Queenstake Resources Ltd. WKN 924 828 ISIN CA7483141015 QRL

  • hab´über "suchen" gesehen, daß sich hier mindestens 2 für

    QRL interessieren.

    Bin kürzlich eingestiegen. Anglogold/Meridian haben

    riesige Verarbeitungsanlagen hinterlassen.

    Und die Daten von enorm vielen Drills.

    Hat Goliath dem David die Schleuder verkauft?



  • die Effenberg-Finger sind was feines, egal ob nach oben

    oder nach unten.

    Queenstake hatte sein wichtigstes asset, eine Mine

    in Mexiko verkauft.

    Man hatte einen Plan.

    In Nevada hatte ein Joint Venture der Seniors

    Anglogold/Meridian ihre Riesenmine fast leer


    Queenstake hat den "Laden in Abwicklung"

    erworben und Anglo durch beteiligung an

    Queenstake "bei der Stange gehalten".

    David hat andere Voraussetzungen als Goliath.

    Wer in Queenstake einsteigt, sieht die Dinge so.


  • Es handelt sich um einen Auszug von der Homepage Queenstake,
    der einige Tage alt ist.

    QRL hält sich recht ordentlich im Kurs bei ca. 0,75 Can$


    Wed Apr 14, 2004
    Queenstake Resources Ltd.: Jerritt Canyon Development Progress


    DENVER - Queenstake Resources Ltd. (TSX:QRL)

    Since announcing an updated reserve and resource for Jerritt Canyon on January 19, 2004 (NR 2004-02), much progress has been made toward development of those reserves, conversion of resources to additional reserves and in exploration for additional resources. Development activities comprise a number of areas, including:
    - Continued resource to reserve conversion;
    - Development of the new Steer portal;
    - Development from the Smith Mine toward the Mahala reserve and resource;
    - Underground and surface exploration in and close to existing mines in order to add to existing resources; and
    - District-scale exploration for the gold deposits that could constitute new mining areas.

    Resource Conversion
    The conversion of resource to reserve by means of definition drilling is an ongoing activity at each of the mines at Jerritt Canyon. This often results in the availability and mining of newly defined blocks of ore before they are formally classified as reserve. Such is currently the case at the SSX Mine, where substantial high-grade blocks in Zones 1 and 2 have been defined and mine plans prepared since the 2003 year-end reserve statement was prepared at the beginning of this year. These blocks are close to existing development and are expected to be brought into production during this quarter with minimal additional development required. These are in addition to the block of reserves in Zone 6 which was discovered and brought to the reserve category at the end of last year. Development of this block, comprising about 120,000 tons at an average grade of approximately 0.475 ounces of gold per ton (opt) is approaching completion and we are just starting the first stope cross-cuts. This block is expected to provide a sound base for SSX production through the rest of this year.

    Steer Mine Portal
    As announced in NR2004-05 dated March 1, 2004, the Company plans to open a new mine to the northwest of the SSX Mine which is expected eventually to link up with SSX. The portal is being developed from the Steer open pit. A contractor has been mobilized and stabilization of the pit wall is currently in progress, with commencement of the portal expected to take place next week. Development will advance directly toward the reserves recently identified, but exploration drilling will follow the advancing face and will seek to further define known resource blocks a short distance from the portal. The new mine is scheduled to come into production in mid 2005, after completion of the main decline and definition drilling of the known resource blocks. However, some early production from resource blocks near the portal might be expected toward the end of this year. Initial production rate is expected to be 500 tons/day, but has the potential to increase as additional working areas are opened up.

    Mahala Development
    One of the most significant areas of new reserve is the Mahala orebody and associated resource located some 1,500 feet southwest of the Smith Mine. Development toward the Mahala orebody is about 25% complete and has advanced about 30% of the distance to the first planned underground drill station. It is anticipated that a substantial amount of drilling will be completed before the end of this year, potentially contributing to additional resources and reserves. The ore at Mahala has a distinct vertical component and horizontal or shallow-angle drilling from underground will assist in defining the geometry of ore shapes and further defining areas of resource in which drilling density from surface holes is not sufficient to bring the resource to the reserve category. There are also a number of prospective targets that were not reached by earlier surface drilling. Production from the Mahala orebody is also expected to start in 2005, greatly enhancing the utilization of the Smith portal and providing high-grade feed to the mill.

    Exploration In and Close to Operating Mines
    The Company has regularly reported on exploration results from within and close to existing mines. This is an ongoing process, much of it derived from step-out drilling from known resource shapes. The boundaries of the known resources are continually being expanded. In some cases, the expansion is simply an extension of previously recognized and delineated resource blocks. In other cases, such as in the area west of the Murray Mine, the expansion represents the discovery of new mineralization on trend from known ore. Additional results of exploration in and close to the operating mines will continue to be reported on an ongoing basis.

