Beiträge von Minehunter

    Hi Woernie,
    wie immer schöne charts die du bringst. :thumbup:

    Das Rohstoffthema müsste man noch weiter aufdröseln...Vorschläge für Anlagevehikel aus dem Rohstoffsektor werden gerne entgegen genommen.

    Wie sieht es mit Uran aus? Uran ist ja zum Beispiel im CRB-Rohstoffindex nicht enthalten?!
    Oder was ist alles in dem CRB enthalten?

    Denke mal man sollte immer mit kleinen Anpassungen einen Mix fahren und bestimmte Rohstoffe übergewichten... (Andere Aktien allgemein übrigens auch) Halt nie alles auf einen Sektor bzw. Rohstoff setzen. ;) Im Idealfall auf zukünftige Entwicklungen ausgerichtet.

    Und zum CRB Allgemein:

    Das Ratio ist nur knapp über Allzeit-Tief und der CRB zieht seit vielen Quartalen an.

    Der Rohstoffsektor ist KRASS unterbewertet !!!

    Ist der Rohstoffsektor wirklich krass unterbewertet, oder liegt es daran dass die ganzen Rohstoffe wie Baumwolle, Baumwollsamenöl, Blei, Eier, Gerste, Getreide, Gummi, Hafer, Kaffee, Kakao, Kartoffeln, Kupfer, Leinsamen, Roggen, Schmalz, Sojabohnen, Sojabohnenmehl, Sojabohnenöl, Tierhäute, Weizen, Wollfett, Wollspitzen, Zink, Zucker, Zwiebeln und was noch so im Index war oder ist, jetzt einfach einer hohen "Teuerung" unterliegen? Stichwort Inflation?

    Also alles was gegen diesen Index schlecht aussieht ist dann ja wirklich absolut unterdurchschnittlich, bzw. unterirdisch, oder nicht?


    Silber bin ich gerade raus ... sieht nach Luftholen aus ... mal schauen ...

    Dito... und morgen ist "Freitag"... :/
    Für den ersten Test mit nem x15 Ag-Zerti bin ich zufrieden für einen Tag...

    Kennt jemand ne gute Seite wo man etwas mehr über Zertifikate erfahren kann?
    Hab in einer Liste von 269 Silber long 15-fach Zertifikaten bei meinem Broker einfach das erste genommen ?) [smilie_happy]

    Aus dem Artikel: ...

    "The island is currently home to two mines: one for anorthosite, whose deposits contain titanium, and one for rubies and pink sapphires.
    While Greenland’s local government is not opposed to all mining activities, it has also banned all oil exploration over concerns for the climate and the environment."

    Das kann dann nur Hudson Resources (HUD.V) sein...

    Weiß jemand ob sich das irgendwie auch auf Hudson Resources auswirkt?
    Die haben in Grönland neben der Beteiligung an der Anorthosite-Mine ein Niob + Tantal und ein Ree-Projekt. :whistling:


    Also ich habe jetzt kurzerhand bei Hudson Resources nachgefragt...

    Laut CEO Jim K Cambon beinhaltet ihr REE Projekt nur 10ppm uranium und ist damit nicht von diesem Gesetz betroffen. Ein News-Release hierzu wird bald folgen.

    Allen investierten viel Glück und Erfolg :thumbup:

    Canada Silver Cobalt Prepares Battery Metals Business for Monetization

    Aimed at surfacing value for the Company’s battery metals assets while continuing to focus on world-class precious metals properties

    Coquitlam, BC - TheNewswire - November 9, 2021 - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased to announce that it has established a separate subsidiary for its battery metals business to be named Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. The new subsidiary will own the nickel-copper-cobalt exploration properties that the Company is currently exploring in northern Quebec and Ontario as well as the proprietary ‘Green’ Re-2Ox processing technology that is able to produce cobalt, nickel and copper sulphates for electric vehicle battery manufacturers.

