Gold und Silber... Informationen und Vermutungen I

  • Hallo Eldo,

    keine Bange, ich hab' 40% physisch, einen Gabelstapler brauche ich noch nicht, deswegen rechne ich das nicht zum "Depot".

    Mit Blick auf meine 16.-August-Einkäufe stehen die im Moment meist so 30% höher.

    Ist also nach unten noch Luft drin ;). Ok der POS steht auch höher. Ich sag mal hier ein paar Wunschkurse von meiner Wunschliste:

    Denison 5,50
    Paladin 3,50
    Gammon 4,00
    Genco 2,10
    Moly Mines 2,10
    Silly Sally 2,50
    Yamana 8,00
    Cia Vale 15,00
    Petrochina 1,05
    Buenaventura 32,00

    So, das wünsch ich mir alles zu Weihnachten ;) - Gruß Milly

  • X(...dann gibt's aber [Blockierte Grafik:]

    linar :)

  • Linar,

    reg Dich nicht so auf, die Preise waren doch in Euro und nicht in Sfr ;)

    Ich muß auch noch ein paar Verluste aussitzen :(, hab freilich etliches auch schon mit schönem ++ vom Tisch genommen. Am Schluß sind wir die Gewinner :), und alle Welt trägt uns die Sandalen hinterher =), aber man muß auch mal taktieren und nicht immer bloß "all in" spielen.

    Viel Glück ;) - Milly

  • Hi Eldo!

    Bei welchem Euro/USD Wechselkurs siehst du die 690 Euro beim POG?

    Ist doch eher unwahrscheinlich, dass die EU den Euro beliebig weiteraufwerten lässt. Dh entweder bleibt der POG in USD stabil während der Euro gegenüber dem USD fällt, oder er steigt in USD leicht u. in Euro entsprechend stärker. Wie siehst du das?

    Auf jeden Fall kann man davon ausgehen, dass die EZB eingreifen wird um den USD zu stützen (Zinssenkungen/USD-Käufe), was zur Folge haben sollte, dass der POG in Euro steigt.

    Wär mit 690 Euro in 2008 mehr als zufrieden. Wäre eine tolle Performance.


    der DAU

  • @Dau

    Wir sitzen schon bei 1.48 und im Extemfall koennte der Kurs auf 1.55 steigen wo dann Sense ist.
    Somit wurde der POG mit ca. 1050 USD berechnet die durchaus moeglich sind.

    Ich habe keine Ahnung ab welchen Punkt die EZB gezwungen ist den Euro abzuwerten damit noch ein trade stattfinden kann und keine Rezession einzieht ins EU Land.

    Der SFR ist verkaufsreif IMO, ich kaufe in der Waehrung meine physischen EM's und tausche bald gegen CAD, Euro und sogar einige Rand wo es fast knapp 10% Zinsen gibt.

    In drei Bundesstaaten in USA ist schon offiziell die Rezession eingekehrt und das shoppen auf Kredit geht dem Ende zu.
    Das Consumer Sentiment hat den tieftsten Punkt erreicht, sie fangen schon an es zu spueren.

    Ich muss immmer wieder lachen wenn sie beim shopping schreien der FED soll die Zinsen weiter senken damit sie noch mehr pumpen koennen und den Dow ueber Wasser halten..

    Ja, der Fed soll alles richten und bezahlen mit bail me out glauben dort viele. :D

    Spatestens in einem Jahr faellt das Kartenhaus zusammen.
    2008/2009 kommt die Stunde der Wahrheit. Dann wird sich zeigen wie stark Gold und Silber eigentlich ist.

    Was den HUI angeht der im Vergleich zu den meisten PM Aktien sowie Juniors gestern weniger gefallen ist muss sich der mal abkoppeln von den anderen Boersen die am fallen sind.

    Goldman und Citi und die anderen Toechter vom FED muessen erstmal eine auf die Waffel bekommen dann ist der Startschuss fuer den Goldrun und fuer den Bankrun.

    Heute ist ja eine Feiertag in USA, einigen wird nach gestern 220 Punkte Dow Jones runter der Turkey nicht so gut schmecken.

    Wer nicht kaufen kann oder will soll eben warten oder seine PM Aktien halten ist mein Vorschlag.



  • Um 820$ - Das sieht doch super aus, als Wochenschlusskurs in dem Chaos derzeit! =)

    Selbst wenn ein paar Leute noch schnell Gewinne mitnehmen, heute, ich denke das wars. ... :D
    Deutliche Abstürze wie im August sind leider nie ausgeschlossen derzeit, aber der saisonale Auftrieb bis ins neue Jahr zusammen mit der Unsicherheit an den Kreditmärkten und bezüglich der US-Konjunktur, sowie die daraus resultierende $-Schwäche ziehen hier insgesamt nun den Boden ein.


