Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Ja, die Goldbugs news lesen sich gut, das PPT liest aber mit. :D

    Und zeigt wieder mal dem Wanderer den falschen Weg. :D

    Bin gspannt was beim und hinter den Vollmond passiert, vielleicht passiert das Gegenteil, zur Abwechslung ! :D

    Eine Panik News genuegt, dann wird der Markt emotional. :D



    Ich hoffe ihr habt Euch eingedeckt. :D


    Part 2

    Thursday 1st February, AD2007

    In yesterday's Daily Dig we looked the some of the geo-politics and
    supply / demand fundamentals that has driven the oil price up 25% in 7
    months to August's 2006 levels of mid $70s.

    Market commentators and analysts can be a funny breed, often given to
    regular and dramatic changes in mind and outlook. "Philip, we are only
    one small political event away from $120 oil" one research analyst told me last August. "Many people just don't realize how thin and fragile the
    global crude market truly is," he continued.

    Talk about a bullish outlook I thought.

    Now in February 2007, Oil is trading around $54, having tested $50 lows
    in January. "The energy bull market is over", "Oil prices are going to
    crash", "Welcome back low gasoline prices", "Get out of the energy sector while you can" scream financial headlines.

    Brainless commentary we can expect from the mainstream financial press, but I was surprised when recently visiting his website to see the same research analyst I spoke to last August, predicting $40 Oil now, a long way from his "one small event away from $120 oil" comment of just six months ago? :D

    What so suddenly changed to adjust his outlook from $120 per barrel all
    the way down to $40 per barrel? Is the Middle East any more
    geo-politically stable now? :D

    "The Pentagon is believed to be considering options that would allow it to destroy facilities such as Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz in a single night of bombing", reads one headline, "plans are under way for a massive bombing strike on sites where Iran is believed to be enriching uranium." Now is the first time since 2003 the US had two aircraft carrier groups stationed in the Persian Gulf. With another carrier group steaming toward the Gulf now, the potential for a widening of the US/Iraq/Iran conflict grows. :rolleyes:

    Despite the analytical schizophrenia surrounding us, today's long-term
    global oil supply / demand fundamentals remain unchanged (i). Other
    than one research report released containing fanciful adjustments to
    global reserve estimates and the announcements of yet undefined
    reserves in one new deep gulf field (ii), the picture remains the same.
    Each day global demand grows, commercially viable energy alternatives
    fail to arrive, and all the while we burn through vastly more of our energy
    staple than we discover or replace. All this is rosy news for the correctly
    positioned, long-term value investor.

    As Individuals - our job is to equip ourselves with the knowledge that will
    help us survive and prosper in our changing world. At Daily Dig - our job
    is to dig up the relevant information that will provide you, our valued
    readers, with this knowledge.

    Sincerely - Philip Judge

    (i) We currently consume 1 billion barrels of oil every eleven days globally.

    This equals 30 Mega Fields per year. Mega fields are classified as fields that have reserves of over 500 million barrels or the potential to produce over 100,000 barrels per day of oil.

    The last two decades have seen new discoveries fall dramatically; 2000
    16 new Mega Fields discovered, 2001 8 new Mega Fields discovered,
    2002 3 new Mega Fields discovered, 2003 0 new Mega Fields
    discovered. The rate at which new Mega Fields are being brought online
    lag behind our current rate of use; 2003 7 new Mega Fields brought
    online, 2004 11 new Mega Fields brought online, 2005 18 new Mega
    Fields brought online, 2006 11 new Mega Fields brought online, 2007 3
    new Mega Fields planned to come online, 2008 3 new Mega Fields
    planned to come online.

    Source ASPO.

  • ...
    Bin gspannt was beim und hinter den Vollmond passiert, vielleicht passiert das Gegenteil, zur Abwechslung...

    Hallo, Eldorado,

    die meisten Kinder werden nicht am Vollmond, sondern in den Tagen davor geboren.
    Das muss wohl ganz tief in unseren Genen sitzen. Für Savannentiere ist es äusserst prekär,
    ein Kind am Vollmond zu bekommen. Blutgeruch und Helligkeit in der Nacht. Daher hat
    es sich als Überlebensvorteil erwiesen, im Falle des Falles noch vorher zu gebären.

    Nun, auch diese Kinder - die Edelmetalle - zeigen erst kürlich wieder Leben.

    Also bis ca. 20 Februar bin ich optimistisch, dann muss man sehen, wie es sich bis dahin
    entwickelt hat. Allgemein vermute ich einen unüblich heissen Sommer. aber nicht klimatisch.

    Wo ich noch recht skeptisch bin, ist beim Öl, habe auch die Mitt-Januar-Preise nicht
    zur Eindeckung mit Heizöl genutzt. Im Laufe des Februar und Märzes sind 45$ noch drin.



