Beiträge von Minehunter

    Hi lazy,

    freut mich dass dir hudson und loop gefällt. Also bei Hudson hoffe ich mal dass es bald wieder hochgeht, habe da schon zu viele um nochmal zu verbilligen.

    Und Loop Energy sieht auch sehr gut aus bis jetzt. Denke die werden sich ihre Marktanteile schon sichern im Bus und LKW-Bereich.

    Hab mir gerade das Video mit Doug Casey angeschaut... Großartig wie er sagt dass dieser ganze CO2-Quatsch quasi bullshit ist, aber es jetzt nunmal so läuft und er deswegen fett darin investiert. Absolut richtig und ich sehe das genauso :thumbup: .

    Sieht auf den ersten Blick sehr interessant aus diese "Carbon Streaming Corporation".
    Hab es gleich auf watchlist gesetzt und schau es mir morgen genauer an :thumbup: .

    Vielen Dank für den Tipp, ich befürchte da muss ich irgendwie Kohle locker machen morgen :whistling: [smilie_happy] :thumbup:

    Ja ganz vergessen. Die gefallen mir auch. War zwischendrin bei 10 Cent investiert. Leider verkauft da ich in UEX umgeschichtet hatte. Vielleicht fallen die nochmal unter 20 Cent. Schauen wir mal.

    Ja, da hab ich vor kurzem auch die hälfte verkauft, als der CEO Aktien weggehauen hat... seit dem gehts ja auch runter... Wenns noch günstiger wird wieder Rückkauf.

    Also let's go Brandon ! (Munro) [smilie_happy]

    Da müssen unsere Satanisten bloss mal ein Akw schmelzen lassen (mit Haarp usw), hatten wir ja alles schon mehrmals Tschernobyl, Fukushima, dann schaust Du ganz schön aus der Wäsche. Und eine Akw Unfall erwarte ich auch in Europa, evtl. Belgien, da Akws in einem Kalifat nicht vorgesehen sind, das heisst man muss das den Europäern noch austreiben. Ob das klappt oder nicht ist eine andere Frage, aber eine deutliche Korrektur kann das bringen

    ...dann wären Aktienverluste aber mein geringstes Problem [smilie_happy]
    Sowas ziehe ich jetzt mal in meine Anlageüberlegungen nicht mit ein ;) [smilie_happy]

    Hier jetzt die im im "Uran - Märkte und Informationen Thread" bereits hier angekündigte News-Release von Hudson Minerals:


    November 15, 2021
    Vancouver, BC – HUDSON RESOURCES INC. (“Hudson” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture Exchange “HUD”; OTC “HUDRF”) is pleased to announce that based on new mining legislation passed on November 8th by the Greenland Government, it will focus efforts on advancing its 100% owned Sarfartoq rare earth element (REE) project.
    The new legislation, which was passed by a narrow majority, bans the development of mineral projects with a uranium content greater than 100 parts per million (“ppm”). The ban does not apply to prospecting, exploration and exploitation directed at non-uranium resources if the average uranium content is less than 100 ppm. This is good news for the Company’s advanced ST1 Sarfartoq REE project which contains low levels of uranium (10ppm) and high levels of REE’s neodymium oxide (Nd2O3) and praseodymium oxide (Pr6O11)
    , which are the key elements needed for permanent magnets used in wind turbines and the motors in electric and hybrid vehicles.
    Hudson’s Sarfartoq ST1 REE project highlights include:

    • 27M kg of neodymium oxide and 8M kg of praseodymium oxide defined as indicated and inferred resources
    • 31,000 meters drilled to date with numerous high-grade sections including 14 meters of 4.8% TREO (diamond drill hole SAR11-45) and 6 meters of 6.05% TREO (diamond drill hole SAR12-03)
    • A Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) completed by Tetra Tech in 2011 (see NR2011-15) which outlined the following:

      • 31.2% internal rate of return (IRR)
      • 2.7 year payback on US$ 343 million initial capital
      • US$ 616 million net present value (NPV10) at a 10% discount rate, pre-tax
      • 21-year life of mine
      • Nd and Pr oxide price assumptions of US$88.30/kg and US$76.90/kg, respectively (FOB three-year average – Metal Pages, October 2011)
    • Neodymium and Praseodymium oxides currently selling at US$154.40/kg each (Kitco Strategic Metals pricing November 12, 2021)
    • Project is located near tidewater and close to the Hudson built White Mountain anorthosite mine