  • Harald Seigel sagt in seinen Interview das er 900 - 1000 USD POG im ersten Quartal 2008 erwartet und einen Silberpreis von 35 - 40 USD in 2008/2009.

    Die meisten sind sich einig das Silber mehr steigt als Gold in den naechsten 7 - 10 Jahren.

    Der Ratio zu Silber sollte eigentlich bei 16 liegen, er steht aber bei knapp 56.

    Somit ist Silber total unterbewertet und seine Empfehlung nummero uno.

    Palladium ist auch sehr preiswert btw.

    Er meint auch das die Edelmetallhause bei Gold ca. 5 - 7 Jahre dauern kann bis die Luft raus ist.

    Es koennten sogar die 2500 USD erreicht werden als Spitze.

    Ich kann mir auch nicht vorstellen das sie laenger als 2014 dauert und gehe spaetestens in 2012 zum grossteil raus....nur nicht zu gierig sein !

    Mal schaun, die breite Masse ist noch gar nicht in diesen Markt investiert und viele wissen gar nicht wie hoch der Goldpreis heute ist.



  • I don’t think I have ever experienced a week like this where I received so many unsolicited letters or articles by people connected to the financial community in which the basic theme was: “This is it! The financial fabric of the world is unraveling. The Dollar is a lost cause, stocks are a lost cause, and the advances of Gold, Silver foreign currencies, and Oil are going to continue uninterrupted as the entire world falls into a state of complete bankruptcy.
    Order now to find out what you can do to protect yourself against the coming Depression.”

    Short term:

    In the study of Financial Astrology, time bands that highlight combinations of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus can coincide with extreme price moves, corresponding with a sense of hysteria, panic, or over-confidence. I don’t think we see any over-confidence today, but rather a whole lot of panic and hysteria. Mars tends to drive one to take action, usually based upon impulse. The only problem is that when it is retrograde – as it is November 14-January 30 - such impulsive action is usually ill-timed. The nature of Uranus is to be more irrational. Markets can move well above resistance zones, or below support zones, and thus there is a sense of a “break-out.” However. Like Mercury and Mars retrograde, the break out is usually temporary, and then becomes a “fake out.” But once again, as the market moves strongly, people believe they must act and act now, or they will miss out. So they act irrationally, usually buying right near the top or selling right near the bottom. It is a humbling experience to get caught up in the tricks of Uranus and Mercury. Jupiter and Pluto come together only every 13 years, and together they can coincide with a sense of urgency, even hysteria due to the nature of Jupiter (it exaggerates whatever it contacts). In this case, it contacts Pluto, ruler of debt and fear of the worst. The sub-prime mortgage tragedy is a perfect example of today’s Jupiter-Pluto crisis. The extent of those losses is just coming to light. But to read all the solicitations by the financial expects who somehow get a hold of your email address, you would think that this crisis will never end. The aspect soon comes to an end, and just as it has in the past, such crises will come to an end too. At least for awhile. In late 1994 (the last time this signature unfolded) it was the Orange County Municipal Bond default that took place. In 1981, the time before that, Treasuries were at their lowest levels ever (highest yields ever), as people feared that even the U.S.A. might default, or at least be unable to contain inflation. In each case, the crisis ended shortly after Jupiter passed by Pluto. But while it was in effect, panic and fear were indeed exaggerated - just like they probably are today.

    Longer-Term Thoughts:

    The more serious concerns, as shown by Financial Astrology studies, are probably still some time off into the future, when the “Cardinal Climax” takes place (late 2008 through 2015). :rolleyes:

    would not be surprised if at any day now, the worst of this sub-prime mess is over. I can imagine a scenario where banks and lending institutions have been instructed to work out deals for those home owners who were harmed by these predatory lending practices. Interest rates have gone down since these problems came glaring to the surface in mid-August. New mortgages can now be created at terms that are far better than they were just three months ago.

    But then one has to wonder what happens when those new adjustable rates mortgages, being worked out to help home owners today, kick in to higher rates? This will probably happen during the time that Saturn and Uranus form hard aspects to Pluto (2009-2015). As Yogi Berra says, it may be déjà vu all over again.…inning-november-26,-2007/

  • Und was sagt Mahendra ??? :D

    Dear Members,

    The last week I talked about the current volatility in the market. According to present planetary positioning, this volatility in commodity, currency and stock prices is poised to persist. Indeed, the swing will be so huge (either on the up or downside), that those who don’t book profit may regret after prices drop.

    :DWe are here to make money and the world is changing so fast that we have to constantly make adjustments in accordance with emerging trends. A good example is the price movement of the Canadian dollar and British pound in the last seven trading sessions. Furthermore, we saw a similar trend in metals. In addition, more and more people are getting into the market, which means more money, ego and fighting in the battleground of the world financial market, which also means that some people will be hurt or wounded.

