Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Alexis mit den ersten Goldbarren aus Lac Herbin:

    Metanor soll diese Woche auch den ersten Barren präsentieren.

    West Timmins mit Erweiterung zu La Dura:
    Interessante Company

    Mexico Mike zu Bandera: wenn sie in das trial gehen, dann dauert das ein jahr.
    Wär blöd.

    I met with some of the management from BGL during my west coast trip last week. There is not much new to the story that I can add, except to say that I am confident that BGL is going to come out of this with 100% of Cinco Minas, and thereafter there will be very little in the way of the company to go on and become a solid producer. The question is time. Will they end this thing in a few weeks, and convince Barnett to accept a fair and reasonable buyout? Or, will they have to pursue it in the courts, after presenting evidence of objectionable behaviour and breach of contract, which could take a year or more to settle. I will not present specific details of the breakdown in the JV, but I will simply state that I believe it was not just a failure of communication, and there was a deliberate and careful scheme to defraud BGL investors that was beyond the control of management to prevent.

    The company has the services of one of the top lawyers in Mexico for mining law. BGL is still very well-financed. And the company has completed the requirements for their 60% earned interest, so I do not think its a danger that they will lose the project.

    The largest single shareholder in the company has not sold a share, and the management and insiders all have family and friends participating (as I do) and therefore they are motivated to see this through.

    My final comment is very subjective. I have met with literally hundreds of management teams in this sector during the last 5 years. With some of them, I detect a lack of sincerity in their objectives. There are some companies I just know will never achieve success because the senior people are in it for themselves. They look at investors like a cat looks at a canary in a cage. They find ways to screw up a good story through their own greed and short term behaviour. With BGL, I know that everyone in that story is fighting to build a successful company. These guys have been successful at everything else they have done. I trust that they will make the right decisions to resolve this dispute and get the company back on track. That is my reason for staying with them.

    I cannot advise anyone else on what to do. The JV went off the rails at the same time as the sentiment for the entire sector has gone sour. The stakes are not as high as they seem therefore, since I think the worst case scenario is already priced in. I am going to see this through as long as it takes and just trust that integrity will win the day.



    Voluntary disclosure: I have not received any form of compensation to report on my opinions now or at any other time by BGL. The company remains my largest holding.

  • Goldcorp seen eager to sell Silver Wheaton stake

    Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:01pm EST

    TORONTO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Goldcorp Inc. (G.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) may be on the verge of selling its 49 percent stake in Silver Wheaton Corp (SLW.TO: Quote, Profile, Research), the Financial Post newspaper said on Tuesday, while analysts agreed the timing is right for a sale.

    Selling the stake could raise around C$1.8 billion ($1.8 billion), based on Silver Wheaton's stock price. The Post said Goldcorp has begun hiring investment bankers for a sale likely by way of a secondary offering....…ews/idUSN2960054120080129

    linar :)

  • heute up + 38% auf 0.57C$, bin jetzt gerade auf einstandskurs, hoffe es geht weiter so :)

    Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. Announces Exploration Results From the Magnolia Mine Area Within the Vallecillo Ag-Pb-Zn Mining District
    Monday January 28, 12:36 pm ET

    CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Jan. 28, 2008) - Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. ("Mexican Silver" or "MSM") (TSX VENTURE:MSM - News; FRANKFURT:MS2 - News) is pleased to announce additional information regarding exploration at the Magnolia mine area within the Vallecillo Ag-Pb-Zn mining district. MSM's Phase I exploration program at the Vallecillo district consisted of surface mapping, sampling and initial diamond drilling on multiple targets located along a five kilometer long structure that hosts mineralization within the Vallecillo district. These multiple targets are known as the Dolores mine, the Santa Maria mine, the Magnolia mine and the Coronel mine. The Magnolia mine area is located approximately three kilometers west of the Dolores shaft, the main historic producer in the district.

