Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Working apart from the investment multitudes, a very small minority of investors over the past few years have been building portfolios of precious metals and Canadian precious metals stocks.
    It’s a minority I’m happy to be a part of, as it allows me peace of mind and the considerable advantage of viewing these crises somewhat dispassionately.

    Make no mistake, despite gold’s rise from its $255 low in April of 2001 to over $650 as I write, so far, only the thinnest of trickles, a minor fraction of global capital, has made it into gold. When the flight to safety really heats up, the real fun will begin, and the price of gold won’t just add dollars, it will add digits.

    If that sounds like hyperbole, remember that, unlike the U.S. dollar, which can be created at the speed of light, the available supply of gold is finite and is painfully slow to change.

    You can’t print gold the way you print paper money.
    And you can’t just build a gold mine the same way you might build a Starbucks almost anywhere and on short notice. Instead, you first have to find a promising ore body – which is, without exaggeration, like finding a needle in a haystack… a haystack buried “somewhere” in the earth’s crust.

    If you haven’t yet started accumulating precious metals, you still have time.
    Start by picking up some bullion coins from a reputable dealer (silver should do as well as gold). ;)

  • Gold: Rich Country, Poor Country von John Ing
    We expect gold to surpass its May peak at $731, when hedge funds and commodities funds steam-rolled into commodities. In our view, gold has broken out from the $645 level and appears poised to retest the May high on its way to $1,000 an ounce this year.
    Gold will continue to rise as long as the United States continues to debase its currency. When George W. Bush was inaugurated as President in 2001, the price of gold was $265. Six years later, the price broke through $650. That means the dollar has been devalued in terms of gold by almost 60 percent in almost six years . America's failure to address its growing reliance on cheap money and cheap oil has created systemic risks and economic dependence inconsistent with its super-power status. A dollar collapse is inevitable. Gold's bull market has only just begun.

    VG heron

  • @GB
    ...eigentlich wollte ich mich neu als Gold Dildo anmelden und mit dir ueber die tripple 666 weiter diskutieren was die alles noch zu bedeiten hat , ich habs gelassen.
    Jedenfalls die Nummer reizt dich immer wieder. :D


    Ein muss zum lesen, ich denke er hat Recht, die Illuminati regiert die Welt.......bis auf weiteres.
    Leider ist es so, abwarten, ausharren und die Camping Ausruestung fertig machen da es bald Zoff gibt.
    Der Zerfall des amerikanischen Imperium ist nur mehr eine Frage der Zeit....


    8o... But, the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world govt.

    The insiders have won. They now control all the levers of power, financial & political. X(

    But, if so, we have to get through a worse period before we get there, if we do. ?(

    Keeping in mind, our globalist Western leaders are actively setting the stage for various trigger events. Some, like Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq have as their major purpose the antagonization of opposing forces in the world. Other potential future trigger events are Iran, North Korea, and Taiwan. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also an ever-present potential trigger event--especially because Israel has the potential of taking the conflict nuclear and engendering nuclear retaliation.

    At this stage, we do know the US is planning an attack on Iran. I feel strongly it will be this year and that Israel will initiate the attack so the US will have an excuse to rush in--despite the Bush administration's repeated denials of any such plan of attack. The US can then excuse its involvement under the cover of "we had to come to Israel's aid."

    The attack on Iran will most likely be a furtherance of the "antagonize the world" strategy. But it could be a direct trigger to World War Three. Russia is warning the US NOT to attack (though they did that with Iraq and then let Iraq fall). So, how much is bluff and how much is real? I think it's a bluff on the Russian's part, but we can't ever be totally sure when dealing with some many evil empires. :D

    So, while I'm 90 percent sure that Iran is NOT a direct trigger event for WWIII, I am suggesting that my subscribers treat it seriously enough to at least review all your preparations, check your equipment, and brief your children on what they should do to get home in a big crisis. Even my adult children need occasional briefings. They tend to rely too much on their father to warn them. I want to try to instill in them a higher sensitivity to see the world and its potential threats for themselves.


    Adam Hamilton schreibt:

    Discussing central banks in the gold world is like talking about abortion or global warming. No matter what you say, 50% of the people are going to want to rip out your still-beating heart and drink your blood from your newly-cleaved skull.

