE: ABX - News), Goldcorp (NYSE: GG - News) and Kinross (NYSE: KGC - News). In base metals, international companies like BHP Billiton, (NYSE: BHP - News), Rio Tinto (RTO) and Xstrata [XTA:LSE] are also known entities. But, in Latin America, there are a few names that readers may not be familiar with.

    Penoles is a Mexican company and is the world’s largest silver producer. They have been listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange since 1968. They have been mining in Mexico since 1887. They boast the worlds richest silver mine, Mexico’s richest gold mine, Mexico’s largest gold mine, Mexico’s largest zinc mine and Mexico’s largest lead mine. By the way, these are all separate mines. They also operate the world’s fourth largest refining complex. They have their own exploration company and their own construction company. They own most of their existing mines 100%. The companies that have been lucky enough to partner with Penoles have had extraordinary success. These include Mag Silver [MAG:CVE]) with their potentially monstrous silver deposit next to Penoles’ Fresnillo Mine, the world’s richest silver deposit.

    Hochschild [HOC:LSE] is a Peruvian company and has been doing underground mining in Latin America for over 47 years. They are the world’s fourth largest silver producer. They have considerable experience in identifying, developing and mining large epithermal vein deposits. Hochschild currently operates three mines in Peru. They did an IPO on the London Stock Exchange last year. They have over $500MM in cash and are very profitable.

    Votorantim is a Brazilian natural resource company with interests in metals, energy, chemicals, paper and agriculture. They are the leading Latin America producer of zinc and electrolytic nickel in Latin America. They currently operate two zinc mines in Brazil and are expanding into Peru. Votorantim has been in business 87 years and also operates a large finance and trading subsidiary.

    Here a few companies that I follow with excellent projects and attractive partnerships with major companies.

    Solitario Resources (AMEX: XPL - News) was spun off from Crown Resources (in 2004) before Kinross (NYSE: KGC - News) acquired Crown in a problematic transaction that finally closed in 2006. The spin-off left XPL with all of Crown’s exploration portfolio, a seasoned management team and 1.8 million shares of KGC. Solitario has a strategic partnership with Newmont (NYSE: NEM - News) to explore properties in Newmont’s South American portfolio. They are also joint-ventured with Newmont on their Pachuca Real property in Mexico and hold a net smelter royalty on 61,000 hectares just north of the Yanacocha Mine, South America’s largest gold mine. Newmont is currently drilling this property. Solitario also has a promising zinc property in Peru, partnered with Votorantim, a platinum project partnered with AngloPlatinum and a 100% owned gold project in Brazil. Newmont owns 9.9% of XPL.

    Minera Andes will begin gold and silver production this year from their San Jose Mine in Argentina. Hochschild is their 51% partner and will operate the mine. Initial production is projected to be 60,000 ounces of gold and 3.2MM ounces of silver annually. However, only 5% of the property has been explored and they have discovered a new vein with bonanza grade gold and silver. The partners are already evaluating doubling the size of the mill. MNEAF is also partnered with Xstrata on a very promising copper discovery, Los Azules. Rob McEwen of US Gold (AMEX: UXG - News) compares the geology at San Jose to that of Nevada. He owns 30% of MNEAF.

    Endeavour Silver (AMEX: EXK - News) is another one of those fortunate companies partnered with Penoles in Mexico. Their strategic alliance allows them access to Penoles’ Mexican property portfolio. This partnership was significant in consolidating the Guanacevi district, where EXK will produce over 3MM ounces of silver this year. Penoles holds 5% of EXK.

    Metallica Resources (AMEX: MRB - News) has a “free ride” on their 30% of the El Campo project in Chile. Their partner is Xstrata, who must produce a feasibility study by September of this year to earn their 70%. Then they must finance 70% of MRB’s capital costs, if requested. Measured and indicated reserves at El Morro doubled in November 2006 to 6.38 billion pounds of copper and 8.22 million ounces of gold. This is one of the top three developments (.pdf) in Chile and will undoubtedly be developed.

    MRB also has a gold/silver mine in Mexico that will begin producing ore next month. The Cerro San Pedro Mine was internally financed and production of 115,000 GOE is unhedged. Xstrata owns 8% of MRB.

