DRDGold Ltd. / DRD (NYSE, JNB) und die Derivate

  • DRDGOLD is considering mining in central Johannesburg where it hopes to recover about 4 tons of gold from a dump currently host to a drive-in cinema. :D

    Graulich declined to put an economic value on the resource estimated to contain about 5.1 million tons of material at an average grade of 0.78 grams/ton.

    “It’s always been a marginal dump. But at the current gold price, you could probably get a profit,” said Nick Goodwin, a gold analyst for stockbroker T-Sec.

    Retreatment of gold dumps has served DRDGOLD well in the past,
    but analysts were concerned at the decline in production from nearly all the company’s assets [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.smiliemania.de/smilie132/00000116.gif]
    during the December quarter.

    Steve Shepherd, an analyst for JP Morgan, said DRDGOLD’s decision to report 100% contributions from CGR and ERPM was unusual. “For what it is worth, we think the practice of showing 100% of production as attributable, when ownership is at 85%, to be questionable,” he said.

    ERPM showed a one third increase in gold output in the December quarter which including 40% ownership by DRDGOLD in October and November, and 100% ownership in December. “The reality is that ERPM production, on a like-for-like basis was down 9% at 26,460 oz,” Shepherd said.

    “Underground production was 15% down at 18,551 due to a cocktail of engineering problems,” he said.

    In total, DRDGOLD reported a 4% production decline in the December period to 130,547 oz. Reporting more production from the South African operations helped offset heavy declines at the Papua New Guinea mines Porgera, and Tolukuma.


  • Emperor hat noch dem DRDGold Deal genug reserven (2.2 mio) und genug Produktion (angeblich .375 mio). Auf jeden Fall ein mittelgroßer Produzent. Aber die freie Marktkapitalisierung liegt bei nur ca. 25 mio US$!! D.h. wer soll da überhaupt kaufen? Fonds ja schonmal nicht. Erst wenn DRDGold irgendwie seinen Anteil verkauft, wird's interessant. Die fundamentalen Daten sind auf jeden Fall gut genug für eine super Performance.

    Ich frage mich nur ob Emperor nicht irgendwann von jemand anderem übernommen wird, sagen wir mal Barrick. Der Porgera Anteil müßte denen doch gefallen und für $270 mio komplett vielleicht auch nicht ganz teuer (Tolukuma und der ander Kram würde natürlich meistbringend verwurstet). DRDGold hätte dann entsprechend Kohle, sie können's brauchen und auf großartige Prämien bei einer Marktplazierung ihres 85% Anteils werden die ja wohl nicht hoffen?


  • Alex,
    und du willst da live dabei sein? Nett wird´s net.

    Apropos live: Hast du noch den HSV unter Aschyl Happel g´sehn?
    "Jetzt spial ma Hollywood!" das hieß 10 Minuten volle pulle mit pressing,
    Außenverteidigern an den flanken, alles in voller rotation
    und allem, was noch so dazugehört.

    Das haben wir zur Zeit auch an den Börsen.

    Bei mir: DRD vorest weg, EMP behalten.


    PS: und Freispiele hab ich ma auch g´macht. Gehört aber nicht hierher.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Jetzt wird´s doch langsam langweilig. Schon wieder ist DRD lt. Goldseek der
    Toplooser des Tages:

    1. DRDGold -4,28%
    2. Claude Resources -3,64%
    3. Lihir Gold -2,9%

    Seit dem 10.01 ist Droopy somit 3x der Toplooser gewesen,
    aber kein einziges Mal Gewinner, noch nicht einmal auf den Plätzen 2 und 3.

    Auf den Tagesanstieg von 30-50 Cent warten wir noch immer.

  • Ich entschuldige mich hiermit bei allen Goldseiten Usern.

    News Today

    DRD bullish that it can reverse output fall

    South African miner DRDGold yesterday reported a drop in production of 4% for the December quarter, but CEO Mark Wellesley-Wood said that, despite a number of hiccups, the group remained optimistic, particularly on its expansion and exploration initiatives.

    “We expect to expand DRDGold's reserves, resources and production profile in a significant manner over the next 12 months,” he said, mentioning, in particular, new high-grade discoveries below Philip shaft at Emperor mine, as well as exploration activities at Tolukuma.

    He said the group also remained committed to increasing its African profile, with two particular transactions in subSaharan Africa currently under consideration.

    The decline in group production was largely due to a 13% drop in attributable gold production from the group's Australasian operations, due to lower output at the Porgera and Emperor mines.

