Beiträge von Kuddel

    Letzte Meldung von Crew Gold, die ich habe, ist die Übernahme durch OAO Severstal:…corporation-PR851456.html

    und "...completed its previously announced plan of arrangement transaction":…-2808384060.html?x=0&.v=1

    Letzter Handel war in Toronto am 6.3.2011 (CRU.TO).

    Es scheint so, als ob eine Umfirmierung in "Nord Gold N.V.", Sitz in UK, vorgenommen wurde. Ich kann aber keine weiteren Informationen finden. Von meiner Depotbank gibts sowieso keine Informationen.

    Auf der Webseite von Crew Gold jedenfalls ist keine Aktualisierung und wird anscheinend nicht mehr gepflegt.

    Weiß gemand im Forum mehr? Würde mich auf eine Antwort freuen.


    HMY gehört für mich zu den aussichtsreichsten Aktien, vor allem deshalb, weil HMY zu den Minengesellschaften gehört, die die größten Reserven und Ressourcen aufweist und total unterbewertet ist. Da sind noch viele Investoren wegen der unrühmlichen Vergangenheit verschnupft (siehe vergeblicher Versuch, GFI zu übernehmen). Zwar sind die Förderkosten in SA hoch (wegen des Untertagebaus) und es gibt Probleme mit der Stromversorgung, aber HMY ist mittlerweile auch außerhalb SA sehr aktiv. Der neue CEO Briggs macht jedenfalls weniger Sprüche als sein Vorgänger und macht für mich einen viel besseren Job.

    Es braucht wohl nur mal wieder Anlageempfehlungen von institutioneller Seite damit die Aktie Fahrt aufnimmt. Langfristig würde ich sie immer kaufen (aber ohne Gewähr 8) ).


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Jun 22, 2009 08:44 ET

    Crew Gold Corporation: Revised Production Guidance for LEFA for 2009

    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire -
    June 22, 2009) - Crew Gold Corporation ("Crew" or "the Company")
    (TSX:CRU) (OSLO:CRU) today announces:-

    Revised Production Guidance for LEFA for 2009

    The Company has adjusted its production guidance for 2009 at its
    LEFA gold mine to a range of 220,000 to 240,000 ounces from its
    previously announced estimate of 290,000 ounces. The lower production
    estimates are due to previously announced plant equipment failures
    (primarily SAG mill 02) during the first six months of the year and
    longer than expected time to refurbish the mining fleet. While the
    Company previously believed that the anticipated shortfall from the
    first six months of production could be recovered by an increase in
    grade for the last six months, it has become apparent that the mobile
    mining fleet will not be able to match the planned production rate
    until the refurbishment program is complete. Operation of the mining
    fleet was taken over by the Company in September of 2008 and since that
    time the repair and maintenance of the fleet to bring it back to OEM
    standards has been ongoing. The restricted cash flow of the Company has
    not permitted it to accelerate the repair and maintenance process. It
    is currently expected that the mining and processing capacity of the
    operation will be matched by the end of 2009 such that the planned
    rates of production will be achieved in 2010.

    William LeClair, Interim CEO

    Hier der neueste Link:…Mines-Limited-959702.html

    ... und die Übersetzung dazu (automatisch übersetzt).

    10. März 2009 19:10

    Spitzen-silberner Sanierungsplan unter dem Kapitel 11 bestätigt

    DENVER, CO--(Marketwire - 10. März 2009) - Apex Silver Mines Limited (PINKSHEETS: APXSQ)
    (die „Firma“) das heute am 4. März 2009 berichtet, das
    Staat-Konkursgericht für den südlichen Bezirk von New York (das
    „Konkursgericht“) trug einen Auftrag ein, der den gemeinsamen
    Sanierungsplan der Firma bestätigt (der „Plan“). Wie vorher berichtet,
    reichten die Firma und seine insgesamt besessene Tochtergesellschaft,
    Apex Silver Mines Corporation („ASMC“) eine freiwillige gemeinsame
    Petition am 12. Januar 2009, für Entlastung unter Kapitel 11 der
    Staat-Konkurs- und Vergleichsordnung mit dem Konkursgericht ein (Fall
    Nr. 09-10182). Die Firma erwartet den Plan, um oder über am 24. März
    2009 effektiv zu sein, als eine Reihe Geschäfte, die durch den Plan,
    einschließlich den Verkauf des Bergwerkes San-Cristóbal erwogen werden,
    abgeschlossen werden.

