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    [Blockierte Grafik:]…par4=05&par5=10&par6=2004

    OCT 05, 2004

    Dr Marc Faber

    How High Will Oil Prices Climb?

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    Since its last major low in 1998 at $ 12 (when the Economist published a very bearish piece about oil), crude oil prices have climbed to around $50 at present. The question, therefore, arises whether oil prices are headed for a sharp fall, as most analysts seem to think, or whether far higher prices could become reality in the years to come


    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.finanznachrichten.d…boerse-nachrichten-s1.gif]


    07.10.2004 12:05:

    Gold- und Ölpreise ziehen an

    Der Goldpreis stieg gestern leicht an. Auch der Kurs der Futures für Öl der Sorten Light Crude (leichtes US-Öl), für Heating Oil und der führenden Nordseesorte Brent Crude zog im New Yorker Terminhandel (Nymex) an.

    Diese Preisentwicklung geht auf sinkende Bestände der US-Öllager zurück, so dass die Sorge vor einer Heizölverknappung im Winter weiter angeheizt wurde. Das DOE (Department of Energy) und das API (American Petroleum Institute) meldeten beim Rohöl Zuwächse von 1,1 Mio. Barrel (DOE) bzw. 2,7 Mio. Barrel (API), beim Heizöl und Diesel hingegen Rückgänge von 2,1 Mio. bzw. 2,9 Mio. Barrel sowie beim Benzin ein Plus von 0,6 Mio. bzw. ein Minus von 3,4 Mio. Barrel. Insgesamt nahmen die Bestände um 0,4 bzw. 3,6 Mio. Barrel ab. Auch die Rohölimporte waren rückläufig.

    Ursache für den Ölpreisanstieg in den vergangenen Tagen waren die Schäden, welche die Wirbelstürme "Ivan" "Jeanne" und anrichteten und damit neue Versorgungslücken auslösten. Da die Raffinerien noch immer nicht ihre volle Leistung bringen können fehlt rund ein Drittel der Ölförderung aus dem Golf von Mexiko.

    Das OPEC-Kartell hielt am 15. September in Wien seine reguläre Ministersitzung ab, um über eine Fördermengenausweitung sowie eine Erhöhungen des Preisbands zu beraten. Hierbei beschlossen sie, die Förderung ab November um 1 Million Barrel pro Tag zu erhöhen. Bedeutende Marktauswirken wird dies aber nicht haben, da die tatsächliche Fördermenge rund 2 Mio. Barrel pro Tag über der offiziellen Förderquote liegt. Die Diskussion über ein neues Preisband wurde ergebnislos abgebrochen.

    Am 03. Juni trafen sich die OPEC-Minister im libanesischen Beirut zu einer Sondersitzung, um über die weitere Ölversorgung zu beraten. Dabei beschloss das Kartell, die offizielle Fördermenge von derzeit 23,5 Million barrel per day zum 01. Juli um 2,0 Millionen und ab 01. August um weitere 0,5 Millionen auf 26,0 Millionen Barrel zu steigern. Inzwischen ist das Kartell an der Grenze seiner Förderkapazitäten angelangt und hat seine Förderung gegenüber Juli sogar reduziert. OPEC-Präsident Purnomo Yusgiantoro erwartet sinkende Preise aufgrund einer Überversorgung von 2,7 Millionen Barrel pro Tag.

    Das Umfeld für hohe Preise besteht weiterhin. Die Aussichten auf deutlich sinkende Preise sind somit gering. Ursache sind die steigende Nachfrage und die anhaltende Terrorangst. US-Heimatschutzminister Tom Ridge hatte gewarnt, El Kaida bereite im Vorfeld der Präsidentschaftswahlen am 2. November neue Anschläge in den USA vor. Auch die anhaltenden Terroranschläge auf Öleinrichtungen sprechen in der langfristigen Betrachtung für einen fortgesetzten Aufwärtstrend. Der Unsicherheitsaufschlag kann sich nur langsam auflösen, wenn sich die geopolitischen Umstände entspannen.

    In der kurz- und mittelfristigen Betrachtung verhindert jedoch die angespannte Lage um die US-Heizölversorgung einen deutlichen Preisrückgang. So mehren sich die Sorgen über eine Heizölverknappung zum Winter. Die weltweiten Raffineriekapazitäten für die Verarbeitung des Rohöls sind zu gering, um den steigenden Bedarf zu decken. Infolge der häufigen Raffinerieausfälle in den USA gerät das Land zunehmend in die Abhängigkeit von Öl- und nun auch von Heizölproduzenten im Ausland. Der Bau neuer Raffinerien wird sehr viel Zeit und Geld kosten.

    Längerfristig besteht die Möglichkeit steigender Preise, da der Ölbedarf in den kommenden Jahren rasant wachsen wird. Neue Märkte wie China verursachen eine zusätzliche Verknappung des Ölangebots. China benötigt für sein beeindruckendes Wirtschaftswachstum viel Öl. Zudem wächst im Reich der Mitte der Autoabsatz beträchtlich und dementsprechend auch der Benzinbedarf. Durch seine Verschwendung ist das Reich der Mitte, die mittlerweile sechstgrößte Wirtschaft der Erde, zum zweitgrößten Ölverbraucher aufgestiegen. Allein in den ersten acht Monaten 2004 importierte China rund 70,63 Millionen Tonnen Rohöl, was einem Zuwachs von 39,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum entsprach.

    Der Kurs des Euro stieg von 1,2282 Dollar am letzten Handelstag auf nun 1,2284 Dollar. Mitte Februar erreichte der Euro ein Rekordhoch von 1,2927 Dollar, und liegt heute über seinem Kurs bei der Einführung der Gemeinschaftswährung am 04. Januar 1999 von 1,1886 Dollar. Ein schwächerer Dollar macht das in US-Dollar angeschriebene Gold und Öl für Anleger aus anderen Währungsräumen billiger und damit attraktiver. Allerdings führt er auch dazu, dass die OPEC nichts gegen die hohen Preise unternimmt, da die Einnahmen des Kartells an Wert verlieren.

    Feinunze Gold: 420,00 Dollar (+0,20 Dolllar)

    Feinunze Silber: 7,245 Dollar (+0,143 Dollar)

    Light Crude: 52,02 Dollar (+0,93 Dollar)

    Brent Crude: 47,77 Dollar (+0,39 Dollar)

    Heating Oil: 1,4209 Dollar (+0,0141 Dollar)

    Die unterschiedlichen Preise werden durch die Qualität des Öls gerechtfertigt. Je höherwertiger das Öl ist, um so kostengünstiger ist seine Weiterverarbeitung.

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    Es kracht und knirscht im Gebälk unseres Wirtschaftssystems.

    Soviel zu vermeintlich sicheren Anlagen in Imobilienfonds. Wenn die Fonds Immobilien in grossen Stil verkaufen müssen, um die Liquidität zu schaffen, die Fondbesitzer ausbezahlen zu können, droht auch den normalen Immobilienbesitzern Ungemach in Folge von Wertverlust.

    Hilferufe an den Staat sind sicher ein probates Mittel das Schlimmste aufzuschieben, jedoch ganz sicher nicht um es zu verhindern.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Bei deutschen Immobilienfonds droht ein Dominoeffekt

    Investoren ziehen massenhaft Gelder aus hierzulande anlegenden Produkten ab - Sparkassen-Tochter Deka am stärksten betroffen - Krisensitzung bei der BaFin

    von Richard Haimann, Daniel Eckert und Holger Zschäpitz

    Berlin - Bisher dachten Anleger, daß nur Aktien oder Anleihen fallen können. Doch nun dämmert es vielen, daß auch Immobilienfonds nicht immer der Fels in der Brandung sind. Denn Mittelabflüsse in Höhe von 1,2 Mrd. Euro seit Jahresbeginn haben den Deka-Immobilien-Fonds in eine derart starke Schieflage gebracht, daß Sparkassen und Landesbanken um Hilfe gerufen wurden. Bei der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) ist es bereits zu Krisensitzungen gekommen. Auch die Bundesregierung soll sich eingeschaltet haben. Experten fürchten, daß Anleger auch aus anderen Fonds große Kapitalmengen abziehen könnten und es somit zu einem Domino-Effekt kommt.

    Der Deka-Fonds ist kein Einzelfall. Er steht symptomatisch für sämtliche offene Immobilienfonds mit Anlageschwerpunkt Deutschland. Bereits im August 2003 war die Glückssträhne dieser Produkte vorbei. Seither zogen Anleger 5,7 Mrd. Euro ab. Experten befürchten, daß es zu einem großen Knall am hiesigen Immobilienmarkt kommt. Denn wenn die Fonds aufgrund der Abflüsse gezwungen sind, Immobilien abzustoßen, könnten die Preise in den Keller rutschen. Dies wiederum brächte die Performance der anderen Fonds mit Deutschland-Schwerpunkt unter Druck und würde die Produkte noch unattraktiver machen. Im schlimmsten Falle droht eine vorübergehende Schließung.


    Nach dem Gesetz über Kapitalanlagegesellschaften (KAGG) kann ein offener Immobilienfonds die Rücknahme von Anteilen für bis zu zwei Jahren aussetzen. Die Anleger würden dann erst einmal nicht mehr an ihr Geld kommen.

