Beiträge von gogh

    Mit einem eurozentristischen Weltbild kann man bei Schönwetter

    mit Japantiteln jonglieren.

    Doch das Eis ist dünn.

    Ukyo o je

    Bijin ga


    Grüne Häuser

    Beim Eintauchen in 4 Grad Celsius kaltes Flusswasser

    gemeinsam ausrufen:

    "der Schweiss fliesst uns in Stroemen."


    John Sayers, CEO, DRDGOLD

    DRDGOLD to consolidate stock

    David McKay

    Posted: Thu, 31 May 2007

    [] --

    DRDGOLD, South Africa's fourth largest gold producer, said it would consolidate its share in order to continue trading on Nasdaq.

    "We could extend the deadline given to us by Nasdaq but a share consolidation eliminates the problem," said John Sayers in an interview with Miningmx.

    In January, Nasdaq gave DRDGOLD about 180 days to get its share trading above $1/share, the minimum level required by the US exchange. Although the deadline could always be extended, DRDGOLD said at the time clarity on its future strategy would bring investors back into the share price.

    However, the sale of key assets in its 79%-held Emperor Mines Ltd, listed in Australia, did not improve the share price which is still around 81 US cents/share at the time of writing. DRDGOLD was trading at $1.15/share in December.

    "We're the seventh most heavily traded share on Nasdaq so demand is there. But we'll go this route," Sayers said. No shareholder support is required for the share consolidation in which shareholders' shares are replaced with a smaller amount of shares but with a higher par value.

    There is no detail yet on the size of the consolidation but one unintended consequence might be to lower demand for DRDGOLD in the US as the price of the stock becomes less affordable to the retail sector.



    die RSA Polit_Ganoven sind für meine Begriffe Räuber Hotzenplotz_Figuren.

    Das ist zwar auch unangenehm, wenn die einem die Ohren abschneiden.

    Mir sind die aber um einiges lieber als unsere verfasste Demokraten.

    Wenn Du demnächst abwechselnd in München wohnst, wirst sehen.

    Irgendeinen Lolly wird es für RANGY und JCI irgendwann geben.

    Selbst da hab ich mehr Vertrauen in die schwarze Karikatur

    als im vergleichbaren Fall ins weisse Original.



    Peter Gray: CEO,

    JCI and Randgold & Exploration

    The untangling of JCI and Randgold & Exploration. David Nurek has resigned, but Peter Gray is hanging in there.

    Posted: Thursday , 31 May 2007
    One company that we've heard so much about in the last little while that has a gold interest is JCI. It was controlled by the late Brett Kebble. When Brett Kebble was murdered, nobody would have thought it would be easy to untangle that scrambled egg, but the gent who has been given the responsibility, or most of it, to do so, is the chief executive of JCI, Peter Gray, who joins us now. Peter, the legacy was always going to be a tough one to get to the bottom of, but did you have any idea when you accepted this position, that it was going to be this difficult?

    PETER GRAY: No, never! One thing I know today, if I did have any inkling of how difficult this would be, I would not have been here - not probably, I would definitely not have been here. You know, when we came in here we thought this was a six-month assignment, it was to get the accounts up to date and get the audited accounts out - and two years later we're still battling with that.

    MINEWEB: And part of the reason is because of Investec, which came in, it appeared, in good faith initially, but being paid a lot of money or an amount of money that some of the shareholders are now not happy that they get.

    PETER GRAY: Ja, it's a difficult one and, as you know, it's sub judice.

    MINEWEB: In court.

    PETER GRAY: Ja, but, you know, I suppose that if it had not been a successful - in other words, if the assets had not increased in value to the extent that they did, and Investec was only paid R50, R60 or R70m, we wouldn't have heard too much about it. The fact that everything worked fantastically well under the circumstances, and they stand to get a few hundred million rand - you know, suddenly people look at it a second time. So it's a difficult one to comment on, especially in view of the fact that it's in court. So I don't want to get too involved in that one. But, you know, I think the success has led to this very high fee, lucrative fee, to Investec.

    MINEWEB: Peter, there are a lot of people who own JCI and Randgold shares who really would like to just be able to trade in their stock again. What exactly is left in those companies?

    PETER GRAY: I think we put out the joint or the merger statement, where we put out some figures, and the total asset base - I'm just going to talk round figures - is about R3bn. There are one or two opportunities where we could see some more or some greater increase in value, particularly in some of the prospecting rights. There's some upside there. And I think, you know, the one good thing about these two companies - and I'm just talking as if we are merged; we're not merged, although they were run a little bit as one in the past - we have R3bn of cash or close to cash assets, which puts us in quite a good position when we get these accounts out with the merger completed, because there's no goodwill, anything to that effect, in there. It's quite a sound asset base that we have.

