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    October 29, 2007 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. ("Vangold") has signed a production sharing o (PSC) for Block 3A in the Anza Graben in the Eastern Province of Kenya, covering 12,192.12 sq. kms.

    At a signing ceremony in Nairobi, on October 16, 2007 the Honourable Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kenya, Kiraitu Murungi, and the President and CEO of Vangold, Dal Brynelsen executed the PSC on Block 3A. Mr. Brynelsen said; “Vangold has chosen Block 3A on technical merit based on a study conducted by Vangold’s technical team over the last year. This study found five prospects and one lead on Block 3A. The next phase will be to reprocess part of the seismic data with new Canadian technology to establish the detailed geometry of the prospects and to come up with the appropriate in-fill seismic programme.

    Under the terms of the PSC, in the Initial Contract Period of three years, in addition to a signing bonus of US$75,000 which has been paid, Vangold will expend a minimum of US$3,000,000 to conduct a technical study and plan to acquire 1000-line kilometer 2D seismic and 50 sq km 3D seismic. Provided these results are positive, during the third year of the Initial Exploration Period, Vangold will drill one exploratory well to a minimum total vertical depth of 3,000 meters with a minimum expenditure of US$6,000,000. A finder’s fee of 200,000 common shares of Vangold will be paid subject to regulatory approval.

    In 2006, Chinese National Oil Company (CNOOC Limited) announced that it’s subsidiary CNOOC Africa Limited signed PSCs for six blocks located in three basins in Kenya including the Anza Graben (Block 9) adjacent and to the north of Vangold’s Block 3A. In total, the CNOOC acquired a total area of 115,343 sq kms. On October 4, 2007, Lundin Kenya B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Lundin Petroleum signed a PSC for Block 10A which covers an area on 14,748 sq kms also in the Anza basin and adjacent to CNOOC’s Block 9. A news release dated October 5, 2007 stated: “Past exploration efforts dating back to the late 1980’s have proven the existence of excellent quality, oil-prone source rocks, good quality sandstone reservoirs, and a multitude of structural traps which remain undrilled”. Vangold intends to share technical resources and data with CNOOC and Lundin Petroleum.

    Prospectivity of Block 3A acreage include Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic petroleum plays which are equivalent to the plays found in Lamu, Anza and Mochesa basins. The three basins of Lamu, Anza and Mochesa converge in Block 3 acreage. Good reservoir development has been confirmed in Bahati-1, Anza-1 and Endela-1 exploratory wells drilled in Block 3A. Potential lacustrine and marine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age have been confirmed from these exploratory wells data in Anza Graben. Hydrocarbons trapping mechanism includes tilted fault blocks, faulted anticlinal closures and stratigrahic traps.

    In the northeastern part of the Block 3A is the southwestern extension of the Mochesa basin into the block 3 acreage. Mochesa basin is a sub-basin within the Mandera-Lugh basin and has a frontier play with poor seismic coverage. Mochesa high is the basin's structural culmination that extends in to Block 3A and could be interpreted as an accommodation zone. Mochesa basin play is conceptualized as marine Jurassic carbonates and clastics with the Upper Cretaceous shales providing the effective seals across normal faults and tilted fault blocks closures. Mochesa basin prospect [Mocheas high] in Block 3 has limited data with no well control. Reconstruction of Madagascar with East Africa depicts Mochesa basin as equivalent to Majunga Basin in Madagascar where rich [TOC 11-19%] source rocks of Jurassic age have been encountered in the exploratory wells. In Majunga basin play, Lower Cretaceous sandstones units form the potential reservoirs.

    The south-eastern continuation of the Anza Graben forms part of the Block 3A acreage to the northwest. Good hydrocarbon shows have been encountered within the Cretaceous sections in the wells Ndovu, Hothori and Anza drilled in southeast part of the Anza Graben. Potential lacustrine and marine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age have been confirmed in these exploratory wells. The northwest part of Block 3A therefore, occupies the south-eastern extension of the Anza Graben, where potential evaporite seals and lacustrine/estuarine hydrocarbons source rocks of Upper Cretaceous age may exist. Traces of residual oil or Gilsonite noted in the Upper Cretaceous sandstones in Anza-1 well further emphasizes the existence of Cretaceous source rocks in Block 3A.

    Lower Tertiary good reservoir quality [10-19% porosity] fluvial-lacustrine sandstones units exist in southern Anza Graben and extend to Block 3A acreage as encountered in Endela-1, Anza-1 and Hothori-1 wells. The Tertiary play associated with Lamu basin in Block 3B has good reservoir facies in Lower Tertiary as encountered in Bahati and Wal Merer exploratory wells. The trapping is mainly structural, associated with a typical rift structural development setting. Source rocks include the Lower Tertiary Walu Shales encountered in Wal Merer [268m]. In Walu-1 well in Lamu basin, the thickness of Walu shales is approximately 2,000m.

    The gravity anomalies in Block 3A range from –20 to –50 mGals around Meri and northeast of Habaswein –80mGals. The gravity data strongly suggest that the Anza Graben continues to Block 3 acreage to the northwest. Cross sections of bouguer gravity along latitudes 0o 00, 0o30N and 1o 00N in Block 3A reveal sharp subsurface gravity variations indicating heterogeneity in physical features such as the thickness of sediments, basement depth and direction of shallowing and deepening. The bouguer gravity values ranging from -30 to -40 mGal, indicates the presence of subsurface of low-density sedimentary rocks. The increasing gravity negativity from Habasweni to Meri areas indicates the down-warping of the upper mantle in that direction and thickening of the sedimentary sections. Contouring the top of the basement shows the deepening from west [0-10km] towards the centre of graben structures in Block 3A along the west-east 0o 30N profile. A steep rise of the basement to the east of Bahati well location becomes progressively gentler and deeper towards Meri depression. The variations in basement depths suggests existence of series of approximately North–South oriented intra-basin block faults within the Block 3A acreage that have affected both basement and upper mantle. A basement gravity high separates the Endela and Meri depressions and Mochesa basement high separates the Meri depression [part of Lamu basin] from the southern margin of the Anza Graben. The Mochesa high is probably an accommodation zone with a Cretaceous-Jurassic structural culmination. The early [Karroo-Jurassic] generation of the hydrocarbons in Mochesa basin may have been trapped in the Mochesa high. Endela and Meri basin depressions have relatively thick sediments raging from Jurrasic-Cretaceous to Quaternary age Seismic data in Southern Anza Graben also confirms the continuation of the Anza Graben extensional rift structural setting in to Block 3A. However, the seismic is too widely spaced to permit detailed mapping of structural closure units. The available seismic data can only manage to image the large tilted fault blocks but with the combination of the gravity data additional high standing blocks can possibly be delineated.

