Beiträge von newtechxl

    Scorpio Mining announced the appointment of Mr. James G. Henderson as a Director of the Company. Mr. Henderson has specialized in the emerging company market for more than twenty years and is the founder and present Managing Director of Australian-based Transocean Securities Pty Limited. Funded in 1990, Transocean has been one of the most active investment banking groups in the Australian emerging company market, with current financings in the order of $90 million.

    It was also announced that Northface Capital Corporation would provide investor and media relations services. Northface will assist Scorpio's management team, to raise its profile in the investment community. This company was fired by the old CEO Jim Hesketh and in my view a large error.

    As the Company moves forward with the underground development, diamond drilling, metallurgical work and studies on our 100%-owned Nuestra Senora silver project, the public has to be kept informed as to the changing dynamics of the rapid advancement of the project. Northface fits into our intent on expanding and leveraging our established network and position within the investment community."

    November 30, 2004 Symbol: KRE: TSX – V



    Vancouver, BC – KENRICH-ESKAY MINING CORPORATION (the “Company”) is pleased to announce continuing excellent results from its 100% owned Corey property, in north-western British Columbia. The Corey property is a large land package consisting of over 25,000 acres that is located on strike, just 10 km south of the world-class, exceptionally rich, Eskay Creek gold mine owned and operated by Barrick Gold Corp.

    Sulphide samples were collected in September 2004 by Dr. Jim Mortenson, Professor at the University of British Columbia and a researcher with the Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU), in an effort to establish the age of the principal mineralized zones at Corey. These samples were analysed for lead-isotopes at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) in Vancouver. Lead-isotope analyses have clearly demonstrated that the massive sulphide mineralization at both the Smitty and Cumberland showings are of Jurassic age. Smitty mineralization also lies well within the age range of the Eskay Creek deposit. Additional lead-isotope analyses for sulphides from the C10 and HSOV zones are ongoing with results expected in the next month.

    The Company is very encouraged by these highly significant results which conclusively show that the best massive sulphide occurrences at Corey are of the same age as the Eskay Creek Deposit.

    The Company’s 2004 work program on the Corey property was designed to trace, and to test at close intervals, the volcanic and sedimentary horizons of the favourable Eskay-rift succession as it passes south-south-eastward across the Corey. Results are now in hand for the most of the Company’s rock, lithogeochemical and stream sediment sampling. These definitive results trace the Eskay-rift strata on the Corey for over 10 kilometres of strike length. This compares to the 7.5 kilometres combined strike length of the Eskay-rift strata on the Eskay and SIB properties that abut the north boundary of the Corey property.

    The volcanogenic massive sulphides at the newly discovered Smitty (Silver-Zinc-Copper) showing and the Cumberland zone (Gold-Silver-Zinc-Copper), occur within mudstones and basalts that are deposited within a rift-filling succession of bimodal (basaltic to rhyolitic) volcanic rocks and related conglomerates with the distinctive Eskay-rift lithogeochemical signature. This succession occurs in a band extending northwest to southeast, across the centre of the Corey property. Both the Smitty and the Cumberland showings were responded in the 2004 stream geochemical survey and confirm the value of that survey for detecting hidden Eskay-type massive sulphides on the Corey. Combining the geological mapping, lithogeochemistry, lead-isotope and stream geochemical surveys, the Company’s geologists have identified over 20 localities for first-priority follow-up by trenching and diamond drilling in early 2005.

    These results have shed an entirely new light on the potential of the Corey property: the property is central to the north-south trending Eskay-rift and contains all the proper ingredients for exploration success.

    The geological information herein has been reviewed and approved by Paul J. McGuigan, P. Geo. who is the Company’s Qualified Person.

    On behalf of The Board of Directors of Kenrich-Eskay Mining Corporation.


    Anticipated Project Timeline and Work Schedule

    To Year End 2004

    Complete bulk metallurgical testwork
    Complete 10,000 meter underground drilling program
    Issue an updated NI 43-101 resource report
    Continue underground development and stockpiling operations
    Initiate final feasibility study and mill design work
    Continue to solicit proposals from smelters for concentrate processing
    Complete permitting
    Q1 2005

    Complete feasibility study and make positive development decision
    Transport mill components from Arizona to Mexico for construction
    Initiate surface preparation for plant and tailings pond construction
    Continue underground development and drilling
    Negotiate concentrate marketing agreements with smelters
    2Q - 3Q 2005

    Complete Plant Construction
    Continue underground development and drilling operations
    Issue a updated NI 43-101 Reserve/Resource statement
    Finalize concentrate sales terms with respect to current metal prices
    4Q 2005