    District-Scale Exploration
    Following the success of the initial drilling program at Starvation Canyon (NR 2004-06), drilling is now continuing in this area by means of both reverse circulation and diamond drilling. The known zone of mineralization is open to the east, while a second zone to the south is being investigated. Drilling will commence shortly in an area behind the high wall of the Burns Basin open pit, where numerous mineralized structures strike into the high wall of the pit and are associated with strong surface geochemical anomalies. Drilling will also begin soon in the area of East Dash, where there is currently a defined reserve accessible from the Smith Mine but with undrilled potential both to the east and northeast. A budget of approximately $8 million has been established for exploration for this year.

    The objective of Queenstake's development activities is to enhance the life of mining activities in the Jerritt Canyon District while optimizing the economics of gold production. The increase in production capability afforded by the development of the Steer and Mahala orebodies will displace low-grade stockpile material from mill feed and thereby increase the mill feed grade by an expected 25 to 30%. The resulting increase in production at no additional milling cost should result in reduced cash operating costs per ounce. Resource conversion and exploration activities are expected to provide continuing production from the existing mines, while district-scale exploration presents the possibility of continued, long-term production from one of the great mining districts of Nevada.

    Queenstake has scheduled a conference call today, Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 10:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time for management to discuss the year-end results with the investment community and to answer questions about the Company's progress at Jerritt Canyon.



  • CARSON CITY, NV, July 22

    Nevada gold mine gets conditional power plant OK

    One of the world's largest gold-mining companies has received a conditional permit from state regulators for a 118-megawatt natural gas power plant to supply power to its mine near Carlin, Nevada.

    The permit to Barrick Goldstrike Mines was issued by the state Public Utilities Commission, which earlier this year approved Barrick's application to leave the Sierra Pacific Power system and provide its own power.

    The commission granted preliminary approval after determining that Barrick's project enhances electric utility reliability and serves the public interest.

    by The Associated Press

  • Nun, mir gefallen QRL auch fundamental. Deswegen halte ich auch eine Portion. Bin allerdings am überlegen, was ich damit tun soll - der Chart sieht jetzt ganz übel aus ... eine Halbierung des Kurses kann ziemlich schnell passieren, wenn es so weitergeht wie gestern.. :( :rolleyes:

  • # Thom,

    Bei Queenstake werden weiter Schulden getilgt.Durch Erlöse des Verkaufs von 34 Mio. Einheiten, bestehend aus je einer Aktie und 0,5 Warrants zum Bezugskurs von 0.65 je Aktie ( Kurs am 20.08.04 $ 0.72)
    mit der Laufzeit von 18 Monaten sollen sämtliche Verbindlichkeiten getilgt werden und eine Vergrößereung der Minenproduktion erreicht werden mit demZiel von 300.000 Unzen pro Jahr. Obs gelingt?
    gruß hpoth

  • Queenstake, interessante entwicklung bisher.

    anbei eine technische interpretation:

    schaut man sich das 3ecks-Gebilde seit 2002 an, so erkennt man allerlei, u.a. dass das 3eck sehr volatil verlief und oefters sowohl nach oben als nach unten die Schenkelbegrenzungen verlass.

    Ein kurzfristiges Verlassen der Schenkel ist nicht weiter schlimm, eine Konsequenz allerdings fuer die Zukunft ist, dass die markierten Punktraster auch fuer die Zukunft von Bedeutung sein koennten.

    Wie jeder mittlerweise weiss, koennen 3ecke auf verschiedene Weisen gezeichnet werden (heisst aber noch lange nicht dass es "willkuerlich" ist).

    Das 1.Dreieck ist das rote. Nach einem Breakout & anschliessendem PULLBACK zur Spitze erfolgte der Thrust. Doch innerhalb des roten 3ecks wurden die Schenkel nach oben verletzt-es ergaben sich fuer die Zukunft Widerstaende, weswegen man das selbige 3eck noch groesser zeichnen kann:

    Das 2. Dreieck ist das blaue. KURZ VOR der Spitze (ende der Linie) erfolgte ein "kleiner" (an der boerse ist alles relativ, entscheidend ist nur ob) Breakout mit anschliessendem sichtbaren PULLBACK.. Danach folgte der Thrust (bzw ging weiter).

    Das 3.Dreieck ist das graue. KURZ VOR der Spitze erfolgte ein sichtbarer Breakout. ERST NACH dem PULLBACK ging der Thrust (wieder) los.

    Und jetzt kommt der Hammer: Das 4. goldene Dreieck. Es gab zwar einen Breakout doch kein PULLBACK. Wenn man die Linie nun weiterzeichnet, dann sieht man, dass der Pullback nun vor kurzem erfolgt ist.