    Hydrocarbons trapping mechanism in Block 3 includes tilted fault blocks, faulted anticlinal closures and stratigrahic traps. Faulting in Block 3 was initiated in the Mesozoic and has intermittently been activated through Tertiary with structures being filled with chiefly fluvial-lacustrine and deltaic sediments. Evidence of Marine incursion into the southern margin of the Anza Graben including Block 3A acreage from Lamu Embayment include the presence of Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary deep marine facies encountered in the wells Anza-1, Duma-1 and Ndovu-1 drilled in Blocks 3A and 9 respectively

    Reservoirs in the Lower Tertiary section are expected to be porous sandstones equivalent the thick Tertiary sands penetrated in the Anza-1 well. The Anza-1 Well reservoir facies has porosities from 12-20%. In Sudan continental rift basins, Cretaceous reservoirs with porosities ranging from 20 –30% and permeability 500-5,000 millidarcies have been encountered in some wells. Prospective sandstone reservoirs having similar porosities are expected to be present in the Lower Tertiary and Cretaceous sections in Block 3A. Analogies may be drawn to the Gulf of Suez, where the rift in-fill sediments include porous reservoir quality sandstones, both beneath and within the evaporite sequence such as found in the El Morgan field.

    Jurassic Carbonate and deeper Karroo sandstones sections could also provide additional reservoir objectives when found on highstanding tilted fault blocks in Mochesa High. Several horizons of Jurassic oolitic grainstones with moldic porosity have been mapped in southern margin of the Anza Graben and Mandera-Lugh Basin. Similar porous Jurassic carbonates should provide an attractive exploration objective where located in the subsurface such as interpreted on the seismic line K75-6 in Block 3A.

    Source Rocks
    Geological conceptual model recognizes that lacustrine oil prone source rocks are likely to have been deposited in the deeper part of the Anza basin extending in to Block 3A. Rich, organic shales are expected to have accumulated in the lakes and shallow marine estuary environments in which evaporites were probably deposited at later stages. It is interesting to note that there were no significant source rocks encountered in Anza-1 and Bahati-1 exploratory wells. The reason being the two wells were drilled on a Cretaceous high along the margin of the restricted Anza rift Graben located in the northwest area of block 3A. The geologic conceptual model suggests oil prone source rocks concentrate in the deeper basin and would not be expected to occur along the basin margin where the two wells were drilled. Endela -1 well was drilled closer to the actual basin depression but unfortunately the well was terminated at 2,800m before reaching the prospective Cretaceous section.

    Bahati prospect in Block 3A was matured for drilling to test the Lower Cretaceous fluvial-lacustrine sandstones sourced by intra depositional lacustrine claystones. The cap rock being the shales of Upper Cretaceous. The Bahati-1 well penetrated an interval in the Lower Tertiary of fair source rocks at 2410-2510m. Though immature in Bahati-1 well, these potential source rocks could have been mature in the deeper part of the Lamu Basin or in other parts of Block 3A. The well terminated at 3,420m in the Lower Tertiary-Upper Cretaceous and failed to test the prospectivity of the Cretaceous section.

    Available Geophysical Data
    • Chevron shot 3,437 line km of seismic in Blocks 3 and 2 [SEG –B] 1,967 line km in Block 3
    • Amoco shot 50 line-km of seismic in the current Block 2 -[SEG Y]
    • Gravity and magnetic data available

    Wells drilled
    • Anza, Endela, Bahati, & Meri [stratigrahic well]
    • Deep wells close to the Blocks 3B Walmerer-1 and 3A Hothori-1

    • Geological and Landsat data interpretation available

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    Am 27.10.07 in einer email an mich zu lesen.




    October 26, 2007 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. ("Vangold") announces that its joint venture partner, New Guinea Gold Corporation (“NGG”), has reported that it has completed the transfer of two copper concessions to a newly formed Australian company known as Coppermoly Ltd.

    Coppermoly Ltd. intends to undertake an Initial Public Offering in Australia to raise up to Aus$20 million and is expected to list on the Australian Stock Exchange late December, 2007. A prospectus has been filed with the Australian Stock Exchange ( Proceeds from the offering will be applied to explore three large copper/gold/molybdenum systems; Simuku, Mt. Nakru and Plesumi (part of Mt. Nakru) concessions all on the island of New Britain – each system or prospect is known to have mineralisation over at least 3 to 5 sq kms.

    The IPO for Coppermoly Ltd is sponsored by Australian Brokers, Novus Capital and South Pacific Securities and London broker VSA Resources. This prospectus has been issued for the purposes of offering up to 80,000,000 shares at AUD$0.25 each and to raise up to AUD $20 million before costs. It is expected to list on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in late December 2007.

    Vangold’s interest in the Mt. Nakru project is derived from it’s 50% interest in Kanon Resources Ltd. the Papua New Guinea company which owns 50% of Mt Nakru. Therefore, pre-financing, Vangold owns 12.5% of Coppermoly Ltd. making Vangold the second largest shareholder in Coppermoly. Vangold’s President and CEO, Dal Brynelsen will be a member of the Board of Directors of Coppermoly. Mr. Brynelsen comments; “This arrangement will contribute greatly to Vangold’s balance sheet while providing the necessary exploration budget to advance these porphyry deposits.”

    NGG’s Chairman and CEO Robert McNeil who has joined the Coppermoly Board as non-executive Chairman commented: “This is a step in NGG’s ongoing strategy to develop its extensive inventory of mining properties in PNG without the necessity of shareholder dilution to the company while, at the same time, maintaining the Company’s primary focus on its gold production and gold assets, and securing shareholder and Company exposure to potential upside value as a result of further exploration efforts on these properties”.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    Hi dread,

    herzlich willkommen im Thread.

    Die sollen zwar richtig Gas geben - aber erst ´mal in Schweden und Finnland!!!

    Da gibt es schon noch einiges zu verbessern:

    Produktion ausweiten, Produktions- und Schmelzkosten senken etc.

    Trotzdem glaube ich, dass das Gröbste ausgestanden ist.

    Grüße GW

    17,2 Meter Mit Urangehalten über 4,329 ppm Uran oder 11,25 lbs/Tonne U 308


    SOURCE: Pan African Mining Corp.

    Oct 16, 2007 03:01 ET
    Initial Core Drill Results From Pan African's Tranomaro Uranium Project Reveal High-Grade Intersections to Depth at Old French Mine 37, Including 5.0 M of 7.31 lbs/t U3O8
    VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 16, 2007) - PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (TSX VENTURE: PAF) (FRANKFURT: P2A) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received from ALS Laboratory Group in Vancouver initial assay results from its ongoing Phase 1 core drilling program on its Tranomaro Uranium property in the South of Madagascar. The Tranomaro Project comprises 206 squares, encompassing approximately 1287 10 holes have now been completed to a depth of approximately 70-130 m at old French Mine Number 37, the Company's initial target within the region. Results from the first five holes reported below show significant uraniferous mineralized zones encountered in all five holes and demonstrate the existence of high grade Uranium mineralization from surface outcroppings to levels far below the floor of the old open pit mined by the French.

