Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • OiVaVoi

    Minen brauchen Geld, entweder von den Banken oder durch PP's.
    Wenn die Banken leihen gibt es meistens ein hedge deal wie bei Ashanti z.B.
    Die Banken sichern sich sehr gut ab, besser als wir. :D

    Ich halte nichts von hedged production, der CEO von GFI auch nicht.

    Bei solchen deals gewinnt meistens die Bank.

    Minen wie Barrick traue ich ueberhaupt nicht, die agieren IMO fuer das PPT.

    Ganz einfach, Finger weg von denen.



  • ....Gold is not just rising in terms of US dollars. Gold is rising against all of the world's major currencies. There hasn't been anything like this since the great 1960-1970's bull market in gold, or to phrase that period another way, the great 1960-1970's bear market in fiat currencies.

    Importantly, though gold has retreated somewhat as a result of recent central bank selling, the above charts show the impact from this central bank dishoarding has been minimal. As large as central bank intervention has been, gold prices have hardly flinched. They remain within the pennant formations formed over the past year that are consolidating the tremendous gains gold achieved from August 2005 through to May 2006.

    This current bout of central bank selling will eventually pass.
    When it does, we'll look back at it as we now look back on British chancellor Gordon Brown's decision in 1999 to sell one-half of that country's gold reserves, and describe this selling as Mr. Brown's decision is now being described - a colossal blunder. X(

    So I continue to expect that gold will soon exceed US$700, and for that matter, it will also exceed C$800, £350, EUR510, SFr 840, ¥83,000, A$850 and R30,000....more here:

  • Gulf gold demand rises 6.1%

    By Naushad K. Cherrayil, Staff Reporter


    Total gold consumption in the six Gulf countries in the first quarter of 2007 stood at 66.2 tonnes, an increase of 6.1 per cent compared to 62.4 tonnes in the same quarter last year, says World Gold Council (WGC) official......

    ...Barakat says the outlook for the second quarter is very positive with good jewellery demand in most of the key markets. As consumers are accustomed to higher prices, the gold pricing levels have become less of a deterrent.

    According to analysts, gold prices are expected to touch $700 an ounce by third quarter.

    Price dips have become a good buying opportunity.
    Demand per head in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region is already high compared to other countries while competition, both from other forms of jewellery and lifestyle products, is increasing.

    Currencies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries are tied to the US dollar so these countries saw the full impact of the rise in dollar prices against gold.

  • Financial Times Deutschland Link

    Nachtigal, ick hör dir trappsen.

    Nun machen sie den Bock zum Gärtner, damit es für die Großbankchefs nicht mehr gar so schmerzhaft wird, wenn die nächste Spekulationsblase platzt.

    und die EZB geht offensichtlich davon aus, das die "geldpolitsche Normalisierungsphase" zu Ende ist.


    "Der Gebrauch von Schlüsselworten mag hilfreich sein, wenn man sich in einer geldpolitischen Normalisierungsphase befindet. Wenn man sich dem Ende einer solchen Phase nähert, ist ihre Verwendung mit größeren Schwierigkeiten verbunden

    Im Klartext: Die Normalen Zeiten sind vorbei, es wird rundgehen!

  • Bis auf das er den selben Familiennamen hat koennte das ein Woof - Woof von Elliot sein.
    In seinem neuen Gremium will Spitzer nun mit den Chefs von Goldman Sachs und Citigroup zusammenarbeiten. :D
    Sowas schafft natuerlich Vertrauen in die Boerse. :rolleyes:
    Die SEC in der Art ist ein Witz.
    Es geht sicherlich rund mit den Betrug, weiter geht er bis die Blase dann endgueltig platzt.
    Goldman Sachs, JPM, Citigroup und dergleichen sollte man untersuchen und nicht zusammenarbeiten !
    Besonders ihre short positionen die sie haben, the so called naked shorts !
    Die Typen kann man alle in einen Sack stecken und draufhaun. X(

  • --Gold should reach $762 by yearend, but may peak between $900-$950 in 2008.

    --HUI could climb to 480 by yearend based upon its historic leverage to the POG, but may peak at 600-700 in 2008, reflecting a much higher POG.

    IMO these are conservative estimates, which do NOT contemplate any dramatic exogenous events like an escalation of hostilities in the Middle-East. Such unpredictable events would accelerate and exacerbate the magnitudes of my forecast.

