Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Lenz,
    das kann man bei vielen zur Zeit.
    Ich kann dir da leider nichts sagen, bin mit anderem befasst.


    Nicht schon wieder!
    trading halt bei NOT.V

    Top Meldung bei GIX:

    Zum genaueren Anschauen: CSG.V. Wurde hier schon öfter erwähnt, als sie noch Morgain und Aurogin hießen.

    Und mal wieder Scorpio:
    da würd mich der Deal interessieren.
    weiß da wer was Neues?…io_drill_update.html?.v=1

    OK.V zur Zeit sehr stark, was mir ja in den kram passt...... :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Lenz1
    Was meint ihr, bei CNU.V könnte man auch wieder billig einsteigen... !? (....)

    Hallo Lenz

    CNU hatte ich eine zeitlang im Depot; die Vielzahl interessanter Properties gefällt.

    Im Verlauf der Straffung des Depots fiel sie heraus, auch wegen schlechter Performance.

    Zudem hat sie ja die Partnerschaft mit Fortuna Silver.

    Für einen Zukauf würde ich eine sichere Bodenbildung im Chart abwarten.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • icko,
    trading halt haben sie keinen. Die werden einfach nicht gehandelt, vermute ich.
    Keine Käufer! :D
    Außerdem keine Silvercompany, nickel und co.


    EDR.V: wollen zukaufen um produktion zu steigern, vermute ich.
    Außerdem haben und werden sie fleißig gebohrt/bohren....

  • Interessante Meldung von IPT. Man ist offensichtlich auf ein neues System gestoßen.
    IMPACT Silver Announces New Silver Discoveries at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan

    Der Trading Halt bei NOT dauerte nicht lange. Die Resultate sind gut, der Jubel hielt sich allerdings in Grenzen.
    Noront Reports Assays for 1st and 2nd Holes Double Eagle (Cu, Ni, PGE) Project, James Bay Lowlands, Ontario

    agoracom hat für UC nun ein Forum eingerichtet. Es gibt auch ein neues fact sheet. Ist aber mehr shit als sheet, steht nichts drin über La Yesca ;(, auch nicht über Copalquin ;(

    VG heron

  • "mehr shit als sheet..."
    Das ist guuut!

    Bei IPT wird die gute news verkauft. Vorher ist sie gestiegen.
    Ist mir zwar in dem fall egal, aber es gefällt mir grundsätzlich nicht.
    Nehme es zur kenntnis.

    Ein sehr ausführlicher Artikel mit vielen bildern über UNO.V


  • Kimber mit neuem CEO

    Und ein sehr schöner Bericht über Arian Silver


    Den Rest kann man vergessen,
    wenn da nicht VMS.V wäre + 50 % (eigener Thread!) :D


    PS: da neue Seite, hier noch makl der link zum Doug Beiers Bericht zu UNO.V

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hi Tschonko!

    Kannst du dir die absolut schwache Performance von First Majestic erklären? Nach wie vor fast 30 % unter dem Kurs des letzten PPs.

    Kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass FR bei einem Ausbruch des Silberpreises über 15 USD zu den "Outperformern" gehören wird.

    Bist du noch investiert u. wenn ja wie schätzt du die derzeitige bzw. zukünftige (auf Sicht der nächsten 6-12 Monate) Lage ein?

    Hab in der Schwäche nachgekauft u. bin fast im Plus, aber trotzdem recht skeptisch.

    Wüsste aber auch nicht welche Company beim nächsten Hausseschub eher zu den Outperformern gehören könnte bzw. jetzt besonders günstig zu bekommen ist. Irgendwelche Tipps?


    der DAU

  • Hallo Dau,
    natürlich hab ich noch alles. Hab nur den fehler gemacht, dass ich meine trading Posi ins Minus laufen hab lassen. Hätte die noch weiter verbilligen können.
    FR geht mit dem silberpreis. das ist mal klar.
    Schau, wie es EDR jetzt herbeutelt, die haben auch die erwartungen nicht erfüllt wie Fr.
    Für mich passt da alles, bin aber auch früh eingestiegen.