    “While the Company’s main focus continues to be our world-class high-grade silver deposit at Castle East with exploration drilling, environmental permitting, and a major resource update scheduled for Q1 2022 as outlined in a recent corporate update (November 1, 2021 news release), we are also taking additional steps along the path we had outlined previously towards surfacing value for our battery metals assets. The establishment of this new subsidiary will pave the way for an eventual spin-out of our battery metals business into a separate publicly traded company for the benefit of our shareholders,” stated CEO Frank Basa. (See news releases February 16 and July 22, 2021)

    Matt Halliday, President, COO and VP Exploration, states: “Right now there is a lot of interest in battery metals and we think the best way forward to give our assets a higher level of visibility, and for achieving a proper valuation in the market, would be to split the Company into two parts – one focused on the exceptional Castle East silver discovery as well as the Kirkland Lake-area gold properties we recently acquired, and the other tasked with advancing our battery metals exploration properties and the Re-2Ox technology.”

    Battery Metals Assets

    Coniagas Battery Metals Inc. will include the Re-2Ox processing technology and 39,200 total hectares of prospective nickel-copper-cobalt exploration properties in northern Quebec (15 properties) and Ontario (one property east of the Sudbury Basin nickel deposits). Preliminary exploration is underway at the Quebec properties. (News releases February 16, April 20 and July 22, 2021).

    Re-2Ox is a proprietary, environmentally friendly, closed-loop, hydrometallurgical process for the extraction of cobalt, nickel and other base metals from primary feeds (mined material) and secondary feeds (recycled battery black mass) and the subsequent production of cobalt, nickel and other sulphates needed in the battery industry. The process meets strict environmental standards because it does not involve smelting (or burning) that many other processes use and it has no discharge.

    The Re-2Ox process has demonstrated that it is the only globally known hydrometallurgical process that can process high-arsenic feeds and recover and produce battery metals that meet Asian specifications for the electrical vehicle (EV) market. In bench scale testing at SGS Lakefield, it successfully produced cobalt sulfate for the battery market, and sodium arsenate as an intermediate product, from a high-grade silver-cobalt-arsenic gravity concentrate obtained from the past-producing silver-cobalt Castle mine. Cobalt, nickel and manganese recoveries from the concentrate using Re-2Ox were 99%, 81% and 84%, respectively, while 99% of the arsenic was also removed, which is important for complying with battery industry specifications. In addition to cobalt, arsenic is also on the US Critical Minerals List as it is an important ingredient in different products including pharmaceuticals, wood preservatives and industrial applications such as semiconductors.

    Additional Re-2Ox testing for the design of a pilot plant is currently underway at the SGS Lakefield laboratories in Ontario. (For more information on Re-2Ox, see news releases May 31 and August 15, 2018 and January 15 and March 1, 2021, and also the Re-2Ox flow sheet and other details in the company’s corporate presentation at and at

    Qualified Person
    The technical information in this news release was prepared under the supervision of Mr. Matthew Halliday, P.Geo., VP Exploration of Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc., a qualified person in accordance with National Instrument 43-101.

    About Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

    Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. recently discovered a major high-grade silver vein system at Castle East located 1.5 km from its 100%-owned, past-producing Castle Mine near Gowganda in the prolific and world-class silver-cobalt mining district of Northern Ontario. This discovery has the highest silver resource grade in the world, with recent drill intercepts of up to 89,853 grams/tonne silver (2,621 oz/ton Ag). A drill program is underway to expand the size of the deposit with an update to the resource estimate scheduled for the first quarter of 2022.

    In May 2020, based on a small initial drill program, the Company published the region’s first 43-101 resource estimate that contained a total of 7.56 million ounces of silver in Inferred resources, comprising very high-grade silver (8,582 grams per tonne un-cut or 250.2 oz/ton) in 27,400 tonnes of material from two sections (1A and 1B) of the Castle East Robinson Zone, beginning at a vertical depth of approximately 400 meters. Note that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to Canada Silver Cobalt Works Press Release May 28, 2020, for the resource estimate. Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020, NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020, and a signature date of July 13, 2020.

