Beiträge von Blue Horseshoe

    Auryn Increases and Closes Non-Brokered Private Placement For $5.25 Million

    Vancouver, British Columbia – March 27th, 2019 – Auryn Resources Inc. (TSX: AUG, NYSE American: AUG) (“Auryn” or the “Company” - ) is pleased to announce that it has increased and closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement for $3.5 million to gross proceeds of $5,255,000. The placement now consists of approximately 3,284,375 common shares (the “Shares”) priced at CAD $1.60 per Share (the “Offering”) and included total insider participation of 596,875 Shares.

    Peter Schiff: Nobody Is Going to Buy the Fed’s BS the Next Time Around

    As I predicted, they are not telling the truth. The markets can’t handle that. The Fed is not telling the markets, ‘We’re not raising rates because the economy is imploding because of all the debt that was accumulated when we kept rates so low. Now we can’t raise them. Or we can’t continue to shrink the balance sheet because the budget deficits are blowing out of control.'”…-bs-the-next-time-around/


    Same Planet, Very Different Worlds

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    This is really getting out of hand. For the fourth day in a row, unofficially, effective federal funds or EFF remains above IOER. At the same, now the 10-year UST yields less. What was last week pretty concerning stuff before the Fed’s capitulation is this week whatever category lies below.


    TORONTO, March 25, 2019 - Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (“Kirkland Lake Gold” or the “Company”) (TSX:KL) (NYSE:KL) (ASX:KLA) announced today that Eric Sprott, Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Chairman”) will retire as Chairman and a member of the Board following the Company’s 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) on May 7, 2019 (the “AGM”). Mr Sprott has served as the Chairman of the Board since November 2016 and was the Chair of Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. since February 2015.Tony Makuch, President and CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold, commented: “I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Eric over the last 2.5 years. Not only is he a great business leader with an accurate and informed view of the market, he has been a mentor and confidant to me, providing solid advice and direction. .....…aspx?bid=Z-C%3aKL-2734624

    Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela
    At a high-level meeting in Rome this week, it seems that Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied.


    Russian Troops, Aid Arrive In Venezuela After Delivering Red Line Warning To Trump
    Just days after a high-level meeting in Rome this week, during which Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied - it appears Russia is taking no chances with its South American ally.
    And now, according to journalist Javier I. Mayorca, Colonel General Vasily Tonkoshkurov, chief of the Main Staff of the Ground Forces - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of Russia, arrived in Venezuela.…ry-intervention-venezuela

    Gold - preparing for the next move

    It is very likely this new downturn will be substantial. The coincidence of the top of the credit cycle with trade protectionism last occurred in 1929, and the subsequent depression was devastating. The reason we should be worried today is stalling trade disrupts the capital flows that fund budget deficits, particularly in America where savers do not have the free capital to invest in government bonds. Worse still, foreigners are now not only no longer investing in dollars and dollar-denominated debt, but they are suddenly withdrawing funds. According to the most recent US Treasury TIC data, in December and January these outflows totalled $257.2bn.[i] At this rate, not only will the US Treasury need to fund a deficit likely to exceed a trillion dollars in fiscal 2019, but the US markets will need to absorb substantial sales from foreigners as well.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…cles/Tutorials/next_1.png]

    Chart 3 gives a longer-term perspective of gold’s valuation. It is of the gold price adjusted by mine supply and for changes in the fiat money quantity. Simply put, FMQ is the sum of cash, bank deposits and savings accounts, and also bank reserves held at the Fed. It is the total amount of fiat money both in circulation and available for circulation.
    [Blockierte Grafik:…cles/Tutorials/Next_3.png]

    ganzer artikel unter:…eparing-for-the-next-move

    bg bh

    nicht direkt zu gold, aber indirekt natülich brisant.

    See Gespräche

    Dr. Daniel Stelter - Das Märchen vom reichen Land oder wie die Politik uns ruiniert

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    bg bh

    @vatapitta wollte nur die pressemitteilung einstellen. ich halte chalice und verfolge den newsflow aber nicht täglich... mir gefallen alle nachbarn ;) und das sie gut finanziert sind. die dividende hätte ich nicht als nötig empfunden.
    sollen sie erstmal in ruhe alle "erkundungsbohrungen" machen, ich habe keine eile...

    vg bh

    The entire EnviroLeach closed-loop process offers an almost zero environmental footprint, with no off gassing, no water effluent, and no landfilling of any waste materials.
    Enviroleach’s new and unique formula is one of only a handful of chemical compounds known that can dissolve gold into solution, which is a critical step in gold mining. The leach kinetics, efficiency and safety of the EnviroLeach formula is superior to that of cyanide and its alternatives with no environmental consequences.

    EnviroLeach Achieves over 90% Palladium Recovery from Catalytic Converters

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EnviroLeach Technologies Inc. (the “Company “or “EnviroLeach”),(CSE: ETI) (OTCQB: EVLLF) (7N2: FSE) is pleased to report that advances in its formula have resulted in the selective dissolutionof Palladium (Pd) from multi-metal sources into aqueous solution.
    Recent test work on samples, using modified conditions of Enviroleach’s proprietary chemistry, was carried outto evaluate the extraction of palladium from ceramic based catalytic converters. Initial testing showed approximately 90%recovery of the contained palladium was achieved in less than 2 hours. Some of the early results are provided in the tablebelow.…rom-catalytic-converters/

