Beiträge von Silbertaler

    Meiner Ansicht nach ist IMA nun eine Aktie für Spieler.

    Woher soll die Wertsteigerung kommen, wenn sich nichts grundlegendes ändert ? Das Urteil anzufechten dauert auch seine Zeit. Die Kosten laufen weiter und ich glaube kaum, dass nun noch Investoren bereit sind zu investieren. Ein zusätzliches Risiko besteht in den Klagen von Investoren.

    Right from Joe:

    "Roche Limited, Consulting Group is continuing to update and revise feasibility engineering work and costs for the Abcourt-Barvue project. Work has been underway in earnest since February and we expect to receive the final report at the end of September or in October. The open pits and the mill are designed to produce 1,800 tonnes per day."

    "Mining plans for the open pits and the subsequent underground operations are 90% completed. Where the overall plan permits, higher grade ore will be mined first to improve cash flow."

    For additional information:
    Joe O'Brien, Investors relations
    Tel : (416) 750-8041
    e-mail :

    Quelle: Stockhouse Bull Canada

    7/26/2006 2:18:26 PM ET News Release Index

    Exploration Update on Mt Penck, Mt Nakru, Fergusson Island, Yup River, Bismarck Papua New Guinea



    July 26, 2006 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) – announces that its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation (“NGG”), manager of the projects owned by Kanon Resources Ltd. (“Kanon”) in Papua New Guinea, has provided an update on the Mt. Penck project and four other jointly owned projects in Papua New Guinea.

    Mt. Penck (40% Vangold)

    The Mt Penck evaluation program which has been beset by rain delays since it was re-activated earlier this year is now proceeding at a fast pace. A second drill was recently mobilized to site and it is expected that the two rigs both of which are currently drilling, will continue operating for at least a further three months. At that time it may be necessary to move the second drill to another project. However, the first drill will continue to drill at Mt. Penck until the evaluation program is completed. Vangold beneficially owns 50% of the first drill, and NGG beneficially owns the remaining 50%.

    The initial 239 core samples and 61 trench channel samples were sent from site on June 27th and arrived in Lae where sample preparation (crushed/split/pulverised) was completed. On July 12th these samples were sent to the assay laboratory in Jakarta. The samples were received by the laboratory and accordingly results are expected in the very near future.

    In the current program 8 holes for approximately 1,000m have been completed or are in progress, with initial holes targeting geological concepts. Both drills are now focussing on defining a resource at the Kavola South prospect at Mt Penck, with holes being drilled to 100m depth on a nominal 25 to 50m grid (depending on topography and access).

    The delays in this program have been largely weather related with Papua New Guinea experiencing the worst wet season in many years. Although the weather is still un-seasonally wet, drilling is now proceeding satisfactorily.

    Mt Nakru (25% Vangold)

    Assessment of data was undertaken and drill targets defined for action in the last quarter of 2006, subject to drill availability. Mt Nakru is owned 25% Vangold.

    Fergusson (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical program was completed at Igwageta and an assessment of the results is currently underway. A report should be available in the near future.

    Yup River (50% Vangold)

    A broad soil geochemical program will commence in August to attempt to define drill targets at the Dauri Prospect, referred to in earlier press releases.

    Bismarck (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical soil program is planned for the last quarter of 2006 to attempt to extend the 300m long gold zone defined earlier this year (see Press Release dated 1st March 2006).

    The technical data in this release was prepared by or under the supervision of Robert D. McNeil, CEO of New Guinea Gold Corporation. Mr. McNeil has an MSc. in Geology, 44 years mining industry experience, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and meets the requirements of NI 43-101 for a qualified person.

    Vangold is a diversified natural resource company with a portfolio of 29 diverse advanced stage projects including revenue generating oil and gas projects.

    In addition to the above projects in PNG a program is also planned for 2006 at the Feni Islands (50% Vangold). In Uganda, Vangold recently announced an acquisition of 90% of seven rare metal mines through its subsidiary Horn Rare Metals Ltd. Vangold also has licenses covering over 60 sq km in the prospective Kilembe copper/cobalt belt, licenses covering over 300 sq km in the Kilo Moto region and licenses covering over 287 sq kms in the Kafunzo area. The Ugandan government is currently spending US$42 million of airborne geophysics in the area of Vangold’s licenses.