    Clearly the US greenback will be riding herd on the whole shebang if the US$ Index were suddenly hammered below 80, all time horizons would quickly shorten. To be sure the greenback will eventually reach 76 with or w/o government intervention...and consequently the POG will be pushing $1,000/oz.

    A suggestion to all PM investors, patience will help determine ultimate rewards. Indubitably PMs are in the early stages of an evolving secular bull market.

    Therefore, methodical accumulation and buying the dips will maximize ultimate profits going forward. ;)

    "The study of history, while it does not endow with prophecy, may indicate lines of probability."..more...…05/drdoolittle052707.html

    NIA and DYODD.

    Dr Doolittle :D..just wait !
    28 May 2007

  • Meine Güte,

    was hat denn der arme Herr Schramm angestellt, dass ihn unser Kontraindikator Herr Siegel so runterptuzen muss...…visit.php?cid=1&lid=59251

    Also, ich bin ganz froh, dass mit Herrn Schramm der nächste auf den Goldzug aufgesprungen ist.

    Ob der Goldpreis nun steigt, weil der Dollar fällt oder einfach nur so, dass ist doch ein Streit um des Kaisers Bart, Hauptsache er steigt ! :D :D

  • Besonders auffallend ist, daß Kontraindikator Siegel Schramm vorwirft, sich nicht tiefgründig mit dem Goldmarkt zu beschäftigen, aber selbst kaum Argumente für seine Meinung bringt. Siegels "tiefgreifende" Analyse fällt dementsprechend auch sehr kurz aus.

    Viele Grüße


    Es kommt nicht darauf an, die Zukunft vorauszusagen, sondern darauf auf die Zukunft vorbereitet zu sein. - Perikles

  • Out with the old and in with the new - gold production shifts to China


    China will become the world's largest gold producer by 2010, an industry insider said at the Western China Mining Summit 2007, held in Chengdu on Friday.

    Chinese production of gold increased by 162.8 tons to 247.2 tons between 1997 and 2006, a trend that has also been mirrored in other developing countries like Peru, Russia and Indonesia, Morino G. Pieterse, editor of Goldletter International, a gold investment report, said. Emerging gold producing countries have increased output from 17.7 percent of global production in 1997, to a current 29.8 percent.

    Conversely, gold production from traditional gold producing countries such as the United States and South Africa has steadily declined in recent years from 362 tons and 527 tons in 1997, to 251.8 tons and 291.8 tons in 2006 respectively. Across the board, gold output from traditional gold producing countries has fallen from 54.3 percent of global production in 1997, to 36.1 percent in 2006.

    "China's gold output surpassed Australia's last year, is due to surpass U.S. production this year, and will surpass South African production within two years," Pieterse said.

    In recent times, consumer demand has fallen steadily in line with gold production. However, this has not been reflected in gold prices, which averaged at $276.50 per ounce at the end of 2001 but have since spiked to $677.0 per ounce on April 30 this year.

    Pieterse explained that skyrocketing global gold prices over the last 10 years has been led mainly by excessive market speculation, particularly by de-hedging in the last five years. Because the price surge is not a result of any significant supply and demand problems, gold prices will not rise above $700 per ounce in the future, Pieterse predicted.

    Meanwhile, gold as a percentage of global currency has fallen from 84 percent in 1950, to 10 percent at present, Pieterse said. "While the United States still holds 76 percent of its currency reserves as gold, China holds only 1.4 percent, and has no real intention of significantly increasing that figure in the future."

    He commented that the widespread belief that emerging Asian economies, mainly China, will mass-purchase gold to make up central bank reserves is fundamentally mistaken and based on outdated western opinions.

    "Everything I've learnt in the last 25 years about the gold market is now useless and outdated," Pieterse stated.

    "Asian central banks are not mass-purchasing gold, and are far more interested in the base metals market to feed growing development," he added.

    Nevertheless, investment in gold mining in China has rapidly increased over the last few years, rising from $5.1 billion in 2005 to $7.1 billion in 2006.

    Growing investment also indicates that the recent rise in production costs has not curtailed investment. Although the cost of production has risen to around $400 per ounce, leaping gold prices have actually increased profit margins from 12.5 percent in 2003 to a current 43 percent, which is further encouraging investment.

    While production costs in traditional gold mining countries are rapidly increasing, Chinese production costs still remain relatively low.

    Steve Ryan, general manager of Oxiana, a precious metals company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, commented that although local governments are sometimes unwilling to grant foreign companies access to very profitable mines, they are also unwilling to invest significant sums in prospecting and development. "There is plenty of room for exploration expansion by foreign companies in western China," Ryan said.

