An Alle
Man sollte seine Gegner nicht unterschätzen und sich in Siegerlaune begeben bevor kapituliert worden ist.
Und selbst dann nicht ......
Die Macht der Cabale ist zwar nicht unendlich, aber bei weitem noch nicht mal im Ansatz erschöpft. Die Möglichkeiten - gerade abseits vom Geld - sind immens und einige Veränderungen oder neue Gesetze/ Verbote können Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, die erst einmal für eine weitere Zeit Handlungsspielraum und Machterhalt gewähren.
Mir sind hier im Forum die Betrachtungen zu sehr auf die USA gerichtet, meiner Meinung nach halten die USA im Moment nur zu gern den Kopf hin, damit man draufhauen kann. Das lenkt ab und die bisher gebeutelte Gemeinde freut sich.
Ich denke, es besteht längst eine Abmachung unter den führenden westlichen Nationen und vielleicht auch einigen Asiatischen über die Einführung des AMERO und wie diese den Umtausch - für ihre eigene Währung natürlich erfolgreich - vollziehen können.
Da ist ein fallender Dollar nur von Vorteil, er entschuldet und gibt den Bondinhabern keine Möglichkeit des Angriffs.
Nachher wird der USD gegen den juten neuen (teuren) AMERO für fast gar nichts eingetauscht, das Defizit ist nahezu verschwunden, die Chinesen sind ihren Dollarberg los, der eh jetzt schon nichts mehr wert ist als ein Zahlenspiel auf dem Papier.
mal sehen, was dann der Rest von Asien und die Araber machen, ob sie wohl die neue Währung gegen Öl und andere Rohstoffe akzeptieren?
Einfacher wäre es, wenn der AMERO eine Weltwährung würde, aber wer glaubt daran ....., bis dahin ist es noch ein weiter Weg.
Aber immerhin ist fast alles denkbar solange das Geldsystem ein Monopol der Regierungen ist.
Und Gold? Nun ja, ich glaube Gold wird für einen kurzen Zeitraum "massive Zahlensprünge" machen wenn es an die Währungsumstellungen geht. Wohl dem, der engagiert ist und zu dem Zeitpunkt ggf. daran partizipieren kann und sich mit bleibenden Werten wie Immobilien etc. eindeckt.
Ich füge hier noch einmal den Artikel an, den ich allen wärmstens ans Herz lege.
Erkenne Deine Gegner, unterschätze sie nicht und sei vorbereitet
Denn wenn eines Tages hier die Lichter ausgehen und ihr Eure schönen Zahlenspiele und Tabellen nicht mehr zuposten könnt weil die Server abgeschaltet sind, wir auf unseren Gold - und (hoffentlich) Silberbeständen sitzen, die Banken zu sind und auch Proaurum, Westgold, Pickel und all die anderen erstmal nicht zu erreichen sind - ja dann heisst es Flagge zeigen und es wird interessant.
Nur um allen Irritationen vorzugreifen: ich bin ABSOLUT pro GOLD+SILBER und (fast voll) engagiert.
Hier der Artikel, sehr aufschlussreich, Teil zwei folgt im nächsten posting, da der Text zu lang für ein posting war.:
Through the Looking Glass...
The World's Mastermind:
the Hidden Face of Globalization
- A view >from Argentina -
by Adrian Salbuchi (*)
“Those who do not learn from history
are condemned to re-live it”
- George Santayana -
Many people in all parts of the world are taking an increasingly critical view of the worldwide phenomenon we call “globalization”. Not that they are against constructive cooperation amongst the sovereign nations of the world on common goals, but rather that they reject many aspects of today's model of globalization in which destructive and perverse forces priorizing the interests and objectives of the few, seem to have gained the upper hand.
As we now have it, globalization can be defined as an ideology that identifies the Sovereign Nation-State as its key enemy, basically because the State's main function is (or should be) to prioritize the interests of the Many - i.e., "the People" - over the interests of the Few. Accordingly, the forces of globalization seek to weaken, dissolve and eventually destroy the very foundations of the Nation-State as a basic social institution, in order to replace it with new supra-national worldwide social, political, economic, financial and military management structures. Such structures tie in with the political objectives and economic interests of a small number of highly concentrated and very powerful groups and organizations which today drive and steer the globalization process in a very specific direction.
These power groups consist of private interests which have succeeded in achieving something that is unprecedented in all of human history, and which we describe as the privatization of power on a global scale.
"Globalization" is actually a hypocritical understatement or euphemism of what former US presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and George H.W. Bush - each at different times in modern history - described as the “New World Order”.
A New World Order! Clearly, when former president George Bush Sr. unabashedly used that term on 11th September 1991, the Establishment quickly moved to ensure that it should not be commonly used, and in its place coined the much more neutral and seemingly harmless sounding idea of “globalization” which, nevertheless, today still has one main meaning: US-UK-Israeli Imperialism on a planetary and all-encompassing scale. This, at least, is how a growing number of people in Argentina and in our Region see things today.