    Once again I would like to focus on the European market and the future of Europe because as I am worried about its social, economic and political outlook. If I was handling anybody’s money, I would put two dollars out of a hundred in Europe, 35% would remain in the USA market :D.. while the rest would go to emerging markets.

    My prediction is that Europe will plunge into major turmoil and my European investors should therefore have a good plan for the next ten years.

    I would also like to bring to your attention another important market and investment region, that is India and China.

    Both countries will be powerhouses and they will create enormous wealth for investors in the next four years... (gut dann kaufen sie mehr Gold) :D

    In my first article on India in 1987, I said that India would become an economic superpower around 2005. Though the country has yet to attain the status, it has definitely achieved great success. Both India and China have been creating enormous amounts of wealth in the last two years and I know people who have made 20 to 30 times of their original investments within the last two and a half years. Indeed, there is still plenty of room for investors to make money for the longer term in these markets. When you see the list of fortune 500 companies or the top billionaires after three years, do not be surprised if 50% will be from India and China. Of course the two countries face numerous challenges ahead, but the overall outlook for their future is very bright if the challenges are effectively tackled.

    I first became a sub-broker in the Indian market at the age of 20 and started my career in the financial market. I have been trading and watching this market for the last 20 years and I will be glad to advise those who want to invest in the Indian market – just send me an email. I am personally aware of the backgrounds of over 2000 publicly listed companies and those who want to take advantage should therefore not hesitate to write to me. I will be quite happy to assist, as I am always glad when someone makes money, even on my advice. In the last three years I have done a lot of research on the Chinese market and I also have a list of many publicly traded companies.

    The last 20 months have seen a lot of ups and downs for my advising career but today I feel that the experience has made me mature. For the last 20 years my success rate has been so high that my ego could have given rise to overconfidence hence the punishment. Nevertheless, an up and down cycle is inevitable in everybody’s life and I cannot therefore remain untouched. I now feel emboldened and clearer in my thoughts and predictions. The uncertainty and confusion that was created by nature or hidden power has now been cleared from my mind.

    Once again I wish you good luck and I wish the same from you to me so that we can walk on the path of success.

    The weekly newsletter for 19 to 23 November 2007...last week !!


    Last week metals traded in accordance with planetary movement. This week I see a sharp rising in gold and silver and I recommend buying gold and silver on Monday and holding till Friday. Any intra-day decline during this week should be taken as a buying opportunity. Gold and silver could move nearer to the previous high this week, but I very strongly recommend that you book 100% profit on Friday. :rolleyes:


    These metals will also rise during this week together with gold and silver. Any short should therefore be covered on Monday, and sell back everything on Friday.


    This week all the major markets will trade positively. Base metals, metals, energy and alternative energy stocks will rise sharply in all major stock markets. I highly recommend short term buying in all major indexes, but one should remember to book profit by Friday.


    Coffee and cotton prices will rise sharply from Tuesday. Hold your position in coffee but one can book profit in cotton on Thursday.


    We shall see a sharp rising in orange juice and sugar this week, therefore one can take a buying position and hold the position in sugar, but one should sell orange juice on Thursday. Lumber prices will rise on Tuesday and Wednesday, and short-term traders can therefore buy on Monday as I see prices moving up more than five percent.


    This week prices of 30-year treasury bonds will rise sharply from Monday to Wednesday. We shall however see weakness on Thursday and Friday.


    The grains bull market is nearing its end. Just like we called a crash in wheat prices two months back, they could decline quite sharply. As a matter of fact, do not buy any grains at this stage. One can buy puts and sell calls on Friday of the next three months as soy bean, soy oil and soy meal will crash more than 30% in the same period.


    This week oil prices will trade in a mixed trend. Unfortunately, the last degree of Jupiter does not have a clear sign, meaning that I am unable to guide you properly in regard to this week’s oil trend. However, I don’t see much action on the whole for oil, and it will trade according to technical points. On the down side, I see oil touching $91.80 while on the higher side it will move up to $97.80. On Monday and Tuesday oil may trade sideways or weakly, while it will rise sharply from Wednesday to Friday, therefore plan your trades accordingly. I highly recommend buying natural gas on Tuesday.


    What a strong rise of the US dollar against the Canadian and Australian dollars as well as the British pound. 8o
    These currencies will rise against the dollar on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but they will sharply decline on Thursday and Friday.

    The Euro and Swiss Franc will make a new high, therefore watch closely. :rolleyes:
    The Japanese yen will lose value against all world currencies and it will lose sharply against the US dollar. :rolleyes:

    Load your boat with the US dollar against commodity currencies on Friday. :rolleyes:
    This week the dollar index will not do much as it will remain weak against the Euro and gain against the Japanese yen. This will therefore keep the US dollar trading within a narrow range. It is great opportunity to buy Dollar around $0.75. :rolleyes: :D





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