Pan African Mining - Diamanten, Gold, Uran - Rohstoffherz, was willst du mehr?

  • April 12, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an Agreement with U.K.-based African Eagle Resources plc (“African Eagle”) (AIM: AFE) for exploration, development and exploitation of five Prospecting Licenses controlled by African Eagle’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Twigg Resources Limited, in the greater Fingoe region situated in Tete Province in the northwest of Mozambique. The licenses comprise approximately 909 sq. km. in aggregate and are located in close proximity to the Company’s other Fingoe area holdings under its joint venture with Manica Minerals, Ltd.

    Under terms of the Agreement, the Company earns the right to acquire African Eagle’s Fingoe licenses by funding and carrying out a regional exploration program on the licenses during the upcoming twelve months. African Eagle shall retain a customary 2% NSR with respect to all mineral production from the license area.

    The Company’s existing Fingoe project is a grass roots exploration project with good potential for the discovery of mesothermal vein gold, distal skarn Au and IOCG deposits. Its licenses cover the Meso-Proterozoic Fingoe Group consisting of a low-grade, meta-volcanosedimentary supracrustal succession of quartzites (BIF types), carbonates, shales, conglomerates, volcanoclastics, amphibolitic basalts and intrusive ultramafics. Fingoe supracrustals have been intruded by I-type granites. Very limited previous exploration has taken place, although there are known gold and Cu-Fe occurrences and reported veining, skarn mineralization and hematitic breccias within the belt. A regional reconnaissance geochemical sampling program has been underway for several months under the direction of Peter Siegfried, P.Geol., a Qualified Person. The African Eagle licenses will now be included in the sampling program in the coming months.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are excited about the opportunity for potentially economic gold and metals discoveries in the highly mineralized Fingoe region of Mozambique. Acquisition of the African Eagle licenses is an important step toward consolidating our land position in the area, which now aggregates approximately 1359 sq. km. We are looking forward to results of our initial exploration program in the region.”

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


  • Pan African Mining Corp.

    Suite 1925, Box 11553

    650 West Georgia Street

    Vancouver, BC

    V6B 4N8


    April 17, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to report that an independent interpretation of geophysics data generated in the Company’s recent high resolution magnetic and radiometric survey in Madagascar has confirmed strong diamond targets previously identified in our geochemical sampling programs. Further follow-up sampling and ground work is now underway on a dozen high priority targets with a view toward generating drill targets for potential kimberlites.

    A high resolution, helicopter-borne, magnetic and radiometric survey covering two key regional heavy mineral anomalies in Madagascar was completed by Fugro Airborne Surveys (Pty) Ltd. in late 2006 under contract from the Company. This survey indicated a number of magnetic bulls-eye targets with signatures typically characteristic of kimberlite pipes. In view of the magnetically active character of the terrain, a Toronto-based geophysical contractor, Scott Hogg & Associates Ltd., was commissioned to filter the geophysics data, provide an independent interpretation and recommend magnetic targets for ground follow-up. This analysis was carried out without reference to the Company’s stream sampling results. Eleven specific follow-up targets were identified by the contractor “that justify investigation on the basis of their magnetic characteristics alone.” A further target with a kimberlite-like magnetic bulls-eye was also identified in a nearby magnetically active area.

    Five of the high-priority follow-up magnetic targets selected by the contractor are located in an area where our geochemical sampling results had indicated the potential presence of kimberlite pipes. Four of these targets are in close proximity to discrete ilmenite anomalies that were outlined by our sampling, while the fifth is in an area where sampling results are still awaited. The ilmenites recovered closely match compositions reported in mantle-derived eclogitic xenoliths from the diamond-bearing Orapa kimberlite in Botswana, and also rare eclogitic ilmenite inclusions in diamonds.

    The geophysical survey also covered an area immediately adjacent to these discrete pathfinder anomalies, where drainage traps are poorly developed, and sampling would be anticipated to be a less reliable prospecting tool. A further five of the targets recommended for follow-up are located in this area. These five isolated magnetic circular features collectively define a lineament that is discordant with the magnetic fabric in the area.

    According to Dr. Andy Moore, a Qualified Person and V.P - Diamond Exploration of the Company, “I am exceptionally excited by our results to date. The close correlation between stream sediment sampling results and independently selected geophysical targets is certainly most encouraging. The area where our sampling and magnetic data both give encouragement for the existence of kimberlite pipes is in the same area where diamonds were reputedly recovered by gold prospectors on two separate occasions during the early 1900’s. Our results give strong credibility to these reported diamond finds and therefore provide strong encouragement for the existence of one or more diamond-bearing kimberlites within the Company’s licence area in Madagascar.”

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO


    Phone: (604) 899-0100

    Fax: (604) 899-0200
    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver


    Phone: (604) 676-8671

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications – London


    Phone: +44-7780-602-788

  • Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW ) gehörte in unserem kürzlich erschienenen "Spezialreport URANBOOM" zu unseren Top-Empfehlungen. Zwar ist PAM kein reiner Uranplay, doch genau darin liegt auch der Charme des Wertes! Denn, zum einen ist die Uransparte ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Unternehmens und sorgt somit für das nötige Wachstumspotential für die Aktie, zum anderen bringt gerade die Diversifikation aus bekannten Gründen eine deutlich höhere Sicherheit für den Anleger. Doch alles der Reihe nach!