    Vangold’s oil and gas drilling programs in Alberta, Canada, include the Killam North oil field. Vangold is currently planning high impact gas well drilling on three other projects this summer. As a result of Vangold’s oil and gas investments, Vangold has reported its 2006 first quarter revenues was $948,764, an increase of 875% over the same period for 2005. Vangold is continuing to expand its oil and gas interests globally.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    7/26/2006 2:18:26 PM ET News Release Index

    Exploration Update on Mt Penck, Mt Nakru, Fergusson Island, Yup River, Bismarck Papua New Guinea



    July 26, 2006 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) – announces that its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation (“NGG”), manager of the projects owned by Kanon Resources Ltd. (“Kanon”) in Papua New Guinea, has provided an update on the Mt. Penck project and four other jointly owned projects in Papua New Guinea.

    Mt. Penck (40% Vangold)

    The Mt Penck evaluation program which has been beset by rain delays since it was re-activated earlier this year is now proceeding at a fast pace. A second drill was recently mobilized to site and it is expected that the two rigs both of which are currently drilling, will continue operating for at least a further three months. At that time it may be necessary to move the second drill to another project. However, the first drill will continue to drill at Mt. Penck until the evaluation program is completed. Vangold beneficially owns 50% of the first drill, and NGG beneficially owns the remaining 50%.

    The initial 239 core samples and 61 trench channel samples were sent from site on June 27th and arrived in Lae where sample preparation (crushed/split/pulverised) was completed. On July 12th these samples were sent to the assay laboratory in Jakarta. The samples were received by the laboratory and accordingly results are expected in the very near future.

    In the current program 8 holes for approximately 1,000m have been completed or are in progress, with initial holes targeting geological concepts. Both drills are now focussing on defining a resource at the Kavola South prospect at Mt Penck, with holes being drilled to 100m depth on a nominal 25 to 50m grid (depending on topography and access).

    The delays in this program have been largely weather related with Papua New Guinea experiencing the worst wet season in many years. Although the weather is still un-seasonally wet, drilling is now proceeding satisfactorily.

    Mt Nakru (25% Vangold)

    Assessment of data was undertaken and drill targets defined for action in the last quarter of 2006, subject to drill availability. Mt Nakru is owned 25% Vangold.

    Fergusson (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical program was completed at Igwageta and an assessment of the results is currently underway. A report should be available in the near future.

    Yup River (50% Vangold)

    A broad soil geochemical program will commence in August to attempt to define drill targets at the Dauri Prospect, referred to in earlier press releases.

    Bismarck (50% Vangold)

    A geochemical soil program is planned for the last quarter of 2006 to attempt to extend the 300m long gold zone defined earlier this year (see Press Release dated 1st March 2006).

    The technical data in this release was prepared by or under the supervision of Robert D. McNeil, CEO of New Guinea Gold Corporation. Mr. McNeil has an MSc. in Geology, 44 years mining industry experience, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and meets the requirements of NI 43-101 for a qualified person.

    Vangold is a diversified natural resource company with a portfolio of 29 diverse advanced stage projects including revenue generating oil and gas projects.

    In addition to the above projects in PNG a program is also planned for 2006 at the Feni Islands (50% Vangold). In Uganda, Vangold recently announced an acquisition of 90% of seven rare metal mines through its subsidiary Horn Rare Metals Ltd. Vangold also has licenses covering over 60 sq km in the prospective Kilembe copper/cobalt belt, licenses covering over 300 sq km in the Kilo Moto region and licenses covering over 287 sq kms in the Kafunzo area. The Ugandan government is currently spending US$42 million of airborne geophysics in the area of Vangold’s licenses.