    At present, China only attracts approximately 3 percent of global exploration investment, and given the relative lack of investment in western China, this figure can be expected to greatly increase in the next 20 years, Ryan said. One of the main reasons behind low foreign investment is a lack of confidence in China's legal structure, with western companies uncertain that their investment will be secure, particularly as mine investment can run into hundreds of millions of dollars.

    James Moore, president and CEO of InterCitic Minerals, noted that the main problem was in the wording of Chinese mining law. "At the moment, the law states that a foreign company has 'priority rights' to a mine, if that was changed to 'full rights', foreign investment would flood into China almost immediately. However, it is more likely that there will be no change in the law, and it will take several foreign company success stories to increase foreign investor confidence in Chinese mine exploration," he said.

    Furthermore, Pietrese added he considers the political risks in China to be minimal, and stressed that it is more a matter of finding suitable business partners and adjusting to the Chinese ways of carrying out business.

    "China is now dictating global markets, not the West.
    At the same time though, it's in China's interest that the U.S. dollar does not fall by too much," Piterse said.

    Pieterse also noted that recent media reports of U.S. dollar devaluation are "wildly over-exaggerated". The 20-year low reported in 2004 was only a temporary one-tenth of a cent drop, which quickly bounced back on market corrections. Conversely, the 14 percent temporary rise in 2005 received relatively little media attention.

    Moreover, when the renminbi was de-pegged against the dollar in 2005, the dollar only fell by approximately 5 percent, Pieterse said.

    But with monetary reserves of just over $1 trillion, a heavily devaluated dollar will still have a negative effect on China for the near future.


  • Le Metropole Members,

    (I know it is late, but I could not resist)

    Italians claim country run by Goldman Sachs

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    Last Updated: 1:10am BST 30/05/2007

    Goldman Sachs men: Massimo Tononi, Mario
    Draghi and Romano Prodi

    Italians grumble that Goldman Sachs runs their country, much as the Jesuits ran countries during the Counter-Reformation.

    Premier Romano Prodi is an ex-Goldman Sachs man, as is central bank president Mario Draghi and the deputy treasury chief Massimo Tononi.

    The price paid for having so many friends at court is that the elite bank inevitably becomes entangled in the financial scandals that so often swirl around the Italian political class.

    For the past month, Goldman Sachs has been dragged into a widening corruption probe into the Siemens-Italtel merger dating back to the mid-1990s.

    The inquiry has moved uncomfortably close to Mr Prodi, who was on the Goldman Sachs payroll from 1990 to 1993 and again in 1997 after his first stint as prime minister.

    Politicians from the Forza Italia party have jumped on suggestions that Goldman Sachs may be involved, making damning allegations in the Chamber of Deputies under parliamentary immunity.

    The inquiry is just one of several probes across Europe into a ?400m (£273m) network of black accounts used by Siemens to grease deals.

    Prosecutors in Bolzano, Northern Italy, claim to have unearthed a Siemens payment of DM10m (£3.2m) to a Goldman Sachs account in Frankfurt in July 1997. From there it ricocheted around the world, going to London and Tokyo before returning to Germany in yen - according to Italy's financial newspaper Il Sole.

    A Goldman Sachs employee summoned for questioning earlier this month said the DM10m payment had been made for an unknown third party.

    Italian Treasury Police raided the Milan office of Goldman Sachs in February, where they removed a file called "MTononi/memo-Prodi 02.doc", among other papers.

    They have also obtained a letter to Siemens from the Frankfurt office of Goldman Sachs in 1993 pitching for business on the Italtel deal.

    At the time, Italtel was being privatised by the Italian state holding company IRI, which Mr Prodi had run in the 1980s and would soon run again before becoming prime minister in 1994.

    The letter said Goldman Sachs's "knowledge of IRI and its management could be extremely important in a negotiation. Since March 1990 our senior adviser in Italy has been Professor Romano Prodi".

    It is reported that Goldman Sachs later secured the work as an adviser on the Siemens-Italtel merger. The bank refused to comment, deeming the matter confidential.

    "We refute any suggestion that our actions are improper and we are co-operating fully with the authorities in the investigation," said the bank.

    Bolzano prosecutors said Mr Prodi is not a target of their probe although they are examining his fees from Goldman Sachs. Mr Prodi received £1.4m between 1990 and 1993 through a Bologna consulting company named Analisi e Studi Economici, jointly owned with his wife. The company secretary later told The Daily Telegraph that much of the money came from Goldman Sachs.