    Canada Silver Cobalt’s flagship silver-cobalt Castle mine and 78 sq. km Castle Property feature strong exploration upside for silver, cobalt, nickel, gold, and copper. With underground access at the fully owned Castle Mine, an exceptional high-grade silver discovery at Castle East, a pilot plant to produce cobalt-rich gravity concentrates on site, a processing facility (TTL Laboratories) in the town of Cobalt, and a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2Ox (for the creation of technical-grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations), Canada Silver Cobalt is strategically positioned to become a Canadian leader in the silver-cobalt space. More information at

    Frank J. Basa, P. Eng.
    Chief Executive Officer

    ...eeeennndlich, hoffentlich bekommen sie es jetzt mit ihrem Hauptprojekt langsam gebacken...

    Sollte jetzt ein guter Einstieg sein?!

    Bin jetzt wieder dabei :thumbup:

    kurze Vorstellung eines Brennstoffzellen-Herstellers der nach IPO im Februar stark zurückgekommen ist und sich nun nach ersten Insider-buys zu 4,85 CAD auf einem sehr interessanten Niveau befindet.

    Loop Energy Inc. (LPEN.TO)

    Loop Energy Inc. (LPEN.TO)
    Loop Energy Firmenpräsentation PDF
    Link zu CEO.CA

    Kurzvorstellung Loop Energy 04:44 min

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    Loop Energy at Hydrogen Americas Summit 2021 18:10 min

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    Loop Energy (LPEN) CEO Ben Nyland Pitch, Interview, Discussion, Deep Dive & Q&A 1:00:43 h

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    Cummins (Dieselmotoren) hält 20% der Firma. Loop Energy hat Forschung, Entwicklung und Produktionsstandorte in Kanada und China. Fokus sind Brennstoffzellenanwendungen im kommerziellen Bereich Busse, Züge, Bagger usw.

    Reine E-mobilität wird sich in vielen Bereichen nicht durchsetzen, da die Ladezeiten zu lang und die Nutzlast aufgrund des Batteriegewichts zu niedrig ist. Gerade im Bus und LKW-Bereich besteht hier ein großes Potenzial. Im Prinzip kann fast überall wo heutzutage ein Dieselmotor eingesetzt wird, dieser durch Brennstoffzellen ersetzt werden (wegen Greta, Great Reset und Co. <X )

    Loop Energy hat unter anderen Kunden bereits eine Busflotte in China im Einsatz.

    Bin jetzt mit einer kleinen Position dabei weil ich nach Durchsicht der Präsentation und der Videos hier großes Potenzial sehe.

    Könnt ja gerne mal schreiben was ihr von Loop Energy haltet...

    Minehunter [smilie_blume]

    Minute 41 damit haben sie nicht gerechnet.
    Es spricht ein Zuschauer und sagt was los ist.

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    JA, mal EIN vernünftiger Mensch kommt von Minute 41 bis 43 zu Wort...

    Aber der ganze Rest ist üblicher bullshit wie er 24/7 überall in der Glotze kommt... leider.
    (hab ich natürlich nicht alles gesehen, aber ist so)

    Also 3 Minuten Lichtblick in einer Stunde Bullshit.

    Das ist zu wenig und deshalb bleibt die Glotze <X bei mir AUS!

    seeeehr aufschlussreiches Video mit
    Michael Yeadon, ehemaliger Vice President und Chief Science Officer von Pfizer!

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    Kazatomprom - World's Largest Uranium Producer

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    00:00 Intro
    00:58 Overview of Kazatomprom
    04:29 Peak Production
    05:10 Chief Commercial Officer Role
    05:50 Value Strategy
    08:10 Being Disciplined
    08:56 Do Utilities Care About Spot Market?
    11:28 Will Sprott Make Spot Market More Efficient?
    13:59 Utilities Looking For Longer Terms
    16:23 Does Kazatomprom Sell Into Spot?
    17:52 Being Disciplined & Selling To Utilities Only
    18:30 Long-Term Uranium Market
    21:19 How Large Are Contracts?
    25:08 France & Uranium Demand
    26:03 Where Is The Long-Term Price Going?
    30:42 Is There Another Kazatomprom Somewhere?
    32:03 Where Is Price Going In 5 Years?
    33:37 What Can Investors Expect Going Forward?
    35:50 Conclusion

    Vizsla Silver - New Orleans Investment Conference 2021

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    - Initial Resource geplant für Q1/22
    - 10 drill rigs bohren auf 5% der veins für diese erste Ressource
    - Mit über 55M$ cash finanziert für 2 Jahre
    - riesiges Explorationspotenzial...