    Wir haben zur zeit eine andere Phase. Wie schon vor Monaten öfters gesagt, geht´s weg von den fundidaten. Wir sind zur Zeit in der phase der meldungen und viele Explorer werden massive probleme bekommen.
    Zur Zeit zählen ausschlißlich meldungen.
    Oder aucvh nur, dass welche kommen könnten.
    Wie heute VMS mit 60% z.B.
    Oder Musterbeispiel NOT.

    tipps: mehr als genug. Lies ein paar seiten zurück......
    Je weiter desto mehr tipps :D


    PS: sehe soeben, dass die VIT.V auch heute angesprungen ist. Da bin ich ja fetter vertreten

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Schon vor ein paar Tagen hier angesprochen..

    Die Umsätze sind im Vergleich zu vor der Verschmelzung riesig.

    Wird ein Grund haben..

    Heute evl. der Ausbruch:

    Symbol Last Trade $ Change % Change Volume Exchange*
    CSG 0.650 +0.080 +14.04% 376,500 V


  • schock,
    na sicher hat das einen grund, die ersten Goldbarren wurden verkauft.

    Castle Gold Corporation ("Castle Gold" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:CSG - News) announces the first gold sale from its 100% owned El Castillo mine in Durango, Mexico. The Company capitalized on the recent increase in the price of gold by selling 450 ounces at an average realized price of US$715 per ounce. This first sale of El Castillo gold represents production from the first month-and-a-half of pre-production leaching that began in July.


    Production at El Castillo is ramping up to the initial operating rate of 200,000 tonnes of ore and waste per month. Ore is currently being placed on the leach pad at a rate of 75,000 tonnes per month and will increase to 100,000 tonnes per month over the next two months as the pit is developed. Further increases to Castillo's production rate are planned for 2008.

    The El Castillo mine is expected to be producing at a rate of 15,000 ounces of gold per year by year end. The gold production rate is forecast to increase to 30,000 ounces per year during 2008. Consideration will also be given to expanding the production rates beyond 30,000 ounces of gold per year through one or two additional expansions.

    Nach einigen Wochen hatte mein stink bid für Clifton endlich Erfolg! :D
    So, jetzt bin ich im Minus. Morgen fliegt was........

    Nach dem herrlichen Artikel zu UNO.V mit Null Resonanz in dem saustall hier
    kommt heute eine weitere meldung

    First Narrows Resources Corp. (CDNX:UNO.V - News) (Other OTC:FNRWF.PK - News) ("First Narrows" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Chester decline has been re-opened down to the flooded water level.

    The decline was entered and cleared 40 meters down to the water level on September 21 and 22, 2007. Both the portal and the decline are in excellent condition. Water quality testing is in progress. Photos of the excavation work can be viewed on the Company's website at:

    The Stage II underground program will focus on the lower extent of the decline and include de-watering, refurbishment, surveying, geological mapping, and sampling. Application for Stage II permitting will proceed following site surveying, receipt of the Stage I water chemistry results, preparation of a proposed Stage II site plan, and stakeholder consultations.

    Die SNN.TO läuft auch sehr gut.
    Das wird heron freuen........


  • Nach UNO und ARIAN ein dritter Bericht.

    Auf Silverseek: Silvermex SMR.V

    Silvermex soll ja am idaho summit nachhaltig beeindruckt haben.........

    Silvermex Resources [TSX-V: SMR] is a new junior resource company focused on silver exploration projects in Mexico. Since its late 2006 public debut, Silvermex has already secured a 9.65 million ounces silver NI 43-101 compliant defined mineral resource. The company has set the objective of increasing silver resources to over 100 million ounces over the next 24 months. The company’s goal is to increase shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition and development of large, economic silver deposits in Mexico.