    So dramatisch ist die Lage, daß sich gestern selbst der Fondslobbyistenverband BVI zu Wort meldete. Die Fonds verfügten über ausreichend Liquidität, um etwaige Rücknahmewünsche der Anleger zu befriedigen. Seit Jahresanfang seien 3,7 Mrd. Euro in die offenen Immobilienfonds geflossen. Freilich sagt der BVI nicht, daß es sich bei dieser Zahl um sämtliche offenen Immobilienfonds also auch die international anlegenden handelt. Nimmt man ausschließlich die Deutschland-Produkte, sieht das Bild ganz anders aus. Dann sind nämlich 3,1 Mrd. Euro aus den Fonds abgeflossen.

    Im Zentrum des Sturms steht die Deka Immobilien Investment - eine Tochter der Deka-Bank; die zur Hälfte den Landesbanken und den Sparkassen gehört. Aus liquiden Mitteln allein konnten die Anleger nicht ausgezahlt werden, die seit Jahresbeginn ihre Anteile am Deka-Immobilien Fonds zurückgegeben haben. Um die gesetzlich vorgegebene Mindestliquiditätsquote von fünf Prozent zu halten, mußten Objekte verkauft und Fremdkapital aufgenommen werden (Die Welt, 6.10.2004). Wie viele Immobilien veräußert wurden und auf welche Summe sich die aufgenommenen Kredite belaufen will die Deka nicht sagen. Nach Brancheninformationen soll sich die Deka-Bank als Kreditgeber mit einem hohen dreistelligen Millionenbetrag engagiert haben.

    Über weitere Maßnahmen soll Mittwoch nächster Woche bei einer Notsitzung entschieden werden. Deka-Sprecher Jürgen Fischer dementiert, daß der Fonds geschlossen werden soll. "Die Deka-Bank und die Sparkassen werden weitere Anteilsscheine aufnehmen, falls noch mehr Anleger aussteigen wollen." Ein Sprecher der BaFin bestätigte, daß sich die Kontrollbehörde mit den Vorgängen befaßt: "Wir beobachten genau, was bei der Deka passiert."

    Innerhalb der Deka werden die Anlageberater der Sparkassen für die hohen Abflüsse mitverantwortlich gemacht. Kunden sei eine Umschichtung in die beiden anderen Fonds Deka-Immobilien Europa und Deka-Immobilien Global empfohlen worden. Die Sparkassen hätten dabei den Ausgabeaufschlag von rund fünf Prozent fast gänzlich als Provisionen einstreichen können. Tatsächlich sind in die beiden anderen Fonds seit Jahresbeginn rund 1,3 Milliarden Euro geflossen - wobei Provisionen in Höhe von rund 65 Mio. Euro angefallen sind. Auch BVI-Sprecher Andreas Fink moniert:

    "Die Vertriebspartner müssen erkennen, daß die Umschichtung von Fondsanteilen keine beliebig vermehrbare Leitung zur Provisionsgenerierung ist."

    Künftig könnten die Erträge noch magerer ausfallen, meint Branchenkenner Stefan Loipfinger. Ihn stimmt skeptisch, daß von 1998 bis 2003 "in der Summe Aufwertungen der Inlandsobjekte erfolgt sind, was die Marktrealität nicht widerspiegelt". Dies zeige sich auch daran, daß die Nettomietrendite bei den in Deutschland befindlichen Objekten 2003 nur 4,7 Prozent betragen habe, während bei Neuankäufen 5,5 bis sechs Prozent üblich seien.

    "Anleger brauchen zwar nicht in Panik zu verfallen, müssen sich aber vorsehen", sagt Alexandra Merz, Analystin bei Fondscope. Sie empfiehlt nur einen Deutschland-Fonds zum Kauf: den DEGI-Grundwertfonds. Alle anderen Produkte werden mit "Halten" oder gar "Verkaufen" beurteilt.

    Artikel erschienen am Do, 7. Oktober 2004

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2004 Berlin, 08:40 Uhr

    Neuverschuldung auf Rekordniveau

    Kabinett billigt den Nachtragshaushalt 2004. Die Kreditaufnahme des Bundes beträgt nun 43,7 Milliarden Euro. Der "Rekordwert" wird von der Union scharf kritisiert

    [Blockierte Grafik:]Finanzminister Hans Eichel legte in Berlin Nachtragshaushalt auf Rekordniveau vor Foto: AP

    Berlin - Das Bundeskabinett hat den Nachtragshaushalt für das laufende Jahr im Umfang von 43,7 Milliarden Euro beschlossen. Ursprünglich hatte Bundesfinanzminister Hans Eichel (SPD) in diesem Jahr nur 29,3 Milliarden Euro neue Schulden geplant. Grund für die höhere Neuverschuldung seien Steuerausfälle gegenüber der jüngsten Steuerschätzung von 13 Milliarden Euro, hieß es in der Erklärung des Finanzministeriums. Zudem hinterlasse die „ungewöhnlich lange fast dreijährige Stagnationsphase“ in diesem Jahr noch ihre Spuren im Bundeshaushalt. Hinzu kämen Mindereinnahmen beim Bundesbankgewinn sowie durch die Verschiebung der Arbeitsmarktreform „Hartz IV“ und die noch unbefriedigende Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, hieß es weiter.

    Seitens der Opposition wurde der Nachtragshaushalt scharf kritisiert. Der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der Unions-Fraktion, Dietrich Austermann (CDU), stellte fest, bei der Kreditaufnahme handele es sich um einen „Rekordwert“. Der Vorsitzende der CSU-Landesgruppe im Bundestag, Michael Glos, warf Eichel eine „nachhaltige Verletzung der Vorgaben des Grundgesetzes und des Europäischen Stabilitätspakts“ vor. Der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, Andreas Pinkwart, nannte den Nachtragshaushalt ein „Dokument des Scheiterns und der Ohnmacht“.

    Austermann warf der Bundesregierung vor, mit der Neuverschuldung seien die Kosten des „rot-grünen Versagens in der Wirtschafts- Finanz- und Haushaltspolitik“ noch nicht vollständig erfaßt. Tatsächlich sei das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Deutschland von 2001 bis 2003 nur um 0,9 Prozent gewachsen. Im gleichen Zeitraum sei es in Großbritannien um 6,2 Prozent, in den USA um 5,8 Prozent und sogar in Japan um 2,6 Prozent gewachsen. „Hätte Deutschland zwischen 2001 und 2003 das gleiche reale Wirtschaftswachstum erreicht wie Großbritannien, läge unser aktuelles Bruttoinlandsprodukt um mehr als 100 Milliarden Euro höher“, sagte Austermann.

    Glos warf Eichel vor, zum dritten Mal in Folge den europäischen Stabilitätspakt zu verletzen. Damit habe Deutschland die frühere Vorbildfunktion auf europäischer Ebene endgültig verloren. Die internationale Glaubwürdigkeit der deutschen Finanzpolitik sei erschüttert.

    Artikel erschienen am Mi, 6. Oktober 2004

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    Some US economic news:

    06:27 Flat shopping season seen by NPD Group -- Reuters

    According to a holiday buying survey by NPD Group, most Americans are planning to curb their holiday spending this year, making it a challenging shopping season for US retailers. Nine out of 10 consumers said they would spend the same amount as or less than they did in 2003. A sluggish economy and nagging labor market weakness are cited. Higher gasoline prices are also seen as another big factor, according to the results. NPD also indicates 72% of consumers will shop this season in discount stores including TGT and WMT.
    * * * *

    07:27 NJR NJR subsidiary New Jersey Nat'l Gas received NJ BPU approval to raise gas prices on 10/5 (42.10)
    A 7.5% monthly increase was approved, which means the average bill will increase more than $14 during the peak season, with the average customer seeing an increase of more than $95 for the year. Citing wholesale energy prices.
    * * * *


    10:31 DOE reports crude oil inventories +1.1M barrels vs. expectations +2.75M barrels
    Gasoline inventories reported +600K barrels vs. consensus (750K) barrels.
    Distillate inventories reported (2.1M) barrels vs. consensus (1.05M) barrels.
    ** * *

    1:02 API reports crude oil inventories +2.7M barrels
    Gasoline inventories (3.4M) barrels; distillate inventories (2.9M) barrels. Nov. WTI crude continues to trade higher; last $51.60. High of day is $51.80.
    * * * * *

    Chuck checked in this morning:


    I think that the precious metals market is going to shock here. Remarkably, the TFC sentiment has strangely turned very cautious and the small exploration companies are still absorbing selling although the volume is rising. I think that something spectacular is ready to go here. Perhaps, the old squeeze play as Jackie Gleason said on the "Honeymooners." What else can the Fed and the government do buy pump? C.

    Then later on:

    That's twice near $420. What is interesting is that once gold sells off, there is no lift in the metal. That smacks of forced selling to push the price down.

    I think that the days of capping here are coming to a close. Like an army, they will have to retreat and try to battle at another location, probably near the old high. But in this leg, it is more obvious why one should buy gold, and more buyers are continually entering the fray. But, it is still very annoying.



    Hi Bill,

    This is a gem. On attempting, three or four times, to go on the cross reference given in today's Midas in the appendix:

    Central Bank Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Option Contract
    Specification: The Case of Colombia/

    I get a message that says, "Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons."

    Paul T

    Well deserved praise for Houston’s Dan Norcini:

    Dan Just Keeps Knocking Them Out of the Park!