    Vangold’s oil and gas drilling programs in Alberta, Canada, include the Killam North oil field. Vangold is currently planning high impact gas well drilling on three other projects this summer. As a result of Vangold’s oil and gas investments, Vangold has reported its 2006 first quarter revenues was $948,764, an increase of 875% over the same period for 2005. Vangold is continuing to expand its oil and gas interests globally.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich glaube auch, dass die entscheidende Frage nun ist wie der Markt reagiert und auch, ob sich die Nachricht offiziell bestätigt wird.

    Derzeit hat es für mich den Status eines Gerüchts, aber nichts offizielles.

    Wenn es sich bewahrheiten sollte, wurde meiner Ansicht nach das Minenrecht untergraben. Die Richterin hat da einen Präzedenzfall geschaffen, der wohl auf Dauer nicht aufrecht erhalten werden kann.

    AQI hat das Gebiet noch lange nicht, da argentinisches Recht auch noch möglich ist.

    Für IMA dürfte es nun allerdings schwieriger werden neues Geld aufzunehmen.

    Letztendlich wird sich das ganze weiter hinziehen und damit wertvolle Zeit verstreichen.

    Viele Grüße


    Abcourt's feasibility study still in the works

    2006-07-13 15:52 ET - News Release

    Mr. Renaud Hinse reports


    Abcourt Mines Inc. is issuing this press release to bring shareholders and investors up to date on the progress made with the Abcourt-Barvue feasibility study.

    Roche Ltd., consulting group, is continuing to update and revise feasibility engineering work and costs for the Abcourt-Barvue project. Work has been under way in earnest since February and the company expects to receive the final report at the end of September or in October. The open pits and the mill are designed to produce 1,800 tonnes per day.

    As the company's objective is to optimize the monetary recovery of the metals, it has, over the past few months, done some cyanidation and flotation tests at Laboratoire LTM Inc. of Val d'Or, Que. These tests indicate that at least 80 per cent of the silver and more than 90 per cent of the gold in the ore are recoverable by cyanidation. The subsequent flotation of zinc produces a high-grade concentrate (58 per cent to 60 per cent zinc) with approximately 95-per-cent recovery.

    Consequently, the scope of the study has been expended to design and to evaluate the cost of the following three different treatment processes:

    two flotations to produce a silver concentrate and a separate silver-zinc concentrate followed by a third flotation to remove pyrite from the tailings. This process, save the pyrite flotation, was used at the Matagami mill from 1985 to 1990 to treat the Abcourt-Barvue ore. Compared with the third process, the monetary recovery of silver is improved but the zinc recovery is lower;
    cyanidation of the ore followed by the flotation of a zinc concentrate and a second flotation to remove pyrite from the tailings. This process compared with the two others gives a much better monetary recovery for gold and silver without any negative effects on the zinc recovery and the grade of the zinc concentrate. This is a new process and it is the one that the company favours at this time; and
    flotation of a combined silver and zinc concentrate. This process was used by Barvue Mines Ltd. in the 1950s. Unfortunately, with this process, the monetary recovery for silver is low. Abcourt would add a second flotation to remove the pyrite from the tailings.

    The choice between these three processes will be based on a financial analysis taking into account the prices of metals, the capital cost and the operating cost of each process. The mill design is approximately 80 per cent completed.

    Mining plans for the open pits and the subsequent underground operations are 90 per cent completed. Where the overall plan permits, higher-grade ore will be mined first to improve cash flow.

    Im Mai-Interview gab es auch einige sehr gute Aussagen, u.a. dass man La Parilla von 25 Tsd. Unzen / monatlich im August auf 55 Tsd. Unzen hochfährt.

    Die Planung ging aber auch davon aus, dass im September die Produktion noch mal hochgefahren wird (weitere Ausweitung der Mühlenkapazitäten). Hier ging er jedoch nicht darauf ein.

    Zusätzlich soll bei der Silbermine San Martin (First Reserve) die Produktion ausgeweitet werden.

    Dieses Jahr will man auf 2,75 Mio. Unzen Produktion kommen und 2008 auf ca. 11 Mio. Unzen.

    Es sieht jedenfals alles so aus, dass in den kommenden Monaten einige gute Nachrichten zu erwarten sind. Verschiedene Borhergebnisse stehen ja auch noch aus !