    The last company I am going to highlight in this report is Exmin Resources [EXM.CVE]. I recently discovered Exmin while researching junior exploration companies that will be moving to production for my report Gold Stock Earnings to Shine in 2007.
    EXM haas consolidated over 520,000 hectares (1.2MM acres) representing 11 district-sized projects in the Sierra Madre Occidental. This may be the largest land package of any North American mining company in Mexico.

    The VP of Exploration for EXM is Dr Craig Gibson. Dr. Gibson has extensive experience in the Sierra Madre gold/silver districts. His team was responsible for discovering and developing the Delores Mine currently being constructed by Minefinders (AMEX: MFN - News). He has been consulting with Penoles for many years, worked for Hochschild in Peru and Echo Bay in Mexico.

    Since quietly putting this huge land package together, Exmin has been able to attract some very strong partners.

    In February 2006 they signed a JV agreement (.pdf) with Penoles on their Maguarichic District project. The District is about 40,000 hectares and will test the same vein system as the historic Patria Mine (.pdf). Penoles was required to drill 2000 meters in 2006, they drilled over 5000 meters and results are due out anytime. Again, Penoles is very selective when it comes to joint venture projects.

    In July 2006, they signed a JV agreement with Hochschild on 73,000 hectares in the Moris district (.pdf) next to Gammon Lake’s (AMEX: GRS - News) Ocampo Mine. At the same time the JV signed a purchase agreement for the Santa Maria de Moris mine and mill, which also added another 7000 hectares. Hochschild did six months of due diligence (.pdf) before closing the Santa Maria mine purchase in December. Exmin’s 30% share of the purchase price was financed by a private placement (.pdf) of 2.9MM shares to Hochschild. The mine will be brought back on line this year and operated by Hochschild. It should produce about 60,000 GOE in 2008. Hochschild will continue to drill the under-explored district to earn their 70%, expand reserves and increase production. This mine plan is very much like their “boot-strap” San Jose development with MNEAF. This is Hochschild’s first project in Mexico.

    Cash flow to EXM from the Moris Mine will be used on their 100% owned projects (.pdf) like the Reyna de Oro (.pdf) project just a few kilometers from Goldcorp’s El Sauzal Mine.

    Exmin has secured one more JV partnership to date, albeit with another junior company. In September 2006 they signed a deal with Yale Resources [YLL.CVE] on the Urique District (.pdf). This is 28,000 hectares right in the middle of several major projects. Yale will fund 2007 drilling, managed by Exmin under the guidance of Dr. Gibson. Also of note, Yale has a very interesting project with Impact Silver in the Zacatecus Region, not far from Fresnillo. Besides YLL’s drilling expenditures on Urique, EXM receives 1.5MM shares of Yale Resources.

    Exmin holds 100% of the Batopilas Project. This is 195 square miles that completely surrounds Mag Silver’s Batopilas Development (35 square miles) that has historically produced over 250MM ounces of silver.

    The sheer size of the Exmin holdings is very impressive. To put these into perspective, the entire Ocampo District is about 7000 hectares and Minefinder’s (AMEX: MFN - News) holdings at the Delores Mine are 1920 hectares. But Exmin’s holdings are not just large. They are in the heart of the most productive Sierra Madre activity. They have the right topography and geology. Dr. Gibson has previously evaluated many of these projects while working for Echo Bay and Minefinders. With their extensive property portfolio, I expect that Exmin will attract even more partners in 2007.

    Exmin has about 68MM shares outstanding, giving it a market cap of about $38MM. They have 4MM warrants at C$.60 that expire this week. They have another 4MM (at C$.60) that expire in April. The stock has been under pressure from the February warrants. But with huge Mexican holdings, strong partners, a producing mine, lots of pending drilling results and equity from warrant exercises, Exmin Resources is my current “best buy” for 2007.

    The author is long GRS, MFN, MNEAF, EXM and has no positions in any other stocks mentioned in this report.
    Related Articles
    Read more articles by Trey Wasser
    Read more on the symbols EXK, MNEAF.OB, MRB, XPL
    Subscribe to email alerts about EXK, MNEAF.OB, Metallica Resources Inc. (MRB), XPL and Gold Stocks
    Read more on the themes Mining, Metal Miners

  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko

    Nun noch eine Liste anderer:
    SNS.V USA.V AUU.V TBLC.OB ASLM.PK ILDM.PK SBUM.PK SF.V MERG.PK HSCM.PK HTRC.PK SIBM.OB MEMLA.PK SLSR.PK HRNS.PK SSMR.PK (hier handelt es sich um den Mantel der alten Sterling! :D)

    Hi Tschonko,

    habe Deine Neuanhänge bisher nicht gesehen, na, das ist doch eine gute Idee, ein paar davon im Silberminenthread zu verankern.
    Ich kram noch nach weiteren, falls erwünscht.