    The tables below show selected drill results from each of the first five holes completed during the current Phase 1 diamond drilling program, reflecting the most significant mineralized intervals encountered. The initial 5 drill holes were positioned at the western flank of old French Mine 37 and have been regularly spaced at 30m intervals in a N-S direction covering an extent of approximately 120m. This sequence of holes is to the South of shallow drill hole TR/M37D/B5-50E, previously reported on June 6, 2007, which yielded 17.2 metres of high-grade U mineralization grading 4,329 ppm U or 11.25 lbs/metric tonne U3O8.


    Drill hole B0 40E
    E652587.00, N7282665.00; Azimuth: 70 degrees, Inclination: 55 degrees
    Depth (m)
    From To Interval (m) U (ppm) U3O8 (lbs/t)
    34 45 11 557 1.45
    59 62 3 462 1.20
    71 75 4 676 1.76
    80 81 1 950 2.47
    Drill hole E0 35E
    E652591.00, N7282665.00; Azimuth: 70 degrees, Inclination: 55 degrees
    7 13 6 1,403 3.65
    36 47 5 740 1.92
    61 64 3 697 1.81
    67 72 5 456 1.19
    74 79 5 1,359 3.53
    Drill hole H0 35E
    E652595.00, N7282641.00; Azimuth: 70 degrees, Inclination: 55 degrees
    49 54 5 2,811 7.31
    Drill hole K0 20E
    E652591.50, N7282625.60; Azimuth: 70 degrees, Inclination: 45 degrees
    11 14 3 499 1.30
    46 50 4 1,206 3.13
    56 62 6 1,003 2.61
    Drill hole N0 10E
    E652603.50, N7282606.85; Azimuth: 70 degrees, Inclination: 50 degrees
    32 36 4 579 1.51
    41 47 6 825 2.15
    63 66 3 730 1.90
    73 77 4 561 1.46
    89 91 2 594 1.54

    Note: U3O8 values are expressed in lbs per metric tonne
    Intervals have not been resolved to true width

    The results to date are very promising as they confirm the existence of significant intersections of high grade Uranium mineralization in all the holes reported, ranging to a depth of almost 90 meters. Nearly all such holes contained multiple intersections as reported. 30 meter spacing between holes was designed to demonstrate continuity of the mineralized zone at old French mine 37. Results are pending from another 5 holes which have been drilled in a southward extension of the above drill holes. Preliminary radiometric data from such holes and surface exploration suggests further expansion of the zone to the South potentially for 500m or more corresponding with the extent of the N-S trending pyroxenite strata which form a sizable lens. Drilling will also be carried out on highly prospective zones to the North and West. Down-dip extent is so far unknown, but the drilling program is directed not only at determining the horizontal extent of the mineralization but also the depth. Preliminary study suggests primary uranium mineralization is likely to be encountered at depths below 80m from the surface.

    Old Mine 37 lies within an area of 3km x 8km, where much of our field work has been focused. This deposit could one day potentially be at the centre of a large scale regional mining operation (with centralized treatment plant) comprising multiple open pits, which is the target of the Company's exploration and drilling activities in the Tranomaro area. Within the permits held by the Company, more than 100 old open pits and radiometric anomalies have been identified, which currently are subject of systematic exploration. Shallow scout drilling at old French Mines 52 and 52N, as well as old Mine 26, have already produced strong targets for our formal core drilling program at such sites.

    The drill program now underway is being carried out by the Company on behalf of its Joint Venture with L'Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques ("OMNIS"), a Malagasy State Agency. A heavy Atlas Copco CS-14 diamond drill rig is being utilized for the drill program. It is being furnished to the JV by OMNIS under a lease agreement develop targets for the current core drilling program. The program is being overseen by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr, a Qualified Person within the meaning of N.I. 43-101. He is assisted by Marcel Rasolofonirina and a highly qualified team of Malagasy geo-techs. Overall program oversight is provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P.Eng., a Director of the Company and also a Qualified Person under N.I. 43-101.

    Samples are analyzed by ALS Laboratory Group at its Vancouver, BC facility utilizing their Uranium Package Code #ME-MS61U, a 48 element near total digestion ICP procedure. Uranium over-limits for the foregoing procedure are re-analyzed using ALS procedure #U-XRF10. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are delighted with early results now received from our Phase 1 drilling program, as they demonstrate multiple intervals of high-grade uranium mineralization in nearly all the holes reported, ranging from $100 - $200 in value per tonne and above. We are now focused on delineating a sizeable, essentially continuous body of uranium ore that will be amenable to commercial exploitation on a regional basis. We look forward to continued progress with the drill program."

    Habe ich eben bei Wallstreet Online gefunden, verfasst vom user RMINCONSULT

    Bericht Rohstoffmesse Frankfurt 03.10.2007

    Hello Productive African Fans (Akronym: PAF)
    Komme gerade von der 5. Rohstoffmesse Frankfurt und möchte Euch über meine Eindrücke informieren.
    Die Messe war eigentlich schwach besucht, zumal wenn man bedenkt, dass heute Feiertag ist.
    Viele Stände standen mit Ihrem Personal eben nur so herum. Zentral war ein Podium aufgebaut, auf dem Heiko Thieme sehr souverän jeweils drei CEO’s befragte und Ihnen Gelegenheit gab Ihr Unternehmen vorzustellen. Irwin Olian stellte Sacre Coeur, die Goldliegenschaft in Guayana vor. Während er selbst Kaufmann ist, waren die anderen beiden CEO’s Geologen für SearchGoldResources und Temex Resources Corp.. Während die Geologen Angestellte mit entsprechenden 6-stelligen Optionsschein-Vergütungen waren, hat Irwin die Liegenschaften in Guayana und das Equipment selbst bezahlt, daraus ergibt sich eine pers. Beteiligung von ca. 10%, während die angestellten Geologen 1% bzw. 0,5% am Unternehmenswert ausgedrückt in vom Hundert der Marktkapitalisierung hielten. Irwin Olian machte hier einen sehr kompetenten, ruhigen und seriösen Eindruck.