    Pan African Mining Corp. ist ein Explorationsunternehmen mit einem Besitz von 15.500 km² mineralhaltiger Liegenschaften auf Madagaskar. Madagaskar ist die viertgrößte Insel der Welt und gilt als überaus rohstoffreich. Das Unternehmen sucht auf Madagaskar nach abbaubaren Gold-, Uran-, Edelstein-, Nickel- und Kohlevorkommen. Die Insel ist aus geologischer Sicht ein sehr vielversprechendes Gebiet für potentielle Erzlagerstätten. Während der Kolonialzeit explorierten die Franzosen bereits auf Madagaskar und wurden auch fündig. Pan African ist also keineswegs im "terra incognita" unterwegs. Weitere regionale Schwerpunkte setzt das Unternehmen in Mosambik, Namibia und Südafrika.

    Pan African verfügt über ausgezeichnete Rahmenbedingungen. Explorer haben im Allgemeinen mit allerhand Unwägbarkeiten zu kämpfen. Klamme Kassen sind wohl das zentrale Problem von Explorern. Das politische Risiko ist ein weiteres Problem. Oftmals sind Explorer in politisch instabilen Gegenden aktiv. Zeitaufwendige und kostenintensive geologische Voruntersuchungen machen es jungen Explorationsunternehmen auch nicht einfacher. Liegen dann erste vielversprechende Ergebnisse vor, wird diesen handfest nachgegangen. Hier kommt dann teures Bohrequipment zum Einsatz! Auf all diese Probleme hat Pan African Lösungen gefunden. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine solide finanzielle Basis. Aktuell befinden sich fast 9 Mio. CAD in der Kasse; ein ordentliches Cashpolster, das es Pan African erlauben dürfte, die aussichtsreichen Projekte konsequent voranzutreiben. Die zeitaufwendigen und kostenintensiven geologischen Voruntersuchungen entfallen in erheblichem Maße. Hier kann sich Pan African ja auf die Vorarbeit der Franzosen stützen. Zudem verfügt Pan African über eigenes Bohrequipment. Auch dieser Umstand schont die Kassen erheblich. Zum politischen Risiko: Nun gilt Kontinentalafrika nicht gerade als Hort der Demokratie und ist auch nicht unbedingt als sicherster Kontinent bekannt, doch das politische Risiko ist insgesamt recht übersichtlich. Zum einen liegen die vielversprechendsten Projekte auf dem recht stabilen Madagaskar, zum anderen gelingt es Pan African immer wieder die zuständigen Behörden (Regierungen) über Beteiligungen mit ins Boot zu holen; eine gute Versicherung. Das Management von Pan African Mining hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, der weltweit achtgrößte Uranproduzent zu werden! Pan African Mining besitzt genau die Gebiete, wo die Franzosen bereits früher Uran gefördert haben! Das Unternehmen kontrolliert die vier Uranzonen Tranomaro, Folakara, Antsirabe und Makay mit einer Gesamtfläche von 5.500 km². Zwischen 1930-1960 wurde in den Regionen Folakara und Tranomaro bereits Uran mit einfachen Mitteln von den Franzosen gefördert. Der Urangehalt lag bei beachtlichen 0,7-0,8 Prozent. In der Spitze wurde sogar Proben mit 25 Prozent Urangehalt gefunden! Diese Werte sind um einiges höher als jene des Börsenhighflyers Paladin Resources. Und bedenken Sie: bisher wurde hier kaum mit moderner Bergbautechnik exploriert!

    Kürzlich präsentierte Pan African Mining erste Ergebnisse von Bodenproben aus der Nähe einer ehemaligen französischen Uranmine, die sich in der Tranomaro-Zone im Süden Madagaskars befindet. Die Resultate bestätigen das Vorhandensein von sechs hochgradigen Urananomalien. Die Ergebnisse lagen deutlich über den Erwartungen. Von 40 Proben enthielten 16 einen Urananteil von mehr als 0,4 Prozent. In einigen Proben konnte sogar eine Konzentration von deutlich mehr als 1,0 Prozent nachgewiesen werden. Der Großteil der Proben bewegte sich in einem Bereich von mehr als 0,25 Prozent Uranoxidgehalt, wobei ein Anteil in Höhe von 0,2 Prozent wird bereits als hochgradig angesehen. Innerhalb dieses Jahres soll ein umfangreiches Bohrprogramm bis in eine Tiefe von 200 Meter durchgeführt werden.

    Die Unternehmensführung um CEO Irwin Olian baut die Basis konsequent aus und geht hierbei zum Teil recht ungewöhnliche Wege. Jüngster Coup: Vor kurzem sicherte man sich in der Fingoe Region (Mosambik; Gold, Kupfer) Lizenzen für rund 909 Quadratkilometer. Das Gebiet liegt in der Nähe bereits zu Pan African Mining gehörender Flächen. Auf diesen sammelte Pan African vor kurzem Bodenproben, deren Auswertungen laufen. Nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen? Das Schöne: Pan African Mining zahlt nichts. Der Verkäufer erhält nur eine Lizenzgebühr i.H.v. 2 Prozent für mögliche Produktionserlöse.


