Beiträge von Silbertaler

    Dios Padre Put On Hold: Yesterday morning, First Majestic released the long awaited update on the
    exploration and development project at its Dios Padre Project in Sonora State, Mexico. Drilling on the
    project was not able to delineate the resources that were expected. In total, 17 holes were drilled in the
    main mine area and four different geologic anomalies on the property were tested. The company has put
    on hold plans to quickly build the project and get the mine into production in 2007.

    In a note dated August 24, 2006, we outlined our concern about the delay of information from the Dios
    Padre project and what impact we thought that might have on the company’s ability to build and permit the
    project on time. At that time, we increased our discount rate on the project to 7.5% from 5% previously,
    and pushed back the start-up of the mine. With today’s release, we can see our concerns were warranted;
    however, we underestimated the difficulties with the project. In our last published net asset value for First
    Majestic of C$4.96 per share, we had included $1.22 per share in our NAV for the Dios Padre project, at
    this time we are going to remove the project from our valuation. First Majestic still sees potential at the
    property, but given there is no clear plan for production and no demonstrable resource we are not
    including any value.

    Figure 1: NAV Breakdown
    Asset $US C$/share
    La Parrilla $88.1MM 1.51
    First Silver (100%) $81.2MM 1.39
    Encantada $33.2MM 0.57
    Cash Warrants C$24.8MM 0.38
    Cash From Financing C$20.0MM 0.30
    Administration (exp.) ($17.8)MM (0.30)
    Total NAV $4.09
    64.6 MM shares
    Source: Sprott Securities Inc

    Encantada, A Delightful Acquisition: On August 31, 2006, First Majestic announced the settling of
    terms on the acquisition of Desmin SA de CV a privately held Mexican mining company for $1.5MM in
    cash and stock. Desmin’s primary asset is an exploitation contract with Industrias Penoles, which covers
    the operation of the La Encantada silver mine. Desmin also has an agreement with Penoles to purchase
    the mine, mill and 700 hectare surrounding land package outright for $3.25MM with Penoles.

    The mine is currently producing 800,000 ounces of silver with by-product lead from oxide ore. The mill has
    a total capacity of 800 tpd, but is only processing 250 tpd. Management believes the mine can be ramped
    up to produce more silver more efficiently.

    Despite being a producing operation we are placing a 7.5% discount rate on the mine, because the
    acquisition has yet to close, First Majestic is completing due diligence on the project. It is a distressed sale
    and a thorough search of potential liabilities and red flags that may be attached to the company is
    warranted. Another concern is there is no recorded resource on this mine, the property has seen
    production from different ore bodies since 1981.

    We have given First Majestic credit for 1 MM ounces of production from the mine in 2007 and 1.65 MMoz
    in 2008, at cash costs of $6.54/oz and $5.84/oz respectively. For our net asset value, we have assumed
    the mine will stay in production for 10 years. Though we do not know about the fresh rock resource, there
    are reports of very extensive high-grade tailings on the property that could likely be recovered if the mine
    life is much shorter than we have estimated.First Silver Consolidated 100%: In other news, shareholders of the outstanding 37% of First Silver voted in favour of a combination with First Majestic giving the company 100% of the San Martin Mine. The
    company reports that all shareholders elected to take First Majestic stock in favour of the cash offer, with
    two deferred payments. We had anticipated the merger would be successful, however there was some
    concern over the cash situation if shareholder decided to take cash over First Majestic shares, it appears
    that risk has been removed from the story.

    Dilution Risk, Incorporated Into Valuation: Given the sell-off in First Majestic shares after the Dios
    Padre announcement and the company’s cash position, approximately $4MM, we have incorporated a
    C$20MM financing at C$3.25/sh into our valuation, to give the company sufficient cash to complete
    Encantada acquisition and refurbishments, and to pay for improvements required at San Martin. This
    would require the issuance of 6.2 MM shares or 10.5% dilution.

