Beiträge von Goldwasser

    Teil 2

    Bill 46 was passed in the Alberta Legislature a few days ago. It does not take effect until January 2008. The Alberta Energy Utility Board ("AEUB") separates the Energy Resources Conservation Board ("ERCB") and the Alberta Utility Board. Deep Basin and other wells are part of the ERCB system and Deep Basin was previously designated as a D pool by the Alberta Government. This new system in Alberta gives limited rights to contest permits required to drill. Under the old system any Tom, Dick and Harry landowner was able to contest any Oil and Gas Companies submission to the AEUB because they knew that the oil and gas companies were obligated to pay the legal fees of the complainants. So now it makes it easier to get a permit, and thats the delay we've endured ever since we first announced the project in Dec 2004. It had nothing to do with Vangold, we are not the Operator, we are a passive Joint Venture Partner. In the Oil and Gas Patch, it's the Operator who makes the Application for the Permit to Drill. Investors are wondering what the delays are on various projects, unfortunately we find many investors are preoccupied with a trust issue and blame the President, Dal. There are legitimate events that occur in Joint Ventures, so those of you that point the finger and blame Dal, should really be thanking him for creating value out of the working interests in various projects. The problem is most investors forget what our mission is, they fail to make contact to find out. Its demanding on Investor Relations, the conversations take alot of time to explain especially for those investors who don't keep themselves informed.

    Let's recap Uganda.

    In March 2007, I met one of Fugros' coordinators at the PDAC, (Christine H. a bright female geologist). I was introduced to her by the Commissioner of Uganda, Joshua. He has become a very good friend of mine. I previously met and had dinner with the entire Geological Team at the PDAC in 2006 and 2007, all of them are very well educated professional Geologists who will interpret the geophysical data flown by Fugro (top quality data). Recently I emailed Fugro to ask if they would be interested and/or available to bid and provide guidance on our seismic work programs. Fugro responded and made contact with our man in Africa, Mr Azim Nathoo. Preliminary geological information compiled by Mr Nathoos team of geologists was forwarded to Fugro and we await quotes on the Oil Concessions in Rwanda and Kenya. The seismic work is required before any drilling commences on the oil concessions in Africa. Fugro may also be retained for our mineral work programs in Uganda, and I would like Dal to further the negotiations and make the announcement known publicly. Simply put, numerous international third party vendors have contacted Vangold.

    Last November 2006, Fugro commenced flying various programs over Uganda to upgrade their geophysical data base for the Uganda Government. Uganda receives $42 M US in tranches for that work, and the monies emanate from the World Bank, and other African entities. Fugro is now in month 13 of an 18 month program. Uganda gets a benefit of money to increase the value of their projects and standard of living in their country. VAN will benefit because Fugro has flown Kilo Moto in the North West, Kilembe and Fort Portal in the Central West region, and next up should be Kafunzo in the South West part of Uganda. The Government has made an official public announcement on the Opening of their Data Room on Dec 13, 2007 in Uganda.

    One of Vangolds projects known as Kafunzo is 35 miles north-north west of Kabanga, the Xstrata / Barrick Joint Venture in Tanzania. That project is tied for number 2 spot in the world. Evidence exists that it is the 2nd largest unmined nickel sulphide deposit in the world behind Voisey Bay. I found evidence of that information in a TD Securities Research Report dated February 2007. In between Kabanga and Kafunzo is Jim Sinclairs Tan Range or International Tanzanian Royalty Corporation (TRE). Their Chairman, Mr Jim Sinclair believes that Kabanga goes through TREs properties up into Kafunzo, Uganda. Vangold believes Kafunzo is a northern extension of the Kabanga deposit, and it is either nickel or iron ore and desperately needs to be drilled. Right now, the Chinese are dealing with TRE on some of their projects in Tanzania. The Chinese and Lundins (amongst other third parties) are desirous of joint venturing with Vangold on our Oil Concessions in Rwanda and Kenya, so I think the way this transaction best works for Vangold is to allow Kenya, Rwanda and the Armenian Oil Concessions to go public separately to obtain the necessary $60 M of financing to drill them and take us to the next level. Van would receive shares back on its balance sheet similar to the IB, Pacific Kanon, and CopperMoly transactions. Further, anyone thinking that Vangolds management are sitting on their hands and doing nothing is out of line. There is alot of activity going on behind the scenes including visits from Diplomats from Rwanda, Armenia, and numerous international subtrades requesting to bid on our work programs. I like the fact that Fugro has made themselves available. They do very good work and its my view they are the best at what they do in the world.