    I always enjoy your writing and continue to learn a great deal from you. I am especially grateful for your most recent piece about open interest, because it clarifies a very problematic issue for me. I have been with LeMetropole about two years and have learned a great deal about commodities markets. However, the open interest contract positions often cited in Midas remained an enigma. What I thought the correlations should be, didn't coincide with the market direction, nor Bill Murphy's spot on interpretations. Because market direction didn't function in a logical progression, it continued to be a source of frustration for me. Futures and the COMEX (CRIMEX) are very difficult markets for the average investor to learn about, but you have now explained it in such a clear, cogent manner, that the Alice In Wonderland actuality of everything upside down, is understood. Not factoring in the criminal manipulation and counter intuitive behavior of the COT was the missing link. Understanding the process now, the anti trust law violations are blatant! I say this as a person who has thirty years of municipal law enforcement experience and who has served in such positions as Chief Investigator. I know a strong case when I see one! For the regulators, charged with oversight of these exchanges, to not do their sworn duty is evidence of criminal corruption extending to the highest possible levels. There can be no other explanation for these contradictory trends than price control of gold and silver through manipulation.

    Moreover, it is being done by persons who are not remotely connected to the mining industry, which completely contradicts the COMEX's own regulatory language concerning producers being able to hedge for price protection. The gun is smoking, dripping with the victims blood, and not only covered with finger prints, but also still in the hand of the shooter! Yet, those charged with protecting investors and maintaining the honesty of the exchange remain silent, while enjoying their high paid positions even though they are dysfunctional, impotent, pathetic, cowards, who lack even a modicum of integrity. Not one whistle blower in the bunch! This is insult to injury, as corruption amongst those sworn to uphold the laws is the least tolerable of all criminal behavior.

    Knowing that there are great people like you involved in this fight, maintains my hope that GATA and us small investors will be vindicated one day soon, as this mockery of justice spins out of control. Criminal cartels are notorious for imploding because they became so comfortable and cocky that their omnipotent behavior resulted in mistakes which provided the evidence for ensuring their demise. We only need to have one honest judge, prosecutor, and investigator to penetrate their flawed armor. Maybe some day soon, I will get to meet guys like you and Bill Murphy during a trial, where you two testify as experts and me as an aggrieved investor. The class action suit pending (Blanchard) is the perfect resolution for this out of control lawlessness.

    Your articles will contribute greatly to the chain of evidence, along with the Russian Central Bank's statements, Sprott Report, FOMC admission of manipulating the Bond market, Bill Murphy's Midas chronology, Jim Sinclair's insights, and GATA's tremendous efforts, etc. I can not imagine any prosecuting attorney not licking their chops at the bullet proof case and expert witnesses laid out before him in this air tight chain of evidence about the greatest fraud in the history of America. This is historic! You're the man Dan, and I will fight along side of you any day. I'm proud to be a part of this effort, with great men like you.

    Rich Caccavale

    Some performance by silver again. It appears to be Rock 'N Roll time. Sure should be with oil doing what it is ($51.90 per barrel as I go to press).

    The reasons to be long gold and silver become more compelling by the days and weeks. Only the considerable efforts by a bunch of crooks have kept gold from streaking towards $500. My bet is they go down the drain in the near future. Time for the GATA stretcher-bearers to warm up once again to carry the bums out.

    Gold, silver and the shares remain THE historic investment opportunity of a lifetime. So remember:




    Gulf Daily News
    October 6, 2004

    Stick with gold and euro Bahrain investors urged


    [B]MANAMA: Investors in Bahrain have been advised to stick with gold, the euro and other safe haven investments over the next year.These are expected to perform better in a low-interest environment, according to HSBC Bank Global Markets global strategy director David Bloom.However, he advised investors to adopt a strategy which takes into account the changing nature of economies, how the markets are reacting to the new economic environment and the political environment.


    "It is evident that high commodity and oil prices have not caused inflation in the usual way," he said.

    "Major disinflation influences still exist.

    "As far as market dynamics are concerned, the market is still coming to terms with the low inflation environment. This will favour the euro, gold and general safe haven investments."

    Mr Bloom was speaking to HSBC's corporate clients in a presentation yesterday at the Diplomat Radisson SAS Hotel. He outlined the trends in the global currency market and his expectations for US interest rates over the coming year and beyond.

    He is in Bahrain as part of a regional tour, which also included Dubai, Oman, Lebanon and Qatar.

    Mr Bloom said the US - with its massive current account deficit and budget deficits, high debt level and an overvalued housing market - is likely to see the dollar suffer most.

    "On the political front, investors may decide to become a lot more active once the US elections are out of the way," he said.

    "There are investment opportunities, but I don't believe anyone wants to make big investment decisions before the election outcome is known."

    Mr Bloom said at the moment the region has low interest rates, employment growth and a really high oil price.

    "I think we haven't hit an equilibrium for oil prices but my feeling is when we do, it will be lower than $50-a-barrel," he said.

    "The cost of capital is rising, but still it's going to be historically at a very, very low level."

    However, Mr Bloom says the dollar has a safe haven status for two reasons. "One of them is the power of the US economy," he said.

    "The second is political - the US being the main superpower in the world creates an environment which people hold dollars and feel safe with it."

    Mr Bloom added that there has been some slow diversification towards Europe.

    "I think that if one has all their eggs in the dollar basket then they need to have a diversity strategy that's sensible," he said.

    "If you believe like I do that the euro will do very well in the years to come then you need to buy it. It's a very safe cautious strategy.

    "I think strategies in which people try to make others rich very quickly are irresponsible because there is no such thing."

    Meanwhile, Mr Bloom said market uncertainty is happening everywhere - not just in the Gulf - but it is something that we have to live with.

    He urged people to be cautious and not to adopt high-risk strategies - even if they are frustrated by low returns, which he says are now a fact of life.

    "I think people have been used to returns of 20 to 25 per cent a year and now they are looking at real returns of two," he said.

    "I'm afraid the low returns environment is here to stay.

    "If you want to be rich get up an hour earlier in the morning, that's the best investment strategy because there's no free money."

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report (Early Bird Version)

    Wednesday October 6, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $6.23, PM $7.69, with world gold at $418.95 and $417.85. Adequate, and ample for legal imports. India seems willing to tolerate gold in the high teens. Bad news for Bears.

    Gold closed at a 12 year high in yen on TOCOM. However, Mitsubishi reports good offerings on the highs capped the price, and in a pattern familiar to Comex observers, the $US price was marked down immediately after the close. There is clearly a defensive seller around. website reported about 3 AM NY time:

    "VERY Exceptional volume of traffic seen today on TheBullionDesk"

    Spikes in visits to this, probably the best of the gold newsgathering sites, frequently appears associated with violent action during Comex hours. Today is not yet over.

    More later.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    October 6 - Gold $417.70 down 10 cents - Silver $7.21 up 15 cents

    Silver Rocketing/Cabal Says NO To $420 Gold


    "The notion that the church, the press, and the universities should serve the state is essentially a Communist notion. In a free society these institutions must be wholly free -- which is to say that their function is to serve as checks upon the state." -- Alan Barth

    Out of Toronto soon after the gold close. The MIDAS commentary will go back to its regular schedule tomorrow.

    It’s early on and gold is trading in very choppy fashion. After a quick pop after the opening, it is selling off as the euro is under pressure. Gold was up close to a buck with the euro down .30. Now down .60, which is proving a bit much for the longs. Still, gold continues a nice move in terms of the euro. Its trading at 343, a new recent high. The old high was 349 made on April 12th. Setbacks this year have taken the gold/euro price back to the 313 to 316 levels.

    After making new highs later on (with oil heading for the moon), The Gold Cartel went into action knocking gold back and taking the euro/gold price down a bit too.

    Two early stars are silver (up 6 cents) and copper, now flying at $1.42+ per pound bid. The CRB Silver was not only an early star, it kept on going. Funds are pouring in, while Morgan Stanley, the major short, watches their position fall apart. According to our sources, they are not adding here and not doing any covering.

    Why is silver shooting up like this? The Comex floor people our sources speak to have no clue what is going on here. All I know is since our STALKER silver source reported a serious silver shortage in London, the price has risen more than $1. If you will recall, this info was challenged by a North American Pro with extensive contacts to US silver dealers. Our STALKER source clearly had the heads-up on this one.

    As expected, the specs are pouring into gold and silver. The gold OI went up 4654 contracts to 296,592 and the silver OI leaped 4010 contracts to 99,518, a far more substantial rise on a % basis. Gold is near its highs made earlier this years, while the silver OI is still 20% off its highs.

    [B]Is this a danger area OI-wise for gold and silver? Yes, of course. However, this is a significant chance the bums will be blown out of the water this time. The specs have cleaned up in oil and copper. With gold and silver so incredibly undervalued, it makes perfect sense for the hedge funds to pour in here and take the OI to much higher levels than we have seen in the past. A major key will be the physical market, as always. JB reports the Indians are not backing off here with their cash buying. Not good news for the bad guys.

    At post time, oil is surging again as the product inventories were far less than expected, (see below). Now we have oil eyeing $52 per barrel and The Gold Cartel won’t allow gold above $420. Both ludicrous and outrageous! At the same time, the DOW and DOG keep levitating. Pretty odd. When oil was eyeing $42 per barrel, the US stock market was hit for a few days. Oil is now 25% higher and its ho-hum. Makes no sense. Hmmm.