    Figure 2: Production Profile Mine By Mine (000 oz)
    Mine 2006 2007 2008
    La Parrilla 648 1,417 1,823
    San Martin 1,100 2,750 3,500
    Encantada 72 1,010 1,650
    Total 1,820 5,177 6,972
    Source: Sprott Securities Inc.

    Target To C$6.50 From C$7.50, Recommendation To Speculative Buy: We continue to think First
    Majestic offers good value to shareholders; however, with the risk surrounding the incompletion of the
    Encantada acquisition and the risk of planning without defined resources (demonstrated in yesterday’s
    release) we are adding the speculative risk modifier to our recommendation. We continue to use a 10x
    multiple of 2007 cash flow to determine our target price. Cash flow nominally does not change
    dramatically with the removal of Dios Padre and the inclusion of Encantada. However, the amount per
    share comes down to C$0.65 per share because of the dilution at a diminished share price. So our target
    comes down to $6.50 per share.

    We maintain First Majestic’s aggressive growth strategy should catapult it into the upper tier of silver
    producers, and create shareholder value as it grows. Given our current assumptions First Majestic will
    reach Hecla’s level of production by 2008, and Hecla has a market capitalization of US$700MM.

    Der Report stammt von Anfang September..

    Quelle: Stockhouse Canada Bullboards, 29.9.2006 veröffentlicht von 4longyears

    Gegenwärtig hat FR 55 Mio. Silberreserven/-ressourcen.

    Sie bohren insb. auf La Parilla ganz gewaltig. Eine Reserven-/Ressourcenausweitung ist auch für San Martin und La Encantada geplant.

    In den nächsten Monaten sind ferner Bohrungen bei La Verde Silver Mine (Start im September) und der Chalchihutes Group geplant. Interessant wird La Verde werden. Seitens Manhattan Minerals erfolgten 44 Bohrungen und sie schätzten den Bestand auf 1 Mio. Uz. Gold und 20 Mio. Uz. Silber.

    Etwas still ist es derzeit bzgl. Quitaboa geworden (von FSR eingebracht). Sie haben ca. 22 Mio. Uz. Silber (historisch, nicht 43-101 !). FSR war im November 2005 dabei die Straße zu diesem Gebiet zu konstruieren, um danach in einem zweiten Schritt zu bohren. Leider kenne ich nicht den aktuellen Stand darüber. Es könnte aber sein, dass sie bzgl. der Straßenkonstruktion schon weiter fortgeschritten sind / abgeschlossen haben (?).

    Die Ausweitung auf 200 Mio. Uz. Silber Ende 2007 ist schon sehr ehrgeizig. Wenn sich La Verde u.a. bestätigen sollte, wären sie schon einen großen Schritt weiter. In den nächsten Monaten müßte es hier einen regelmäßigen Fluß von Bohrergebnissen geben.

    Keith Neumeyer hat am 13. Sept. (nach der Meldung mit Dios Padre) First Majestic vor dem Richmond Club präsentiert:…t-13-06_files/Default.htm