    Jim Cambon, President commented “We are very excited about the future of the Sarfartoq REE project and the ability to be part of the critical metal supply chain into Europe and the Americas. We believe there is an excellent opportunity to build on and improve our 2011 PEA to outline a very robust project given the current strong REE pricing based on fundamental supply and demand. We will provide updates on an ongoing basis.”
    The global neodymium market is forecast to grow at CAGR (“compound annual growth rate”) of 5.4% to US $3.39 billion by 2028 led by automotive (Electric Vehicle), wind energy, and electronics (Research and Markets, November, 2021).
    Hudson’s Nukittooq niobium-tantalum project, which hosts some of the highest reported niobium assays in the industry (see NR2020-15), contains uranium values more than 100 ppm and as such the Company is reviewing its options for this project under the new legislation.
    The high-grade Nukittooq niobium-tantalum project and the Sarfartoq rare earth element (“REE”) project are both located on the Company’s 100% owned Sarfartoq exploration license located in southwestern Greenland. Hudson also has a 31.1% equity interest in the White Mountain anorthosite mine and rights to acquire 100%. The White Mountain mine is unaffected by the new uranium legislation.
    J.R. Goode, P. Eng., is a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and reviewed the preparation of the metallurgical and technical information in this press release. Michael Druecker, P.Geo., is a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and reviewed the preparation of geological and technical information in this press release.
    “Jim Cambon”
    President and Director
    For further information:
    Ph: 604-628-5002

    Sollte jetzt wieder rauf gehen mit Hudson Resources. Bin 30% im Minus, hab aber schon genug davon, sonst würd ich jetzt kaufen :thumbup:

    Canada Silver Cobalt has Commenced Drilling at the Nickel-Copper Graal Property in Northern Quebec

    Coquitlam, BC - TheNewswire - November 15, 2021 - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt: 4T9B) (the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased to announce that a 3,000-meter drill program has begun with two drills turning at its Graal-Nourricier-Lac Suzanne property in the Lac St-Jean region of Quebec.

    The drill program is part of the Company’s early-stage exploration activities in northern Québec where it is evaluating 15 properties on 689 claims covering 38,129.4 hectares that are prospective for battery metals nickel, copper, and cobalt (See February 16, April 21 and July 22, 2021 news releases). The drill program is currently being managed by Laurentia Exploration in association with GoldMinds Geoservices Inc.

    The Company has existing drill permits for most of the proposed drill hole set-ups, which will allow testing of the Bouguer (geophysical) anomalies contained within the Graal-Nourricier-Lac Suzanne property. This promising anomaly has not been fully explored. It is one of the five properties included in the Company’s geophysical airborne surveys conducted earlier this year and it is regarded as geologically one of the most promising in the short term. The detailed airborne gravity survey of five properties conducted earlier this year by Sander Geophysics Ltd. to enable identification of the highest Bouguer Anomaly of the anorthositic complex confirmed that the highest potential target area is on Graal property.

    The Company is seeking to identify significant amounts of nickel-copper-sulphide mineralization at the base of the magmatic chamber. Historic drill results indicate mineralization on the side of the magmatic reservoir and it is theorized that the massive sulphide cumulates are potentially hidden at depth. The drill program aims to intersect deep targets and as well the rim contact at shallower depth.

    Additionally, the Company has hired the professional services of Archéo-Mamu Côte-Nord to carry out a study on potential archeological sites in the area.

    Qualified person
    The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Claude Duplessis, P.Eng., GoldMinds Geoservices Inc., a member of the Québec Order of Engineers, and is a qualified person in accordance with the National Instrument 43-101 standards.

    About Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc.

    Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. recently discovered a major high-grade silver vein system at Castle East located 1.5 km from its 100%-owned, past-producing Castle Mine near Gowganda in the prolific and world-class silver-cobalt mining district of Northern Ontario. This discovery has the highest silver resource grade in the world, with recent drill intercepts of up to 89,853 grams/tonne silver (2,621 oz/ton Ag). A drill program is underway to expand the size of the deposit with an update to the resource estimate scheduled for Q1 2022.

