Beiträge von ThaiGuru

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    MARCH 10, 2004 - 11:19 ET

    Seabridge Initiates 2004 Program at Grassy Mountain Gold


    Remodeled Resource to Incorporate 39 Additional Drill Holes

    Seabridge reported today that it has commenced its 2004 program
    at its 100% owned Grassy Mountain gold project located in Malheur
    County, Oregon. The initial focus of the program is to update the
    geologic and resource models for the deposit by incorporating 39
    more recent drill holes that were never included in the database.
    The earlier 202 holes are also being re-logged and the deposit's
    geology being reinterpreted to enable assessment of both open pit
    and underground mining scenarios.


    Since the discovery of the Grassy Mountain gold deposit by Atlas
    Minerals Inc. in 1988, significant technical work has been
    completed by several mining companies and independent third
    parties on open-pit and underground development scenarios. All of
    this work has assumed gold prices ranging from $350 to $400 per
    ounce. The key studies were:

    (1) The Kilborn Study "Grassy Mountain Property Final Feasibility
    Study", April, 1990, describing an open pit mining project with
    heap leach and CIL processing, developed from Atlas results
    completed through 1989;

    (2) The Pincock, Allen & Holt (PAH) Study "Grassy Mountain
    Conceptual Development Review", to compare alternate project
    development scenarios, completed in November 1997.


    All development scenarios examined after completion of the
    Kilborn open-pit feasibility study utilized the same geologic and
    block models. Subsequent to the Kilborn feasibility study, Atlas
    optioned the property to Newmont and Tombstone Exploration
    successively but neither group updated the geologic and block
    models by incorporating the new data they generated, nor did they
    construct a geologic model that specifically addressed an
    underground mine.

    Atlas originally drilled 202 holes totaling 159,600 feet which is
    the data that was used for block model construction. Newmont (15
    core drill holes), Tombstone (10 RVC and core drill holes) and
    Atlas (14 RVC holes) drilled an additional 39 holes totaling
    23,610 feet, a 19% increase in the number of drill holes and a
    15% increase in the footage drilled. The Newmont and Tombstone
    drilling focused on the heart of the high-grade zone, while the
    Atlas drilling was designed for geotechnical data and to test
    outlying targets. Seabridge has now integrated all the drill hole
    assay results that were collected from the property.

    Assay results from the 20 Newmont and Tombstone holes which were
    drilled into the deposit are as follows:


    [Blockierte Grafik:]…6,8925771%255E462,00.html


    Legend rockets on gold find


    FLEDGLING gold miner Legend Mining Ltd's shares surged today after it announced two new gold discoveries at its newly acquired Gidgee project in Western Australia.

    The gold pockets, dubbed Mali and Senegal, are next to current workings at the company's Swan Bitter underground gold mine.

    Perth-based Legend said the accessible lodes would potentially open up a new 4.5km long exploration target zone for additional new discoveries.

    The company's shares rose 3.5c, or 26.92 per cent, to 16.5c at 12.40am (AEDT).

    Best drilling intersections included a 12.60m segment containing 22.6 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold, 7.95m at 33.50 g/t and 5.65m at 6.11 g/t.

    There is potential for expanding both the Mali and Senegal gold pockets because they remain open in all directions.

    "Legend believes these lodes will significantly add to the mines reserves," the company said.

    "The discovery of the high grade Mali and Senegal lodes, further west than previously identified gold mineralisation at Swan Bitter, vindicates the company's aggressive underground exploration program."

    Legend cranked up exploration at its tenements after making the transition, three months ago, from explorer to miner when it bought the Gidgee project, 90 km north of Sandstone in WA's north-eastern goldfields.

    Legend agreed to pay $3.5 million in cash before June 30 2004 to acquire the 70,000 ounce a year operation from Abelle Ltd.

    The total acquisition cost of $6.5 million included $1 million in shares and $2 million for environmental bonds.

    HAR: Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited - Harm...

    Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited - Harmony To Fund Political Process In South Africa

    Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

    ISIN No.: ZAE000015228


    Johannesburg, Wednesday 10 March 2004 - Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

    (NYSE: HMY JSE: HAR) today announced that its Board of Directors has approved an amount of R3,0 million to assist in the development and enhancement of the democratic process in the forthcoming elections. This decision has been made in line with Harmonys on-going support of a multi-party democracy in South Africa, as well as the companys commitment to both its own and the countrys sustainability.
    To regulate the funding, the donations by Harmony will be made to political parties on an equitable and proportional basis.

    Harmony represents a wide spectrum of the population through our
    stakeholders i.e. employees, investors and suppliers and we therefore believe that it is appropriate to support the democratic process in South Africa. We will assist political parties proportionate to their constituent base which has been calculated on the basis of their electoral support in the previous election, commented Bernard Swanepoel, Chief Executive.

