Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • recorder,
    danke, soll ja so ein, dass man es wenigstens gern liest, weil zu schreiben ist es mühsam. :D

    Bei Silverstrategies gibt es eine sehr gute Vergleichsseite für Performance.
    Ich hab bei dem Datumlink 1.1.07 eingestellt. weiß nicht, ob das übernommen wird.
    Wobei der letzte hier "Wildcat" in einem zur Zeit sehr trächtigen gebiet wildert. WEL.V

    und noch eine sehr schöne Übersicht mit guten links:

    Recherchieren: das mach ich vornehmlich auf den Homepages. Die Vorauswahl treff ich mit ein paar Vergleichen wie MC, wieviele shares und wieviel Holz vor der Hütte ähh im Boden, und was man davon zu einem vernünftigen Preis zu Tage fördern kann.
    Klingt einfach, ist aber auch mühsam, darum versteh ich die Suche nach einer vernünftigen vergleichsseite sehr gut.

    Zur Zeit ist es so was von volatil, sogar intraday.
    Gutes Beispiel SEG.TO. Nach unten scheint sie gut abgesichert. 0,59 ist Spitze.

    Continental PM kenn ich nicht. Welche meinst du? Materials, Resources, Airlines, Reifen? :D

    Minefinders und EDR.V (hat Heron schon eingestellt :] )mit bericht bzw. Quartalsbericht.

    EDR kommt wirklich wieder in die Gänge, wie schon früher hier bemerkt.
    Die hab ich vor ein paar Wochen um ein paar cents verpasst.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Kurzer Spot auf MSV.TO

    Ohnehin einer meiner wenn nicht der Lieblingswert und Top Favorit hält sich in letzter Zeit wirklich sensationell. Gestern in diesem beschi...... Umfeld sogar noch zugelegt.

  • So, hab jetzt endlich Zeit für eine kurze Vorstellung:

    Alexco Resources ist ein "grünes" Vorzeigeunternehmen im Rohstoffsektor, da sie sich früh auf die Umweltsanierung von Bergbauprojekten spezialisiert haben.
    Damit waren sie so erfolgreich, daß sie exklusiv erstklassige Abbaugebiete (wichtigtes Gebiet : Keno Hill silver district Link) erwerben konnten, die von größeren Umweltbelastungen betroffen sind.

    Alexco verfügt über sehr gute Beziehungen zu den in ihren Gebieten ansässigen First Nations und auch gleichzeitig zur Regionalregierung. So konnten sie kürzlich einen Streit zwischen der Na-Cho Nyak Dun First Nation und der Yukon Regierung erfolgreich beilegen. Der Streit hatte im August - neben den schon bereits schwachen Kursen für Rohstoffaktien - einen starken Kursrückgang verursacht, der aber innerhalb von 2 Monaten komplett aufgeholt werden konnte. CEO Naumann hat zu dieser Zeit kontinuierlich Aktienpakete eingesammelt Link.

    Ein weiteres Plus ist die starke Beteiligung von NovaGold (19%) an Alexco, wodurch sie ihre Explorations-Expertise erheblich steigern konnten.


    MC 188,7 Mio. CAD$, Cash per 10/07 ca. 26 Mio. CAD$



    die meinte ich. :)

    Der Chart rät allerdings eher zum Abwarten, gefährliche Marke .

    Die haben ein EVPU von 0,7 laut RSG, beachtlich geringe Bewertung.
    Gut Cash wenig Debt.

    Ansonsten ist heute ja wohl eher ein Tag zum Abtauchen....oder zuschlagen.


  • Hi bobelle,

    liest sich zunächst mal sympathisch. Die Umweltsauerei durch die Minen ist für
    mich persönlich auch etwas belastend bei Invests in diesem Sektor.
    Aber eben nur etwas. :D Wenn mans gut macht, kann das ja auch hinterher
    besser aussehen, als vorher. Zumindest nach hundert Jahren. =)

    Nach meiner berühmten RSG Liste, sorry wenn ich damit nerve.. :]

    sieht Alexco natürlich nicht sehr attraktiv aus,....... wenn Sie mal schauen möchten:|1|3|0|0|33|0

    Muss aber nichts heißen, sind ja nur einige wenige Kriterien. Wenn auch recht zentrale.