    Mill tune up and production

    Scorpio Mining I spoke with Peter Hawley and Jim
    Hesketh new President and CEO this month. Mr.
    Hesketh assured me that Scorpio Mining's goal is to
    become a low-cost silver producer in 2005. The
    Company will achieve this goal by bringing the Nuestra
    Senora project into production next year. Scorpio
    further plans to acquire and develop additional advanced
    or operating-stage, low-cost silver projects. This will
    further leverage shareholder value and this will show up
    in the share price at some point.
    The last reported channel samples from the minus 15-
    meter level are very high grade. The extracted material is
    being stock piled on surface for the eventual mill run.
    Mining as we all know is an incredibly difficult business
    and particularly when metals prices are low. Because
    any business should be run on the basis of profit, the
    most assurance that a company can strive for is a highgrade
    situation. Goldcorp for example fits this model.
    Bottom line "Grade is King" in the mining business,
    meaning the richer the ore, the greater the potential profit
    margin and the greater the ability of the company to
    remain profitable if metals prices are weak. The leverage
    may not be as great on the way up, but this is not always
    the case either.
    The most important fact is that the company can now
    develop the Nuestra Senora project horizontally. This is
    much less costly than going vertically. Naturally the ore
    exists vertically as well and the company is working to
    model this deposit. Once the model is complete and all
    the required assays are performed a new 43-101 report
    will be issued. The company is exploring approximately
    50 meters per week. At the present time we might
    conservatively state the mine has a five-year life. This
    however is very likely a large understatement and it is
    because of the nature of this type of deposit.
    High-grade deposits notoriously show a few years of
    mine life using the reporting requirements by both the
    SEC and the 43-101 standard in Canada. This is
    misleading to many precious metals investors because
    not understanding geology; a common sense approach
    must be utilized in assessing an underground mine. A
    cursory look might prevent investment in this type of
    project, because of lack of understanding. One of the
    best examples that I can think of is the "Dome Mine"
    owned by Placer Dome. Upon initial indications the mine
    had perhaps two to three years of mine life, this was fifty
    years ago however and it is still in production.
    The question to ask is why? The answer is that in a rich
    vein situation it is most economic for the mining company
    to simply follow the vein structure and mine the material
    as efficiently as possible. It is really a waste of
    shareholders money to drill out and "prove" what can be
    mined out profitably. Many that do a quick glance
    comparing mining companies will miss this very pertinent
    understanding of the real world. In an attempt to compare
    valuations some will compare resources of one company
    to another and divide by outstanding shares in an attempt
    to determine which company represents the best
    shareholder value. Certainly, I do not have a problem with
    this as a first glance technique, but it should not be the
    sole basis for mining company evaluations. In fact to do
    so will leave many investors bewildered. To further the
    point, we have Hecla Mining in our Model Portfolio; HL
    has only shown a few years worth of reserves but has
    been mined for over two decades.
    My biggest problem with the company is the fact that the
    company is an unknown. The company recently retained
    the Sherbourne Group to provide investor and media
    relation services. This company specializes in the mining
    sector. The company desperately needs to raise its
    profile in the investment community. To the best of my
    knowledge the only mining report to make note of this
    company is the Silver Investor. It is nice to be first;
    however without any follow through the stock can remain
    undervalued. Hiring this IR firm should help the situation.
    Institutions primarily hold this company and they have a
    great deal of power due to their large percentage
    ownership. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for the
    middle of September and it most likely will be a lively
    meeting because the share price has remained sluggish
    on low volume. We continue to like the assets the
    company holds, but think the facts need to be transmitted
    to the market.

    Auszug aus dem Silverreport:

    Scorpio Mining received a Tier 1 listing on the Toronto
    Stock Exchange. Tier 1 is for senior companies with the
    most significant resources. We wish to emphasize that
    this property is a former mine, a significant mine, a mine
    with mineable ounces! Although the stock price has
    performed miserably the assets, the mineable ore has
    not gone away. The annual general meeting took place
    on September 14, 2004. After the AGM top company
    officials went to London to begin some European
    presentations. News was released that the company
    CEO Jim Hesketh in no longer the CEO and a
    replacement is being sought. The stock was performing
    poorly and some of the early financing took place in
    London and some of these investment funds decided to
    liquidate their stock positions. The stock price pressure
    is coming from some not the entire original funding
    capital from those that wish to sell at this time.
    The company attended the Denver gold show from
    September 27 through the 29th and a site tour is being
    conducted from September 30 to October 1st, this will
    include almost twenty people and most are will known
    people from sound financial institutions. I was invited to
    tour the property but could not do to my commitment to
    be in Toronto for the gold show at the exact same time. I
    do have a close associate that will be on this tour and he
    will report his thoughts to us. The company will also be
    doing an analyst and broker presentation in Toronto from
    October 12-15th.
    I had the opportunity to speak with some in the company
    but not all unfortunately. My last conversation with
    management was that the company will try and move up
    the production schedule if possible, the Denver Gold
    show and the mining tour in October should help the
    professional mining community regain confidence in the
    projects and the share price should improve.
    Personally, it has been difficult but I did study the
    presentation at the AGM and based upon Jim Hesketh’s
    very, very, conservative estimates the company has the
    ability to produce at a profit, has substantial exploration
    upside a strong financial position, no debt and a defined
    growth strategy. It will take time for the share price to
    recover. Since it takes normally five years to put a mine
    into production the fact to restart this mine has been
    pushed back to the end of the year was disappointing but
    still will become a production company. As the silver
    price and fundamentals are understood by more
    investors they will be looking for undervalued silver
    opportunities-- I can think of none better than Scorpio at
    this point in time.

    News Release 04-41

    Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange - Symbol NPG) is pleased to announce the commencement of a US$1 million exploration program at the Company's wholly owned Magistral Gold Mine located in Sinaloa State, Mexico. The two-tiered program has been designed to develop additional gold reserves and resources adjacent to the existing mining operations as well as drill testing several near-mine mineralized areas that have been identified to date by Magistral's geological team. The exploration program will consist of soil and rock chip sampling, ground-based geophysics consisting of induced polarization and resistivity surveys, trenching, and approximately 20,000 meters (65,000 feet) of reverse circulation and diamond drilling. The program is expected to be completed by June 30, 2005.

    To date, compilation of pervious exploration data combined with recent surface mapping and sampling has successfully demonstrated the potential to increase the presently defined resources adjacent to existing mining operations and to discover and develop additional resources throughout the Magistral mining camp. The principal drill targets in the immediate area of the Mine are as follows:
    La Prieta High Grade Zone. The La Prieta zone is the highest priority exploration target at the mine as it contains 462,000 tonnes grading 8.47 grams per tonne gold, at a vertical depth of 120 meters and could possibly be accessed in the future by a ramp from the San Rafael pit bottom. High-grade mineralization gold is present in a flat lying dilatant zone along a strike length of 200 metres, width of 100 - 200 meters and thickness of up to 35 meters. Most of the drilling results utilized for the present resource calculation in the zone were collected with a reverse circulation drill rig. Nevada Pacific, using a diamond drill rig to test the zone has reported drill hole M773 intersecting 34.4 meters grading 9.4 grams per tonne gold including a 19.0 metre intersection grading 15.76 grams per tonne gold. This zone is open to the west, to the south and to the northwest along a 500-meter extension of the surface-mapped Samaniego Zone.