    Die Aktie ist sowohl für kurzfristig, als auch für langfristig orientierte Investoren interessant. Anleger mit kurzem Anlagehorizont finden eine exzellente Charttechnik (Aktie notiert nahe Allzeithoch) vor. Für langfristig orientierte Anleger ist das immense Potential des Wertes von Interesse, das es unbedingt zu nutzen gilt. Die Marktkapitalisierung von knapp 70 Mio. CAD ist im Vergleich zu anderen Explorern, die im Schnitt eine Marktkapitalisierung von weit über 150 Mio. CAD haben, nahezu "lächerlich" günstig. Wir erwarten vor dem Hintergrund stabiler Rohstoffpreise ein wahres Kursfeuerwerk der Aktie, denn das Unternehmen sollte noch einige positive Überraschungen parat haben!

    Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW)

    Aktueller Kurs: 2,30 Euro Kauflimit: 2,60 Euro Kursziel: 5,00 Euro (12 Monate) Stopp: 1,50 Euro


    © AG


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Das kam heute per Email an mich.

    April 25, 2007 TSX.V: PAF



    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce additional assay results from Phase II core drilling on its Mountain of Gold Project in Madagascar’s central-west plateau. The Company’s license in this region encompasses approximately 900 sq. km. situated 125 air miles west-southwest of the capital city of Antananarivo, in the provinces of Toliary and Antananarivo. The ongoing Phase II core drilling program continues to yield positive results from the Dabolava East Zone. These include an 8.3 meter interval grading 14.72 g/t Au in drill hole DE-D-023 and 0.40 meter grading at 55.10 g/t Au in drill hole DE-D-009. Hole DE-D-023 is located between previously reported holes DE-D-011 (5.5 meters grading 50.81 g/t Au) and DE-D-016 (5.6 meters grading 9.51 g/t Au) at distances >from such holes of 50 meters and 40 meters, respectively. Hole DE-D-009 and DE-D-029 tested the same structure 300 metres further to the northeast. DE-D-009 intersected 55.10 g/t Au over 0.40m.

    The Company is encouraged by its continued intersection of high grade structures in the zone. Its focus with the on-going Phase II drilling program is to develop a better understanding of the complex structural model controlling location of these high grade structures.

    Table of Selected Drilling Results

    Drill Hole
    From (m)

    Interval (m)




    and including


    Note: All assays are reported uncut as the data set remains too small at this time to establish meaningful statistical boundaries for cutting.

    Table of Reported Drill Hole Survey Data

    Drill Hole
    UTM Grid No.



    (true N)
    Collar Elev.











    Drill intercepts reported were not resolved into true widths, but core angles for all reported intercepts are greater than 60 degrees. While the remaining holes did not intersect significant mineralized zones, several structures containing anomalous values were encountered.

    The Company’s working structural model is based on the field work and drilling completed by the Company along with evidence from historic and current artisanal work. A broad Northeast/Southwest shear-zone has East/West dilational features which host the gold mineralization. Drilling so far has been localized principally on the eastern end of one mineralized dilational zone. Subsequent Phase II drilling will continue to test the dilational zone near the shear boundaries, and test the center of the dilational zone where larger tonnage potential exists. The Phase II drilling program will also test other targets along the major NE/SW regional trend, including seven separate anomalies identified in the 2006 regional geochemical studies.

    Drilling is done with the Company’s Atlas Copco Christensen CS14 skid mounted wireline drill. All holes are continuously cored utilizing HQ equipment through the weathered zone (approximately 10-15m), then reducing to NQ below the weathered zone.

    Core is logged and saw-split at the Company's camp located near the project site. Sample intervals range >from 0.40 meters to 1.5 meters. Blanks and duplicates are inserted every 25 samples. The retained core splits are securely stored at the camp, and the other splits are shipped to the Company's sample preparation facility in Antananarivo. Splits of pulverized samples are shipped to ALS Chemex Vancouver, Canada facility, an ISO accredited laboratory. Samples are subjected to fire assay for Au and 34 element ICP analysis. Sample rejects are stored at the Company's project site for future reference, required due diligence and engineering audits. Master pulps are retained at the Company’s laboratory in Antananarivo.

    Field operations, as well as core logging and sampling are performed by a well-qualified team of Malagasy geologists managed by Canadian Marthe Archambault, M.Sc., P.Geo., a Qualified Person who joined the Company’s team in January of this year. Ms. Archambault is fluent in French and English, and has over 25 years of mineral exploration and management experience in Canada and in numerous countries of the African continent, including work on properties such as the Tabakoto Deposit in Mali, the Bibiani Deposit in Ghana and the Twangiza project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, amongst others. Total program oversight is provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., a Director of the Company and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are pleased to see a continuation of high grade intersections as we move throughout the Dabolava East Zone. This will enable us to further refine our geologic model with a view toward delineating a commercial deposit. At the same time, we are aggressively continuing our broad-based regional reconnaissance program which includes both geochemical and geophysics studies. We have now identified seven other zones for potential drilling. As a result of our broad-based regional exploration, we have been able to redefine the areas of greatest opportunity in the Dabolava region and are now focused on approximately 900 sq. km. of highly prospective ground. This represents an approximate 50% reduction from the Company’s initial license in the region, and is consistent with the long-term objectives of the Company.”

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Gregory B. Sparks”

    Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.


