Energold Drilling Corp: EGD.V - CA29268A1031

  • Aus der Studie über Cabo!

    Siehe Cabo Thread (übrigens hört die jetzt langsam auf, wirklich günstig zu sein, Cabo mein ich!)

    There are two listed Canadian companies with some similarities, one much bigger and one slightly specialist company slightly smaller than Cabo.
    The larger is Major Drilling Group International Inc. Major is a world presence in mineral drilling with operations in many countries; revenues are approximately fifteen times greater than Cabo’s and Major achieved gross margins slightly higher at about 30%. Revenue growth over the last two 12-month periods (just under 24%) is similar to Cabo’s although their last quarter results (to 31st January 2007) were exceptionally strong. Only 30% of Major’s revenues are from Canada and the USA, with fastest growing area by revenue being Latin America. Major trades on approximately a 17x forward P/E.

    The smaller is Energold Drilling Corp, with about 30 rigs operative nearly all of them man portable modular hydraulically driven shallow capability rigs (~100m to 450m) capable of worldwide airborne deployment at short notice and in-country transport by helicopter, small truck mules or men when fully dis-assembled. Annualised revenues are about C$24m, so it is much closer in size to Cabo than is Major. The company has headquarters in Canada and maintains representative and logistics offices throughout Latin America. There is a healthy cash balance and extremely good gross margins (~50%) compared to Cabo or Major. The high revenue per drill rig is suggestive of extremely high utilization rates and lack of competition in its chosen markets. About half the market capitalisation of ~C$53m is made up of cash and shares in IMPACT Silver Corp; subtracting these leaves Energold trading on a quite attractive forward P/E of about 10:1.

    Energold’s superior margins are due to its revenue stream coming almost entirely from the Caribbean and Latin America where exploration drilling demand has mushroomed and yet in-country capabilities were cut back severely during the exploration slump 1997-2004. Their capability of flying rigs in and out of country on demand and modular maintenance has allowed them to address the whole of the regional exploration market, without establishing a full infrastructure in each country. Energold recognise that they are a niche player:
    “By working in less developed countries we have a market niche that allows us to maintain reasonable margins. Local competition is limited and new competitors from outside are generally unwilling to invest the time and energy to establish themselves in these markets.” Energold 2005 Annual Report
    The high margins achievable by Energold support Cabo’s efforts at geographic diversification away from Canada where margins remain highly competitive and the capital needed to set up new drilling enterprises is relatively easy to obtain.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Jetzt hat sie die 3$ gekratzt.
    Wird so eine Erfolgsstory der eigenen Art (zumindest für mich :D)

    Ich bin wirklich gespannt, was Anderson vorhat.
    Die Properties in der Dom. Republik sind seit Goldquest Fund, und der ist wahrlich nicht ohne, im Wert gestiegen.
    Die Impact Beteiligung wird im Laufe des Jahres noch markant steigen...

    Also, schaut auch mal auf Impact! :D

    Ein höheres Listening wird auch immer wahrscheinlicher.


    Eine besondere Lachnummer ist auch, dass dieser Thread am Anfang massiv negativ bewertet wurde.
    Ein paar Energold zu kaufen, wäre, glaube ich, gescheiter gewesen. :D
    Aber es ist schon ein Kreuz mit der DD. :D

  • Ja auch bei W.O. liest fast niemand den Thread zu EGD.

    Da werde Frick Aktien gekauft und was weis ich nicht alles aber gute Aktie wie EGD da schaut niemand hin. Dabei werden Rohstoffe gebraucht und wer hat das
    Equipment um diese zu finden genau EGD hat sie. Ich hab jetzt nicht soviel Zeit aber sind EGD nicht auf ATH wenn nicht dann fehlt nicht mehr viel. Wichtig auch die 3 CAN$ Marke jetzt könnte es schnell auf 3,25 CAN$ laufen. Aber mir ist das egal ich behalte EGD noch viel länger als ich sie schon habe.

  • Ist schon eigenartig, bin absolut überrascht, von ATH zu ATH im Tagestakt. :D
    Verkaufen tun die wenigsten und die, die reinwollen, treiben den Kurs.
    Wieder fast 10% auf 3,35.

    Quo vadis?