    Gemäß dem Plan verkauft die Firma an Sumitomo Corporation
    („Sumitomo“) das restliche direkte der Firma und indirekte Interessen
    am San Cristóbal gewinnen, einschließlich sein 65% Interesse an Minera
    San Cristóbal, nach einem Bareinkaufspreis von $27,5 Million, plus $2,5
    Million in den Ausgabenvergütungen und der Annahme bestimmter
    Verbindlichkeiten, gemäß dem Kauf und dem Kaufvertrag 12. Januar 2009
    (die „Kaufvereinbarung“) unter ASMC, bestimmtem anderem insgesamt
    besessene Tochtergesellschaften der Firma, Sumitomo und einer von
    Sumitomos insgesamt besessenen Tochtergesellschaften. Darüber hinaus im
    Sinne der Kaufvereinbarung und des Planes, wird die Firma von den
    Verbindlichkeiten freigegeben, die mit dem Bergwerk San-Cristóbal,
    einschließlich seine Garantie von Verschuldung San-Cristóbals verbunden
    sind. Die Firma nimmt momentan, dass die Kaufvereinbarung oder über am
    24. März 2009 in Verbindung mit durchgeführt wird, und als Bedingung
    zu, das Auftauchen der Firma vom Konkurs gemäß dem Plan vorweg.

    Als Bedingung zum Schließen der Kaufvereinbarung, nimmt ASMC
    an einem Verwaltungsservice-Dienstleistungsvertrag mit Sumitomo teil
    (der „Verwaltungsvertrag“) unter dem es bestimmte Verwaltungsservices
    dem Bergwerk San-Cristóbal nach Vollendung der Kaufvereinbarung und des
    Auftauchens von den Verfahren des Kapitels 11 erbringt. ASMC empfängt
    eine jährliche Gebühr von ungefähr $6,0 Million und eine mögliche
    jährliche anspornende Gebühr von $1,5 Million. _d management
    Verwaltungsvertrag werden haben ein Anfangslaufzeit von zwölf Monat und
    danach können sein beenden durch d Firma mit zwölf Monat vorherig
    Mitteilung oder durch Sumitomo mit sechs Monat vorherig Mitteilung.
    Wenn es durch Sumitomo beendet wird, wird ASMC zu einer Gebühr der
    Beendigung $1,0 Million betitelt.

    Unter Plan Golden Minerals Company, eine neue
    Delaware-Gesellschaft, hält die Betriebsvermögen nach Auftauchen, und
    die Firma wird in Übereinstimmung mit Cayman- Islandsgesetz liquidiert.
    Die gegenwärtigen Eigenkapitalshalter der Firma empfangen keine
    Wiederaufnahme unter dem Plan und die Stammaktien von Apex Silver Mines
    Limited werden durch den Liquidationsprozeß annulliert.

    Unter werden den Planhaltern der hervorragenden $290
    Millionen der Firma von 4,0% und 2,875% konvertierbarer Senior
    unterstellten Anmerkungen, die passendes 2024 (zusammen die
    „unterstellten Anmerkungen“) betitelt wird, um eine Prorata Verteilung
    von (i) Stammaktien von Golden Minerals Company zu empfangen und (ii)
    ungefähr $45 Million im Bargeld plus alles mögliches andere Bargeld
    oder Bargeldäquivalente, die durch die Firma über $15 Million gehalten
    werden (plus eine Reserve für bestimmte hervorstehende
    Reorganisationsausgaben) und die unterstellten Anmerkungen, annulliert.
    Andere ungesicherte Gläubiger empfangen Barzahlungen für ihre
    Ansprüche, bis zu einer maximalen Wiederaufnahme von $10.000 pro
    Anspruch oder eine Prorata Verteilung von Stammaktien von Golden
    Minerals Company. Ungefähr drei Million Anteile Stammaktien von Golden
    Minerals Company werden zu den Haltern der unterstellten Anmerkungen
    und zu anderen ungesicherten Gläubigern unter dem Plan herausgegeben.