  • Soeben per email eingetroffen. Die Tabelle kriege ich nicht hin. X(

    June 6, 2007 TSX.V: PAF FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce results of its first reconnaissance drill hole #TR/M37D/B5-50E, at old French Mine 37 on its Tranomaro Uranium Project, located in Southern Madagascar. The hole intersected 17.2 meters of high-grade U mineralisation grading 4,329 ppm (0.43 of 1%) U (11.25 lbs/metric ton U3O8). The initial drilling tested a North – South striking pyroxenite unit with minor accessory minerals, which prior surface sampling and mapping had suggested was likely to host high-grade uranothorianite mineralization below surface. The interval by interval assay results received from ALS Laboratory Group in Vancouver are presented in the table below.

    The Tranomaro Project is one of four Madagascar Uranium projects acquired by the Company through its 80% owned Malagasy subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl., under its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy State Agency. It comprises 206 carres under tenure totalling approximately 1287.5 in the South of Madagascar. Uranium occurs in the region typically as uranothorianite in bands hosted in pyroxenite.

    This shallow reconnaissance drilling program is a follow-up to the Company’s recent regional exploration program, which identified numerous surface U anomalies. The Company’s initial target is an area of approximately 3km by 8km, which embraces an area historically mined by the French through a series of small pits located on outcrops of the uraniferous strata along the trend. This initial drill hole is located in the Tranomaro area near the Northern end of the trend at old French Mine 37. The reconnaissance drilling program will continue Southward to “spot” test the prospective strata at shallow depths (generally 20 meters or less).

    This initial shallow drilling program will be followed up with a systematic deeper drilling program to test down dip extensions of the zone. An Atlas-Copco CS-14 hydraulic core drill with capacity to drill HQ or NQ core to several hundred meters is currently being transported to site to commence this program shortly.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted to see these exceptional high-grade results from our initial scout drilling at Tranomaro. They certainly tend to validate our geologic model for the region, which suggests rich uranium mineralization persists below surface at a number of sites where surface anomalies were mined by the French historically. We are now accelerating our scout drilling program as well as mobilising a big core rig with a view toward evaluating the tenor and magnitude of the regional deposits.”

    Reconnaissance drilling is done utilizing an in-house drill crew with a small man-portable conventional core drill. Holes are continuously cored utilizing AW equipment. For hole #TR/M37D/B5-50E, the interval from 0.0 m to 0.3m, cuttings only were recovered for analysis. From 0.3m to total depth of 27.0m, core recovery was 95%.

    After logging, the core is crushed to -2mm. The -2mm sample is then split with one split retained in archive. The remainder is pulverized to -75microns. A split of the pulp is then forwarded for assay to the ALS Laboratory Group – Vancouver, BC facility for analysis, with the remainder of the pulp also retained in archive. All sample prep is performed in the Company’s prep facility in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Industry standard QA/QC and security procedures are strictly adhered to with respect to sample handling and preparation.

    Samples are analyzed by ALS Laboratory Group at its Vancouver, BC facility utilizing their Uranium Package Code #ME-MS61U, a 48 element near total digestion ICP procedure. Uranium over-limits for the foregoing procedure are re-analyzed using ALS procedure #U-XRF10.

    The Uranium field exploration program is managed by highly-experienced German geologist Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr, assisted by Marcel Rasolofonirina and a highly qualified team of Malagasy geo-techs. Overall program oversight is provided by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., a Director of the Company and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Sample preparation and assistance in establishing laboratory protocols and sample handling and assaying quality control are supervised by Ardito Martohardjono, Vice-President of Laboratory Services and a Director of the Company.

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Gregory B. Sparks”

    Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.


  • Einschätzung vom 07.06.07 10:45 pennystock-report

    Spektakuläre Uran-Bohrergebnisse

    Bereits Ende März haben die Analysten vom Pennystock-Report die PAN AFRICAN MINING (WKN: A0D8VW / ISIN: CA6977431023) zu Kursen von 1,97 EUR vorgestellt. Der Kurs konnte sich seit dem sehr gut entwickeln und steht jetzt bei ca. 2,40 EUR. Heute nun veröffentlichte der Pennystock-Report ein Update mit extrem positiven News zum Unternehmen.

    Pan African Mining hat die ersten Bohrergebnisse aus der Umgebung der alten französischen Mine Nr. 37 vermeldet: 0,4329(!) Prozent Uranoxid über einen Intervall von 17,2 Meter oder besser gesagt satte 11,25(!) Pfund Uranoxid pro Tonne! Einfach sensationell! Andere Unternehmen dürften bei diesen Resultaten vor Neid erblassen.

    Die hochgradige Uranmineralisierung befand sich in einer Tiefe von 0,3 Metern bis 17,5 Metern - also direkt unter der Oberfläche. Mit dem vorhandenen Bohrequipment konnte man nicht tiefer bohren. Das wird sich zeitnah ändern! In den nächsten 2-3 Wochen soll das große Bohrgerät ankommen.

    Die Experten unter der Leitung von Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr gehen davon aus, dass sich die Uranmineralisierung in Bänden bzw. großen Adern über das komplette Gebiet und teilweise bis in eine Tiefe von 200 Metern erstreckt! Allein die Uranprojekte bieten Pan African Mining und seinen Aktionären offensichtlich ein spektakuläres Potenzial.


    Die Analysten vom Pennystock-Report rechnen bereits für das nächste Jahr mit der Aufnahme einer Uran-Testproduktion.