    Personally as a gold investor I used to fear central banks quite a bit from 1999 to 2002 or so. But the more I observe their actions and the greater my own fortune grows in this secular gold bull despite central-bank machinations, the less I respect their fabled power. ;)

    Compared to you or me alone of course, a central bank is awesomely powerful. But compared to all of us investors together, a central bank is totally impotent. Think of an elite commando, a Navy SEAL, versus a single bee. No matter how many times the bee stings the commando, the commando is going to eventually crush it like a grape. Victory was never in doubt. But imagine this same elite commando versus a swarm of killer bees. It doesn't matter how tough this soldier is, it doesn't matter how many bees he kills, the swarm is eventually going to overwhelm and annihilate him in the end. Defeat is inevitable. :]

  • @Eldo

    Nein, ich wollte das Thema eigentlich mal hier an dieser Stelle abhacken.
    Bin heute durch Zufall aber nochmal auf Wikipedia's 66sechs gestoßen und hab das halt gefunden.
    Wir werden uns sowieso nie rein...Royal Standard, ne!?
    Uns vereint das Goldene und Silberne und das zählt monetär (!) am Ende.
    GN8 8)

  • 'Cleanse Bush's bad spirits

    '2007-3-9 15:16


    City - Mayan leaders announced that priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after US President George W Bush visits. :D

    "That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offence for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a national association of indigenous people and peasant farmers, said.

    Bush's seven-day tour of Latin America includes a stopover beginning late on Sunday in Guatemala. On Monday morning he is scheduled to visit the archaeological site Iximche on the high western plateau in a region of the Central American country populated mostly by Mayans.

    Tiney said the "spirit guides of the Mayan community" decided it would be necessary to cleanse the sacred site of "bad spirits" after Bush's visit so that their ancestors could rest in peace.

    He also said the rites - which entail chanting and burning incense, herbs and candles - would prepare the site for the third summit of Latin American Indians March 26-30.

    Challenging bad perceptions

    Bush's trip has already has sparked protests elsewhere in Latin America, including protests and clashes with police in Brazil hours before his arrival. In Bogota, Colombia, which Bush visits on Sunday, 200 masked students battled 300 riot police with rocks and small homemade explosives.

    The tour is aimed at challenging a widespread perception that the United States has neglected the region and at combating the rising influence of Venezuelan leftist President Hugo Chavez, who has called Bush "history's greatest killer" and "the devil".

    Iximche, 50km west of the capital of Guatemala City, was founded as the capital of the Kaqchiqueles kingdom before the Spanish conquest in 1524.


  • Bush: "USA sind großzügig und mitfühlend" :D


    US-Präsident George W. Bush betont die Bedeutung der USA für Lateinamerika. Auch in Uruguay gab es bei der Ankunft Bushs Protestdemos.

    US-Präsident Bush hat Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen, die USA würden Lateinamerika vernachlässigen. Zum Abschluss seines Besuches in Brasilien sagte er, dass die Anstrengungen der USA, den Menschen ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen, nicht ausreichend gewürdigt würden. Danach reiste der US-Präsident weiter nach Uruguay. Auch dort wurde er von Protestdemonstrationen empfangen.

    "Meine Reise dient dazu, deutlich zu machen, dass unsere Nation großzügig und mitfühlend ist", sagte Bush in Sao Paolo. Angesprochen auf die jüngsten Äußerungen des venezolanischen Präsidenten Chavez, der Bush vorgeworfen hatte, mit seiner Reise die lateinamerikanischen Staaten spalten zu wollen, entgegnete er: "Ich bin hier, um zu zeigen, dass die USA Süd- und Mittelamerika entgegenkommen." Seit seinem Amtsantritt habe sich die Summe der Entwicklungshilfe für die Region auf 1,6 Milliarden Dollar (1,216 Mrd. Euro) im vergangenen Jahr verdoppelt.

    Dieses Argument scheint die Gegner des US-Präsidenten wenig zu beeindrucken: Auch in Uruguay gab es bei der Ankunft Bushs Protestdemos. Der US-Präsident wird am Samstag seinen uruguayischen Amtskollegen Tabare Vazquez treffen. Bei den Gesprächen sollten die Vertiefung der wirtschaftlichen und handelspolitischen Zusammenarbeit im Mittelpunkt stehen. Am Sonntag fliegt Bush im Rahmen seiner sechstägigen Reise durch fünf lateinamerikanische Länder weiter nach Kolumbien.

    Venezuelas Präsident Chavez bezeichnete Bush auf einer Protestveranstaltung in Buenos Aires als "politische Leiche". Bush atme "den Gestank der politischen Toten" und werde bald verschwinden, sagte Chavez in einem Stadion in der argentinischen Hauptstadt. Bei Demonstrationen gegen den US-Präsidenten kam es in Buenos Aires zu Ausschreitungen.


  • Artikel von Stewart Bailey

    ...Gold production fell 7.5 percent to 8.85 million ounces, following a 13.1 percent drop the previous year...