    Ich habe ihn auf die Informationspolitik des Hauses angesprochen und dargestellt, dass lange nachrichtenlose Zeiten für Anleger beunruhigend seien und vermehrt zu negativen, wenn auch spekulativen Vermutungen Anlass gäben. Irwin gehört nun eher zu den verschlossenen, zurückhaltenden Menschen und gab zu verstehen, dass er grundsätzlich nicht viel davon hält zu früh über Ergebnisse zu reden, die noch nicht abgesichert sind. Mein Beispiel war, dass es zwar sehr schön zu wissen sei, dass die Bohrungen vorankommen, aber es fehlten dann eben weitere Fakten. Um ihm mit der Standardantwort, dass die Verzögerungen bei der derzeitigen intensiven Explorationstätigkeit vor allem bei den Labors lägen, vorzukommen, habe ich geäußert, dass es doch reichen würde mitzuteilen, dass man 100m unter einem alten frz. Tagebau immer noch in Pyroxenit bohre. Dann könnte ich schon ableiten, dass zumindest das potenziell Uranothorianit führende Wirtsgestein dort noch angetroffen wird. Aber er möchte solche Mitteilungen eben nicht machen, weil es ja durchaus einmal sein könnte, dass keine Uranothorianit Vererzung im Pyroxenit anzutreffen sei und dann müsse er geweckte Hoffnungen durch Negativmeldungen quasi zurücknehmen und so etwas hält er nicht für gut. Diesen Standpunkt kann man teilen. Im Verlauf des Gesprächs(ca. 30’) ließ er allerdings einmal durchblicken, dass es bei einigen Proben zu Verzögerungen gekommen war, weil auffallend hohe Urangehalte gemessen wurden; daraufhin hat das Labor neu kalibriert um sicher zu gehen, dass es sich nicht um Fehlmessungen handelt.
    Auf den geringen Tagesumsatz in Kanada wie auch in Deutschland angesprochen, wies er daraufhin, dass der Kurs in Kanada gestern um 0,55CAD angezogen habe und der Umsatz auch erhöht gewesen sei. Das habe ich kommentarlos zur Kenntnis genommen in der stillen Hoffnung, dass dies so bleibt, denn seien wir ehrlich, einen solchen Tag kann Irwin an der Börse aus der Portokasse generieren! Time will show.

    Auf den Zeithorizont bis zum Produktionsbeginn bei Uran und Gold angesprochen (time schedule for first pour) antwortete er nicht konkret, sondern sagte nur für Dabolava (Gold) habe er jetzt ein weiteres schweres Diamantbohrgerät für Kernbohrungen gekauft. Eine konkrete Antwort habe ich nicht erhalten, habe aber auch nicht insistiert. Wir haben über die Ergebnisse der geophysikalischen IP-Messungen gesprochen, von denen er sehr angetan ist. Ich werde zur Interpretation der Anomalie-Karten(ich meine madadp hatte uns einen link in den thread gestellt) im Geologen thread noch gesondert etwas schreiben. Nur soviel: Irwin deutete an, dass es sich bei hoher Polarisierbarkeit auch um Nickelsulfide handeln könnte. Auf typische Farben von Nickelmineralen in der Oxidationszone angesprochen, musste er passen. Er ist Kaufmann, es sei ihm verziehen.

    Sakoa-Kohlelagerstätte: dort wird jetzt gerade mit den ersten Bohrungen begonnen. Man weiß aber schon, dass Flözmächtigkeiten bis zu 12m zu erwarten sind und überwiegend mit 5 bis 6m gerechnet werden muss. Allerdings handelt es sich um eine sehr große Ausdehnung der Vorkommen.
    Irgendjemand wollte wissen, wieviele Bohrgeräte jetzt überhaupt im Einsatz sind:
    Uran 1 schweres Diamant-Bohrgerät(sBG Atlas Copco) für Kernbohrungen
    2 leichte Bohrgeräte mit Luftspülung (RC-drill)

    Gold 1 sBG; ein weiteres gekauft, noch nicht geliefert

    Kohle 2 sBG’e

    Da andere Gesprächspartner auf dem Stand erschienen, entstand eine gewisse Nervosität und ich habe mich verabschiedet. Mein persönlicher Eindruck: Irwin arbeitet wirklich hart an seinem Erfolg, kein Abenteurertyp, der Mann, weiß was er will.

    Dr. Ramdohr war heute im Vergleich zu Düsseldorf geradezu hektisch, weil er nach Regensburg aufbrechen musste. Dort trifft er Prof. Philipsborn, einen in Fachkreisen nicht nur wegen seines ebenfalls berühmten Vaters renommierten Mineralogen, um diesen für die Regenzeit (Dezember bis Anfang Februar) nach Madagaskar zu verpflichten. Prof. Philipsborn, den ich ebenfalls persönlich kenne, wird die wachsende Mannschaft vor Ort in Mineralogie und Geologie schulen. Immerhin sind allein für das Uranprojekt derzeit 15 Geologen in der Tranomaro-Region tätig. Mich hat diese Investition in die Qualifikation der insbesondere einheimischen Mitarbeiter sehr überzeugt.
    Dr. Ramdohr zeigte mir voll Stolz Bilder des Camps vor Ort (er selbst schläft dort wie alle anderen im Zelt; Bilder von ungebetenen Besuchern, wie Skorpione(5 – 10cm lang) undeine mit der Hand gefangenen Python(2-3m) machten deutlich, dass die Mannschaft dort nicht im Urlaub ist. Das gesamte Camp und insbesondere die Aufbewahrung der gezogenen Bohrkerne macht auf mich einen außerordentlich guten Eindruck, es herrscht Ordnung. Die für Analysen vorgesehenen Bohrkernabschnitte werden mit einer Diamantsäge längs gesplittet, sodass immer eine Hälfte katalogisiert als Beleg zurück bleibt.
    Der längste zusammenhängende Bohrkern von etwa 2,50m Länge wurde auf einem Bild wie der Fang eines Anglers präsentiert. Die maximale Tagesbohrleistung bisher betrug 30m und im Schnitt etwa 10 bis 20m, wobei ihr immer wissen müsst, dass zur Kerngewinnung immer das gesamte Bohrgestänge herausgeholt und wieder neu niedergebracht werden muss.

    Die Mächtigkeit der Pyroxenitlinsen liegt bei 60 bis 70m und – aufgepasst!- konnte schon bis in Tiefen von 350m verfolgt werden!!! Das sind die steilgestellten Platten von kompetenten Gesteinen. Die meisten Bohrungen sind etwa 100m lang und wegen des von 90° abweichenden Bohrwinkels ca.80 bis 90tief. Es wird schräg unter die alten Tagebaue gebohrt, so dass man sicher geht die an der Oberfläche zu sehenden Pyroxenitlagen in der Tiefe zu durchschneiden. Die alten z.T. wassergefüllten Tagebaue aus französischer Zeit sind bis zu 40m tief.

