Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Milly, ist doch scheissegal was man nun kauft die sind alle saubillig auf deutsch gesagt.
    Wer vor Juniors Angst hat der nimmt SSRI PAAS HL SLW z.B.
    Ist ja wohl der Hammer wie man die gebuegelt hat.
    Die CDE am meisten, das ist schon ein Loch eingebrannt weil man das Buegeleisen drauf gelassen hat.

  • Gut Milly, wir zocken nur mehr ausserhalb von USA, ab nach China oder Venezuela ! :thumbup:
    Von mir aus koennen sie das grosse Amerika zuscheissen, Hurrican Ike faengt schon mal an.
    Ein Volk von Parasiten, wo ist das Flohpulver nur. :hae:
    Ich will hier nicht alle in den Topf werfen wohgemerkt, es geht um die US Regierung und Finanzsystem FED - BIS - CFR etc.etc.
    Joe Sixpack wird genauso beschissen wie wir von der eigenen Regierung.
    Merriman schreibt irgendwann explodiert das zur Rebellion oder Auftstand mit dieser Umverteilung die man macht.
    Die Reichen werden noch reicher und der Mittelstand wird aermer jeden Tag.
    Das einizige Argument von Obama,der verspricht und nichts haellt spaeter.
    Das kenne ich von unseren Bimbo's. :tired:

  • Eldo,
    " 20% meines 80% ihres, so schauts in Depot aus."
    Das ist ja heftig!

    wenn ich jetzt 70% hinten bin in 08, kannst dir ausrechnen, was ich plus gemacht hab in 06/07... :D
    Aber das nützt mir nichts mehr...

    SVM, da bist auf der sicheren Seite......., aber immer brav aufpassen! :D
    MGN: die werden hüpfen, wenn das permit und die finanzierung steht, um dann wieder zu fallen. Siehe SBB, FCO.TO etc.

    Guter artikel von Embry:

    "I don’t understand why the majors aren't acquiring because I've never seen anything like the discrepancy in value between the big cap stocks and the small stuff. Many interesting smaller companies are trading for a song; whereas, Agnico-Eagle and Goldcorp and Kinross are aggressively valued.

    "Things have gone much farther down than I could have imagined in my worst nightmare. If you are confident that the gold price is going higher, this is an ideal time to be picking away and buying a diversified list of very good quality, cheap juniors. I’ve made the most money in my life buying things that are out of favor because there’s no downside risk, certainly from a fundamental standpoint. When the worm turns, these things could double very quickly. When that happens it’ll be hard to buy. Start picking away now, as long as you share my opinion that the gold will see a hefty price rise over the next 12 months."

    Erstaunt hat mich, wie schnell Hecla das Geld einfuhr....
    137 Mille zu 5$. Wieder eine Watschen für die shareholder....

    Zu beachten:
    Freitagschlusskurse anschauen mit Umsatz! Aufschlussreich!

    Wer da nicht stieg, hat ein Problem..........................oder zwei :D


    Freitag die längst fällige Reaktion. Viele sind jetzt mal draußen....
    Ich hab nichts verkaufen müssen und kann /will vorerst mal gar nichts tun

  • @bobelle,
    bin gespannt auf die Sonderprüfung...
    Brauchen wohl Geld in nächster zeit! Die werden nämlich alle gesenst....

    Sterling fährt zu 60% die Sunshine down. Arme Miner.......siehe Sterling thread

    GG schließt eine Mine in Kanada

    Dazu auch passend: Tom Szabo hat´s endlich geschafft.......
    71 Seiten Report, sehr ausführlich....

    Cash is King?
    September 15th, 2008
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    At long last, we have finally made significant progress toward launching our new subscription service, which is called The Metal Augmentor. The website can be accessed here:
    Thank you for sticking with me all these months while we moved our launch date back several times, but now the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is truly here. We are now just several weeks from having the service fully up and running and by way of introduction we have prepared a special report on mining companies trading near cash value. The cost of the report is $87 and includes a one year subscription to The Metal Augmentor. Don’t worry if you are not interested in this report and would prefer to pay your first year membership fee at a later date, you will not lose your Founding Member reservation if you already have one. On the other hand, if you are not a Founding Member, this may be your last chance to grab a spot. Once the service is fully launched, however, we ask that all confirmed Founding Members (who have not purchased the report) subscribe within 30 days so that we can make the limited space available to others who might be interested in what The Metal Augmentor has to offer.
    So, welcome aboard, this should be a very interesting journey!
    The following is the introduction to our inaugural report. Purchase information and other stuff follows.