    Zu SIBM kann ich noch wenig sagen, die Gebiete scheinen teils auch im Bunker Hill Superfund Site Gelände zu liegen.
    Der andere Teil vollkommen ausserhalb des Valley, im Westen.

    Zu SSMR zitiere ich einfach mal

    Also, in den Apfel beiss ich nicht, da schau ich lieber noch, was Silverado Gold macht (d'Leut verarschn halt).
    Aber, wer weiss, ich kenne eine Info-Seite die auch neulich "lanciert" hat, das permit für MGN sei schon durch, vielleicht hätten die ja auch eine Verwendung für diese Firma, - denen fällt da sicher eine super Promotion Aktion dazu ein! :D 8) :P


  • gutso,
    um Himmels willen, das sollte doch keine Empfehlung sein.
    Fettes grinsen hinten. Das ist halt die alte Sunshine, die immer noch gehandelt wird.
    Vergiss es!
    Zum Schluss kauft der eldo die noch aus Versehen! :D

    Hast ne mail!

    Noch ein interessanter Artikel, wiederum von Watson, der Companies im Verhältnis zum realen Silber analysierte. Hab´s hier reingestellt.
    Wiederum gute Charts.

    Leveraging the Price of Silver
    Monday January 22, 3:20 am ET


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Nicht schlecht! :D Obwohl, sind ja eigentlich Blutsauger...

    2006 HIGHLIGHTS (12 Months)

    Net earnings of US$85.2 million (US$0.40 per share) from the sale of 13.5 million ounces of silver, compared to US$25.3 million (US$0.15 per share) from the sale of 9.7 million ounces of silver in 2005.

    Operating cash flows of US$104.7 million (US$0.50 per share), compared to US$30.0 million (US$0.18 per share) in 2005.

    Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2006 of US$60.0 million (December 31, 2005 - US$117.7 million).

    With 2006 investments in silver purchase contracts totalling US$421 million, Silver Wheaton increased silver ounces sold by almost 40% compared with the previous year, and expects silver sales to increase a further 48%, to 20 million ounces, by 2009 without any further capital expenditures, and assuming no further acquisitions.

    The Company began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SLW.

    The Company entered into an agreement with Goldcorp, whereby Silver Wheaton received a right of first refusal on future silver purchase contracts relating to the Peñasquito Project in Mexico.

    Silver Wheaton invested US$50.8 million to acquire significant ownership positions in publicly traded companies owning substantial undeveloped silver resources.


    Net earnings of US$23.8 million (US$0.11 per share) from the sale of 3.5 million ounces of silver, compared to US$7.0 million (US$0.04 per share) from the sale of 2.2 million ounces of silver in 2005.

    Operating cash flows of US$29.8 million (US$0.14 per share), compared to US$7.7 million (US$0.05 per share) in 2005.

    Silver Wheaton increased its interest in Revett Minerals Inc. to approximately 17.2%, becoming the largest shareholder. Revett owns and operates the Troy Mine in Montana and is developing the Rock Creek copper-silver project.

    The Company acquired a 14.1% interest in Sabina Silver Corp. and a right of first refusal on any future silver stream sales from their existing projects, including the Hackett River zinc-silver project in Nunavut, Canada.

    VG heron

  • Brav, brav, brav! Timing war perfekt! :D
    Wird Don Hanson auch bald nachschießen.

    "Mexico Mike" (alias coach247) am 21.2.07: Bericht zum Besuch der Impact Minen

    I was invited to visit the Royal Mines of Zacualpan project as a guest of Impact Silver last week. I have owned shares in this company for more than 2 years, and been very happy with the progress they have achieved. However, it was still very interesting for me to witness the operation in person, and compare it against many other mines that I have been to visit in Mexico. I was bullish on the company before I went to see it, and I am very much more so now. I plan to submit several reports over the next few days, since there is so much to comment on that it will take a while to share it all. This is the first installment...