    News sollen für Sakoa in etwa zehn Tagen kommen (Mitteilung des Bohrbeginns) und für Tranomaro in etwa 14 Tagen, hier mit sehr guten Ergebnissen, wie Dr. Ramdohr andeutete.
    Es komme nun ein großer Sprung vorwärts.

    Hi Lucky,

    hier ist die ganze Mail vom Global Profit Scout:

    Ausgabe vom 04.10.2007

    Heiko Thieme und der Clown von Asian Dragon

    In dieser Woche fand eine zweitägige Rohstoffmesse in Frankfurt statt. Mit von der Partie war auch der allseits bekannte Börsenguru Heiko Thieme. Seit 1972 ist der Anlagestratege im Börsengeschäft erfolgreich tätig und lebt seit mehr als 25 Jahren in der Finanzmetropole New York. In seiner unnachahmlichen Art und Weise moderierte er Diskussionsrunden mit jeweils drei bis vier Vorständen.

    Für allgemeine Erheiterung sorgte dabei der Vorstandsvorsitzende und Präsident von Asian Dragon (WKN A0KE7Z): Der amerikanische Sunnyboy John Karlsson, der sich selbst als „Company Builder“ darstellte, fuhr seine Firma mit voller Wucht an die Wand. Seine überhebliche Art und Weise stieß bei Heiko Thieme auf wenig Verständnis. Auch schien er vom Rohstoffgeschäft überhaupt keine Ahnung zu haben.

    Neben reißerischen und vollmundigen Aussagen fiel er durch unmotivierte Zwischenrufe auf. Die Ausführungen des Vorstands von Grenville Gold Corp bedachte er mit: „it’s a buy! It’s a buy“ it’s buy!” Auch gab er deutlich zu verstehen, dass es ihm am Allerwertesten vorbeigehe, ob seine Zuschauer seine Aktie kaufen oder verkaufen; wortwörtlich: I don’t give a shit!“ Aber es kam noch besser mit Johnboy: „...we’ll have the next motherfucking moly mine in China“! Als Zuschauer wusste man nicht, ob man lachen oder weinen sollte.

    Heiko Thieme führte den Vorstand von Asian Dragon nach allen Regeln der Kunst vor und schaffte es sogar dabei die Contenance zu behalten. Dem Publikum erklärte er, dass man an der Art und Weise der Ausführungen auch seine eigenen Rückschlüsse über die Qualität des jeweiligen Unternehmens ziehen könne. Mit diesem Auftritt hat sich der Vorstand von Asian Dragon absolut lächerlich gemacht. Man kann jedem Investor nur raten, die Finger von der Aktie zu lassen. Shortseller sollten sich nach diesen Geschehnissen die Aktie von Asian Dragon einmal näher anschauen...

    Ein absolutes Highlight der Veranstaltung war der Auftritt von Professor Ramdohr, dem Chef-Urangeologen von Pan African Mining, der mit seinem Fachwissen brillieren konnte und die Zuschauer in seinen Bann zog. So sieht seriöse Arbeit aus!

    Die im Global Profit Scout enthaltenen Empfehlungen sind keine Aufforderungen zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren und stellen auch keine Zusicherung hinsichtlich der weiteren Kursentwickling der genannten Wertpapiere dar.
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    Asian Dragon Group, Pan African Mining

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    trends@trades Verlags GmbH
    Bouchéstraße 12
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    Chefredakteur: Karsten Busche

    Vancouver, BC September 10, 2007

    FSC / Press Release


    Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, September 10, 2007 /FSC/ - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX - VX: VAN), ("VAN"). The Boards of joint venture partners New Guinea Gold Corporation ("NGG") and VAN are pleased to announce that their joint venture operating company, Pacific Kanon Gold Corp. ("PKG"), filed a preliminary prospectus on August 31, 2007, in connection with its initial public offering (the "Offering"). NGG and VAN each hold half of a 90% equity interest in PKG. The Offering will be conducted through PKG's agent, Bolder Investment Partners, Ltd. (the "Agent") and will consist of a minimum of 17,500,000 units (the "Units") and up to a maximum of 25,000,000 Units at a price of $0.40 per Unit to purchasers resident in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. Each Unit is comprised of one common share (the "Shares") of PKG and one-half of a transferable share purchase warrant, a whole such warrant (a "Warrant") entitling the holder to purchase one common share (the "Warrant Shares") of PKG at a price of $0.50 per Warrant Share for a period of 12 month following the issue of the Units, subject to acceleration upon the occurrence of certain events. The Offering is subject to certain conditions, including regulatory approvals and the listing of PKG's common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"). Listing will be subject to PKG fulfilling all of the listing requirements of the TSXV. The preliminary prospectus may be viewed at

    PKG will use the proceeds of the Offering, following the payment of all fees and costs associated with the Offering, to fund exploration programs on five gold projects and one copper-gold project in Papua New Guinea. Under the terms of a previous share purchase agreement, PKG purchased all the shares of Kanon Resources Ltd. ("KRL"), a Papua New Guinea company holding interests in the six projects. Several of the projects are considered to be in the advanced stage of exploration, having gold and copper mineralization already defined in drill holes or trenches. The properties are referred to as Mt. Penck, Bismarck, Yup River, Fergusson, Allemata and Mt. Nakru. The Mt. Penck Property (owned 80% KRL and 20% NGG) is the most advanced exploration property and is considered PKG's material property. Upon completion of the Offering, PKG will begin an estimated $1.2 million work program on the Mt. Penck Property.

    Bob McNeil, Chairman and CEO of NGG, and Dal Byrnelsen, President and CEO of VAN, commented: "The Mt Penck property is the key property at present in the KRL portfolio, and an exploration program to define a NI 43-101 resource will re-commence as soon as financing arrangements are completed. We would also like to highlight for shareholders that very high grade gold results were recently announced in a hand dug trench in a previously relatively unexplored part of Mt Penck property. This trench, which is partly along strike of the mineralised zone returned 24m at 34g/t gold including a 3m interval which averaged 180g/t gold. Mt Penck is a very exciting property".

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email

    On Behalf of the Board of

    "Dal Brynelsen"
    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    Hallo Lucky,

    sehe heute erst Dein Posting. Muss z. Zt. ein bisschen kürzer treten, weil ich einen Hörsturz hatte.

    Wie so oft stellst Du Dir die Fragen, die ich mir auch stelle. Deshalb bin ich schon einige Male rein und mit schönen Gewinnen wieder raus. Insgesamt habe ich schon meinen Verdoppeler. Zur Zeit bin ich ´mal wieder investiert. Örtliche Kenntnisse habe ich nicht. Aber ich habe mich sehr intensiv mit Afrika, Madagaskar und Pan African Mining beschäftigt.