  • recorder

    die Liste ist sicher nützlich, nur müssen die Zahlen genauer aufbereitet werden. Bei Alexco hat die letzte Resourcenschätzung für ihr wichtigstes Projekt 32.2 Mio. Unzen AgEq ergeben. Hier nochmal der Auszug aus der Unternehmensmeldung vom 13.11.07:

    The total Inferred Resources for the Bellekeno Mine are stated at 356,000 tonnes grading 1,630 grams per tonne Ag, 20.3% Pb and 5.9% Zn for 18.7 million ounces of contained silver and 32.2 million contained equivalent ounces* silver using a cutoff grade of 500 grams per tonne silver for the Southwest Zone and 15 ounces per ton for the 99 and East Zones. Table 1 below summarizes the resource estimate for all three zones that comprise the Bellekeno resource area. The new resource estimate represents a 35% or 91,700 tonne increase and a 37% or 12.8 ounces per ton increase in silver grade compared to the prior historical Bellekeno resource.
    * Silver (Ag) equivalent ounces calculated based on metal prices of US$525/oz Au, US$8.00/oz Ag, US$0.45/lb Pb, and US$0.75/lb Zn; metallurgical recoveries not considered.

    Die verwendeten Rohstoffpreise liegen deutlich unter den aktuellen Werten und das Bellekeno-Gebiet ist nur eins von mehreren hochgradigen Explorationsprojekten...


  • heron,
    ja warum nicht. Ist bei IPT ähnlich.

    mit kürzeln kann ich mehr anfangen. KMK.V. Meinst du die?

    danke für die Vorstellung.

    Hab nachgeschaut, recht viel bleibt nicht hängen bei den anderen Tätigkeiten.

    Aber sie gefällt mir trotzdem sehr gut. MC ist angemessen, aber billig ist sie nicht.

    UC wird wieder gehandelt und mal kräftig abgewatscht. :D
    Zu Recht. Ich mit....


  • recorder,
    ein bisserl off topic passt schon. Hab sie gefunden und schon wieder vergessen.

    Der neue rohstoffspiegel: diesmal sehr silberlastig.

    Ausführliches Interview mit Keith Neumeyer.

    Artikel zu Orko. Wenn ich da die 200 Mille oz wieder höre, muss ich immer an Onkel Franzi denken.
    Sein Spruch:
    "Und wenn´st (wenn du) wieder munter (aufgewacht) wirst, bist´ nass."

    Obwohl es ja nicht unmöglich ist......., die 200 mill oz mein ich. :D

    Im Text ist das eine Bohrloch falsch angegeben, übrigens. Aber das kann passieren. Ich hab bei Teil 3 meines Berichts versucht, die Martha vein etwas zu erklären.

    Und dann noch Ovoca in Russland: hochinteressant und hochriskant.
    Gab ja gute Kursanstiege letzte Woche. :D

    ein wirklich interessanter Artikel von David Hamilton zur Gold Silver ratio und warum Silber immer hinterherhinkt, gab es auf goldseiten am 31.10.07
    Wirklich lesenswert!

    Jetzt reden ja auch viele wieder vom nächsten major move in Silber.
    Nur ich glaub´s halt net. Warten, warten, warten. :D


    Ah ja vergessen: minefinders update:


    November 15, 2007 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Minefinders Corporation Ltd. (the “Company”) (TSX: MFL / AMEX: MFN) today provided an update on construction and plans for its Dolores Mine in Mexico and reported financial results for the third quarter ending September 30, 2007.

    Minefinders’ President and CEO, Mark Bailey, said: “We made significant progress during the third quarter toward reaching our goal of achieving commercial production at Dolores in the second quarter of 2008. One of those milestones was reached in October with the start of pre-commercial mining at Dolores.