    The mines are located about 3 and a half hours southwest of Mexico City, near the border with Gurrerro State. The entire trip to the town of Zacualpan is on paved roads, and the road access throughout the property area controlled by IPT is very good, with some paved road and some gravel road. Zacualpan is located centrally on the property holdings, and the town is literally surrounded by historic mine workings. Impact is the largest employer in the town and has gone to great lengths to maintain a positive relationship with the community, including hiring a full time PR person. The town supports mining, and the mines support the town, which is an ideal scenario.

    The key to understanding the opportunity for IPT shareholders is to realize that they acquired a first class project at a time of duress for the vendor, when silver prices were below $6, and the mines had been allowed to lapse into lower productivity due to a lack of operating capital. This means IPT won the project at distressed prices. There is exceptional development work that has been completed, and an outstanding workforce, on which a value cannot be computed. The upside potential for this deal is limited only by the vision and competence of the new operator, and IPT has already demonstrated that they have plenty of both.

    The injection of new capital and strong leadership is rapidly transforming the entire project into a model mining operation and a textbook example of how a company should be run. There are no efforts to cut corners to save money today at the cost of efficiency tomorrow. Morale among the workers is exceptionaly high, and new employees are being hired and trained. A process to upgrade the infrastructure and refurbish the equipment is already paying dividends.

    The operating mines are just a few minutes from town. Hydroelectric power is readily available to most of the property. Water is abundant and the town itself relies on water pumped out of abandoned mines. All buildings and infrastructure are well maintained and appear to be in excellent condition.

    The currently operating Guadalupe Mine is just steps from the main mine office. This is a former Penoles project, and hence it is modern and well designed. The equipment for the hoist and main shaft is all refurbished and capable of serving a larger production capacity if the company chooses to expand the scope of operations. What is most impressive about this mine is that well over 100 kilometers of workings and tunnels have already been developed through many levels down to the 195 meter depth (about the depth of a 60 story building).

    The main vein system is the Lipton vein, which extends for many kilometers across the entire property and has been accessed in several other mines. This vein is mainly a narrow, higher grade structure with common grades of several hundred grams silver per tonne, hosted in sulphide ores along with lead, zinc and some gold. The vein typically averages a couple of meters width but occasionaly swells to several meters and occasionaly runs to much higher grades.

    There are other important and productive veins in this mine, including the Liptonia, the Intermediate, and the Paulina veins. Ore is transported from stopes by low-slung trucks to the main shaft where it is hoisted to the surface.

    A number of other veins run to the northwest from the north-south trending main veins and where the veins intersect, wide zones of stockwork ore are found across intervals up to 15m. These zones are lower grade but yield a high tonnage of production and can be mined at surprisingly low cash costs for a small underground operation.

    As the Guadalupe is mined to lower depths, it is expected that the silver rich ore will transition to more of a base metal rich deposit, as is common with other epithermal vein systems in Mexico. However, at a number of locations elsewhere on the property, the company has encountered enriched grades of gold and copper at depth, leading to speculation that the entire silver district could be underlain by a gold-copper district. At the current time the company is focused on expanding underground development to open new access points of silver rich ore and expand the operation further along the vein system, but at some point in the future management plans to test the potential at depth.

    A short drive from the Guadalupe Mine, the Salvadora Mine is now in production. This was an old mine that had been out of production when IPT took over the property, but exploration work from the project geologists identified some new high grade veins near the portal to the mine including the Salvadora Vein which was identified in a news release on January 25th, 2007 (this can be found on the company website). Grades of up to 20 ounces silver were encountered across a 2m width, and much higher grades reported over narrower intervals. However, the main vein system here is again the prolific Lipton Vein, but development work has now opened new stopes accessing several other veins, one of which was only discovered a couple of days before my visit. The geologist that I spoke with confirmed that the same potential for larger stockwork zones may exist at the intersection of converging veins along the strike length of the system, and very little work has been done to depth in this mine. This underscores the high potential for the entire project, and Salvadora is just one of more than a dozen older mine workings that very likely have remnant deposits that could be put back into production.

    The San Ramon mine was in production last year when IPT took possession of the property, but it has since been taken offline, as the higher grade ore shoots were mined out, and more exploration work needs to be completed to outline new resources.