    I see values accruing to the bottom line which will only lead to a higher valuation to our share price. The year end Audited Financials should capture these events but its not due out til April or May, 2008. So things like our Early Warning Report on International Beryllium will make their way onto our Balance Sheet, they only add value to a situation one could not provide any value to. Ask yourself why Montello (MEO-V:TSX) would pay Vanguard, (a private resource company) $3.5 M in MEO shares to increase their working interest at Sarcee >from 2% to 8%. I understand from one of Vangolds larger retail shareholders that Montello put a very high value on Sarcee. Vangold got a really good deal that adds value. We increased from 6% to 33.5% and paid $100,000 for it. So I look forward to 2008s increased valuation. We must thank Vangolds President for the opportunities he created.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Robin Moriarty, BSc
    Investor Relations for Vangold Resources Ltd
    Toll Free in North America 1 877 361 0002
    Direct 604 531 1583
    Cell 778 899 1583

    Cc: Maria Da Silva, IR Market Smart Communications 1 877 261 4466

    PS: If you received this email in error, forgot you subscribed, or are no longer interested in Vangold, please use the link and your name will be deleted. If you signed up on the website, you might receive the press release from our Email Alert system, and a second one from Investor Relations. Comments made by Investor Relations are not news releases, they are made to clarify questions from shareholders. We hope we clarify your questions. Thankyou.

    Kam heute per email:

    Teil 1

    Dear Investors;

    Investor Relations would like to thank the shareholders for their continued support, and we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Prosperous New Year.

    A number of investors have contacted Investor Relations via email and phone, and it is very clear that many investors do not know how to value Vangold. Simply put, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. When one considers the various parts or projects in Vangolds' portfolio, one is able to determine a value by doing simple math. My own personal view on the value confirms Vangold is ridiculously undervalued in the stock market. Investor Relations has suggested Vangold retain a firm to do a Research Report, and it is my understanding one is in progress emanating out of Europe. It will be easier to do after Pacific Kanon Gold Resources and CopperMolys' IPOs are completed. Further, I understand we are waiting for the TSX Venture Exchange to approve our draft Prospectus on Pacific Kanon, and we have extended the closing date of CopperMoly to January 15, 2008 to raise further monies. Janina Resources Ltd (JAN-V:TSX) completed the amalgamation of Vangolds' subsidiary Horn Rare Metals, and the new entity trades under the symbol IB-V:TSX as International Beryllium. IB has completed various financings and has approximately $11 M in its treasury. Anyone who wishes to participate in either of the aforesaid IPOs is welcome. All you have to do is phone or email us and we will add your name to those lists.

    Everyone wants a higher share price. It is quite obvious Vangold is getting hit during this tax loss season, and some investors think they will thwart our $.50 Private Placement, but they won't be able to. That should close off during the week as most of the funds are in house or en route via wire transfers. To answer various shareholder queries on the oil and gas projects, and our mineral projects, IR decided to provide a brief update.

    As I review what I have heard and tried to find proof thereof in press releases, or otherwise, what is needed is a Research Report to help explain the value of Vans assets. Our share price is extremely undervalued. The Gold Report intended to interview James Passin of Firebird on Dec 10th, via a prerecorded interview which they intended to post on their website on Dec 14th. This interview was rescheduled for early January 2008 at the request of Mr Passin. The Gold Report has indicated Mr Passin will speak about Firebirds' investment strategies, maybe geographical area plays like Papau New Guinea and Africa, and some of the projects and companies they invest in. I understand Mr Passin might reference Vangold, Intl Beryllium, Pacific Kanon, Copper Moly, and other companies their Funds own. There is a European connection commited to completing a Research Report on VAN, its at the drafting stage. They have a good track record and are behind XE, RR, VIT and others. When they got involved with some of those companies, none of them had much share volume in 2005, thus they took an initial position and moved them from $1.20 in 2006 to $4.50 (RR) and $7.00 (XE) respectively. IR looks forward to their Report and we would be pleased when they decide to buy and hold VAN. Year to date trading volume in VAN-V:TSX is presently 42,154,267, a new record.

    Thought you might want to know that Firebirds' analysts see VAN as an extremely undervalued situation, and Firebirds' Oil Analyst really likes our African and Armenian Oil concessions. Fugro is in the process of quoting on the seismic work on those concessions, I introduced them to Dal and VAN. There are no shortage of suppliers wanting to bid on our work in Africa. Permitting and Drilling of the Deep Basin Gas Project is coming hopefully in January 2008. The 2005 Strachan well is tied in, and Sarcee is in progress. We will also do a work program at Kafunzo, Uganda (including a drill program). I like the direction and I think these programs are exciting. Whatever we do, values come into play. I think everything has matured. The trick is to get the market to appreciate the math behind the valuation. In the meantime, the clock ticks on but the value doesn't go away, what goes away are the sellers of our shares. Thats why I asked our President to find a group to come into our market and buy and hold 10 M shares. Its a part of our strategy in the Private Placement. I believe $3.5 M is in or en route via wire transfers. $4.5 M is the target and my best guess is it doe not matter how much we raise. We had some prospective subscribers cancel because they thought they wouldn't get in, thus they invested elsewhere or bought our stock in the market. It doesn't matter. My own view is our chart is technically coiled up, nearly ready to explode. I think there is limited downside risk unless someone decides to sell a large position. I think those that sold or are contemplating it, need to do the math.