    Was ich mich frage: ist Pan African gerade nicht gut genug, dass noch kein Major sie aufgekauft hat? Sollte man sie vielleicht deshalb kaufen, um vielleicht eine Verdoppelung zu erleben? Oder sitzen die auf der Lauer, lassen Kleininvestoren das 'dirty work' der Erstexploration bezahlen und kaufen sie dann fürn Appel und en Ei aus?

    Diese Frage kommt automatisch auf, wenn man sich die Meldung von heute und die Börsenreaktionen darauf ansieht:

    Oct 02, 2007 03:01 ET

    Encouraging Results From Ground Geophysics Survey at Madagascar's Mountain of Gold Confirm Strong Potential for Large Deposits Along Trend
    VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - October 2, 2007) - PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (TSX VENTURE: PAF) (FRANKFURT: P2A) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful outcome of an Induced Polarization survey recently conducted on its Mountain of Gold Project in Madagascar's central-west plateau. The Company's license in this region encompasses approximately 900 sq. km. situated 125 air miles west-southwest of the capital city of Antananarivo, in the provinces of Toliary and Antananarivo. The survey produced encouraging results outlining many large anomalies along trend bearing signatures similar to that found in the Dabolava East Zone, where numerous quartz veins bearing high-grade gold ranging from 4 g/t to 55 g/t Au have been encountered in Phase I and 2 core drilling to date.

    The Company's focus during the current Phase 2 exploration and drilling has been to develop a better understanding of the complex structural model controlling location of the high grade gold bearing structures within the region in order to identify additional zones similar to Dabolava East. The Company retained Spectral Geophysics of Botswana to conduct an induced polarization (IP) geophysical survey as part of this program. The survey consisted of inducing an electrical charge into the ground to identify zones of silicification (resistivity) and disseminated sulphides (chargeability) often associated with the gold mineralization.

    The resulting maps contribute greatly to the structural interpretation and understanding of the area. Anomalies generally indicate disseminated sulphides associated either with the gold mineralization itself or with the alteration halo accompanying the gold-bearing structures. They may also potentially reflect nickel, copper or other metals. In this regard, the Company has already found copper near-surface at the Western end of the Mountain of Gold trend.

    So far, 94 line-km of survey have been completed, 28 line-km in the Dabolava-East area and 66 line-km in the Mountain of Gold/Andimaka area. The survey has been successful in outlining numerous coincident chargeability and resistivity anomalies (indicated in red and pink shades on the geophysics maps posted on our website at the following link):

    A number of these anomalies are highly pronounced and extend for hundreds of metres of strike-length. The grid areas are also being covered by a soil survey to discriminate the gold-bearing anomalies. Soil results are pending.

    At Dabolava-East, the survey indicates that the known Dabolava-East mineralization revealed through drilling to date may only represent a small portion of the total mineralization present in the zone. Numerous larger geophysical targets of similar signature exist in the immediate surrounding area, potentially reflecting hidden deposits below surface. Initial drilling has been confined to targets with outcroppings or other surface manifestations.

    Prospecting of the Mountain of Gold and Andimaka Zones has lead to the discovery and cataloguing of at least 58 lode (in place) artisanal mines. The workings are located along several subparallel structural trends extending for a strike-length of 3.75km so far. Of the panel samples taken from these various sites, nine returned assays between 1 and 5 g/t Au, and five between 5 and 8 g/t Au. The IP survey has yielded large anomalies in these Zones for follow-up drilling.

    Given the encouraging results of the IP survey, it is the Company's intention to pursue the survey over several grass-root prospects previously identified through the regional stream sediment survey and followed-up by prospecting.

    The Company is planning an aggressive diamond drilling campaign to test these newly identified targets as well as to continue the delineation of the Dabolava-East Zone using its own Atlas Copco Christensen CS14 skid mounted wireline drill.

    The Mountain of Gold Project is being managed by Canadian Marthe Archambault, P.Geo., with total program oversight provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., a Director of the Company. Both are Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are delighted with the exceptional results from our recently concluded induced polarization study in the Dabolava region. They suggest strong potential for larger hidden deposits along trend throughout the region. We are presently developing drill targets on six new zones where large anomalies were outlined in the survey. It will be very exciting to commence drilling these new targets as well as to expand drilling at Dabolava East and the Mountain of Gold itself."

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    "Irwin Olian"
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    Grüße GW

    Hallo nygold,

    was ist Dein Problem?

    Hast Du zu teuer gekauft? Bist Du von dem Kursrückgang betroffen? Das wird schon! Natürlich nicht gleich aber in 2 bis 5 Jahren.


    erinnern mich an die Projekte vom Amir und seiner Promoterbude UEC

    Was willst Du mit dieser Aussage ´rüber bringen´?


    sein Bruder Arash soll mal mit BlenderMedia das machen, wofür er auch bezahlt wird

    Was willst Du hiermit aussagen? Ich kenne mich damit nicht aus. Aber über Pan African Mining weiß ich einiges! Frage zu Pan African Mining und ich werde versuchen, Dir zu helfen!

    Grüße GW


    September 4, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that core drilling on its Tranomaro Uranium property in the South of Madagascar has been proceeding on schedule. 9 holes have now been completed to a depth of approximately 70-130 m at old French Mine Number 37, the Company’s initial target. Core samples have been forwarded to ALS Chemex in Vancouver for assay and results from the first few holes are anticipated shortly. The drill program commenced in mid-July and has benefited from the good weather conditions of the dry season and efficient mobilization of personnel and equipment.

    The Tranomaro Project comprises 206 squares, encompassing approximately 1287 The drill program now underway is being carried out by the Company on behalf of its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy State Agency. A heavy Atlas Copco CS-14 diamond drill rig is being utilized for the drill program. It is being furnished to the JV by OMNIS under a lease agreement. The Company has previously identified in excess of 100 open pits in the region which had been the site of historic mining by the French C.E.A. A shallow scout drilling program is being utilized together with sampling and radiometric analysis to develop targets for the current core drilling program. The program is being overseen by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr, a Qualified Person within the meaning of N.I. 43-101

    Old French Mine No. 37 is the focus of the initial core drilling program. The prospective mineralized zone bearing pyroxenite strata has now been delineated over an area extending approximately 3 km x 8 km. The 9 drill holes to date have been selected to investigate the mineralization at the flanks of the deposit as well as below the old mine floor.