    Zusätzlich zur Leitung des Bergwerkes San-Cristóbal, wie oben
    beschrieben, konzentriert sich die Geschäftsstrategie von Golden
    Minerals Company auf die Förderung der Erforschungstätigkeiten auf
    bestimmten Eigenschaften innerhalb eines breiten Portfolios von 45
    Erforschungseigenschaften in Südamerika und in Mexiko. Zwei dieser
    Eigenschaften sind im Vermittler zu vorgerückten Stadien der
    Erforschung: das silberne Projekt EL-Quevar in Argentinien und die
    Zacatecas-Silber- und unedlen Metalle projektieren in Mexiko. Golden
    Minerals Company suchen auch, die Erfahrung und die Fähigkeiten des
    Führungsteams wirksam einzusetzen, indem sie Bergwerkdienstleistungen,
    einschließlich Durchführbarkeitsanalysen und
    Projekt-Entwicklungsstrategien erbringen; Technik-, Bau- und
    Beschaffungsmanagement; Klimaermöglichen und
    UnternehmensVerantwortungsunterstützung; technische Unterstützung; und
    Operationsmanagement. Darüber hinaus üben Golden Minerals Company aktiv
    Wachstum durch strategische Gelegenheiten, einschließlich Erwerb, Joint
    Ventures und Anlagegutkonsolidierungen aus, die Synergie zu vorhandenen
    Anlagegütern holen und die Stärken des Führungsteams wirksam einsetzen

    Die Stammaktien von Golden Minerals Company werden erwartet,
    um freiverkäuflich handeln zu beginnen (OTC) wenn der Plan effektiv
    wird, dem Auftauchen der Firma vom Konkurs oder über am 24. März 2009
    folgend. Die Firma erwartet, dass Golden Minerals Company eine
    Auflistung auf einem US-Staatssicherheitsaustausch und der
    Toronto-Börse ausüben. Golden Minerals Company sind der Nachfolger zur
    Firma zwecks des Berichtes unter den US-Wertpapierrechten.

    Goldmine Lihir will Equigold für 1,1 Mrd. A$ übernehmen

    20.03.2008 | 8:30 Uhr | RAINER HAHN (EMFIS)

    Sydney - ( - Am frühen Donnerstag haben die beiden australischen Goldminenbetreiber Lihir und Equigold eine Fusion bekannt gegeben. Nachdem Equigold den Übernahmepreis von Lihir angenommen hat. Dadurch wird die zusammengeführte Firma eine der weltweit größten Goldminen, die dann mit rund 8,4 Milliarden US Dollar bewertet ist.

    Gemeinsam sind die Unternehmen in Australien, West Afrika, Papua Guinea aktiv. 2009 könnten 1,2 Millionen Unzen Gold gefördert werden.

    Aus "Business Report" vom 15.2.2008:

    Harmony output dulled by power cuts
    February 15, 2008

    Johannesburg - The world's fifth-largest gold miner, Harmony Gold, said on Friday that its production for the March 2008 quarter would decrease.

    "In the light of Eskom's electricity supply disruptions and with mines operating only at 90 percent of Harmony's previous power supply, the company's production for the March 2008 quarter will decrease," it said in a statement.

    However, chief executive officer Graham Briggs said the company "is devising new strategies on optimising operations to produce at 90 percent of electricity supply to ensure that we deliver returns on our shareholders' investments".

    On January 25, Eskom notified South African mines that electricity supply could not be guaranteed. Most South Africa mines were closed for five days amid rolling electricity blackouts.

    The mines then resumed operations but are presently operating with only 90 percent of their usual power supply.

    Earlier this week, Bloomberg quoted Eskom as saying it would not be able to supply mines with more than 90 percent power until 2012.

    Harmony on Friday released its financial review for the second quarter ended December 31 2007.

    The gold miner saw a headline loss per share of 43 cents for the second quarter to end-December against 30 cents in the previous quarter -- as result of a decrease in output.

    Harmony's total production for its underground continuing operations decreased by 1.3 percent to 4 445 000 tonnes resulting in an 8.3 percent decrease in kilograms produced to 12 403 Kg and a 3.9 percent drop in grade to 4.87g/t.

    Cash operating costs remained almost unchanged at R133 234 per kilogram. Gold price received at R169 502 per kilogram was 8.5 percent higher than the September quarter, however, the rand to US dollar exchange rate was 4.7 percent stronger at 677 cents.

