Beiträge von Blue Horseshoe

    hallo @Edel Man das mag schon sein, mir ist das risiko zu hoch nicht investiert zu sein. ich halte nach wie vor anteile u.a. an den us producern/explorern die im rahmen der U.S. Government National Security Action profitieren können. ich halte es nicht gänzlich für ausgeschlossen das es zukunftig einen "us"- Uranpreis gibt.

    western uranium, anfield, encore energy, uec, energy fuels, ur energy als us werte finde ich mehr als interresant.

    sonst halte ich persönlich, bis auf kazatomprom & cameco nur titel aus dem athabasca basin für investitionswürdig z.b. meine derzeitigen favoriten: denison, nextgen(arrow), fission uranium(triple r)

    allocationsbesicherung läuft derzeit über optionen.

    vg bh

    Kazatomprom uranium sales jump 65%
    Reuters | Mar. 6, 2019, 12:48 AM |
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Kazakh uranium miner Kazatomprom expects further revenue growth this year on higher prices, it said on Wednesday after posting a 112 percent jump in 2018 adjusted net profit on higher sales volumes and prices.
    London-listed Kazatomprom's net income adjusted for one-off transactions stood at 66.8 billion tenge (about $177 million), it said in a statement.
    The world's biggest uranium miner said it expected 2019 consolidated revenue of 485-505 billion tenge, with higher prices offsetting lower physical sales.
    For 2018, revenue rose 58 percent to 436.6 billion tenge while Kazatomprom's uranium <UX-U3O8-SPT> sales grew 65 percent in physical terms, it said.
    But this year, Kazatomprom plans to sell slightly less uranium in physical terms, its presentation showed – 13,500 to 14,500 tonnes compared with 15,287 tonnes in 2018.
    Without one-off adjustments, Kazatomprom's 2018 profit surged 173 percent to 380.3 billion tenge last year, according to the statement.
    The company would stick to the previously announced plans to make dividend payments of no less than $200 million for 2018 and 2019, Kazatomprom chief executive Galymzhan Pirmatov told reporters on Wednesday.

    Kazatomprom uranium sales jump 65%
    Reuters | Mar. 6, 2019, 12:48 AM |

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Kazakh uranium miner Kazatomprom expects further revenue growth this year on higher prices, it said on Wednesday after posting a 112 percent jump in 2018 adjusted net profit on higher sales volumes and prices.
    London-listed Kazatomprom's net income adjusted for one-off transactions stood at 66.8 billion tenge (about $177 million), it said in a statement.
    The world's biggest uranium miner said it expected 2019 consolidated revenue of 485-505 billion tenge, with higher prices offsetting lower physical sales.
    For 2018, revenue rose 58 percent to 436.6 billion tenge while Kazatomprom's uranium <UX-U3O8-SPT> sales grew 65 percent in physical terms, it said.
    But this year, Kazatomprom plans to sell slightly less uranium in physical terms, its presentation showed – 13,500 to 14,500 tonnes compared with 15,287 tonnes in 2018.
    Without one-off adjustments, Kazatomprom's 2018 profit surged 173 percent to 380.3 billion tenge last year, according to the statement.
    The company would stick to the previously announced plans to make dividend payments of no less than $200 million for 2018 and 2019, Kazatomprom chief executive Galymzhan Pirmatov told reporters on Wednesday.

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    basel3 implikationen für gold(wieder ein tier1 asset)

    bg bh

    GoldMining Announces Resource Estimate for the Yellowknife Gold Project, Northwest Territories, Canada


    • Updated mineral resource for the Yellowknife Project includes a measured and indicated resource of 1,059,000 ounces grading 2.33 g/t gold and an inferred resource of 739,000 ounces grading 2.47 g/t gold (Table 1);
    • This resource estimate increases GoldMining's aggregated measured and indicated resource to 10,530,000 ounces gold (13,429,000 ounces gold equivalent) and aggregated inferred resource to 12,444,000 ounces gold (14,896,000 ounces gold equivalent) resulting in a 13% increase in the measured and indicated categories and an 11% increase in the inferred category across all of its Projects (Table 2);
    • Extensive historic exploration work completed on the Project including diamond drilling (231,600 m in 1,061 holes), underground development (2,399 m), bulk sampling (10,200 t) and positive metallurgical studies;
    • Project is accessible by permitted winter road extending 95 km north from Yellowknife with nearby infrastructure including hydro-electric power, air transportation, service providers and skilled workforce; and
    • Located in the mining-friendly jurisdiction of the Northwest Territories, home to major mines operated by DeBeers, Rio Tinto, and The Washington Companies.