    With the recent news in regards to our Financials no one should have any problem investing in the PP because VAN will have $12 to $13 M in treasury, ample funding to go forward and drill various projects. The subsidiaries going public will not be a drain on our treasury, they will have their own funding source thru the IPO's, and respective work programs. As you review our projects, one needs to attempt to calculate values for each of them. Many had prior work done on them, many contain large tracks of land over known mineralization zones (Mt Penck, Fergusson, Mt Nakru, Simuku are a few on the mining side, and I reference the ones I like on the oil and gas side below).

    Once we complete the IPOs for the subsidiaries going public, the shares Vangold receives should benefit Vangold first and foremost. For allowing the subsidiaries to go public, Vangold books these shares as an Investment on its' Balance Sheet. Based on the initial price of each IPO, they add alot of value to our asset base. IB-V:TSX (formerly Janina Resources Ltd Jan-V:TSX) has concluded the amalgamation with our subsidiary Horn Rare Metals, its last financing round was at $.50. Vangold issued an Early Warning Report indicating they were holding 25.6 M shares as an investment. It trades around $.50. The math here is quite simple 25.6 M shares x $.50 per share trading price. That value did not exist inside Vangold prior to the amalgamation. It won't show up on our Balance Sheet until the year end Audited Financial Statements are completed. If you look at our last quarterly results you will find we had $15 M in Assets. So the shares VAN owns in IB are worth an additional $12.80 M (Cdn). The bottom line is we've nearly doubled our asset base. There is alot more information that should come into play once management completes its initial phase of growth.

    As referenced, we are awaiting the TSX Venture Exchange to approve the IPO for Pacific Kanon Gold Resources. The bureaucrats received the information in August. The Draft IPO is filed on Sedar ( ). VAN should receive 22.5 M shares of Pacific Kanon once its approved. The IPO price is set at $.40. Pacific Kanon has the PNG projects except Feni Islands, and Mt Nakru. There was alot of work done during the year after we moved the rig from Mt Penck to Feni in April. I understand there is about 2000 assays pending for Mt Penck, and Fergusson Island, both projects are in Pacific Kanon. Based on the IPO price, the shares of Pacific Kanon that Vangold eventually books on its Balance Sheet are worth an additional $9 M in assets.

    Copper Moly is our 25% wkg interest in Mt Nakru, plus Simuku which is owned 100% by NGG et al. The IPO was submitted to the Australian Exchange, and approved. Copper Moly has raised several million dollars since Nov 12th, and it was scheduled to go public on Friday Dec 7th, but they have extended the Closing Date to January 15, 2008 to raise several million dollars more. The IPO price is $.25 Australian with a loyalty warrant @ $.30. I understand Vangold will receive approximately 6 M shares of Copper Moly, and as above they will be booked as an Investment on Vangolds Balance Sheet. Based on the IPO price, once this is concluded the value of our Asset base would increase a further $1.32 M. IR previously emailed shareholders and prospective investors the Fact Sheet, Prospectus, and Wire Instructions. If you want to receive it again and are thinking of participating, email IR and we will resend the information for your perusal.

    Those 3 transactions just about triple our asset base from $15 M to $40 M or thereabouts estimated. My view is simple, all 3 are growth opportunities.

    Further, work programs are being organized for Uganda, in particular Kafunzo in mid January. We understand this program will be led by our former director Locke Goldsmith who happened to be involved with the drilling of that project 10 years ago. We know from the Xstrata/Barrick Joint Venture at Kabanga in Tanzania that the prospective target is 800 metres below surface. IR understands when it was previously drilled the rig was only able to reach 300 metres. Rigs are available to reach beyond the prospective target. Initial discussions with Major Drilling occured earlier in the year.

    Some investors seem to be shocked about the sale of Killam North. Anytime you are able to mutually agree to a sale price which frees oneself of a third parties broken promises, it becomes a good deal. IR knows this for a fact, we heard the Operator promise VAN an interest in Killam South during a presentation in 2004 and again in 2005. Of importance, we view three projects which will eventually replace the cash flow at Killam North. They are as follows: Strachan, Deep Basin including the 12% Test Well, and Sarcee. 3 of the 4 projects were previously drilled. The upside would be our Oil Concessions in Kenya, Rwanda and Armenia. There is alot of interest from third parties wishing to participate as Joint Venture Partners, and our people in Africa have held discussions with the Chinese, the Lundins, and many others.