    “Before year end, we expect to have an updated study on mine economics, incorporating new reserves and mine schedule with current operating cost and more relevant gold and silver prices, providing a clearer understanding of additional upside at Dolores and further positioning Minefinders to create value for shareholders in the near and long-term.”

    Dolores Progress Highlights:

    * Mining activities in the pit commenced in October and the Company expects the first ore to be stacked on the leach pads in January 2008 as part of the commissioning process;

    * Sufficient leach pad lining has been completed for initial loading of ore by the end of the year;

    * All of the mining equipment and drills have been delivered to the mine or Company lay-down yards and equipment assembly is progressing. Loaders, dozers, graders, and 9 of the 15 Komatsu 100 tonne haul trucks are assembled and operating at the Dolores mine site;

    * Generators, crushers, conveyors and processing equipment are substantially complete and the commissioning of various components will take place through the fourth quarter of 2007;

    * Most of the key management team has been hired and recruiting and training of equipment operators is ongoing as mining activity escalates and the commissioning progresses;

    * The on-site employee camp and facilities are finished and in full use;

    * Houses for the new Dolores village are completed and the school, church, medical clinic and administrative centre are expected to be completed in November; and

    * Issues with settlement of the foundation platforms for the screening plant and the Merrill Crowe facility were evaluated by independent geotechnical engineers and repairs are now complete for the screening plant foundation and will be complete for the Merrill Crowe platform in December.

    The Company’s Mexico subsidiary has increased its mine operations team to 131 employees, with an additional 400 contractors still working on completing construction and commissioning, leading to production.

    The Company has engaged an independent engineering firm to incorporate the increase in resources, reported in July 2007, into new mine reserves and create a production schedule for use in updating the mine economics. The Company expects the updated mine economics and reserves to be completed by the end of the year.

    In 2008, the Company will also undertake a feasibility study to examine the enhanced project economics that can be achieved with the addition of a flotation mill to process high-grade ore in the open pit and additional underground ore not contemplated in the previous feasibility study.

    Third Quarter Financial Results:

    The Company expects to have no revenue except interest income until Dolores commences commercial production in the second quarter of 2008. As a result, the Company expects to meet its cash requirements from funds in place or available through traditional revolving non-equity sources. As at September 30, 2007, The Company had US$44.4 million in cash and cash equivalents and net working capital of US$44.8 million.

    The Company reported a net loss for the third quarter of 2007 of US$12.97 million (US$0.27 per share) compared with a net loss of US$0.9 million (US$0.02 per share) for the same period in 2006. Net losses for the first nine months of 2007 totaled US$13.85 million (US$0.29 per share) compared with US$5.4 million (US$0.12 per share) in the first nine months of 2006. A significant portion of the third quarter and nine month loss is the result of a $7.70 million non-cash provision for future income taxes recorded by the Company to reflect the recent changes in the Mexico tax legislation.

    To review the complete interim unaudited financial statements, and Management’s Discussion and Analysis, please see the Company’s SEDAR filings at or the Company’s website at

    About Minefinders:

    Minefinders is a precious metals mining and exploration company. The company is in the final stages of building the multi-million ounce Dolores gold and silver mine in Mexico. The mine is expected to have a 15-year life as an open pit mine with additional potential as a high-grade underground mine in the future. The Company continues its exploration efforts, on several other prospective projects in Mexico, to build a quality pipeline of precious metals projects for future growth.


    “Mark H. Bailey”

    Mark H. Bailey

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Mein Depot quillt bereits randvoll über von Sonderangeboten :( ;)

    Habe grade mal Aker Kvaerner genommen, Sabina schon letzte Woche, man weiß ja gar nicht, wo man hingucken soll. Ölaktien im Sonderangebot trotz hohen Ölpreises, Petrochina könnte man kaufen, zig Minen, Yamana, Buenaventura, alles lecker heute

    Wünsch Euch nen guten Pick! :)

  • Auch die Teck Cominco und die olle Anglo American sind ein Schnaeppchen.... :P

    Zinc is in the Zink... :D
    Und bei Oilsand ist eigentlich nur die Petrobank PBG.TO gut gelaufen.