    Bei GoldQuest wurden warrants frei. Das drückt den Kurs.
    Zur Erinnerung, es war der beste Fund seit jeher in der Dom.Republik.
    Nebenbei das JV mit GFI.


  • Überrascht ja und nein EGD ist einen klasse Firma mit ca. 9 Mill. Cash auf dem Konto und einen schönen Wachstum in einen Bereich der die nächsten Jahre weiter wachsen wird. Deshalb der Kursanstieg und auf ATH stehen wir auch und die Luft ist rein wie nach einen Sommergewitter. Für mich sind 4 Can$ in den nächsten 2 Wochen erreichbar und dann wird man weiter sehen.

  • Mexico Mike zu Energold:

    Unbelievable how EGD has been on a rampage like this and so few people are noticing. I went through the annual report on the weekend, and the company is a model of sustainable growth. The share structure is tightly held and very few shares are trading. The working capital position has been growing in leaps and bounds. A string of positive earnings results for about 4 years straight. Value continues to grow as they build more drill rigs and expand into new markets. And the internal diversification into exploraiton properties and their interest in IPT has also paid dividends.

    The irony for me is that I was onto EGD back in 2004 and could be really sitting pretty right now, but I still only have a small position of 'free' shares and did not add more when it was cheap, because I thought the company would continue to be a sluggish trader. Well its not sluggish any more, but my investment style does not allow me to add more shares after I already have a 5-bagger.



    Mir geht´s da ähnlich. Soo viel hab ich auch nicht. Zweimal gekauft innerhalb einer Woche.
    Das zweitemal hab ich gekauft, als ich meinen Rechnungen Glauben schenkte...... :D
    Aber sie sind zur Zeit der Depotrausreißer.....

    Erwarte da in Kürze eine Konsi...
    Aber wie gesagt, die müssen was mit dem Cash u8nd den Beteiligungen tun...


    PS: Schaut´s euch Cabo an, die stehen jetzt da, wo Energold vor 8 Monaten war.
    Gut, sie haben Schulden, aber sie verdienen jetzt schon mehr als Energold (meine mehr Umsatz)

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Schon hatten wir die 4 heute.....kurz!

    Bin überrascht, hätte mir eigentlich was anderes erwartet.
    Das Geld wird in rigs angelegt. Warum auch nicht?
    Kommt billiger als wen übernehmen und man hat keine Anpassungsschwierigkeiten.......
    Aber es bleibt nicht ausgeschlossen.
    Sie bleiben bei ihrer Linie, schwierige drills zu machen in der pampas... :D

    Energold Increases Drill Fleet by 18%
    Tuesday July 10, 2:47 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - July 10, 2007) - Energold Drilling Corp. ("Energold") (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) is pleased to announce that it has recently contracted for the construction of six new drill rigs to be completed by September of this year. This represents the first phase of an unprecedented expansion strategy funded by the recently completed $15 million financing. One of the six new rigs has just been commissioned and with it, the total fleet at the end of June stands at 34 rigs. By September, the total number of rigs will be 39, of which two-thirds will be fully-owned. Energold has traditionally self-financed its expansion organically through cash flow, limiting the construction of additional drill rigs to two to three at a time. Energold's strategy will focus on both expanding into new markets and increasing its presence in existing markets by doubling current drill rig construction capacity and pursuing potential acquisitions.

    Energold specializes in areas of social and environmental sensitivity and in frontier markets where infrastructure is inadequate or non-existent. Management believes that current world exploration budgets will equal or exceed last year's record expenditures and demand for drilling services will continue to increase substantially in the near-term due to the massive inflow of funds for exploration companies. Further, as long-term fundamental demand indicates, in the global markets the supply of metals will remain relatively tight. Energold believes that it has to take advantage of these conditions through the rapid expansion of its drilling fleet in order to realize the potential of its profitable niche. As of July 2007, drill contracts are being turned away on a regular basis through the lack of drills and the majority of the drill fleet is backlogged into late fall.

    In order to achieve its growth ambitions, Energold has and will continue to invest significantly in its people and into the addition of new drill rigs and infrastructure to service them. In existing markets, Energold sees substantial growth potential, particularly in Latin America and Africa. With the funds now available, new markets can be accessed through either the direct beach-heading of new markets or by possible strategic acquisitions of existing operations. In Africa, where a significant portion of the future expansion will occur, utilization is growing faster than expected and our objective of doubling revenue year over year in Africa should be accomplished.