    Samaniego Open Pit. Mineralization is open along strike to the northwest where it has been traced by mapping and sampling on surface for some 1,000 meters.

    West San Rafael Zone. In addition to the potential for extending mineralization along strike, there are mineralized structures running parallel to those that host the current reserves. Potential structures outcropping 500 meters to the west of the San Rafael Pit are known to have favorable alteration anomalous gold values along a strike length of 1,000 meters.

    San Rafael Open Pit. Follow up drilling is planned to test mineralized zones that remain open to the south and southeast.

    Lupita - Sagrado Corazon Reserve/Resource Areas. Near surface mineralization at Lupita includes a drill intercept grading 55 meters of 2.7 grams per tonne gold including 7.3 meters grading 13.6 grams per tonne gold. Mineralization is open down dip, along strike to the northwest and to the southeast.

    Lucy Zone. This zone has been outlined by a series of bulldozer trenches and consists of a north-south mineralized zone with a 600-meter strike length and widths of 20 - 40 meters grading in the order of 0.50 grams per tonne gold. Numerous higher-grade gold zones occur within the lower grade envelope.

    South of Sagrado Corazon. Numerous high-grade vein showings are present along a northeast trend that parallels the structure hosting the Lupita and Sagrado Corazon reserve/resource.

    Cerritos Porphyry System. The fine-grained granodiorite host has been traced northwest and southeast over a 500-meter strike length. Trench samples over 62 meters returned values of 0.79 grams per tonne gold, 24.7 grams per tonne silver, and 0.19% copper including 40 meters grading 1.12 grams per tonne gold.
    The Magistral Gold Mine claim group covers some 400 square kilometers with exploration targets both in the immediate vicinity of the mine and on a district scale. Nevada Pacific's exploration team believes that the potential for developing additional gold reserve/resource appears to be excellent.

    Ross Zawada, P.Geol., is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for program design and quality control of exploration undertaken by the Company.

    The Company's property portfolio contains the Magistral Gold Mine in Mexico and an exploration property portfolio covering approximately 75 square miles of mineral rights including portions of two significant gold producing belts in the State of Nevada. Placer Dome has earn-in rights on the Company's BMX, Keystone and Limousine Butte projects. A description of these projects, including maps and photographs can be viewed on the Company's website at:


    Uranium's New Ally: Environmentalists

    By Dave Forest
    November 19, 2004

    In 2000, the world's top environmentalist, James Lovelock - pioneer of the "Gaia hypothesis" on the interconnectedness of life on our planet - stood nervously before a meeting of Friends of the Earth members. He had come to deliver a new message to his peers, a message he wasn't certain they were ready to hear.

    The time has come for us to go nuclear.

    The statement, which stunned Lovelock's audience, was the culmination of some hard thinking that led him to the conclusion that global warming was the single greatest environmental danger facing humanity. Fossil fuels were killing the planet. But what could be done? Alternative power sources - solar, wind, geothermal - weren't nearly at the stage to provide substantial relief. Something else would have to save the Earth.

    Just before the Friends of the Earth meeting, Lovelock had spent time talking with Bruno Comby, a man with an answer. Comby was a nuclear physicist by training, who had spent several years working for the nuclear industry in France. Concerned over what he felt were larger problems facing the world, Comby quit his job to start a natural-living research organization focused on organic gardening, air pollution, and, of course, climate change. But the more he studied environmental issues, the more he thought back to his old line of work. Nuclear power, he realized, was the clean energy solution that the Earth desperately needed. Comby wrote a book on the subject and founded the advocacy group Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy (EFN).

    When Comby and Lovelock met, they found they shared numerous views, including Lovelock's growing realization that nuclear power might be a solution to global warming. Hand wringing aside, atomic energy was already one of the only emissions-free electricity sources widely in use across the world. Unlike most renewable power sources, the technology was well developed and not limited by location the way hydro, solar, and wind energy are. Chatting with Comby helped persuade Lovelock to finally go public with his support for nuclear power.

    Spurred by Lovelock's endorsement, the green nuclear movement has steadily gained momentum over the past few years, with EFN now boasting over 6000 members and supporters in 50 countries. The cause got a further shot in the arm this past May when Lovelock published an editorial in London's Independent entitled "Nuclear power is the Only Green Solution". In the article, Lovelock begged his fellow environmentalists to end their opposition to nuclear plants, saying that the green community is "more concerned about threats to people than with threats to the Earth, not noticing that we are part of the Earth and wholly dependent upon its well-being."

    Lovelock himself does few interviews these days, but we recently caught up with Bruno Comby, president of EFN, to find out what effect the organization's efforts, and Lovelock's celebrity endorsement, are having on worldwide opinion of nuclear energy, and the impact that a reversal of opinion on the issue within the environmental community could have for already hot uranium stocks.

    Comby told us that his organization is in fact finding surprisingly strong support amongst environmentalists. "Since EFN has been participating in public events," he says, "people in these organizations come to us and say, 'We know you're right.'" He believes that green support for nuclear energy has been increasing over the past years as the specter of climate change has become more prominent. But environmentalists who favor nuclear power, he told us, have in the past been silenced by the green movement's hard line anti-nuclear agenda, set by groups like Greenpeace that largely control funding to smaller organizations. "Those who are smart enough," he says, "understand that they'd better remain anti-nuclear... or they get fired."

    So why are the top dogs in the green community so staunchly against nuclear? "Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund... have international money coming from other countries," Comby says. "And when you go up to the source, it ends up with the oil companies or the Arab countries. They have a strong interest in suppressing the nuclear industry."