    A third mine is expected to commence production at the project later this year. The past producing Chivo Mine was recently accessed by project geologists, where high grade sample results were extracted from the open workings near surface. Much of the mine is flooded so a drill program was completed that hit numerous very high grade zones of silver across mostly 1-2m intervals that graded up to 69 ozs. per tonne, and averaged in the range of 20 opt plus associated base metals values. The company is working to drain the mine and open mining access points to target this high grade ore, and plans to have production commence in September.

    Additonal exploration success has been achieved at several other targets but I will comment on this in a further update tomorrow. The main consideration is that the project area is huge, about 125 square kilometers. The veins that we were able to see during our tour on just a small part of this property are so numerous I could not write the names of them fast enough. Literally dozens of productive veins run along the countryside near the town, separate in many cases by just a few metres, and running to many hundreds of metres depth. These veins are largely unexplored, and historic development did not continue below the water table. The resource potential of this district, in an area of exceptional infrastructure, with a long heritage of local mining and a supportive local community, cannot be over-emphasized.

    The management of Impact Silver is fully aware of the fantastic potential they control. The company owns most of the district, with only small parcels of land remaining to be consolidated, and ongoing negotiations with the vendors are progressing to lock it all up. The project geologists are talented and thorough and some of the best qualified people I have met on any of my mine tours.

    With such strong management, a solid business plan to grow at a steady and sustainable pace, a clean balance sheet that will allow for measured capital investment to enable active exploration and development, and the prospect of increasing earnings and production well into the future, IPT represents one of the best juniors in Mexico for stable long term growth. Normally, the market asigns a premium to those well run companies with strong growth potential, but IPT can actually be bought at a discount to its peers. I do not think this situation will persist indefinately.



    Voluntary disclosure: IPT paid my direct travel expenses as a guest to visit the project. I have not received or been offerred any form of compensation for my time or to provide my commentary. I own shares in the company that I purchased at prices below 30 cents in the market, and I have continued to increase my position over time, and may buy more shares in the future.
    "And the chance that you get is the chance that you seize" - Coldplay

    "It aint me, I aint no millionaire's son" - CCR

  • Hi,

    schnell noch dies: News und weitere wichtige Hintergründe zu SRLM.OB und USA.V

    Die USA.V sollte ein sehr gutes Investment werden, wenn sie das mit dem Arbeitskräftebedarf für die nahe Zukunft hinbekommen.
    Gleiches gilt natürlich für SRLM.OB ...
    Insofern ist U.S. Silver Corp eine gute Streuung für ein Silver Valley Portfolio.
    Sollten sie das mit dem Hochfahren der Produktion wirklich schaffen, ist es ein Pfeiler für ein solches Portfolio.

    Ich werde mir selbst Liquidität freischaufeln und plane einen ersten kleinen Einstieg in U.S. Silver Corp. bei einer Marktcap der Firma von ca. 135 Mio Ca$, berechnet von ihren 208 Mio. Shares fully diluted aus, das heisst die Firma muss noch runter kommen, ehe ich das mache.
    Im März haben die ein Aktionärstreffen, wo einiges in Bewegung kommen soll, auch bezüglich Informationsarbeit.
    Bin mir aber nicht sicher, obs nicht gerade dann erst mal noch abwärts geht.
    Derzeitiger Kurs ist 0.77 Ca$. ...

    Tatsächlich aber werden wohl, wie es sich im November letzten Jahres bereits abzeichnete - neben den ausreichenden Reserven und Resourcen - in diesem Jahr die Arbeitskräfte das entsscheidende schächste Glied in der Kette sein, ganz egal für welche der neuen Firmen im Valley (über Strategic Nevada Resources und Silver Fields Resources will ich da diesbezüglich erst gar nicht reden).

    Es gibt jetzt ein ganz schönes Gedrängel im Valley, die richtigen Leute anzuheuern und da wird man sich wohl auch noch gehörig auf den Füssen herumtrampeln. ... 8)


  • @ gutso

    Danke für den Hinweis... habe das nachgelesen. "Lanciert" hat die Falschinformation von MGN offenbar der Oxford-Club, bei Silberinfo hat Hpoth (der nicht zu den Silberinfo-Machern gehört!) dies nur im Forum gepostet (er gab auch die Quelle Oxford-Club an!), wie es hier ja auch gepostet wurde. Wurde aber ausdiskutiert und für falsch befunden.


