Betrifft: Silber Wheaton
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1. Februar 2025, 23:01
Betrifft: Silber Wheaton
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Besten Dank, keepitshort, sehr gute Info!…ml?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO
Viele Grüsse
he graph above from The SRSrocco Report shows the stunning 90% drawdown of physical silver from the Shanghai Futures Exchange. I can guarantee you that the amount of silver reported as being held by the big bank depositories on the Comex is probably in a similar state of condition.
Think you own silver when you own SLV?…ards-is-wrong-once-again/
Chinese Silver Inventories Nearly 90% Depleted At Shanghai Futures Exchange…hanghai-futures-exchange/
Shanghai Silver In Backwardation
Published: 12-08-2014 22:54…lver%20in%20backwardation
step-by-step ( am Sonntag hat man meist die Zeit um einen Report zu lesen )
hier einige Charts
15th August 2014 Jordan Roy-Byrne…lidate-fateful-september/
Nano-silver in der Medizin…erimental-ebola-drug.html
Eight Ebola patients in Nigeria will be treated with an experimental drug called Nano Silver, the Nigerian minister of health said, according to news reports.
The drug was reportedly developed by a Nigerian doctor living overseas, and is being shipped to Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos.
Experimental drugs
The current Ebola outbreak — the largest in history — has killed more than 1,000 people in West Africa. Because there is no approved vaccine or treatment for Ebola, and the virus has a high fatality rate, the World Health Organization decided this week that it was ethical to use unproven drugs in the current outbreak.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ebola colloidal silver…#q=ebola+colloidal+silver
But thanks to Big Pharma’s government-enforced lock on prescription antibiotic drugs, you’ve probably never heard a peep about this study, or about any of the other dozens of clinical studies on colloidal silver that have amply demonstrated its undeniable infection-fighting benefits.
Clinical Studies and Reports on the Antimicrobial Qualities of Colloidal Silver
Silver Nanoparticles Neutralize Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses
This is a recently unclassified presentation produced by the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction. It demonstrates the powerful neutralizing effects of silver nanoparticles against hemorrhagic fever viruses, including Arenavirus and Filovirus (i.e., Ebola). One of the main tasks of the DOD’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency is to “anticipate and mitigate future threats long before they have a chance to harm the United States and our allies.”
Gold gab ich für Eisen, Golmünzen verkaufte ich für Rentenpunkte
Rentenpunkte bei der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
kann man kaufen
in dem man seine Silbermünzen und Goldmünzen verkauft
die Renten-Papier-Punkte werden vom Rentensachverständigen sozialverträglich umverteilt.
Hilft auch gegen gaaaaaaaaanz viel anderem
ich Kauf es aber in Deutschland als ganz normales Kolloidales Silber "Silberwasser"
silver supply held from the market
. However, the reality is that much silver production
often occurs at lead/zinc mines, gold, or copper mines as a by-
product. Accordingly, many mines are often able to break--
even, even before accounting for revenue from silver and so
some miners take a more opportune approach to timing of silver sales. Therefore, we believe
that a portion of silver output is
being withheld from the market as miners await a return to
higher prices. In fact, we have also heard reports that Chinese refiners and traders have also
increased stockpiles as they withhold supply
in deutscher Sprache mit englischsprachigem Internetlink…sen-der-Socit-Gnrale.html
Der Grund: Diejenigen Minenunternehmen, in denen das Edelmetall ohnehin nur als Beiprodukt gefördert wird, halten nach Einschätzung der französischen Großbank das von ihnen produzierte Silber zurück, um einen besseren Verkaufspunkt abzupassen, an welchem der Preis des weißen Metalls wieder höher notiert.
inflation chart…ion-without-compensation/
time-window: 1982 bis 1990
der Yen verlor an Wert gegenüber dem US-Dollar
der Nikkei von 8000 Punkte auf ca. 38.000 Punkte
dann kam der Nikkei-crash so um 1990
percent of debt to GDP vergrösserte sich ( im Vergleich zu heute eine kleine Bewegung)
Japan’s Fiscal Demise: A Cautionary Tale For Our Times…onary-tale-for-our-times/
einer von vielen charts
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Bix Weir: The Fix is In Again!
The “new” Silver Fix is nothing more than Banksters bidding against Banksters on a phantom electronic market, says Bix Weir from Road To Roota.
After the first day of the “NEW” Silver Fix, it’s clear that it’s nothing more than a bad joke. Bix says, THE FIX IS IN AGAIN!
Bix continues, “But it shouldn’t matter to us because we are watching what happens to the silver derivative contracts that are still outstanding and are supposed to settle at the “Silver Fix”… which doesn’t exist anymore.”
Ölpreis beobachten
ca. 90% vom Öl aus dem Irak kommt aus dem sicheren Süden vom Irak
kein Öl fliesstl durch die Pipline der Kurden im Norden vom Irak
in die Türkei
dies ist bereits im Ölpreis eingepreist.