    Despite what Comby believes is special interest-driven anti-nuclear sentiment, he told us that the work of EFN, combined with endorsements like Lovelock's, is changing minds in the green community. "A lot of people write to EFN sort of shattered," he says, "saying things like, 'I heard that James Lovelock supports nuclear. Are there really advantages to nuclear energy?' They've always been told that nuclear power is bad, and then they hear just the opposite, and the guy who tells them is the pope of environmentalism." Comby also points out that some local chapters of Friends of the Earth now support nuclear, and that France's second-generation environmental political party is pro-atomic energy.

    Comby attributes the increasing amount of pro-nuclear sentiment partly to the realization by many green thinkers that renewable energy, while an important goal, can't provide the quick fix needed to head off the climate change catastrophe they fear. "The problem of global warming is the number one environmental threat for the planet today," he told us. "Renewable energy should be developed, energy conservation should be encouraged, but these just don't face up with the numbers. Nuclear is the only alternative we have to replace significant amounts of oil and gas. It's by far the safest and the cleanest energy available today."

    Comby's organization is growing quickly - last year opening a North American chapter - and the group continues to lobby governments, other environmental organizations, and anyone else who will listen, on the dire need to switch from fossil fuels to atomic power while there's still a chance to prevent the worst effects of global warming. Their suggestions about the dangers of climate change are, of course, sometimes met with skepticism, but one thing is certain: the green nuclear movement is just one more sign that atomic power is indeed enjoying a long-overdue resurgence. If EFN succeeds in its efforts, and a major group such as Greenpeace or the World Wildlife Fund come out for nuclear, then the single largest obstacle to a wider adoption of nuclear as the fuel of the future will have been removed and the recent gains uranium prices - and many of the uranium stocks we are following -- will be just the beginning.


    CASEY RESEARCH is the publisher of, Casey Investment Alert and Doug Casey's International Speculator, one of the world's leading monthly research letters with specific recommendations on gold, silver, energy and other natural resource companies. Doug Casey's 2004 uranium stock picks have so far gained 72%...87% and over 600%. Learn Doug's current favorite stocks with a no obligation, no risk, no money upfront trial to the International Speculator.

    Vancouver, BC – KENRICH-ESKAY MINING CORPORATION (the “Company”) is pleased to announce continuing excellent results from its 100% owned Corey property, in north-western British Columbia. The Corey property is a large land package consisting of over 25,000 acres that is located on strike, just 10 km south of the exceptionally rich Eskay Creek gold mine owned and operated by Barrick Gold Corp. Excellent results from the Phase One exploration program led the Company to undertake an additional 50% more sampling and mapping on the extensions of the Virginia, Battlement and C10 zones and on prospective belts located in the north-central area of the Corey.

    Now, after completion of Phase Two, the Company is pleased to announce further assay results on the new Smitty massive sulphide discovery. The data is from chip samples across the width of the massive sulphide lens with a spacing of about 1 metre between samples:







    The results are obtained on a rock face exposed on the Cumberland-South Unuk Zone, lying on the western flank of Mt. Madge. The massive sulphides are comprised of bedded sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and galena in a Salmon River formation mudstone. The massive sulphides and mudstone are within a wider band of rhyolite, intermediate volcanics and volcaniclastic sediments close to the contact with overlying basalt correlative with the Eskay rift volcanic-sedimentary succession. Silver- and zinc-rich massive sulphides indicate a very strong potential for the zone to host a gold-silver-zinc massive sulphide body.

    The Smitty and the recently discovered Angela Creek occurrences join the Cumberland and HSOV Showings as true volcanic-hosted massive sulphide occurrences that have been discovered in outcrop on the Corey property. Massive sulphides and their enclosing mudstone host rocks are recessive weathering and are rarely found in outcrop. The main Eskay Creek massive sulphide deposits are “blind” and were discovered during diamond drilling activities. Within the distinctive Eskay-Corey volcanic-sedimentary rift belt, massive sulphides have been found in outcrop only on the Corey property.

    To further confirm the potential of the Corey massive sulphide and stockwork zones, extensive sampling was done for lead isotope signatures, age determinations and for whole rock lithogeochemical analyses. A total of over 400 samples have been taken to characterize the volcanics, intrusions and sulphide mineralization. With 300 of 400 results received, the central axis of the Corey property is shown to contain volcanic and sedimentary rocks that have a distinctive Eskay-type whole rock lithogeochemical signature. These distinctive rocks are rare in the Eskay camp, are well-mineralized, and occur in a well-defined zone that passes from the Eskay property, southward onto the Corey.

    The Cumberland and the Smitty are the only known VMS showings outside of the Eskay Creek property to have the characteristics of Eskay VMS deposits. Importantly, these occurrences are on surface rock exposures. Drilling promises to extend these showings and to test their hosting mudstones along strike, where 5 km of strong multi-element geochemical anomalies (Ag-Au-Cu-Zn-Pb-As-Sb) extend south-eastward along the strike of a sequence of mudstones, basalts and felsic volcanic rocks of the Eskay signature. These numerous geochemical anomalies suggest additional buried polymetallic VMS targets.

    In preparation for an early spring 2005 drilling program, drill pads on the C10 and Smitty sites were constructed to facilitate a rapid start-up. The Company is beginning its plans for an aggressive program of diamond drilling in 2005. Targeting will be finalized as part of the Technical Report from the Company’s consulting geologists.

    Further analytical results, lead isotope determinations from the Mineral Deposits Research Unit (MDRU) at the University of British Columbia and an interpretation of the lithogeochemical sampling are pending, and are expected in late November / early December.

    The geological information herein has been reviewed and approved by Paul J. McGuigan, P. Geo. who is the Company’s Qualified Person.

    Pursuant to its stock option plan, the company has granted incentive stock options to eligible recipients entitling them to purchase up to 689,446 common shares at a price of $0.65 cents

    for up to two years.

    Callinan’s interest in the 777 mine is by far their most tangible and valuable asset. The company intends to prove in the near future that their exploration projects, particularly the War Baby and the Thompson Properties, are of the same world class calibre. Today, though, the earth beneath Jack Callinan’s original claim blocks is a steady income producer that is expected to last for some time.