    Detailed surface mapping and rock chip sampling within the Magnolia mine area has been completed with positive results. Multiple vein systems have been identified from the historic workings and have been sampled both on the surface and in underground stopes. These samples averaged from 0.2 to 0.8 meters in width with assay results ranging from 10 to 100 gm/tonne silver. Lead assays averaged from 0.5% to 5.0%. Potential targets at Magnolia include both lateral extensions to the mineralization at depths to 30 meters where the historic workings are located and within the stratigraphic sequence beneath the workings which provide significant upside to the project.

    A single drill hole, V-12, was drilled 50 meters to the east of the Magnolia shaft and, as previously reported, intersected 1.3 meters of calcite/sulphide vein material that assayed 374 gm/tonne Ag and 12.35% Pb. This mineralized interval was located at down hole depth of 146.5 to 147.8 meters. Additionally, an intercept of one meter assaying 24 g/t Ag was drilled from 38.7 to 39.7 meters. Historically, the underground stopes and mine workings at Magnolia are estimated to have been developed to depths of only 30 meters. This intercept of 11 oz/t Ag and 12% Pb at 146 meters depth represents a newly discovered zone of mineralization that will be further evaluated in the Phase II drilling program at Vallecillo. The Eagle Ford formation hosts the majority of the mineralization in the district and is the host for the intercepts encountered in drill hole V-12.

    The mineralization found at the Magnolia mine area, both in drill hole V-12 and in the underground workings, is situated on the crest of the northwesterly trending Vallecillo anticline. This anticlinal feature is a favorable structural location for mineralization to be emplaced. All of the mines located within the Vallecillo structural zone are present on this anticline. The Dolores and Santa Maria mines are on the eastern limb of the anticline; the Magnolia mine area is on the crest of the anticline and the Coronel mine area is located on the western limb. Mexican Silver is evaluating the use of a variety of ground geophysical techniques to augment the exploration program in the district prior to the start of Phase II drilling.

    The Vallecillo district has been the site of silver-lead mining activities dating back to 1776, where mineralization is hosted within structures and mantos in a sequence of interbedded limestones and silty carbonates. The largest historic mine in the district, the Dolores mine, has a known depth of 100 metres. The Vallecillo district is located in the southern part of the Mexican Silver's 100-per-cent-owned Providencia concession.

    All drill core samples were shipped to ALS Chemex Laboratory ("Chemex") for analyses. Chemex has an International Standard Organization rating of ISO 9001:2000 and is independent of Mexican Silver. The split drill core sample was crushed and a sub-sample (aliquot) split off, pulverized and screened through a 150 mesh screen. Analyses were performed using standard acid digestion and spectrographic techniques. Mexican Silver follows a rigorous Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consisting of inserting standards and duplicates into the sample stream submitted to Chemex for analyses. Mr. William Dynes, P. Geol., the project supervisor of Mexican Silver's drilling program on the Vallecillo Property, is the Corporation's nominated Qualified Person responsible for monitoring the supervision and quality control of the programs completed within the its properties. Mr. Dynes has reviewed and verified the technical information contained in this news release.

    This news release contains forward-looking information including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations and potential mineral recovery processes. Forward-looking information includes disclosure regarding possible future events, conditions or results of operations that is based on assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action, and therefore, involves inherent risks and uncertainties. When used in this news release. The words "estimated", "plan", "anticipated", "expected", "intend", "believe", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Mexican Silver to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievement expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For any forward-looking information given, management has assumed that the analytical results it has received are reliable, and has applied geological interpretation methodologies which are consistent with industry standards. Although management has a reasonable basis for the conclusions drawn, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate and actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. For such statements, we claim safe harbour.

    About Mexican Silver Mines

    Mexican Silver Mines is a silver focused junior resource company developing three former silver producing properties in north-eastern Mexico. To learn more about Mexican Silver Mines, please visit:


    Feisal Somji, B.Sc., MBA, President and Chief Executive Office

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of this information.