    A copy of the companys Funding of Political Parties Policy is available on
    our web site at
    Additional Information
    % of total % of total vote in
    Political vote achieved proportion to each
    Party during the other, exceeding 1%
    ANC 66.4 69.0
    DA 9.6 9.9
    IFP 8.6 8.9
    NNP 6.9 7.1
    UDM 3.4 3.6
    ACDP 1.4 1.5
    Total vote 96.3 100
    The abovementioned six parties achieved more than 1% of the total vote in the
    previous general elections. In aggregate, they polled 96,3% of the total
    vote. Funding will, however, be granted in proportion to the percentages
    outlined in the last column.
    For more details contact:
    Bernard Swanepoel
    on +27(0)83 303 9922
    Ferdi Dippenaar
    on +27(0)82 807 3684
    Investor Relations Officer
    Corne Bobbert
    Tel +27 11 684 0146
    Mobile +27(0)83 380 6614
    Date: 10/03/2004 03:09:17 PM Produced by the JSE SENS Department


    Ich bleibe hier, mir gefällt das Board hier sogar sau gut!

    Man kann hier im Gegensatz zu W:O sogar fehlerhafte Posting korrigieren. Bei meinen massenhaften Schreibfehlern eine riesige Errungenschaft.

    Mann kann Zitate einfügen, BBCodes sind viel einfacher zu betätigen als bei W:O. Selbst eigene Fotos im Rahmen des Vernünftigen sind anscheinend hier tolleriert. URLs, Mail Adressen, Grafiken, etc. sind nach kurzem Umgewöhnen viel einfacher zu verwenden.

    Auch die Möglichkeit andere Poster resp. ihre Beiträge zu bewerten find ich toll. Es gibt aber noch vieles mehr an technischen Vorzügen hier.
    Zum Beispiel auch die Unterschrifts-Grafik kann fluggs geändert werden.

    Meine Absicht war es meine posterische Arbeit hier forzusetzen weil ich der "technischen" Probleme bei W:O genügend erlebt habe, und mich von der dortigen Werbung erdrückt fühlte.

    Einige User hier im Board glauben vielleicht ich wollte hier irgend jemand
    auf die Füsse treten, oder schnell irgendwelche Sterne die hier vergeben werden zu ergattern. Dem ist aber sicher nicht so. Ich habe früher schon bei W:O manchmal bis zu 100 Meldungen zum Gold und Wirtschaftsgeschehen am Tag gepostet. In meinem letzten Thread bei W:O wurde in 22 Monaten fast 9000 X gepostet, und er wurde fast 410000 X besucht.

    Das war vor allem auch den vielen Usern zu verdanken die sich hier in den letzten Tagen im Forum neu angemeldet haben, und die von einigen Usern hier zuerst abschätzig als meine Jünger, Huldiger, 2. ID`s oder ähnlichem bezeichnet wurden. Dass sie sich darauf hin nicht gerade erfreut gezeigt haben, und auch dementspechend reagiert haben sollte eigentlich nicht verwundern.

    Hier im Board konnte ich die letzten Tage viele interessante (für diejenigen die es betrifft wenigstens) Meldungen zu Gold und Silber Minen nicht posten, weil ich die mir zur Verfügung stehende Zeit benötigte, auf Vorwürfe zu antworten die hier an mich gerichtet wurden.

    Wie Du schon gesagt hast, die meisten interessieren sich bei weitem nicht für alle Postings von mir. Manchmal ist aber auch eine Meldung dabei die jemand interessiert, oder jemandem nützlich sein kann.
    Die Postings aller User in einem Thread führen zum erfolgreichen Gelingen eines Threades, nicht nur meine eigenen. Ohne meine User Kollegen, und Freunde im alten Board hätte meinem Thread der Pep gefehlt, und vor allem hätten ihn nicht so viele alte und vor allem neue Leser besucht. Und das sollte eigentlich unser aller Ziel sein eine möglichst grosse Anzahl neuer Leser auf die Vorgänge beim Gold Geschehen aufmerksam machen, und ihnen unser Wissen weiter zu geben, und sie von den Chacen zu überzeugen, die ein Investment in Gold und Silber bietet. Die grosse Mehrheit der Menschen hat nähmlich immer noch keinen blassen Dunst von dem was wirklich abläuft, und welche Probleme wegen unserem ungedeckten "Fiat Money" Systen noch auf uns alle zukommen werden, und wie sie sich gegen den Anstehenden Verfall dieses Fiat Money Systems mit Gold und Silber schützen können.



    Kategorie Unglaubliches!

    Bin in einem anderen Board gerade erst auf diese Meldung gestossen.

    Lest doch bitte mal, was da über die neuen US 20 Dollar Noten geschrieben wird. Falls da was dran sein sollte wäre das wiedereinmal mehr eine Schweinerei erster Güte.

    Ich kann`s einfach nicht glauben, denke zur Zeit noch, es ist eine Ente. Wenn nicht, dann gute Nacht. Orwell lässt grüssen!

    Was glaubt ihr?

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

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    Es soll auch beim Euro der Fall sein

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    Danke Dir, das ging aber schnell

    Kennt hier im Forum jemand einen Call auf Rhodium.

    Bestellen kann man Rhodium glaube ich bei Degussa.

    Weiss jemand genauer bescheid darüber als ich, wo man Rhodium physisch überall kaufen kann, und ebenso wichtig, wieder problemlos verkaufen kann.

