Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

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    Die Schlußsequenz von Laird:

    "...And, resource stocks will be hit (perhaps except for PM stocks) because of declining economic demand for resources should there be a big economic slowdown in the US and consequently in the rest of the US trade partner world.

    These are just some thoughts about what could happen if there is a serious USD crisis in 07. I am not an investment advisor, but a gold commentator....". :]

    Na, schau mer mal. ;)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Das sind meine einzigen Bedenken das Minen in USA verstaatlicht werden.

    Wenn es in die Richtung geht muss man vorher raus.

    Die Chinesen geben dem PPT eine raffinierte Retourkutsche auf ihre Art.

    Watch out !

    Die Russen sind dabei ihre Rohstoffe ebenso in russische Haende zu bringen, man macht es nun auslaendischen Firmen schwerer als zuvor.
    Gehandelt wird in Rubel, who needs the Fiat Dollars.

    Bush und Ben werden sich noch umschaun wie das Spiel weiter geht.

    Aufpassen muss er wenn er militaerische Drohungen gegen China macht.

    Dann geht der Russe mit den Chinesen, dann eine verspaetete Lenin/Mao Feier,......... am ende des Tages.

    Vielleicht bringen die Ordnung in die Welt ? ...der kalte Krieg ist offiziell nicht beendet.
    Man hat nun eine neue Taktik der arroganten Bush Administration eine Lektion zu erteilen.

    Wenn es hart auf hart geht dann hilft China den Iran, wahrscheinlich auch die Russen die das Oil und Gas von denen nicht brauchen.
    Da gehts um was anderes....

    Bush erhoeht nun die Truppenzahl im Irak, der Arsch zuendet noch einen Weltkrieg an.

    Da ist ein Rohstoffkrieg im Gange und die wenigsten merken es.

    Das wird noch spannend in 2007, der Oilpreis sollte steigen, trotz den warmen Winter.....bis jetzt.
    Gibt es dann Ostern im Eis, mir kommt so vor das meiste hat sich um zwei Monate bereits verschoben.

    Anyway, wenn die Amis bis 2008 nicht raus sind aus der Gegend dann knallt es gewaltig.......IMO

    Den Rest kann man sich ausmalen.



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    ...beginnt, meint Roger Wiegand.

    In dem langen Artikel sehr interessanter Ausflug in die Geschichte von Rezessionen.
    Auch ziemliche Abrechnung mit der Cabal. ;)

    Textauszug des Anfangs:

    “Everything in the world may be endured except continual prosperity.” - Johan von Goeth 1749-1832...." =)

    .... und des Schlußabsatzes:

    "....Buy physical gold and silver and make yourself, your friends and family as secure and protected as possible by being independent of the system 8). As we used to say in the Boy Scouts; Be Prepared! –Traderrog."

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Le Metropole Members,

    Eckart Woertz has served commentary at The Man Ray
    Table titled, "The Coming Mining Investment Boom in
    the Arabian Gulf."

    "That there could be a coming boom in mining investments
    in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC:
    Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman) may
    seem to be an odd idea to many observers. We had a boom
    in local stocks and still have one in oil and real
    estate, but mining? While oil and "soft rock" is of
    course a well known topic in the region, mining "hard
    rock" is decisively less so. Although the Gulf is the
    second biggest buyer of gold in the world after India
    and enjoys the allure of diamonds as well, investments
    in mining companies have been relatively unpopular so
    far. There have been some (e.g. in Klondike Star,
    Unigold, Hunter Dickinson, Metalex), but they have
    been small compared to the importance of trading in
    the metal itself. The average Gulf investor wants to
    have his or her gold under the pillow (which can be a
    Swiss one, of course), not somewhere in the ground
    in funny places like the US or South Africa. :D
    Increased leverage is rather sought by playing the futures markets
    than by embarking on mining investments.

    "This is about to change." :]

  • Zitat

    "....Buy physical gold and silver and make yourself, your friends and family as secure and protected as possible by being independent of the system . As we used to say in the Boy Scouts;

    Danke Edel! Vor vielen Jahrzehnten war ich auch bei den Pfadfindern. Für uns damals war eine solche Haltung ganz normal - für mich heute noch...

  • Porque El Amero, Amigos

    Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D.
    December 19, 2006

    The jungle drummers are already beating out the message: The "Amero" - the new currency for the North American Union - is coming...and Americans should accept it with alacrity. The party line is that the North American Union, as a new supra-national political entity, should have a currency of its own. Such is the propaganda. What is the reality?

  • GO GATA!

    Perhaps the quote of the day should have been from Dave in Denver:

    "I watch/trade silver and gold futures all day, every day and most evenings - there is definitely a systematic capping effort going on right now."

    The AM Fix: $622, up $1.50 over the prior Comex close. That was all she wrote, as is so often the case. Gold was capped further and taken lower. It was a comatose trading day early on at the Comex, until late in the session. The conniving, corrupt cabal Mafia leaned on gold when much of the gold world had retired for the day … and they did so even though the dollar held steady and the news was US dollar/economy bearish.