    Wellesley-Wood said that, despite higher gold prices, the industry was facing pressures of rising energy prices, as well as key supply-chain constraints.

    Production at the group's South African operations saw a 5% improvement, although this was largely a reflection of the complete incorporation of Crown Gold Recoveries (CDR) into DRDGold SA, during the quarter.

    Porgera saw a 23% drop in attributable gold production, to 33 218 oz, due to a 4% decline in ore milled and a 20% decline in yield.

    Lower throughput arose mainly from a seven-day power outage, while lower yield was owing to less mining at the stage four openpit and higher tonnage treated from lower-grade stockpiles.

    However, Wellesley-Wood indicated that yield was expected to improve during the current quarter with increased mining from the stage five openpit.

    At Tolukuma, production increased by 16% to 16 534 oz, reflecting a 15% improvement in ore milled and a 1% increase in yield.

    Wellesley-Wood said that the higher throughput and yield were due to better control of underground water through improved pumping efficiencies, increased mining face made available by development at the mine and a reduction in lower-grade tonnage sourced from old gold areas.

    The exploration activities at the mine were also well on track to replace depleted ounces as well as adding significantly to the group's resources and reserves, he said.

    Gold production at Emperor (of which 45,33% is attributable to DRDGold) was 9% lower, due to a 7% decline in ore milled and a 1% drop in yield.

    At the Emperor decline section, tonnage matched that of the previous quarter but yield was lower than expected.

    However, Wellesley-Wood was highly optimistic about high-grade material identified below Phillip shaft, with grades of over 50 g/t being seen in certain cases.

    “The whole picture at Emperor is changing, and, significantly, for the better,” Wellesley-Wood enthused.

    “We are now seeing the potential for new high-grade mining to take place in old infrastructure.”

    At the South African operations, Blyvoor saw a 10% decline in total gold production, as a 1% increase in surface production was unable to offset a significant drop in underground production of 13%.

    Wellesley-Wood said the fall-off was because of a planned reduction in mining from the high-grade B5A area, following increased levels of seismicity in the area.

    However, the mine plan had been re-examined and, going forward, would involve mining of increased volumes at lower costs and at a lower pay limit.

    Wellesley-Woods pointed out that both ERPM and Crown mines' production figures, of 32% and 35% respectively, more attributable gold than the previous quarter, were not really comparable, as the mine's holding company, CDR, had been reabsorbed into DRDSA as a wholly-owned subsidiary with effect from December 1, while for the months of October and November, Crown results were only 40% attributable to DRDGold.

    As a result, while attributable gold production was significantly higher, production for the operation as a whole was down 8% due to a thickener breakdown at the Knights plant and, in particular, failure of pipelines into and from the plant.

    However, Wellesley-Wood said that the thickener had since been repaired and the pipleline-maintenance programme revised.

    In other developments, DRDGold confirmed that it has signed a nonbinding letter of intent with gold-major AngloGold Ashanti to acquire the Top Star dump in Selby, Johannesburg.

    It has initiated a public participation process, in order to secure the necessary regulatory permissions to mine in the inner city.

    The dump is estimated to contain 5,1-million tons of material at an average grade of 0,780 g/t, compared to an average of 0,41 g/t being recovered from Crown at present.

    “If all goes as planned, it will be a high-grade sweetener in years to come for the Crown operation,” Wellesley-Wood said.

    The group is scheduled to report its financial results for the six months to December 31 on February 23.

    Alex ...

  • In das DRD-Autokino mit Open-Pit Feeling in Johannesburg

    möchte ich gernemal rein.

    Nur mit dem Moped lassen die mich nicht.

    Und wenn doch, klauen mir die Gesellen das Zweirad noch.

    Wenn ich das gestern richtig gelesen habe, gehört

    der Kino-Claim aber ANGLO-AMERICAN.

    DRD kann nicht zwischen Mein und Dein unterscheiden.

    Oder wieder was

    nicht kapiert?


  • bachalex,

    ich unterstütze ausdrücklich Deinen Wunsch nach Forumausschluß.

    Daß Du nicht auf persönliche Beleidigungen verzichtest, hast Du nun mehrmals bewiesen. Die jetzige vorsätzliche Regelverletzung sollte ausreichen.

    Vielleicht gründest Du eine DRD-Newsgroup. Da brauchst Du nur genehme DRD-Fans aufnehmen und wer ´ne andere Meinung hat, den schmeißt Du wieder raus. Viel Spaß!

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/n015.gif]

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