    We understand the Operator at Strachan has tied in the well to a pipeline, I understand it is flowing at 2 MMCFd and plans are in the works for a second well. We are awaiting word on Sarcee from the Operator, Arapahoe Energy (AAO-V:TSX). Crew Energy (CR-T) called VAN the other day and we anticipate the Permit from the Alberta Energy Utility Board ("AEUB") for the Deep Basin project in January, that well alone would give VAN 21% of 40 to 100 BCF of estimated gas based on 3d seismic reshot twice. The classification of the well as a Development Pool Well was determined by the Alberta Government. It's not exploratory like Shell drilled at Tay River. That means Deep Basin is less risk to drill. The 12 % Test Well is a part of the Deep Basin project and it awaits tie in procedures at the same time we obtain the Permit. We need the Permit before we can drill the Deep Basin. 1 BCF of petroleum and/or natural gas in the ground sells for about $3 M for top quality reserves in Alberta (proven and non producing reserves in the ground). The calculation here is you take 1 BCF of gas and convert it into a Barrel of Oil Equivalent, so you divide 1 BCF by 6. A barrel in the ground used to be worth $19.40 to $19.50 per barrel, but with the recent change to the new royalty regime in Alberta, its now worth $18.50. Drop the 3 zeros off of the Billion and you get 1 M divide by 6 or 166,666 barrels in the ground x $18.50 or $3,083,000. To extrapolate take 40 to 100 BCF of gas (estimated) at Deep Basin times our 21.5% working interest, and then add Sarcee to the equation (VANs 33.5 % working interest at Sarcee times the estimated 60 BCF of gas (Sproule Report 2005). Now you are able to determine a value for the reserves in the ground. That estimate indicates about 28 BCF to 48 BCF of gas in the ground which has a value of $84 M to $144 M based on a proven model, not the probable case. There are 3 cases involved when considering the value of oil and gas assets: Proven and Producing, Proven and Non Producing, and Probable. The trick here is to understand how the insiders value their reserves based on those cases and the Discount Factor of what its worth, most pubcos use 10% discount factor for the future long term value of the reserves. Deep Basin has a proven Engineering Reserve Report. When Gladius sold their company to Crew in November 2006 for $60 M cash and $10 M in the assumption of their debt, they obtained a Proven Reservoir Engineering Report for the proven gas in the ground, (not flowing). Without drilling the Deep Basin, it has a value. I understand Crew paid approximately $5 to $10 M for that project as part of their Purchase Price. So you have it, Vangolds interest is about half of what Gladius had. So Crew thinks sometimes in January. The 12 % Test Well is another well in the same area as the Deep Basin project, it awaits tie in procedures which will occur when Crew gets the Permit and drills the Deep Basin.

    Strachan, Deep Basin and the 12% Test Well are located in the prolific Western Sedimentary Basin near Rocky Mountain House in Alberta. Those areas correspond to Crews designated areas for pending drill programs of approximately $130 M of capital expenditures for their 2008 Budget (you have to review their Financial Statements to determine whether or not they have reduced that figure in result of the new royalty regime coming into play in January). The new regime has caused a ripple effect of money going elsewhere out of Alberta ie BC, Montana, Wyoming, Saskatchewan, etc. Deep Basins project is in the Rocky Mountain House area which is in the heart of the Foot Hills, and very prospective for Deep Gas Projects, drilling down to at least 3,200 metres. Thats what its all about in the Patch. Just look at Shells Tay River 12 miles away from Deep Basin, Shell drilled an E well, down 5,500 metres and hit huge reserves in 2004, one of the largest finds in the past 10 years. Other projects including Alder Flats, Chigwell and Antelope Lake were relatively inexpensive plays and we gather were not successful nor material. IR believes 2 of the 3 were written down in prior financials, thus you have to look at the Vangolds' Audited Financial Statements and read the Notes and Subsequent Events to understand the values and the important projects.

    We believe these projects will replace the cash flow we once had at Killam North. As these projects get tied in, they add value to our Asset Base and our Cash Flow. So you have it, the cash flow should be replaced quite easily.


    ich lese schon seit langem Deine astrologischen Ausführungen. Es ist schon phantastisch, wie Du Dich am Firmament auskennst und immer wieder treffsichere Prognosen abgibst. Bevor ich Deine Prognosen gelesen hatte, hielt ich Astrologie für Spökenkiekerei. Ich bin sehr nachdenklich geworden. Kannst Du mir irgendeine Publikation als Einführungslektüre empfehlen?


    Man reizt keinen Tiger, wenn man nicht will, das er seine Zähne zeigt.


    Ist Russland nicht der Bär? :( :(Na ja, egal, sind beide ganz schön kräftig! :) :)

    Grüße GW

    Vielleicht ist das ja der erste Schritt zur Produktion.

    Pan African Mining führt in Madagaskar ein Seminar- und Trainingsprogramm im Umgang mit radioaktivem Material als vertrauensbildende Maßnahme durch. Die Leitung hat der renomierte Professor Henning von Philipsborn von der Universität Regensburg in Deutschland.

    Grüße GW

    Hier der Inhalt der Mail von heute:


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it is now conducting a formal seminar and training program in Madagascar this month regarding all aspects of naturally occurring ionizing radiation, focusing on health and safety practices to ensure protection for the environment and people working in the industry. The program is being overseen by Professor Henning von Philipsborn, Ph.D., from Regensburg University in Germany. Dr. Philipsborn is an internationally-known expert in the field of radiometry and radioprotection, author of many publications and advisor to the German Government. He is giving a series of lectures as part of the training program to qualified technical personnel of the Company and others, including Malagasy Government officials, technicians and geologists of L'Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques ("OMNIS"), a State Agency.