    Feisal Somji
    Mexican Silver Mines Ltd.
    President & CEO
    (403) 236-5089
    (403) 398-0693 (FAX)

    Jamie Mathers
    Ascenta Capital Partners Inc.
    Investor Relations
    (604) 684-4743 ext. 236 ro Toll Free: 1-866-684-4209

  • Ein kurzer Blick auf Bruce Bragagnolo:
    Der soll ja auf der Vancouver Konferenz mit sooo einem breitem Grinsen herumgerannt sein.
    Vielleicht war er auch nur gut drauf.... :D

    Und es gibt da ja verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie der link zeigt.…PO_ID=1010624&HC_FLAG1=on

    Uupps: das war der falsche link: der da, dieser!!!…&PO_ID=818379&HC_FLAG1=on


    ich drück dir die daumen.
    Sind die Resultate etwa gut?
    Eher wohl Tiefenspeku.... :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Bestes Quartal seit das neue Managment diese Reicherz-Minen wieder auf Trab gebracht hat. Details auf der Website, um unseren ächzenden Forums-Server zu schonen.

    Pampers-Modus: ich schlage vor, besser entspannt einen Eichenfass-gereiften Tequila zu trinken, anstatt unter sich zu lassen. Es kommt schon gut. Tschonko, wann treffen wir uns mal in der Bar in Gua?


  • Hallo Lucky,
    Tequila in Gua. Wenn überhaupt, heuer im August.......... :D
    Aber weisst eh, i mag ja net wirklich nach Mexico.
    Aber das mach mer bei PM.

    "Pampers Modus": dieser Ausdruck schien zu gefallen. Hatte ihn dioch der user timesystem bei w.o. schon einige Stunden später als eigene Wortschöpfung im Programm. (im First Majestics thread, der ja sehr gut war und auch noch gut ist.
    Die Jungs lesen mit.......... :D

    Ben hat gesenkt mit Aussicht auf weitere Senkungen.
    Das bedeutet: Rally.

    Die Amis und Canucks brauchen meistens einen Tag, bis das Ding durch die Gehirnwindungen durch ist.
    Die haben einfach zu viel Hirn....

    Heisst aber nicht, dass das auch für die Juniors gilt.

    Weiters wäre noch zu beachten, dass die hedgefonds auch ziemlich reif sind für eine größere krise.

    Müsste ein guter februar werden für uns.

    Aber das gabze verdammte Zeug kommt noch auf uns zu,
    nur eben später dafür hoch² oder hoch³.

    Hab mir heut ein paar Silvermex gegönnt.
    Klein Orko nenn ich sie.
    Wollt ich ja gleich nach der Edelmetallmesse. :D

    Nur der Bruce Bragagnolo könnte in Vamcouver auch wegen Timmins Gold so gegrinst haben wie ein Scheunentor.
    (Warum ich das weiß? friends were there)


      heron, schau dir das an. EXN ist so ziemlich die einzige Aktie, die vor dem Toronto listening steigt.
    Orko zieht auch an.
    Schau, schau.

    La Parilla update (FR.TO) in Tabellenform von smallcapinvestor.…oads/LaParilla_300108.pdf

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • So, und Genco auch noch eingebucht auf margin.
    Genco schaut längerfristig gut aus.
    So an die 1,5 mille oz haben sie derzeit, Tendenz steigend.
    Sie weisen niedrige Gestehungskosten aus,
    aber im Reporten waren sie noch nie gut. :D

    Da muss was raus die nächsten Tage, wenn nicht morgen.
    Aber erst am Abend.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    So, und Genco auch noch eingebucht auf margin.

    Hallo Tschonko, dem Mutigen gehört die Welt!

    Ich versteh die Welt nicht mehr, wie auf den Minenaktien (inkl. Uran) rumgetreten wird! Sind doch keine Bond-Versicherer!
    Vermuten kann man lange Arme, die auf allen möglichen Wegen ungedeckt shorten! X(

    Also mit margin müsste ich von Plan 2 auf Plan 1 wechseln (Tequila => Pampers). Habe zwar margin, benütze ihn nicht.