    Habe eimal vor Monaten Rhodium in den Händen halten können, ist unglaublich schwer das graufarbige Zeug, und sieht m.E. recht hässlich aus. Das war 1 Unze Rhodium in Pulver Formin einem kleinen plastik Fläschchen abgefüllt. Soll, wie mir von einem Freund, und Anleger gesagt wurde nur als Pulver erhältlich sein, und beim Verkauf müsse man zuerst eine Woche, oder mehr warten bis Degussa (glaube ich mich wenigstens zu erinnern) dem Verkäufer nach einer Echtheitskontrolle des Rhodiums das Geld auszahlen würde.



    Warum man nicht allen Politikern blindlings vertrauen sollte!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Bush’s Insider Connections
    Preceded Huge Profit
    On Stock Deal

    It has been widely reported that Texas Gov. George W. Bush made money over the years with a little help from his friends. But new details show that he served on an energy corporation’s board and was able to realize a huge profit by selling his stock in the corporation because an accounting sleight-of-hand concealed it was losing large sums of money. Shortly after he sold, the stock price plummeted. That profit helped make him a multimillionaire.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    By Knut Royce
    The Center for Public Integrity

    (Washington, 4 April) The year 1986 was very good for George W. Bush.

    After a decade of striking Texas brown dust instead of oil, his luck finally turned that year when go-for-broke Harken Energy Corp. bought his failing oil exploration firm for stock. Four years later the company concealed large losses just before the GOP presidential hopeful unloaded those securities for a nice profit. That, in turn, helped finance his stake in the Texas Rangers baseball club and catapult him into the ranks of multimillionaires.

    And it was in 1986, too, that Harken’s CEO introduced Bush, the company’s new director and consultant—as well as son of then-Vice President George Bush--to a little startup health-care company. He put in a modest investment, and a few years later walked away with a six-figure windfall.

    There also was a little benefit on the side. In 1994, when Bush was running for Texas governor, and scrambling for campaign cash, insiders in that health-care company, now known as Advance Paradigm, contributed $23,700.

    Bush’s sale of the Harken stock in 1990 attracted the attention of regulators and the national media because he was tardy in filing the required public disclosure, and because the trade came shortly before the company reported for the first time that it was incurring huge losses.


    Timeline 1986
    George W. Bush and partners sell their failing Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. to Harken Energy Corp. Bush receives more than 200,000 shares of Harken stock and is made director and consultant to the company.
    Harken’s CEO, Mikel Faulkner, introduces Bush to an old business associate, David Halbert, who is raising seed money to start up Allied Home Pharmacy. Bush becomes one of 30 initial investors who put up a total of $250,000.

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    Harken sells a subsidiary, Aloha Petroleum, to International Marketing & Resources, a partnership of Harken insiders, through a seller-financed loan, but declares the profit in its annual report as a cash gain. This effectively masks big losses by the company that year.

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    On Feb. 5, Harken files an amended 1989 report, asserting that after “discussions” with the SEC about its method of accounting, it was recasting its losses for that year from a modest $3,300,000 to a whopping $12,566,000. But by then Bush had already sold

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    On July 22, insiders of Halbert’s Allied Home Pharmacy, now called Advance Health Care, hold a fund-raiser for gubernatorial candidate Bush, chipping in $20,750. Other contributions from those insiders that year bring the total to $23,700.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Advance Health Care becomes a publicly traded company called Advance Paradigm.

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    Bush’s trust sells his Advance stock. In his financial disclosure statement last year, he declares a capital gain of up to $1 million on the sale. It also sells his $600,000 stake in the Texas Rangers for about $16 million.

    Knut Royce is a senior fellow at the Center for Public Integrity.

    Den vollständigen Bericht gibt`s hier zu lesen.


    Danke für`s Chart reinstellen.

    Könntest Du uns hier einmal einen Chart zum Rhodium Preis reinstellen. Vor drei Tagen stand Rhodium noch bei 650.- Dollar pro Unze. Heute steht Rhodium bei ca. 800.- Dollar.

    Kann mich schwach daran erinnern, dass Rhodium vor zig Jahren mal über 5000.- Dollar gekostet hatte. Habe mich bis jetzt nie um Rhodium gekümmert.

    Darum die Bitte an Dich, sag uns doch bitte, wie sieht`s charttechnisch kurz, und mittelfristig beim Rhodium aus?




    Deine Skepsis den veröffentlichten Daten gegenüber scheint mir mehr als nur berechtigt zu sein.

    Bis heute habe ich duzende Gold Charts aus verschiedenen Quellen geammelt und archiviert, bei denen es happige Differenzen gibt, obwohl sie eigentlich identisch sein sollten.

    Die sogenannten Ausfälle, und technischen Pannen bei den Goldpreis Chart Daten Anbietern sind auch manchmal mehr als fragwürdig.

    Bis heute weiss ich, trotz dutzender Anfragen bei Charts Providern, Chartspezialisten, und Zeitungen, immer noch nicht woher die Daten genau stammen. Die scheinen es alle auch nicht zu wissen. Vor allem beim Nacht und Nebel Handel (Direct Access Papier Gold Handel) des Gold Cabals, sehe ich viele Ungereimtheiten. Es gibt einen archivierten Fall wo ein Goldpreisanstieg von 9 Dollar pro Unze zu verzeichnen war, der am nächsten Tag einfach wieder verschwand. Selbst der Lieferant des Charts hatte mir damals schriftlich bestätigt, dass KEIN Fehler, oder technischer Defekt vorlag. Es gibt einen Thread von mir dazu bei W:O.