    The event is backed by Madagascar’s leading expert on radiometry, Prof. Raoelina Andriambololona, Founder and Managing Director of the Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires Madagascar (INSTN) and is fully supported by various governmental organizations and the Ministry of Mines. The training course includes many experiments and hands-on demonstrations. Lectures are taking place on such diversified subjects as sources and properties of ionizing radiation, their physical, chemical and biological effects, measuring methods, surface contaminations, systematic radioprotection, with a focus on adoption of appropriate health and safety standards.

    The Company is actively exploring for Uranium in Madagascar in four zones in its joint venture with OMNIS, under the leadership of Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr of Germany, who is managing the program. The area under exploration encompasses 46 Research Permits, covering 877 Squares or Carres, each of which is 6.25 sq. km. The aggregate area under license is now 5481.25 sq. km. Of this area, 862.5 sq. km. are in the Antsirabe Zone, 1037.5 sq. km. are in the Tranomaro Zone, 3331.25 sq. km. are in the Folakara Zone, and 250 sq. km. are in the Makay Zone. Drilling is ongoing in the Tranomaro zone, and results to date are encouraging.

    The training program is being carried out by the Company with a view toward educating those in the industry about state-of-the-art techniques in dealing with radioactive materials to promote health and safety. The course also aims to ease general fears in respect of ionizing radiation and to promote the use of U for peaceful means such as nuclear power plants and medical purposes. According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “As a leading explorer for Uranium in Madagascar, we feel it is our corporate and social responsibility to promote knowledge and understanding of radiometrics and related health and safety practices. We also want to encourage development of a nuclear power industry in Madagascar, which could meet all of Madagascar’s needs for energy for centuries while reducing environmental contamination from burning of hydrocarbons.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian

    Kam heute per email:

    Pan African Mining Corp.

    Pan African Mining Corp.
    Suite 1925, Box 11553
    650 West Georgia Street
    Vancouver, BC
    V6B 4N8


    November 28, 2007 TSX.V: PAF FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has received from ALS Laboratory Group in Vancouver assay results from an additional four holes in its ongoing Phase 1 core drilling program on its Tranomaro Uranium property in the South of Madagascar. The Tranomaro Project comprises 206 squares, encompassing approximately 1287 10 holes have now been completed to a depth of approximately 70-130m at old French Mine Number 37, the Company’s initial target within the region. Results from the latest four holes to a depth of 83-95m are reported below. They show significant uraniferous mineralized zones encountered in all four holes and demonstrate the continued existence of high grade Uranium mineralization below the floor of the old open pit mined by the French.

    The tables below show selected drill results >from each of the four most recent holes reported, reflecting the most significant mineralized intervals encountered. The initial 5 drill holes were positioned at the western flank of old French Mine 37 and were regularly spaced at 30m intervals in a N-S direction covering an extent of approximately 120m. This sequence of holes is to the South of shallow drill hole TR/M37D/B5-50E, previously reported on June 6, 2007, which yielded 17.2 metres of high-grade U mineralization grading 4,329 ppm U. The four holes reported below were regularly spaced at 30m intervals in a N-S direction immediately to the South of the first five holes, and reflect a 120m extension of the uraniferous zone to the South.


    Drill hole Q0 10E

    E652613.81,N7282578.68;Azimuth:70°, Inclination:50°

    Depth (m)




    lbs U3O8/short tonne




    Th (ppm)

    U (ppm)













    Drill hole T0 5E

    E652619.38, N7282548.80; Azimuth:70°, Inclination:45°

    Depth (m)




    lbs U3O8/sh.t.




    Th (ppm)

    U (ppm)













    Drill hole W0 5E

    E652629.64,N7282520.63;Azimuth:70°, Inclination:45°

    Depth (m)




    lbs U3O8/sh.t.




    Th (ppm)

    U (ppm)



















    Drill hole Z0 15E

    E652649.29, N7282495.88; Azimuth:70°, Inclination:50°

    Depth (m)




    lbs U3O8/sh.t.




    Th (ppm)

    U (ppm)







    The above results are very encouraging and are consistent with radiometric data obtained by our team from outcrops as well as drill cores. The substantial experience gained by our team in connection with assessment of the more than 100 old open pits and radiometric anomalies in the region is now permitting us to accelerate the pace of target identification for our ongoing drill program. A heavy Atlas Copco CS-14 core drill is being utilized to outline major ore concentrations, while small scout drills are being utilized to assess surface anomalies on a preliminary basis to aid in targeting. Immediate additional drill targets have now been identified in and around old French mines 52 and 52N as well as at mine 37.

    The drill program now underway is being carried out by the Company on behalf of its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy State Agency. The program is being overseen by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr, a Qualified Person within the meaning of N.I. 43-101. He is assisted by Marcel Rasolofonirina and a highly qualified team of 14 Malagasy geologists, engineers and technicians. Overall program oversight is provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P.Eng., a Director of the Company and also a Qualified Person under N.I. 43-101.