  • TEIL 2 Tom Szabo

    Introduction — Cash is King?
    Mining Equities Report: Issue I
    September 15, 2008
    A major objective of many investors active in the natural resources sector is to diversify away from the fiat-based world of finance and credit-dominated sectors such as banking, insurance, retail, and most manufacturing. These investors want exposure to hard assets and not soft ones. Today they desperately hope that commodity prices will soon recover given the large losses just about every natural resource portfolio has incurred over the past few months, the last two in particular.

    The fall in commodity prices has created an environment that has made it very challenging for resource companies, mining equities in particular, to obtain financing for exploration and project development. It seems cash, not metal in the ground, is king. How ironic that the one asset natural resource investors are trying to diversify away from - the U.S. dollar and its troubled competitors - is the very asset that mining equities need the most right now. It turns out that drilling contractors, engineers, geologists, and miners all still prefer to be paid in paper money.

    Due to the simultaneous reduction in market liquidity and commodities prices, metal exploration and mining companies that need to raise funds to finance their activities are facing the prospect of substantial share dilution or the possibility of losing their property interests if they cannot meet contractual spending commitments. We believe there has to be a very compelling reason to own cash-strapped companies in this market.

    Conversely, companies that are not in need of financing have an important margin of safety in the current environment. Should metal and commodity prices stay weak for a long period of time-something that is not impossible during a bull market as the historical example of the mid-1970s demonstrates- such a margin of safety could turn into a major advantage.

    Indeed, if the markets were efficient and logical, we should expect that mining equities with lots of cash and other liquid assets would trade at significant premiums to their cash-strapped peers. But that doesn’t appear to be the case at the moment.

    In early August of this year things did not look quite as bad, but we had already started to notice that the market capitalizations of several mining equities were approaching their cash positions. This situation piqued our curiosity, so we placed these companies on our radar. To our surprise, their prices continued to fall so that now in many cases they currently trade at a steep discount to their breakup value (the estimated amount of cash that could be distributed to shareholders if all assets and liabilities are liquidated and the company is broken up). Compellingly, many of these companies have attractive property holdings -some joint ventured with majors- that are currently being assigned a zero value by the market.

    Thus was born the idea for our inaugural Mining Equities Report, the title of which -”Cash is King?”- reflects the strange contradiction that the one asset in greatest need, cash, seems to actually be more of a burden than an asset to some mining equities. While this situation is perplexing, we feel that it is only a matter of time before the most astute natural resource investors begin to realize that the market’s present foolishness obscures a rare opportunity. With blood running in the streets, now seems like the best time to beat the smart crowd to that realization.

    The dollar signs wouldn’t stop dancing in our minds, so we were left with no choice but to examine several hundred mining equities, both explorers and producers, to plot their cash and liquidity positions against their capital requirements. We discarded companies that still have substantial value attributed to their projects because those values could evaporate should fear continue to run rampant in the hearts of investors. Though some of you may protest that we have erred in casting aside some extremely undervalued companies, we suspect that the value of fiat money could fare better than the value of metal in the ground for a while yet. That bold assessment still left us with more than 30 companies that deserve closer examination. We detail these companies in our inaugural report.

    We would like to point out that our report is not a comprehensive list of mining equities with breakup value exceeding market cap because such a calculation is extremely difficult to make given the large fluctuations in the prices of mining equities recently. Rather, our report should be viewed as a cross-section of interesting opportunities to explore further. We believe it contains something for every natural resource investor.

    Some of the mining equities in our report possess a cushy cash position that is not contractually committed to be spent in the near term. Others have virtually no cash requirements because a separate company (for example, through a joint venture) is paying for all exploration expenditures and sometimes even covering administrative expenses. Many of these companies have projects of significant merit and other assets unaccounted for in our calculations because they have been given zero value by the market. After all, who are we to argue with the market?

    Ultimately, our report does not answer the underlying question: Cash is King? Only time will do that. But we believe there is a reasonable basis to conclude that some of companies in our report are positioned to benefit, relative to other mining equities, regardless of where the market heads next: up, down, or sideways.

