• DRDGOLD (Nasdaq: DROOY)

    About Us


    Press Releases

    Operational results for the quarter and year ended 30 June 2006

    24 August 2006


    Letters to Shareholders

    When I wrote to you in our Investor Brief last week, I thought we had just survived some of the toughest times at DRDGOLD, but I must admit now that the last 48 hours have been even tougher.

  • Last Update: 12:00 PM ET Nov 1, 2006

    ADVISORY, Nov 1, 2006 (PrimeZone Media Network via COMTEX) -- What: Mark M. Wellesley-Wood, CEO of DRDGOLD Limited (DROOY) will preside over the closing bell. Where: NASDAQ MarketSite - 4 Times Square - 43rd & Broadway - Broadcast Studio When: Thursday November 2nd, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. ET Contacts: Ilja Graulich Head of IR 27 83 604 0820 ilja.graulich@za.drdgold.com NASDAQ MarketSite: Stephanie Lowenthal; 646.441.5220
    Feed Information:
    The closing bell is available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on uplink IA-6 C-band/transponder 17. The downlink frequency is 4040 Vertical; Audio 6.2-6.8. The feed can also be found on Waterfront fiber 1623. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Lowenthal at (646) 441-5220.
    To obtain a hi-resolution photograph of the Market Close, please go to http://www.nasdaq.com/reference/marketsite_events.stm and click on the market close of your choice.
    About DRDGOLD Limited (DROOY):
    DRDGOLD is a medium-sized, unhedged gold producer with investments in South Africa and Australasia. Incontrovertibly bullish about its product, the company has recently concluded extensive refocusing of its gold interests.
    In South Africa, the company has an 85% interest in DRDGOLD South African Operations (Pty) Limited (DRDGOLD SA), while in Australasia, it has a 78.9% interest in Emperor Mines Limited.
    In the 2006 financial year, DRDGOLD SA contributed 60% or 315 976 ounces - of total attributable gold production of 527 401 ounces, and Emperor 211 425 ounces. At 30 June 2006, DRDGOLD's total attributable resource base was 47.6 million ounces and its total attributable reserves were 8.8 million ounces.

  • Unser Frosch war zwar ganz gut im Backen-Aufblasen, aber die Suppen, die er eingebrockt hat, waren nicht immer genießbar.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://content.nasdaq.com/reference/200611/mc_110206c.jpg]

    Eine Auftragsarbeit von Kermit beschreibt den Titanenkampf um Harties und Buffels mit der üblen Nachbarschaft:

    Independent writer Kerry Swift reflects on the demise of DRDGOLD's North West Operations (PDF - 317KB)

    These events involved Wellesley-Wood
    in a titanic struggle to keep the
    company afloat and a swirl of negative
    publicity that would have sunk lesser
    It were as if the restructuring of
    this century-old mining company
    somehow unleashed a malignant genie
    from the bottle[einen bösartigen Geist aus
    der Flasche gelassen hätte].
    Putting the cork back
    has consumed most of Wellesley-Wood
    and his executive team’s energies and
    it is only now, with the worst
    seemingly over, that the embattled
    CEO can look back and give his own
    version of events, because, in his view,
    he has been victim of a “sustained and
    well-orchestrated campaign to
    discredit DRDGOLD, its directors and
    myself in particular”.

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