    Samples are analyzed by ALS Laboratory Group at its Vancouver, BC facility utilizing their Uranium Package Code #ME-MS61U, a 48 element near total digestion ICP procedure. Uranium over-limits for the foregoing procedure are re-analyzed using ALS procedure #U-XRF10. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted with the continuing progress of our Uranium team at Tranomaro and look forward to further expansion of the zone at mine 37 as well as identification of meaningful uranium-bearing zones at other sites throughout the region.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO


    Phone: (604) 899-0100

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver


    Phone: (604) 899-0100

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications


    Phone: London: +44 (0) 7780 602 788

    Phone: Germany: +49 (0) 1722 1234 47

    War heute in der Post:




    VANCOUVER, B.C., November 27, 2007, Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSXV:VAN) (“Vangold”) – Anthony G. Dutton, Chief Executive Officer and director of Janina Resources Limited (“Janina”) and Dal Brynelsen, President of Horn Rare Metals Ltd. (“Horn”) and President and CEO of Vangold, are pleased to announce the successful completion of the amalgamation, reverse take-over and name change of Janina Resources Ltd. to International Beryllium Corporation.

    Janina will begin trading under its new name "International Beryllium Corporation" (“IBC”) and its new trading symbol “IB” effective November 28, 2007. On July 27, 2007 Janina closed a private placement of subscription receipts of its wholly owned subsidiary. Effective November 23, 2007 the subscription receipts have been automatically converted into units of IBC without any further action on the part of the subscribers. The subscription receipts have been automatically cancelled and the net subscription proceeds plus interest earned thereon have been released by the Escrow Agent to IBC. Each unit is comprised of one common share of IBC and one-half of one share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant will be exercisable into an additional common share of IBC on or before November 23, 2009 at a price of $0.75 each. The gross proceeds received by IBC from the subscription receipts financing was $10,055,000. Bolder Investment Partners, Ltd. acted as agent for part of the financing and in connection therewith was paid $80,000 from the gross proceeds of the subscription receipt financing

    Pursuant to the amalgamation Janina’s wholly owned subsidiary amalgamated with Horn Rare Metals, Ltd., formerly a 51% owned subsidiary of Vangold, to form International Beryllium Holdings Ltd. As part of the amalgamation, Firebird Global Master Fund Ltd., (“Firebird”) a former shareholder of Horn, received 24,390,244 common shares of IBC in exchange for its Horn common shares and Vangold received 25,609,756 common shares of IBC in exchange for its Horn common shares. Consequently, upon completion of the amalgamation, Firebird holds directly 28.16% of the issued and outstanding shares of IBC and Vangold holds 29.57% of the 86,601494 outstanding shares of IBC.

    Vangold’s shares were acquired for investment purposes and are held in escrow as described in the Filing Statement of IBC filed in connection with the transaction. While Vangold does not intend to acquire further securities of IBC, it may in the future acquire or dispose of securities of IBC, through the market or otherwise, as circumstances or market conditions warrant.

    The objective of International Beryllium Corporation is to become a premier vertically integrated global beryllium and beryllium alloys processing and distribution company serving the major beryllium using industries.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email or visit our website at .

    On Behalf of the Board of


    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    Das kam heute per email:

    Dear Investors;

    Please find enclosed Vangolds latest news release in regards to an amendment to the previously announced Private Placement. The increase to the amount of financing is the result of genuine expressions of interest from loyal shareholders and prospective investors. The news was released after the market closed on Friday Nov 23, 2007. The Subscription Agreements will be delivered to the prospective investors shortly.

    Watch for further news on our subsidiaries going public. CopperMoly is in the process of raising funds through an IPO on the Australian Exchange (projects include Mt Nakru and Simuku, PNG). The IPO price is $.25 Australian and includes a loyalty warrant priced at $.30 Australian. The book opened November 12th and closes on or about Dec 7, 2007. Investor Relations ("IR") understands Vangold and its partner will receive shares >from CopperMoly, and the said shares will be booked on Vangolds' balance sheet.

    Previously, Vangold filed a Draft IPO with the TSX Venture Exchange on Pacific Kanon Gold Corps' proposed IPO (projects include Mt Penck, Bismark, Yup River, Mt Allemata, Fergusson Island and not Feni Islands Papua New Guinea, and can be viewed on The tentative IPO price is set at $.40 Cdn with one warrant at $.50. The transaction is subject to the TSX Venture Exchanges approval of the same. Further information is not available at this time.

    Another subsidiary Horn Rare Metals is in the process of completing it's reverse take over of Janina Resources Ltd (JAN-V:TSX), and we anticipate the amalgamation of those entities to occur shortly (projects include 7 past producing artisan Beryllium mines in Uganda, and 2 in South America). Janina resumed trading on October 30, 2007 and closed Friday at $.74 per share Cdn. Earlier in 2007, Janina raised approximately $11 M Cdn. Upon conclusion of the transaction, Vangold receives 51% of 50 M shares (25.5 M) and Firebird Management receives 49% or 24.5 M shares from Janina. The 25.5 M shares will be booked as an Investment on Vangolds balance sheet. The value of the shares (25.5 M) are quantifiable by following the share price of Janina. We also anticipate a name change to International Beryllium Corporation and a new trading symbol. Vangolds Asset Base increases on conclusion of this transaction.