    How To Purchase
    To purchase The Metal Augmentor’s “Mining Equities Report: Cash is King?” for just $87, click here:

    You will receive a one year complimentary subscription to The Metal Augmentor — a greater than $150 value — and the “Mining Equities Report: Cash is King?” which includes the following:
    - Coverage of over 30 exploration and mining companies trading near or below their cash value
    - Technical analysis charting on 25 of these companies
    - A robust, interactive Excel file
    - Over 60 pages of material
    - Free access to future, updated editions
    If you are not already a Founding Member of The Metal Augmentor, you may also have an opportunity to join this exclusive club but availability is limited. We do not know how long the remaining open spaces will last (but if you subscribe today, you should be safe). Founding Members will receive lifetime discounts and exclusive benefits amounting to hundreds of dollars of additional value on top of the basic subscription. Some of these benefits include free, exclusive, or advance access to several special reports per year and direct access to The Metal Augmentor staff. We have placed a strict allotment on the number of Founding Members (this is no promotional stunt, it is out of necessity) and once the quota has been filled, Founding Memberships will never again be offered. Founding Memberships are still available and can be secured on a first-come, first-served basis by immediately purchasing the Mining Equities Report.
    About The Metal Augmentor
    The Metal Augmentor is a new service being launched in the next few weeks at The main purpose of The Metal Augmentor is to aid both new and experienced investors in navigating the fascinating, dangerous, and rewarding world of investing in physical metals and mining equities. Our focus will be on gold and silver, but we will also provide in-depth coverage of the other major metals.

    Portions of the service will be devoted to investors who buy gold and/or silver in its various forms (ETF, bullion, allocated account, etc.) for price appreciation. Other portions will appeal to people who buy bullion to hold in their own possession for the purpose of preserving their wealth or buying power against fiscal irresponsibility by fiat-wielding governments.

    A key feature of The Metal Augmentor will be the detailed coverage of mining equities from junior explorers to major mining companies. Our unique approach will avoid making outright buy and sell recommendations (except in special reports that focus on individual situations) but instead provide relevant and timely information and insights so that each investor can confidently make his or her own investment decision.
    Perhaps the most valuable feature of The Metal Augmentor will be exclusive coverage of the basis in gold and silver as taught by Professor Antal E. Fekete.

  • SNN.TO plant Pre-Feasibility Study
    San Anton Announces Progress With Engineering Study at the Cerro de Gallo Project
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 15, 2008 ) - San Anton Resource Corporation (TSX: SNN) announced today that it is progressing with its study work on the Cerro de Gallo Project in Mexico which will result in the completion of a more detailed pre-feasibility study rather than a scoping study...

    VG heron

  • @bobelle,
    bin gespannt auf die Sonderprüfung...
    Brauchen wohl Geld in nächster zeit! Die werden nämlich alle gesenst....

    Also, ich hab mich nochmal reingelesen in SVL. Die aktuelle MC beträgt gerade noch 20,5 Mio. CAD. zum 30.06.08 hatten sie noch 9 Mio. CAD Cash. Alleine das Santa Elena Projekt hat zur Zeit 23,80 Mio. Unzen Silber in allen Kategorien (11,9 Mio. davon probable reserves) und 538.000 Unzen Gold nachgewiesen.…0Corp%20ReportJuly-08.pdf

    Selbst das für "Low"-Szenario für Santa Elena (600 POG, 10 POS) wird ein Pre-Tax Cash-Flow von 56,3 Mio. USD für das Projekt errechnet. Die Studie ist vom August, also höchstaktuell. Die Kapitalkosten für die Produktionsaufnahme werden auf 20 Mio. USD geschätzt. Für den Produktionsstart ist Q2 2009 angepeilt. Die Finanzierung über Schulden dürfte eigentlich kein Problem sein, hoffe nur sie müssen nicht allzuviel hegden zur Absicherung. Des weiteren soll im Oktober eine neue Ressourcenschätzung kommen, in die weitere 50 Bohrlöcher einfließen.…2008%20MIA%20Approval.pdf

    So, jetzt könnt ihr Euch selbst ein Urteil machen. Ich muss jetzt Cash suchen! ;) .... Suche beendet, nix gefunden :boese:


  • Irre, die SIL oder Apex wurde heute voll rasiert,das Zinc und Silber im Boden wird als wertlos bezeichnet.

    Schwupp, -85% mit so vielen Unzen ein Longtime Investment wie die IMA und die SWG.