    The expansion in the fleet and countries serviced will also maximize Energold's ability to train and recruit drilling crews and generate savings through larger purchasing power due to critical mass.

    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially-sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold currently holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


    Darrell Rader
    Energold Drilling Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)
    Email: info@energold.com
    Website: http://www.energold.com

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Neues ATH bei EGD waren heute 4,14 Can$.

    SK 4,00 Can$ nahe am ATH und TH bei 245.000 gehandelten Aktien nicht schlecht Herr Specht.

    Ich glaube jetzt daran das EGD sich Richtung 4,50 - 4,75 Can$ geht um dann zu konsolidieren.

    Hab gestern mal 10% meines Bestandes verkauft.

  • Clever, clever!
    Einen teil der Dom. Rep. properties verkauft mit der Auflage, dass sie dort drillen.
    Überhaupt ein netter Vertrag!

    Energold Announces Sale of the La Parcela Concession
    Thursday August 2, 2:24 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Aug. 2, 2007) - Energold Drilling Corp. ("Energold") (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) is pleased to announce that the Board has approved a binding Letter Agreement dated June 29, 2007 with a Canadian-controlled private corporation ("CCPC") for consideration of CDN$2.0 million that includes the transfer of all its rights and obligations in the La Parcela Concession in the Dominican Republic. As part of this purchase Agreement, Energold has agreed to provide the CCPC non-exclusive access to its Dominican Republic intellectual portfolio, including access to its property data base of mineral properties in the Dominican Republic until June 30, 2009. Energold has also agreed to provide technical assistance and support services to the CCPC, at market rates, for field exploration and drilling services.

    In a parallel agreement with CCPC, Energold has granted a one year-option to acquire all of the rights and obligations for three additional concessions for further consideration of CDN$50,000 each plus costs. With these transactions, Energold has begun the process of divesting its non-core assets in order to realize their substantial underlying value and to simplify Energold's investment profile as a focused provider of drilling services. The concessions involved in the sale to CCPC represent only a portion of Energold's portfolio of projects in the Dominican Republic.

    The two million dollars CDN from the sale has been placed in an interest bearing trust account for Energold. Energold has agreed to invest the proceeds from this sale in an initial public offering to be undertaken by that CCPC, provided that such an offering takes place during the fall of 2007; failing this, the funds are to be released to Energold. As a result of this transaction, Energold expects to record a significant pre-tax income gain during the second quarter.

    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold also holds 6.6 million shares in silver miner IMPACT and a portfolio of exploration projects in the Dominican Republic.

    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    Noch eine Drillingfirma, komplett anders aufgestellt:

    Letzte Woche gab es eine IPO von einer Drilling Firma in Kanada.
    Ein weiteres Vergleichsobjekt zu Energold und Cabo.
    Eigentlich kann man sie nicht vergleichen.

    Empfehle stark, sich die IPO-Präsentation anzuschauen.
    Sehr interessant auch, dass sie nach Wasser bohren und in der Kundenliste sind fast nur Weltfirmen wie nestle und theolia etc.
    Sie haben eine drillingfirma in Kanada übernommen.

    FAR.TO – Foraco Drilling
    IPO Ende 07/07


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • EGD hat sich bei dem Schlachtfest der letzten Tage noch mit am besten gehalten , dabei habe ich besonders hier auf einen attraktiven Einstieg gehofft.

    Allen Shareholdern weiter viel Erfolg mit diesem feinen Driller!

  • Korrektur könnte hier ruhig noch bis 2,5 gehen.

    Neuer Drillrekord!

    Siehe fettgedrucktes! Auch sie äußern sich zu loans etc.!

    Energold Announces Record Number of Meters Drilled and Expansion of Drill Fleet
    Monday August 20, 6:07 pm ET

    EVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 20, 2007) - Energold Drilling Corp. ("the Company") (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) is pleased to announce that it drilled a record number of meters for the second quarter of 2007. Meters drilled in the second quarter were in excess of 64,000. For the first six months of the year, 117,678 meters were drilled, up over 40% from the comparable period in 2006.