Who are they? What do they want?
The process we have described is in no way anonymous - much less, secret - because the power groups promoting and driving the New World Order are doing so in full public view: i.e., multinational corporations (e.g., the Fortune Global 500s accounting for over 80% of US economic activity); the global financial infrastructure (which includes banks, investment funds, stock exchanges and commodity market operators); multimedia monopolies; major Ivy League universities; international multilateral organizations (such as the World Bank, the IMF/International Monetary Fund, the IADB/Inter-American Development Bank, the BIS/Bank of International Settlements, the UN/United Nations and the WTO/World Trade Organization) and, most important, key government posts in the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom and other industrialized nations. So, we definitely do not have something that can be explained away as a "conspiracy theory".
What we have are the inner trappings and logic behind the way Power is built and managed. What is not immediately visible is the fact that all of these players the form a veritable Wheel of Global Power have one thing in common: their key managers, financiers, bankers, government officers, academics, strategists, shareholders and other fundamental players all belong to the same inter-twining network of think-tanks and lobbying organizations. This network forms a common hub that steers the wheel of world power on its present destructive course.
Among these key think-tanks - which should actually be described as geopolitical planning centers -, the role of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Brookings Institution, the RAND Corporation, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), and the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), amongst others, are of vital importance.
A Historical Perspective
To properly understand today’s world, one needs to look back on yesterday’s world, in order to see how this whole situation came about. It was back in 1919 when a small group of influential bankers, lawyers, politicians and academics – who were taking part in the Paris Peace negotiations between the victorious Allies and the vanquished Central Powers right after World War I – met in the Parisian Hotel Majestic and reached a transcendental agreement: they decided to create a network of “think tanks” - a sort of exclusive club or lodge - from which they would design the kind of “New World Order” which would properly address and accomodate the imperial worldwide interests and objectives of the Anglo-US Alliance.
In London, that think tank would take on the name of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), whilst in the United States it would become known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) based in New York City. Both organizations had the unmistakeable mark of the social strategy of gradually imposing a socialist (i.e., formally "democratic" but in reality increasingly authoritarian) political order as a means of mass control of the population. At that time, that was promoted by such masonic fronts as the Fabian Society financed by the Round Table Group which was in turn created, controlled and financed by South African magnate Cecil Rhodes, the international financial dynasty of the Rothschilds, various UK-based Ancient Rite Masonic Lodges, and the British Crown.
The CFR got its initial support >from the most wealthy, powerful and influential families in the United States, such as Rockefeller, Mellon, Harriman, Morgan, Schiff, Kahn, Warburg, Loeb and Carnegie (the latter, in particular, through its own front organization founded in 1910: the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
In order to express and thus propagate its influence amongst elite circles, one of the first measures of the CFR consisted in publishing its own journal which still remains the world’s premier mouthpiece on geopolitics and political science: Foreign Affairs. Amongst the CFR´s first directors, was Allan Welsh Dulles, a key figure in the US intelligence community who would later consolidate the covert spying structure of the CIA leading to the NSA; journalist Walter Lippmann, director and founder of The New Republic; a host of J.P. Morgan corporate lawyers; bankers Otto H. Kahn, and Paul Moritz Warburg,[1] the latter a wealthy German emigrée who emigrated to the United States and in 1913 designed and promoted legislation leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank – the basically private central bank of the US which since then controls the financial structure of the United States (and, through it, of a good part of the world). When World War II ended in 1945, the Federal Reserve Bank was supplemented by the International Monetary Fund and The World Bank, both of which were masterminded, planned and designed by CFR planners at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.
Another member of the CFR and one of its first directors, was geographer and president of the American Geographical Society, Isaiah Bowman, who in 1919 would lead the team of experts re-drawing the map of Central Europe after the World War I, thus ushering in times of grave turmoil in Europe which would actually lead to World War II in 1939. It was CFR lawyers Owen D. Young (president of General Electric) and Charles Dawes (a top J P Morgan Bank lawyer), who in the twenties designed and promoted the “debt refinancing” plans for Germany’s war reparations debt imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. It was top Federal Reserve Bank directors and CFR members who would generate the monetary distortions leading to the 1929 financial crisis and ensuing Depression. It was CFR directors who through the powerful media under their control such as the NBC, ABC and CBS radio networks and newspapers like the The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune and The New York Times, would coax and press public opinion to break US isolationist neutrality and embark that nation on another European war in 1939, which they themselves had been seeking since the early thirties.