    Harmony's operating profit from continuing operations improved 43 percent to R449.8 million. Capital expenditure increased during the quarter under review to R808 million. This was mainly as a result of the ramp up in expenditure at Harmony's Hidden Valley mine in Papua New Guinea.

    The company's operational results for the second quarter 2008 were negatively affected by the 44 days of stoppage time at Elandsrand after a shaft incident, in order to carry out the investigation into the mine incident of 3 October 2007.

    Elandsrand accounted for 67.1 percent or 1 177 kilograms loss of production in the December quarter. A one-day national strike called by the National Union of Mineworkers in support of safety also impacted on production.

    "However, both the Elandsrand accident and the one day strike has resulted in increased safety focus and we are hopeful that this will result in positive safety behaviour and a renewed safety effort from all Harmony employees," the company said.

    Harmony has projects in South Africa, Australia and Papua New Guinea and operates 21 individual mines. - Sapa

    VMS Announces Completion of Private Placement

    Wed Nov 7, 11:47 AM

    Email Story IM Story Printable View VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007)

    - VMS Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE: VMS.V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has closed its brokered private placement previously announced by a news release dated October 18, 2007, which was completed by a syndicate of agents led by GMP Securities L.P. and including Evergreen Capital Partners Inc., Jennings Capital Inc. and First Canadian Capital Markets Ltd. (the "Agents") (the "Offering"). The Company raised $19,500,000 by the issuance of 13,000,000 subscription receipts (the "Subscription Receipts"), of which 8,000,000 are exchangeable without further consideration for units (the "Units"), and 5,000,000 are exchangeable without further consideration for "flow through" common shares (the "FT Shares") upon the Company receiving shareholder approval to increase its authorized share capital to an unlimited number of common shares and the filing of articles of amendment with the B.C. Registrar of Companies relating to such increase (the "Release Condition"). The Company has scheduled a meeting of its shareholders for December 11, 2007 to secure the requisite shareholder approval.

    The net proceeds of the Offering will be held in escrow and released to the Company upon satisfaction of the Release Condition. In the event that the Release Condition is not satisfied on or before December 31, 2007, the Company will repurchase the Subscription Receipts at a redemption price per Subscription Receipt equal to the subscription price for the Subscription Receipts plus accrued interest.

    The Subscription Receipts exchangeable for Units were sold at a price of $1.50 per Subscription Receipt and will entitle the holder thereof to receive, without payment of further consideration, one Unit, each Unit consisting of one common share of the Company (a "Share") and one transferable Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant") exercisable until November 7, 2009 at a price of $2.25 per Share.

    The Subscription Receipts exchangeable for FT Shares were also sold at a price of $1.50 per Subscription Receipt and will entitle the holder thereof to receive, without payment of further consideration, one FT Share.

    All securities issued pursuant to this financing and all securities underlying such securities are subject to a four month hold period expiring March 8, 2008.

    In connection with the Offering, the Agents are to receive a cash commission equal to 6.0% of the gross proceeds of the Offering (the "Commission") and compensation options (the "Compensation Options") entitling the Agents to subscribe for that number of Units as is equal to 6.0% of the number of Subscription Receipts sold under the Offering. One-half of the Commission will be held in escrow and released to the Agents upon satisfaction of the Release Condition. As well, the Compensation Options shall only be exercisable upon satisfaction of the Release Condition.

    Upon satisfaction of the Release Condition, the net proceeds of the Offering will be used to fund ongoing exploration and development activities of the Company and for general working capital, provided that the gross proceeds from the sale of Subscription Receipts exchangeable to acquire FT Shares will be used for exploration expenditures which will constitute Canadian exploration expenses (as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada)) and will be renounced for the 2007 taxation year.

    VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.