Nur wenn die Gotteskrieger vom islamischen Staat IS
weiter nach Bagdad vorstossen, im Moment ca. 100 Kilometer von Bagdad entfernt
dann könnten eventuell die Ölfelder südlich von Bagdad erobert werden.
Alleine mit Luftunterstützung der USA gegen die Gotteskrieger vom
islamischen Staat IS
ist diese Bodenoffensive vom islamischen Staat IS
nicht zu verhindern
aus meiner Sicht ist der Ölpreis overbought
somit könnte der Ölpreis in den nächsten Monaten steigen.
Bloomberg: ---> video: oil ....…&page=1&template=tv&q=oil
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ update: Kasten rechte-Seite-Mitte Articles
chart-1: India silver premium over London spot-price
chart-2: Indian silver trade…0silver%20in%205%20months
vielleicht in einigen Tagen auch in deutsche Sprache auf der homepage
weitere Berichte zum Thema Silber -- ganz unten bei Related Articles -----…ike-disco-ball-7-reasons/ ---> related articles ganz unten
The Paper Silver Market is 250 Times the Size of the Physical Silver Market…hysical-silver-market-526
Treasuries and Gold
Global physical silver investment demand in 2013 was 246 million oz compared to 51 million oz in 2007 — five times greater.…l-silver-bar-coin-demand/
der Ölpreis ist sehr wichtig, wie im 1. Quartal 2011 der Ölpreis als auch der Silberpreis ein top im overbought Bereich verzeichneten.
im Jahr-2011 war der Konflikt Lybien, Gadahfi im Kampf mit Frankreich, Italien, Briten und den USA…ause-oil-price-skyrocket/
Auch Tips zur zurkünftigen Ölpreisentwicklung könnte man hier im Thread reinschreiben
Ich jedenfalls hätte vor 3 Monaten einen steigenden Ölpreis erwartet, aber es kam kurzfristig anders
und der Ölpreis fiel unter die 100 US-Dollar pro Barrel WTI
UPDATE: Shanghai Silver Warehouse Stocks Fall 24% In One Week
history of silver
viele interessante links…friendly.asp?TOPIC_ID=920
The "official" line is that the silver was returned to the Treasury in 1954, but I see no reason for that to occur. The Treasury knew where the silver was and Y-12 was the most important manufacturing facility in human history to that point. This was classic disinformation on the part of the Treasury/Bankers. No way they would risk the Calutrons not working so they never sent the silver back, and Y-12 was operational until the mid-1990's when other priorities developed in the silver market.
There were 32 Calutrons with 8 of them used for plutonium processing. There was also silver used in the "busbars" for Y-12. I'm no nuclear scientist but lets assume that the Calutrons used about 14,000,000 oz each and the rest was used in the track. This is a stretch but my take is they shut down the 24 non-plutonium Calutrons in the 1993 "stand-down" and sent the silver back to Treasury to be used to suppress the price of silver. This coincides with the additional 10,000 tons of silver shipments to the UK from 1995-1998.
My Conclusions: (The author's conclusions)
1) The Manhattan Project needed and received 470,000,000 ozs of silver for the Calutrons in 1941.
2) There was no reason to "give back" the silver in 1954 because it would just sit in a vault and the enriched uranium was the most important item in the world to the new nuclear super power. According to the program, enriched uranium was very difficult to mass produce and the calutrons were the best at it.
3) The US could retrieve the silver when it was needed it by dismantling the calutrons.
4) The calutrons ran for 50 years without any technological obsolescence.
5) In the 1990's something changed such that the US had to a) shutdown the calutrons for three years b) bring them back on line for a few years c) then completely dismantle them by order of the DOE.
6) From1995-1998 approximately 10,000 additional tons of US silver was exported to the UK to suppress the physical silver market on the LME.
7) The mid 1990's corresponds directly with the "strong dollar policy" (fixing of the commodity markets by Greenspan, Clinton, Rubin etc.)
Ende April-2011 war der Silberpeis am top von 50$ pro Unze Silber
Ab Mai-2011 fiel der Silberpeis dann vom top 50$ bis auf ca. 20$ pro Unze Silber
Stand: 31. Aug 2014 Silberpreis ca. 19,5 US-Dollar pro Unze
Can the new silver fix end the ongoing silver price manipulation ???…ilver-price-manipulation/
One way or another, the interventions in the silver price “disappeared” between the summer of 2010 and April 2011. However, on 1 May 2011, the sharp rally suddenly stopped and a new phase with another intraday average price pattern became apparent. The price breakdowns from the period before 2010 were back at play.…two-good-reasons-to-sell/
1. China’s supplies of silver are drying up
Since March 2013, silver inventory has fallen by more than 90%. At the high, there was 1,143 tonnes of stock. Last week, that had fallen to just 103 tonnes. In July and August alone, there has been a 56% drop. That is some drawdown.
At this rate, China – a significant producer of silver, but also a consumer – will become a net buyer before the end of 2014, putting upward pressure on the price.