    Aktuell liegt der Börsenwert von PAN AFRICAN MINING (WKN: A0D8VW / ISIN: CA6977431023) etwas über 60 Mio. Euro. Die Kasse ist prall gefüllt. Der Streubesitz ist gering. Allein dieses eine Uranprojekt, von dem die vermeldeten Resultate stammen, könnte bei rund 25 Mio. ausstehenden Anteilsscheinen einen Aktienkurs von 10,00 Euro rechtfertigen.
    Lassen Sie Ihre Gewinne laufen oder springen Sie noch auf den Zug auf. Die Analysten vom Pennystock-Report bestätigen ihr konservatives Kursziel von 10,00 Euro.

    Das ausführliche Update zur PAN AFRICAN MINING können Sie nur auf lesen.
    Autor: PennyStock

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Es wird wohl irgend eine pennystock-Raketen-Düsentriebsfirma Kasse machen, nachdem die 'schönen' Uran-Resultate raus sind und ihre Wirkung getan haben. Es ist immer wieder dasselbe; Explorer machen wilde Bockssprünge, denn bis das erste Pfund Uranoxid verkauft ist, geht es noch eine Weile und bis die Sache profitabel ist noch länger... Nicht von ungefähr mag Lupo solche nicht, da macht er lieber selber Bockssprünge :D


    Wenn ich das mit meinem Explorer mchen würde, was Goldwasser mit PAF, das würde lustig. G. braucht vielleicht mal eine Kopfwäsche.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Auszug aus Pennystock-Impressum:

    "Für die Richtigkeit des Inhalts kann trotzdem keine Haftung übernommen werden. Deshalb ist auch die Haftung für Vermögensschäden, die aus der Heranziehung der Ausführungen für die eigene Anlageentscheidung möglicherweise resultieren können, kategorisch ausgeschlossen."


  • Hi Genesis,

    hier ist ein Erklärungsversuch, der etwas von dem von Lucky abweicht. Aber auch ich habe zum wiederholten Mal Kasse gemacht und stehe z.Zt. etwas abseits.

    Grüße GW

    July 4, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) announces that it has no interest whatsoever in the Ayrshire gold mine in Zimbabwe, nor any other operations in Zimbabwe. News stories circulating in recent days in the international press reported on the potential shut down of the Zimbabwe gold mine and layoff of hundreds of workers, attributing ownership of the mine to "Pan African Mining (PAM)." This reference was to South African-based Pan African Mining, not to the Company. These negative reports, such as that appearing in "Mineweb," "" and elsewhere, may have had a negative impact on trading in the Company's Shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange, contributing to volatility in the past few sessions.

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO


    Phone: (604) 899-0100

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver


    Phone: (604) 676-8671

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications – London


    Phone: +44-7780-602-788

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company’s expectations.

  • Hier ein Auszug aus dem Kommentar von Global Profit Scout (Pusherblättle?!) zum jüngsten Nachlassen des Kurses von PAF:

    Nachdem die Aktie von Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW) in der Spitze fast auf 2,70 Euro gelaufen ist, rutschte der Kurs gestern unter die 2,00 Euro Marke. Ein falscher Pressebericht scheint für Verwirrung unter den Anlegern gesorgt zu haben, anders ist der Kursrückgang kaum zu erklären.

    Einige Investoren blicken auch auf die 750.000 Optionsscheine, die am 18. Juli auslaufen. Diese werden von zwei großen Rohstofffonds gehalten. Wer den Börsenhandel in den letzten Wochen verfolgte, weiß, dass die Stücke schon zwischen 3,00 CAD und 3,59 CAD in den Markt eingeflossen sind. Von dieser Seite ist also kein Druck zu erwarten.

    Die Ergebnisse beim Uranprojekt waren spitze. Das Goldprojekt in Mosambik schreitet überraschend schnell voran. Andere Explorationsfirmen würden allein mit dem Projekt in Mosambik an die Börse gehen! Bei Pan African Mining ist das nur noch die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte.

    In einer Gegendarstellung bestätigte Pan African Mining, dass man keinerlei Interesse an der Ayrshire Goldmine in Simbabwe hat. Seit Montag kursierte ein Artikel, in dem von der Schließung der Mine und der Entlassung von Hunderten von Arbeitern die Rede war. Als Eigentümer des Projekts wurde Pan African Mining (PAM) angegeben, aber damit ist eine südafrikanische Firma und nicht unsere Top-Empfehlung gemeint!

    Wir bestätigen unsere Kaufempfehlung für Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW). Unter 2,30 Euro aggressiv kaufen! Wir rechnen in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten mit einem sehr starken Newsflow! Die phänomenale Story des Unternehmens steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Anleger könnten hier ein gigantisches Kurspotenzial abrufen, wenn die Projekte erwartungsgemäß verlaufen.

    llein die Uranprojekte dürften als Treibsatz für die Kursrakete fungieren! Und vergessen Sie nicht das Thema Öl und die Tochtergesellschaft von Pan African, EnerMad! Wie aus Bankenkreisen zu erfahren ist, sind die Vorbereitungen für den Börsengang dieses Unternehmens angelaufen. Warum wohl? Weil die Verhandlungen auf Madagaskar erfolgreich verlaufen sind?