    Aber, wer weiss, ich kenne eine Info-Seite die auch neulich "lanciert" hat, das permit für MGN sei schon durch, vielleicht hätten die ja auch eine Verwendung für diese Firma, - denen fällt da sicher eine super Promotion Aktion dazu ein!

    Also diesen Hinweis finde ich wirklich nicht gerecht... wenn man sieht, wie in Deutschland ein Pusher-Wildwuchs gerade im Rohstoffbereich ist... ich denk mal an all die Raketen, die Small Cap Publikationen, W:O, den Börsenbäcker etc. etc. - da würde ich sagen, da sind die Goldseiten und Silberinfo die Einzigen, welche nicht in die gleiche Kerbe hauen und klar von aggressiven Promotionspraktiken Abstand nehmen.
    Sicher, sie haben Banner und Unternehmensvorstellungen auf der Seite, übersetzen auch Pressemeldungen - das alles machen die Goldseiten ja auch. Und wenn ich mir so die Banner bei Silberinfo anschaue, so sind es durchaus interessante Unternehmen, und wenig Blindschleichen, mit welchen da zusammengearbeitet wird.
    Dennoch weisen sie auch in den Präsentationen der interessantesten Unternehmen strikt auf Risiken hin und nehmen einen möglichst objektiven Standpunkt ein.

    Seit ich letzten Herbst an der Rohstoffmesse in Frankfurt mit einigen Verantwortlichen der "Konkurrenz" länger gesprochen habe, kenne ich deren Philosphie ziemlich gut und kann da eigentlich dahinter stehen. Daher muss ich die auch mal etwas in Schutz nehmen. Sicherlich haben sie auch einige Fehler gemacht und nicht alles, was da in der Vergangenheit war, macht Freude. Doch das gilt ja genauso für die Goldseiten auch.

    Ich bleibe jedenfalls ein Nutzer beider Plattformen (es sei denn, ich werde hier herausgeschmissen) und weiss auch beide zu schätzen, sie ergänzen sich oft. Und ich werde mich weiterhin auf beiden Seiten für Fairness einsetzen, denn die Edelmetall-Community profitiert im Endeffekt von beiden, und es ist niemandem geholfen, wenn da gegeneinander gearbeitet wird.

  • Das sind schmackige Zahlen....

    Hecla Reports Highest Earnings and Lowest Reported Cash Cost for Silver in 116-Year History and Achieves Exploration Success by Increasing Silver Reserves and Resources by 25%
    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 21, 2007--Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) today reported 2006 income applicable to common shareholders of $68.6 million, or 57 cents per share, compared to a loss of $25.9 million, or 22 cents per share, during 2005. Earnings were reported on revenue of $217.4 million, which is 30% more revenue than the next best year for revenue in Hecla's 116-year history. Net income was 20% higher than the company's next best year, and cash provided by operations of $61.5 million was 70% better than any other year. Hecla's cash cost per ounce of silver in 2006 was the lowest since that statistic has been reported, at just 24 cents per ounce.

    Hecla Mining Company President and Chief Executive Officer Phillips S. Baker, Jr. said, "In 2006, Hecla achieved the best financial results in the company's history. These results weren't just a little better; they were better by double-digit margins than our next best year ever. Cash costs for silver were extremely low, and it is important to note that the cash provided by operations is after spending $28 million on exploration and pre-development projects as part of the most aggressive exploration program Hecla has ever conducted."

    In the fourth quarter of 2006, Hecla recorded income applicable to common shareholders of $20.4 million, or 17 cents per share, compared to a loss of $7.4 million, or 6 cents per share, in the fourth quarter of 2005. Revenue during 2006's fourth quarter was $70.3 million, compared to $30 million in the same period last year. Positively impacting fourth quarter 2006 financial results was recognition of an $11.8 million deferred tax asset. This item was largely offset by Venezuelan foreign exchange losses and tax accruals, settlement of a dispute with an engineering firm and expensing of stock options. Even without these items, Hecla's fourth quarter 2006 net income would still be well above the market's consensus estimate, largely because of significantly higher-than-expected production from Hecla's La Camorra Unit of 45,907 ounces of gold during the fourth quarter, as well as high metals prices.