    The mine’s operator, HBMS, has gone to no small expense to update the project’s infrastructure – an undeniable testament to the strength and value of the resource (link to news release)

    Callinan’s management has shown a continuing commitment to using the revenue from The Callinan Mine and 777 Mine to establish the value in numerous other promising and diverse exploration projects. Rising metal prices make the potential in all of their properties increasingly lucrative.

    The properties that Callinan has chosen for their exploration expenditures have been selected because they are potential future large underground deposits. The projects’ locations near existing mining infrastructure gives them a head start towards feasibility, even in times of low metal prices.

    The War Baby Claim is directly adjacent to the 777 claim in Flin Flon. The property is owned 100% by Callinan. It is widely speculated that The War Baby hosts an extension to the 777 ore body. (Click for map)

    The nickel processing infrastructure in Thompson is world class and services numerous existing mines in the area. After some hard work and a bit of luck, Callinan’s Pine Lake and Phillips properties could very well be the next to feed the area’s busy mills and smelters.

    The ongoing exploration activity in the Fox River area is a good indication of the industry’s faith in the area’s Ultramafic properties. (Click on either of the following for detailed information: Geology PDF - Maphic PDF). The intrusions in Fox River are strongly believed to be similar to those in the Thompson and Ungava nickel districts. The type of nickel deposits associated with intrusions of Fox River’s nature are often very large. Some ultramafic nickel deposits sustain mines for decades. A smelter and processing facilities are located nearby in Thompson, Manitoba. Callinan’s Fox River claims are the site of several electromagnetic anomalies on the north flank of the Fox River Sill. These anomalies are recommended for extensive geochemical and geophysical testing.

    Schaut Euch mal das Teil an! Scheint interessant zu sein. RNC hat schon eine Mine die produziert.

    RNC Gold Inc. is a gold mining company focused on projects in the Caribbean basin. From its current production capacity base of 100,000 ounces of gold, RNC is positioned for growth through operational efficiencies, exploration potential at its present properties, through construction of new mines and the acquisition of new projects. The company's main assets include the La Libertad and Bonanza mines in Nicaragua, the Cerro Quema project in Panama and the Picachos exploration property in Mexico as well as the option to acquire 25% of the San Andres mine in Honduras. The Company has 31,276,451 common shares outstanding and on a fully diluted basis there are 49,114,096 securities outstanding.