    Mr Prodi has been dogged by allegations that he sold off state properties cheaply to friends and political allies.

    The most controversial was the sale of the Cirio-Bertolli-De Rica food group in October 1993 to Fi.Svi, a shell-company, that sold it on immediately for 310bn lira (£100m) to Unilever, where Mr Prodi had been a paid consultant until weeks earlier. Credito Italiano had valued the stake at 600bn-900bn lira.

    Goldman Sachs was deeply involved in this transaction. A memo from the bank's London office sent to Unilever in Milan, dated August 24, 1993 and marked "strictly confidential", discusses the deal in depth and suggests that Mr Prodi might have been involved - a claim that he has always denied. "Fi.Svi is going to call Prodi in order to have full support in this discussion with Unilever," it said.

    A Rome prosecutor, Giuseppa Geremia, concluded in November 1996 that there was enough evidence to press charges against Mr Prodi for conflict of interest, but by then he was prime minister. She set off a firestorm.

    Ms Geremia later told The Daily Telegraph that intruders broke into her offices. The case was shut down within weeks by superiors. She was exiled to Sardinia.

    Allegations of wrongdoing by public figures come with a big health warning in Italy, where political scores are often settled through criminal probes. "Goldman Sachs is being dragged into this by the Right-wing politicians to get at Prodi. It is trial by newspapers," said one observer.


  • Vielleicht geht es los. Erinnert sehr an das was bei uns nach 2000 erfolgte. Anfangsverluste und dann aufgrund der Weigerung Verluste zu realisieren volle Fahrt mit dem Salamicrash-Express.
    Unsere Märkte muß man ganz anders sehen, nach 2000 sind die Privatanleger gebrannte Kinder und der markt ist ein "Profimarkt" geworden, so daß bei uns auch wirkliche Crashs möglich sind. Die Frage ist eben immer wie man Sentiment mißt. Wenn die Mehrheit bärisch ist aber gar nicht in Aktien investiert und aufgrund dieser bärischen Mehrheit eine andere "intelligente" Gruppe bullisch ist, diese Gruppe am Markt aber die Mehrheit darstellt, dann kann es trotz negativem Sentiment deutlich bergab gehen. Zudem widersprechen sich die Sentiment-Indikatoren deutlich. AAII zeigt eher bärische Stimmung, AnimusX in Deutschland stark positive Stimmung.


    Li Shi, a 50-year-old retired factory worker, predicts the market will be in the doldrums for the next couple of months. He bought shares of property developer Beijing Centergate Technologies (Holding) Co. in April, resulting in a paper profit of 10,000 yuan ($1,308) before today's fall. The stock plunged by the 10 percent daily limit on the Shenzhen exchange today.

    ``I don't dare to sell because I'll have to incur a real loss if I do,'' Li said today in an interview at Tiantong Securities Co.'s Chaoyangmen branch in central Beijing. ``I've invested my entire life savings in the stock market.''

    About 10 percent of maids in Shanghai resigned because they made more money trading shares, the government-run Eastday Web site reported April 24, citing a local employment agency.

  • Das Einknicken der Börsen mit Systemschwuchtel_Aktien ist

    zur Zeit die einzige Gefahr für PoG und Minen.

    Die Differnzierung zwischen Amateur- und Profis dort ist unnötig,

    weil beide Gruppen gemeinsam ihr Lebenselexier im System_Schwuchteln finden.

    Die Banken_Trainees von vor 20 Jahren sitzen heute

    an den Schalthebeln. Diese Profis waren die Kinder der Amateure

    der 80-iger Jahre

    Soweit die neuen Profis wiederum Kinder haben, sind diese

    klüger als ihre Eltern. Diese Kindeskinder machen die Erfahrung, dass sie

    niemand im Wirtschaftskreislauf sie jemals einstellen wird.

    Die Sollbruchstelle knistert derzeit schon im Gebälk.

    Alle hören es knacken, aber schauen nur

    auf die rosa_Straussenfeder_Boa um Schulter und Hüfte geschwungen.


  • schöner chart silver, da ich seit gestern im Besitz dieses Buches bin von Clif Droke, das sensationell viele paraboloide Formen in charts herauslöst und analysiert

    und es in diesem Buch nur so von wilden paraboloiden Figuren wimmelt habe ich hier auch mal eine dazugefügt.