    South Africa, with production of 300 tons, or 9.6 million ounces in 2005, led Australia's 254 tons and the U.S. with 250 tons, according to the latest figures available from the U.S. Geological Survey. Each had declining production that year.

    South Africa's output may drop to 240 tons in 2007 and fall every year until 2010 when it will ``reach a plateau'' as new production replaces dwindling output from older mines, said Credit Suisse Standard Securities analyst David Davis.

    The decline will be mirrored in other large gold-producing nations as companies struggle to replace the gold they produce with new reserves of the metal, he added.

    ``The survival of the gold industry depends heavily on the replacement of reserves ,'' Davis, South Africa's top-rated gold analyst according to an annual survey by Financial Mail magazine, said in an interview from Johannesburg. ``That just hasn't happened fast enough in South Africa, or in the U.S.''

    VG heron

  • ...interessanter Artikel (ich schrieb kürzlich man solle den Einfluss/Gefährlichkeit von GS nicht unterschätzen - das ist auch ein Grund)

    ...Goldman Sachs has engaged in insider trading off USGovt policy, insider trading off managed index funds, and direct laundering of mortgage bonds. The proof is not here to share, but suspected. That is ok, since it is for the greater good (of GSax shareholders). Just how much did GSax profit from reducing the GSCI commodity index gasoline weighting by 6% last summer? Did they load up in short gasoline futures contracts beforehand? Would a shareholder investor lawsuit even make it into a courtroom? Methinks huge profits with certainty with front running, and no chance at all for grievances and losses redressed. The lines are horribly blurred between governance & policy makers and enforcers & regulators!
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    The futures market has changed its course once more. In early weeks of 2007, they totally wiped out all thoughts of a USFed rate cut. Then the bank distress emerged, then worsened, then spread enough to warrant the name CONTAGION. This crisis is unfolding much as was forecasted here, certainly not to my pleasure, but definitely to my expectation. Flagging factory orders and housing sales point to a weakening tangible economy. The Fed Funds futures contract indicates a likely rate cut by August, and another by December. GOLD WILL FIND WINGS IF & WHEN IT OCCURS ACCORDING TO THIS CHART. To make the gains greater, a rising euro currency (as they continue to hike twice more) will do serious harm to the USDollar. One should always keep in mind, the buck & gold are like a cat & dog, a termite & ant, deadly adversaries.....

    linar :)

  • 30-day Countdown to War

    Bob Moriarty
    Mar 11, 2007

    We are almost certainly in the last days of a countdown to nuclear war. Israel has made plans to attack Iran in a war of aggression, which will probably begin with some staged attack such as the attack on the Liberty in 1967.

    Bush and the Gang of Fools in Washington will be part of it; we don't have two carrier groups in the Middle East to support tourism. When it happens, kiss the dollar and the United States of America goodbye. If you don't own gold now, buy some fairly soon. My experience as a combat intelligence officer tells me the attack will be in the next month.

    On the 8th of March Israel issued the following warning.

    "• 5. Updated Travel Warnings
    Israel's National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division presents the following updated travel warnings for Israelis traveling abroad. It is advised that travelers should avoid visiting and leave the area as soon as possible in the following high to very high-threat countries: Algeria, Afghanistan, Chechnya, (southern Russia) Djibouti, Egypt, (especially the Sinai peninsula), Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kashmir (northern India), Lebanon Malaysia, Mindanao, (southern Philippines) Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia Southern Thailand, Syria & Yemen. Travelers should postpone non-essential travel to: Bangladesh, Bangkok, Libya, Oman, Nigeria & southeastern Turkey (borders with Iraq and Iran). Travelers in general, should avoid visiting the following countries: Bahrain, Chad, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia. Israeli citizens are called upon to be especially cautious when visiting: Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, & Uzbekistan. (Sources: National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division, GPO)."…l?source=2/a/ix/080320072

    Israel is the most hated country in the world today for their war crimes and they are about to magnify the problem 1000 fold. I cannot predict the negative things which will happen as a result of another illegal and immoral war but dropping nuclear weapons on a non-nuclear state which poses no threat to either the US or Israel is going to open Pandora's box as no war crime in history ever tried.

    One of the results I can guarantee is that the US dollar is going to be destroyed. It's no great shakes predicting that. Hell, even the Comptroller General of the United States is running around telling as many people as will listen (about 14 in total, I reckon) that the United States is bankrupt. Between a two-trillion-dollar-losing war in Iraq, a balance of payments totally out of control and the Gang of Fools in Washington, you can pretty much kiss the dollar goodbye the day the attack begins. And don't think for a minute I'm talking about strictly the Republican fools in Washington. By their actions, or better yet, lack of action, the Democrats have proven since the last election that they can be just as corrupt and ignorant as the neo-Nazi Republicans.