    Anscheinend geht jetzt alles um Cash on Hand geteilt durch Aktien, mit Abschlag wenn es geht. :D :wall:

    Sagt mal, was haben wir da eigentlich gekauft ? :hae: :D

    Zum Glueck kann ich noch lachen, ich hoffe ich komme aus dem Zirkus bald raus.

    Zwangsliquidierungen sollen das alle sein, anscheinend wurden die auch auf Pump gekauft und jetzt wirds eng.

    Uberlege mal, 75% sind noch in festen Haenden nehme ich an, die paar hundert tausend von ?? 80 m Aktien auf die sie rumtrampeln darf dich nicht erschrecken wenn shortie dem shortie die paar Aktien verkauft, die Masse sitz auf den Aktien und wissen auch warum.

    Buy when there is blood in the street, jetzt muesste man Cash haben, und die sitzen nun alle drauf. :wall:

    Gute Nacht Kameraden, the show will go on.


  • Milly

    Danke fuer die Offenheit, jetzt kapitulieren waere noch mehr Irrsinn.

    Mehr sage ich nicht, das muessen wir durch, es dauert nicht mehr lange.

    Goldener Oktober und du bist nicht dabei ?

    Die gehen bald long, der Phsyco Krieg geht noch ein paar Tage, da darfst du nicht schwach werden, was soll ich sagen mit - 80%. ?

    Ich hoffe ich kann meine Termine wegen dem Margin meistern und verkaufe so wenig wie moeglich.

    Eine Zeitmaschine war das fuer mich, als wenn ich nur 13 Jahre gespart haette mit 4.2 % p.A.

    Zumindest habe ich gelebt, was nicht abgezogen ist.

    ;)...kleiner Trost, eigentlich war ich nie in Gold und Silber. :D

    Lets do it again, wir sind hoffentlich alle schlauer geworden nach dem Masaker.

    Jetzt habe ich 13 Jahre lang auf das Ziel geschaut, meinst du ich schau jetzt wo anders hin ? :thumbup:

    Jetzt erst Recht ! :thumbup:

    Gute Nacht


  • @bobelle,
    dann ist es die Finanzierung gewesen.....
    Wenn sie die hinkriegen +100%. Glaub, da passt alles,

    ein paar Stunden später hat der "...krieger" schon wieder anders getönt.
    Ist schon ärgerlich.

    Und wann kommt von dir mal etwas Konstruktives? :D

    Mann, Cash sollt man gehabt haben.....
    Yale mit dieser Meldung und dem heutigen Markt +41%

    Für mich nur ein Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein, die bringen mir schlicht nichts bei Yale.
    Da bringen mir 10% bei FR.TO das Zehnfache.
    Nur so viel zur Gewichtung.

    Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada - Trading Halt - SNS Silver Corp. - SNS
    Ho, ho, da tut sich was im Valley?????
    :D Oder nur ne news...

    Artikel zu MFN:

    Minefinders: Market Conditions Provide 'Exceptional' Opportunity
    by: Mike Niehuser posted on: September 17, 2008

    We recently met with Minefinders Corporation Ltd.’s (MFN) management at the Denver Gold Forum and discussed their Dolores project scheduled to move into production in October of 2008. While Minefinders commenced mining nearly one year ago, timely commissioning and production have been delayed due to illegal blockades. Minefinders has since received written assurance by government authorities, resumed commissioning, and is soon to begin leaching and/or commencing production. Given the disruption to the mine schedule and uncertain credit markets with stable to declining metal prices, shares of Minefinders are now trading at a significant discount to third party economic studies.

    The 2007 base case assumed metal prices of $675 per ounce gold and $13.00 per ounce silver and concluded a $831 million 0% NPV, suggesting a price of $17 per share at par. The study did not include the potential upside of adding a 3,000 tpd flotation circuit to boost recoveries. This would be important when mining higher grades within, below, and parallel to the identified reserve. The study also does not include Minefinders’ prospective precious and base metal targets in Sonora, Mexico. Minefinders remains unhedged and exposed to benefit from increases in metal prices.

    The market is currently challenged in recognizing value in exploration and potential for production (not to mention even actual production). The current environment may provide an exceptional buying opportunity. Should gold prices rebound in the fall and winter, as they have done in each of the last seven years, we suspect that investor confidence will resume, followed by selective buying (at very least we may anticipate a good opportunity for short positions to close). In addition to seasonality, we consider the fundamentals for precious and base metals to be strong in the long run. We consider Minefinders’ cost structure to be favorable on a stabilized basis, and should the industry potentially have difficulty raising capital, operating costs including equipment and labor may moderate. The combination of these events may draw attention to Minefinders in the months ahead as investors seek both value and upside.