  • Hallo Lucky,
    glaub gar nicht, dass viel mehr geshortet wird zur Zeit.

    Es fehlt einfach an den Käufern.......

    Und wenn noch wer billig eingekaufte warrants hat, dann gibt er die auch her und holt sich ein bisserl cash.

    Wir hatten hier mal NER.V und OTL.V Letztere hatte gestern 1 A moly Zahlen.
    Aktie fällt.
    Gründe: dilution ist schon ansehnlich und das dauert noch ein paar jahre.
    Bei NER.V dasselbe: bei kupferprojekt nichts gefunden. Ausverkauf.
    Dabei geht es hier nur um das molyprojekt crazy fox.
    Wenn da das 1. loch wiederholt wird, dann ist wieder Abflug.....
    Zur Zeit hat ausschließlich der markt recht.

    Genco geht schon........ :D
    Hab ja nicht viel. Aber irgendwann muss ma ja anfangen.


    PS: So jetzt haben wir eine neue Seite.
    Das wichtige Posting war um 19:12 uhr. Das ist Plänkelei.
    Seite 1 auf neuesten Stand gebracht ("upgedatet2 wär kürzer... :D)

    So, Schluss für heut! hab noch was vor.....

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • SUBJECT: SLW Halted Posted By: TenneBob
    Post Time: 1/31/2008 16:30
    « Previous Message Next Message »

    After a day when silver hit $17... yet the stock traded down substantially... this is a little ominous.

    Anyone have a guess as to the news?

    Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Silver Wheaton Corp. - SLW

    TORONTO, Jan. 31, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
    The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

    Issuer Name: Silver Wheaton Corp.

    TSX Ticker Symbol: SLW

    Time of Halt: 4:11 PM EST

    Reason for Halt: Pending News

    SOURCE: Market Regulation Services Inc.

    SOURCE: Market Regulation Services - Halts/Resumptions

    contact - RS Inquiries (416) 646-7299 - * Please note that RS is not able to provide any additional information regarding a specific trading halt. Information is limited to general enquiries only.

    Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

    linar :)


    Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. meldet ein Explorations-Update seines Projektes Iguana
    30.01.2008 | 19:59 Uhr | IRW-Press

    Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. ("Mexican Silver" oder "MSM") freut sich, ein Update bezüglich der Explorationsaktivitäten auf seinem Projekt Iguana, auf der Konzession Ral, bekannt zu geben. Die Diamantbohrungen auf diesem Projekt begannen im vierten Quartal 2007. Mit dem unternehmenseigenen mobilen Bohrgerät Longyear 44 von MSM wurden bisher insgesamt 911 Meter bebohrt. Für das Phase-I-Bohrprogramm bei Iguana sind insgesamt sieben Bohrlöcher geplant, von denen bis dato drei Bohrlöcher abgeschlossen wurden. Bohrloch IG-04 wird zurzeit in einer Tiefe von 200 Meter bebohrt. Sämtliche Ergebnisse der Probentnahmen des Bohrkerns sind noch ausständig.

    Das Projekt Iguana befindet sich auf der Konzession Ral von MSM, welches ein Gebiet von 10.160 Acres umfasst. Hochgradige Silber-Blei-Zink-Mineralisierungen wurden als Verdrängungsmantos und Skarne innerhalb von Kontaktzonen mit Granodioriten aus dem Tertiär gefunden, die in Kontakt mit Kalksteinen aus der Kreidezeit stehen. In einigen Minenanlagen erstreckt sich die hochgradige Mineralisierung auf über einhundert Meter und äußert sich als Verdrängung eines einzelnen Kalksteinhorizontes.