    Some Pot Pourri notes:

    Was clicking around the tube last night and what do I see but a question on ROB-TV whether the interviewee (a money manager named Bruce Campbell who owns his own firm) agreed with John Embry and his “conspiracy theory?” Sorry John, as much as you made a point of running away from that term (I certainly understand why), they are sticking you with it. The guy, who seemed to know nothing about gold, said, “no,” going on to say if John Embry were correct it would mean gold going to $500 or $600 per ounce. He couldn’t see it at all and, while bullish, was only looking for $450.

    I’d bet dollars to doughnuts the guy never read the Sprott Report. Even the ones who do and disagree can’t point to any SPECIFIC points which they believe are wrong, just that they don’t agree. I touched on this in my presentation on Monday and plan to include some of it in a coming MIDAS.

    What do they say about: you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” From a fellow Café member:

    You are going to Love/Hate this Bill...I’m the Bill Fleckenstien subscriber who recent dialoged you with his flippant dismissal of Embry’s report and is distasteful treatment of your material etc.....Well in his rap tonight he cites another of his mutual subscribers for alerting him to the Mozhaiskov LMBA speach..which he said he got of the GATA site...he doesn’t mention the BIG fact that the Russian CB endorsed your work....he does cite those parts which support his views though..I emailed him to read and comment on the rest of the speach..what a hypocrite he has turned out to be...maybe he will do the right thing and come on side??..we'll see eh?...Keep us informed if you hear from him..Gary

    NYMEX Crude Oil auf 52.02 Dollar pro Barrel gestiegen!

    Refco spricht jetzt von einem weiteren möglichen Preisanstieg auf bis zu 60.- Dollar!

    [Blockierte Grafik:…a/header/foto_logoNEW.gif]$52.02%20on%20slim%20stocks&type=internazionali&ling=EN

    NYMEX crude oil hits record $52.02 on slim stocks

    NEW YORK, Oct 6 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil futures rose to a record $52.02 a barrel after a less-than-expected increase in domestic crude supplies.

    At 14:08 p.m. EDT (1808 GMT), crude for November delivery <CLX4> was up 86 cents at $51.95 a barrel after some quick profit-taking on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    In London, November Brent crude <LCOX4> was up 81 cents at $47.94 a barrel after likewise slipping off a record peak of $48.02.

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration said domestic crude stocks rose 1.1 million barrels to 274 million barrels in the week to Oct. 1, below the average forecast in a Reuters poll of a 2.2 million barrel rise.

    Imports rose almost 300,000 barrels per day to average 10.18 million bpd as more cargoes delayed by Hurricane Ivan were unloaded. That offset a rise in refinery runs by 5.2 percentage points to 88.9 percent of capacity as more refineries resumed normal operations after the storm.

    Distillate stocks fell 2.1 million barrels to 123.4 million barrels. That was greater than the average expectation in the survey of a drawdown of 600,000 barrels.

    Gasoline stocks surprisingly rose 600,000 barrels to 199.4 million barrels. They had been expected to decline by 900,000 barrels.

    "The DOE numbers are basically neutral to a little bullish as most expectations were for a bigger rise in crude stocks. We have crude oil (build) numbers that are a lot less than what people were hoping for but the draw in heating oil could keep pressure on the market somewhat," said Phil Flynn, market analyst at Alaron Trading in Chicago.

    NYMEX November gasoline <HUX4> was up 1.54 cents at $1.3820 a gallon.

    NYMEX November heating oil <HOX4> was 1.22 cents higher at $1.4190 a gallon after earlier setting a record of $1.4200.

    The heating oil crack spread was at $7.52, down from $8 on Tuesday.


    Technical analysts said NYMEX crude is eyeing $60 a barrel from a support base at $50 if it manages to overcome strong resistance around the $52-$52.50 region.


    "Momentum can't be denied in this market and so we find ourselves in the next decade of crude oil gains, now atop $50 and perhaps headed for $60, absent some unforeseen catalyst for a wave of speculative selling," analysts at Refco said in a daily report.

    The prolonged delay in the recovery of production in the Gulf of Mexico that had been disrupted by Hurricane Ivan bolstered prices. Industry officials estimate that the resumption of normal oil operations in the Gulf could take between 45 and 90 days, the EIA said on Wednesday.

    U.S. crude oil futures ended above $51 for the first time on Tuesday after the U.S. Minerals Management Service reported that 453,000 bpd or nearly 27 percent of U.S. oil production in the Gulf was still shut-in. ((Reporting by Gelu Sulugiuc, editing by John Picinich; Reuters Messaging:; +1 646 223 6053))

    Copyright 2000 Reuters Limited.

    Nun sie einer an!

    Der Chef der technischen Chart Analysen der Hongkong und Schanghai Banking Corporation, Investment Management Abteilung *HSBC*, Charlie Morris sagt aus:

    Wir sind erst gerade am Anfang des Beginns eines substantiellen Comodities (Gold.Silber,Kupfer, etc.) Bull Runnes,

    und empfiehlt australische Junior Minen, die seiner Ansicht nach die grössten Profiteure in diesem jetzt begonnenen Bull Run sein werden.

    Wer hätte das noch vor kurzer Zeit gedacht?



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Aussie juniors are the place to be

    By: Rhona O'Connell
    Posted: '06-OCT-04 18:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    LONDON ( --In a particularly entertaining and interesting presentation at the conference “Australian Mining: The Rush That Never Ended” in London on Wednesday this week, Charlie Morris, the head of technical analysis at HSBC Investment Management argued that we are only in the very early stages of a “substantial” commodities bull run and that, given the outlook for producers’ currencies, the Australians are the miners who will reap the most benefit.

    The conference, organised by Omega Investment Research, featured eight Australian juniors across a range of metals, minerals and operating locations (see our article on specific Australan juniors).

    Morris’s work specialises in global relative strength and is largely driven by a quantitative process, and the current HSBC technical view favours the outlook for commodities and other real assets as opposed to financial assets. His presentation covered gold, other precious and non-ferrous metals, oil, steel and importantly, the currencies. The metals were assessed not only in US dollar terms but also in a global currency basket, so as to strip out the obvious impact of changes in the dollar. On this issue, Morris struck a mildly contrarian note, in that he suggested that there is a strong possibility of a rally in the dollar through to the first quarter of 2005. The theory behind this is that the dollar (quoted against a basket of currencies) is completing a three-year bear market and has recently been in a period of consolidation.

    Technical analysis would suggest that a break-out one way or the other is inevitable after a period of consolidation, and, given that that the speculators are heavily short the dollar, this is sufficient fuel for a rally rather than a further slide. This time horizon, however, was only as far as the first quarter of 2005. For the longer term he pointed to a continuing revaluation of emerging countries’ currencies on a global basis, and associated strong demand for commodities allied to improvement in international debt levels when considered in US dollar terms. [This was a theme that recurred throughout the conference, with China, as ever, the fulcrum and India expected to take up the momentum in roughly five years’ time as Chinese growth starts to plateau].


    The euro peaked in spring 2003, the rand is in a gradual uptrend, the Canadian dollar is in a strong uptrend and the Australian dollar is in a minor downtrend.

    Metals and equities:


    Gold, in US dollar terms, was flat in 2000 and 2001, but strengthening in 2002-2004; in a basket of currencies however it was strengthening in the first two years of the five and then ranging for the next three. This Morris considers is likely to continue. The Gold Mines Index is going higher, and although it is running into resistance in the short term; as of next year it should easily outperform global equities.

    Platinum is in a gradual uptrend, while nickel is in a good uptrend but now needs to consolidate before it breaks higher. Copper and aluminium are in excellent uptrends and are still low in real terms. Silver, meanwhile, is the speedboat to gold’s super tanker, volatile and one for the brave.

    So he drew a scenario in which we can expect substantial gains from the metals complex for a good while yet, and pointed also to a strong correlation between the real commodity index (he used the CRB Index, which does have a high energy component) and bond yields. Following a period of disinflation stemming back to the 1980s, with generally falling bond yields and variable commodity markets, the expectation is that bond yields will follow commodities higher during this next bull run. By implication Morris was arguing also for a steepening of the yield curve, which has been flattening of late; while Fed funds rates have been increasing, ten-year and thirty-year bond yields have not – and this is one of the reasons why the housing market is still strong in the US. Speculators are currently neutral of the bond market (no least because of heavy losses suffered during the market reversal), but are looking to come into the fray over the long term because of rising yields.

    Set against this background and noting the expectations for individual currencies, Morris offered the view that the South African producers (certainly the gold producers) will continue to struggle because the rand is moving higher. Canada is the worst place to be, on the basis of an already improved currency that is expected to show further gains and thereby undermine earnings. Australia, by contrast, with a gentle decline in its currency offers substantial potential as mining companies, subject to hedging policies, will reap the benefit of a weakening currency and strong metals.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.finanznachrichten.d…boerse-nachrichten-s1.gif]


    06.10.2004 11:59:

    Gold und Öl verteuern sich

    Der Goldpreis stieg gestern an. Auch der Kurs der Futures für Öl der Sorten Light Crude (leichtes US-Öl), für Heating Oil und der führenden Nordseesorte Brent Crude zog im New Yorker Terminhandel (Nymex) leicht an.