    Maritime Resources Intersects 20.1 gpt Gold over 3.0 metres at Orion, Including 159.5 gpt Gold over 0.31 metres

    TORONTO, ON (October 19, 2021) - Maritime Resources Corp. (TSX.V: MAE) (“Maritime” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce drill results and an update from its ongoing 40,000 metre (“m”) exploration program. The results reported are from drilling at the Hammerdown Gold Project (“Hammerdown” or the “Project”) in the Baie Verte Mining District of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada which includes the Hammerdown and Orion gold deposits. Exploration activities are ongoing with two diamond drill rigs now focusing on new regional targets near Hammerdown and west of the Green Bay fault at the Whisker Valley and Gull Ridge projects (“Figure 1”).

    • 20.1 gpt Au over 3.0 m, including 159.5 gpt Au over 0.31 m (BB-21-179, Orion)

    • 2.77 gpt Au over 4.31 m (BB-21-166, Orion)

    • 1.06 gpt Au over 13.88 m (MP-21-191, Hammerdown)

    • 5.93 gpt Au over 1.72 m (MP-21-197, Hammerdown)

    • 2.94 gpt Au and 30.55 gpt Ag over 2.98 m (GA-21-36, Golden Anchor zone)

    • Completed property scale airborne VTEM, ZTEM and ground based IP geophysical surveys

    • Year to date drilling totals 20,000 m, 50% of the planned 40,000 m program

    “The first phase of drilling this year has focused on untested areas at the Hammerdown Gold Project where we believe potential exists to expand mineral resources and improve project economics. Three areas are showing promise including a high-grade plunge at the Orion deposit, new shallow mineralization at the Orion North target with similarities to the felsic porphyry mineralization found at Orion and Hammerdown’s Wisteria zone and a new vein system at the Golden Anchor zone located 200 metres east of Hammerdown which is open in all directions,” commented Garett Macdonald, President and CEO. “Our regional exploration program is now revealing several exciting areas of new gold, silver and nickel-copper-PGM mineralization across our 360 square kilometre contiguous property with drilling underway with two drill rigs and a third to be added soon.”
    Hammerdown Gold Project Drilling
    Recent drilling at the Orion deposit has focused on resource definition and areas for potential expansion (“Figure 2”). Drill hole BB-21-179 successfully targeted a 60 metre wide gap in the Main zone returning an interval of 20.11 gpt Au over 3.0 m, including 159.52 gpt Au over 0.31 m between historical drill holes BB-96-37 (20.84 gpt Au over 1.25 m, including 103.38 gpt Au over 0.25 m to the east) and BB-96-48 (4.79 gpt Au over 1.05 m, including 18.91 gpt Au over 0.25 m to the west). This indicates a potential southwest plunge to the mineralized system that is open at depth and along strike (“Figure 3”).
    Additional drilling at the Orion North zone located in the gap between the Hammerdown and Orion deposits continues to show mineralization in a previously untested area of the project. Drill hole BB-21-196 collared in and drilled 60 metres of altered porphyry dykes with disseminated sulphides similar in style and alteration to the Main zone at Orion indicating the presence of a faulted offset of the Main zone found 500 metres to the northeast. Other drilling at Orion North included drill hole BB-21-188 which returned 2.66 gpt Au over 1.2 m from 17.6 m to 18.8 m, including 15.1 gpt Au over 0.2 m bringing this new vein to within 15 meters of surface.
    New drilling at the Golden Anchor zone, intersected 2.94 gpt Au and 30.55 gpt Ag over 2.98 m in GA-21-36. This was a follow-up to a significant intersection in drill hole GA-20-35 containing a quartz/sulphide vein with visible gold grading 6.9 gpt Au over 6.0 m, including 19.9 gpt Au over 2.0 m (see press release dated February 1, 2021). The Golden Anchor zone is located 200 m east of the Hammerdown deposit, is open in all directions and represents a key area for potential resource expansion.
    Discussion of Regional Exploration Targets