    MINEWEB: And those exploration rights that you were talking about - are they primarily gold or other metals?

    PETER GRAY: The large part of it is gold, but it's quite a diverse portfolio and some interesting - there are some diamond rights. And everybody at the moment is talking about uranium - we've got a couple of interesting uranium sites. So ja, there are a few interesting things there, and of course we still sit with an interest in the contiguous to Western Area.

    MINEWEB: And the problem is, because of everything that's going on, you haven't been able to even start bringing those to account.

    PETER GRAY: You know I wish that we could get through without all these attacks from all over, and focus a little bit on making some more money and adding some value to what we've got, rather than being in a defensive mode all the time.

    MINEWEB: What's the next step? The JCI chairman, David Nurek, has said he is going to resign. He came in for a lot of stick because he was the chair of both companies. Are you going to resign as well, being involved in both businesses?

    PETER GRAY: You know, I made a statement at a shareholders' meeting some time back, last year some time, and I have reiterated it. I've always said that as soon as we get to a position where we go to litigation, or I am advised by any one of my legal teams - and that is the company's or my personal - I would step down. I would never be forced out, I would step down. Up until now the majority of shareholders have asked me to stay on and I don't want to run away. But, if we don't see the merger through and something happens, I will step down because I don't want to be in a litigious situation, and I think then the conflict will be there. At the moment we can manage that.

    MINEWEB: And from a small shareholder's point of view, the guy who is sitting with maybe a few thousand JCI or Randgold shares, what can he or she expect to happen, and when might those shares be unsuspended from trading?

    PETER GRAY: I don't think that we'll see the suspensions lifted until after the merger, and the reason why I say that is the merger will take care of claims between the two companies, and that will be the only time when you can get a reasonably unqualified set of audited statements out. So I think it will be after that. And I think once that happens there are going to be some interesting opportunities, because we have interest from four parties at the moment in the merged entity, and I think that will create some kind of demand, and we may see something interesting. Hopefully people will get something back. I'm sure they will get more back than what the prices were when the shares were suspended - substantially more than that.

    MINEWEB: So Peter, that story now is the court case is first. Once they've settled or in some way go away, then the merger which you are proposing goes forward and thereafter the relisted entities can be traded in?

    PETER GRAY: Correct.

    MINEWEB: That could be months, though.

    PETER GRAY: I think it will be months. We're going on a Section 311 which takes a bit of time, because it's court procedures, and there are quite a few shareholders' meetings and that, so I don't want to sound too pessimistic, but I think it will be towards the end of the year, and that is if we have a fairly smooth passage between now and then.

    MINEWEB: Peter Gray, chief executive of JCI Limited. Lots of gold shareholders or people who went into what was then a ticky-tacky will be heartened to hear that Mr Gray believes they will come back to the market, when they finally do, at a substantial premium. But it could take a while, Dave?

    DAVID SHAPIRO: Alec, you know, if you think of JCI, it's a long-established mining house. They must have had a lot of things in the cupboard there that nobody put any value on. Now that the resource market is booming, I suppose that there could be some hidden value there - but again we need to know what is there.

    Das Einknicken der Börsen mit Systemschwuchtel_Aktien ist

    zur Zeit die einzige Gefahr für PoG und Minen.

    Die Differnzierung zwischen Amateur- und Profis dort ist unnötig,

    weil beide Gruppen gemeinsam ihr Lebenselexier im System_Schwuchteln finden.

    Die Banken_Trainees von vor 20 Jahren sitzen heute

    an den Schalthebeln. Diese Profis waren die Kinder der Amateure

    der 80-iger Jahre

    Soweit die neuen Profis wiederum Kinder haben, sind diese

    klüger als ihre Eltern. Diese Kindeskinder machen die Erfahrung, dass sie

    niemand im Wirtschaftskreislauf sie jemals einstellen wird.

    Die Sollbruchstelle knistert derzeit schon im Gebälk.

    Alle hören es knacken, aber schauen nur

    auf die rosa_Straussenfeder_Boa um Schulter und Hüfte geschwungen.


    Seine Krankheit bewahrte ihn davor, eine Ratte zu

    sein, wie seine Kumpanei mit einem Gerhard Schröder vermuten lässt.

    Einige Bilder sind gut.



    Der am Montag verstorbene Künstler Jörg Immendorff litt an der unheilbaren Nervenkrankheit ALS (Archivbild).

    Jörg Immendorff war im Januar noch ein letztes Mal mit einem Hauptwerk in Erscheinung getreten, als er sein Kanzlerporträt von Gerhard Schröder publik machte. Er malte Schröder in Gold. In echter Bewunderung für den Politiker, der sich von ganz unten nach ganz oben gearbeitet hatte, wählte Immendorff die nobilitierende Rundform des Tondos für den Kanzler a. D. und huldigte ihm als Nationalhelden, gleich einem Fritz Walter der deutschen Politik.........................................