    Myths in the Silver Market
    CPM Group
    Precious Metals and Commodities Research and Consulting
    The precious metals markets are secretive places. That is one of their attractions to many investors and
    others who value privacy. It poses problems for all market participants, however, because it makes these
    markets, so small and illiquid compared to other financial markets, susceptible to rumors and manipulation.
    While there is nothing new to this, in recent weeks and months the silver market has been repeatedly hit by
    rumors spread by traders and others seeking to scare users and investors. Market professionals cite the
    persistence of these rumors as a major factor in the decline in silver prices below $4.90 since
    October 2000.
    It is important to distinguish among myths, rumors, beliefs, and misinterpretations. In free markets, as in free
    countries, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and beliefs. The precious metals markets are no exception
    to this, with some individuals holding strong beliefs that do not necessarily measure up to empirical market
    evidence. The point of this brief discussion is not to seek to sway anyone from deeply held beliefs, but rather
    to set the record straight on certain fundamentals that have been distorted by persistent rumors and
    Myth 1: The Chinese government is selling large amounts of silver from its stocks
    The issue of silver sales from Chinese government stocks has been one of the most pervasive topics of
    discussion in the silver market, and perhaps the most misunderstood. The topic came to a head in early 2000
    when rumors were circulated of large amounts of silver entering the market. Not so coincidentally, these
    rumors began at the same time that the liberalization of the Chinese silver market was taking a great leap
    forward on January 1, 2000. The Chinese silver market has been closely controlled by the People's Bank of
    China since the Communist Revolution in 1949. The PBOC has been moving toward deregulating the gold
    and silver markets within the country, and extricating itself from the role of national market maker. This has
    led to massive shifts in the flow of silver around China, compounded by structural changes in the
    Chinese photographic industry that has led to large amounts of silver that formerly went to Chinese film
    makers now being available for export. These changes have radically transformed the entire metals market
    within China, and have led to increased exports of silver, and gold, over the past few years.
    The inaccuracy is the assumption that these exports represent here have been some sales from these stocks,
    but they are a small portion of the total amount of metal being exported. Some estimates by PBOC silver
    sales run as high as 60 million ounces. Chinese government sales actually have been around 10 million
    ounces or so per year in recent years, and are expected to be roughly 12.0 - 14.5 million ounces in 2001.
    Most silver exports have been by domestic refiners processing base metal concentrates and domestic scrap.
    In the long run the new laws may lead to a decrease in exports as domestic refiners now can receive higher
    prices within China, reducing the incentive to smuggle metal out, and domestic consumers and investors now
    can pay lower prices for silver within China.
    Myth 2: Digital photography already is sharply decreasing silver use in photography
    It has been repeatedly suggested for nearly two decades that digital photography would one day replace
    traditional silver-halide based photography entirely. More recently, there have been suggestions that the
    declines are already in place and eroding photographic demand for silver. Again, this is not accurate.
    Silver use in photographic materials—papers and films—is estimated to have risen about 6.0% worldwide in
    Demand is estimated to have increased 8.3% in the United States, and 6.3% in Japan. Major photographic
    companies are increasing their manufacturing capacity in the face of stronger demand growth. From 1980
    through 1998 the compounded annual growth rate in silver use in photography was around 4.0%. Last year's
    increase was 50% above that long term trend growth rate. This represents a definite acceleration in the
    demand for a silver-bearing photographic product that flies in the face of the rumors that digital is killing this
    market. One of the main reasons for the recent strength—ironically enough—has been the advent of digital
    photography, although most of the increased silver use reflects expanding traditional photography. Consumer
    appetites for conventional photography have been growing stronger world-wide. The Advanced Photo System
    introduced in the late 1990s has boosted both picture taking and the number of reprints being made, while
    rising disposable income from Asia to Latin America has increased demand in these countries. Also, most
    consumers are not ready for digital photography at this point, with the cost still prohibitively high for most
    people in the world and many consumers not yet computerized.
    Many observers had presumed that pure digital photography, which does not use silver in actually capturing
    the image, would naturally lead to a decline in silver usage. However, just as the 'paperless office' has
    prompted a surge in paper use, digital photography is increasing the popularity of photography and of
    traditional photographic demand. Much of the digital imaging business is actually a combination of traditional
    imaging techniques and newer digital technologies. The images are captured on conventional film, and much
    of the final output still uses either conventional photographic papers or other silver-coated papers. In between,
    the images are digitized, edited, and manipulated. In sum, digital photography is not necessarily a negative
    for silver.
    In fact, if one is objective about the impact of digital photography on silver, one needs to calculate both the
    possible long-term losses in silver demand on the consumption
    side of the market and the reduction in supply that would occur due to reductions in silver recovery from spent
    photographic products, which accounts for around 85% of the 190 million ounces recycled each year.
    Myth 3: Kodak has bought forward a year's worth of silver, removing the world's largest silver user as
    a source of demand for the next year.
    Another report that circulated throughout the market had to do with Eastman Kodak, one of the world's largest
    silver users. In December 2000 a news item reported that Kodak had hedged its silver needs through 2001.
    This was perceived by some observers as bearish for the silver market, as these observers intimated that this
    source of demand for silver consequently would be absent the silver market. Actually, this fact was nothing
    new and can be found in the company's regular quarterly filings with the Securities and Exchange
    Commission. Most of the company's silver requirements are purchased through annual supply contracts, as
    has been the case for decades. Similar statements can be found in Kodak's previous filings with the SEC.
    Myth 4: Berkshire Hathaway has sold its silver
    Berkshire Hathaway has found itself at the center of intense public scrutiny since it announced in February
    1998 that it had purchased 129.7 million ounces of silver between July 1997 and January 1998. Since then, it
    has often been suggested that various periods of silver price weakness have been directly related to sales by
    Berkshire Hathaway.
    First, one can look at why Berkshire Hathaway bought silver in the first place. In the February 1998 press
    release accompanying the announcement of the purchases, management stated that "the equilibrium
    between supply and demand was only likely to be established by a somewhat higher price." Moreover,
    Berkshire Hathaway has long hailed itself as a long-term investor, and does not seem likely to sell its recently
    acquired assets on relatively minor price fluctuations. The average purchase price of Berkshire Hathaway's
    silver was less than $5.00.
    This, however, did not stop some observers from suggesting that Berkshire Hathaway had sold some or all of
    its silver position. Offered as evidence of these sales was the fact that a major refiner in Europe, which had
    been known to be storing silver for Berkshire Hathaway, told its clients and others that the bulk of the silver
    being stored at its facilities had recently been moved. Another piece of "evidence" was that Salomon Smith
    Barney recently delivered a net 1.8 million ounces of silver into the December 2000 Comex delivery period.
    (Berkshire Hathaway often is viewed as the major silver customer of Salomon.) These two factors do not
    necessarily mean that the silver has been sold. It may have been moved in an attempt for greater opacity.
    Myth 5: Barrick hedging
    In the third quarter of last year, market discourse focused on the prospects of current and future forward silver
    sales by producers. Barrick Gold was the target of much of the initial speculation, as some market reports
    focused on the fact that Barrick reported in a regular quarterly report that it had spot deferred silver sales
    contracts in place. As with Kodak, the existence of these positions was not new; the fact that the market
    decided to focus on it at that time was.
    As of the end of 1999, Barrick had entered into spot deferred contracts to deliver 14.3 million ounces of silver
    over the following five years. As of the end of 2000, Barrick had 20.0 million ounces of spot deferred silver
    contracts at an average price of $5.32 per ounce, for 2001 and beyond. These hedges were for future output
    at the Pascua mine, development of which has been deferred, so further hedging is not expected until such
    time as gold and silver prices rise to levels that lead the project back toward development.