    Rein fundamental sehe ich noch eine Ausspülung Ende Juni, v.a. getrieben vom letzten Aufschrei des sterbenden Tieres USD, ausserdem müssen die Aktienmärkte die US-Krise erst einpreisen und das zieht Gold unweigerlich runter, die nächsten Tage sollten sich die bugs aber die Hände reiben :P

    würde auch dem Grundsatz entsprechen dass der Bullenmarkt erst nach der letzten Ausspülung nach oben ausbricht (war 2005 zumindest so)

    Der china selloff sollte an den normaläugigen Aktienmärkten vorbeiziehen wie ein einzelner Regentropfen im Amazonas, der nächste Auslöser für den Aktienmarkteinbruch ist der Wurm selbst: US, jetzt sollen angeblich verstärkt die Makrodaten hereinkommen von den manipulierenden Witzfiguren.

  • Und nun warten alle, darum ruehrt sich nichts :D

    ""Rein fundamental sehe ich noch eine Ausspülung Ende Juni""

    Vielleicht war oder ist das Mai ?

    Dem faehrt dann der Zug weg wenn er wartet.

    IMO erstmal eine kleine Rally vom 4 - 8 Juni, dann gehts seitlich weiter fuer ein Monat.

    Timing.....den genauen Punkt zu erwischen ist und belibt eben eine Glueckssache.

    Wie schon Gogh erwaehnt hat koennten die anderen Aktien die PM mit runterziehen....kurzfristig !

    Mal schaun.. :rolleyes:


  • Eldo, der POG kann auch nochmal gut bis 620!

    Man sollte nichts ausschließen.

    Eine Rally vo 4. - 8. Juni - steht das so im Kaffeesatz?

    Warten wirs ab!

    In China heute leichte Korrektur, die Medien in gedämpfter Wischiwaschi Angst.

    Es wird weiter aufwärts gehen. Nur ein 9/11 Vol. 2 könnte den Börsianern den Spaß verderben...

    Alle anderen Krisenherden sind keine mehr. Deswegen auch 2 Flugzeugträger, unzählige Kriegsschiffe, Soldaten und Manöver im Guld...

    Ich lade weiter auf...

  • @GB

    Trotz der Korrektur beim HUI hat sich RSM.V gut erholt, Schneewittchen wachte auf. :D

    Kauf bloss nicht mehr davon ! :D

    Ich mische gern mein Bauchgefuehl, Astrologie, Charts der PM's sowie die Prognosen von bekannten Analysten zusammen, erst dann lese ich den Kaffeesatz.

    Sicher die Meinung von bestimmten Usern hier zaehlt auch mit.

    Der Astrologe Merriman schreibt in seinen Buch Voraussagen 2007 das kritische Umschwungdaten fuer Gold und Silber an diesen Tagen beginnen koennten.


    24. bis 25.Mai..hatten wir :(
    21.Juni (4.Juni bis 1.Juli ist insgesamt hervorgehoben !)
    9.-10. Juli
    31. Juli
    9. August
    7. bis 10. September
    10. Oktober
    2. bis 5. November
    12. November ( 7. bis 19. November)
    10. Dezember
    21. bis 24. Dezember (18. bis 30. Dezember)

  • @Eldo

    Soll ich jetzt auch Astrologe spielen und meine Daten daneben schreiben - frei erdacht!

    Ich weiß worauf du hinaus willst.....nur ist Kaffeesatzlesen von der Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintretens eines höheren POG und POS sehr ähnlich.

    RSM.V - diesen Monats gehts da rund. Die Richtung ist mir allerdings noch unklar. Noch ist das AGM Meeting am 26.6. nicht vom Tisch. Sehr gute Properties, sehr schlechtes Management - das passt eigentlich nicht. Letzte Woche trotzdem noch nachgelegt...

    Für die 666 beim POG habt mir ich ausgelacht - jetzt stehen wir wieder drunter. Das die 700 nicht genommen wurden war klar - alle hatten sie schon im Depot gebucht...

    Der neue Weltbankchef wird wissen was mit dem vorhandenen Gold zu tun ist. ;)

  • Gold needs to clear $658 on a closing basis to have a chance of a turnaround but more especially, it will need a convincing close above $666 to put an end to the bears’ hopes of pushing it down through $650.

    About the best that can be said for it right now is that the longer it continues this go nowhere period, the more the technical oscillators move lower and get a chance to press into oversold territory.…3_Chart_for_5-29-2007.pdf

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