    Meanwhile, regional exploration activity has expanded and more Uranothorianite prospects N of Tranomaro have been identified through radiometric analysis, mapping and sampling. Additional targets for the core drilling program have now been identified at old French Mines No. 52 and 52N, where shallow scout drilling has been employed, as well as at the nearby old Mines 53, 54 and 55. Targets have also been identified at old Mines 49/50 and 26.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted with progress to date on our drilling program at Tranomaro and look forward to receiving assay results shortly.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    Filing Services Canada |
    FSC / Press Release


    Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, August 09, 2007 /FSC/ - Pan African Mining Corp. (PAF - TSX Venture, P2A - FWB), (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Tom Kinakin has agreed to extend his contract as a Corporate Communications Representative (Canada) for the Company through December 31, 2008. In connection with his contract extension, the Company has granted Mr. Kinakin, subject to any necessary regulatory and shareholder approvals, additional incentive stock options to purchase up to 25,000 shares. The options are exercisable for a term of three years at a price of $2.95 per share.

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    "Irwin Olian"
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO
    Phone: (604) 899-0100
    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications - Vancouver
    Phone: (604) 899-0100
    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications - London
    Phone: +44-7780-602-788

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

    News By Filing Services Canada, Distributed By The Richmond Club
    Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
    Ph: (403) 717-3898 Fx: (403) 717-3896

    Wieder per email erhalten:

    July 30, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia has awarded diamond Exploration Reconnaissance Licence (ERL) 106 in favour of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, PAM Minerals Namibia (Pty) Ltd. The initial licence has a tenure of 6 months, during which time the Company has the opportunity to identify the most prospective ground in the block for conversion to one or more Exploration Prospecting Licences (EPLs), which are typically granted for a period of up to three years.

    ERL 106 covers an area of approximately 10 000 km2, and is contiguous to Prospecting Licences recently awarded to the company to the east in Botswana as first reported in the Company’s Press Release of May 11, 2007. The two areas of ground in Namibia and Botswana have been acquired in order to investigate a group of bulls-eye magnetic and photo features, closely comparable to those typical of kimberlite clusters, that straddle the Namibian-Botswana border. The new Namibian licence thus forms a logical extension of the Botswana project now underway.

    The Company’s Namibian and Botswana licences are proximal to a major unexplained surface concentration of kimberlitic minerals in the vicinity of the village of Tsumkwe in northeast Namibia. These kimberlitic minerals include diamonds and G10 garnets, both indicative of derivation >from a diamond-bearing source. The strategic location of the licences is underlined by an in-house reconstruction of ancient drainage lines. This indicates that the Tsumkwe anomaly lies astride an ancient river system, with headwaters to the east within the company’s Namibian and Botswana licences, and provides encouragement that the primary kimberlite source of these minerals is to be found within these licences.

    Aeromagnetic data acquired >from the Geological Survey of Namibia, together with remote sensing images, will be coupled with exploration data generated in Botswana to delimit areas for future conversion of ERL 106 to longer tenure EPLs. This will permit finalization of targets within the Namibian licence area for follow-up ground sampling, additional geophysics and drilling. The Company’s diamond exploration in Namibia will be overseen by Dr. Andy Moore, V.P Exploration – Diamonds, and Senior Consulting Geologist Pete Siegfried, M. Sc., both of whom are Qualified Persons.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted that our Reconnaissance Exploration Licence is now in place in Namibia, as this is an important adjunct to our diamond exploration program now underway in Botswana. The political stability of Namibia coupled with its long, positive mining culture create a very favourable environment for expansion of our diamond program and we are looking forward to working in Namibia.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO


    Excellent Gold Recovery from Koka Metallurgical Test Work

    Zara Joint Venture, Eritrea (Dragon Mining Limited diluting to 20% interest)

    Koka Gold Deposit

    Dragon Mining Limited, in conjunction with Sub Sahara Resources NL is pleased to announce that is has
    received positive metallurgical test work results for ore sample taken from the Koka gold deposit in Eritrea.
    Further details are outlined in the Sub Sahara announcement which is attached.
    The Zara Joint Venture comprises a single license covering an area of 196km2 situated in northern Eritrea,
    approximately 160km northwest of Asmara city. The project is managed by Sub Sahara Resources NL and
    Dragon is diluting to a 20% interest in the project by Sub Sahara completing a bankable feasibility study or
    spending US$3.3 million.

    For and on behalf of

    Dragon Mining Limited

    Peter G Cordin

    Managing Director


    • Very high gold recovered by gravity concentration
    • Total gold recovery exceeds 96% after 24 hours gravity/cyanidation
    • Low reagent consumption

    Australian resources company Sub-Sahara Resources (ASX: SBS) announces that it has
    received positive metallurgical test work results for ore samples taken from the Koka gold
    deposit (Zara Project) in Eritrea Test work was completed by specialist metallurgical consultants, Ammtec Limited of Perth,
    Australia on three representative composite metallurgical samples selected from 3 diamond drill
    holes (ZARD009, ZARD015 & ZARD035).

    Gravity separation results were excellent as follows:

    ZARD009, 42% ZARD015, 40% ZARD035, 73%
    The resulting metallurgical recoveries (including gravity) for the samples are shown below:-
    Sample % Au Extraction at Hours Consumption (Kg/t)
    8hr 12hr 24hr 48hr Lime NaCN
    ZARD009 215-233 5.23 75um 94.9 97.2 98.5 99.35 0.22 0.33
    ZARD015 88-101 25.7 75um 91.1 93.8 96.3 99.69 0.24 0.36
    ZARD035 94-106 2.93 75um 97.2 97.9 98.4 99.32 0.20 0.39

    Limited Acid Mine Drainage test work indicates that the ore possesses potential for acidg enerating, but at this stage, the findings are not considered to be detrimental to the project.

    Noch ´ne email



    Vancouver 23rd July 2007. New Guinea Gold Corporation (NGG:TSX-V) (“NGG”) and Vangold Resources Ltd. (Van: TSX – V) (“Vangold”) (collectively the “Companies”) have recently filed on SEDAR, technical reports on four properties owned by Kanon Resources Ltd (“KRL”). KRL is currently owned 50% NGG and 50% Vangold.

    The Companies have today filed on SEDAR a final KRL technical report on key gold property, Mt Penck. Up to date technical reports have now been filed on five KRL properties and posted to Company websites ( and

    The companies have recently announced a corporate restructuring whereby, a separate company, Pacific Kanon Gold Corp. (“Kanon”), will acquire all the shares of Kanon Resources Limited (“KRL”), from NGG and Vangold. Further details of the restructuring including details of retained equity in and of the financing for, Kanon, are expected to be announced in the near future. The restructuring is effectively an alternate method of financing five of the properties owned by Kanon (the “Properties”) rather than issuing further shares in the parent companies.