    The American people clearly voted against the illegal war in Iraq and against the policies of this all too corrupt administration. Guess how thrilled the voters are going to be when they wake up one morning soon to $200 a barrel oil and find out just how much freedom they have left. (Hint, it rhymes with NONE)

    Israel knows what their intentions are and it's no accident that they are warning their citizens to stay out or to get out of almost 40 countries immediately. As hated as they are today, Israel and the United States are about to commit the most foolish and self-destructive act of war in history. I have more time in the chow hall in combat than all of this administration combined and I can assure you that we are going to lose. It won't talk six months as it did with Iraq, we will know almost at once.

    It wasn't Hitler who paid the greatest price for the war crimes he committed; it was the German people. And today it will be the citizens of Israel and the United States who will pay the ultimate price for what is no more than cold-blooded murder of millions. The butcher's bill will be paid.

    Bob Moriarty
    President: 321gold

  • Nach Süd-Afrika nun auch Australien. Bleibt nicht mehr viel übrig.

    Ich glaube zudem kaum, daß speziell die Goldförderung noch gesamtwirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist (Kraftstoff- und Ressourcenverbrauch).

    Vielleicht ist auch hier ein Grund zu sehen.

  • Zitat

    Original von mesodor39 Nach Süd-Afrika nun auch Australien. Bleibt nicht mehr viel übrig.

    Yep - "peak-gold" ist nun offensichtlich. Beim Öl wird diese Tatsache noch verschleiert.


    Ich glaube zudem kaum, daß speziell die Goldförderung noch gesamtwirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist (Kraftstoff- und Ressourcenverbrauch).

    Goldförderung war noch nie GESAMTWIRTSCHAFTLICH sinnvoll. Der echte industrielle Goldbedarf für die Volkswirtschaften war schon immer minimal. Und Schmuck ist keine industrielle Nachfrage, sondern im Prinzip ebenfalls Anlagenachfrage, auch wenn GFMS und die anderen Nebelwerfer immer das Gegenteil suggerieren. Gold war zu über 80-90% IMMER ein ANLAGEmetall. Aus INDUSTRIELLEN Gründen müsste man daher nur sehr geringe Goldmengen fördern.

    Wenn Du unter "gesamtwirtschaftlich sinnvoll" auch die potenzielle Verwendung als WÄHRUNG ansiehst, wäre TROTZDEM kein weiteres Mining mehr erforderlich. Wie Roland Baader und andere schon vor Jahren nachgewiesen haben, wäre für reine GOLDWÄHRUNGSzwecke auch eine STATISCHE Menge an Gold ausreichend (wenn auch deflationär).

    Nein: Die Minenförderung unterliegt rein BETRIEBSwirtschaftlichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten: Solange die Grenz-Cashkosten (und langfristig die Gesamtkosten) unter dem Weltmarkt-POG liegen, wird eine Mine produzieren. Es ist fast ein Wunder, dass noch einige Goldminen die Phase künstlicher Preisdrückung in den 90ern bis auf $250/oz überlebt haben. Aber einige hatten eben Cashkosten, die noch darunter lagen. Es gibt sogar heute noch einige Minen, die das schaffen.

    Erst wenn die letzte Bank pleite, der letzte Staat ruiniert, die letzte Währung wertlos geworden ist, werdet Ihr merken, dass man Gold nicht drucken kann.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Pauli ()

  • Eldo..sehr schön....und Kärnten....sollen wir meine Galeere am Wörthersee wassern...auf den Ruderbänken die Lemminge in Dreierreihen..und Wasserschifoan.

    War eine Woche in Süditalien.....einfach ein von Gott gesegnetes Land.

    cu DL

  • Na, solche Aussagen zu Minen und POG gerade von Saccard zu lesen, stimmt mich außerordentlich bullisch.

    Nur eingeschränkt nachvollziehen kann ich den Faktor "KGV". Das KUV ist mindestens genauso wichtig - noch wichtiger ist die Bewertung der einzelnen Reserveunze und wie hoch diese bilanztechnisch vom Unternehmen aus vorgenommen wird.

    Deshalb zählt, wie oben schon erwähnt, wie die Mine aufgestellt ist. Und wenn ein hoher Cash-Flow, niedrige Verschuldung, hohes Eigenkapital, hohe Reserven und natürlich regelmäßige Gewinne am Start sind, spricht nichts gegen ein Investment.

    Vor allen dann nicht, wenn die betreffende Mine um die 50 % Korrektur von den Höchstständen hinter sich hat.



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