    Summary of Quarterly (Q) and Year-To-Date Meters Drilled

    ................................ Q2 Q2 % YTD Comparable ........................... %
    June 30, ...............2007 .. 2007 ....2006 ...Change 2007 2006 Change
    Meters Drilled 64,283 51,807 24 ..........117,678 ....... 84,186 40

    The third quarter should see the first of the six recently ordered drill rigs in the field. These new additions as they commence operations should result in significantly higher levels of activity for the latter part of the year as compared to prior years. Energold's rapid expansion of its drilling capacity is designed to respond to the very significant demand in our particular industry niche.

    The Company has placed an order for an additional two drill rigs for delivery prior to the end of September with an option on an additional two rigs. These new rigs are over and above the six previously announced on July 10, 2007. The two newest rigs, the four remaining to be delivered from the previous order, and the currently commissioned 35 rigs will bring the fleet up to a total of 41 drills by late fall. All the new drills being added are wholly-owned and are being funded through existing cash balances. The Company holds its cash and cash equivalents in bank secured investments. The Company holds no commercial paper.

    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially-sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. The Company fully consolidates the total meterage drilled by its 50.01%-owned Pac Rim Drilling S.A.C., 50%-owned subsidiary Kluane International Drilling and its affiliates. Energold also holds 6.6 million shares in silver producer IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IPT-V") and a project portfolio in the Dominican Republic.

    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Energold Announces Second Quarter Results Including Record Production and Continued Expansion
    Monday August 27, 8:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 27, 2007) - Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News; FRANKFURT:X9X - News; "the Company") is pleased to announce its 2007 second quarter consolidated results including the best ever revenues and meters drilled for a quarter. Gross revenues for the quarter were $8.64 million (up 25%) on 64,000m of drilling from gross revenues of $6.9 million in 2006 on 52,000m of drilling and for the year to date revenues were $16.1 million (up 46%) on 117,000m compared to $11.0 million on 84,000m in 2006.

    Earnings for the quarter were $1,836,000 (2006 - $1,510,000), which includes a foreign exchange loss for the period of $1,206,000 (2006 - $275,000) and a gain on disposal of assets of $1,317,000 (2006 - $0). In 2006 the Company recorded a dilution gain on the investment in IMPACT of $1.06 million for the quarter and $1.39 million for the year to date, the comparable figures for 2007 were $23,000 for the quarter and $61,000 for the six months. Earnings per share were $0.07 for the quarter and for the six months $0.11 compared to $0.07(i) and $0.09(i) for the comparable periods in the prior year.

    During the quarter the Company completed a $15.0 million financing which added net $13.9 million to the Company's balance sheet. As at June 30th consolidated working capital position was about $35.8 million, an increase of just over $17.0 million, almost double, from its net consolidated working capital position of $18.7 million at December 31, 2006.

    Consolidated group cash and cash equivalents were $21.8 million at the end of the period compared to $10.9 million December 31, 2006 an increase of over 100%. Energold's very strong balance sheet does not reflect the current market value of the equity investment in IMPACT. Based on closing market prices at August 17, 2007 the investment has a current market value of $9.0 million or approximately $6 million more than our carrying cost. Energold has 29.92 million shares outstanding and fully diluted 34.9 million as of June 30, 2007.

    Results Comparison (Canadian $ 000's except per-share amounts and meters

    Three Months Six Months
    Ended June Ended June Ended June Ended June
    30, 2007 30, 2006(i) 30, 2007 30, 2006(i)
    Gross Revenues 8,640 6,948 16,113 11,053
    Gross Margins 3,740 2,381 6,591 3,543
    Income before Taxes 2,727 1,837 3,964 2,428
    Net Income 1,836 1,510 2,655 1,931
    Earnings Per Share
    - Basic 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.09
    - Diluted 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.09
    Metres Drilled 64,000 52,000 118,000 84,000

    The Company fully consolidates its 50.01%-owned Pac Rim Drilling S.A.C., 50%-owned subsidiary Kluane International Drilling Inc. and its affiliates. The Company's approximately 16.7% interest in IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is accounted for on an equity basis.