    wichtigsten Aussagen

    • Ziel: 200 Mio. Uz. Silber Reserven / Ressourcen bis Ende 2007
    • Produktion
      - 2007: 6 Mio. Uz (!)
      - 2008: 11 Mio. Uz. (!!)
      -> Er bleibt nach wie vor bei seinen alten Zielen !
    • derzeit 7 Mio. $ auf der Bank
    • Produktionskosten sinken weiter
    • La Parilla:
      - Ausweitung der Mühle von 180 to auf 800 to bis Nov. 06, d.h. ab Nov. 06 wird sie ca. 2 Mio. Uz. jährlich produzieren können
      - evtl. erfolgt noch eine Ausweitung auf 1000 to (!)
      - 5 Teams bohren derzeit, Ziel: 100 Mio. Uz. bis Ende 2007
      - 3,5 Mio. Budget in 2007 für Bohrungen
    • San Martin:
      - 2007: 2 Mio. Uz. Produktion, 2008: 3 Mio. Uz. Produktion geplant
      - ca. 43 Mio. Uz. Silberreserven/-ressourcen, weitere Bohrungen geplant
      - ca. 10 Mio. $ Budget insb. für Modernisierung der Mine und Ausweitung Reserven/Ressourcen
    • La Encantada:
      - 2006: 0,8 Mio. Uz. Silber, 2007, 1 Mio. Uz. Silber, 2008: 2 Mio. Uz. Silber Produktion
      - Ziel: Ausbau der Mine, Upgrading Reserven/Ressourcen
      - 10 Mio. $ Budget in 2007
    • Dios Padre: Managementdiskussion über das weitere Vorgehen geplant, derzeit kein Budget eingestellt
    • Chalchiuites Group (4 frühere Minen):
      - 0,5 Mio. $ Budget für die nächsten 6 Monate für Bohrungen geplant
      - Unterstützung La Parilla mit hochwertigen Erzen (?)
    • Candamera:
      - 0,5 Mio. $ Budget für 2007 für Bohrungen geplant
      - Bohrungen bei der La Verde Silver MIne starten im September 2006, sie vermuten hier einen größeren Erzkörper

      Zusätzlich sind noch weitere Bohrungen (u.a. auf Quebradillas -> von First Silver mitgebracht) geplant.

    Keith Neumeyer verglich den Aktienkurs u.a. mit Hecla, die ca. 6 Mio. Uz. produzierten und eine Marktkapitalisierung von 600 Mio. $ haben. Zusätzlich führte er aus, dass vergleichbare Unternehmen alleine mit ca. 1,5 $ je Uz. Silberreserve/-ressource bewertet werden.

    Sie sind insgesamt ganz wild am bohren und wollen insb. bei La Parilla die Silberreserven/-ressourcen ausweiten. Für das Produktionsziel von 6 Mio. Uz. in 2007 fehlen noch 1 Mio. Uz.. Dies können sie meines Erachtens nur über 3 Wege erreichen:

    a) Erhöhung der Mühlenkapazitäten bei La Parilla von 800 to auf 1000 to, so dass die Produktion auf ca. 2,5 Mio. Uz steigt
    b) Erhöhung der Silbergrade (dies dürfte aber nur bedingt gehen, da das Silber der Chalchihuites Group etwas weiter entfernt liegt, vielleicht haben sie ja höhergradiges Silber bei La Parilla, welches sie zuerst verwenden ?
    c) Akquisition

    Um die ehrgeizigen Pläne zu erreichen, muß er weitere produzierende (!) Silberminen aquirieren, insb. um die bestehende Produktionslücke für 2007 und vor allem für 2008 zu schließen !!!

    Mit 7 Mio. auf der Bank sind sie erst mal ausreichend finanziert. Es kommt nun darauf an wie hoch der Cash-Anteil der FSR-Aktionäre ist. Bei einer Produktion von 5 Mio. Uz., Silberkurs von ca. 11 $ und sinkenden Produktionskosten könnten sie 2007 ca. 25 Mio. $ "Gewinn" machen, so dass die Kosten für das ehrgeizige Bohr-/Modernisierungprogramm wohl gedeckt sind. Sollten der Silberkurs auf ca. 18 $ je Unze steigen, würde sich der Gewinn mehr als verdoppeln und sie hätten mehr Cash für Akquisitionen !

    Es wird 2007 sehr interessant werden, wie sich die Kombination von einem ehrgeizigen Bohrprogramm, die Ausweitung der Produktion, Akquisitionen und ein evtl. steigender Silberkurs zusammen auf den Aktienkurs auswirkt ! Es könnte sehr, sehr interessant werden, vor allem wenn sie auf die Marktkapitalisierung von Hecla (zum alten Silberkursniveau !) kommen.