    Silvermex’s largest and founding shareholder is the multi-billion dollar Silver Standard Resources [NASDAQ: SSRI], with roughly a 1/8th ownership, which also holds the right to enter into a joint venture on Silvermex’s Penasco Quemado property.

    Silvermex controls over 40,000 hectares of highly prospective geology in some of Mexico’s most prolific silver belts. In northern Mexico, Silvermex is preparing a 5,000 meter drill program at its Penasco Quemado property. The initial 43-101 resource estimate shows high-grade silver values with an average exceeding 115 grams of silver per ton. A 3,000 meter drill program has recently been completed at its Cerro de Plata project, a past producing silver property – drill results expected shortly.

    Silvermex’s peer group valuation, using the initial resource estimate only, is roughly 50% lower which provides investors with superior leverage to increased resources and silver prices.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • ECU mit Meldung: new vain und update
    wegen tabellen der link

    Sehr übersichtlich und auch schön aufgetrudelt.

    - New Vein Discovered near Santa Juana
    - Hole SJS 14-02 cuts new vein yielding 2.16 g/t gold, 148 g/t silver, 2.18% lead and 9.44% zinc over a core length of 1.8 meters (5.8 feet).

    Freut einem ja, dass Leute lesen können und Doug Beiers wurde gelesen.
    UNO.V + 15%.

    Ansonsten gehen heute schmitz und katz, die einen mehr, die anderen weniger.

    Hab heute Premier Gold PG.TO verkauft. 1 Jahr und 2 Tage, 150% plus reicht mal.
    Die Aktie ist hervorragend, aber ich hatte meine stink bid für CFTN.PK eingelöst bekommen und war deshalb kontomäßig im Minus.
    Jetzt wär wieder was da zum Kaufen.
    Rational betrachtet, ein saumäßiger Tausch. Aber, wer weiß, was die Clifton im November macht??? :D

    Zum Anschauen: geht gut PNL.V

    FR.V bekommt auch wieder Stärke

    Die VIT.V gehört wie NOT, VMS, AMC, CPN.TO, KGB zu den Spekulationen mit den großen Deposits.
    Da muss man gar nicht viel investieren. Wenn man eine erwischt, so wie NOT, passt da schon alles.


    PS: hab Seite 1 ein bisserl geändert. Einige könnt man da getrost wegtun..
    z.B Pan American gold. Was noch?

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Orko Silver Corp. - OK

    VANCOUVER, Sept. 28 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by
    Market Regulation Services (RS):

    Issuer Name: Orko Silver Corp.
    TSX-V Ticker Symbol: OK
    Time of Halt: 14:01 EST
    Reason for Halt: Pending News

    und KXL.V auch.
    Beide sind sehr gut gegangen in letzter zeit.

    So ein th übers wochenende hat schon was!
    Vor allem für shorties :D

  • Hallo Tschonko

    Der Bericht zu UNO.V ist wirklich lesenswert. Ich hatte die UNO bisher nicht auf meinem Radar - I cannot kiss all that girls :D

    SNN.TO ist ganz schön volatil, da gibt's Wochen mit 30% Kursschwankung bei geringen Umsätzen. Sind halt nur wenig Aktien frei handelbar. Zur Zeit wird ausserhalb der bekannten Zone gedrillt. Könnte also demnächst gute Nachrichten geben. --Aber auch dieses:
    San Anton Resource Corporation Announces Late Filing of Annual Financial Statements

    VG heron

    PS: A propops Seite 1 : Weg kann was hier kaum diskutiert wird, zB ORM.V YZC.V MMN.AX

  • Hallo heron,
    wenn man zu viele küsst, kriegt man Krätze :D

    SNN und KMN verfolg ich. Hast einen super Einstieg erwischt... :D

    Aber UNO.....
    zur Zeit ist Chester interessant aber die susi...!

    Und gestern Schließung des PP. Schau auf den preis der warrants!