    Die Wirtschafts Daten aus Amerika sind eh alle so berechnet, dass die echte Tragweite der riesigen Probleme der USA verschleiert werden.
    Speziel die Daten der Arbeitslosen, und zum (angeblichen) Wirtschaftswachstum. Aber dieses Phänomen tritt ja auch z.Bsp. bei den Arbeitslosen Zahlen in Deutschland auf. Diese sind ebenfalls massiv geschönigt, um es mal etwas diplomatisch auszudrücken.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Tuesday, March 09, 2004, 10:17:00 PM EST

    One Chart Tells it All

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    Once you have digested the chart shown below, you will know not only what exactly caused the huge run-up in gold during the 1979-1980 time period, but you will also know what is going to take gold to higher highs in this generational gold bull-market. This chart will also tell you, without any doubt, who is going to profit most from this gold bull market, and it is not the gold community, for reasons I am tired of discussing.

    My sincere compliments to Bear Stearns London for its understanding of gold and the systemic weakness of the US dollar. A weak dollar, plus inflation of commodity prices, equals gold at, or above, the 1980 high of $887.50. This is what happened in 1979-1980. The forces now let loose in world economies guarantee, IMO, a repeat performance.

    The uncontrolled monetary inflation element is the ill-advised and high-risk use, by the Federal Reserve's gracious welcome of "the Japanese Wild Card" -- at the rate of $72 billion in January alone -- to liquefy the world's credit markets.

    The underlying and undefined Energy Crisis of 2004 -- a crisis of price and not of supply -- is more sinister, because it is not going away.

    The greatest danger to all this is the potentially incendiary nature of Russia's return to the KGB, now operating not with a poltical motive, but rather a business motive. To Russia, the supply of gold, nickel, platinum and oil, are extremely important ( as they once were to the rightful owners).

    Evidence that the Big Kahuna is now on the gold menu is the action of the CRB Index. When, not if, the CRB breaks into new high ground, nothing -- not even governments -- will be able to keep gold under $529. The difference between a normal gold bull market and a run-away gold price is $529. After that, all bets are off, and gold will balance the balance sheet of the USA, which is now over $1,450 per ounce. I do not welcome that, because I know what it means, but it appears now that the right thing will simply not be done, and the bill is going to be presented after the election.

    So hear it quietly but clearly demonstrated in a chart carried on page one of this week's report on markets by Bear Stears London -- clearly a class member of the establishment international investment banking fraternity -- while the advisors to the gold community continue to counsel bearishly toward gold and gold shares.

    Bravo Bear Stearns! Shame on the advisors to the gold community!

    To view the chart in PDF format, click HERE.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Wednesday, March 10, 2004

    Japan intervened in market despite Greenspan warning

    Tuesday, March 9, 2004 at 00:30 JST

    TOKYO — Japanese monetary authorities are believed to have conducted massive currency market intervention to stem the yen's rise against the dollar last Friday, only a few days after U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned against such a move, sources close to the move said Monday.

    An intervention of around 800 billion yen took place Friday because Tuesday is likely to see an unexpectedly large flow of 700 billion to 800 billion yen into current account deposits kept by financial institutions at the Bank of Japan (BOJ), they said. (Kyodo News)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The DOW (10,457, down 72) and DOG (1995, down 14) had bad days. However, as been the case for over a year now, the Plunge Protection team showed up to prevent any serious downside momentum from taking hold. As Sarge notes:

    3:20 an angel from heaven appears

    and puts in a buy order for 325,000 DIAmonds. This reversed the market (the DIAs were breaking onto new lows and were 29 points from taking out 104) and we are now rallying back to 105 (which happens to be the delta neutral landing zone that expires the majority of DIA options as worthless. Sheesh. Free markets my butt.

    both the DOW and the DOG had lost ALL of their gains for the year and had gone negative for 2004.

    But in 120 seconds all of that was washed away.


    Good to see gold move without any help from a weak dollar. This is what Mahendra and I have been looking for. The dollar closed up .20 to 88.24 and the euro was tagged for .87 to 123.02.

    Not good:

    Households rack up debt at fastest pace since 1987

    New York Times

    Mar. 8, 2004 12:00 AM

    Americans, it seems, are feeling optimistic, or maybe fatalistic, about their financial future. The Federal Reserve's latest reading of the nation's debt, including both household and government borrowing, grew last year at a pace not seen since the late 1980s.

    According to the quarterly federal funds report, the total national debt, excluding the obligations of banks and other financial institutions, grew by 8.1 percent last year, its fastest pace since 1988.

    Households threw caution to the wind, mortgaging and remortgaging their homes and expanding their debt by 10.4 percent, the biggest percentage gain since 1987. Federal government borrowing expanded by 10.9 percent, the fastest rate since 1992. Only businesses pulled back. Still hobbled by credit overhangs from the late 1990s, corporate borrowing inched ahead by 3 percent.

    Overall, the nation's debt grew by about $1.7 trillion last year, to $22.4 trillion, the Fed said. The federal government accounted for about 18 percent of the total, local governments for roughly 7 percent, households for 42 percent and businesses for 33 percent.