    So you have it, 2 subsidiaries of Vangold (CopperMoly and Pacific Kanon), are in the process of raising funds for their proposed IPOs subject to the appropiate Exchanges approval, and Janina previously raised funds independent of Vangold. Each entity should be self financed and have their own drill and work programs. All shares Vangold receives from it's subsidiares will be booked as an Investment on Vangolds Balance Sheet.

    The aforesaid information is available on our website: Here is a link for your ease of reference:…p?ticker=V.VAN&title=null

    Watch for further news in regards to extensive portfolio of projects. There is alot of interest in our Kenya, Rwanda, and Aremenian Oil Concessions, and our mineral properties in Africa, Papua New Guinea, and elsewhere.

    For further information, please contact Vangold or Investor Relations.

    Robin Moriarty, BSc
    Investor Relations for Vangold Resources Ltd (VAN-V:TSX)
    Toll Free in North America 1 877 361 0002
    Cell 1 778 899 1583

    Cc: Maria Da Silva, Market Smart Communications 1 877 261 4466

    PS: If you received this email in error, forgot you subscribed, or are no longer interested in Vangold, please use the link and your name will be deleted. If you signed up on the website, you might receive the press release from our system, and a second one from Investor Relations. Comments made by Investor Relations are not news releases, they are made to clarify questions from shareholders. We hope we clarify your questions. Investor Relations thanks all shareholders who have provided us with insight on their share ownership in Vangold, thus you might want to let us know your positions in Janina Resources Ltd too. Prior to the aforesaid financing, retail owned approximately 55 M shares and the balance is owned by insiders, Institutions, various brokerage firms, and Hedge Funds. Year to Date Share volume has exceeded 2006 year end volume. Volume thru Nov 24, 2007 on the TSX is presently at 40,859,633 surpassing 2006 volume of 40,401,628.




    November 23, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia – Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) announces that due to the level of interest from potential investors, the previously announced private placement (See News Release of November 2, 2007) consisting of the sale of up to 6,000,000 units at a price of $0.50 per unit, the private placement will be increased to 9,000,000 units at a price of $0.50 per unit. Each unit will consist of one share and one non-transferable share purchase warrant exercisable for a period of one year at a price of $0.60 per share purchase warrant.

    The proceeds of the private placement will be used to continue the various work programs for the exploration and development of Vangold’s oil and gas projects in Canada, Armenia, Rwanda and Kenya and mineral exploration in Uganda and Papua New Guinea. The private placement is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange. A Finder’s Fee not to exceed TSX Venture Exchange guidelines, will be payable on a portion of the proceeds of the private placement.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email or visit our website at .

    On Behalf of the Board of


    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility

    for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.

    Nov 06, 2007 03:01 ET

    Pan African Mining Corp. Reports Progress on Its Mozambique Gold Projects
    VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - November 6, 2007) - PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (TSX VENTURE: PAF) (FRANKFURT: P2A) (the "Company") reports progress on its four Mozambique gold projects during recent months. Each is the subject of a joint venture or similar agreement with a strategic partner, where the Company manages and funds exploration and development of the project in its earlier stages in order to earn a controlling interest. The Company has entered into these agreements in order to expand its presence in Mozambique, a country which is considered to be underexplored with strong geologic potential, while at the same time having a miner-friendly government and stable political environment. The Company's Mozambique gold projects are being managed by Pete Siegfried, P.Geol., a Qualified Person within the meaning of N.I. 43-101.

    1. Cazula Project. The Company has now completed an initial reconnaissance diamond drilling program at the old Machinga Mine, located near Cazula in Tete Province. The program comprised 9 diamond drill holes aggregating 796 m and was carried out by Resource Drilling International Ltd. on behalf of the Joint Venture between the Company and Manica Minerals, Ltd. All holes intersected a shear zone while two holes encountered underground workings which had not been expected at depth. Although no visible gold was noted, significant alteration including chloritisation and associated pyritisation and silicification was noted in all holes surrounding the shear zone. This alteration extends between 3 m and 10 m into the footwall and between 10 m and 20 m into the hanging wall surrounding the shear and main quartz veins. The best intersection is represented by over 3 m (true width) of intense alteration at a depth of 56 m. Core was sampled under professional supervision and all samples have been prepared with appropriate duplicates and standards. Samples have been sent to Perth for analysis and assays are pending.

    In addition to the core drilling at the old Machinga site, trenching, sampling and other ground exploration of the region have been completed during the past four months. As a result, a number of targets have been defined in the area and all are hosted in the Desaranhama Granite suite. Shear zones associated with chloritisation, quartz veining and gold mineralisation have been identified at a number of localities in the region and historical gold mining is recorded in the area as early as the 18th century. The old mines at Bumbe and Metosso are also included within the project area.