    ERST JETZT ist das urspurengliche 3eck widerstandsfrei, denn alle weiteren 3ecke (zB das weisse) bekamen einen definitiven Pullback.

    Somit war der anfaengliche Thrust im Grunde genommen ein Breakout, und der Thrust nach unten aus dem weissen Dreieck lediglich ein Pullback. Dies ist das uebergeordnete goldene Makro-Raster, die kleineren (untergeordneten mikro-) Dreiecke waren alle regelkonform, und der Thrust aus dem roten zB wirklich ein Thrust - obwohl im uebergeordneten Muster (im nachhinein) lediglich ein Breakout.

    Uebrigens will ein Kurs,
    der aus einem 3eck nach unten gebrochen ist,
    wieder zurueck zur Spitze
    (sofern das Underlying -Goldpreis- auch steigt!)

  • QRL hatte in den letzten Monaten einen Rücksetzer:

    Kaptalerhöhung und andere Ursachen.

    Aber nichts wirklich Schlimmes.

    Deshalb werden die bei steigendem PoG s o f o r t ins Laufen kommen.

    Das letzte Top beim PoG lag übrigens im April bei 427$.


  • QRL hat heute vor Börsenbeginn Bohrergebnisse


    Und zwar hervorragende.

    (Die Datenformate krieg ich hier nicht reingestellt)

    Kurs steigt auf 0,62 Can$.

    Nicht vergessen:

    QRL ist eine produzierende Company, kein Explorer.

    Wundern würd´es mich nicht, sollten die bis Jahresende

    die 1,00 Can$ packen.


  • nochmal eine kräftige Kapitalerhöhung.

    Es kommt aber wenigstens etliches in die Kriegskasse.

    Also nicht weiter tragisch, vielleicht sogar positiv.

    Die Börse wird es uns in den nächsten Wochen über den Kurs sagen

    (heute 07.10.04= 0,60 Can$ als Ausgangsmarke)


    Thu Oct 7, 2004
    Queenstake Clears Final Prospectus for $17 Million Bought Deal Special Warrant Private Placement


    News Release 2004-26

    Denver, Colorado - October 7, 2004 - Queenstake Resources Ltd. (TSX:QRL) reports that it has obtained a receipt for a final prospectus filed in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia, in connection with its previous bought deal private placement of special warrants for approximately $17 million, which closed on August 10, 2004. A syndicate of investment dealers participated as underwriters in this financing.

    The prospectus qualifies for distribution an aggregate of 34,254,000 common shares and 17,127,000 common share purchase warrants issuable upon the exercise of previously issued special warrants. Each whole share purchase warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.65 at any time up to 5:00p.m. (Toronto time) on February 10, 2006.

    The prospectus also qualifies for distribution an aggregate of 1,712,200 broker warrants to the underwriters. Each broker warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share and one half of one common share purchase warrant (the "Broker Unit Warrants") of Queenstake at an exercise price of $0.50 per broker warrant at any time up to 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on August 10, 2005. The Broker Unit Warrants may be exercised on the same terms as the warrants issued upon exercise of the special warrants as set out above.


    Queenstake Resources Ltd. is a gold mining company based in Denver, Colorado. Its principal asset is the Jerritt Canyon Mine in Nevada, acquired in June 2003. The Jerritt Canyon Mine consists of four underground mines, a 1.5 million ton per year capacity processing facility and a 100 square mile land package that represents some of the most exciting gold exploration ground in Nevada. Jerritt Canyon has produced more than 7,000,000 ounces of gold since 1981.

    (All dollar amounts in Cdn. $ unless otherwise indicated.)

  • #All,

    Queenstake besitzt nach wie vor einen hohen Hebel bei anziehenden Goldpreisen.

    Der Markt reagierte negativ bei diesen kanadischen Goldproduzenten aus und er Kurs fiel von 0,48 CAD auf 0.35CAD.Der Grund lag darin, dass die Produktion im vierten Quartal 2004 von den eingeplanten 75.000 Unzen nur rund 60.000 heraus kamen.
    Der Goldfondsmanager John Embry hält ca 55 Mio. Aktien an Queenstake,und hält noch an diesem Unternehmen fest.Das kann gut aber genau so schlecht sein.Der Kurs ist damit sehr der Manipulation ausgesetzt oder? Letzter Kurs lag bei 0.31CAD.

    gruß hpoth

  • Gestern, 03.01.06, stiegen 3 insolvenzgefährdete GM um die 20%.

    Queenstake QRL.TO ist davon noch die solidiste.

    Die anderen heißen Apollo APG.TO und Durban Roodeport

    DROOY.USA, DRD Johanneburg.

    Von QRL habe ich relativ viele, von APG einige wenige

    und von Drooy keine mehr im Depot.

    Alle drei waren bzw. sind rot im Depot.

    Macht aber nichts, da andere mit 100% und mehr performen.


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