    A deep recession put a sour end to the 1980s credit bender. But economists are not willing to predict how the current borrowing binge will play out.

    "There's a time-bomb issue," said Allen Sinai, head of Precision Economics, a consulting firm. "There are potential adverse consequences, but we don't know when."


    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Federal Reserve added a paltry $3.5 Billion in repurchase agreements today continuing the sluggish bottoming pattern in the repo 30-day moving average (red trace). The pool total now reads $25.78 Billion as the Fed keeps the downward pressure on the DOW. As predicted, the DOW is moving sideways, struggling to stay at 10,600 at this hour.

    There was yet another permanent open market operation today for delivery tomorrow. The amount has not been announced yet. Perhaps the Fed's primary dealers are running a bit low on limousine money.

    The currency $USD market pattern is also interesting in so far as the sudden steep falls followed by rapid rises seem to be engineered to catch speculators off side. It is not the kind of action one would expect if the Fed were in solid control of these markets. The hallmark of a fully controlled market is low volatility with tiny intra-day we see in the interest rate market these days where the long bond trades at 4.7% and has for weeks.

    I continue to be very encouraged, on the other hand, by the DIVG 200-Day moving average and its smooth, linear up slope, headed for higher territory. I imagine that the G-7 group have pegged the DIVG's 200-Day ma as their gold value meter and when the loss rate (due to required selling) gets too high, they retreat to higher ground.

    This important metric will be updated this evening as the Fed's H10 data for Monday and Tuesday are released.

    The repo chart is current (March 9th 2004) at:


    Chuck checks in twice:


    It appears that the stock market is giving up its resistance here. If so, the drop over the next few weeks could be dramatic. What we need is for gold to pop up through the $410 level as this occurs. The Rydex liquidation continues. I believe that the hot commodity play could be reversing, so we want to see gold decouple from it as its perception as just another commodity changes into a currency. We could have some buffering as a result, if the stock market falls. Talk to you later.


    The market is breaking a lot of important technical levels. It's important to see if silver and gold especially the shares hold against the liquidation that is on the immediate horizon. So much smugness everywhere. Let's see what the Plunge Protection Mafia has here.


    From The King Report last evening:

    PPI Held Hostage, Day 19

    The BLS announced that not only is the January PPI not ready for release, but the February PPI will also be delayed. BLS spokesman Irwin Gerduk says old BLS computers are not capable of handling the reclassified data. (How is it that the widely-heralded productivity miracle evaded the BLS?) Gerduk states, "It wasn’t a single problem, it was a multitude of problems. It was the complexity of the conversion itself, tied to the fact we had 30-year-old systems that were never designed to handle a widespread classification conversion. So you’re basically doing everything at the last minute."

    For years we’ve ridiculed BLS and Commerce as being similar to entities and characters from Orwell’s "1984". Winston Smith adjusted current and past economic data at the Records Division of The Ministry of Truth so it conformed to party wishes. The BLS just doesn’t report the data. And that’s some coincidence given the biggest increase in industrial commodities since the ‘80s…Hapless Treasury Sec Snow said the Fed can keep rates low because core inflation is low. It’s been officially omitted.

    Most people believe the DJIA declined 66.07 yesterday. But using BLS methodology, the decline becomes much worse. As we keep relating, Mondays over the past few years tend to have triple-digit DJIA rallies. So seasonally adjusted the DJIA fell 175 points yesterday. And of course investors had less pleasure than a normal Monday, so we must hedonically adjust the DJIA 50 more points lower, making it -225. And the quality of the day was diminished because there was no excitement and few opportunities to trade. Ergo we must adjust for lower quality; let’s say another 50 points for -275.

    Technically stocks and major indices continue to deteriorate as the bull case loses credibility each passing day. On Monday, Nasdaq declined 1.9% on word that the Deutsche Bank IT Hardware Conference wasn’t as jiggy as expected. The index is about to breech a long trend line and is below a downward-sloping 20-day moving average. More importantly the OTC Index has formed a ‘W’ pattern. "W’ formations are reversal patterns, and the action can be quite dramatic. ‘W’ bottoms tend to reverse more quickly than tops. Most tops generally take more time to form…Other major indices are resting on flattening 20-day moving averages. A dramatic breech of those averages will turn the moving averages lower and imply a short-term at the least trend change.

    Bonds are moving higher as econobulls are getting squeezed out…The BoJ disappeared so the yen strengthened….Citibank versus the Bank of Japan – Yesterday Citibank issued a report that stated the dollar-yen would be between 106 and 107 by week’s end. Not bloody likely!

    We mentioned some time ago that auto finance companies were offering 6-year loans. Morgan Stanley reports the average car loan is now 52 months and 20% of car buyers opt for 6-year loans. Grant’s Interest Rate Observer cites research that shows the average car buyer rolls over (adds) $3700 of past auto debt to new car purchases. In the aggregate, car buyers now finance 100.9% of sticker prices! And that’s what happens in bubbles, especially reflated ones. The cure for too much debt and consumer gluttony cannot be even more debt and debt-based consumer gluttony.