    Bei Iguana wiesen sowohl Oberflächen- als auch Untergrundgesteinssplitterproben – vor allem im Gebiet der Mine Guadalupe – auf hochgradige Zonen mit Silberwerten im Kilogramm-pro-Tonne-Bereich hin. Gesteinssplitter- und Bodenproben wurden auf dem ganzen Projekt durchgeführt. Diese beinhalteten auch ein Gebiet mit einer Oberflächenalteration, das mit dem Gebiet der historischen Bergbautätigkeiten übereinstimmt. Im Rahmen des Kartierungsprogramms wurden günstige Intrusions-/Kalksteinkontakte definiert, welche potenzielle Zielgebiete aufweisen, die nun bebohrt werden.

    Eine geologische Interpretation der Lithologie dieser Bohrung weist darauf hin, dass in der gesamten Zone der Oberflächenalteration auf dem Projekt Iguana sowohl senkrechte Intrusionserdwalle als auch intrusive Lagergänge vorhanden sind. Ton-, Quarz-, Serizit- und Pyritalterationen wurden in einer Reihe von dazwischen liegenden Intrusionen im Bohrkern beobachtet. Zudem wurden Bleiglanz und Sphalerit in unterschiedlichen Mengen entdeckt; diese stehen in räumlichem Zusammenhang mit den Intrusionen und den Karbonathorizonten.

    Nach dem Abschluss dieses Phase-I-Bohrprogramms bei Iguana wird – abhängig von der Verbreitung und Intensität der Alteration unterhalb der Oberfläche – eine IP-Untersuchung in geringen Abständen in Betracht gezogen, um weitere potenzielle Ziele zu definieren.

    Alle Bohrkernproben werden an ALS Chemex Laboratory ("Chemex") zur Analyse verschickt. Chemex besitzt ein ISO 9001:2000-Zertifikat als internationale Standardorganisation und ist von Mexican Silver unabhängig. Die geteilte Bohrkernprobe wurde zerkleinert, und eine Sub-Probe (aliquot) wurde abgespalten, pulverisiert und mit einem 150 Mesh-Screen überprüft. Die Analysen wurden mittels eines Säureaufschlusses und spektrographischer Techniken durchgeführt.

    Mexican Silver hält sich an ein strenges Qualitätssicherungs-/Qualitätskontrollprogramm, welches das Hinzufügen von Standard- und Doppelproben zu der an Chemex verschickten Probensequenz beinhaltet. William Dynes, P.Geol., der Projektsupervisor des Bohrprogramms von Mexican Silver auf dem Grundstück Vallecillo, ist die vom Unternehmen ernannte qualifizierte Person, die für die Beaufsichtigung und Qualitätskontrolle der auf diesen Grundstücken durchgeführten Programme verantwortlich ist. William Dynes hat die technischen Informationen dieser Pressemitteilung überprüft und verifiziert.

  • Goldcorp to sell stake in Silver Wheaton
    Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:38pm EST

    TORONTO (Reuters) - Goldcorp Inc (G.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Thursday it is selling its 108 million common shares of Silver Wheaton Corp (SLW.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) -- a 48 percent stake -- to underwriters in a bought deal, at a price of $14.50 per share.....…AN3136222620080131?rpc=44

    linar :)

  • Hi eldo,
    glaub überhaupt, dass es heuer viele Übernahmen gebn wird.

    Bei genco hab ich mich zu früh gefreut. Kamen wieder zurück.
    Da war gestern ein Spread von 2,7 bis 3,19.
    Was sagt uns das?

    Noch was von den babybulls:

    Wall Street Journal Lead Article – Investors Rush to Gold - January 31, 2008

    If we have ever witnessed a stronger buying signal for junior mining sector stocks, we can’t remember it!