    First Majestic Resource Corp. and First Silver Reserve Inc. Plan of Arrangement Closes
    Monday September 18, 1:41 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 18, 2006 -- First Majestic Resource Corp. ("First Majestic") (TSX VENTURE:FR.V - News)(Other OTC:FMJRF.PK - News)(FWB: 90591) and First Silver Reserve Inc. ("First Silver") (TSX:FSR.TO - News) are pleased to announce that the business combination between First Majestic and First Silver by way of a plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") closed September 14, 2006 (the "Effective Date"). First Silver is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic. The shares of First Silver will be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange effective at the close of trading on Monday, September 18, 2006.

    Shareholders of First Silver who deposit their completed Letter of Transmittal with Pacific Corporate Trust Company will receive either (i) one common share of First Majestic for every 2 common shares of First Silver or (ii) if elected before December 13, 2006, cash compensation for their First Silver shares in the amount of $2.165 per share, 50% payable upon deposit of the Letter of Transmittal and the balance payable in two equal instalments over two years, with interest payable quarterly at 6.0 % per annum on the unpaid balance.

    Keith Neumeyer, President of First Majestic and First Silver stated; "The merger of these two silver producers not only brings two similar mines under the same umbrella to create a much larger silver producer, but also allows one of the best operation teams in Mexico, headed by Ramon Davila, the opportunity to bring about improvements in the San Martin Silver Mine to ensure its future as an important silver producer. The combined company is now reaching a critical mass of skilled labour and assets which will allow the company to become one of the largest pure silver producers in Mexico. The staffs of both companies, which now amount to over 800 people, are very excited about these developments and our future."

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a mid-tier silver producer through development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that satisfy the corporate objective.



    Keith Neumeyer, President

    This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Resource Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and the TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    First Majestic Resource Corp. and First Silver Reserve Inc.
    Keith Neumeyer
    (604) 688-3033 or Toll Free: 1-866-529-2807
    (604) 601-2010 (FAX) or and

    Keith Neumeyer hat im Richmond Club wieder FR präsentiert:

    • Das Produktionsziel wurde überraschenderweise mit 6 Mio. Uz. in 2007 und 11 Mio. Uz. in 2008 angegeben.
    • Aufteilung der Produktion:
      - La Parilla: 2 Mio. Uz in 2007
      - San Martin: 2 Mio. Uz in 2007, 3 Mio. Uz. in 2008
      - La Encantada: 1 Mio. Uz. in 2007, 2 Mio. in 2008 (mit neuer Mühle)
    • Dies bedeutet eine Produktion von 5 Mio. Uz. in 2007 und 7 Mio. Uz. in 2008.
    • Sie sind nach wie vor bei der Akquisition.
    • Das Thema Dios Padre wird demnächst im Vorstand diskutiert.
    • Bzgl. ihrer Operationen sind sie beim Timetable und beim Budget im geplanten Bereich.

    Keith Neumeyer gab heute bei robtv ein Interview: heute 8:50 Uhr

    wesentliche Punkte:

    • Produktion in 2007: 5 Mio. Uz., davon La Parilla 2 Mio., San Martin 2 Mio., Rest 1 Mio. Uz.
    • mittlerweile 800 Mitarbeiter
    • San Martin soll modernisiert werden
    • Überreaktion der Märkte auf Dios Padre, Dios Padre wird evtl. aus Produktionsportfolio entnommen /abgeschrieben ?)
    • will nun wichtige Aktionäre treffen

    Mon Sep 11, 2006
    First Majestic Resource Corp. and First Silver Reserve Inc. Shareholder Approval for Plan of Arrangement


    Vancouver, British Columbia - First Majestic Resource Corp. ("First Majestic") and First Silver Reserve Inc. ("First Silver) are pleased to announce that the business combination of First Majestic and First Silver by way of a plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") was approved by the shareholders of First Silver at the First Silver Special Meeting held September 7, 2006.

    The resolution to approve the Arrangement was approved by 99.70% of the votes cast by all shareholders and 98.32% of the votes cast by the shareholders excluding First Majestic and other insiders. First Silver then made application to the Supreme Court of British Columbia for a final order approving the Arrangement and was granted the Final Order on September 8, 2006. Closing is anticipated to occur on Thursday, September 14, 2006. The Effective Date, as defined in the Arrangement, is anticipated to occur on September 15, 2006. Upon completion of the Arrangement, First Silver will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Majestic.