    In May 2020, based on a small initial drill program, the Company published the region’s first 43-101 resource estimate that contained a total of 7.56 million ounces of silver in Inferred resources, comprising very high-grade silver (8,582 grams per tonne un-cut or 250.2 oz/ton) in 27,400 tonnes of material from two sections (1A and 1B) of the Castle East Robinson Zone, beginning at a vertical depth of approximately 400 meters. Note that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to Canada Silver Cobalt Works Press Release May 28, 2020, for the resource estimate. Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020, NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020, and a signature date of July 13, 2020.

    Canada Silver Cobalt’s flagship silver-cobalt Castle mine and 78 sq. km Castle Property feature strong exploration upside for silver, cobalt, nickel, gold, and copper. With underground access at the fully owned Castle Mine, an exceptional high-grade silver discovery at Castle East, a pilot plant to produce cobalt-rich gravity concentrates on site, a processing facility (TTL Laboratories) in the town of Cobalt, and a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2Ox (for the creation of technical-grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations), Canada Silver Cobalt is strategically positioned to become a Canadian leader in the silver-cobalt space. More information at


    Ich war ab ca. 2001 Kredit gehebelt unterwegs. Neben Aktien viele langlaufende (2 - 3 Jahre) klassische OS auf Gold und Silber mit unterschiedlichen Laufzeiten und Basispreisen.

    Ok, Optionsscheine und sowas hab ich nicht, hab ich auch keine Ahnung davon. Das ist mir auch zu heiß. Das Video vom Fugi hab ich gesehen. Halte jetzt schon längere Zeit einen Teil auf Kredit... und gerade der Juni bis September war richtig besch..eiden :cursing: . Seit Oktober sieht es richtig gut aus und bis Ende des Jahres werd ich es wohl durchziehen und dann verkaufen bis Kreditsumme zurückgezahlt ist. Und ja, Sorry @woernie für`s "missbrauchen" deines threads :whistling: .

    Wenn es jemand kann, könnt ihr die betreffenden Beiträge gerne ins Minehunter-Depot verschieben.
    Oder hier in den neueren tread rein, der ist noch nicht so voll und aktueller ;)

    Aktien... * Diversifikation... * Diskussion... * Für Alle zum mitmachen ! :-)

    Danke und Beste Grüße

    Minehunter :thumbup:

    Danke @woernie @LuckyFriday @shadow @Neo und alle die ich vergessen habe für die tollen Tips im Forum :thumbup:

    Werde mal ins Jahr 2000 "zurückreisen" und mir anschauen was der Kollege Eldo da gemacht hat. :huh:

    Mit Stop-Loss ist halt so ne Sache... ich bin mit sehr vielen kleinen Positionen breit gestreut unterwegs... ist da nicht so einfach. Das Gesamtrisiko halte ich da eigentlich für überschaubar, kann mich aber auch täuschen :/ .

    @rosab2000: Also ich kann mir nicht vorstellen dass die Uran-Aktien nochmal signifikant nachgeben, aber falls doch, werde ich hier wie es möglich ist Positionen ausbauen. Von Uran bin ich momentan mehr überzeugt als von allem anderen...
    Und seltene Erden sind momentan günstig und haben denke ich gutes Potenzial.

    Viel Glück und Erfolg allen :thumbup:

    Beste Grüße

    edit: So wie es aussieht wird in der Suche vor 2005 nichts mehr angezeigt und ist auch schwierig allein "Eldorados" 12.541 durchzusehen ?(

    Minehunter: habe meinen Margin auf unter 2% heruntergefahren.

    Cool :thumbup: das is ja nix.

    Ich hab 100%... also 100% von dem was möglich ist :whistling: :/ :hae:

    keine Ahnung, geht scheinbar nicht anders [smilie_happy]
    mal schauen wie es läuft

    Hab zwar immer noch keinen wirklichen Plan von Charttechnik, aber bis zur "5" will ich mein Zeug halten :thumbup:

    Hallo Woernie,

    ich glaube, bzw hoffe dass ich es jetzt richtig Verstanden habe...
    Der CRB-index steht im Prinzip stellvertretend für eine mehr oder weniger beliebige Auswahl an Rohstoffen, bzw. Rohstoffaktien, welche den Standardaktien gegenübersteht?!

    Das würde für mich bedeuten dass sämtliche Rohstoffaktien gegenüber vollkommen überbewerteten Standardaktien weiter enormes Potenzial haben?

