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Employees could still negotiate with Queenstake
By ADELLA HARDING - Mining Quarterly Editor
Published: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 5:47 PM CST
ELKO — Negotiations are still possible between lawyers for former Jerritt Canyon Mine employees and Queenstake Resources before an April 26 hearing in Reno on Queenstake’s motion to dismiss the class-action lawsuit.
“Nothing prevents a negotiated settlement prior to that time,” Queenstake attorney Gary DiGrazia said, reporting there also is a case management conference on March 23 for lawyers on both sides.
Travis Gerber, the lawyer for the employees who were only paid half of their severance pay when Queenstake shut down the Jerritt Canyon Mine north of Elko in August 2008, laying off 400 workers, questioned why Queenstake is paying off vendors but not the employees.
“They’re paying all the contractors now and put the employees on the back burner,” he said.
Queenstake is up and running again, with underground mining under way at the Smith Mine, which is operated by Small Mine Development, and gold production at the mill.
Queenstake parent Yukon-Nevada Gold Corp. Chief Operating Officer Graham Dickson said in a Mining Quarterly interview last month that the company was paying back vendors since resuming gold production, but the company couldn’t simply pay back employees while a lawsuit is pending.
“It’s a simple lawsuit,” Gerber said, explaining that the employees are seeking the other half of the severance pay and payment of medical claims. “They’re stalling this out.”
DiGrazia said negotiations are necessary to resolve the multiple claims, and he said he thought the two sides were going to negotiate back in December but apparently there was “some confusion.”
The motion hearing on April 26 will be held in U.S. District Court in Reno, where a handful of employees filed their lawsuit. Roughly 150 employees have put in their names since then, Gerber said.
Queenstake in turn filed a lawsuit in the federal court asking the court to dismiss the employee lawsuit.
The employees accused Queenstake of breach of contract, violation of the WARN Act that requires advanced layoff notifications and compensation for employees for their back severance and medical claims, and put the estimated value at $5 million.
Gerber said he didn’t have the figures of what Queenstake actually owed employees, however.
DiGrazia said he believes the number is under $5 million.
Reno attorneys are working on the lawsuits for both sides — Mark Thierman for Gerber and Anthony Hall and Dora Lane for Queenstake.
The overall issue is whether Queenstake and parent Yukon-Nevada can bring in enough revenue to cover all their bills, and Yukon-Nevada reported last week the company signed an agreement letter with a banking firm, BNP Paribas-New York, to help the company arrange financing for projects at Jerritt Canyon.
With the financing, Queenstake hopes to reopen the SSX and Steer underground mines, seek permitting to develop the Starvation Canyon site and look for additional ore sources.
Dickson said last month that Jerritt Canyon has 152 employees and SMD has 30 workers on site.
oh je, anscheinend lesen die meisten Bieter nicht
Gier frisst halt Rest-Hirn
... siehe Fragen/Kommentare zu den meisten Ebay(+Tochter)Paypal-Threads
ps. geht auch so:…iewItem&item=280469642710
Zitat gogh:
KETZA, das yukon deposit, ist noch nicht
ansatzweise erschlossen. Die gemeldeten
AU-grades liegen zudem knapp 400 m tief.
Anders ausgedrueckt, Wohl und Wehe entscheiden sich
in den ehemaligen Queenstake-Minen in Nevada -nicht am Yukon.
Der Markt sucht aber einen Grund zur neubewertung von YNG,
da ist alles recht.
Vermute es wird weiter im Kurs aufwaerts gehen.
YNG war verdientermassen aber zu stark verpruegelt worden.
15.37 MEZ
nun denne,
die shares-details sind mehr als bekannt, od.? (bitte quer lesen, od. auch nicht)
ps. nicht der "markt" sucht einen grund zur neubewertung...
das machen jetzt die "räuber" = "der drache wird von der leine gelassen"
pps. gogh's vermutung trifft "den nagel auf den selben"
all in
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miss yukon schaut in den chart-himmel (es besteht kein weiterer..... genau)
The euro slipped against the U.S. dollar ahead of what is expected to be a tense encounter today between Germany Chancellor Angela Merkl and Greek Prime Minister Papa Constantinou. Greece is asking Germany and the rest of the European Union to commit to a financial aid package so it can avoid a huge interest-rate increase on $20 billion US in debt maturing this year. Germany has so far refused to spell out the specifics of any assistance for the Greeks, in the face of widespread opposition from German taxpayers
da jibbet et Hoffnung
165,48 Mio. CAD
591 Mio. statt 400
BNK Petroleum Inc. and Yukon-Nevada Gold Corp. Under Current Evaluation
Mar. 4, 2010 ( -- and Equedia Weekly provides research on the top Canadian companies with a focus on mining and resource stocks. Equedia is continuing research and evaluation on the prospects of BNK Petroleum Inc. (TSX: BKX) and Yukon-Nevada Gold Corp. (TSX: YNG). To be further notified of our updates on these companies and special report editions through our Equedia Weekly Newsletter, please obtain your free subscription here:
Telephone: 1-888-EQUEDIA (378-3342)
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Der Chef des Münchener Ifo-Instituts, Hans-Werner Sinn, hatte erst kürzlich einen Zusammenhang der defizitären Länder mit der Misere in Griechenland hergestellt. "Die EU muss Griechenland retten, weil es sonst Dominoeffekte gibt", sagte er dem "Handelsblatt". "Wenn Griechenland nicht gerettet würde, schwände das Vertrauen in Irlands Bonität, und es gäbe vielleicht kein Halten mehr. Schließlich würden auch Italien, Spanien und Portugal wackeln."
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fein, fein
2002 war's, kcn schrieb dottore...
ein "boersenhausener-chartist" strichelte mir (auf anfrage) "nein-das-kann-nicht-sein"
ging trotzdem rein... gute sache das.
darauf einen doppelten schnaos (insider = nur der v. d. "sunny's" ist der aechte)
salute patrone
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ps. für presse-und-lemming-freiheit-im-bl.-kakadu
besonders der nette Riesenbarsch hatte mir so gefallen...und jetzt die Bratpfanne.
lass uns lieber den Barsch grillen
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off topic
Pannen-Emirat Dubai: Riss in gigantischem Aquarium
Dubai (dpa) - Das erst vor 15 Monaten eröffnete Riesen-Aquarium von Dubai mit 10- Millionen-Liter-Wasser hat ein Leck: Nach Angaben von Augenzeugen trat durch einen Riss Wasser aus dem Becken aus. Alle Besucher wurden aufgefordert worden, das Aquarium zu verlassen, sagte ein Sprecher. Verletzt wurde niemand. Das Becken, in dem rund 30 000 Fische und andere Meerestiere leben, ist die Hauptattraktion der Dubai Mall. Das Einkaufszentrum war im November 2008 eröffnet worden.
für "wen-auch-immer": in dubio pro reo
wenn in .... [Blockierte Grafik:]
purzeln in ..... die [Blockierte Grafik:]
für die "Big Brother poppt little Sister-Generation"
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Bin ich ein Mensch, der träumt, ein Schmetterling zu sein -
oder bin ich ein Schmetterling, der träumt, ein Mensch zu sein???
Werden wir es je wissen?
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in Germany unter Pari zu-gekauft
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