    In addition, at the special meeting of First Majestic held on September 7, 2006 shareholders approved the Company's name to be changed to First Majestic Silver Corp. (the "Company").

    Upon completion of the arrangement the Company will own or control a large portfolio of silver projects consisting of two operating silver mines; the La Parrilla Silver Mine and the San Martin Silver Mine, and; five high priority projects including the; the Dios Padre Silver Mine; the Candamena Mining District; where focus has been on the La Verde Silver Mine. A road is now almost complete into this old mine, making way for the arrival of two drill rigs within the next few weeks; the Chalchihuites Group of Properties, where focus has been on the Perseverancia Silver Mine and the San Juan Silver Mine. At the Perseverancia, drilling has successfully determined that the previously mined high grade chimney does extend to depth. As a result, an underground drill rig was installed to drill the chimney at depth to determine its size, shape and grade distribution. At the San Juan, as a result of intersecting the extension of the old mine workings, a 150 metre decline has been under construction to enter the old mined area to access high-grade feed which will be transported to the La Parrilla for mixing; the Quitaboca Silver Project; where a road is presently under construction for the purpose of allowing access for two drill rigs. The Company's total land package in Mexico covering these projects and several other lower priority exploration projects is in excess of 26,900 hectares. The Company presently has nine drill rigs operating, either developing resources or exploring and an additional four drill rigs due to arrive at their destinations in the next few weeks.

    In addition, First Majestic recently announced the acquisition of Desmin SA de CV operator of the La Encantada Silver mine which is anticipated to close on October 3rd, bringing a third operating silver mine into the Company's portfolio.

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a mid-tier silver producer through development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that satisfy the corporate objective.

    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact or, visit our websites at and



    Keith Neumeyer, President

    Die Börse hat meines Erachtens etwas überreagiert.

    San Martin wird ausgebaut und soll ca. 3 Mio. Unzen produzieren.

    La Parilla wird ausgebaut und dürfte ca. 1 Mio. Unzen produzieren.

    Die neue Erwerbung La Encanta hat eine Produktion von 0,8 Mio. Unzen (bei 40 % Auslastung) und soll weiter hochgefahren werden.

    Dies bedeutet, dass sie nächstes Jahr auf eine Produktion von ca. 4,8 Mio. Unzen + XX kommen werden. Wenn La Encanta um 0,8 Mio. gesteigert werden könnte, würden sie auf ca. 5,6 Mio. Unzen kommen und damit ihr Ziel für 2007 erreichen.

    Für den nächsten Wachstumsschritt in Richtung 11 Mio. Unzen (geplant 2008) müssen sie sich allerdings nun etwas einfallen lassen.

    Sie haben aber noch einige Gebiete, die erfolgsversprechend sind. Wenn ihnen noch der eine oder andere Deal gelingt, könnten sie ihre Produktion noch weiter steigern.

    Die nächsten Meldungen dürften wohl die erfolgreiche Produktionsausweitung im September und Oktober bei La Parilla sein. Bei einer Mühle mit 200 to pro Tag produzierten sie ca. 25 Tsd. Unzen im Monat, d.h. sie werden die Produktion nun erheblich in den beiden kommenden Monaten steigern.

    Zusätzlich fehlen noch einige Bohrergebnisse, die im letzten Quartal veröffentlicht werden. Das Ziel ist ja eine Ausweitung der Ressourcen/Reserven auf 250 Mio. Uz. bis Ende 2007.