    Back in November we stated that the US economy would show weakness in November and December because a respite was due after Q3’s orgy and seasonal adjustments would hurt due to 9/11. We said that January and February would be crucial for the 2004 economy and the bull case would evaporate without job growth in Q1. We guessed that stocks should make some type of top in January, pullback in February and then try to make a new top in March. We also stated that March has been an important month due to Japanese machination for its FY end on March 31. That’s why a few weeks ago we forecast a dollar rally into March – because the BoJ usually forces a dollar rally to aid repatriation of earnings for FY end.

    The odds are increasing that an important top has occurred in the stock market. Valuations are still at historically high levels and sentiment is at or beyond historic extremes.

    The widely-heralded economic and employment boom looks more and more like a non-reoccurring temporary blip. We are 28 months past the recession trough of 11/01, yet income and employment are far below historic cyclical norms even after unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus. The bull case for 2004 rests on job creation and economic zest from the ‘momentum’ of Q3. That is not transpiring, and the end of Bush’s tax rebates and accelerated depreciation for replacement equipment will end in Q2. The fiscal deficit will be $750B to $1 trillion. Outsourcing of jobs continues unabated. That leaves only the Fed. Its 1% funds rate has done what to date? Each day the bull case grows shakier. The market readjustment can occur at anytime and history suggests it will be dramatic. "Be prepared, troopers!"


    From Dave Lewis:


    How depressing to return back home to snow on the ground after a few days in sunny climes. It's almost as depressing as watching the markets which seem to me more and more like a caricature of the economic process rather than one key feature of what once was a virtuous cycle of action-reaction.

    My mind keeps recalling the last time the US tried to obfuscate economic reality in a significant way, when Nixon imposed wage and price controls. Shortages and a lack of pricing pressure for labor were the initial result but when the controls were rolled back, the bill came due. You readers might find it useful to check out what happened to prices when the controls were rolled back in 1973. If you think gas prices are rising fast now, consider a trebling of prices, such as was the case during that period.

    One other point to pass on, I've been interested in recent bond market action as it pulls the last rug out from under Greenspan's expressed faith in market solutions in the context of fiat money. Without the limiting factor inherent to a commodity based monetary system, any silliness is possible, if a critical mass think it plausible. With the bond market not doing any of easy Al's work for him, it should be apparent to the Fed, as Doug Noland so ably notes each week in his Credit Bubble Bulletin, that this game is out of control. As I wrote last week, when the powers that be finally pull the plug and try to tighten, those playing the game of fiat money musical chairs will find that all seats are taken. Get physical if you already haven't.


    Dave Lewis

    The Chicago Natural Resource/ Technology Conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows April 3rd, 2004. There will be a special session for newsletter clients and David A. Noyes & Co. clients at 6:30pm on Friday April 2nd . The first half hour will consist of a presentation highlighting the Radez trip to South Africa. The following two hours will be a question and answer forum featuring Jay Taylor, Dave Skarica, Bill Powers, Bill Murphy, and Clyde Harrison.

    Saturday’s Conference will begin at 7am. Sponsoring Companies include:

    Excellon Resources, Candente Resource Corp., Fischer-Watt Gold, Falcon Ventures, Tumi Resources, Platinum Group Metals, Ltd., MAG Silver, Bright Star Ventures, Expatriate Resources, Tone Resources, Jaguar Mining, IBI Corporation, Queenstake Resources, St. Andrew Goldfields, Chariot Resources, Admiral Bay Resources, Savoy Resources, Clifton Mining, International Wayside Gold Mines, Ltd., Cusac Gold, Royale Energy, Starfield Resources, True North Gems, Kimberly Gold Mines, Northern Star Mining, and "The Resource Stock Watch". The following speakers will be featured throughout the day: Clyde Harrison, "Rogers Raw Materials Fund", Jay Taylor, editor "Gold/ Technology Stocks", Dave Skarica, editor "Addicted To Profits", Bill Powers, editor "Canadian Energy Viewpoint", Bill Murphy, Chairman Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), Wistar Holt, Holt/ Shapard Money Group, and Steve Carr, "Honest Money Group".

    There will be a free continental breakfast served, hot picnic lunch buffet, and a cocktail reception at the conclusion. For reservations call Eric Radez at 317-633-1738,, or contact Barb Allen at 317-633-1744,

    In the Australian:

    Mining WARREN Buffet believes in it, as do George Soros, Bill Gates and Bob McNeil. Bob McNeil? He's the chairman of Gold Coast-based Macmin Silver, which, after 12 years of work, has decided to take the plunge and develop what will be Australia's only pure silver play…


    Another GATA coincidence. Silver has gone almost straight up since the GATA ARMY began bombing Eliot Spitzer, the CFTC, NYMEX and Comex with letters and emails!!!

    The HUI only gained .31 to 229.31, while the XAU dropped .23 to 100.64.

    Once again owners of the gold shares couldn’t wait to bail out of their positions on the gold rally. You got me what investors are thinking out there. What a wonderful opportunity and time to be buying these shares, not dumping them. Oh well!


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    Fund buyer in Gold? Andy Smith likes silver!?!

    Tuesday, March 09, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $3.47, PM $4.69, with world gold at $402.25 and $400.65. Below, and dubious, for legal imports. India finds itself facing world gold prices up $10 from late last week, and, it must be admitted, is not displaying enthusiasm. Curiously, silver appears still to be above import point.