    Our Comex floor source says that two central banks sold 25 tonnes of gold last Friday, which is why it fell out of bed, dropping more than $12 in a very short period of time. Clearly this was Gold Cartel orchestrated, as the gold was sold to impact the market, not to maximize profits. There is no other explanation for so much gold to be sold, AFTER, rather than at, the London PM Fix on a Friday afternoon, when the Europeans have left for the weekend.

    That same floor source, a knowledgeable veteran, thinks gold could reach $750 by the end of January. This prediction is not coming from someone smoking dope. The setup for such a move is upon us. The outside market news continues to be extremely constructive, which will become more apparent as you go through this MIDAS.

    Silver was weak right from the get-go. So was copper, which has completed a massive top and is making like a submarine, for the moment. All the base metals were lower.

    The gold open interest fell 1097 contracts to 336,009. The silver open interest continues to contract, falling another 1322 contracts to 102,036. This liquidation is setting up a gigantic move higher for silver.

  • 2007 & Beyond: Dollar Looks Vulnerable, Gold Looks Good

    By Stephen Clayson
    21 Dec 2006 at 12:50 PM EST

    LONDON ( -- It is almost the end of a year that saw gold investors very excited by a gold price that during May soared above $700 an ounce, but that at the moment seems stubbornly stuck around the low $600s. However, there are a number of factors coming into play in the early part of 2007 that may give the yellow metal a lift. ....

  • Perspektive 2007 - Teil zwei

    von diesen hier:http://www.wallstreet-online.d…en/nachricht/1991089.html

    Die Edelmetalle dürften sich auch 2007 kaum aus der engen Korrelation zum Währungspaar Euro/Dollar lösen. Dies bedeutet z.B., dass Gold zunächst noch schwächer tendiert (Zielzone 600) und dann nach oben läuft, wobei es äußerstenfalls zu einer Ausdehnung bis zum 62er Retracement bei rund 660 kommt. Vorgeschaltete Widerstandsbereiche liegen bei 630 und 645. Ziel per Jahresende: 460 bis 500.

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    ...steigen und steigen.
    Schade, daß nicht angeben wird, welche Devisen. ?(…oreign_exchange_reserves/


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von alfonlein
    Perspektive 2007 - Teil zwei

    von diesen hier:http://www.wallstreet-online.d…en/nachricht/1991089.html
    Ziel per Jahresende: 460 bis 500.

    Dieser Artikel paßt eventuell auch hier hinein: :D

    Was meint der WO -Mann denn : $ oder € ?? ;)

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Gold Fundamentals

    Adam Hamilton
    Dec 29, 2006

    ...When year-end and a new year force us to briefly emerge from the haze of the present to survey the big picture, a precious opportunity arises.

    When we briefly regain strategic perspective over our lives, we are blessed with a chance to ponder our past and steer towards the most desirable future. This impetus is very strong in the realm of finance and portfolio design.

    Often the busiest months of the financial-market year are December and January. As the urgency of the present temporarily fades and the past and future return to focus, many important investment decisions are made. As you consider your own investment portfolio and whether it is prudent to add or remove positions, I urge you to consider gold.

    Gold belongs in every investment portfolio, regardless of an investor's age, goals, and risk tolerance. It is an anchor of indisputable, timeless, and universal intrinsic value in a dangerous financial world where any paper-asset prices can plummet overnight. If you don't own gold, or your gold position is too small relative to your portfolio size, then you are not truly diversified and you are accepting much more overall risk than you need to.

    I've been a gold investor for many years now, and have ridden our current gold bull in my own investments and speculations since it launched. On the very trading day before gold carved its multi-decade secular bottom in early April 2001 I concluded an essay with, "History, economic fundamentals, and logic dictate gold is amazingly undervalued and due for a monstrous rally. My capital will be ready for the coming gold rush!"

    The next day gold briefly fell under $257 but it has never looked back since. As of this past May's $720 high, since 2001 gold's bull has climbed about 182%, really an incredible gain for the safest and most enduring asset in world history. So hundreds of weeks of research and thousands of percents of realized gains later, I am not a newcomer to this gold bull. But I do still meet many folks who are just starting looking into gold as an investment.

    It is for these investors kicking the tires of gold that I am penning this essay. The most common questions I hear from these folks are usually variations of the following... Why is gold in a bull market? When will its bull market end? Am I too late to buy gold since it has already risen so far? What are the core fundamental drivers of this gold bull? Will central banks cap the gold price and therefore crush the gold investors?

