Bullion River Gold

  • Mit einem fähigem und erfahrenem Management kann sich die Situation nur verbessern.

    Der letzte Beitrag im Bullion-Blog von Glenn Blachford.
    Die beiden letzten Sätzte sind sind interessant
    gcb57 Says:
    March 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    From Glenn:
    I was informed late last week that my services were no longer required. The reason may be traced back to the initial sentences in the last paragraph of my last posting on this blog. I obviously posted something there that was damaging to ongoing negotiations and am now paying for it. I have obviously lost the confidence of the board of directors and Peter.

    It was not my intent to cause any grief with the comments as written but evidently that was the result. I recognize that Peter is under enormous stress and I would not knowingly exacerbate the problem. I fear that I may have irreparably damaged a 20+ year friendship. In Peter's absence from work the blog will be handled by Mitch Wagner and I believe Allen Wilson will be commenting as well.

    In leaving I would like to say that I enjoyed my time trading comments with the shareholders and I hope I helped. I remain a shareholder and look forward to the success of the company. I think the company has a bright future if it is able to get through the next few months and complete the infrastructure improvements as planned.


    3-Jun-08 09:42 am I've spoken to TC. His objective is to operate in such a manner that BLRV will be self-sufficient and eventually run in the black, although alternate financing is now available without excess dilution. The potential for this property is excellent as long as the projects currently underway are successful, and these are efficient and small-expense inprovements that are well thought-out. The mine must remain relatively small-scale at this time to be both cost-efficent and productive. The long-run potential is good; the departure of PK and his overlarge plans and promises will allow BLRV's management to fix what was broken without breaking the bank. I have every confidence in TC, who is highly knowledgable regarding the mine and planning such projects with a high rate of success. He is intelligent, confident and honest, with no huge promises,; the only promise is his utter commitment to bringing BLRV back into the game at a profit. Time will tell.


    Bullion River Gold Corp. (OTCBB: BLRV) announced today that it has filed
    a Form 15 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the
    "SEC") suspending its reporting obligations under the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934. Upon the filing of the Form 15, the company's obligation to
    file current and periodic reports, including Forms 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K
    will be suspended until the company's total assets exceed $10 million and
    its shareholders of record exceed 500. In addition, the company's common
    stock will cease trading on the OTC Bulletin Board. Due to the high cost
    of compliance under the securities laws, rules and regulations applicable
    to public companies, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the
    company's board of directors determined that it could no longer afford to
    remain a public company.

    Bullion River Gold Corp.
    Tim Callaway
    (775) 324-4881

    Copyright 2008, Market Wire, All rights reserved.


    © Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved


  • 12. Januar 2009

    Am 19. Dezember 2008, trat Tim Callaway als Präsident / CEO und später am 11. Januar 2009, als Direktor der Bullion River Gold Corp zurück. Herr Callaway Rücktritt erfolgte aus persönlichen Gründen und nicht aufgrund von Unstimmigkeiten mit der Firma. Am 19. Dezember 2008, wurde Gerhard Nel (Gerry) zum Präsidenten und CEO von Bullion River Gold gewählt. Herr Nel ist ein langjähriger Aktionär von Bullion River Gold und Wagniskapitalgeber, er hat enge Beziehungen zu den Investoren.

    Darüber hinaus,sind Herr Nel und Paul Haber dem Vorstand beigetreten. Beide sind erfahrene Unternehmer und erheblich investiert ibei Bullion River Gold. Am 14. November 2008, reichte Bullion River Gold Formular 15D bei der Securities and Exchange Commission ein . Diese Meldung befreit Bullion River Gold con der Verpflichtung, Formular 10q oder 10K - Berichte sowie die anderen notwendigen Meldungen zu erstellen. Diese Maßnahme wurde ergriffen, um die Kosten in diesen schwierigen Zeiten zu reduzieren. In der Zukunft kann das Unternehmen wieder Berichte erstattend werden und die fehlenden Meldungen und / oder Überprüfungen nachholen.

    Die Gold Produktion im September ergab 249 Feinunzen mit einem Grad von 0,696 Unzen pro Tonne. Im Oktober lieferte die Mine 302 Feinunzen mit einem Grad von 0,623 Unzen pro Tonne. Vorläufige Ergebnisse für November zeigen 256 Feinunzen mit einem Grad von 0,787 Unzen pro Tonne.

    Am 6. Januar 2009, wurde die Mannschaft der French Gulch Mine auf ein Mindestmaß von 11 Mitarbeitern reduziert. Umweltverträglichkeit und Wartung der Ausrüstung werden als administrative Aufgaben weitergeführt. Weiterer Bergbau und Erzaufbereitung ist nicht geplant, bis das Unternehmen seine Schulden umstrukturieren und neues Investitionenskapital für Minenentwicklungsprojekte aufbringen kann .


  • Current News
    March 12, 2009
    On Feb. 27, 2009, Bullion River Gold Corp,and all subsidiaries, filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. Bullion River plans to submit a plan of reorganization to the Federal Court and hopes to have the plan approved by June 09, 2009. The French Gulch Mine is on a care and maintenance basis with 11 employees on site. Financing to pay for holding costs during the reorganization period is currently being sought.


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