    Bob McNeil, Chairman and CEO of NGG and Dal Byrnelsen, President and CEO of Vangold commented: “The Mt Penck property is the key property at present in the KRL and ultimately the Kanon portfolios and a major exploration program to define a NI 43-101 resource will re-commence as soon as financing arrangements are completed. We would also like to remind shareholders that very high grade gold results were recently announced in a hand dug trench in a previously relatively unexplored part of Mt Penck property. This trench, which is partly along strike of the mineralised zone returned 24m at 34g/t gold including a 3m interval which averaged 180g/t gold. Mt Penck is a very exciting property”.

    The Technical Reports were jointly prepared by Ralph Stagg, BSc. MSc. FAusIMM, MIMMM, CE, and Peter Swiridiuk BSc. (Hons), Dip Ed. MAIG, Independent Qualified Persons for the purposes of NI 43-101. The Independent Qualified Persons recommend exploration programs for the project and express the opinion that the properties are of sufficient merit to justify the proposed investment in exploration.


    Mt Penck Gold Project (KRL 80%, NGG 20%)

    The Mt Penck property is in West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. It is relatively accessible being situated within a few kilometers of the north coast of New Britain. The property is owned 20% by New Guinea Gold and 80% by KRL.

    The project is summarized below:

    · Epithermal gold system within an eroded stratovolcano

    * Drilling with the objective to define a resource will recommence later in 2007.
    * Several zones of mineralisation defined, all open in most directions.
    * Drill intercepts in 2005 of 72m of 1.79g/t gold, 14m of 2.82g/t gold, 2m of 36.7g/t gold, 6m of 3.67g/t gold.
    * Bulldozer trench intercepts in 2004/05 of: 18m of 3.7g/t gold, 8m of 7.72g/t gold, 18m of 1.72g/t gold, 3m of 16.32g/t gold, and 13m of 2.65g/t gold.
    * Large areas of geochemical anomalous gold in soils define additional prospects.
    * Recent hand dug trench of 24m at 34g/t gold.

    The Mt Penck Property is the principle property of KRL and Kanon and after the proposed financing, exploration will be considerably enhanced.

    The Mt Penck hydrothermal system is located within the eroded, dissected edifice of a Plio-Pleistocene strata-volcano (Mt Penck volcano), which is defined by an irregular magnetic high with approximate dimensions of 5.0km by 3.8km, elongated north-west, south-east. The area is transected by west, northwest trending, possibly deep-seated, structures of the Kulu-Fulleborn Trend. Less prominent northwest trending structures are also present. The tenement area is underlain by a volcanic sequence consisting of andesitic to dacitic pyroclastics and lavas and epiclastic sediments. Minor calcareous mudstone is also present. The eroded spines of Mt Penck and Mt Karouk represent high-level hypabyssal intrusives of the central vent association.

    Mineralisation on the Mt Penck Property is associated with the emplacement of a presumed Plio-Pleistocene intrusive(s) into sub-volcanic levels of the Mt Penck volcano. A combination of both structure and contrasting host rock permeability appear to have controlled fluid flow in the carapace of the intrusive. Units of hornblende porphyry lava have, in response to strain, brittle-fractured forming an open stockwork receptive to haematite-quartz-gold mineralisation. By contrast, epiclastic rocks have behaved in a ductile manner, absorbing strain with little or no development of brittle fracturing. Such rocks, with their inherent primary porosity, have absorbed fluids and they commonly host pervasive argillic (illite-smectite-pyrite) alteration. With few loci for mineral deposition, epiclastic rocks are host to only weak, low grade (generally <0.5g/t gold mineralisation.

    Several gold prospects are known within an area of approximately 1.5km x 0.9km, including Kavola East-Uit Creek, Central Zone, Koibua, Peni Creek, Peni Creek South and Kavola South. The prospects are located within or peripheral to a central zone of intense phyllic alteration that is coincident with clearly defined geophysical anomalies comprising a reduced-to-the-pole aeromagnetic low and potassium radiometric high. Argillic alteration outside the main central zone is confined to linear zones that appear to be variously controlled by either north, northeast or northwest structures.

    A special study analyzing soil samples indicated the presence of white mica (mostly illite), halloysite/kaolinite, chlorite, pyrophyllite, nontronite, montmorillonite and goethite. The spectral data clearly show distinct alteration zones and confirmed the field mapped central Kavola phyllic zone. Phyllic zones are characterized by the development of white mica. Goethite also appears to map out the approximate extent of the alteration zoning being strongly developed in association with phyllic alteration, which also occurs in the southeast of the soil grid. The occurrence of pyrophyllite is proximal to the Lumui fault zone, suggesting that the fault may be a pathway for higher temperature acidic fluids.

    Sphalerite, galena and vuggy silica is locally present at Mt Penck and may indicate a porphyry-related epithermal style of mineralisation located in closer proximity to the main heat source. A mesothermal vein system would be consistent with a possible nearly underlying intrusive porphyry.

    28 diamond core holes were completed during 2006 and early 2007, which defined widespread 2g/t to 3g/t gold mineralisation at the Kavola East prospect. All results have been released in Press Releases and some of the better results were: 7m at 2.3g/t gold, 13m at 2.1g/t gold, 2m at 19.1g/t gold, 7m at 2.07g/t gold, 2m at 19.1g/t gold, 7m at 2.07g/t gold, 7m at 2.95g/t gold, 4m at 5.71g/t gold. Hole MPD22, to the west of Kavola East, intersected high grade zinc and lead (2m at 2.1g/t gold, 43g/t silver, 7.4% zinc and 4.3% lead; and 4m at 7.5g/t gold, 41g/t silver; 1.6% zinc and 0.3% lead).

    Two prospects were recently up-graded by hand trenching (see Press Release dated 21 February, 2007).

    At upper Peni Creek separate trench intersections above 0.5g/t cut off were:

    * 24m at 33.7g/t gold including 3m at 180g/t gold
    * 12m at 4.07g/t gold
    * 33m at 1.73g/t gold
    * 18m at 1.82g/t gold

    At Kavola South separate trench intersections above 0.5g/t cutoff were:

    * 30m at 4.42g/t gold
    * 48m at 4.01g/t gold
    * 24m at 2.82g/t gold
    * 12m at 1.49g/t gold

    The nearest drill hole to the Kavola South Zone is MPD038 located 160m to the east.

    With the conclusion of the financing for Kanon, exploration will be enhanced with the continuous operations of two diamond core drill rigs.

    The technical data in this release was prepared by or under the supervision of Robert D. McNeil, CEO of New Guinea Gold Corporation. Mr McNeil has an MSc in Geology, 44 years mining industry experience, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and meets the requirements of NI 43-101 for a qualified person.

    To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email


    “Dal Brynelsen”

    Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from the Company’s expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the actual results achieved by the Company.