    The increase in the overall level of activity reflected the existing demand within the industry and the growth of the Company's particular niche within that industry. The efforts of prior years provided the establishment of the infrastructure necessary to handle this increase and the Company is anticipating further growth in 2007 both in existing markets and a number of new locations. The Company subsequent to June 30th has ordered 8 new rigs anticipated as being delivered before the end of the third quarter bringing the total number of rigs jointly and directly owned to 41.

    Energold will be reviewing its 2007 Second-Quarter results via the Internet at 1:00 pm ET, 10:00 am PT, Wednesday, September 5, 2007. The webcast (audio only) can be accessed at: http://events.onlinebroadcasti…energold/090507/index.php and will feature management discussing the Company's financial and operational results.

    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially-sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold also holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) and a portfolio of exploration projects in the Dominican Republic.

    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

  • Sehr erfreulich, nur wie haben sie es gemacht? Kosten etc....
    Den fett markierten Satz versteh ich so, dass die früheren Partner in Ecuador und guatemala eigenständig bleiben.

    Jedenfalls: gute ergebnisse sind für 08 zu erwarten.


    Energold Consolidates Control Over Drilling Operations
    Tuesday October 2, 6:34 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 2, 2007) - Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News; "Energold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has obtained 100% ownership and control of its drilling operations in Peru, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Zambia and Vietnam. The increase in the Company's interest in these operations results from an agreement entered into between Kluane International Drilling Inc. ("KID"), in which the Company held a 50% interest, and Energold's former joint venture partners in both KID and in Pac Rim Drilling S.A.C. ("Pac Rim"). As a result of the transactions, completed over the last two days, Energold now owns, directly and indirectly, 100% of both KID and Pac Rim. Its former partner acquired a 100% interest in Kid's subsidiary companies operating in Ecuador and Guatemala which have 7 drilling rigs.

    Prior to entering into this agreement, the Company shared a 50% interest in 17 drilling rigs with its joint venture partners, effectively owning an equity income interest in 8.5 drilling rigs. Following closing of the transactions, the Company will have 100% interest in all of its 35 drilling rigs, including 10 drill rigs in which it previously only had a 50% interest.

    Fred Davidson, President and CEO of the Company said:

    "We are extremely pleased at this new development and believe it is very beneficial to our Company and shareholders moving forward.

    We believe this streamlines the Company from a legal, corporate, accounting and financial analysis perspective. The Company will be also become more cost effective and management will be able to focus totally on their own operations.

    We expect to order six additional drilling rigs during the next quarter and to have at least forty-one rigs by year end. We are actively expanding and plan to grow into one of the major drilling contractors in Mexico by mid 2008. We are also planning expansion in other countries. We now control all our operations and rigs, are well financed with a strong working capital position with very positive business prospects."

    As part of the agreement, all amounts due to related parties and non-controlling interests will be settled in full. Following the closing, Energold will have no long term debt or long term liabilities outstanding, other than a small allowance for deferred income taxes. The Company will have the financial strength and capacity to continue with its planned expansion plans unencumbered by issues involved with managing joint venture operations. KID will recognize goodwill and a gain on the sale of its' previously wholly owned Ecuadorian and Guatemalan subsidiaries to Energold's former joint venture partners, net of tax thereon.

    The Company expects that the implementation of this agreement should have a positive impact to net income in 2007 and in future years as the Company capitalizes on the strong growth opportunities that it sees in Peru, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Zambia and other countries in which the Company previously had to share its profits as a result of being involved in joint venture operations. To protect their mutual interests and investments, the Company and its former joint venture partners, have agreed to enter into a 30 month non compete agreement with respect to countries in which the subject companies were operating prior to closing.

    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    Darrell Rader
    Energold Drilling Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)
    Email: info@energold.com
    Website: http://www.energold.com

  • @miner,
    Ende November.

    Neues ATH, gleich richtig durchgeschnitten die 4,19 auf 4,4.

    1 Woche noch, dann hab ich die ein Jahr.
    Ist die größte Position im Depot geworden,dann kommen FR.V und der 2. Driller
    CBE.V. Dann mit ein bisserl Abstand EXN und OK.

    War schon richtig, 2007 auf die Driller zu setzen.
    2008 soll noch mehr Geld in Drillings fließen
    Eine große drillingfirma wie MDI konnte sich von ca 20 auf 60 steigern.

    CBE ist da eher mäßig unterwegs, aber die kommt noch. :D


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