    as the metal loans are rolled-over almost every time. This is a huge problem because
    these rollovers continue to encourage the lender to turn real silver into "paper silver" and
    profit on a yield. This continual putting off the day of reckoning, when very little silver is
    available, is getting close. My point is simple silver not gold will become the metal
    exhibiting a shortage. Yes, the fundamentals for gold do show more demand than supply,
    but there is still a large supply to draw upon, this just is not the case with silver.
    A merchant bank member contacted me recently to discuss the silver leasing situation
    with me. It was admitted that most leases are in fact rolled over. I was also told that the
    amount of loaned silver is not as great as reported by GFMS. The point was also made
    verbally that the contract could be settled in dollars and not in silver. I want to be very
    accurate to my readership, I have never seen a silver lease contract, and therefore it is
    possible that the silver lease contracts are written to include an escape clause that the
    contract would be settled in currency not in silver. I also want to be clear that legally this
    is hear say, I do not have it in writing and therefore this would not be admissible to a
    court, however the point is clear. To my thinking this just makes it that much clearer that
    your core position of silver be held by yourself.
    The London Market January 2002
    The silver market continues to be dramatically affected by the lack of silver for
    unallocated stocks in London. Silver lease rates rose sharply again last week, the forward
    market liquidity contracted sharply, and options prices rose to prohibitively high levels.
    Meanwhile, there has not been a major draw down of inventories in London and Zurich.
    There has been metal that has shifted from unallocated to allocated stocks. There may
    have been some slowing in the rate of metal flowing into inventories, which would have
    reduced total stock availability. Rumors meanwhile continue to circulate in the market.
    Most appear wrong.
    There is no indication that Berkshire Hathaway has been involved in any shift of metal
    from unallocated stocks to its allocated inventories. Every indication is that Berkshire’s
    metal remains untouched throughout this. There also are indications that Berkshire
    Hathaway has not been lured into leasing any of its metal out into the market, at least yet,
    even by silver lease rates that approached 40% last week. This is consistent with the
    statements the company made in 1998 about its silver inventory intentions. It also is
    consistent with the company's stated views about silver, the silver market, and
    management of investment positions overall.
    The actors appear to be one or more major bullion dealers. Whether they are acting on
    their own proprietary account or on behalf of others is unknown, although the evidence
    suggests that they are doing it for their own account. Their motives remain undisclosed at
    this time, and the subject of much speculation. Concerns in the market are that the silver
    market is vulnerable to suffering the long term loss of liquidity and market viability that
    platinum and palladium have suffered over the past three years, with the collapse of the
    forward and options markets leaving those markets vulnerable to heavy manipulation by
    a few large participants.
    This commentary taken from the financial press at the time, does contradict my premise
    that some of Buffett’s silver was leased out. I want to present both sides, because it is
    important to present both views to this readership.
    Over the Counter metals leasing
    Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, proposed legislation that would give the U.S. Commodity
    Futures Trading Commission regulatory oversight of all energy and metals derivatives to
    better track large trades in the highly secret over-the-counter market and to respond
    faster to any illegal activity in the market.
    This statement on the public record of highly secret over the counter transactions is
    something to give your utmost attention. It is not easy to obtain any reliable information
    on how big the OTC metals activity has been the last several years but to have a high
    public official acknowledge it, presents strong evidence that the politics involved are
    important. I would urge anyone so inclined to write to their Congressmen and ask a
    simple question. Do hedgers in any commodity have to be producers by law? This is just
    one area of concern.
    Hedging vs. Leasing
    A hedger is given different margin requirements than a speculator. After all, a producer
    has the commodity, whereas the speculator does not. The risk is supposed to be taken by
    the speculator and the “hedged” profit is locked in by the producer. Since it is a well
    established fact that very few if any of the primary silver producers hedge (why do so at a
    loss or break even?), then what producers are short? Barrick Gold for one is short,
    approximately five years of silver production the last time I checked. Perhaps some of the
    byproduct producers are also short. It is very important to understand that there are two
    distinct issues. One is short selling or “hedging” in the Futures market and the other issue
    is leasing.
    Leasing or Borrowing has been discussed at length by Ted Butler and I am sure most of
    you are familiar with his work. My point is that the amount borrowed and hedged is
    enormous. The paper (Futures) positions can be covered and most likely will be at some
    time in the future. Will this have an explosive impact on the price? It will have an effect,
    but how big I am not sure because large positions can be put on and off in the commodity
    pits rather easily. Yes, it will have an impact. The short trap is certainly possible but is
    not the main factor in my analysis only a contributing fact.
    I do want to be clear before I move on, the paper position ( Futures Market) is
    responsible for the price action, but since the market is mostly settled in cash it will not
    ultimately have the impact that the physical silver market will have. Why? Because
    some amount of silver has been borrowed, how much? Perhaps as much as a billion
    ounces maybe more.
    Quoting from the Gold Fields Mineral Services study 2001 page 31.
    “Some formerly allocated metal held by one or more private investors was lent into the
    market. This may have included a portion of Mr. Buffett’s holding. Secondly, part the
    silver exported by China was not sold but was lent out. So now we have verification
    from one of the top annual studies of the silver market, the one the Silver Institute
    sponsors, and both Mr. Buffett and China have most likely “leant” some silver into the
    This quote is important for the following reasons. It verifies that Mr. Buffett has loaned
    some silver and that leasing does exist. Secondly, that “leasing” continues in the market
    and the lenders might be willing to loan silver at a low price but certainly not sell at a
    low price.
    Think about it, if you really believed that you could get a return on your passive
    investment (silver) and get it back why not? It is like having your cake and eating it too, a
    small return (unless we take the 29% yield of January) and getting your investment back
    intact. The problem is will the real silver be returned? It is very doubtful. More has been
    loaned out according to GFMS that their study indicates exists.
    A Final Note
    A final point, I have never seen a leasing contract. It is possible that the “loan” can be
    settled on a cash only basis rather than in metal, I do not know. If for example Mr.
    Buffett has loaned out the 40M ounces I wrote about, how would he write the contract?
    Would Berkshire Hathaway expect spot price + some premium if the silver could not be
    returned? Mr. Buffett knows insurance as well as anyone, and the insurance business is
    all about risk. The risk in the market place overall is incredible and it is quite a task to
    separate the wheat from the chaff.
    You now know more about Warren Buffett and his silver holdings than nearly anyone
    else. Tell your friends and spread the word, silver represents an opportunity that
    Berkshire Hathaway saw a long time ago. Silver is one of the most overlooked and
    unnoticed investments, yet offers an opportunity to profit that few other investments can
    Be smart, follow Buffett’s lead, buy real metal first, once that is accomplished then you
    can move into different types of precious metals investments.