    Dolores Project Update

    Minefinders is working to initiate leaching with initial production in 4Q08. Remaining construction necessary to initiate commissioning has been completed. The initial drain liner and overliner with the radial stacking system is in place and ready for the first panel for leaching. Minefinders has corrected issues with the crusher and screens and has resumed commissioning.

    Ore Stacked on Leach Pad at Dolores Project

    Source: Minefinders

    Given the anticipated production levels, the company anticipates cash costs to average between US$400 and US$450 per gold equivalent ounce in 2008. The average cash cost is expected to decrease, as production increases and stabilizes in 2009, to a forecasted average cash cost of US$297 per gold equivalent ounce over the life of the project. Based on the delays due to the illegal blockade, the company has revised its production estimate downward for 2008, with production in 2009, 2010 and beyond relatively unchanged.

    Source: Minefinders

    Minefinders responded to the blockade by suspending the commissioning of the mine to allow local authorities the opportunity to uphold the law. Members of the local Ejido have actively supported the opening of the mine. Having received written assurance by government authorities, Minefinders has resumed commissioning, and without further disruptions should commence leaching ore and producing gold-silver in 4Q08.

    Dolores Project Schedule Upset by Illegal Blockades

    The road to the Dolores project has been intermittently blockaded since May of 2008. This basically consists of blockaders placing a cable across the road and making threatening actions. Rather than resort to direct physical confrontation, the company suspended operations out of concern for workers' safety and sought protection from state and federal government authorities. The company has pursued a comprehensive response to the blockaders. They report having received written guarantees for safe access from the government, and an increased police presence, which followed intense lobbying by the company, Ejido members, local community representatives, as well as employees and outside contractors.

    Management reports that the government has become increasingly aware of the economic importance of the mine for the village of Dolores and State of Chihuahua. We believe the government is coming to appreciate the contribution of an additional legitimate employer in its overall campaign to maintain order in the State of Chihuahua. They believe that an ongoing dialogue with the government and local community will be important to reach and maintain an equitable solution to allow operations to proceed without interruption.

    Minefinders has already completed a number of its obligations as required in its agreement with the Ejido, such as making compensation payments to the residents of Dolores and constructing a new village which includes electrical, water and sanitary services not previously available. In addition to building new residences for residents of Dolores, they have constructed public facilities including a primary school, community center, town offices, medical facility and a church.

    Village of Dolores

    Source: Minefinders

    When we visited the project in the spring of 2008, most of the new residences appeared to be occupied and classes in the new school were in session. In addition, Minefinders has also completed improvements to roads leading to the project and provided capital to local entrepreneurs to provide support services to the project and local village. There are presently about 600 employees and contractors at the Dolores project. It is clear that the safe continuation of an operating mine at Dolores is in both Minefinders’ and the local Ejido’s best interests.

    In our opinion, we see the actions by blockaders to be without substance. We have visited the Dolores project on multiple occasions and have found management’s conduct in public and private to be consistent. It is clear to us that management intends to keep its word to operate the Dolores project in a safe and environmentally sound manner. In addition, it is clear that Minefinders has made the greatest improvement in the quality of life for the residents of the mining village of Dolores in the last century. While we have listed many improvements, the one which ranks the highest, in our opinion, is the availability of indoor plumbing. We consider clean water to be the most fundamental human need, and to increase availability of potable drinking water is laudable. In general, we continue to maintain that the mining industry is the most positive influence on the developing world (superior to government distribution and public works programs), which increases the availability of the Internet and wireless communication, and developing and sustaining capital investment in projects in remote areas.