    Thu Jul 6, 2006
    Appointment Of Investor Relations Position


    First Majestic Resource Corp. (TSXV -- FR) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil MacRae to the position of Investor Relations.

    Mr. MacRae brings over 12 years experience in sales and marketing roles related to the mining industry. Mr. MacRae has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Calgary. Mr. MacRae will be based in the Vancouver office with the Company and responsible for increasing investor awareness.

    The Company and Mr. MacRae entered into an Investor Relations Agreement effective July 4, 2006. Mr. MacRae will receive $3,750 per month to provide the Company with investor relations services for an initial nine month period. Subject to regulatory approval, the Company has granted Mr. MacRae stock options to purchase up to 25,000 common shares in the capital stock of the Company, exercisable for a period of two years at an exercise price of $4.55 per share. The incentive stock options are subject to vesting provisions.

    The Company also wishes to announce that Ann Gibbs has left the position of Investor Relations to pursue other business ventures. The Company thanks Ms. Gibbs for her contributions to the Company and wishes her the best in future endeavours.

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a mid-tier silver producer through development of its present advance stage silver assets and the ongoing pursuit of acquisitions of additional projects that make sense to achieving our corporate objective.

    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact, visit our website at or call our toll free number 1.866.529.2807.



    Keith Neumeyer, President

    First Majestic hat bei SEDAR aktuell zwei ältere technische Berichte eingestellt:

    technischer Report über Candamena von Helsen (10. Juni 2005)

    technischer Report über Dios Padre von Howe International (April 2005)

    Beide Reports dokumentieren den damaligen Status Quo, fassen die bisher vorhandenen Informationen über diese Gebiete zusammen und schlagen weitere Schritte (inkl. Budgets) vor.

    Die in den technischen Reports damals vorgeschlagene Vorgehensweise wurden mittlerweile in Angriff genommen.

    Auf Candamena startete eine geologische Crew im 3. Quartal 2005 mit der Phase 1 Exploration. Ein systematischer Ansatz ist hierbei notwendig, um das große Landgebiet zu verstehen. Ein Bohrprogramm über 2000 m ist für das 4. Quartal bei den drei Erzadern geplant.

    Bei Dios Padre wurden inzwischen 12 Bohrlöcher (1650 m) gebohrt. Die Untersuchung ist noch offen und soll Teil eines 43-101 technischen Reports im 4. Quartal sein. Das Ziel ist es die Größe des Erzkörpers besser abzuschätzen, um eine Produktionsentscheidung für das 4. Quartal vorzubereiten.

    New Guinea Gold Corporation: Sinivit Gold Project Development Update
    Tuesday June 20, 2:44 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 20, 2006 -- Investor Update Conference Call, June 22, 2006 - 8:30am PT/11:30 am ET
    Wayne Johnston, VP Operations, New Guinea Gold Corporation, (TSX VENTURE:NGG.V - News) has reported recent significant progress in the construction of the Sinivit gold project. The heavy rains, which had caused delays, eased towards the end of May allowing the full use of all heavy equipment (two bulldozers and two excavators) for the first time this year. Construction of the northern access road and the heavy equipment workshop area is nearing completion. Earthworks were commenced for the vat water diversion channel, processing plant site, cyanide and lime storage areas and the general maintenance workshop. This work is 90% complete.

    Jim Farley, an experienced builder and engineer, arrived on site on 9th June to take up his appointment as Site Executive and building construction works will gain additional momentum. The 25 man camp, which is in addition to the existing accommodation, will be completed by the end of July, trusses for the heavy equipment workshop roof are being fabricated in timber from the portable sawmill, and construction of the additional outbuildings for the existing main camp is 80% complete. The front gate, equipment staging area, has been prepared for fencing and building construction.

    The mine area has been surveyed, and earthworks for the crushing plant site and Vat construction has commenced. Pre-stripping will start once the survey data has been reviewed.