    Mittelfristig sehen wir bei Pan African Mining zweistellige Kursziele vor dem Komma. Auf kurze Sicht sehen wir exzellente Reboundchancen mit einem Tradingziel von 2,50 Euro.

    Hm, zweistelliger Kurs? Vielleicht ein wenig zu hoch gegriffen.
    Aber dass sich PAF wieder erholen wird, denke ich auch.


    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

  • Heute per email gekommen

    July 19, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that core drilling to depth on its Tranomaro Uranium property in the South of Madagascar has now commenced. A heavy Atlas-Copco CS-14 diamond drill rig is now fully operational on site and drilling of the first hole is underway. The Tranomaro Project comprises 206 squares, encompassing approximately 1287 The Company has previously identified in excess of 100 open pits in the region which had been the site of historic mining by the French C.E.A. A shallow scout drilling program is being utilized together with sampling and radiometric analysis to develop targets for the current core drilling program. Renewed geological evaluation by the Company’s uranium team headed by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr is continuing throughout the region.

    The initial target for the core drilling program is old French Mine Number 37, which through the early 1960’s was reported to have yielded substantial Uranium metal. Uranothorianite from the mine was washed and concentrated on site for shipment to France. A number of drill sites in and around Mine 37 have been selected in order to investigate down-dip extensions of the outcropping ore. In a prior Press Release dated June 6, 2007, the Company reported excellent results of drill hole TR/M37D/B5-50E on the NW flanks of the mine, achieved through shallow drilling utilizing one of the Company’s lightweight scout core drills. Those results, with an average of 4,329 gr U/t obtained from 0.3 m to 17.5 m depth, are now being followed up by deep drilling utilizing the heavy rig. Numerous surface samples in addition to radiometric values indicate substantial amounts of mineralized pyroxenite formation potentially bearing uranothorianite deposits. To date, the instant strata have been traced over more than 280 m NS. Drilling is designed to confirm our assumption of a substantial down-dip extension of the U-bearing mineralization with potential to host an economic deposit amenable to open pit operation. Initial targets are approximately 20 m below the old mine floor from French operations.

    This drilling operation follows our geological field work in a highly promising area of 3 km x 8 km near Tranomaro. Meanwhile, regional exploration activity has expanded and more Uranothorianite prospects N of Tranomaro are under scrutiny. At old French Mine Number 52 to the North, the Company presently has two shallow scout core drills in use developing deep drill targets.

    The drilling program now underway at Tranomaro is being carried out by the Company on behalf of its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy State Agency. The Atlas Copco CS-14 being utilized in the current drill program is being furnished to the JV by OMNIS under a lease agreement. It is similar to the Company’s own Atlas Copco CS-14 which has been operating at the Mountain of Gold Project in Madagascar’s Dabolava region.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are very excited to be moving forward with our core drilling to depth at Tranomaro at this time. The presence of Uranium mineralization is well established in the region and we are anxious to evaluate the potential of the many deposits identified by our team.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

  • Hier eine geologische Abhandlung von RMINCONSULT, die ich bei Wallstreet: online gefunden habe und die sehr vielversprechend klingt:

    Nachdem ich gestern Nachmittag meinen angekündigten Besuch bei der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe absolviert habe, möchte ich hier die gewonnenen Einsichten weitergeben.

    Mein Gesprächspartner war eben jener Geologe, der im Auftrage der Weltbank die neuen geologischen Karten für ganz Südmadagaskar durch Geländeaufnahme bearbeitet. Gestern habe ich eine sehr detaillierte Karte des westlichen Teils des metamorphen Grundgebirges,die bereits gedruckt war(noch nicht im Handel), betrachten und diskutieren können. Der östliche Teil mit der Tranomaro-Region lag nicht vor, was aber dem Verständnis keinen Abbruch tat.

    In guter Übereinstimmung mit meinen früheren Annahmen, wird die Arbeitshypothese vertreten, dass es sich ursprünglich (Anm.: möglicherweise vor Milliarden Jahren)um einen bimodalen, möglicherweise submarinen Inselbogenvulkanismus (wie er heute den pazifischen Raum umgibt) handelte. Dies kann bedeuten, dass in die Sedimentmassen des Meeresbodens periodisch abwechselnd basische und saure Aschen untermeerisch gefördert wurden. In den sauren, kieselsäurereicheren Ausbruchsphasen wurde auch Uran und Thorium gefördert (reichert sich dort durch kristallchemisch bedingte Differentiation an; das Vorkommen in und um Granitintrusionen herum entspricht ebenfalls diesem Mechanismus mit dem Unterschied, dass der Granit als \"Tiefengestein\" eben tiefer stecken geblieben ist und nicht durch einen vulkanischen Ausbruch gefördert wurde).

    Die tonig, sandige Sedimentabfolge mit den eingelagerten vulkanischen Aschen wurde in einer ersten Versenkungsphase durch Druck- und Temperatur in Metamorphite umgewandelt; z.B. dunkle Amphibolite und hellere Quarz-Feldspatgesteine und vor allem Glimmerschiefer. Bei tektonischen Bewegungen in einer späteren Gebirgsbildungsphase wurden die abgelagerten und in der Tiefe umgewandelten Schichten steil gestellt und erneut unter hohen Drucken(6-7kbar) und Temperaturen(750 bis 900°) weiter zusammengepresst.