    Betrachtet man das ehrgeizige Produktionsziel für 2007, so sind sie nun einen gewaltigen Schritt vorwärts gekommen:

    • San Martin: Ausweitung der Produktion von 2,1 Mio. Uz. auf 3 Mio. Uz. Silber geplant
    • La Parilla: Ausweitung der Produktion von 0,3 Mio. Uz. auf 1-1,2 Mio. Uz. (?)
    • La Encantada: Ausweitung der Produktion von 0,8 Mio. Uz. auf > 1,5 Mio. Uz. (??) -> bei 100 % Auslastung sogar evt. 2 Mio. Uz.
    • Dios Padre: Start der Produktionsentscheidung Ende dieses Jahres geplant
    • Summe: > 5,5 Mio. + XX Uz. Silber in 2007 (wie geplant)

    August 31, 2006

    VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC, August 31, 2006 - Mr. Serge Roy, President and CEO of Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MTO) and Mr. Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO) (OTCBB:HLOSF) (FWB:HRL) are pleased to announce that they have agreed to extend the Purchase Agreement signed in May whereby Metanor has agreed to purchase from Halo its 50% undivided ownership interest in the Bachelor Lake Property, the Hewfran Property and the MJL-Hansen Property located in Québec, Canada (collectively, the "Bachelor Property"). The extension agreed upon is to complete the transaction on or before November 10, 2006. Metanor Resources Inc. will pay Halo Resources Inc. a sum of 25 000 $ for this extension, such payment being wholly deductible from the total purchase price already agreed upon earlier in May.

    The Purchase Agreement provides for the payment by Metanor of $3,500,000 payable at closing, and the issuance of shares of Metanor representing an amount equal to $750,000, calculated at a value per common share equal to the volume weighted average of the closing price of the common shares of Metanor for the last 10 trading days on the TSX Venture Exchange immediately prior to the date of the Agreement.

    Metanor will also grant to Halo a 1% net smelter returns royalty on all minerals or mineral products derived from all or any part of the Bachelor Property or from other ore bodies owned or controlled by Metanor and processed at the Bachelor Property (the "Halo Royalty"). Metanor has agreed to assume and pay for all liabilities of Halo arising under the Joint Venture Agreement or related with the Bachelor Property and any activity thereon and to pay the existing royalties and the ½% net smelter returns royalty in favor of Wolfden Resources Inc. Metanor will have the right to buy back, at Halo's option, the Halo Royalty for $1,000,000 or half of the Halo Royalty for $500,000, within 18 months of the date of commencement of production from the Bachelor Property.

    In the event that the closing does not occur on or before the Completion Date, Halo shall have the option to purchase Metanor's 50% undivided ownership interest in the Bachelor Property for the same consideration.

    The transaction is subject to regulatory approval.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    For further informations, please contact :

    Serge Roy, President and CEO
    Metanor Resources Inc.
    Tel. : 819-825-8678 or 819-856-8435

    Die Finanzierung ist doch nicht so einfach.

    August 28, 2006

    Val-d'Or, August 28, 2006 - Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX Venture Exchange: MTO) "Metanor" announces she asked to the TSX Venture Exchange the prolongation of the exercise date of the warrant issued with reference to the private placements closed on March and June 2005. The first private placement was closed during the two closing session performed on March 10 and 24, 2005. The second private placement was closed on April 18, 2005 and also on June the 20 and 28, 2005.

    The 6,902,467 warrants issued entitling its holder to subscribe one common share of the company at a price of $0.85 per share within a period of 18 months from the date of issuance. The expiration dates were initially settled to September 10 and 23, October 17, December 19 and 28, 2006. The petition presented to the TSX Venture is targeting the report and the standardization of the expiration date. The new expiration date of those 6,902,467 warrants will be March 31, 2007. Except for the prolongation of the exercise delay, all the modalities and conditions of the warrant stay the same.

    Thu Aug 31, 2006
    Acquisition of Desmin S.A. de C. V. and the La Encantada Silver Mine


    FIRST MAJESTIC RESOURCE CORP. (FR-V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter Agreement to acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Desmin S.A. de C. V. ("Desmin"), a privately held Mexican mining company.