    Infolge der Sturmschäden im Golf von Mexiko fehlen noch immer rund ein Drittel der dortigen Ölförderung. Dies hatte zu Folge dass der Preis für Öl der Sorte Light Crude in New York mit 51,29 Dollar ein neues Allzeithoch erreichte und erstmals über der Marke von 51 Dollar den Handel beendete.

    Ursache für den Ölpreisanstieg in den vergangenen Tagen waren die Schäden, die der Wirbelsturm "Ivan" anrichtete und damit neue Versorgungslücken auslöste. Zwar hatte sich "Ivan" bei Erreichen des Festlandes abgeschwächt und die Anlagen können wieder in Betrieb genommen werden, dennoch wird es voraussichtlich noch etwas dauern, bis die Raffinerien wieder ihre volle Leistung bringen, da der Schaden größer ist als erwartet. Nach "Ivan" brach mit "Jeanne" der nächste Hurrikan über Florida ein. Die Chance für einen Preisrückgang sehen Experten erst bei Öl-Lagerbeständen deutlich oberhalb von 300 Mio. Barrel, wogegen sie sich derzeit nur auf etwa 270 Mio. Dollar belaufen.

    Das OPEC-Kartell hielt am 15. September in Wien seine reguläre Ministersitzung ab, um über eine Fördermengenausweitung sowie eine Erhöhungen des Preisbands zu beraten. Hierbei beschlossen sie, die Förderung ab November um 1 Million Barrel pro Tag zu erhöhen. Bedeutende Marktauswirken wird dies aber nicht haben, da die tatsächliche Fördermenge rund 2 Mio. Barrel pro Tag über der offiziellen Förderquote liegt. Die Diskussion über ein neues Preisband wurde ergebnislos abgebrochen.

    Am 03. Juni trafen sich die OPEC-Minister im libanesischen Beirut zu einer Sondersitzung, um über die weitere Ölversorgung zu beraten. Dabei beschloss das Kartell, die offizielle Fördermenge von derzeit 23,5 Million barrel per day zum 01. Juli um 2,0 Millionen und ab 01. August um weitere 0,5 Millionen auf 26,0 Millionen Barrel zu steigern. Inzwischen ist das Kartell an der Grenze seiner Förderkapazitäten angelangt und hat seine Förderung gegenüber Juli sogar reduziert. OPEC-Präsident Purnomo Yusgiantoro erwartet sinkende Preise aufgrund einer Überversorgung von 2,7 Millionen Barrel pro Tag.

    Das Umfeld für hohe Preise besteht weiterhin. Die Aussichten auf deutlich sinkende Preise sind somit gering. Ursache sind die steigende Nachfrage und die anhaltende Terrorangst. US-Heimatschutzminister Tom Ridge hatte gewarnt, El Kaida bereite im Vorfeld der Präsidentschaftswahlen am 2. November neue Anschläge in den USA vor. Auch die anhaltenden Terroranschläge auf Öleinrichtungen sprechen in der langfristigen Betrachtung für einen fortgesetzten Aufwärtstrend. Der Unsicherheitsaufschlag kann sich nur langsam auflösen, wenn sich die geopolitischen Umstände entspannen.

    In der kurz- und mittelfristigen Betrachtung verhindert jedoch die angespannte Lage um die US-Heizölversorgung einen deutlichen Preisrückgang. So mehren sich die Sorgen über eine Heizölverknappung zum Winter. Die weltweiten Raffineriekapazitäten für die Verarbeitung des Rohöls sind zu gering, um den steigenden Bedarf zu decken. Infolge der häufigen Raffinerieausfälle in den USA gerät das Land zunehmend in die Abhängigkeit von Öl- und nun auch von Heizölproduzenten im Ausland. Der Bau neuer Raffinerien wird sehr viel Zeit und Geld kosten.

    Längerfristig besteht die Möglichkeit steigender Preise, da der Ölbedarf in den kommenden Jahren rasant wachsen wird. Neue Märkte wie China verursachen eine zusätzliche Verknappung des Ölangebots. China benötigt für sein beeindruckendes Wirtschaftswachstum viel Öl. Zudem wächst im Reich der Mitte der Autoabsatz beträchtlich und dementsprechend auch der Benzinbedarf. Durch seine Verschwendung ist das Reich der Mitte, die mittlerweile sechstgrößte Wirtschaft der Erde, zum zweitgrößten Ölverbraucher aufgestiegen. Allein in den ersten acht Monaten 2004 importierte China rund 70,63 Millionen Tonnen Rohöl, was einem Zuwachs von 39,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum entsprach.

    Der Kurs des Euro fiel von 1,2312 Dollar am letzten Handelstag auf nun 1,2274 Dollar. Mitte Februar erreichte der Euro ein Rekordhoch von 1,2927 Dollar, und liegt heute über seinem Kurs bei der Einführung der Gemeinschaftswährung am 04. Januar 1999 von 1,1886 Dollar. Ein schwächerer Dollar macht das in US-Dollar angeschriebene Gold und Öl für Anleger aus anderen Währungsräumen billiger und damit attraktiver. Allerdings führt er auch dazu, dass die OPEC nichts gegen die hohen Preise unternimmt, da die Einnahmen des Kartells an Wert verlieren.

    Feinunze Gold: 419,80 Dollar (+4,20 Dolllar)

    Feinunze Silber: 7,102 Dollar (+0,337 Dollar)

    0 Light Crude: 51,09 Dollar (+1,18 Dollar)

    Brent Crude: 47,00 Dollar (+0,43 Dollar)

    Heating Oil: 1,4068 Dollar (+0,0212 Dollar)

    Die unterschiedlichen Preise werden durch die Qualität des Öls gerechtfertigt. Je höherwertiger das Öl ist, um so kostengünstiger ist seine Weiterverarbeitung.

    So etwas positives zum Gold, und negatives zum Dollar bei CNN lesen zu können ist ganz neu, und zeugt davon, dass es langsam auch in der Mainstream Presse, und der Wallstreet gerade zu einer Neuorientierung in Sachen Gold kommt.

    Alle erwähnten Minen, resp. deren Preis Infos und Charts sind unter dem Orginallink verfügbar.



    [Blockierte Grafik:…money_logo_subscribe1.gif]

    After the gold rush

    Gold, and gold stocks, have enjoyed a rapid run-up since May. Do they have more room to run?

    October 6, 2004: 12:00 PM EDT

    by Mark Gongloff, CNN/Money senior writer

    NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Confronted with a shaky U.S. dollar, soaring oil prices, sluggish stocks, and the ever-present threat of terrorism, investors have clamored lately for a commodity that's been a favorite pain reliever since the Stone Age: gold.

    Earlier this year, the price of an ounce of the yellow stuff surged to its highest level in nearly a quarter-century, driven in part by the fear that impending inflation would weaken the U.S. dollar. When the world's most powerful currency falters, investors sometimes turn to gold to ease the sting.

    Gold tumbled from its peak when inflation's fangs turned out not to be very sharp, but quickly started climbing again when the dollar continued to struggle, weighed down by an anemic stock market, an oil-soaked U.S. economy, continuing headaches in Iraq and more.

    Since May 10, as the dollar has lost about 4 percent of its value against a basket of other major currencies, the price of an ounce of gold has risen about 10 percent. And the American Stock Exchange's index of unhedged gold-mining stocks, or BUGS (HUI: Research, Estimates), has risen some 30 percent.

    Because they're unhedged, gold BUGS typically live and die by gold prices, but the hedged gold-related stocks found in the Philadelphia Stock Exchange's Gold and Silver index (XAU: Research, Estimates) have also gained some 25 percent since May 10.

    Some individual gold stocks have done even better in that time, especially small-cap shares such as Gold Reserve (GRZ: Research, Estimates), up 69 percent; Meridian (MDG: Research, Estimates), up 66.5 percent; and El Dorado Gold (EGO: Research, Estimates), up 49 percent.

    But mid- and large-cap gold shares have thrived, as well, with Placer Dome (PDG: Research, Estimates) up 46 percent, Freeport McMoran (FCX: Research, Estimates) up 38 percent, Newmont Mining (NEM: Research, Estimates) up 23 percent, Barrick Gold (ABX: Research, Estimates) up 13 percent and Anglogold Ashanti (AU: Research, Estimates) up 15 percent.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    What's more, gold and most gold stocks are still down for the year, the U.S. dollar is still falling, and gold still hasn't returned to its earlier highs ... meaning it may still have room to run.

    "The run-up in gold is completely justified," said Ron Coll, gold analyst with Jennings Capital in Toronto. "As long as the dollar continues to trend lower, gold will trend higher. That's the theme it will follow through the fall and into next year."

    But a weak dollar may not be the only thing driving gold prices. As with every other investment that's enjoyed a hot summer, including oil and U.S. Treasury bonds, some observers smell a whiff of speculation in gold prices and think a correction is due.

    Others point out that many people see gold as something to keep them warm at night in the face of impending doom -- after all, following a major disaster, either geopolitical or economic or both, gold will likely still have value, if only to accessorize post-apocalyptic Road Warrior outfits.


    "We see gold not as a trade; we don't even look at it as an investment. We look at it as insurance," said Jean-Marie Eveillard, portfolio manager of the First Eagle Gold (SGGDX: Research, Estimates) fund, which has nearly $600 million in gold and gold-related stocks and securities. "It's the ultimate hedge -- it tends to prosper in difficult times."

    With that in mind, Eveillard said, First Eagle has put 5 to 7 percent of its separate global fund in gold or gold-related assets. What could go so wrong that they need such insurance?