    Das haben sie sowieso, aber ich habe erst angenommen der CRB wäre sowas wie der GDX in den man investieren kann :pinch: . Aber wer kauft schon Rinderhälften oder sowas zu Anlagezwecken.
    Bei mir sind es gerade 26% Au Aktien, 21% U, 13% Ag, 12% Cu, 5% Ree, 5% PGM, 10% Tech...

    Ein längeres Verweilen in der gelben Zone würde mich nicht überraschen...

    Zumal wir m. E. wieder am 'Vorabend' eines globalen Lockdowns stehen. Wir alle erinnern uns was im März 2020 passierte. Alles rauschte mal eben 20/30/40 % in den Keller...

    Glaubst du wenn die Standardaktien abkacken, dass die Rohstoffaktien diesmal wieder genauso mit abtauchen wie im März 2020? Weil die Leute noch wissen was letzes mal passiert ist... Also dass alles sehr schnell wieder Höchststände und darüber hinaus erreicht hat?

    Damals im März 2020 bin ich aus fast allem raus und dann recht schnell wieder rein... War auch richtig meistens. Aber könnte mir vorstellen dass es diesmal noch viel schneller, bzw anders abläuft?

    Kann mir leider keinen großartigen Abtaucher leisten momentan, weil dann Margin-Call :whistling:
    deswegen die Frage :D


    Was immer man an liquiden Stoffen schnellstmöglich in den Körper haben will ( unter Umgehung des Magens etc), der ist mit DSMO bestens beraten. Mischung 50:50 herstellen und einreiben.

    Aber Achtung! Mit Honig oder Zucker hört sich für mich an wie wenn das jemand trinken will?!
    Zum trinken dann natürlich auf keinen Fall mit 50:50 DMSO! ;)
    Da kannst evtl. einen tropfen dazugeben, damit es besser aufgenommen wird.
    Und sonst kannst dir die Flossen damit einschmieren wenn du meinst dass es was bringt oder notwendig ist [smilie_happy]

    überrascht mich jetzt gar nicht, da bereits seit vielen Jahren so in diversen Agendas festgelegt... Agenda2030 und in Klaus "You will eat ze bugs" Schwabs industrieller Revolution sowie Reset the Table von Rockefeller.

    Und: es wird für die Zukunft der proteinersatz für fleischfresser, die sich kein echtes Fleisch mehr leisten können bzw. dürfen... sofern überhaupt noch welches erhältlich ist! Und Kakerlaken-Milchersatz gibts auch. <X

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    Das ist alles so Krank, verrückt und total Irre... Wie kann man diese Spinner nur stoppen?

    Loop Reports Increase in Product Backlog to $45 million, YTD Revenues More Than Triple Versus 2020

    • Q3 YTD revenue more than triples to $1.3 million compared with the same period in 2020
    • Nanjing bus fleet hits close to 200,000 kilometres of accumulated on-road service
    • 8 customers now in Loop’s 1-10-100 sales process.

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – November 10, 2021 – Loop Energy (TSX: LPEN) today announced consolidated financial results for the third quarter ending September 30, 2021. All amounts are in CAD dollars unless otherwise noted and have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    “During Q3 2021, Loop Energy continued to progress towards our commercial goals for 2021,” said Ben Nyland, President and CEO, Loop Energy. “The fleet deployment with Skywell has accumulated close to 200,000 in-service kilometres. We continue to see strong growth in Europe and we are building momentum in Korea. Customer feedback about the performance of our products relative to our competitors gives us confidence that our market focus on commercial vehicles is establishing a strong foundation for growth over the coming years.”
    Three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 Financial Results Highlights

    • Year to date revenues of $1.3 million as compared to $0.4 million for the same period in 2020.
    • Net loss for the third quarter of 2021 was $6.6 million as compared to a net loss of $2.4 million for the same period in 2020 due to increased research and product development costs as well as higher general and administrative costs.