    As a general rule, it is foolish to do just what other people are doing,
    because there are almost sure to be too many people doing the same thing.
    William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von germoney ()

  • Moin Eldo,

    ein guter Artikel, sachlich und auf den Punkt. Aber so ist es eben: die grosse Masse will nicht die Wahrheit wissen, sondern von Clowns und Komödianten unterhalten werden.

    Sollen sie, wenn es ihnen Spass macht.

    Ganz zynisch betrachtet muss man ihnen dankbar sein, denn sie werden uns einen Teil unserer Bestände, physisch und MA zu den wahnsinnig hohen Kursen abkaufen. In einer Zeit, wo wir wissen, dass es besser ist zu gehen und sich das Volksfest und die Schlachtung von einem mehr entfernten Standort aus anzusehen.

  • Le Metropole Members,

    IMF would sell gold because European central banks won't anymore :rolleyes:

    Submitted by cpowell on 06:50PM ET Wednesday, January 31, 2007. Section: Daily Dispatches
    By Michael Kosares
    Centennial Precious Metals, Denver
    Wednesday, January 31, 2007

    I don't think we are going to see any sale of gold by the International Monetary Fund. It looks like the Central Bank Gold Agreement's inability to reach the 500-tonne quota for the 2006 agreement year (only 350 tonnes were sold) left more of an impression than any of us realized.

    The IMF's Committee of Eminent Persons, which interestingly included the head of the Chinese central bank and former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, is saying essentially that the IMF "could" supply the shortage left if the Central Bank Gold Agreement can't meet the 500-tonne allotment in the future. This translates to market neutral because, theoretically, whether the IMF sold gold or not, no more than 500 tonnes would go on the market over the CBGA year.

    It seems that the gold banking system needs roughly 50 tonnes of gold liquidity each month to keep from locking up. There is a natural deposit attrition rate in the gold banking business. In the natural flow of things, individuals and entities request their gold deposits back, and somehow 50 tonnes seems to get the job done. That 50 tonnes has to come from somewhere, and lately the European Central Bank system has been stepping up when the liquidity gets tight -- as the gold supplier of last resort. It may that the European banks have signalled their intent to withdraw further from the CBGA allotments (maybe France is about to back out of sales?), and the IMF group is trying to fill the gap.

    And maybe more depositors might want their gold back, since many of them are stretched Third World banks and depositors from places like the Persian Gulf and fewer central banks are willing to part with their gold.

    At any rate, it's an odd assortment of "eminent persons" in this IMF group, and we should take note of its composition: Andrew Crockett, former director general of the Bank for International Settlements and currently president of JPMorgan Chase International; Mohamed A. El-Erian, president and CEO of Harvard Management Co.; Greenspan; Tito Mboweni, governor of the South African Reserve Bank; Guillermo Ortiz, governor of the Bank of Mexico; Hamad Al-Sayari, governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency; Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank; and Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China.

    You can always tell that Greenspan has had a hand in the festivities when you read sentences like the following: "The limited sale of fund gold should be ring-fenced to exclude further sales and subject to strong safeguards to limit their market impact."

    There is no doubt in my mind that China would like to see the IMF sell ALL its 3,217 tonnes of gold, particularly if China might become a primary recipient. Without any fanfare China would happily write the check for all 3,217 tonnes. Otherwise, I can't imagine why the Chinese central bank might have been included on this IMF committee, unless it was to demonstrate that the system is at least trying to get them some gold. Perhaps the Harvard Management Co. is thinking similarly (smile).

    To round this off, we should remember that the last time British Chancellor Gordon Brown tried to get his hands on the IMF's gold, he was stopped dead in his tracks by the U.S. Congress. This new attempt to shake loose the IMF's gold may be happening because the new Congress might be more amenable than the last.

    From the view of these "eminent persons," it's at least worth a try. But they may be in for some rough sledding. Key Democrats were opposed to the last IMF gold sale proposal because suppression of the gold price meant reducing the income of Third World gold-mining countries. That's probably why this IMF committee assiduously addressed the price-suppression concerns. We should remember that the United States holds virtual veto power over IMF actions. We'll see if Congress is more amenable this time around, but we have our doubts.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Jo, und an solche Charts denken: :]


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Aber nur anscheinend, denk ich ! =)

    Hier schon eher :

    SILBER und MONDzyklen

    Aber die Cabal hat manchmal Anzeichen von.............. :D

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ne Gold Baron, ist alles in Ordnung, da hat bloss einer für einen Moment einen Steifen gekriegt.

    Der Gold Chart bei Kitco hat auch den gleichen "Harten" Ausschlag, wahrscheinlich gleichen sie es später ab,

    oder .......

    China hat vielleicht für eine grosse Menge USD Gold gekauft, über Scheinadressen versteht sich.

    Mal sehen wie es weitergeht, wird interessant heute

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    02.02. 06:45 (MEZ) Vollmond
    10.02. 10:51 (MEZ) Letztes Viertel
    17.02. 17:14 (MEZ) Neumond
    24.02. 08:56 (MEZ) Erstes Viertel


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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