    Rick Mark, CEO & Chairman

    Neues von Crew Gold:

    Crew Gold Corporation: Lefa Operation-Mid Year Reserve Increase

    Thursday October 25, 9:01 am ET

    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2007) - Crew Gold Corporation ("Crew" or "the Company") (TSX:CRU - News; OSLO:CRU - News; FRANKFURT:KNC - News; PINK SHEETS:CRUGF - News) today announced:
    Crew is pleased to announce a further increase in total reserves at its 100% owned LEFA Mine in Guinea, West Africa. This increase incorporates drilling from the Firifirini area (formerly Siguirini) in addition to a midyear design review of the main LEFA Corridor deposits (Lero-Karta, Kankarta and Fayalala).
    Reserves have increased by 490,000 oz (14%), from the 3.38 million ounces announced in March 2007 to 3.87 million ounces. This estimate is NI 43-101 compliant. The new mineral reserves are based primarily on drilling at Firifirini between January and August 2007 together with a design review of the main open pits within the LEFA Corridor. For all reserves, a gold price of US$575 per ounce was used. For the Banora area, the Company is undertaking further work and is not yet in a position to report any changes. Details of the current reserves at the LEFA Concession are tabled below and are calculated as at September 1, 2007. All reserves have been depleted to the August 30, 2007 surfaces.
    Jan A Vestrum, President & CEO

    Crew Acquires 100% of Nalunaq Gold Mine, Greenland

    Thursday November 1, 9:02 am ET

    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire - Nov. 1, 2007) - Crew Gold Corporation ("Crew" or "the Company") (TSX:CRU - News; OSLO:CRU - News; FRANKFURT:KNC - News; PINK SHEETS:CRUGF - News) today announced:
    Crew is pleased to advise that it has concluded an agreement with NunaMinerals A/S (Nuna) to purchase Nuna's 17.5% interest in the Nalunaq Gold Mine. Consideration includes approximately CAD $2.5 million for the shares plus repayment of all loans between Nuna and Nalunaq Gold Mine of approximately CAD $2.2 million. In addition, Nuna will be entitled to a 1.5% NSR royalty on production in excess of 992,000 ounces cumulatively. Approximately 195,000 ounces have been produced to date. The transaction is expected to be concluded on or before November 15, 2007. On completion, Crew will hold 100% of the equity in the Nalunaq Gold Mine.
    Crew operates the Nalunaq Gold Mine located in southern Greenland. The mine has been operational since February 2004 and has produced approximately 195,000 ounces of gold at an average head grade of 16.3g/t Au. In October 2006, Crew purchased the Nugget Pond processing facility in Newfoundland, Canada to process ore from Nalunaq. Current production from Nalunaq is 80,000 to 90,000 ounces. In Q2 2007 Nalunaq Gold Mine produced 21,697 ounces.
    Jan Vestrum, Crew President and CEO commented, "I am pleased to announce the successful conclusion of negotiations with NunaMinerals. This transaction enables Nalunaq and Nugget Pond to be operated with maximum synergies and provides longer term benefits to Nalunaq and Greenland. With a strong present gold price and positive outlook for gold we believe this is an excellent transaction for Crew Gold."
    Jan A Vestrum, President & CEO


    Posted to the web on: 02 October 2007

    Anglo’s move to sell AngloGold Ashanti stake knocks share

    James Macharia


    ANGLO American said yesterday it would sell about half of its stake in gold miner AngloGold Ashanti as part of its strategy to focus on core commodities.

    Anglo American shares rose 2,73% to R470 on the JSE, while AngloGold fell 6,96% to R303,50 , having touched an intra day low of R299 . Traders said there were fears that the sale might be carried out at a big discount.

    Anglo holds a 41,8% stake in AngloGold, the world’s third-biggest gold producer. Anglo said it planned to sell 61-million ordinary shares, worth about R18,8bn, and that its remaining representatives on AngloGold’s board would resign once its stake fell below 20%.

    The sale follows a similar sale last year by Anglo, which is selling units to focus more closely on its core business of platinum, diamonds, base metals and coal.

    Anglo sold 10% of its holding in AngloGold in April this year .

    “There is a perception that a lot of shares in AngloGold will be on the market. It is also not clear at what price they will be sold, so this has affected the share somewhat,” Afrifocus Securities portfolio manager Ferdi Heyneke said.

    AngloGold also dragged the gold sector index 3,9% lower, as Gold Fields slipped 2,33% and Harmony 2,54%.

    “I would suppose some hedge funds are selling Gold Fields and Harmony (shares) so as to get some more of AngloGold at a discount,” a Cape-Town based gold analyst said.

    He said AngloGold’s share price would see some respite after the current batch of shares was sold , but would come under pressure again when Anglo decided to sell its remaining stake.