    September 29, 2007
    First Narrows
    September 28, 2007 | First Narrows

    First Narrows Resources Closes First Tranche of Private Placement

    Gross proceeds of $1,724,183 raised

    Vancouver, BC - September 28, 2007 – First Narrows Resources Corp. (TSX-V: UNO) (”First Narrows” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce that it has raised $1,724,183.55 in connection with the non-brokered private placement (the “Offering”) announced September 18, 2007. The Company placed an aggregate 3,831,519 common share units (the “Units”). The Units consist of one common share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each full warrant a “Warrant”), with each Warrant exercisable at a price of $0.70 for a period of two years following the close of the Offering.

    Proceeds arising from the sale of the Units will be used to fund the Company's ongoing exploration programs in the province of New Brunswick, Canada and in the state of Sonora, Mexico, and for general corporate purposes.

    The Offering is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval. All securities issued in connection with this Offering will be subject to a four-month hold period in accordance with securities regulations.

    About First Narrows Resources Corp.:

    First Narrows Resources Corp. (TSX-V: UNO) is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company whose corporate strategy is to develop overlooked and undervalued mineral properties that offer near term production potential. The Company has active projects in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada and in the State of Sonora, Mexico. The most advanced project is the 100%-owned Chester copper-polymetallic deposit in New Brunswick"s Bathurst Mining Camp, which is rapidly moving forward to NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate and conceptual mine design status. For more information visit:


    “Peter K. Gummer”

    Peter K. Gummer, President

    Schöner Bericht zu Hecla: die haben soo viiell cash...... (siehe fett markiert!)
    180 mille, keine Schulden

    Wenn die alte lucky noch solche resourcen hat,
    dann schaut´s für die Sterling SRLM.OB auch gut aus.

    Was sich Hecla wohl alles krallen wird?
    Mich interessiert da eher mexico.

    Hecla has high hopes for Silver Valley

    By Paul Read

    Two hard-rock miners use a drill inside the Lucky Friday mine, near Mullan, Idaho, where Hecla is studying an expansion. Photo courtesy of Hecla Mining Co. and Van Gundy Photography.

    The resurgence of Hecla Mining Co.’s venerable Lucky Friday mine near Mullan, Idaho, might seem remarkable enough, given recent strong production gains, plummeting cash costs, and a surge in hiring there. That rebirth, however, would pale in comparison to the growth the silver, lead, and zinc mine would see if current studies of the property find what the Coeur d’Alene mining company’s executives hope is true.

    “We could end up doubling employment there,” says Phillips S. Baker Jr., Hecla’s president and CEO.

    Just six years ago, when Baker joined Hecla as chief financial officer, “There were voices in the company that wanted to shut down the Lucky Friday,” he says. That’s when silver prices were south of $5 a troy ounce and it cost Hecla more than that to produce it. Hecla decided that year to downsize the operation to 30 percent of full production, leaving it with about 60 employees.

    Today, silver is selling for roughly $12 an ounce, and with prices for lead and zinc—the two secondary metals the Lucky Friday produces—at historical highs, the mine produced silver for a cash cost of negative 72 cents an ounce last quarter. Hecla has hired about 40 workers at the mine this year, and now employs 260 people there. The workers are well paid; hard-rock miners at the Lucky Friday will make between $80,000 and $100,000 each this year.

    The Lucky Friday, which currently has an estimated 120 million ounces of silver resources and produced about 2.9 million ounces of silver last year, is conducting a feasibility study that could lead to construction of a new shaft that would enable miners to reach deeper into the mine. Baker says it’s too early to know how much the mind-shaft project would cost, but says it’s conceivable that it could cost about $35 million. The study is expected to be completed in mid-2008. Hecla also expects to complete by mid next year a pre-feasibility study to determine whether the company should embark on a full-scale expansion of the mine, Baker says.

    Exploration in and around the Lucky Friday has suggested that the property might hold far more mineralization than currently is identified.

    “We could add 70 million to 150 million ounces of silver resources there,” Baker says.

    Hecla already is expanding its mill there, which it has several times before, and if a large mine expansion were done, the mill would have to be expanded again, or perhaps a new mill would have to be built, he says.

    Baker also is intrigued with the 40 square miles of land on which Hecla controls mining rights to the north of the Lucky Friday, where such historical mines as the Morning, Hecla, Star, Gold Hunter, and Hercules helped to give the Silver Valley its name. Since the late 1800s, more than two dozen mines on that land together have produced nearly 330 million ounces of silver and millions of tons of lead and zinc, Hecla says. Based on today’s metals prices, that overall production would be worth roughly $25 billion, it says.

    The company currently is digitizing a century’s worth of geologic and mining information about that property and is creating 3-D computer-generated images that might help it determine how the various veins relate and where untapped resources might exist. Baker says Hecla is beginning the first significant exploration that’s been done on much of that property in 50 years.

    Other operations

    In addition to the Lucky Friday, Hecla currently has two other operating properties, one located near Juneau, Alaska, where it owns an about 30 percent stake in the Greens Creek silver mine, and the other in Venezuela, where its La Camorra Unit includes the Mina Isidora gold deposit.

    Hecla is a partner in Greens Creek with Kennecott Juneau Mining Co., a subsidiary of London-based giant Rio Tinto plc. The underground mine produced about 2.6 million ounces of silver for Hecla’s account last year, plus about 17,700 tons of zinc, 6,200 tons of lead, and a small amount of gold. Due to rising prices of the byproduct metals, the mine’s cash cost to produce silver last year was a negative $3.47 an ounce.

    Baker says Greens Creek is the fifth largest silver mine in the world, and has long-term reserves and an active exploration program. The mine, located on Admiralty Island, is operated by its joint-venture partner.

    In eastern Venezuela, the La Camorra Unit includes the La Camorra and Mina Isidora deposits. In the past year, ore grades at the La Camorra deposit have diminished, and Hecla has shifted production there entirely to the Mina Isidora. Hecla also operates a mill there where, in addition to the ore mined at Mina Isidora, it processes ore it buys from smaller mining operations in the region.

    Last year, the unit produced about 160,600 ounces of gold at an average cash cost of $345 an ounce. This year, production is expected to total about 120,000 ounces, due to lower ore grades in the waning days at the La Camorra deposit and to a community uprising that temporarily suspended operations at the Mina Isidora.

    Baker says Hecla recognizes the risks of doing business in politically unstable Venezuela, but says the company has taken measures to minimize the impacts those risks could have on its bottom line, and weighs them against the potential gains the company can realize due to the area’s promising geology.

    “If we can, and it doesn’t hurt our valuation, we want to stay there,” he says.

    In addition to exploration work in and around its current operating mines, Hecla is exploring properties it controls in Mexico, both at its former San Sebastian silver mine near Durango, in central Mexico, and at its Rio Grande property, located about 30 miles to the south of there.

    Overall, Hecla expects to spend $23 million this year on exploration, compared with $20 million last year.

    Strong performance

    The sun is shining these days on mining companies, and Hecla is making hay while the making is good. Sustained high metals prices helped fuel record net income of $68.6 million last year, the company’s first net income attributable to common shareholders since 1990. Hecla described its 2006 financial results as the best in the company’s 116-year history.

    The company produced 5.5 million ounces of silver last year, down slightly from the year earlier, and about 180,000 ounces of gold, up markedly from 2005. Meanwhile, silver prices averaged $11.57 last year. Gold prices averaged $604 an ounce in 2006, the highest in history, Hecla says.

    A big part of the financial picture for mining companies these days is the prices they get for the byproducts their mines produce—in Hecla’s case, lead and zinc. In 2006, prices for both of those metals hit record levels, enabling Hecla to post an average, companywide silver cash cost of just 24 cents an ounce.

    Hecla’s metal sales have continued to climb this year, totaling $113.2 million as of June 30, compared with $96.7 million in the year-earlier period. Gross profit from silver operations shot up to nearly $40 million in the first half of this year, compared with about $22 million a year earlier, though gold operations posted a $5 million loss for the first half, due to the problems in Venezuela.

    Baker says he sees no near-term softening in today’s strong metals prices, based on increased world demand that’s being fueled by the fast-growing economies of countries such as China and India. Still, he says, metals prices tend to be a cyclical thing, and adds, “I know it won’t last forever.”

    With metals prices high, the biggest challenge Hecla and other mining companies face right now is labor.

    “There is a dearth of skilled mining engineers, geologists, and financial people who know the industry,” Baker says.

    He says that because metals prices are high across the board and the oil and gas industry is strong, the labor market for highly qualified people in those natural resource industries is tight, including for hard-rock miners. It didn’t help, he says, that some people left the industry when it contracted last decade, and that mining schools are producing fewer graduates. Hecla currently employs about 930 people.

    Looking for acquisitions

    With cash and short-term investments totaling about $180.6 million as of June 30, and no debt, Hecla is positioned to expand its operations and seek new assets, either operating mines or exploration properties, Baker says.

    The company improved its cash position this spring, when it completed the sale of its share of the Hollister Development Block gold project in Nevada to its partner there, Great Basin Gold Inc., for $45 million in cash and $15 million in Great Basin stock.

    Baker says the company has three primary strategies for growth in its holdings.

    One focus is geographic. Hecla is looking for new discoveries or acquisitions specifically in either North Idaho or Mexico. Another is to acquire gold properties, specifically underground mines in North America and Australia. Baker believes Hecla has a competitive advantage in its expertise in smaller underground mines.

    The third focus is to acquire silver properties anywhere in the world that have at least 100 million ounces of silver reserves.

    Contact Paul Read at (509) 344-1262 or via e-mail at

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Orko kommt mit der Meldung sehr früh:
    Dürfte in etwa so erwartet worden sein.
    Da ist das meiste schon im Kurs drin.

    wegen der Tabellen:

    sehr erfreulich dieses:
    Drilling is continuing at La Preciosa 24 hours a day 7 days a week using 2 rigs and a third is currently drilling the San Juan project. We anticipate releasing our next Resource Estimate before the end of Q1 2008."

    Die 100 mille sind eigentlich schon da, aber noch nicht als 43 er......

    Orko Silver Increases Resource Estimate by 86% to 73.1 Million Ounces Silver Equivalent
    Monday October 1, 12:05 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 1, 2007) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK - News) is pleased to report that an "independently verified" NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate has been completed on its La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico. The study concludes that work to date on the property has outlined an estimated Inferred Resource of 10.36 million tonnes grading 0.328 g/t Au and 200.0 g/t Ag at a cut-off grade of 100 g/t for a Silver-Equivalent grade of 219.0 g/t.

    Contained metal in the Inferred Resource equals 2,070 million grams Ag (66.6 million oz Silver) and 3.28 million grams Au (109,000 oz Gold) for a silver-equivalent 2,274 million grams Ag-Eq (73.1 million oz Silver Equivalent). Silver-equivalent values reported in this Resource Estimate are determined by adding the silver grade to 60 times the gold grade. Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100%.........................

    Full details of the Company's sampling protocols and QA/QC program can be located at our website at the link below:

    A complete table of drill results is available at the link below:

    A detailed drill plan map is available at the link below:

    A printer friendly PDF format of this news release is available at the link below:

  • Das OK heut fällt, ist ganz normal und sollte nicht stören.
    Sieh auch Ok und ritas eck....

    Bei KXL.V geht es nach der Resumption steil in die Höhe. fast 50%
    Kein Wunder:

    Die geht überhaupt super in den letzten 14 tagen.

    AMC und CPN gacken ab. Why??

    Die Clifton schiebt an, sieh an..... :D

    Und auf SRLM.OB nicht vergessen, die kommt jetzt in die heiße Phase.
    Schätze erst ab November


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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