merci @Hoka (SCN)
Bugs were right about derivatives disaster, Citigroup analysts say
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2008-09-19 14:40. Section: Daily Dispatches 10:30a ET Friday, September 19, 2008
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
MineWeb's Dorothy Kosich writes about a new report from Citigroup
analysts John H. Hill and Graham Wark, who last year wrote a report
acknowledging that central banks were strategically intervening in the
gold market to suppress gold's price. You can find their report from
last year here:
Now, Hill and Wark write, they're surprised that gold isn't already at
$2,000 per ounce. Of course having already conceded central bank
intervention, maybe they shouldn't be so surprised. But maybe it would
be impossibly impolitic for them to write openly about intervention
again now, especially since, as Kitco's Jon Nadler and Resource
Investor's Tim Wood might assure us, the precious metals markets are
the only markets in which central banks have NOT been intervening
But the new report from Hill and Wark may be most satisfying to our
side for another acknowledgement. As reported by Kosich, Hill and Wark
"It is notable that hard-core goldbugs have been proven correct in the
decade-long contention that an overwhelmingly vast and complex pool of
nested financial derivatives would ultimately result in cascading
defaults and ruin for major portions of the banking system."
You can find the MineWeb account of the Citigroup report here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Rubin sitzt doch in der Citi - exGSler sind sich doch sonst immer einig