Elite Power Structures
Although it is little known among public opinion, the CFR is very powerful and has grown in influence, prestige and breadth of activities. So much so, that today we can say without a doubt that it operates as the “World’s Mastermind”, silently directing the course of many complex and highly volatile social, politicial, financial, military and economic processes throughout the world. There are no peoples, regions or aspects of human life which are not affected by CFR influence – whether we realize this or not – and the very fact that it has been able to remain “behind the scenes” makes the CFR exceptionally powerful and elusive, even amongst US public opinion.
Today, the CFR is a discreet organization counting among its more than 4.500 members, the best, most capable and brightest minds, operating together with very powerful anbd influential individuals wielding great influence in their respective professions, corporations, institutions, governmental posts and social environments. In this way, the CFR brings together top corporate officers from financial institutions, industrial giants, the media, research organizations, academics, top military officers, government leaders, university deans, trade union leaders and study center investigators. Their fundamental objectives consist in identifying and assessing a wide range of political, economic, financial, social, cultural and military factors spanning every imaginable aspect of public and private life in the United States, its key allies and the rest of the world. Today, thanks to the enormous power wielded by the US, the CFR's breadth of activities literally spans the whole planet.
Its research and investigations are carried out by different task forces and study groups which identify Opportunities and Threats, assess Strengths and Weaknesses, and design far-reaching strategies to promote its interests worldwide, each with their respective tactical and operational plans. Although such intensive and far-reaching tasks are made inside the CFR, the key issue to understand its enormous success lies in the fact that the CFR per se never actually does anything under its own name. Rather, it is its individual members who do so. And they do this from their formal posts as chairmen, CEO’s and directors of major corporations, financial institutions, international multilateral institutions, media, and key posts in government, universities, the armed forces, and trade unions, never invoking or even referring to the CFR as their main seat of planning and coordination.[4]
Indeed, today we can find CFR members in many powerful and decisive posts. To name but a handful of the more than 4.500 CFR members, we find David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, Francis Fukuyama, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Richard Perle, Robert Gates, James Baker III, Stephen Hadley, Douglas Feith, L. Paul Bremer III, John Bolton, John Negroponte, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, international rogue financier George Soros, supreme court judge Stephen Breyer, Lowes/CBS CEO Laurence A. Tisch, former General Electric Co. CEO Jack Welsh, CNN CEO W. Thomas Johnson, former chairman and CEO of The Washington Post / Newsweek / International Herald Tribune Katherine Graham (and today her successor son), US vicepresidente, former secretary of defence, and former Halliburton CEO Richard Cheney, former president George H.W. Bush, former national security advisor to president Clinton Samuel “Sandy” Berger, former CIA directors John M. Deutch and George Tenet, Federal Reserve Bank former governor Alan Greenspan and present governor Benjamin Shalom Bernanke, former World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn, CS First Boston Bank CEO and former Federal Reserve Bank governor Paul Volcker, reporters Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Wolf Blitzer, top CitiGroup directors John Reed, William Rhodes, Stanford Weill, and Stanley Fischer (in turn formerly No. 2 at the IMF), economists Jeffrey Sachs and Lester Thurow, former treasury secretary, Goldman Sachs CEO and CitiGroup director Robert E. Rubin, former secretary of state and “mediator” during the the Falkland/Malvinas Islands War between Argentina and Britain Gral. Alexander Haig, “mediator” in the Balcan conflict Richard Holbrooke, IBM CEO Louis V. Gerstner, democratic senator George J. Mitchell, former republican representative Newt Gingrich, former Bush Sr. national sercurity advisor Air Force General Brent Scowcroft, Kenneth Lay (recently deseased member of the Trilateral Commission and Enron CEO), amongst many, many others.[5]
In the business world, top Fortune 500 corporations all have senior directors who are CFR members. These corporations together have a combined market value equivalent to almost twice the gross domestic product of the United States and concentrate the better part of the wealth and power of that country, controlling key resources and technologies around the world. Together, they employ over 25 million people in the US alone and account for over 80% of its GDP. In short, they wield gigantic power, leverage and influence in the US and beyond.
We thus find here the key to the CFR’s enormous effectiveness and power: its decisions and plans are drafted out and agreed in closed meetings, study groups, conferences and task forces. But when the time comes to execute those plans, they are then carried out by its different members, each from his or her formal post in different powerful organizations, both public and private. And what powerful posts and organizations these are!
If, for example, a plan has been drafted and agreed regarding how globalisation of the economy and the financial system is to evolve, or which countries are to enjoy peace and prosperity and which are to be ravished by war, invasion and famine, then the coordinated action of personalities like the president of the United States, his secretaries of state, defense, commerce and treasury, CIA, NSA and FBI directors, key international bankers and financiers, Fortune 500 CEO's, media owners and moguls, reporters and writers, military officers and academics, heads of the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization, are all brought together at the right time, in the proper sequence and on a myriad of specific matters. In this way, they are able to coordinate concrete, effective and almost irrestistible action, anytime and anywhere.
This is how it has worked for more than eighty years.