    Später wurde die ganze Masse nach oben gehoben - über Meeresspiegelniveau und die Abtragung begann und dauert an.

    Wir sehen heute an der Oberfläche das \"Streifenmuster\" der dunkleren Gesteine(Pyroxenite) und der helleren Hornfelse und Glimmerschiefer. Gleichzeitig sind lokal aus noch größerer Tiefe geschmolzene Anteile als Magmatite(Granite, Anorthosite) intrudiert. In dem Stadium höchster Beanspruchung hat eine Wanderung von Uran/Thorium auf relativ kurzen Wegstrecken (dm-Bereich) in die benachbarten dunkleren Schichten, die zu der Zeit noch als Amphibole (Gesten Amphibolite) vorlagen stattgefunden. Dazu muss man wissen, dass Amphibole sogenannte Lumpensammler-Minerale sind d.h. sie können auch \"artfremde\" Elemene in ihr Gitter einbauen. Bei der steigenden Metamorphose erfolgte eine Umwandlung in Pyroxenit und die Uranothorianit-Vererzung wurde zwischen den neu entstandenen Pyroxeniten ausgeschieden: also Amphibol reagiert zu Pyroxen+Uranothorianit in inniger Vermengung.

    Für die Exploration ist nun ganz entscheidend das folgende Bild:

    Schon aus der geologisch-kartographischen Aufnahme ist zu erkennen, dass es in dem hochmetamorphen Teil Südmadagaskars in großem Umfang zu einer \"Boudinage\" gekommen ist. Was ist denn das nun schon wieder: unsere ursprünglich im meerabgelagerte Schichtenfolge besteht spätestens nach der ersten Umwandlung aus einer Abfolge von harten, kompetenten Schichten(Amphibolite und Qqarzfeldspatgesteine), die in plastisch verformbare, inkompetente Schichten eingelagert sind. Werden solche Pakete hohen gerichteten Drucken senkrecht zur Lagerungsebene ausgesetzt, zerbrechen die starren Schichten und werden in den plastisch verformbaren in zwei Richtungen vereinzelt (tektonische Differenzierung). Wir können uns eine solches Paket nach diese Boudinage wie ein senkrecht im Wasser hängendes riesiges Fischernetz mit dicken linsenartigen Knoten vorstellen. Die Knoten sind die zerbrochenen und ausgelängten Bruchstücke der harten, kompetenten Gesteine(hier unser Pyroxenit), das Wasser sind die weicheren, inkompetenten Glimmerschiefer. Nun stellen wir uns noch das Wasser als gefrorenen Eisblock vor und schneiden den Block senkrecht zu unserem Fischernetz, dann soll die Schnittfläche die heutige Landoberfläche sein. Wir sehen dann eine kettenartige in eine vorgegebene Richtung verlaufende Folge von Knoten oder eben Uranothorianit führende harte Pyroxenite, wobei jeder Knoten etwa 50m breit und 100 bis 200m lang ist. Diese Abfolge setzt sich aber auch in die Tiefe fort, so dass es die Aufgabe ist, durch Bohrung, ergänzt vielleicht durch weitere geophysikalische Methoden (Seismik) solche Lager von 50x150x150m aufzuspüren. Jede dieser linsenartigen Körper(unsere Knoten im Fischenetz) ist eine isolierte Lagerstätte.
    Das Auftreten solcher Körper über eine Längserstreckung von 60km und eine Breite von ca. 20km, wie durch die gelben Nadeln in den googleearth Karten von mir deutlich gemacht wurde von dem Geologen der BGR bestätigt. Im Prinzip könnte man nun über Jahrhunderte eine Linse nach der anderen abbauen aber man hat die Qual der Wahl, welche man sich zuerst vornimmt.

    Es ist nicht klar, ob der Explorer schon von diesem Modell ausgeht -er wäre aber gut beraten und ich werde nicht zögern Irwin Olian einen entsprechenden Hinweis zu geben.

    Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden nach Hause gefahren und bin froh mein Investment zwischenzeitlich sukzessive um 200% erhöht zu haben. Dennoch ist nicht zu verschweigen, dass das Auffinden derjenigen Linsen, die nicht unmittelbar an der Oberfläche liegen keine einfache Aufgabe ist. Es lohnt sich in jedem Fall auch zwischen den bisher bekannten Tagebauen tiefer zu bohren. ebenso könnte man mit mathematischen Methoden die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Lage benachbarter Linsen(Knoten) berechnen.

    Es ist noch viel zu tun, aber es ist auch viel da!

  • Soeben per email ins Haus geflattert:

    July 23, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) announces the receipt of CAD $1,426,790 in aggregate proceeds from the exercise of 889,500 Share Purchase Warrants and 175,550 Share Purchase Options during the period from March 9, 2007 to date. Included were One-Half Share Purchase Warrants exercisable at CAD $1.20 which comprised part of the Units which were issued in connection with the Company’s Private Placement that closed on July 18, 2005.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “It is gratifying to see the continued support of our investor base reflected in the recent Warrant exercises. These exercises have the effect of removing a short-term overhang from our share market, as well as permitting the Company to maintain a strong cash position of $7.0 million. These additional funds will allow us to accelerate our exploration programs in Madagascar, Mozambique, Botswana and other parts of Southern Africa. We are also happy to see our highly skilled team of geological professionals receive additional compensation through participation in our Stock Option Plan.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

  • Wieder per email erhalten:

    July 30, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia has awarded diamond Exploration Reconnaissance Licence (ERL) 106 in favour of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, PAM Minerals Namibia (Pty) Ltd. The initial licence has a tenure of 6 months, during which time the Company has the opportunity to identify the most prospective ground in the block for conversion to one or more Exploration Prospecting Licences (EPLs), which are typically granted for a period of up to three years.