    World gold rose steadily throughout the Japanese day, in fact holding the $402 closing level ($1.55 above NY) for another couple of hours, well into the European morning. Contrary to a couple of commentaries, there is little evidence that the Japanese themselves were involved. TOCOM volume nosedived 66% to only equal 25,548 Comex lots, and open interest slipped by the equivalent of 856 Comex. The active contract was virtually unchanged (+1 yen).

    Shanghai tolerated the price rise grudgingly: premiums on the different grades were in the $1.50-70 range, c.70c below yesterday with world gold only $1 higher. Considering subsequent performance in NY, it seems possible a Western Hemisphere Fund has become active. (Volume in NY yesterday was 25,709; open interest slipped 251 contracts.)

    Since none of the commentators offer a good reason for yesterday’s gold price rise in NY, a Fund buyer able to command discretion also seems likely.

    In contrast, the UK withdrawal from the gold market could be viewed as confirmed by the impolite remarks the Bullion Dealer commentaries feel able to make: HSBC offers:


    "The Bank of England’s refusal to join a revised agreement, using the argument that they have no plans to sell therefore no need to join, smacks of petulance and suggests that they are still smarting from the decision to sell at the bottom of the market."

    While UBS feels free to suggest:


    "The final…point was the lack of a signature from the Bank of England. While the UK has no current plan to sell gold during the period covered by the deal, plans can change. Also, as a non-signatory the UK is now free to lend its gold in an unrestricted manner…and to engage in derivative activity without restriction. It will be interesting to see whether Her Majesty’s Treasury, owner of the UK.s gold, changes its mind over the next five years."

    (JB emphasis)

    It would not appear these institutions expect to see BoE business any time soon.

    With the CFTC net spec long a third lower than in mid January, a determined buyer could create a good deal of excitement.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 9 - Gold $403.80 up $3.40 - Silver $7.15 up 21 cents

    Silver Soars 21 Cents To $7.15 / Like The Old Days


    "The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." -Andrew A. Rooney

    It was like the old days to me as far as commodity trading is concerned. After running up a bit in the Asian market, gold and silver were taken lower coming into the New York opening. Both opened on the downside and just sat there in spooky fashion. Silver moved first, almost in slow motion, and went up on the day with gold following very quietly. All morning long both precious metals would make a quiet high, back off slightly in tip-toe fashion and then make another new high.

    When gold took out $403.50, basis the April contract, it took out stop stops and became more volatile. This is the point the floor was looking for to confirm bullish thinking re gold. This level was the high made a week ago Monday on the $6 gold spike. Gold then jumped up $6 (there we go again) before selling off late in the day under pressure from the cabal. When gold takes out today’s high of $405.90, it will break a gently down sloping trendline and should make a quick move towards $416.

    April Gold

    The gold open interest is 226,670, dropping 251 yesterday. Could have dropped again today as spec shorts continue to exit.

    How about that silver!!! No telling what it could do in the coming days/weeks. The moon doesn’t look so far away these days. Neither do those April $7.50 silver calls which expire in 16 business days.

    Here is a fun one for you. Almost no one on the Comex floor is bullish on silver. Most of the traders are younger and have never seen a real silver bull market, have no idea how to analyze it, nor do they know how to trade one. Of course, nothing could be better for us bulls to have so many, so bearish. Not only are they bearish, so are most of the analysts.

    As brought to your attention for months, it seems VERY FEW out there in the investment world know what we know, thanks to the input from plugged-in Café members. Huge funds are buying up what’s left of the available silver supply in the world and they are competing against China for that supply. By the time the investing world and silver analysts wake up, silver is likely to be $8 bid.

    This is not a market to be short. If, and when, silver takes out $7.50, it could do anything to the upside. Except for the breakaway gap left at $5.80, there are no gaps to fill on the downside. This is very constructive from a technical standpoint. We are due for another breakaway gap and tomorrow is as good a time as any.

    What a close today! Silver rallied 8 cents in the last few minutes to stun the shorts. After running up to the $7 area several times, silver has now closed convincingly above this key resistance point. It should test $7.50 in fairly order. Months ago I posited March would be the month for silver to fly as we went into the March delivery period. So far, so good.

    The silver open interest fell 17 contracts to 113,405, with the March contract dropping 85 to 530. I still have not received my delivery notice yet. There were 45 deliveries and Deutsche Bank took 8 more of them.

    One powerful looking chart:

    March Silver

    One real positive silver note is the spreads narrowed a good deal. March gained 2 cents on Red July (2005) and is only 1.2 cents under May. We could go into backwardization at any time. What this tells you is the silver market is very tight, as mentioned in MIDAS for many weeks. The spread tightening is proof of that.

    There is no sign of a squeeze yet, however as also mentioned weeks ago, the intention of those buying the Comex silver was not to squeeze the market, but to obtain silver they could not find elsewhere. The Europeans are all over the silver market and at least one big player has come to the Comex to secure silver unavailable elsewhere.

    What to watch for:


    *You never know about these things, but if a holder of a large number of May silver contracts ever buys March and sells May, looking to take delivery in a late surprise move, lookout above.

    *Sharply rising silver lease rates. If the show up it could reveal serious stress from the shorts.