    What could drive gold higher?

    For one thing, there's always the chance that the dollar's decline could turn into a full-fledged rout, if foreign investors decide they've had enough of supporting America's wild deficit-spending binge. Oil prices could surge ever higher, slowing down the U.S. economy. Terror attacks could turn a slowdown into another full-fledged recession.

    Eveillard said these are the kinds of disasters that would have to occur to drive gold much higher. But at $420 an ounce, it's become a fairly expensive insurance policy.

    And certainly, from a technical standpoint alone, gold and several gold-related stocks have run far and fast without many breaks and could be in for a short-term correction, according to Katie Townshend, chief market technician at MKM Partners.

    But there may be other, more fundamental reasons why gold could stay strong in the longer term, too, even without a major disaster, according to Frank Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer at U.S. Global Funds, which includes the $62-million Gold Shares Fund (USERX: Research, Estimates) in its family of funds:

    Like Eveillard of the First Eagle funds, Holmes says investors can't get rich trading gold or gold-related stocks, which rise and fall with the price of bullion. But he also recommends investors put 5-to-10 percent their money in gold and gold-related assets until the trouble for the U.S. dollar blows over -- which could take a while.


    "Right now, we have negative real rates of return on Treasury bills and massive deficit spending," Holmes said. "Historically, a currency can't be strong with those two factors."


    Golden Star ist eine GATA Empfehlung!

    Bill Murphy besitzt diese Aktie seit Jahren. Bei seiner ersten Kaufsempfehlung, war die Golden Star Aktie noch weit unter einem Dollar zu haben. Auch GATA sieht, bei weiter steigenden Goldpreisen ein grosses Preissteigerungs Potential, das sogar noch über das des Aktionärs hinaus geht. Es ist die Lieblingsaktie sehr vieler amerikanischen Gold Bugs.

    Ich selbst besitze diese Aktie ebenfalls.

    Es besteht bei dieser Aktie, meiner Ansicht nach, dadurch eine nicht zu unterschätzende Gefahr eines starken Preisausschlages, falls GATA zum Beispiel unerwartet ,eine Verkaufsempfehlung für Golden Star aussprechen würde, und daraufhin mit Sicherheit sehr viele Gold Bugs weltweit diese Aktie abstossen werden. Gleiches gilt natürlich auch für den Aktionär. In den letzten Tagen ist Golden Star sehr schön gestiegen, einerseits wegen den starken Goldpreisen, nicht zuletzt wohl aber auch als "Vorbereitung" für die heute erschiene weitere Aktionärs Kaufsempfehlung.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]…etype=5&AnalysenID=475486


    Golden Star 100% Aufwärtspotential

    Der Aktionär

    Die Experten des Anlegermagazins "Der Aktionär" sehen für die Aktie von Golden Star (ISIN CA38119T1049/ WKN 888002) 100 Prozent Aufwärtspotential.

    Golden Star sei ein international tätiges Minenunternehmen. Im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr 2003 seien rund 175.000 Unzen Gold produziert worden. Im kommenden Geschäftsjahr 2005 solle die Produktion auf 350.000 Unzen erhöht werden. Golden Star habe Ende 2003 auf einen Cashbestand von 75 Mio. Euro blicken können. Mit einem 2005er KGV von 18 seien die Papiere äußerst attraktiv bewertet. Der Kurs der Golden Star-Aktie bewege sich seit Beginn des Jahres 2001 in einem perfekten aufwärts gerichteten Trend, der auch in den letzten Monaten habe bestätigt werden können.

    Die Aktien seien erst kürzlich in eine Dreiecksformation hineingelaufen. Sollte diese Dreiecksformation überwunden werden, könne sie einen trendbestätigenden Charakter aufweisen und lasse auf ein enormes Aufwärtspotential schließen. Positiv zu bewerten sei zudem, dass die Aktie die 200-Tage-Linie fast überwunden habe. Dies könne als mittelfristige Trendwende interpretiert werden. Die Aktien von Golden Star könnten entweder in New York oder in Frankfurt geordert werden.

    Mit einem Kursziel von 8,50 Euro sehen die Experten von "Der Aktionär" für die Golden Star-Aktie ein Aufwärtspotential von 100 Prozent.

    Gestern hatte Ulfur bereits darüber informiert!

    Heute ist dieses Schmuckstück auch im Spiegel zu bewundern.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…ngen/index.html?id=530761


    Die größte Goldmünze der Welt

    Die 24-Karat-Münze hat ein Goldgewicht von 31 Kilogramm und einen Nennwert von 100.000 Euro - ist aber deutlich mehr wert. Das "Big Phil" genannte Goldstück wurde auf 15 Exemplare limitiert.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…/Japan250_Reuters_250.jpg]

    Die Münze Österreich hat die nach eigenen Angaben größte Goldmünze der Welt präsentiert: "Die Welt braucht neben den nationalen Einheiten auch eine gemeinsame Währung", sagte Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger Robert Mundell, der die Münze zusammen mit Wolfgang Duchatczek vom Direktorium der Österreichischen Nationalbank am Dienstagabend in einer New Yorker Galerie präsentierte. Der auf eine Auflage von 15 Stück limitierte "Wiener Philharmoniker", in New York kurz "Big Phil" genannt, wurde auch in München, Wien und Tokio vorgestellt.

    Die meisten Münzen sind schon verkauft

    Die Besucher der Neuen Galerie in der Fifth Avenue erhielten weiße Handschuhe, um das schwere Goldstück zu berühren. Die meisten der Mammut-Münzen sind bereits an Investoren und Institutionen verkauft, die nicht genannt werden wollen. "Gold erzielt im Unterschied zu Aktien keine Dividenden, und sein Wert ist schwankend", sagte Mundell. "Die andere Seite der Münze ist aber, dass Gold mehr denn je ein Maß für die nationalen Reserven darstellt."

    Die Riesenmünze mit einem Durchmesser von 37 Zentimetern wurde aus Anlass des 15. Jahrestags des ersten "Philharmonikers" geprägt. Diese Münze mit einem Gewicht von einer Unze ist eine der meistgekauften Goldmünzen der Welt. Wie das kleinere Vorbild zeigt auch die 31-Kilogramm-Münze auf der Vorderseite die Orgel im Goldenen Saal des Wiener Musikvereins sowie Instrumente auf der Rückseite. (AP)

    Meldung vom 06. Oktober 2004

    Was ist denn hier los?

    Die meisten der 5000 Postings sind doch von Euch allen hier im Thread!

    Es freut mich, dass wir alle zusammen aktiv mithelfen können, die uns bekannten, wichtigen Meldungen, und Informationen rund ums Gold-, und Silbergeschehen, zu den vermuteten, und wirklichen Geschehnissen in unserem Wirtschaftsgeschehen, an eine möglichst breite Leserschaft weitervermitteln können.

    Es liegt mir viel daran, dass sich wieder möglichst viele Menschen mit Gold, und Silber auseinandersetzen, sich informieren, den wahren, bereits seit tausenden von Jahren bestehenden Wert als echtes Geld und Werterhaltungsmittel wiederentecken, und vielleicht dadurch ebenfalls erkennen, dass unser jetziges ungedecktes Fiat "Papier" Geld System schlussendlich nur dazu führen wird, dass (fast) alle schleichend immer mehr enteignet werden, wenn wir uns nicht mit physischem Gold, oder Silber absichern.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The DOW lost 38 to 10,178 and the DOG gained 3 to 1956.

    The dollar closed at 88.29, down .25 and the euro rose .37 to 123.24.

    More disappointing economic news:

    10:00 Sept. ISM Non-manufacturing reported 56.7 vs. consensus 59 Prior reading was 58.2.
    * * * *

    Some input from Mexico:

    Dear Bill:

    Great news from Mozhaiskov, Deputy Chmn. B of Russia!

    I remember that when the USSR collapsed, their gold reserves were: 2,200 tonnes.

    Then, the number one man in charge of these reserves, was thrown out a window.

    Next, the number two man in charge followed him out another window, in short order.

    WHERE did the 2,200 tonnes go? Nobody seems to have followed up on this. Can 2,200 tonnes of gold disappear into thin air? Who got them and how?

    Some brain should get to work on this extremely important mystery!



    Food for thought:

    Hi Bill,

    In his speech, quoted on your website, Oleg Mozhaiskov, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, said:


    "To earn some income on the stock and compensate for "book losses" caused by its revaluation, a number of central banks have started to place a part of their reserves into deposits with commercial institutions -- leasing operations. Data available to me suggest that these banks deposited about 1,000 tonnes in 1991, and 10 years later the volume of the deposits reached 4,800 tonnes. Naturally, the central banks' activity increased market liquidity and thus also put downward pressure on the gold price. "


    Those are staggering numbers: gold leased to commercial entities in 1991--1000 tons; gold leased in 2000--4800 tons. Assuming a linear increase from 1991 through 2000, the average quantity leased per year for the 10 years would be roughly (1000 + 4800)/2 = 2900 tons, which gives a total outflow from central bank reserves over the 10 years of 29,000 tons! And that figure does not take into account the amounts leased prior to 1991, or the amounts leased from the end of 2000 through September 2004!

    Bottom line: I think Mr. Mozhaiskov is hinting that virtually all of the central bank gold has already been leased out! No wonder the London Bullion Market Association tried to suppress his speech!