    ERL 106 covers an area of approximately 10 000 km2, and is contiguous to Prospecting Licences recently awarded to the company to the east in Botswana as first reported in the Company’s Press Release of May 11, 2007. The two areas of ground in Namibia and Botswana have been acquired in order to investigate a group of bulls-eye magnetic and photo features, closely comparable to those typical of kimberlite clusters, that straddle the Namibian-Botswana border. The new Namibian licence thus forms a logical extension of the Botswana project now underway.

    The Company’s Namibian and Botswana licences are proximal to a major unexplained surface concentration of kimberlitic minerals in the vicinity of the village of Tsumkwe in northeast Namibia. These kimberlitic minerals include diamonds and G10 garnets, both indicative of derivation >from a diamond-bearing source. The strategic location of the licences is underlined by an in-house reconstruction of ancient drainage lines. This indicates that the Tsumkwe anomaly lies astride an ancient river system, with headwaters to the east within the company’s Namibian and Botswana licences, and provides encouragement that the primary kimberlite source of these minerals is to be found within these licences.

    Aeromagnetic data acquired >from the Geological Survey of Namibia, together with remote sensing images, will be coupled with exploration data generated in Botswana to delimit areas for future conversion of ERL 106 to longer tenure EPLs. This will permit finalization of targets within the Namibian licence area for follow-up ground sampling, additional geophysics and drilling. The Company’s diamond exploration in Namibia will be overseen by Dr. Andy Moore, V.P Exploration – Diamonds, and Senior Consulting Geologist Pete Siegfried, M. Sc., both of whom are Qualified Persons.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted that our Reconnaissance Exploration Licence is now in place in Namibia, as this is an important adjunct to our diamond exploration program now underway in Botswana. The political stability of Namibia coupled with its long, positive mining culture create a very favourable environment for expansion of our diamond program and we are looking forward to working in Namibia.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO


    Filing Services Canada |
    FSC / Press Release


    Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, August 09, 2007 /FSC/ - Pan African Mining Corp. (PAF - TSX Venture, P2A - FWB), (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Tom Kinakin has agreed to extend his contract as a Corporate Communications Representative (Canada) for the Company through December 31, 2008. In connection with his contract extension, the Company has granted Mr. Kinakin, subject to any necessary regulatory and shareholder approvals, additional incentive stock options to purchase up to 25,000 shares. The options are exercisable for a term of three years at a price of $2.95 per share.

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    "Irwin Olian"
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO
    Phone: (604) 899-0100
    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications - Vancouver
    Phone: (604) 899-0100
    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications - London
    Phone: +44-7780-602-788

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

    News By Filing Services Canada, Distributed By The Richmond Club
    Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
    Ph: (403) 717-3898 Fx: (403) 717-3896


    September 4, 2007 TSX.V: PAF, FRANKFURT: P2A


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that core drilling on its Tranomaro Uranium property in the South of Madagascar has been proceeding on schedule. 9 holes have now been completed to a depth of approximately 70-130 m at old French Mine Number 37, the Company’s initial target. Core samples have been forwarded to ALS Chemex in Vancouver for assay and results from the first few holes are anticipated shortly. The drill program commenced in mid-July and has benefited from the good weather conditions of the dry season and efficient mobilization of personnel and equipment.

    The Tranomaro Project comprises 206 squares, encompassing approximately 1287 The drill program now underway is being carried out by the Company on behalf of its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy State Agency. A heavy Atlas Copco CS-14 diamond drill rig is being utilized for the drill program. It is being furnished to the JV by OMNIS under a lease agreement. The Company has previously identified in excess of 100 open pits in the region which had been the site of historic mining by the French C.E.A. A shallow scout drilling program is being utilized together with sampling and radiometric analysis to develop targets for the current core drilling program. The program is being overseen by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr, a Qualified Person within the meaning of N.I. 43-101

    Old French Mine No. 37 is the focus of the initial core drilling program. The prospective mineralized zone bearing pyroxenite strata has now been delineated over an area extending approximately 3 km x 8 km. The 9 drill holes to date have been selected to investigate the mineralization at the flanks of the deposit as well as below the old mine floor.

    Meanwhile, regional exploration activity has expanded and more Uranothorianite prospects N of Tranomaro have been identified through radiometric analysis, mapping and sampling. Additional targets for the core drilling program have now been identified at old French Mines No. 52 and 52N, where shallow scout drilling has been employed, as well as at the nearby old Mines 53, 54 and 55. Targets have also been identified at old Mines 49/50 and 26.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are delighted with progress to date on our drilling program at Tranomaro and look forward to receiving assay results shortly.”

    About Pan African Mining Corp.

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 7,500 sq. km. of diversified mineral properties and 5,000 sq. km. of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for uranium, gold, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two large regions for gold and metals in Mozambique under agreements with other companies. It also has approximately 5500 sq. km. of diamond licenses in Botswana which it is presently exploring. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

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