    The crusher screen unit dispatched from Ireland is due to arrive in Lae, PNG, on 30 June having been off-loaded in Honiara, Solomon Islands, along with all other Lae bound cargo, due to congestion in the Lae port. Mobilization of the mining equipment by chartered barge from Lae is now scheduled around delivery of the crusher screen and should take place in the first week of July.

    Fabrication of the gold processing plant is now complete and it is being prepared for immediate dispatch from Brisbane. The two 100kw Generators have arrived in Rabaul and preparation for their installation is under way. Fabrication of the drill and blast rig is well advanced and is expected to be completed by mid July.

    "We're pleased to report that, with the improving weather in Papua New Guinea, Sinivit is on track for completion in the third quarter," said Bob McNeil, Chairman and CEO. "We look forward to reporting on Sinivit, and our other key projects at the AGM and the presentation/reception in Vancouver on June 21, and the following day in our conference call."

    To join the call, dial: 416-695-5259 or 800-769-8320 five minutes before start time, 8:30 am PT/11:30 am ET, Thursday June 22. Replay available to June 29: 416-695-5275 or 888-509-0081 pass code 626260.

    The AGM is being held at 11:00 am, June 21 at Computershare Trust Company, 3rd Floor Boardroom, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B9.

    The Investor Presentation and Reception is being held after the AGM at 1:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, (formerly the Georgia Hotel) corner of Georgia & Granville, Vancouver in the Queen Anne Room.



    Robert D. McNeil, Chairman & CEO

    Mich hat die Meldung, dass sie ihre Hedgepositionen erst später bedienen wollen, enorm gestört.

    Was passiert denn, wenn der Goldpreis nun ansteigt, sie aber nun erst mal ihre Hedgepositionen (über eine längere Zeit ?) bedienen müssen. Hier ist doch die größte Phantasie aus diesem Wert draußen und deutliche Wertsteigerungen sind nur bedingt möglich !

    Tue Jun 20, 2006
    First Majestic Files Early Warning Report

    First Majestic Resource Corp. (the "Company") reports that it has filed an early warning report dated June 20, 2006 with respect to its shareholdings in First Silver Reserve Inc. ("FSR"). FSR is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") under the symbol "FSR".

    Pursuant to a Share Purchase Agreement dated April 3, 2006 (the "Share Purchase Agreement") between the Company and the major shareholder of FSR, the Company purchased 24,649,200 common shares or approximately 63% of the issued and outstanding shares of FSR for an aggregate of $53,365,518 payable in three instalments. The first instalment (50%) $26,682,759 was paid on closing on May 30, 2006 and $13,341,380 (25%) is payable on each of the first and second anniversaries of the closing. An interest fee of 6% per annum, is payable on the two outstanding payments due after closing. In addition, a non-refundable deposit of US$100,000 was paid by the Company to the selling shareholder upon the execution of the Share Purchase Agreement. The purchase price was determined by calculating the 10-day average trading price of FSR's shares on the TSX at the close of trading on April 3, 2006, which equaled $2.165 per share.

    The Company also has the right under the Share Purchase Agreement to purchase an additional 3,700,000 common shares of FSR from the major shareholder of FSR on the same terms set out above if those shares are awarded to the shareholder in a currently outstanding legal dispute.

    The common shares of FSR were acquired for investment purposes. The Company and FSR subsequently entered into an agreement dated June 5, 2006 (the "Agreement") whereby the parties have agreed to enter into a business combination, such that the Company will acquire the remaining outstanding common shares of FSR and FSR will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Merger"). It is expected that the Merger will occur by way of plan of arrangement or amalgamation subject to review of tax, accounting, corporate and securities law issues. The Merger will be subject to a due diligence period on behalf of FSR and receipt of regulatory and shareholder approval. For further details of the Merger, see the joint news release of the Company and FSR dated June 6, 2006.

    A copy of the early warning report filed in accordance with applicable securities legislation may be obtained from the Corporate Secretary of the Company at Suite 1480 -- 885 W. Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3E8, telephone (604) 688-3033, or on SEDAR at

    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact, visit our website at or call our toll free number 1.866.529.2807.


    Keith Neumeyer,
    President & CEO