    For the full year, robust metals prices, a gain on the sale of investments and recognition of a portion of the company's tax assets made contributions to the excellent annual financial results in 2006. However, the primary reason for outstanding results was production of 5.5 million ounces of silver at an average total cash cost of 24 cents per ounce and 179,276 ounces of gold at an average total cash cost of $345 per ounce. The average price of gold during 2006 was $604 per ounce, the highest yearly average in recorded history and 36% higher than 2005. Silver, although a long way from the 1980 average price of more than $20 per ounce, was a healthy $11.57 per ounce during 2006, an increase of 58% over 2005. Hecla also greatly benefited from its by-product metals, zinc and lead, as those prices increased 137% and 32%, respectively, compared to 2005.

    In addition to outstanding financial results, Hecla had significant exploration successes, identified additional exploration targets and increased its resources in the ground. Baker said, "Overall, Hecla saw a 33 million-ounce increase in its silver resource, a 33% increase in lead resource and an 18% increase in zinc resource during 2006. At the Lucky Friday silver mine in northern Idaho, we increased the silver resource by 34% and achieved a better understanding of the intermediate veins and the future potential of the mine. The combined successes at San Sebastian and Lucky Friday have increased the value of their mineral resources by an astounding 50% compared to the end of 2005. And this is using the same price assumptions for both years - it really is a reflection of the value of these polymetallic ore bodies. At the Greens Creek mine in Alaska, we discovered an extension to the silver-rich 5250 vein and advanced the knowledge of the new West Gallagher zone. And we see much more opportunity for the future. At current metals prices, Hecla generates a huge amount of cash flow. Now is the time to make the investments for future discovery and growth, and toward that end we are budgeting approximately $22 million, $2 million more than last year, to continue our aggressive exploration program."


    --Income applicable to common shareholders of $68.6 million, or 57
    cents per share, on revenue of $217.4 million

    --Cash provided by operations of $61.5 million

    --A gain on sale of investments of $36.4 million

    --Cash and short-term investments on hand of $101 million, and no
    corporate debt

    --$28 million in exploration and pre-development expenditures

    --Exploration successes at Lucky Friday, Greens Creek and San
    Sebastian, with a 33 million-ounce increase in silver resource

    --5.5 million ounces of silver produced at an average total cash
    cost of 24 cents per ounce

    --179,276 ounces of gold produced, with 160,563 of those ounces
    produced at La Camorra at an average total cash cost of $345 per
    ounce of gold

    --Double and triple-digit percentage increases compared to a year
    ago in the prices for all the metals Hecla produces: silver, gold,
    lead and zinc

  • Hi,

    bin gespannt, wie die Börse das sieht, ich persönlich sehe das als eingepreist an, bei den Silberpreisen sollte ein so diversifiziert dastehender Produzent in der Lage sein, gutes Geld zu verdienen.

    25% Reserven & Resourcen mehr ist ein Hoffnungsschimmer, wird aber vermutlich nicht langen. Der langfristige Ausblick ist das für mich entscheidendere!
    Da muss mehr Pepp rein, bei denen.
    Sie haben so viele Möglichkeiten und bei so einem starken Silberpreis kann man einfach auch viel erwarten, von einem Produzenten mit guten Gebieten.

    Bevor ich Hecla kaufen würde, würde ich eher LFEX.PK, ILDM.PK oder HTRC.PK kaufen, um aus der absehbaren, weiteren Suche der HL nach neuen Reserven & Resourcen im East Silver Valley Nutzen zu ziehen.

    Naja, wer sie mag, die Hecla, - warum nicht. ;)


  • Ist ja schon schön, dass die wenigstens mal Gewinne machen... jahrelang sah das anders aus, trotz Silberpreis-Anstieg.
    Ich sehe es im Übrigen auch so, bei einem Junior und bei möglichen Übernahmezielen ist deutlich mehr Potenzial drin. Und wenn man einen "Grossen" haben möchte, der auch Gewinne macht, sehe ich z.B. SLW als sinnvoller an - da ist der Gewinn einigermassen kalkulierbar (je nach Silberpreis), das Risiko mithin kleiner, bei vergleichbarem Potenzial.

    Dennoch hat es Signalwirkung für den Sektor, wenn an der Wallstreet klar wird, dass man mit Silberminen Geld verdienen kann. Das dürfte neues Geld in den Sektor bringen.