    2. The Fingoe Project. Broad-based regional sampling and exploration have been carried out on the Fingoe Project in recent months, under a Joint Venture between the Company and Manica Minerals, Ltd. The project involves a number of licenses in Western Tete Province which extend over volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks of the late Mesoporoterozoic Fingoe Group. Planning of field work early in the year led to two detailed grids being mapped and soil sampled. Both areas were located by field follow-up of anomalous stream sediment samples collected at the end of 2006. The Tambika grid is hosted within granites with extensive tourmalinisation and a number of large, goethite-bearing quartz veins have been identified. The second area, the Ashwa grid (where a grab sample reported 25 ppm Au) was also magnetically surveyed. As the gold mineralisation is associated with 'demagnetized' shear zones crosscutting mafic to intermediate volcanic lithologies this should assist interpretation. Around the Ashwa workings a large malachite and goethite bearing quartz vein has been identified. Samples have now been submitted for analysis with results expected early in the New Year. Additional regional mapping was completed in the western parts (referred to as Aliyele) and as the area is burnt, good outcrop exposure assisted mapping. Summary reports are currently being prepared and sample results are pending.

    3. African Eagle Fingoe Project. The Company entered into an agreement early this year with U.K. based African Eagle Resources plc, which holds a number of prospecting licenses located to the north and east of the town of Fingoe. These licenses are underlain by volcanics and volcanoclastics of the Fingoe Group, similar to the rocks being prospected under the Manica Minerals Joint Venture to the southwest and a logical extension to the prospecting program. Stream sediment sampling completed over these licenses has collected over 800 samples and was completed between May and July of this year. Results have been recently received and indicate the existence of a number of potentially sizeable gold anomalies. Almost 7% of the 'Muzeze' area's samples have statistically significant gold values. Some of the anomalous areas identified coincide with historical records. Field follow-up and initial rock sampling of these areas is planned early in 2008.

    4. Braganza Project. A Joint Venture agreement has recently been signed between the Company and Bobcat Mining Limitada (Mozambique), covering exploration and development of the historic Braganza Mine situated at the eastern end of the Mutare-Penhalonga Greenstone Belt. Included in the regional project area are also the Diaz Pereirra, Dammp and Marianas historic minesites. Under the agreement, the Company can earn up to a 75% interest in the property by funding development in stages. This Archaean age greenstone belt has a long history of mining and gold production and after many years is today experiencing renewed interest. The old Monarch Mine as well as Fair Bride and Guy Fawkes are working towards a bankable feasibility study. The Braganza mine is located on a large north-south trending fault structure separating 'diorite' from mafic schists (metavolcanics). Exploration activities presently being carried out include detailed mapping and sampling, a ground magnetic survey of the area, channel sampling of old adits and the planning of a detailed IP survey.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "With the impending rains bringing the field work season to a close in Mozambique, we are delighted to report excellent progress this year on all our gold projects there. All planned activities and work programs were successfully carried out and a large amount of sampling has now been completed. In addition, we have now concluded a reconnaissance diamond drill program at the old Machinga site. As results become available, we plan to use the next four moths to review geological, geophysical and geochemical data so that next year's field season can be effectively planned. Mozambique is an exciting adjunct to our projects in Madagascar and provides us with additional opportunities for building shareholder value."

    SOURCE: Pan African Mining Corp.

    November 2, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia – Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”)
    announces that it has agreed to a private placement of its securities consisting of the sale of up to
    6,000,000 units at a price of $0.50 per unit. Each unit will consist of one share and one nontransferable share purchase warrant exercisable for a period of one year at a price of $0.60 per share purchase warrant. The proceeds of the private placement will be used to continue the various work programs in for the exploration, development of Vangold’s oil and gas projects in Canada, Armenia, Rwanda and Kenya and mineral exploration in Uganda and Papua New Guinea. The private placement is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange. A Finder’s Fee not to exceed TSX Venture Exchange guidelines, is payable on a portion of the proceeds of the private placement.

    A majority of the units will be acquired by Firebird Global Master Fund Ltd. (“Firebird”) Vangold’s largest shareholder. Firebird is affiliated with New York based Firebird Management LLC, which manages over US$2 billion in seven funds, with a particular focus on the former Soviet Union and other emerging markets. Firebird is also Vangold’s 49% partner in Horn Rare Metals Ltd (“Horn”). Horn controls a 90% interest in seven beryllium mines located in Uganda and has the rights to hold a 100% interest in two beryllium mines located in Brazil. Horn is currently undertaking a proposed business combination with Janina Resources Limited (“Janina”) which has filed with the TSX Venture Exchange for initial comments on a draft preliminary filing statement (See News Release November 1, 2007). Upon completion of the
    proposed business combination, Janina will change its name to International Beryllium Corp.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email or visit our website at .

    n Behalf of the Board of
    “Dal Brynelsen”
    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.