    PDAC 2019 KITKO - Why $1,400 Gold Is So Critical Says Amir Adnani

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    Rio Tinto’s (ASX, LON:RIO) investors will be celebrating Christmas in February, as the miner is giving them a $4 billion special dividend, or $2.43 cent a share, after posting its highest annual underlying earnings since 2014.
    The world’s second largest miner reported Wednesday a 2% increase in underlying profit, up to $8.8 billion, beating market forecasts of $8.5 billion on the back of rising revenue of $40.5 billion. The special dividend also came after a string of asset divestments, including Rio’s entire interest in Indonesia’s Grasberg mine for $3.9 billion.…stors-partying-like-2014/

    BMO 2019 - It’s “Game On” For Silver - First Majestic Silver CEO

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    Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 26, 2019) - Eric Sprott announces that he directly and indirectly owns and controls 20,571,695 common shares (shares) of Kirkland Lake Gold (TSX: KL), representing approximately 9.8% of the outstanding shares on a non-diluted basis and 9.9% on a partially diluted basis assuming exercise of his options. This press release is being issued pursuant to Canadian early warning requirements because the sale of shares, as described below, combined with Kirkland Lake's various treasury issuances, has resulted in Mr. Sprott's beneficial holdings of shares to decrease to less than 10% of the outstanding shares.
    On February 25, 2019, 2176423 Ontario Ltd., a corporation beneficially owned by Mr. Sprott, sold through the Toronto Stock Exchange, 318,900 shares, representing approximately 0.2% of the outstanding shares, at a price of approximately $47.05 per share for total consideration of approximately $15.0 million. Prior to this disposition, Mr. Sprott, directly and indirectly, owned and controlled 20,890,595 shares and options to acquire 150,002 shares representing approximately 9.9% of the outstanding shares of Kirkland Lake on an undiluted basis and 10.0% on a partially diluted basis.
    The shares are held for investment purposes. Mr. Sprott has a long-term view of the investment and may acquire additional shares either on the open market or through private acquisitions or sell the shares either on the open market or through private dispositions in the future depending on market conditions, reformulation of plans and/or other relevant factors.
    Kirkland Lake is located at 200 Bay Street, Suite 3120, Toronto, ON M5J 2J1. A copy of the early warning report with respect to the foregoing will appear with Kirkland Gold's profile on SEDAR at and may also be obtained by calling (416) 362-7172.
    2176423 Ontario Ltd.
    200 Bay Street, Suite 2600
    Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower
    Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J1

    würde auch nicht verkaufen. der sektor dreht doch gerade mit pog beim versuch die wiederstände um 1340/1350 zu überwinden. alle größeren investoren brauchen voluminas um überhaupt investieren zu können.
    gibt vielleicht 10 miner? die dieses handelsvolumen im moment aufweisen.

    für mich ist das upside potential immer noch größer als das downside risiko das ich auch anders hedgen kann als über einen verkauf. ohne einen downtrend beim pog glaube ich nicht an eine 20%+ korrektur bei kirkland.

    verkaufsgründe können für mich daher nur interne gründe wie zb. depotgewichtungen sein.

    würde mich interresieren bei allen die verkauft haben, haltet ihr extra eine trading position oder tradet ihr euche langfrist investitions position. dies finde ich persönlich nicht funktional. entweder trading oder investition.

    bg bh

    hgm ist einer meiner favs. und neben ua. kirkland eine meiner größten depot positionen(in der sektorgewichtung mining/nat. res).

    mit einer kursentwicklung von der basis 1,40 € seit letztem sommer oder 1,5€ seit ende der taxselling season
    hat hgm doch mit einem aktuellem kurs von ca 1,90€ ordentlich performt. sind seit dem tief letzten sommer ca 35%
    zusätzlich eine quellensteuer freie dividende die sich wirklich sehen lassen kann.

    gesamtperformance vom tief 2014/15 ~0,4€ auf nun ~1,90€ -ca 375% performance excl. dividends :))

    hallo fabio, gibt es denn zu den ganzen smr, gerade die typen twr und dfr reaktoren neuigkeiten zur marktreife? als ich mich anfang letzeten jahres wiederholt mit den neuen, kleinen modularen reaktoren beschäftigt hatte waren diese noch eine ewigkeit vom komerziellen einsatz entfernt. ua. mit ausnahme des alten deutschen konzeptes der HTR(ua. kugelhaufenreaktoren - technik nun in china mit einem einsatzbereitem Prototyp 2018/19)

    einige wenige "konventionelle" schnelle brüter die derzeit erfolgreich laufen dürfte der russische BN-600 & BN-800 im russischen beloyarsk sein. bn-1200 geplant für 2019, bn-1600 in planung.

    smr prototypen meines wissens nach in bau:
    klt-40s(okbm); ritm-200(okbm); carem-25(cnea); htr-pm(cnec); acpr50s(cgn);

    alle anderen sind erst im status "develepment well advanced" oder darunter.

    update der world nuclear association 01/2019 on smr…clear-power-reactors.aspx

    für weitere informationen zur marktreife wäre ich dir dankbar.

    bg bh