    Like the infamous “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” the leading story in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal is still resonating loudly hours after it hit news-stands early this morning due to the lead story splashed prominently across page one “INVESTORS RUSH TO GOLD”. It’s quite a coincidence (or maybe not) that this article breaks on the same day that GATA (the Gold Anti Trust Action Committee) took out a full page ad (at a cost of over $250,000) in America’s leading financial daily to announce their upcoming Washington DC Gold conference in April of 2008. This comprehensive full page color advertisement is a well written manifesto wherein GATA publicly calls out the US Treasury and other tier one central banking institutions to provide proof of net gold stockpiles (GATA has been waging a public battle with global banking institutions on the conjecture that the system has been running an orchestrated campaign for many years to keep the price of gold in check by flooding the market with the yellow metal whenever it heats up in price). The popular wisdom by this group now is that with many global gold bullion stockpiles sold off (or shorted), the banking consortium’s ability to continue to control gold pricing is becoming limited and we will soon see the demand for precious metals outstrip supply leading to rapid price appreciation for both gold and silver.

    Lest we digress, let’s get back to main topic at hand here – which was today’s article on gold and how it is becoming a popular investment with both individual investors and more importantly the professional money managers that invest hundreds of billions of dollars in managed money. What this article represents is a public acknowledgement of what many investors have seen coming for quite some time. As the US (and EU countries) continue to print paper “fiat” money to prop up an underperforming investment market (with the most recent catalyst being the subprime mortgage meltdown), the US dollar is continuing to show major strain and points toward an inflationary economy. When that happens, there is a natural tendency for investors to seek safety in new vehicles that can more safely store buying power, and this is precisely what is now starting to happen. Both gold and silver have shown bright appreciation over the past few months as the broad global markets are getting pushed lower with sentiment continuing to sink as stimulus packages and fed rate cuts are deemed “too little, too late” by the experts.

    Gold is now well above $900/oz and silver has appreciated over 60% in the last six months to over $16.50/oz. But many metals analysts see this pricing move as just the beginning of what could be a dramatic and prolonged precious metals bull market with enough steam to push gold into the $1,500+ range and silver to track up considerably from current levels. As evidenced by today’s Wall Street Journal article, these pundits might be on the right track.

    We have been on the bullish side of the court for precious metals for quite some time with four of our client companies covered on right in the middle of this market sector with terrific offerings in either gold, silver or a combination of both. We have provided a brief update for each of these well positioned junior mining companies below and continue to see these underfollowed companies as excellent opportunities to position for what we expect to be a very strong market for precious metals over the next few years as this current trend of investors allocating a larger percentage of their portfolios into hard assets continues.

    With the push by professionals into the metals starting to occur as evidenced by today’s WSJ article, we fully expect the masses to follow in shortly and really kick this market into gear. As metals prices continue to appreciate, investors will seek out ways to get leverage into this market, which is where the junior mining sector will pick up considerable interest. In fact, relative to current metals pricing, junior mining stocks are possibly the most efficient way to enter this market as they already represent a huge discount to the current market (when considering market cap per oz of metal in the ground) and will see their operating numbers and net profit lines (cost of discovery/production as a percentage of gross metals price) improve dramatically with each move up in metals pricing.

    Of course, where there exists the opportunity to realize high rewards, there exists a commensurate exposure to risk. That being said, we see the following companies as excellent ways to move into this market as each one looks to be at a historically low entry point and each has already exhibited an ability to locate material discoveries which should prove to help protect their downside, while they maintain excellent continued discovery potential providing for explosive upside.

    Here is a quick look at our precious metals clients that have excellent prospects already which would only improve as the metals markets heat up in interest with mainstream investors:

    Silver Dragon Resources, Inc. (SDRG:OTCBB) - Silver Dragon Resources, based in Toronto, Canada is a pure play silver exploration group that is developing silver rich properties in both Mexico and China. Silver Dragon has completed a 43-101 report for it’s Cerros las Minitas property in Mexico and one of it’s China properties (Erbahuo mine) and is in the process of converting 122b (China) standards for the eight remaining silver property targets in the prolific Erbahuo silver district in Inner Mongolia to international 43-101 standards. Silver Dragon has already identified a significant silver resource at both it’s Cerros las Minitas property and the the Erbahou mine of combined 35 million + oz silver equivalent, and we expect this number to go up sharply as they continue exploration work in both Mexico and China as well as standards conversion at their 8 remaining China properties. With many seeing an even more dramatic appreciation potential for silver as it has both investor and industrial demand combined with the fact that silver could move up considerably to reach its more traditional ratio to gold pricing, Silver Dragon looks to be particularly well positioned for excellent value improvement going forward.