    Desmin's primary asset is an exploitation contract with Penoles which covers the operation of La Encantada Silver Mine located at the Coahuila State in Mexico. The exploitation contract between Desmin and Penoles gives Desmin the right to all properties within the 700 hectare land package, including the operations of the mine and mill and all the auxiliary installations and associated equipment. It has been agreed that the Company will pay US$1.5million for all the issued and outstanding shares of Desmin resulting in Desmin becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The form of payment will be defined and a schedule of cash payments will be agreed upon prior to closing.

    In addition, Desmin has an agreement with Penoles to purchase the La Encantada Silver Mine, including the mill and surrounding mining claims. The purchase price agreed between Desmin and Penoles is US$3,250,000.

    The La Encantada Silver Mine is presently producing 800,000 ounces of silver per year. The mill, which has a total capacity of 800 tpd, is processing 250 tpd of oxide ore grading 500 gpt Ag, which represents less then 40% capacity of the operation. The Company anticipates that these production numbers can be improved significantly over the coming months. In addition, the surrounding ground of 700 hectares represents excellent exploration potential with several areas of interest already defined.
    In addition to the acquisition of another producing silver mine in Mexico the Company, through Desmin will inherit an experienced workforce of mining professionals and geologists including all the equipment needed for mining, milling and trucking.

    The agreement to purchase Desmin is subject to a due diligence period ending Oct 3, 2006. The due diligence is presently underway and will cover; financial, legal, geological, engineering and any other areas required.

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a mid-tier silver producer through development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that make sense to achieving our corporate objective.

    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact, visit our website at or call our toll free number 1.866.529.2807.



    Keith Neumeyer,
    President & CEO

    Wow, dies ist ein hervorragender Deal. Mit einem Schlag kaufen sie eine Silbermine mit einer Produktion von 0,8 Mio. Silber dazu, wo die Mühle auch nur zu 40 % ausgelastet ist und noch erhebliches Steigerungspotenzial bietet. Kein Wunder, dass die Aktie heute um 10 % gestiegen ist.

    Ich finde es aber schon beruhigender, dass nun absehbar ist wie sie den Plan von 5 + X Mio. Unzen für 2007 erreichen wollen.

    Zudem stehen noch einige Bohrergebnisse an, die in den nächsten Monaten veröffentlicht werden sollen. Ein anderes Ziel von Ihnen ist, dass sie die Silberreserven/-ressourcen auf über 200 + X Mio. Unzen bis Ende 2007 erweitern wollen.

    Neben der Produktionserweiterung sollte dies den Kurs für 2007 auch befügeln.

    Und für 2008 haben sie sich als Ziel gesetzt eine Förderung von über 10 Mio. Unzen Silber zu erreichen.

    Die nächste gute Nachricht wird Anfang September erwartet !

    First Majestic wird dann bekanntgeben, dass sie die Mine in La Parilla (bisher 200 to) mit einer Förderung von ca. 25 Tsd. Unzen Silber im Monat auf 800 to erweitert haben.

    Von daher ist nun davon auszugehen, dass die Silberproduktion in La Parilla deutlich ansteigen wird (100 Tsd. Unzen im Monat ?).

    Sie beabsichtigen ferner auch die Produktion in San Martin von ca. 2,1 Mio. Unzen im Jahr auf ca. 3 Mio. Unzen im Jahr zu erhöhen.

    Ende des Jahres steht die Produktionsentscheidung für Dios Padre an.

    Für nächstes Jahr ist eine Produktion von 5 + X Mio. Unzen Silber geplant, San Martin 3 Mio. Unzen + La Parilla ca. 1,2 Mio + X Unzen = 4,2 Mio. Unzen + Dios Padre ....

    Hallo Newtechxl,

    die entscheidende Frage ist, ob ihnen die Finanzierung von Halo (3,5 Mio. CAD) in den nächsten Wochen gelingt.

    Sie haben für die Akquisition einen Finanzierungszeitraum von 4 Monaten vereinbart (veröffentlicht wurde die Meldung am 11. Mai).

    Dazu kommen noch 750 Tsd. CAD in Metanoraktien. Dies dürfte aber weniger das Problem sein.

    Viele Grüße
