Global Economic Collapse

  • Weiss nicht, kaufe Silber prinzipiell nicht bei der Bank. Viel zu hohe Marge: Die wollten schon vor 1 1/2 Jahren, als die Unze noch bei 8 oder 9 Dollar stand, mindestens 25 Fr. die Unze. Da bin ich gleich wieder gegangen... Das Kilo dürfte im Moment bei der Bank etwa plus/minus 600 Fr. kosten, wobei ich kaum denke, dass die Ware gleich vorrätig ist. Wenn Du also nur eine Woche da bist ....:rolleyes: X(

    Wenn Du willst, nenn' ich Dir zwei Händler in Bern. Wir sollten auf PN wechseln, denke ich? 8o

  • Bei der UBS zahlst du aktuell 524 CH + 40/50 CHF + MwSt. = ca. 606 CHF

  • ich find das video köstlich, besten dank. kannst du mir auch mitteilen wie man videos so einbetten kann?

  • .würde mal "silberfranken" kontaktieren, der ist da im business, der kann dir sicher einen guten preis machen

  • oder bei der bekb am bundesplatz hats so ein münzenhändler, wo ich früher silberfranken zum nominalpreis eingekauft habe!!

  • Banks face $200bn high-risk debts

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    Last Updated: 2:32am BST 23/07/2007

    Investment banks could soon be left holding $200bn in high-risk exposure on jumbo takeover deals agreed before the credit markets turned hostile a month ago.

    A consortium of banks led by Deutsche Bank and Barclays Capital have yet to find buyers for £9bn in debt to cover KKR's takeover of Alliance Boots, Europe's biggest leveraged buyout and now a barometer of risk appetite for future deals.

    Debt fact box

    The financing deadline passed at the weekend, leading to speculation that efforts may be halted until the credit market settles down.

    Investors have demanded much higher interest rates in the new mood of risk-aversion, as well as stricter "covenants" to protect creditors.

    Overall, spreads on high-yield corporate debt have jumped by 130 basis points since it first emerged that two Bear Stearns hedge funds had run into trouble on US sub-prime property debt.

    In effect, the cost of credit for mid-tier companies has jumped from 6.9pc to 8.2pc in a month.

    Manchester United has become the latest high-profile name to be singed by the credit markets, admitting that it was shelving plans to buy back a £135m tranche of high-interest debt owed to hedge funds. As a result, the football club will have to carry heavier debt- service payments than expected.

    Investment banks in the US and Europe are already sitting on a $100bn glut of debt from previous buyouts that they have so far been unable to offload to investors, mostly pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds.

    A further $270bn will hit the market later this year.

    This could leave banks with far more risk on their books than they bargained for, and could ultimately force them to pull back sharply on lending.…/2007/07/23/cndebt223.xml

  • der kauft halt einfach das silbergeld auf. sein geschäft ist halt eher auf sammler als auf investoren ausgerichtet, aber ruf doch mal an:

  • Zitat

    Original von Fundistephan82

    hey , wenn ich die liste von der seite richtig deute kostet ein maple leaf dort noch 11,61Euro

    na da werd ich aber richtig zuschlagen....

    Wo hast du da geschaut? Kannst du mal den Link reinstellen.

  • Zitat

    Original von traditional3
    Die USA sind, wie es die Verfechter der Globalisierung beabsichtigten, von anderswo produzierten lebenswichtigen Gütern abhängig, die dann von imperialen Kartellen zu Willkürpreisen verkauft werden.


    Es gibt aber sowohl in USA als auch in Europa generell eine Gewerbefreiheit.
    Kartelle in Bereichen von Rohstoffen mag es geben aber gennerell konkurieren viele Produkte um den Kunden. Reine Preiswillkür ist Fantasie.

  • hab diese liste nicht gefunden, wie ist der link...

  • Deutsche Bank Report Hits Homebuilders, SEC Formalizes Beazer Probe

    A Deutsche Bank report issued Monday said the housing slump intensified in June as tighter loan standards and rising interest rates forced higher cancellations for homebuilders. Several homebuilder shares and ETFs fell to multi-year lows following the report. Although builders say the entry level and high ends of the housing market are faring well, 'move-up' homes are suffering from an existing homes sales glut. Deutsche says the homebuilders in its universe lost $5.4 billion in Q1 from land writedowns and impairments and more of the same is expected when several homebuilders report earnings this week. Hovnanian shares fell 7.2% to $15.25, bringing them to a 55% drop this year. Centex, reporting Tuesday, carries a 13.75% short interest. The iShares Dow Jones Home Construction ETF and the S&P Homebuilders ETF have fallen 30% and 31%, respectively, since January. In related news, the SEC has formalized its investigation of Beazer Homes for alleged securities law infringements. The FBI is also investigating Beazer for mortgage fraud at its lending arm. In June, Beazer fired CFO Michael Rand for trying to destroy evidence in the SEC probe, and the company is facing class action suits. Beazer's shares closed Monday at $18.76, a 60% drop on the year. Shares fell further to $17.77 in AH trading.

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