    Mitchell Jones

    More food for thought:

    Good morning Bill

    Interesting to watch the UK morning yesterday, it seemed as if there was a combined G9 effort to up stocks and the USD and sit on gold. All this filtered through to the US day.

    What has been interesting is watching gold's retreats over the past month or so. Previously gold really sagged when hit, but now retreats are orderly and ground is not given up easily. Since Europe is a physical, rather than options, driven market, this must be costing the cartel dear.

    As you know, I have been a long time follower of the gold market. In the early '90's I subscribed to a newsletter called "FullerMoney", which included gold as one of the markets analysed at that time. I still remember David Fuller's comment that gold follows real wealth creation and that ultimately a substantial portion of physical gold would go east. Not difficult to see what has been happening!

    Last, but not least. Its not only the BLS that muddles the numbers, this from the 10/01/04 edition of Britain's "The Daily Telegraph (for those who don't know, NHS stands for National Health Service):

    Chief statistician goes out with a bang

    By Malcolm Moore, Economics Correspondent (Filed: 01/10/2004)

    The head of Britain's much-criticised statistics office is to leave at the end of next year and return to New Zealand, it emerged yesterday.

    Len Cook's departure from the Office for National Statistics comes in the middle of a restructuring that will move 600 staff, including his successor, to south Wales.

    Len Cook outside the ONS

    The need to overhaul the ONS was underlined yesterday as the body faced a grilling from economists in the City over its habit of heavily revising its figures. Mr Cook, 55, explained that "300 out of 400 systems" at the ONS were "obsolete". He added that two thirds of the investment in statistics during the 1980s was "wasted".

    "You should have founded a statistical office in the 1960s rather than 1997, then maybe we wouldn't be in this state," said Mr Cook, a New Zealander, as he responded to criticisms over large revisions to GDP figures. He also had to defend the controversial way in which the ONS doubled its estimates for the output of the NHS shortly after the issue had been raised in a Cabinet meeting, and without telling anyone of its plans.

    The Statistics Commission, which is responsible for inspiring public confidence in statistics, has attacked the move, and many commentators felt that Mr Cook had been forced politically to deliver a more buoyant view of NHS performance. Mr Cook said he shouldered the blame for the public relations disaster, and said he had indeed discussed making the changes with Sir Andrew Turnbull, the cabinet secretary.


    "You would have called me piss-poor if we had not made the changes," he said.

    Geoffrey Dicks, an economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland, said: "It does seem strange that the health figures are steeply revised by the ONS shortly after the issue has been raised in a Cabinet meeting, and that after the Bank of England publicly said it did not trust the first-quarter consumption figures the ONS then completely changed them."

    Mr Dicks said the ONS paid barely any attention to the needs of the financial community when they "turned the figures on their head". He said that at an annualised rate, the first-quarter figures for household spending had been shifted from 0.3pc growth to 2.5pc and that the second-quarter figures had been revised down from 4.5pc growth to 2.4pc.

    The ONS explained that by the time its first estimate of a quarter's GDP is released, it only had "limited data". Marian Bell, a member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, said ONS figures were "no less reliable" than those elsewhere in the world and the revisions were rarely because they had got the numbers wrong.

    Charlie Bean, the Bank's chief economist, said that the ONS had been rated as "satisfactory" ever since the Bank's service level agreement had been introduced. He also defended the need for speedy, if rough, first estimates of GDP. Robin Youll, the statistician who is responsible for producing the first estimate, said: "The Bank would be happy if we produced an estimate of GDP every day."


    The gold shares roared back with the XAU jumping 2.47 to 102.26 and the HUI leaping 6.90 to 232.68, taking out Friday's close. Wonderful price action.

    Today’s gold and silver comeback brings us into uncharted territory as far as the battle against The Gold Cartel is concerned. We know they are going to go all out to prevent gold from going to where it should, especially before the election. Whether they can pull it off is another matter. I certainly don’t have the answer. What I do know is the prices of gold and silver are going to go berserk; if not this month, next month, if not next month, by year end.





    Hi Bill, here's a copy of my E-mail to the editor of the "washington post"

    10/5/04 1:00:43 AM Central Daylight Time


    here in munich / germany, we remember the washington post for the courage to uncover a lying government and a lying president - watergate.

    In these modern times, it needs russian sources to uncover the entire american media lying about the hidden and unconstitutional market manipulation going on in the US in totalitarian and fascist fashion, as back in times we know very well from Hitler and Goebbels in Nazi Germany.

    Thanks to GATA, the rest of the world is better informed than the betrayed american citizen.

    Shame on you.

    Think about this. GATA cant get the WSJ, Washington Post, Barrons, Bloomberg to even mention the word GATA and the Russian Central Bank goes out of its way to not only mention GATA, it went way out of its way to provide us with an official English translation of Mozhaiskovs speech.(at the London Bullion Market Association in early June 2004)

    It looks like this time someone needs to free the american people held hostage by a totalitarian government, that totally controls the "gleichgeschaltete" press.

    Think about it!

    K.B. Moellmann / munich, germany


    I did not have time to read this one yet. I was browsing the IMF site looking for some papers by one of Ben Bernanke's PhD students at Columbia Univ.. The paper confirms Jim Sinclair's position that Fed Governors think they can *effectively* talk up the economy . I am doubtful. Seems like that was the brilliant plan cocked up at the G-7 meetings. Can you imagine what the other nations economic minsters are thinking when the Maestro tells them about his ingenious plan to save the economy by "saying the economy is good."

    But I digress. Here it the title of the paper I found followed by the link and then the abstract:

    Central Bank Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Option Contract Specification: The Case of Colombia

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    SURELY not a Bear trap?

    Tuesday, October 05, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $7.08, PM $6.92, with world gold at $412.85 and $413.80. Ample for legal imports. The south Indian city of Madras has returned as an importer - apparently the "inauspicious" period is over.

    TOCOM's enthusiasm for gold was distinctly limited: open interest rose the equivalent of 1,194 Comex lots on volume equal to 24,808 Comex (down 9%); the active contract was down 7 yen, but world gold was only 20c below NY at the close. The Trade House data suggests a little long rebuilding by the public has begun. There was much more interest in Platinum, where volume jumped 145% to roughly the same value as gold, as Japanese public bargain hunting stopped the slide NY had begun. (NY yesterday traded 51,206 contracts; open interest fell 2,194 lots.)

    As Standard London puts it, yesterday


    "Gold opened in TOCOM around the 419 level .but firm offers kept the market from moving drifted lower without any strong hindrance towards the 414 levels just as the US dollar gained. Then in the COMEX session, long liquidation done in earnest soon brought gold crumbling towards the day's low of 411.80 offer. Physical demand at this juncture played a crucial role and helped buoy prices where the selling eventually leveled off here and began climbing back higher." (JB emphasis)

    In point of fact, the small decline in open interest suggests that there must have been a fair amount of short selling on the downswing, possibly accounting for the sharpness of the upswing in NY late this morning.

    Dealer commentators are deeply apprehensive about the size of the spec long. HSBC makes the interesting point that in eight of the past nine years, gold fell in October. The exception was last year. (September has been up in eight of the past ten.) Of course, there is no particular reason why previous tops in either open interest or net spec longs should be inviolable, any more than Oil should not sometime trade in the $50s. But this is surely a moment when the comfort offered by watching the physical market premiums is invaluable.

    The noted gold bear maintains the Russian Central Banker's speech is a little different in the GATA translation (which was provided by the Russians) than in the version he evidently has. Having re read all the comments published on his version, the differences do not seem material. It remains imperative reading.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    De Gaulle a Russian? Hamanaka Australian? India & Co buy

    Monday, October 4, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $7.39, PM $8.25, with world gold at 417.65 and $415.60. High, and extremely high. India is clearly a buyer of world gold in the teens.

    The rupee strengthened again and the stock market rose another 1.6%, to the highest level since April 23. Foreign portfolio inflows in September are reported to have been the highest since April - that is, since before the fall of the BJP government. Consequently rupee buoyancy is to be expected, facilitating gold purchases.

    There is every reason to expect India will be a robust importer of bullion this Fall.

    The Istanbul Gold Exchange has published Turkey's gold imports for September. At 22.2 tonnes, these were essentially the same as August's 22.25 tonnes, rather impressive considering the Turkish Lira price was appreciably higher during the month (the IGE says by an average of 4.2%). So far this year, imports are running 11%, (19.7 tonnes) above last year, which was of course an all time record.

    A good deal of the metal entering Turkey is thought to be re-exported to neighboring countries. This Turkish news fits with the data from Dubai discussed last week: the demand schedule for gold in the Middle East has clearly shifted. No prizes for guessing why.

    Both India and the Middle East are buying bullion for their own reasons, uninfluenced by $US charts or Comex gyrations: reasons which are not about to go away.

    On TOCOM, the active contract closed unchanged, with world gold $1.85 below the NY close. The equivalent of 27,145 Comex lots traded, 3% down from Friday; open interest fell 430 Comex equivalent to equal 88,431 Comex lots. The Japanese public are reported to have to have the lowest net long since they sold into the post-Washington Agreement price spike in October 1999. Their rebuilding to normal levels could be a constructive development for world gold. (NY on Friday traded 48,988 contracts; open interest rose yet again, by 3,816 contracts to 294, 152.)