    Q3 2021 Business Highlights

    • The Company has continued to build out its senior management team and Board of Directors. On November 9, 2021, the Company announced the appointment of Damian Towns as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Darren Ready. Mr. Towns brings over 25 years of experience in progressive and rapid-growth companies, spending 15 years leading organizations at the executive level. He joins Loop Energy from Photon Control, a Richmond, BC-based optical sensors supplier to the world’s largest semi-conductor OEMs. As the Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary, Mr. Towns guided Photon’s exponential growth and maximized shareholder revenue through its recent acquisition. He brings deep expertise and technical knowledge in corporate finance, financial planning, accounting, governance, and investor relations. Mr. Towns will start November 15, providing a two-week overlap with Mr. Ready for a smooth transition.
    • During the quarter, Wendy Bach also joined the executive team as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, and Peter Johansson joined Loop Energy’s Board of Directors. Ms. Bach brings over 19 years of experience from Methanex Corporation (MX-T; MEOH), where she held various legal and executive roles. Ms. Bach will support the development of corporate strategies and the execution of key commercialization goals and objectives. As a member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Johansson’s 35 year career spans across the aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors. Previously the EVP, Strategy, Business Development and Marketing at Accudyne Industries, Mr. Johansson was responsible for the formulation and execution of growth, business development and M&A strategies.
    • Loop now has 8 customers in its 1-10-100 sales process and is on track to achieve the 2021 target of having 10 customers actively engaged in this process.
    • Loop continued to expand its offerings through an agreement with Técnicas Reunidas to provide convenient and cost-effective hydrogen-based solutions in key vertical markets. Several of these key vertical markets include transport agencies, truck, transit, coach bus service fleets, drayage, stationary power, and other applications.
    • Loop announced the placement of its first order from NGVI for hydrogen fuel systems in transit and coach bus applications in Korea.
    • Loop announced its collaboration with Hydrogen in Motion (H2M) to convert a southern railway of British Columbia-owned and operated diesel-electric switcher locomotive to hydrogen-electric. This project signifies Loop’s entry to the rail transport industry.
    • Loop announced a partnership with METTEM-M Ltd. to provide hydrogen electric powertrain solutions to commercial vehicle OEMS across Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and Greater Europe. Applications include transit buses, logistics vehicles and rail transport.
    • Loop shipped its first shipment of fuel cell systems to Mobility & Innovation (M&I). Under the agreement, Loop is expected to provide over $1.9 million USD in fuel cell shipments to M&I over the next two and half years.

    2021 Outlook and Investment

    • With the successful completion of Loop Energy’s $100 million IPO, the Company has initiated all the major purchases related to the capital equipment deployment in 2021. Additionally, we have built up our human resource capabilities, which has led to strong success in our recruitment program. Loop started 2021 with just over 41 employees and closed Q3 with 67 employees, a 63% growth since IPO. Our new VP Human Resources, Lisa Beck, is leading this initiative.
    • The Company’s inbound business development queries have greatly increased to broaden its customer base in core mobility markets. Continued momentum in the European market resulted in growth of the Company’s 24-month product backlog to over $45 million. Product backlog is a non-IFRS financial measure. Please see the section entitled “Non-IFRS Measures” below for more information on product backlog.
    • Loop’s engineering team is continuing with the design of its next-generation 120 kW single row stack for use in the 250 kW Class 8 and heavy-duty truck markets. The initial stack design and testing is planned to be completed by the end of 2021, with the 120 kW fuel cell module expected to be available for customers in 2022.
    • As planned, the Loop Shanghai facility is on track to be operational by the end of 2021 and fully commissioned for production to be capable of supplying the Chinese market by the end of Q1 2022.

    About Loop Energy Inc.
    Loop Energy is a designer and manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell systems targeted for the electrification of commercial vehicles, including, light commercial vehicles, transit buses and medium and heavy-duty trucks. Loop’s products feature the Company’s proprietary eFlow™ technology in the fuel cell stack’s bipolar plates. eFlow™ is designed to enable commercial customers to achieve performance maximization and cost minimization. Loop works with OEMs and major vehicle sub-system suppliers to enable the production of fuel cell electric vehicles. For more information about how Loop is driving towards a zero-emissions future, visit

    @Magellan, wenn du dich im Brennstoffzellensektor etwas auskennst, dann schau dir doch wenigstens mal das erste Video (4:45 min) an. Meinetwegen nur die eine Minute von 1:00 bis 2:00.

    Da werden verschiedene Vorteile der Loop-eFlow-Technologie angeführt.
    z.B.: 16% besserer Kraftstoffverbrauch,
    geringere Abnutzung,
    90% mehr Power bei gleicher Größe...

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    Die anderen Videos sind auch interessant. Ich hab zwar nicht besonders viel Ahnung von der Technologie, aber mich hat es überzeugt und der Kurs und die anstehenden News geben dem recht.

    Vielleicht schaust es dir mal kurz an. Wäre schön weitere Meinungen darüber zu hören.

    Minehunter :thumbup: