Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Wann bricht das $ Imperium zusammen ?
    In einen Jahr, in einem Jahrzehnt, never ?
    IMO ab Juni/Juli faellt der Dollar unter die 80 USD/IDX.
    20.000 neue Truppen in Irak bringen den USD ebenso runter und den Oilpreis rauf wenn ihr mich fragt.
    Selbst auf einen Festgeldkonto verliere man wenn man Steuer und inoffizielle Inflation abzieht.
    Da halte ich lieber steuerfrei eine Goldmuenze die ihren Kaufgegenwert bestimmt behaelt.
    Nur nicht mit der Herde rennen, kauft was keiner will und fuer Krempel erklaert wird in den Medien.
    Wer keine 25-30% nach unten hin und wieder aushaelt der soll zur Sparkasse sein Geld bringen und aufhoeren zu jammern.



  • ""Also entweder werden wir aktuell total verarscht, weil der Preis so niedrig ist, oder wir werden total verarscht, weil man uns falsche Informationen liefert.""

    Im ersten Fall ist das eine prima Kaufgelegenheit, im zweiten Fall sind wir sowieso nicht mehr zu retten (weil völlig kontrolliert).

    Klar wir werden verarscht aber nur die sich verarschen lassen von der Fiat Mafia und den Daten die wir lesen auf beiden Seiten.

    Read between the lines and make your own decisions what is right and what is wrong.

    They can not fool the market forever.


  • Das Maples und Eagle jetzt gefälscht werden nur weil sie noch erhältlich sind sollte als:

    GROBER SCHWACHSINN (siehe bspw. Argentarius heute!)

    bezeichnet werden. Einige haben sich zu sehr in die Verschwörungssache verstrickt, dass sie nicht mehr klar denken können.

    Oder waren die Bananen in der DDR auch keine Bananen, sondern länglich gelbe Äpfel mit RFID-Chip? :D :D

    Bald geht die Post ab:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Zitat

    Original von Atze
    und selbst in solchen Phasen ist es möglich ein tiefgrünes Depot zu haben!! :D

    Ja, mit Shorts und es gibt ja sogar Spekulatonen auf Seitwärtsbewegungen. Aber das ist mir zu riskant. Wenn da mal auch nur kurz eine Grenze überschritten wird, verliert man u.U. alles.

  • Ich behaupte, wer das gesammte Jahr 2006 mit Rohstoffen investiert war und zwar in EM physisch + Minenaktien (Au, Ag, Kupfer, Zink, Uran), dessen Depot ist GRÜN! Wer sich mit Papierversprechen verzockt hat, klar bei dem siehts wohl anders aus :rolleyes:

    Noch ein Wort zu den Manipulationen am Spotmarkt.
    Offensichtlich gehen diese wie gewohnt weiter, ABER es scheint doch, dass die Niveaus auf die gedrückt werden kann stetig steigen. Wo ist denn der POG von 450 ? Wenn sie könnten hätten sie ihn dahin getrieben!

    Zum Thema erst mal flat und raus aus allen EM kann ich nur sagen, dass man wie immer das beste verpasst, wenn man nicht rechtzeitig investiert ist und investiert bleibt. Wenns explodiert, dann kanns ganz schnell gehen und dann zahlt man 1. mehr und 2. bekommt vielleicht gar nicht so viel wie man will.

  • Gehoert zwar nicht hier rein, hier das Wetter 2007.

    2007 to be 'warmest year yet'

    London - The coming year is likely to be the warmest on record around the world, climate change experts at Britain's Met Office said on Thursday.

    The global temperature is predicted to be 0.54 degrees Celsius above the 1961-1990 average of 14 degrees Celsius, the meteorological organisation said in a statement.

    It added that there was a 60% probability that 2007 would be as warm or even warmer than the current warmest year on record, 1998.

    The potential for a record is linked to the presence of a moderate El Nino weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which is "expected to persist through the first few months of 2007", the Met Office said.