    In einigen Jahren wenn fast jede Silberfirma fette Gewinne einfährt, werden wir dann über diese Zeiten schmunzeln... :D

  • Sicher,die Reserven sind das Hauptproblem,daher immer schön SRLM dazupacken, wer weiss.....schliesslich schon wieder Cash generiert:

    Hecla Announces Sale of Hollister Project
    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 21, 2007--Hecla Mining Company's (NYSE:HL) subsidiary, Hecla Limited, has agreed to sell its interest in the Hollister Development Block gold exploration project in Nevada to its partner, Great Basin Gold, Inc., for a total of $60 million, including $45 million in cash and $15 million in Great Basin Gold common stock. The number of shares is to be determined by the average trading price 20 business days prior to the announcement of the transaction.

    Hecla President and Chief Executive Officer, Phillips S. Baker, Jr., said, "We believe Hollister is a good project for us if we owned all of it, but when split in half, it is just not large enough to make a significant impact on Hecla's production, revenue or income. It is a better strategy to focus our people and financial resources on projects that have a much larger impact on Hecla. At the same time, it gives our partners an opportunity to benefit from the project's full potential, so we feel it is a win/win proposition for both sides. Through our ownership of Great Basin Gold stock, we will continue to participate in the upside potential of the Hollister Block."

    Hecla had spent approximately $30 million over the past two years developing the underground ramp and conducting underground exploration toward the earn-in requirement. Hecla had a current book value for the Hollister project of less than $1 million.

    Hecla anticipates one use of the proceeds will be for expansion of production from the Lucky Friday silver mine in northern Idaho. A positive scoping study to double Lucky Friday's tonnage has been completed. The study outlines how the company could increase annual production by as much as 70%, extend the mine life, lower the cost per ounce and increase the minable resource. This preliminary study estimates $150 to $200 million of capital for a new mill, a surface shaft to the existing levels, and an underground shaft to more than 1,000 feet below the deepest identified resources. The study assumed significantly lower metals prices than what has been experienced over the last year. Based on the scoping study's positive economics, a prefeasibility study is expected to begin in the next couple of months and be completed by year-end.

    Hecla owns a 40-square-mile property position in northern Idaho's Silver Valley, the home of the Lucky Friday mine and one of the most recognized historical, world-class silver districts in the world. In addition to extensive exploration and potential expansion work within the Lucky Friday mine, the company is conducting the first generative exploration program in 50 years on Hecla's Silver Valley properties. Baker said, "We think this is one of the most under-explored silver mining districts. Now is the time to do that work, which I believe could lead to discovery of another Lucky Friday, Sunshine or Bunker Hill, three of the most prolific mines in the Silver Valley and the world."

    Hecla also holds more than 340 square miles of contiguous concessions at the San Sebastian property in central Mexico, and Baker said, "I believe San Sebastian has as good or better exploration potential than anything we own or anything else that we've seen."

    As well as concentrating on multiple, high-potential precious metals exploration targets on property it already owns, Hecla is focusing on property acquisitions or joint ventures. The company recently established an additional office in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where more than 850 exploration companies are headquartered. Baker said, "An office in Vancouver makes us a viable, visible partner or acquirer of properties, mines and companies. The cash realized through the sale of the Hollister Development Block gives us an additional competitive advantage in that process."

    Hecla Mining Company, headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, mines, processes and explores for silver and gold in the United States, Venezuela and Mexico. A 116-year-old company, Hecla has long been well known in the mining world and financial markets as a quality silver and gold producer. Hecla's common and preferred shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols HL and HL-PrB.

    Statements made which are not historical facts, such as anticipated payments, litigation outcome, production, sales of assets, exploration results and plans, costs, and prices or sales performance are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, anticipated, expected or implied. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metals price volatility, volatility of metals production and costs, exploration risks and results, political risks, project development risks, labor issues and ability to raise financing. Refer to the company's Form 10-Q and 10-K reports for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected future results. The company undertakes no obligation and has no intention of updating forward-looking statements.

    Cautionary Note to Investors - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms in this news release, such as "resource," "reserve," and "inferred resource" that the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in our filing with the SEC. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 10-K. You can review and obtain copies of these filings from the SEC's website at

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