    Additional information on Silver Dragon is available at and at

    EXMIN Resources, Inc. (EXM:TSX-V) – EXMIN Resources, based in Vancouver Canada is a gold and silver exploration group that has amassed one of the largest land packages of highly prospective lease hold interests of any junior mining group in the industry. EXMIN presently has over 22 separate high impact projects representing approximately 1.5 million acres (that’s is over 2,300 square miles!). In addition, EXMIN owns 30% of the Moris Gold mine, a 3,000 ton-per-day heap-leach operation operated by their joint venture partner, Hochschild Mining (70%) which is in production and is on track to produce in the neighborhood of 25,000 oz of gold and 60,000 oz for 2008. The two groups are looking to expand production as they aggressively drill on the property to extend the already significant discovery at Moris. EXMIN is also working with: world class mining group Industrias Penoles (BMV:MEX) on their Maguarichic property; Yale Resources on their Urique property and MAG Silver on their Batopilas property. We see a very bright future for this major land holder that has struck deals with a host of strong partners to build out their resource base and continue to pioneer new property holdings by staking. Additional information on EXMIN Resources is available at: and at

    Golden Goliath Resources Ltd (GNG:TSX-V) – Golden Goliath Resources Ltd, based in Vancouver, is a mining and precious metals company focused on the exploration, development and operation of gold, silver, lead and zinc mining projects in proven mineral districts of Mexico. Golden Goliath’s primary project is the development and exploration of a historically prolific Spanish mining district in Chihuahua, Mexico known as the Uruachic Camp. The Uruachic camp consists of 7 principle mineralized zones covering over 20,000 acres (approx. 32.5 square miles) of which the Company owns a 100% interest. In addition to Uruachic, Golden Goliath has a 5,000 acre prospect in upper Chihuahua known as the Chamizal prospect and just recently struck a deal on its La Cruz property with world class senior miner Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS:NASDAQ) for an aggressive discovery program. With its large acreage position in historically prolific mining land and deep pocket JV partners, we see great discovery potential in Golden Goliath. (a recent announcement from their drilling program in the Uruachic camp yielded a 21 meter section of 7.1 gram gold per ton, pointing to the discovery of a large near surface gold deposit). Additional information on Golden Goliath is available at: and

    Aurelio Resource Corporation (AULO:OTCBB) – Aurelio Resources, based in Denver CO, currently has two major projects in development, it’s Hill Copper-Zinc property near Bisbee, AZ which hosts a drill-indicated inferred (and third party verified) resource of more than 800 million pounds of insitu copper (at $3 copper this is over $2.4 billion worth) with considerable upscale potential, and it’s Gavilanes gold property in Mexico, which from initial drilling results has the potential of a resource in excess of one million ounces of gold. Aurelio is aggressively drilling at both properties to scope and delineate their resource base, and looks to have all the markings of a junior miner that is moving quickly up the ladder to senior status. With discoveries continuing at a rapid pace at its Arizona copper-zinc property, Aurelio is working on plans to build a large copper mine at the site and commence production, which would put them on the map quickly with a strong revenue base and upside discovery potential at their gold targets. Additional information on Aurelio Resources is available at: and at:

    We will continue to keep you informed as these four junior mining groups with excellent prospects for upside appreciation work diligently to grow their respective resource base and prove out their business models.