    Meine Oilaktien sind trotz dem Oilpreis ein langweiler, bei Uran ist der totale Weihnachtsverkauf. :P...ebenso liegen lassen bis 2012.

    Wer noch ein wenig vertrauen in RSA bzw. GFI hat und glaubt der Rand geht im A... der sollte GFI kaufen, bei den Gesoxe hier kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das der sich fuer immer so haltet. Wenn Jacob Zuma der neue President wird dann heisst es so oder so Koffer packen.

    GFI ist auch eine 2012 Ernte und die muss man abwarten koennen IMO.

    Its shopping time ! :P

    Good luck


  • Mexican Silver Mines Acquires the Voladora Mine in the State of Nuevo Leon

    CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Nov. 19, 2007) - Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. ("Mexican Silver") (TSX VENTURE:MSM)(FRANKFURT:MS2)(WKN:A0MSLE) is pleased to announce that it has completed a Letter of Intent ("LOI") to acquire a 100% interest in the Voladora Mine located in the municipality of Lampazos, Nuevo Leon, northeastern Mexico. The Voladora Mine, which covers an area of 272 hectares, is situated two kilometers to the northwest of Mexican Silver's La Iguana Mine.

    The Voladora Mine is in one of the largest and most geologically complex mining districts on any of the Company's concessions. Numerous surface and subsurface intrusive bodies are present in the area and the mineralization has been found to be related to chemically favorable carbonate horizons in proximity to a central intrusive complex.

    The Voladora Mine consists of a number of adits and several shafts extending to a depth of 30 meters. This mine was in production from 1758 to 1808 when the historical data indicate that a collapse in the mine was the cause of abandonment of this mining district.

    Mineralization at Voladora consists of carbonate replacement deposits (CRD) and stockwork in the adjacent intrusive bodies. Additionally, intrusive sills and dikes are associated with garnet skarns hosted in the adjacent calcareous rocks. Mineralization occurs as sulfides including sphalerite and argentiferous galena, with a gangue of barite, quartz, calcite, pyrite and iron oxides. The initial exploration plan at Voladora is to implement a detailed mapping and sampling program of the surface and underground workings and to mount an aggressive diamond drilling phase at the mine upon completion of the drilling at the Iguana mine to the southwest.

    The terms of the LOI to acquire a 100% interest in the Voladora Mine consists of an initial US$100,000 payment for a three year option on the property. Any time during this three year period, Mexican Silver Mines can exercise its option for the outright purchase of the Voladora Mine for a payment of US$900,000.

    The background of Voladora reflects the richness and historical importance of the mine to the development of the region. When it was first identified, the mine was considered to be the most significant discovery in the San Antonio de la Iguana area which encompasses Mexican Silver's Ral concession. Initial prospecting in the area was started by Mulato Felipe de Jasso in March 1758 with the discovery of the Voladora Mine on May 17, 1758 when veins of high grade silver were discovered.

    The various silver mines in the area were worked by a reported 1,500 locals, however, after the discovery of the Voladora Mine, the number of miners increased to 5,000. Historical documents suggest that large amounts of native silver were found in the near surface environment at the location of the portal to the main adit. According to some historians, up to 400 kilograms of silver were extracted from the mine in one single day during the early period of the mine. The extremely rich grades from the mine caused the King of Spain to send the Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon to live in San Antonio de La Iguana to oversee the taxation of the silver production. It is well known that Voladora was an important factor that contributed to the development of the postal service between Monterrey and Mexico City (from the Council of Mineral Resources, CRM, Flowers B.R., 1983. Geologic-mining study of the Vallecillo project, corresponding to the area of the Iguana, Municipality of Lampazos, N.L.).