    Ob blond, ob braun...............

    zu Semafo gab´s ´den Press Release.

    Emus und Philipinische Leguane ...................

    Fauna und Flora bluehen.

    Der letzte Chinesische Kaiser (der aus dem Kinofilm der 90-iger)

    wurde als Kind abgesetzt und von den Kommunisten nicht umgebracht.

    Er starb vor wenigen Jahren mit ueber 80 Jahren.

    Von einem Journalisten wurde er gefragt, wie er zu seiner Absetzung stehe.

    Er meinte, die Kommunisten haetten ihn als Blumengaertner

    in einer abgelegen Gegend arbeiten lassen.

    Er habe ein traumhaft schoenes Leben so verbringen koennen.

    In diesem Sinne



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Work begins at Burkina Faso gold mine

    '25-MAY-07 07:00'


    - Canadian company


    has begun work in western Burkina Faso on a mining site where gold

    reserves have been estimated at more than 7.1 million tonnes, a

    government official said Thursday.

    Semafo, with the Burkina Faso government as a 10 percent stakeholder

    in the company, began construction on Monday in Mana, with work

    expected to be completed in a year, said Silvain Domboue, an official in the Ministry of Mines.

    The company is to invest some 35 billion CFA francs ($71.8mn) in

    Burkina Faso up to the exploitation phase of the project, including the cost of construction.

    Burkina Faso awarded the mining permit to Semafo in February for an eight-year period.

    The exploitation of the mine is expected to generate 500 jobs and result in 2.3 billion CFA francs ($4.7mn) in tax revenue, according to the Ministry of Mines.

    Burkina Faso announced it would relaunch mining activity last year to compensate for low prices in the cotton market. The country is Africa's leading cotton producer.

    The government had halted mining activity more than a decade ago after a collapse of some metal prices, including gold.

    It has also awarded gold-mining permits to a subsidiary of Canadian company Goldbelt Resources Ltd. and High River Gold, which is Canadian as well. -AFP

    Finde wunderbar, dass es die Tendenz gibt,

    CRU eine geschönte Berichterstattung nachzusehen.

    Da kann derjenige, der sowas nicht duldet zu besseren Kursen rausgehen.

    Geschäftsberichte sind für mich zentral, da mir der Zugang zu den Minen

    nicht freisteht. Es gibt keinen Augenschein.

    Was Analysten, Journalisten und der CEO unter "vertraulich" sagen,

    juckt mich nicht die Bohne.

    Hatte bis jetzt oft und klar pro CRU gepostet.

    Deshalb soll die Meinungsumkehr um 180 Grad klar und deutlich dokumentiert sein.



    Die letzten Monate konnte man mit den Minen wunderbar

    die Volatilität 600 bis 690 spielen.

    Und dann die Gier der Chinesen nach Zinkeimern.

    Solange noch nicht jeder Chinese einen hat,

    ist mein Depot narrensicher.

    Von mir aus kann das so bleiben. Was natürlich unmöglich sein wird.

    Geniesst den Krieg. Der Friede wird schrecklich.


    "Hier verschwindet wieder mal eine nette Glitzersteinproduktion mit Goldhaube vom Menüplan.

    Schön gelaufen seit letztem Jahr ...

    ... ob wohl die Goldhaube alleine börsenfit gemacht wird ? Der neue Besitzer hat wohl nicht sehr viel damit am Hut.

    Harpo "

    Hab das Umtauschangebot nicht angenommen.

    Bin mal gespannt wie auf den Jungfraueninseln (wo sind die überhaupt?)

    ein Squeeze Out sich anfühlt.

    London ist "nur" Börsenplatz. Squeeze Out folgt dem

    Handelsrecht am Juristischen Sitz.

    Vielleicht bekomme ich ja eine Naturalkompensation.

    Werde in solchem Fall ein Foto einstellen.


    Alle Crew_Minen sind im Aufbau oder Umbruch.

    Verlust ist kein Problem.

    Was stört ist die mangelnde Redlichkeit vonwegen positives EBITA.

    (EBITA ist der Gewinn, wenn man den Verlust negiert.)

    "Die Kerze des Lügners brennt nur bis zum Abend."

    frei nach Murat Kurnarz.

    CRU umgruppiert im Depot: raus aus den Langfristigen, rein in die Krabbelkiste.

    Kann übrigens sein dass CRU mit dieser Methode den Erfolg der

    Anfangsjahre von DRD wiederholt. Also Zocker aufgepasst.

    Es kommen die lustigen Jahre................