    Here is link to the full Wall Street Journal Article: Investors Rush to Gold:

    And a link to the GATA full page ad that appeared in today’s (Thursday’s) Wall Street Journal:


  • Stephen Altman hat beim toronto goldbugs meeting, glaub von Mexico Mike organisiert, einen vortrag gehalten.
    Hier der Bericht von Mike: oh ja, bitte wieder produzieren. Geld verbraten sie ja genug.

    I think Steve Altmann did a fanstastic job today to present the update on ECU. I am very familiar with the story but I learned some new things myself, and thought it was a pretty crisp presentation overall. He outlined the progress so far, and explained some of the decisions that the company has made.

    Some of the interesting details:

    The grades they are encountering from actual sampling of the veins underground have been higher than the drill results so far. So the actual ore zones will probably be even higher grade than the expectations based on the data.

    They have over 300,000 data points from the deposit, which has to rank it as one of the most comprehensive resources for any deposit of this size.

    There are 32 known veins on the property controlled by ECU. Most remain open lateraly and to depth. Almost no exploration has been done on the western veins so far.

    Development work commenced on a 2km decline ramp about 2 months ago. This ramp will allow access to the lower levels of the mine for heavy equipment. It will also open up drilling stations that will make it much cheaper and faster to do exploration drilling to depth.

    Work continues on the pyrite circuit to try and optimize gold recoveries, and the progress is described as 'encouraging'. Steve had great praise for MICON and the work on the resource estimate, and for Kappes Cassidy and the metallurgical test work that is in progress.

    The company still hopes to have the PFS completed by Q2 but that is still subject to possible delays along the way.

    There will be between 2-4 drills turning during 2008. The objectives will be to continue infill work to upgrade the resource to M&I, to step out the current discoveries and try to expand the deposit area, and to complete new exploration work, including targeting the skarn zones to depth.

    There is about $12 million in cash in the bank, and about $1 million per month is the burn rate.

    I asked a few questions about the potential to restart processing ore grade material, in order to generate positive cash flow. Altmann suggested that could begin very soon. The main issue is that the deposit model for the bulk tonnage ore requires that the higher grade vein shoots must remain intact or the lower grade zones will not be worth going back to. So trying to make money off a low tonnage operation does not make sense. However, there are known veins outside of the MC bulk tonnage zone, and they could be put into production to generate cash flow as the company had established last year, at lower gold and silver prices.

    The mill remains fully operational, but most of 2007 was running low grade test material. The work is ongoing to increase the efficiency as metallurgical test results come in. I think the management understands the importance of getting production going again, so that investors can know that the project is viable, and so that they will be able to stretch the cash position a bit further by generating internal revenues.

    Altmann has quite a few analyst meetings set up in the near future. I think the story is starting to get out to the institutions. I respect the effort for Steve and the CFO Dwight Walker to come to present to retail shareholders. There has been a lot of nonsense circulating on the forums and I hope this post has helped to clear up some of the facts for the company. I am also sure that anyone that calls the company directly will get straight answers to any questions they may have.



    Voluntary disclosure: ECU is one of my largest personal holdings. The company is a paid advertiser on this website.
    "Evil will always win because good is dumb." - SPACEBALLS

  • Hat wer einen link, wo man eine short list einsehen kann. (Speziell ECU, Genco, FR)
    Ich hatte so einen mal... :D
    Kann ihn nicht mehr finden.

    Sehr interessanter Bericht zu Yale YLL.V:
    hatten Mühe ein PP zu 0,5 Mille auf die Beine zu stellen zu 0,15.
    Ist ja ein Hohn!

    CEO Foreman hat eine Vision, ohne krank zu erscheinen, das gefällt mir.

    Ein Lustiger Bericht über short selling (Naked Shorting Conspiracy)…races-naked-shorting.html

    Langsam komm ich mir schon deppat vor mit meinem Gerede von der Rally. Gut im HUI fand sie ja statt, aber nicht bei den Juniors und Explorern.
    Die sind am Arsch.
    Weit wär´s ja nicht zum Vergnügen...... :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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