    The analyst said the stoppage of output at AngloGold’s Mponeng underground mine for checks after four miners were killed in a rock fall last week had also cast a cloud over its shares.

    “If they have stopped (output), that could also be having an impact,” he said.

    Mponeng produced 600000oz of gold last year out of AngloGold’s total of 2,6-million ounces in SA alone.

    AngloGold’s incoming CE, Mark Cutifani, has said he wanted to cut fatalities at AngloGold as a top priority.

    One gold analyst said the timing was good for Anglo, with spot gold at $746,30/oz, a 28-year peak, and that it left AngloGold free to pursue its goals.

    AngloGold earlier this year called on Anglo to make a quick sale of its stake to allow AngloGold to focus on its strategy.

    A second analyst said it was positive for AngloGold that Anglo would place shares with funds rather than sell to a rival. “I would prefer this method, because that way AngloGold will remain independent. If the stake were sold to another company, it might swallow AngloGold and delist it or sell it in bits,” securities firm T Sec gold analyst Nick Goodwin said.

    He said a foreign buyer might have sold the South African assets and kept the international asset base.

    The long-awaited whittling down of Anglo’s stake also meant AngloGold could pursue its strategy free of control from Anglo.


    UPDATE 1-Japan's Sumitomo Corp expanding metal portfolio
    Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:45am EDT
    (adds quotes, details throughout)

    By Yuko Inoue

    TOKYO, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Japan's Sumitomo Corp (8053.T: Quote, Profile, Research), said its 35-percent owned San Cristobal zinc, lead and silver mine in Bolivia, which made its first shipments last week, would likely yield net profit of $60-70 million in the next business year.

    The third-biggest trading company in Japan recently suffered a surprise $120 million quarterly hedging loss from the mine, one of the world's biggest developments in silver and zinc, owned 65 percent by U.S. mining and exploration company Apex Silver Mines Ltd (SIL.A: Quote, Profile, Research).

    That knocked down Sumitomo's net profit by 3.2 percent from a year earlier to 51 billion yen ($442.2 million) in the April-June first quarter.

    "We expect a net profit of 7-8 billion yen in the next business year," Mitsuhiko Yamada, Sumitomo's executive officer, told Reuters about the mine in an interview on Friday.

    Sumitomo, Japan's major copper producer, is boosting investment in non-ferrous metals betting on strong demand from emerging economies and Japanese high-tech companies who consume such metals. It plans to spend $550 million in the Ambatovy nickel project in Madagascar, one of the biggest nickel projects in the world.

    "We plan to diversify our asset portfolio and foster gold, silver, lead, zinc and nickel as our new earnings drivers while maintaining our strength in copper," Yamada, who duplicates as the general manager at the mineral resources division No.1, said. "We hope to take a stake of 25-30 percent in major projects and have a big say."


    But rapid consolidation among global major miners, surges in asset prices and the rising competition from China are making investments increasingly difficult for mining and trading companies in resource-poor Japan.

    "We are being forced to make forays in less developed areas with higher political and economic risks in search for assets," Yamada said.

    Forming alliances with global mining companies and government financial institutions is a vital strategy to diversify risks, Yamada said.

    The Ambatovy project, which is owned 40 percent by Canadian mining and energy company Sherritt International Corp (S.TO: Quote, Profile, Research), is the first instance Sumitomo linked up with South Korea's state-owned Korea Resources Corp, with each having a 27.5 percent stake.

    The project, due to start production in the mid-2010, has also secured $2.1 billion in financing from a broad range of government institutions in Japan, Korea and Canada, among others.

    Yamada said Sumitomo was considering accelerating the development of copper mines in the United States and Latin America to make up for a planned divestiture of its holdings in the Batu Hijau copper and gold mine in Indonesia.

    "Developments in African countries or Russia would be too time consuming due to a lack of infrastructure, for instance," he said.

    Foreign investors, including Sumitomo and Newmont Mining Corp (NEM.N: Quote, Profile, Research) of the United States, are obliged to gradually cut their stakes in the Indonesian mine to a combined 49 percent from around 80 percent now by the end of 2011 and to sell stakes to local interests.

    That will reduce Sumitomo's holdings in Asia's second-biggest copper mine to 16 percent from 26 percent.