    Although some described Friday as quiet, in fact gold was rather busy, despite being confined to narrow ranges. Neither the volume nor the 11.8 tonne increase in open interest can fairly be called small. And the size of the spec position frightens any observer with the capacity to understand it. UBS observed:


    "In the week to 28 September, Comex trading Speculators added 1.6 million ounces to their gross long positions, which increased to 19.41Moz. As of last Tuesday the net long position stood at 15.6Moz, up 1.7Moz on the previous week. Since then, however, Comex open interest has increased sharply. taking the net long position to about 19 million ounces, now close to the all-time high seen at the beginning of the year. , barring any further dollar weakness, the speculative positions are somewhat overdone and that gold could succumb to profit taking."

    No one of course, offers any thoughts as to what kind of seller appeared to block the rally, causing gold to diverge from so many other commodities which were making new highs last week. But clearly a resumption of $US asset euphoria superimposed on this situation must have been a glaring invitation to any predator funds paying attention. If the gold price were determined in the Western Hemisphere, this would have been an immense down day.

    In fact, the G-7 meetings appear to have been a defeat for the enemies of gold. A good deal of nonsense is talked about the proposals said to be under consideration, notably by Dennis Gartman today. There were two ideas:

    1) To use a sale-and repurchase transaction with a repaying IMF debtor to create a reason to bolster the IMF balance sheet by an accounting adjustment. This would facilitate enable the IMF writing-off debt and was done in the late 90s. (A parallel would be a company writing up assets to increase undistributed surplus.) It has no effect on the gold market. This idea does not seem to have been well received.

    2) Actually sell some bullion. (The proposal published last week was to include such sales in the Washington Accord numbers, which would render the effect on the market null, those sales having already been discounted.) It is not clear this idea was even discussed.

    In the current political climate, neither helping 3rd World debtors nor damaging gold/helping the dollar appears popular.

    Some insight as to why is contained in the remarkable speech delivered to the LBMA Bullion Market Forum in Moscow in early June by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Central Bank, and now at last made available in English thanks to the unflagging determination of GATA. It is available at and is imperative reading for serious students of gold.

    A surprisingly sophisticated and elegant discussion of the function of gold in Central Banking, this speech is notable for the hostility it displays to the hegemony of the dollar, complaining of

    "the blatant lack of discipline .demonstrated by the U.S. dollar. I am leaving aside the main aspects of this problem, such as the social and economic injustice of a world order that allows the richest country in the world to live in debt, undermining the vital interests of other countries and peoples. the problem could be more accurately termed the irresponsibility of the U.S. government in relation to the market valuation of its currency in international circulation. The world has come to a paradoxical situation in which the creditor countries are more concerned with the fate of the dollar than the U.S. authorities themselves are."

    Also, there a negative assessment of the role of leasing and gold derivatives:

    "a number of central banks have started to place a part of their reserves into deposits with commercial institutions -- leasing operations. Naturally, the central banks' activity increased market liquidity and thus also put downward pressure on the gold price. The influence of these operations, however, must not be exaggerated. It is even incomparable with the pressure that was exerted on the market of gold derivatives."

    Astonishingly the speaker also summarized the GATA/Bill Murphy/Reg Howe allegations and delicately gave them credit:

    "I .dare assume that the specific facts included in the lawsuits might have given ground to suspicion that the real forces acting on the gold market are far from those of classic textbooks that explain to students how prices are born in a free market."

    The LBMA flatly refused to make available the transcript of this speech, which the World Gold Council needless to say never mentioned either. Yet it has to be the most gold-friendly speech given by a Central Banker since the days off De Gaulle. And from a Central Bank which is demonstrating sincerity by accumulating the metal.

    More problems for the gold derivatives industry are heading towards it from Australia, where the Australian "Sunday Times" newspaper reports the liquidator of Sons of Gwalia, and the lawyer for the bondholders, appear to be taking aim at the banks involved:


    "Administrator Ferrier Hodgson is believed to be looking closely at the actions of banks which financed about $500 million worth of hedging contracts that led to Gwalia's demise.. The key to any group action rests with US bond holders, who are owed $240 million. Melbourne-based insolvency lawyer Leon Zwier, whose firm Arnold Bloch Leiber represents the US group, said."We're waiting to see what the investigation shows.But the administrators are under a statutory duty to investigate (the actions of the banks)."


    Considering the resolution of the Sumitomo/Hamanaka Copper suits, this looks like being costly for the Banks. Prospects for a resumption of large scale hedging seem dim.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    October 5 - Gold $417.80 up $4.30 - Silver $7.06 up 33 cents

    Gold And Silver Commercial Signal Failure Ahead?


    Life has no limitations--except the ones you make...Les Brown

    GO GATA!!!

    The kid is beat and upbeat. My Glen Ridge High School reunion at the Jersey Shore was much fun. Unreal, 80% of our 1964 class showed up from all over the place. Then off to Toronto for my presentation at the Natural Resource Conference yesterday afternoon here in Toronto, which went fine. The highlight of the trip for me was the GATA cocktail party following the speech. Refco’s Tony Wilson set it up perfectly at Hy’s Steak House. The affair was very classy and a good number of Bay Street’s finest showed up. The buzz in Toronto re GATA should be enhanced after this get-together.

    James Turk attended and told me Barron’s edited out his discussion of the Sprott Special Report. Let’s hear it again for America’s free press. What a joke!

    Going to spend an extra day here in Toronto and catch up with some friends this afternoon. Too much going on to get the MIDAS done and make my flight. The big question, of course, is will this be the moment we have been waiting for when the specs bury The Gold Cartel and we finally get our Commercial Signal Failure? Hard to say, however, we have a real shot it could happen with oil running away from $50 on the DOWNSIDE. Oil closed at $51.08, up $1.17 and at an all-time high close.

    What an impressive day for gold, and especially silver. Both came right back with an “in your face” performance against the price managers. Gold sold off a bit late, however, silver closed right on its highs. If gold closes above $420, the cabal forces could be in real trouble. They ought to be already. A reasonable price for gold vis-à-vis oil at a historically norma1 15 to 1 ratio would be $750. Based on inflation in the US and the price of oil, the Russian Central Bank believes gold ought to be around $740 to $760 per ounce. Comes out about the same number GATA talks about. Time it gets there.

    Here is a stunner:


    Who knows what the Bush Administration will concoct for the employment numbers out on Friday. Whatever it is, this layoff number paints the real picture. Nightmare time is almost here for the average Joe and Jane. The jobs picture is deteriorating as day to day costs are soaring, with oil going through the roof among et al.

    Oh for gosh sakes, just in, look at this garbage:

    White House expects upward revision to jobs data

    PHILADELPHIA, Oct 5 (Reuters) - The Bush administration expects revised data due on Friday to show the pace of job creation in the year leading up to March was much swifter than had been believed, economists who received a White House memo on the subject said on Tuesday.

    The memo by the president's Council of Economic Advisers estimates that payroll figures for the March 2003-March 2004 period will be revised upward by 288,000 jobs, the economists said. Current data shows only 709,000 jobs were created in that period.

    A sizable upward revision would be good news for President George W. Bush, who is locked in a tight race for re-election with Democrat Sen. John Kerry.

    The Massachusetts senator has hammered Bush over the 913,000 jobs that have been lost since he took office. Kerry hopes to benefit from the unusual and protracted job-market weakness when voters go to the polls in four weeks.

    The White House declined to make the memo public and stressed the uncertain nature of the projections.

    "In-house economists have looked at publicly available data and come up with estimates which have an extremely high degree of uncertainty," White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said.

    While many economists expect to see some upward revision, many are not as optimistic as the White House economists.

    "It may be that this memo overstates the case," a congressional aide said.

    In the memo, details of which were first reported by the Wall Street Journal, the White House notes a number of risks to its forecast, which it says could be higher or lower by as many as 140,000 jobs, one economist said.

    A downward revision to first quarter data could cut into the upward move the White House hopes to see, since its estimate was based on unemployment insurance data that only ran through December of last year.

    "The main risk is that something between December 2003 and March 2004 reversed some of that increase," one economist said…..


    Not much spec liquidation yesterday. The gold open interest only fell 2204 contracts to 291,938.

    The funds poured into silver and we should see a sharp increase tomorrow in the OI.

    The silver open interest, still relatively low, rose 540 contracts to 95,584.

    Noch kurz was zur Wahnsinns Verschuldung der USA !!!

    Die vom US Parlament abgesegnete, also gesetzliche Obergrenze der amerikanischen Verschuldung beträgt zur Zeit immer noch maximal:

    7'384'000'000'000.- $

    also höchstens 7,384 Trillionen Dollar,

    oder wie wir in unserer eigenen europäischen Sprechweise sagen, 7,384 Billionen Dollar !

    Nun schaut Euch doch bitte die neusten veröffentlichten offiziellen Zahlen zum Verschuldungsstand der Amerikaner an:

    Die Verschuldung hat das Limit bereits um 30 Billionen US Dollar (In unserer Sprechweise 30 Milliarden Dollar ) ohne Gesetzesgrundlage klammheimlich überschritten, ohne dass auch nur eine Meldung darüber von Reuters, oder Bloomberg verbreitet wurde.

    Gestern noch schrieb Reuters von 20 Billionen Dollar die bis zur Obergrenze fehlen würden, heute sind die Amis bereits 30 Billionen drüber. Ungesetzlich wohlverstanden!…bondsNews&storyID=6409705