    Buffett and Silver
    Special Report from Stone Investment Group
    Does Honest Money influence Mr. Warren Buffett?
    Mr. Warren Buffett’s father was an advocate of Honest Money. Representative Howard
    Buffett, father of Wall Street legend Warren Buffett, was too far ahead of his time, so few
    listened to the concerns and even fewer appreciated his wisdom when he addressed a
    group of businessmen on May 4, 1948.
    "Today Congress is constantly besieged by [special interest] groups seeking benefits
    from the public treasury. Congressmen find it difficult to persuade themselves not to give
    in to pressure groups. With no bad immediate consequence it becomes expedient to
    accede to a spending demand. The Treasury is seemingly inexhaustible. Besides the
    unorganized taxpayers back home may not notice this particular expenditure - and so it
    "Because [a politician's] continuance in office depends upon pleasing a majority of the
    pressure groups," there is a natural propensity for over-spending. Rep. Buffett recognized
    this reckless tendency to be a political fact of life, with predictable and discouraging
    results if left uncontrolled. "From 1930-1946 your government went into the red every
    year and the debt steadily mounted. Various plans have been proposed to reverse this
    spiral of debt."
    "One is that a fixed amount of tax revenue each year would go for debt reduction.
    Another is that Congress be prohibited by statute from appropriating more than
    anticipated revenues in peacetime. Still another is that 10% of taxes be set aside each year
    for debt reduction." "All of these proposals look good. But they are unrealistic under our
    paper money system. They will not stand up against post-war spending pressures. The
    accuracy of this conclusion has already been demonstrated."
    Mr. Buffett Actually Cornered the Silver Market before 1997
    Mr. Buffet has liked silver for a very long time and this “purchase” was known among a
    very few precious metals followers.
    When Warren Buffett was associated with Solomon Brothers, the #1 trader nearly
    cornered the silver market by paying 20 cents more per ounce than anyone else. There
    were several expiring options that were out of the money. Everyone thought that these
    were expiring worthless, until the holder (Solomon Brothers/Buffett) decided to exercise
    the options at the strike price they held.
    The next step was to simply take delivery of their silver. It should be that simple,
    especially in a free market. That of course is one of the BIG LIES about the silver
    market; it is not exactly a free market.
    The dealers and Wall Street firms that held most of this silver ran to the U.S. Government
    and asked for relief from delivering what Solomon and bought and PAID for. Since there
    was not enough silver available, the rumor was that the government asked to meet with
    Mr. Buffett in private. Buffett backed down and the government made sure that Solomon
    did not lose any money. The government was willing to settle this embarrassing situation
    and pretend that the free market in silver still exists, when in fact is does not.
    Buffett goes for the Silver Again
    Warren Buffett’s most recent silver purchase started in the summer of 1997 and
    continued for several months. The lowest price on the COMEX during that time frame
    was around $4.40. The market recognized this in February of 1998 and silver advanced to
    over $6.50 an ounce. Mr. Buffett took delivery of about 90 million ounces of silver and
    gave the dealers more time to deliver the rest.
    It is my strong opinion that Mr. Buffett leased out the remaining 40 million ounces.
    Why do I make this assertion? Because, I have studied the annual report of Berkshire
    Hathaway which states the following:
    "Line item 53. Mi scellaneous items. 400,000,000$"
    Now it was widely reported that Mr. Buffett bought 129 Million ounces. However,
    unless you were really alert you might have missed the fact that only 90 million ounces
    were delivered.
    So silver at $4.40 (spot price at the time of the annual report) times 90 Million ounces is
    about equal to the $400 million dollars reported in the annual report. I think Mr. Buffett
    leased out the 40 million ounces and wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Buffett asked for his silver
    to be returned in the middle of 2003, just about the time I see this market beginning a
    major move to the upside.
    Another question we must ask is would Mr. Buffett lease out any of his silver? The first
    question, is self evident, to be nice to the “dealers” and knowing that Mr. Buffett once
    was asked to “cool it” in the silver market, why not be very accommodating this time
    around. He most likely let the dealers off the hook by leasing part of his holdings.
    Secondly, Mr. Buffett does not like investments which are static and do not throw off
    any type of return such as a dividend. This would be added incentive for part of the silver
    to be leased. Mr. Buffett would earn a return on investment and the “money” would be
    working to produce income. Finally, by putting some of the silver at risk, it provides a
    method to relieve pressure that might come in the future.
    Let us suppose that at the end of 2003, the silver market is very tight. Some in the
    financial community might recall that Mr. Buffett bought all that silver. It would be
    extremely beneficial if Berkshire Hathaway made the public statement that some silver
    had been leased and was not being returned. This might go a long way in relieving any
    political pressure that might appear.
    My point is Warren Buffett knows as much as anyone about sound money and the
    potential for silver. He also is aware of the problem that dealers might some day have
    obtaining the rest of his silver purchase. So we know Buffett has loved silver for a long
    time, when he did make his purchases he moved the silver outside the jurisdiction of the
    U.S. for a very good reason. If there is any type of U.S. action taken in the silver market,
    Berkshire Hathaway’s silver is safely stored in London, outside U.S. jurisdiction.
    What this means to us is we need to be certain of our core holdings. We need to take
    delivery of most or all of the silver we hold as a core position. If you have some amount
    of silver that you trade or speculate with fine, which is not what I am addressing here. Do
    you need to go as far as moving it outside the jurisdiction of the U.S.? I doubt it, but it
    does cause one to think.
    Who can you trust?
    This is from The Times (Mercer County, New Jersey) over two years ago.
    Making a case for his innocence will be tougher for jailed financier Martin A. Armstrong
    now that a futures trading company admitted it conspired with him in a $3 billion
    international fraud and agreed to pay victims a $606 million settlement. The payout by
    HSBC Holdings of Manhattan -- one of the largest such settlements in U.S. history --
    constitutes a strong admission of guilt in the corporate world, where companies seldom
    yield money without a struggle.
    The entire silver market on the COMEX represents 500 million or ½ billion dollars. Here
    we have a fraud that is six times that amount. In fact if we take the high estimate of 500
    million ounces of silver in known and unknown inventories, the total dollar amount
    would be $2.5 billion, less than the $3 billion taken by Armstrong and his chums.
    With all that is going on in this less than honest financial system I recommend that
    anyone involved with HSBC get some type of verification that their silver and/or gold is
    safe. Remember, HSBC is responsible for almost 60% of the total amount of COMEX
    By the Way, MONEX uses HSBC to “HOLD” silver for their clients, enough said.
    Silver Leasing
    In January 2002, the one month lease rate for silver went to 29% according to Kitco. It is
    important to understand what this means. First, the indication is that silver being leased in
    January will bring the highest yield to the lender. In other words, if you lease your silver
    during January 2002, you would receive 29% on an ANNUAL basis. A 30 day lease
    means just that; the metal needs to be returned in 30 days. However, this rarely happens,