    Minefinders’ management should be applauded for pursuing a course of action dependent upon Mexican authorities to uphold the law that would allow us the opportunity to qualify Mexico as a “mining friendly and stable political jurisdiction.” Clearly, the anticipated benefits of management’s actions should benefit shareholders, the local Ejido, and the mining industry in Mexico. Dolores should become the financial engine for development of their other projects in Mexico as Minefinders advances to mid-tier producer status. It is now up to Mexico itself to decide whether it desires to proceed to a Venezuelan model of government or to nations more friendly and desirous of rule of law important for foreign investment.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tschonko

    ja seh ich genau so wie Du. Ich hab der IR von SVL geschrieben und gefragt wie es mit der geplanten Finanzierung aussieht und ob sie den geplanten Produktionsstart in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2009 hinbekommen. Bisher haben sie immer Stück-für-Stück finanziert, so z.B. 3 Mio. $ für die feasibility studies im Juli durch die Macquarie Bank. Damals gabs als Gegenleistung Warrants zu 1,30 CAD für Macquarie , das klappt heut nicht mehr so gut ;). Wenn ich was höre, meld ich mich sofort. Mit dem Kurssprung der Edelmetalle befinden wir uns schon wieder im Base-Case-Szenario für Santa-Elena,was einer Verdopplung des Cashflows bedeutet.


  • Dear Silverminer member

    It is our pleasure to announce the launch of Silverstar Mining Corp. We are also proud to have Mr. David Bond as our chairman of the board. This is Mr. Bond’s first venture into the public market. Silverstar Mining Company (SLVM.OB) is in the business of acquiring and developing late-stage precious and strategic base metals exploration properties in the Americas with an eye toward putting them into near-term production, either by our own unique management team or in cooperation with joint-venture partners.

    We are proud of our success thus far. There is an old axiom amongst miners: If you want to hunt for elephants, you must first be in elephant country. Silverstar Mining Co. is there. Our first property, the Corby Mine in northern Idaho's fabled Silver Valley, represents production potential of immense value that was overlooked entirely by all but a handful of qualified geologists, overshadowed by its more famous neighbours, the Bunker Hill, Sunshine, Crescent and Page mines. It's now Corby's turn to be in the sun.
    We intend to acquire more properties like the Corby in ore-rich districts such as the Coeur d'Alenes. We have the expertise, the relationships, the financing and the enthusiasm to bring these valuable properties into production.

    September 8, 2008 - 9:00 AM EDT WALLACE, ID -- (Marketwire) -- 09/08/08 -- Silverstar Mining Corp. (OTCBB: SLVM) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Letter of Intent with Gold Canyon Partners, LLP to examine and possibly acquire 100% of the Cobalt Canyon Gold Project located in Lincoln County, Nevada.

    "The Cobalt Canyon complex was drilled and reviewed by Homestake Mining and Barrack Gold in the 1980s and even then showed encouraging results. We would regard this as a significant addition to our portfolio of precious metals properties in North America," said Silverstar CEO Jim MacKenzie. "I believe this could be a great opportunity for Silverstar's future growth and our shareholders," Mr. MacKenzie added.

    The Cobalt Canyon properties are located in the Chief Mining District of southeastern Nevada. The project includes numerous small underground mines within the Chief District situated just north of Caliente, Nevada. The project includes 22 unpatented federal lode claims (approx. 363 acres) and an option to acquire 59 acres in three patented mining claims.

    "The principals of Gold Canyon Partners have delineated a potentially large and profitably ore body with significant gold values, and we are eager to participate in bringing the Cobalt Canyon property into further development and, ultimately, operation," Mr. MacKenzie said.

    About Silverstar Mining Company

    Silverstar Mining Corp. (OTCBB: SLVM) is a late-stage explorer and developer of silver, gold, and related non-ferrous metals in North America. Through exploration and acquisition initiatives, and in strategic partnerships with other respected miners, we intend to put silver and gold production on our books this year even as we expand our land position in productive, politically stable metal-mining districts in the Western Hemisphere.

    Please visit our web site and register to receive updates on this exciting project as well as upcoming literature and events.

    Yours sincerely

    Jim MacKenzie


    Silverstar Mining Corp

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Neue Analyse von Don Hansen:

    ...I have decided to limit this article to cover only those companies that will have substantial silver production in 2009; that is, more that just test mining. Therefore, of the eleven companies covered in November 2007, I have chosen to drop ECU Silver and Genco Resources, while adding Hecla and Coeur D’Alene....

    VG heron

    Danke ,heron
    Als ich gestern Hecla (wieder) kaufte, kannte ich diesen Bericht nicht.
    Umso besser, daß auch er HL so gut wertet.

    Immerhin haben sie offensichtlich die geringsten cash costs mit 2,81 $ / OZ. :]

    Hecla Mining Co. WKN 854 693 ISIN US4227041062 HL


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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