    After endless studies considering these very questions, my own personal worldview for gold still remains very bullish for the long term.
    Despite how far we have come I still believe we are in the midst of a massive secular (long-term) gold bull that will likely run higher for another decade or so. There will be periodic corrections of course just as in any bull, but on balance gold seems destined to rise for many years to come yet. ;).....more

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    Sehr schöne Grafik von Hamilton in seinem Artikel:

    "..... And since bulls tend to advance in a parabolic fashion, accelerating during their later stages, odds are the best is yet to come....." 8)

    Ja, den Blick weit nach vorne gerichtet. ;)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Auch schön was er über Zentralbanker schreibt:

    Of the roughly 150k metric tonnes of gold thought to have been mined in all of world history, today central banks only control about 20%, 30k tonnes. Since central banks rightfully consider gold to be a threat to their dishonest fiat-currency regimes, investors sometimes fear central bank intervention in gold. Not surprisingly though since they are run by bureaucrats, central banks are probably the worst institutional gold traders on the planet.

    One of the most foolproof indicators that a secular gold bear is ending or a secular gold bull is getting underway is central bank sales. Like the Bank of England's 2001 fiasco of dumping gold at a multi-decade bottom, for some reason central banks tend to sell at exactly the wrong time. Central bankers, amazingly enough, are human too and subject to the same greed and fear as all traders. It is only at the end of long demoralizing bears when they start believing the Keynesian propaganda claiming that gold is a barbaric relic and think about selling.

  • When History Repeats Itself

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    Dear CIGAs,

    I have waited 26 years for the next major explosion in the gold market.

    We are, in my opinion, directly on the doorstep of that occurrence.

    I have stood up to risk to make my point on more than one occasion.

    I know of no other commentator on gold who has been willing to take one penny in risk standing behind his or her published views. This is most certainly true when I pay six figures to do this service on behalf of the community.

    Let me tell you the rush in to get a free put from me on up to 200 bullion coins was like a freight train coming down the track. If I had been wrong about the gold price, I would have been buried up to my eyeballs in coins and out a major chunk of cash.

    So here is another promise. I am telling you that we own 2007 and 2008. If I am incorrect about this then this page will close down with my apology.
    I firmly believe I will be around until 2012-2015 and gold will be way into the four figures.

    Let me define what right is. It is a new high in gold above $887.50.

    During this period of time 2007-2008 I expect:

    Gold shares will return to their traditional asset based valuation. Prices will be made by what you have under your feet, where you are and how advanced you are. In general they will be multiples of what they are presently, some ten fold.
    China will stand up to the US in economic and political matters.
    The US Treasury International Capital report will go below the zero line.
    The cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts will skyrocket both in $$$ and lives.
    The NATO Coalition in Afghanistan will in practical terms break down.
    The Federal Budget Deficit will sky rocket.
    The US dollar will trade down to .7200
    Consideration of a North American currency, a natural outgrowth of NAFTA type arrangements, akin to the Euro will be discussed, but will not happen.
    The USA will go from black ops to full engagement in certain South American countries. The build up has already started.
    I intend to work on a paper for you to be presented early in the New Year on why all of this is going to occur.

    I have waited 16 years for this opportunity. Within a few weeks it will start. These are the Golden Years coming again. A second opportunity in one life time to tag-em and bag-em in the gold market is sitting there waiting for us.

    A little taste of why:

    The Iraq Study Group Report was DOA.
    The absolute opposite of what the report called for is what is about to happen in the build up of troops in Iraq.
    The Secretary of State has taken the public position that the cost both in $$$ and life in Afghanistan has been worth it.
    The Federal Reserve is pumping liquidity into the system while sending out its minions to talk anti-inflationary.
    Desperation is evident in the hope for debt ridden consumers to bull the economy while housing and autos are history.
    Desperation is evident in the President’s speech this week wherein he suggested consumers increase their consumption.
    Desperation is evident in the following article wherein good becomes totally fabulous and in the article it turns out good itself is quite questionable....... End

    In einen anderen Artikel auf Goldseek sagte ein Investor der beim letzten Bullrun mit dabei war und den POG richtig vorausgesagt hat einen POG von 3500 USD bis zum Ende des neuen Bullrun der im naechsten Jahr beginnt. Geht der Rohstoffboom bis 2020 oder ist der Goldrun vorbei in 2014 ?
    Die einen sagen 8 Jahre die anderern 14 Jahre lange Hausse. Wie auch immer, wer Gold hat der hat immer Geld.
    Paul van Eeden, wie immer konservativ, erwartet einen POG von 1000 USD in 2007/2008. Ich hoffe ihr habt das Boot vollgeladen in den letzten Tagen sowie startbereit fuer das neue Jahr. Obwohl man mehr erwartet hat diese Weihnachten, ich bin mir sicher das naechste faellt besser aus fuer die Gold und Silberbugs. Ich bin froh das sich der HUI um die 325 - 330 sowie der POG von 617 - 620 USD bis jetzt ein solider Boden ist den das PPT nicht knacken konnte. Die 200 dma Linie haelt soweit, das ist mein Weihnachtsgeschenk ueber das ich mich freue..... :]

    Ein schoenes Weihnachtsfest und guten Rutsch wuenscht Euch allen,


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