    Soybeans are roaring back to their highs. May soared 30 cents to finish the day at $9.47. What fun to have silver and beans moving together again! Also like the old days of the late 70’s.

    Das Gold Cabal in Aktion

    Im New York Direct Access Gold Handel, da haben einige ganz wenige auserwählte Banken und Finanzinstitute die Möglichkeit, während die Gold Börsen weltweit geschlossen sind, Gold zu "Handeln" nein nicht wirkliches Gold, nur Papiergold. Ob dieses Gold überhaupt vorhanden ist, dass heute Nacht wieder einmal "gehandelt" wurd, wen interessiert`s schon. Im Dunkel der Nacht, fällt der Goldpreis um weitere 2 Dollar, nachdem bereits kurz vor dem Handelschluss in den USA Gold eins auf den Deckel gekriegt hat, ebenfalls 2 Dollar pro Unze.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Beim Silber hats nicht so gut geklappt mit dem kurz vor Börsenschluss eins auf den Deckel drauf, im Nacht und Nebel Handel, wenn nur die privilegierten Handelsteilnehmer anwesend sind, ist´s einfacher den Silberpreis zu "bewegen". Echtes Silber war wie beim Gold auch, keins verkauft worden, nur Papiersilber. Nicht einmal gedeckt durch echtes Silber sollen diese Papierverkäufe sein, warnt Ted Butler seit langem schon. Selbst der General Staatsanwalt Elliot Spitzer wurde von Butler darüber schon informiert. Geantwortet hat Spitzer Butler bereits, dass er den Sachverhalt prüfen will schrieb er, gehandelt jedoch anscheinen hat er noch nicht.

    Es kann doch kein Zufall sein, dass Silber, und Gold haargenau gleichzeitig zu nachtschlafender Zeit beginnen nachzugeben.

    Wer trotzdem glaubt es sei alles ganz normal, dem wünsche ich eine gute Nacht, und schöne Träume.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The 2004 Central Bank Gold Agreement – details:

    The 2004 Central Bank Gold Agreement [set to begin on the 27th of September, as announced on the 8th of March] is as follows:

    In the interest of clarifying their intentions with respect to their gold holdings, the undersigned institutions make the following statement:

    1. Gold will remain an important element of global monetary reserves.

    2. The gold sales already decided and to be decided by the undersigned institutions will be achieved through a concerted programme of sales over a period of five years, starting on 27 September 2004, just after the end of the previous agreement. Annual sales will not exceed 500 tons and total sales over this period will not exceed ,500 tons.

    3. Over this period, the signatories to this agreement have agreed that the total amount of their gold leasings and the total amount of their use of gold futures and options will not exceed the amounts prevailing at the date of the signature of the previous agreement. Gold will remain an important element of global monetary reserves.

    4. The gold sales already decided and to be decided by the undersigned institutions will be achieved through a concerted programme of sales over a period of five years, starting on 27 September 2004, just after the end of the previous agreement. Annual sales will not exceed 500 tons and total sales over this period will not exceed 2,500 tons.

    5. Over this period, the signatories to this agreement have agreed that the total amount of their gold leasings and the total amount of their use of gold futures and options will not exceed the amounts prevailing at the date of the signature of the previous agreement.

    This agreement will be reviewed after five years.

    The signatories to the Agreement will be:

    The European Central Bank

    Banca d'Italia

    Banco de España
    Banco de Portugal

    Bank of Greece

    Banque Centrale du Luxembourg
    Banque de France

    Banque Nationale de Belgique
    Central Bank & Financial Services Authority of Ireland

    De Nederlandsche Bank
    Deutsche Bundesbank Oesterreichische Nationalbank

    Suomen Pankki
    Schweizerische Nationalbank

    Sveriges Riksbank

    [/B]The Bank of England is no longer a signatory The Bank of Greece, a new Member of the “Common Market” [E.U.] is now a signatory, leaving the total at 15 signatories.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…ss_home&articleID=1546329

    Tuesday, Mar 09, 2004

    Eldorado Gold reports $45-million US annual loss after big writedown

    VANCOUVER (CP) - Eldorado Gold lost $45 million US in 2003, hurt by a series of writedowns totalling $44.6 million.

    The Vancouver-based company, which reports its financial results in U.S. dollars, said Tuesday it lost 20 cents a share in 2003, compared with a profit of $1.8 million or one cent per share in 2002. Revenue slipped to $38.2 million from $39.2 million US.

    The company had three significant asset writedowns, including $39.5 million for its Sao Bento mine in Brazil, $4.3 million for the Kaymaz gold project in Turkey and $800,000 for obsolete equipment inventory.

    "We've strengthened our balance sheet, advanced our Kisladag project and increased our proven and probable reserves to 6.6 million ounces while increasing our resources to 11.3 million ounces," said Paul Wright, Eldorado's chief executive.

    Eldorado produced 95,049 ounces of gold in 2003 at a cash cost of $234 US an ounce. That compared with production of 103,533 ounces at a cash cost of $184 per ounce in 2002.

    Eldorado Gold shares (TSX:ELD) fell 13 cents to $4.10 in trading on the Toronto stock market Tuesday morning.

    © The Canadian Press, 2004