    • Birchy Island Pond (Au) Located 5 km east of Hammerdown, the Birchy Island Pond target is a new quartz vein system exposed at surface at the intersection of several faults. Ground based IP surveys have identified several chargeable anomalies suggesting the presence of disseminated sulphide mineralization. Follow up prospecting and mapping of these anomalies identified outcrops and float of mineralized quartz veining containing pyrite. Phase 1 exploratory drilling was completed including 5 drill holes totaling 1,116 m. Each of the drill holes intersected quartz and sulphide veining with minor base metals hosted in sheared and altered mafic volcanics (“Figure 4”). Assays are pending from the sampled drill core.

    • Timber Pond (Au, Ag, Cu) Phase 1 exploratory drilling was completed including 5 drill holes totaling 647 m. Drilling encountered zones of massive and disseminated sulphide mineralization as well as a lens of gold mineralization in the hangingwall to the massive sulphides. The new drilling also identified a fault zone that may have off set the VMS and gold mineralization to the west. Assays are pending from the sampled drill core.

    • Fluorite Zone (Au) A new mineralized zone containing widespread disseminated pyrite with extensive silica and potassic alteration has been identified at Whisker Valley adjacent to the high grade boulder field (see press release dated September 11, 2020). This zone is characterized as an extensive hydrothermal breccia system containing gold, zinc, fluorite, and rare earth elements that is geologically similar to other alkalic epithermal systems such as the world class Cripple Creek gold deposits in Colorado, USA. The surface extents of this system are not yet known however similar alteration and mineralization has been exposed in trenching and prospecting over several hundred metres. Four grab samples from the trenched area returned appreciable amounts of gold ranging from 0.45 gpt gold to 1.32 gpt gold (“Figure 5”). The new alkalic epithermal gold prospect is located stratigraphically above an exposed and highly altered monzonite intrusion that is believed to be the alkaline porphyry root of the epithermal prospect. Ground based IP surveys have been completed and diamond drilling is now underway.

    • Skate Pond (Ni, Cu) Geophysical surveys completed in 2020 identified a large, strong airborne chargeability anomaly at Gull Ridge measuring 4.5 km x 1.5k m. Initial prospecting and trenching of the surface expression of this anomaly identified widespread disseminated and blebby sulphide mineralization hosted in a combination of gabbroic and granodioritic rocks of the Gull Ridge Pluton. Within the gabbroic unit the primary form of mineralization including pyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite along with a secondary form containing coarse crystalline magnetite with disseminated pyrite. Within the granodiorite rocks large blebs and disseminated pyrite are common. Over 2,500 soil samples covering 20 km2 were taken identifying numerous Ni-Cu and Au anomalous trends. Trenching has exposed a 100 m wide zone of finely disseminated Ni-Cu sulfides hosted in a coarse gabbroic rock containing pseudo-pillow textures which appear to control the mineralization. Ground based IP and EM surveys have been completed over portions of the trend and to date two drill holes totaling 843m have been completed. Assays are pending from the sampled drill core.

    Figure 1: Maritime Property with Project Locations
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Figure 2: Hammerdown Deformation Zone with hole locations
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Figure 3: Orion long section view showing BB-21-179 and neighbouring holes BB-96-37 and BB-96-48
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Figure 4: Birchy Island Pond hole BIP-21-03 showing new quartz with sulphide vein
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Figure 5: Plan map of Fluorite zone recent grab samples with gold mineralization
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Ich begreife halt nicht, woher der ENDVERBRAUCHER den Bedarf generiert?

    Man braucht ja nur durch ein paar kleine "Aktionen" (Ever Given/Covid-shit... usw.) die Just-In-time-Lieferkette zu stören und schon ist der "Bedarf" da -einfach weil es dann schnell an vielen Sachen fehlt, bzw. diese sehr teuer werden.