    Two hundred and fifty years or a quarter of a millennium later, Mexican Silver Mines will conduct the very first drilling at Voladora beginning in early 2008. Feisal Somji, CEO of Mexican Silver Mines, states, "The acquisition of the Voladora Mine demonstrates that management is keeping with the business model and objectives of the Company. The Voladora Mine has proven itself to be a producer and the fact that it was abandoned due to a collapse of the workings suggests that significant resources may still be untapped. Mexican Silver continues to acquire significant advanced properties from locals, that are in general unknown to the industry. These assets all have the potential to move into development at a rapid pace and that combined with Mexican Silver's working capital and aggressive management team again demonstrates the Company's objective to be a silver producer in the near term."

    Mr. William Dynes, P. Geol., is the Qualified Person, as defined in NI 43-101, who has reviewed and verified the scientific and technical mining disclosure contained in this news release.

    About Mexican Silver Mines

    Mexican Silver Mines is a silver focused junior resource company developing three former silver producing properties in north-eastern Mexico. To learn more about Mexican Silver Mines, please visit:


    Feisal Somji, B.Sc., MBA, President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Orko wieder mit sehr guten Drillergebnissen.
    Möcht wissen wieviele oz eqi für die 43 er bringt.
    Für normal müsste die abrauschen, aber h e u t e nicht.....

    Man soll sich auch die Tabellen anschauen und die drilling map:

    Heute hat es einen Cortez Trend Explorer zerrissen.
    ich hatte den mal auch auf der Rechnung, aber nie gekauft.
    Die properties liegen nämlich strategisch sehr gut.

    Es werden noch viele folgen in den nächsten Jahren.
    Aber es wird auch Kracher geben.
    braucht man halt ein glückliches Händchen..... 8)

    Respekt vor dem CEO, der die Meldung schonungslos platziert hat.
    Hört man auch nicht alle Tage.
    Sonst wierd immer beschönigt, wo es nichts mehr zu beschönigen gibt.

    Der kater ist im laufen, wie schon am 5.11. vermutet bei teil 1 des messeberichtes. Werf ma halt 2 Aspirin ein und warten auf Anfang dezember.

    CMQ.V 1:47PM ET 0.065 Down 0.235 Down 78.33% 752,800

    CMQ Completes Drilling Program with Disappointing Results
    Monday November 19, 9:25 am ET

    CALGARY, Nov. 19 /CNW/ - CMQ Resources Inc. (CMQ:TSXV) has completed its 2007 exploration drilling program with disappointing results. CMQ drilled a total of 11 holes on the Hot Springs North, Valmy Hill and Northwest Corridor focus areas of its Vasquir, Nevada property. A total of 18,420 feet of drilling was completed and either full suite or gold only assays have been received on each of the 11 holes. The best gold assay received, which remains subject to check assays, was 7.78 ppm or .227 opt over a 5-foot interval from 895 to 900 ft., a depth at which gold in these concentrations is unlikely to be commercial.

    Based on the drilling results and assays received, CMQ has determined that it will not be pursuing further exploration on either of its two properties - Vasquir and Montezuma - in the Crescent Valley, Nevada. CMQ will perform various check assays and other follow-up activities in order to get its database completely up to date, with a view to exploring the possible sale or joint venture of one or both of its properties. There is, of course, no assurance that sale or joint venture opportunities will be available, either at all or on acceptable terms.

    CMQ will release its Q3 2007 financial statements prior to the end of November. It is likely that all or substantially all of CMQ's investment in its resource properties will be written off and that CMQ will have limited remaining cash.

    CMQ's strategy from the outset has been to focus exclusively and expend virtually all of its available resources on its two exploration properties and to report the results on a frank and timely basis. As CMQ stated in its May 18, 2005 Letter to Shareholders: "CMQ remains committed to utilize the equity funds it has raised to determine the prospectivity of its Montezuma and Vasquir properties through drilling.".... "We expect the CMQ story will play out relatively quickly and results, be they positive or negative, will be disclosed accurately and on a timely basis. CMQ recognizes that it is a high risk, high reward opportunity. Shareholders who are unable or unwilling to risk a total loss of their investment should seek alternate investment opportunities."