    Why Trump Has No Choice But to Return to the Gold Standard

    By Nick Giambruno, chief analyst, The Casey Report

    As I showed you on Thursday, the next crisis is going to be the Big One.
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the globalists will use it to advance their agenda through something called “Special Drawing Rights” (SDRs).
    There’s only one way President Trump can fight back…
    President Trump is the first modern president who’s openly hostile toward globalism. He’s denounced it repeatedly.
    Trump has also denounced a global currency:
    There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I’m representing.
    [/quote]Trump is not going to surrender the U.S. dollar’s top status and give up monetary policy to a world central bank. That would be akin to lowering the U.S. flag, raising the UN flag, and saluting it.…urn-to-the-gold-standard/

    @woernie ich orientiere mich da auch eher an % des portfolios ;)

    kaufe aber immer(ok zu 98%) in tranchen, auch eine kleine position sind im durchschnitt drei tranchen.
    ich fahre seit zig jahren einfach besser wenn ich nicht die ganze position auf einmal aufbaue.

    auch ziehe ich mehrheitslich den einsatz raus wenn ne aktie über 100%+++ performt. so habe ich wieder kapital frei für neue invests...

    bg bh

    @Edel Man hatte den thread bis vorhin noch gar nicht so wirklich auf dem radar ;)

    Time Runs Out on U.S. Opposition to Nordstream 2

    The Nordstream 2 pipeline represents the last stand of U.S. influence over the internal affairs of Europe.
    Once finished it will stand as a testament to the fundamental split between the European Union and the United States.
    Europe will this as its first successful defense of its newly-declared independence. And the U.S. will have to come to terms with no longer having control overseas.
    This is a theme repeating itself all around the world right now.
    Your view of Nordstream 2 depends on who you are.
    If you are the U.S. it is a massive rebuke of the post-WWII institutional order mostly paid for by the U.S. to rebuild Europe and protecting it from the scourge of the U.S.S.R.
    From Europe’s perspective it’s, “Job well done and all that but Russia isn’t a threat anymore and it is time for us to come out from underneath the U.S.’s shadow.”
    And if you are Russia Nordtream 2 is the wedge driving these two adversaries apart while improving national security on your western border.…position-to-nordstream-2/

    bg bh

    SIGNIFICANT HIGH-GRADE SOP RESOURCE DELINEATED AT LAKE WAYHighlights:Initial Mineral ResourceEstimate for the whole of Lake Way contains 73million tonnes of SOP, including:oMeasured Resource –Lake Way Playa 6.9Mt @ 15.4kg/m3oMeasured Resource –Williamson Pit 32Kt @ 25.5kg/m3oIndicated Resource –Paleochannel 3.7Mt @ 13.6kg/m3oInferred Resource –Lake Way Playa &Paleovalley Sediment 62Mt @ 15.2kg/m3Lake Way confirmed as very high-grade with consistentbrine chemistry both laterally andat depth, with an average grade of 14.5kgof SOPpercubic metre of brineacross the Lake Way tenements(Measured and Indicated)The Company has successfully delineatedaPaleochannel in excess of30km in length along the eastern boundary of Lake Way, which supportsthe ability and optionality toproduce brine from two separate sources(lake playa and paleochannel)Test pumping of historical bores at Lake Way has provided important data that supports efficient production by pumping from the paleochannelresourceThe Mineral Resource Estimate for the ‘whole of lake’ will enable the Company to finalise technical studies for a larger production scenario with an anticipated release date towardsthe end of Q2 2019…18/pdf/443kst0wm0nnp3.pdf


    find ich gut :) bin selber mit ner mittleren position drin. ich glaube 17 adern sind schon erbohrt.
    und wie schon geschrieben, erstklassike geologen, ich investiere lieber in junios wenns ein gutes, erfahrenes team ist.
    soweit ich weiss wird minaurum, neben herrn huster, auch von david morgan gecovert(morgan report).

    vg bh

    @Edel Man

    • China has become self-sufficient in most aspects of the fuel cycle.
    • China aims to produce one-third of its uranium domestically, obtain one-third through foreign equity in mines and joint ventures overseas, and to purchase one-third on the open market.
    • China's two major enrichment plants were built under agreements with Russia but much current capacity is indigenous.
    • China’s R&D investment in nuclear technologies is very significant, particularly in high-temperature gas-cooled and molten salt-cooled reactors.…a-nuclear-fuel-cycle.aspx

    china, bzw cnnc, cnuc & cng hat bereits sehr gute strategische beteiligungen. siehe ua. fissions tripleR deposit im athabasca basin.

    Fission Uranium Corp.

    In January 2016, CGN Mining Company Ltd completed the major acquisition of 19.99 percent interest in Fission Uranium Corp., a Canadian uranium exploration company, and became the single largest shareholder of Fission.

    rössing in namibia von rio tinto ging an cnuc…45-11e8-ae55-df4bf40f9d0d…ssing-uranium-mine-china/

    #ocjm: genau so sehe ich das auch!
    Solange die US-Macht nicht gebrochen ist, wird es einfach so weiter gehen.

    nun, diese bröckelt doch schon. die unipolare weltordung die aus der bipolaren des kalten krieges hervorging hat doch bereits massive risse. die welt verändert sich(unter wiederstand) momentan hin zu einer multipolaren weltordnung.

    auf die schnelle nur ein paar entwicklungen:
    1. syrien(us/nato kann nicht mehr machen was sie wollen)
    2. china / south china sea
    3. china "petro yuan", siee crude future hatte bereits 09/2018 einen marktanteil von 16%…kes-up-global-oil-trading
    4. china sge - physical trade settlement
    5. russian china(brics) paymnets system(spfs/cips) vs swift
    6. china Obor - One belt one road / neue seidenstrasse
    7. AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    8. erste ausenstelle der russischen zentralbank in bejing 2017!

    9. russische banken zunehmend an der sge tätig(sberbank 2017)…-gold-china-idUKL8N1K41VS

    10. us-verschuldungskrise & handelsbilanzdefizit