    "The lag between El Nino and the full global surface temperature response means that the warming effect of El Nino is extended and therefore has a greater influence on the global temperatures during the year," the statement added.

    Katie Hopkins, from Met Office Consulting, added: "This new information represents another warning that climate change is happening around the world."

    El Nino is an occasional seasonal warming of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean that upsets normal weather patterns from the western seaboard of Latin America to East Africa, and potentially has a global impact on climate.

    It has been blamed for widespread bushfires and drought in Australia, heavy rain in East Africa and other severe weather conditions elsewhere in the world in recent months.

  • Dear Members,

    I stated that the last two weeks of December was time to spend with family, and that is what I actually did: I am sure that you must have done the same. Today is the first day of the year 2007, and indications are that we shall have a less volatile period than 2006. At this time of year, everyone normally makes some money as the New Year starts on a positive note. Though the 2006 numbers were negative and the year marked with a lot of uncertainty, the good news is that 2007 will be positive for everyone, and I am happy for that.

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and wealthy 2007. Very commonly, we like to use the magic word “happy” but often don’t understand its profound meaning. We rarely attain the state of being that it connotes and usually apply it casually without really believing it. I wish that we could all understand the meaning of happy as we seek to attain and apply it fully in our lives. I wish that we all start on the right trail as we venture into the year 2007.

    “Fear” is among the greatest threats to happiness. Indeed, how we manage our fears is linked to our happiness given that it is inevitable to encounter scaring situations in life. For example in the market, buyers are always afraid of the fall of prices, while sellers are scared of rises. There is a very strong fear of losing, but we still stand with hopes of making money. In the entire process, our minds and hearts are not at ease and the overriding emotion is usually that of fear.

    Other businesses are usually not like that, but unfortunately the market has a lot of tension. This means that the Karmic path remains surrounded by negativity and happiness is pushed out. I would like to explore this subject as we go along, so that we can learn how one can enjoy working in the market and keep happiness around us. I have given a great deal of thought to this and I believe that making money is one thing; but making money peacefully and happily will bring great joy into your Karmic path. We should start 2007 this way, and I will do my best to guide you onto this path.

    I am not saying that everyone who trades in the market is an unhappy person, not at all. However, we should start our Karmic path this year without fear and we will flourish. Indeed, my commitment from today is to write about trading the market with joy and without fear.

    You all are intelligent and unique human beings, and each person has unique abilities. In our various fields, we are all students who become better with time, eventually also becoming teachers. Interestingly, teachers also become students but remain above those who they are teaching. With time however, the teacher normally remains at the same place while the student goes on to achieve far above what was taught earlier by the teacher.

    This only happens because of our Karmic path (of our hard work and commitment, which makes the brain to start working above the common or normal level). This is a continuous cycle, and that’s why we see new things coming up everyday as a new innovation surpasses the previous one. What we have is “a race of brains, not race of human beings. It is a unique fight that is akin to a war occurring in millions and billions of human brains”. I still search for “happiness” in the midst of all this, as success breeds more hunger in brains. It is only happiness that can make brains calm, and to me happiness is satisfaction at the end of a race where nature produces a certain result and you remain calm and master success without worries or fear.

    Lets try and put our brains onto the path of happiness and I am sure that success will walk with you. I will try to give trades that may give you happiness, especially short-term trades. These will have both fun and build confidence, and once there is confidence, then there’s no place for fear.

    Today I am only including the newsletter for this week. On Wednesday I shall write the 2007 outlook.



    Gold should open higher on Tuesday, but likely to give up the gains by end of the day or from Wednesday. I therefore don’t recommend any new short-term buying in gold. This week gold should keep moving down till the last hour of Thursday’s trading.
    Though it may rise a little at the end of Thursday or Friday, gold should remain weak.

    We should plan to buy gold soon, but it certainly won’t be during this week. :rolleyes:

    The trading range for gold will be $639.90 to $626.80.
    If it breaks $626.80, then $618.80 will be the next target, therefore watch the prices and trade accordingly.

    Metal stocks should move sideway or a bit weakly during this week.


    Silver will trade move positively than gold during this week from Thursday.

    I therefore recommend buying silver from Thursday. Overall, silver will have mixed results for this week. The trading range for silver will be $12.98 to $12.68. The strategy for silver will be selling at higher opening on Tuesday in the European market and buying on Tuesday during the middle or at the end of the day in New York.


    During the last quarter of 2006, all these metals were non-performers and we did the right thing by not trading in them. This week they will all remain directionless and I therefore don’t recommend any new buying in them. As a matter of fact, it is time to sell base metal stocks, especially stocks like copper, aluminum, zinc and nickel because stocks related these metals will not have a good time.

    If copper prices fall to 272.80, then I may recommend buying. One must however remember that the long-term bull market in copper has already ended. Platinum prices will also move down, therefore take the opportunity to sell if they rise on Tuesday and Wednesday. Palladium prices will remain quiet hence there is no need to block your money in this.


    This week stock indexes will trade in a confusing manner. All major European and Asian markets will remain directionless or weak on Tuesday and Wednesday. They will once again fail to keep their heads above water on Thursday and Friday. Indications are therefore that investors will be very confused with the market during the first week of 2007.

    In the USA (DOW and S&P) trade will be sideways on the first two days, with an attempt to bounce back coming on Thursday. This week therefore, it is clear that one can take a small quantity of short position in the European market. The overall position for January will be negative for the markets.


    During this week bond prices will give mixed indications though I don’t see much volatility. Avoid taking any new positions in it, as we shall start trading bonds from next week. Watch out for my weekly position for the bond from next week.


    I have been recommending not trading in coffee for the last two weeks because mercury wasn’t giving direction. This week, avoid any new trade in coffee for the next three days, though one can take a small buying position on Friday.

    The trading range for coffee will be 126.80 to 121.80, therefore sell if it reaches the higher side and sell if it reaches lower side.


    This week cotton prices should trade in the positive direction and those who bought on my recommendation can therefore continue holding that position, and one can look for a 59 to 60 percent profit range. Buy cotton on Thursday’s opening.


    Sugar prices crazily went up during the first half of 2006 but thanks to the planetary movement we were able to spot the high and recommended selling around $18.50. Prices sharply came down in the second half and I don’t expect any major rise in the near future. This week’s outlook is different compared to the longer-term view because I recommend buying sugar on Tuesday or Wednesday for the short-term. Hold your buying position till next week and from there I see sugar prices moving below $10.00. One should therefore take a selling opportunity during this rally of the next five days. Those who are buying on my recommendation should reverse the position after making some profit.

    Lumber prices will remain weak and I therefore don’t recommend any new buying. As a matter of fact, I see lumber prices making a new low and one should therefore avoid any buying.

    Orange juice made a high in the last quarter of 2006 and has remained towards the high. However, I don’t see any rise in it from now onwards. This week orange prices may try to rise on Thursday or Friday, and I see a sharp correction if they fail.


    Grains surprised many floor traders on the Chicago Board trading floor in the second half of 2006, but thanks to Jupiter we were able to read this rising trend well in advance. Many of my members have actually made a fortune trading grains. I am still very optimistic regarding the future price trend, but for the short-term the outlook doesn’t advise staying in the buying position. We shall be buying soon but that will be after some corrections that will occur any time.

    This week I see grain prices starting to give up gains made last week. I in fact recommend that you take a short position in grains.


    From early August 2006, I kept telling investors that the bull market in oil was over and indeed we have witnessed a weaker trend in oil for the last 5 months. I don’t see any new rising trend for oil in the short-term but it may rise at the end of the first quarter of 2007. Oil should trade weakly or sideways during the first two days of this week, but it should rise around three percent on Thursday and Friday. If it however fails to rise on Thursday and Friday, then I see prices collapsing more than ten percent in a few weeks. Please therefore watch the trend on Thursday and Friday and make your decision accordingly.

    The same applies for heating oil and unleaded gas, but the weak trend in natural gas should end by this week. However, do not expect gas to fall if oil falls. I may recommend natural gas during the next week, but I would like to first watch the trend for Thursday and Friday.


    During the month of December the US dollar finally showed some signs of stability following the sharp correction in November. Out of ten analysts, eight still believe that there is weakness pending in the dollar and everybody is worried about diversifying currencies holding from different countries. Indeed, it is very challenging for my work because many reputable traders in banks and financial institutions are concerned about the dollar. Some have frankly written to me saying that they believe in me but might not buy dollar at this stage, even as they continue to watch my predictions on the dollar’s moves.

    This week the dollar will trade sideways, but it will have a mixed trend overall against all currencies. It may lose some value against the Yen and gain some against the Swiss Franc and British pound. The Euro and the dollar will trade in a very narrow range but the Australian and Canadian dollars should move down.

    This week, buy the Japanese Yen as well as the USD. Sell the Australian dollar and the British pound.

    Thanks & God Bless

    Mahendra Sharma, 1/1/2007

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Bringt vieles auf den Punkt :


    Original von silverchiller
    Ich behaupte, wer das gesammte Jahr 2006 mit Rohstoffen investiert war und zwar in EM physisch + Minenaktien (Au, Ag, Kupfer, Zink, Uran), dessen Depot ist GRÜN! ...

    Aber sicher doch, auch goldig.... :]


    Noch ein Wort zu den Manipulationen am Spotmarkt.
    Offensichtlich gehen diese wie gewohnt weiter, ABER es scheint doch, dass die Niveaus auf die gedrückt werden kann stetig steigen. Wo ist denn der POG von 450 ? Wenn sie könnten hätten sie ihn dahin getrieben!



    Zum Thema erst mal flat und raus aus allen EM kann ich nur sagen, dass man wie immer das beste verpasst, wenn man nicht rechtzeitig investiert ist und investiert bleibt. Wenns explodiert, dann kanns ganz schnell gehen und dann zahlt man 1. mehr und 2. bekommt vielleicht gar nicht so viel wie man will.

    Zudem : Hin und Her macht Taschen leer. :D

    Insgesamt ist es in der säkularen Hausse richtig, relativ hoch investiert zu sein.
    Gelegentliche Gewinnmitnahmen und Umschichtungen sind natürlich effektiv.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Despite a weak second half, we had another great year in 2006 as our ROI (return on investment) exceeded our annual average of the past five years. This is due mainly to a strict money and risk management as we were wrong as many times as we were correct in 2006

    Auf den hör ich bestimmt nicht :D

  • Wenn das Wort wenn (when) nicht waere....

    Thursday, January 04, 2007

    ‘Israel capable of striking Iran nuclear sites’

    TEL AVIV: Iran will possess nuclear weapons unless military action is taken against it, and Israel would be capable of carrying out such an attack, a respected Israeli think tank said Tuesday.

    “Time is working in Iran’s favor, and barring military action, Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons is only a matter of time,” Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies said in a statement distributed at a news conference where it released its annual assessment of the Middle East’s strategic balance. Israel considers Iran to be its most serious threat. It dismisses Tehran’s claims that its nuclear program is designed solely to produce energy and is worried by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s repeated calls to wipe the Jewish state off the map.

    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has not ruled out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program, but has said he hoped other ways could be found to keep Tehran from becoming a nuclear power. In 1981, Israel destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor in a surprise air attack. The INSS think tank stopped short of calling for an Israeli military strike to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

    Although experts elsewhere have questioned Israel’s ability to cripple the Iranian program, which is scattered and built in part in underground bunkers, analysts at INSS said Israel would be capable of carrying it off. Giora Eiland, a former Israeli national security adviser and a retired general, said there would not be a military strike without a full “strategic and military” understanding with the US.

    “Even if, at the end of the day, Israeli jets are going to carry out, or execute, this attack, it might be perceived - and rightly - as an understanding between the United States and Israel,” Eiland said.

    INSS head Zvi Shtauber, a retired general who also served as Israel’s ambassador in London and senior policy adviser to former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, said Israel was “technically” capable of striking alone and would have to do so if it takes action, because no other country would agree to work openly with Israel. Taking issue with Eiland’s assessment that the US must sign off on such an attack, he said, “There are certain things that it’s better the US not know about.” ap

  • @ mark

    Ok Mark, ich will einmal ganz sachlich zu Deinem posting Stellung nehmen.

    Du scheinst ein auf Sicherheit bedachter Anleger mit einer Beamtenmentalität zu sein. Du möchtest genau wissen, wann es die richtige Zeit ist zu investieren und wann Du verkaufen solltest.

    Du möchtest auch ganz genau wissen, in was Du investieren sollst und am Besten sollte auch ein anderer - möglichst eine Institution - die Verantwortung dafür übernehmen, dass Deine Investments erfolgreich sind.


    Aber mit dieser Einstellung brauchst Du erst gar nicht anzufangen und die Entscheidung für Deine eigene Strategie wird dier hier im Forum keiner abnehmen.

    Wir alle hier sind Suchende, der eine mit mehr Erfahrung als der andere - ABER IMMER NOCH SUCHENDE.

    Denn wer wüsste was morgen kommt würde seine Zeit nicht hier im Forum verbringen.

    Das was es aus macht, ist sich zu positionieren und daran - aufgrund seiner eigenen Recherchen - zu glauben, dass es eintrifft.

    Zweifel sind immer angebracht weil sie einen daran hindern, einen Tunnelblick zu bekommen und uns veranlassen, die eigene Strategie hinsichtlich Details zu überdenken.

    Aber Du trennst Dich doch auch nicht sofort von Deiner Frau, nur weil sie mal schlechte Laune hat, oder?!

    Hier im Forum wird jeder Furz und Feuerstein hochgespielt und dann gejammert und geheult.

    Dabei werden die Fakten vergessen und ein Blick auf nunmehr 4 - 5 erfolgreiche EM Jahre völlig vernebelt.

    Mensch wo waren denn die Kurse vor einigen Jahren und wo sind sie heute. Gold und Silber haben sich mehr als verdoppelt und das bei physischem Besitz STEUERFREI.

    Ich glaube die Wenigsten hier sehen diese Grosse Gnade und Chance die uns geboten wird.

    Und die Märkte bewegen sich doch nicht wie ein Ferrari Testarossa, die brauchen Zeit, SEID MAL MEHR GEDULDIG UND NICHT SO GIERIG.


    Ihr schaut Euch jeden Tag die Charts im Minutentakt an und ärgert Euch, wenn in der letzten Viertelstunde in NY eben eine andere Party gespielt wird.

    Mensch das sind doch nur elektronische Zahlenspiele, Flipper, Nintendo etc.

    Der physische Markt wird es offenbaren und zwar schon bald. das gilt für Silber.

    Der Dollar wird es offenbaren und zwar schon bald, das gilt für Gold.

    Also ruhe im Karton, Geduld üben, fundamental hat sich nix geändert und es taucht auch bald kein riesen Gold - oder Silberkomet am Horizont auf.

    Lasst Euch nicht nervös machen, ALLES WIRD GUT

  • Wer nervös ist, der nimmt seinen Au Bestand und zählt wie viel er hat. Dann geht er an die Börse und kauft sich passend ein Stück Papier, das an Wert gewinnt wenn der POG fällt.
    Macht für 2-3 Jahre ca. 5-10% des Kapitals aus. Eine Versicherung der Versicherung - war das nicht hedgen? :D
    Geht mit Ag genauso.

    Und ja, ich habe es so gemacht... , long bin ich mit den EMs sowieso und mein Gemüt ist es mir wert gewesen...


  • Zitat

    Original von sidha

    Also ruhe im Karton, Geduld üben, fundamental hat sich nix geändert und es taucht auch bald kein riesen Gold - oder Silberkomet am Horizont auf.

    Lasst Euch nicht nervös machen, ALLES WIRD GUT

    absolut agree 8)

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