    CMQ has now essentially concluded this high risk/high reward strategy as far as it is able. Throughout the exploration program, CMQ's internal personnel have worked closely with various capable outside consultants, as well as with technical personnel from CMQ's strategic investor/partner, Gold Fields Holdings Company (BVI) Limited, a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited. General and Administrative expenses have been kept to a minimum, no cash compensation has been paid to the directors since inception, to the CEO for the past two years, and other personnel were, to the extent possible, on low-cost part-time arrangements or employment arrangements with relatively little cash and significant equity upside. Unfortunately, even though virtually all of the funds raised by CMQ have "gone into the ground", CMQ has been unable to establish that any commercial gold deposits exist on its property or to realize drilling successes that it believes would allow it to raise additional funds or would merit further exploration of the properties in its hands.

    CMQ will now focus on concluding its remaining business in a professional and responsible manner, including land reclamation and restoration matters, full technical reviews and completion of data packages. It will also assess what, if any, additional or other business opportunities may be available to it and whether continuation of CMQ in its current form is desirable or feasible.

    For further information

    Martin A. Lambert, Chief Executive Officer, CMQ Resources Inc., Tel: (403) 294-0101, E-mail or visit

    UNO hat auch gemeldet: Mexico diesmal....


  • Bei der Edelmetallmesse wurde mir geagt, das PP sollte zu 1,5 sein.

    Nuuu, jetzt geben sie es billiger, nämlich zu einem C$.
    Warrant zu 1,25.
    Jetzt weiß ich auch, zu welchem Preis ich da kaufen werde.
    Nicht viel mehr als einen $. :D

    Silvermex Resources Ltd.: News Release
    Monday November 19, 11:55 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 19, 2007) - Silvermex Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMR - News; the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed its short form offering of 2,000,000 units (the "Offering Units") at a price of $1.00 per unit for gross proceeds of $2,000,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one half of one non-transferable share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share for a period of 12 months at a price of $1.25 per share. The Company's agent for the short form offering was Canaccord Capital Corporation ("Canaccord") of Vancouver, British Columbia.

    In consideration for its services, Canaccord was paid the following:

    1. 160,000 units at a price of $1.00 per share (having the same terms as the Offering Units), representing the 8% Agent's commission taken in Agent's Units;

    2. 160,000 non-transferable warrants exercisable at a price of $1.00 for a period of 12 months from closing, representing the 8% Agent's Warrants;

    3. 37,500 units representing the corporate finance fee (having the same terms as the Offering Units).

    The Company also agreed to pay all expenses reasonably incurred by Canaccord in connection with the offering, including the fees and expenses of Canaccord's solicitors.

    The securities issued to purchasers who have subscribed for 40,000 units or more (425,000 units) and the Agent's corporate finance fee are subject to restrictive legends expiring on March 16, 2008.

    The proceeds of the offering will be used to pay the expenses of the offering, including Canaccord's commission, exploration of the Company's properties, property payments, and general working capital.

    This News Release contains forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements which relate to future events. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expects", "plans, "anticipates", believes", "estimates", "predicts", "potential", or "continue or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

    While these forward-looking statements, and any assumptions upon which they are based, are made in good faith and reflect out current judgment regarding the direction of our business, actual results will almost always vary, sometimes materially, from any estimates, predictions, projections, assumptions or other future performance suggests herein. Except as required by applicable law the Company does not intend to update any forward-looking statements to conform these statements to actual results.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    Bruce Bragagnolo
    Silvermex Resources Ltd.
    CEO & Secretary
    (604) 638-8980

    Darcy Krohman, P.Geo., C.A.
    Silvermex Resources Ltd.
    Executive Vice-President & CFO
    (604) 638-8971

    Jason Leikam
    Silvermex Resources Ltd. - Investor Relations
    Corporate Development
    (604) 638-8979

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