Beiträge von Tschonko

    Hallo Lucky,
    hab das heut Nacht nur überflogen und die Berichte eingestellt.
    War im Burgtheater Wien (King Lear, Inszenierung Luc Bondy-einfach nur großartig- vor allem Gert Voss als König und Birgit Minichmayr als Narr herausragend aus einem sehr guten Ensemble). Das war vielleicht gut, da vergisst jeglichen scheiß!
    Voss/Lear ganz ruhig bestimmend zu einem Zuschauer
    , der fotographieren wollte,mit dem Zeigefinger auf ihn weisend: "Einen König fotographiert man nicht!"
    Was glaubst, wie schnell der apparat weg war und Szenenapplaus.....

    Die Baroness galt als nicht leicht "to handle". Haben da wahrscheinlich nicht so viel Zeit, um der Ore- Mischung gerecht zu werden...

    Kapitalbedarf besteht weiterhin mit einer Cashburn von 2,5 Mille im Monat.
    Man konnte ja nur 1,8 Mille durch das PP einsammeln, wollte aber mehr.
    Wenn sie im nächsten Qu die produktion nicht massiv steigern können, brrr.

    Und eine Richtigstelleung der angepeilten 2,8 Mille oz wäre auch fällig.

    Das war natürlich schon wieder vielen bekannt, dass nicht so viele oz kommen, darum runter mit dem Kurs.
    Sterling ist nicht nur da wie ein Sieb....

    Langfristig, wenn es läuft, mit den ganzen Unwägbarkeiten, dürfte es schon hinkommen...
    Aber heuer ist schon und wird schwierig...........

    Noch ein Kommentar zu Casey/Impact nach dem Mike Kommentar (siehe Vorseite!)

    " You are far too kind to the Casey team. I say 'team' because I doubt that Casey himself has much to do with day to day decisions. The huge red flag is that a large number of Casey picks begin in the high-priced premium newsletters after members of the group have already bought into private placements. They make a big point of declaring this and then go on to say that they will never sell without giving three days notice. Frankly, anyone who believes that is highly gullible. I doubt that such a policy could even be enforced. Any employee could open a brokerage account without the company knowing it.

    I could say much more about many ill-timed sell signals. This particular example of IPT is a classic blunder. They have also come to a number of stocks so late in the day as to be almost laughable, buying in at a peak."…ewtopic.php?p=82264#82264



    hier auf Seite 23 ist auch eine peer group comparion

    Nur da werden meist Apfel mit Birnen verglichen.
    Sollte man auch schauen, wie viele shares heraußen, wieviel es kostet, das rauszuholen etc.
    Die sind fast alle für den Hugo, wenn man sie nicht gut lesen kann.
    Bilde mir nicht ein es zu können... :D

    Great Panther und Sterling mit Ergebnissen: ganz gut, könnten 1,5 Mille oz werden

    Sterling hat nur 93 t oz zusammengebracht: WIRD EIN HARTER WEG ZU 2,8 MILLE HEUER:

    Positiv der leichte Anstieg in Mexico.

    Warum keine Berichtigung der jahresprognose? Oder wollen sie die noch immer erreichen?
    Verkauft wird trotzdem nichts. :D


    babybulls hat schon schöne hooks.
    Silver Dragon ist ziemlich faul....

    Wir kennen das ja. Da kaufst dir was und dann geht´s dir so. :D

    Hallo Silberbug,
    willkommen, immer nur lesen bringt´s ja auch nicht...
    GOG zieht schon heftig das Ganze nach unten, aber ECU denkt ja nun wieder ans Produzieren...
    Kommt auch immer auf die Einstandskurse an....
    SVL, FR und GGC sind solid.

    Bei mir sind nur die 07 Gewinne weg. 06 noch unangetastet... :D

    @eldo, zwyss,
    zu eurer Diskussion der nachstehende Artikel.
    Und solche Sachen werden wir auch wieder erleben, wie eldo schon gesagt hat, etwas später..
    ber bis dorthin wird´s möglicherweise schwierig....

    IPT: die haben nur 47 Mille shares heraußen, Zwyss hat erwähnt, das stört halt viele....
    Aber sie haben bei Energold schon bewiesen, dass sie es können.

    Auszug aus
    The full profile, which covers Kenrich’s properties, drill results to date, management/geology team and detail on the Eskay Creek mine is now available at:

    Also, we recommend jumping over to Kenrich-Eskay’s website which is chock full of property overviews, past new releases, and high resolution images/maps of their properties at:

    Kenrich-Eskay Provides Exposure to Massive “Blue Sky” Upside in the Event of Major Discovery
    To get a sense of what type of investor interest could flood into Kenrich-Eskay in the event they are successful in locating the gold rich zone management feels extends onto the Corey property, we just have to look back in the history books to what happened to the owners of the original claims underlying the Eskay Creek mine. Those claims were held by a private family and were vended into a small public company by the name of Consolidated Stikine Resources. Stikine stock was a publicly trading shell company trading at $0.10 cents a share at that time. Well Stikine did a JV with Calpine Resources and exchanged a 50% interest in their land claim for exploration work to be performed by Calpine. Calpine was financially backed by another public company Prime Resources Group which traded on the TSX and Vancouver exchange under the ticker symbol PRU, and was partially owned by the US giant Homestake Mining Company. Well as it happens, Calpine hit the super rich VMS type deposit in 1988 on the last scheduled hole of a six hole drill program which intersected 29.4 meters of 25.8 gram/ton gold and set off a series of consolidations (and legal battles over property rights) that lasted several years and resulted in Calpine being absorbed by Prime Resources. Prime Resources being bought out 100% by Homestake Mining (which was subsequently purchased outright by Barrick Gold in 2001).

    The interesting part of the story is that the tiny company Stikine - had it’s stock go from $0.10 a share to over $73.00 a share! from 1988 to August of 1990 – a meteoric rise of 73,000% (730 to 1). Stikine was eventually purchased by Homestake at $70.00 a share! So needless to say, the folks who owned shares in Stikine did very well indeed!

    Therefore, we are urging everyone who is interested in the current metals markets (in fact anyone that is interested in big returns) to get up to speed quickly on Kenrich-Eskay. Now that the Company has mapped the two primary rifts which created the Eskay Creek deposit, and have earmarked the majority of their $5 million 2008 exploration budget for the Corey property to further narrow down the possible location of a next potential major discovery, the announcement that they have identifiedsomething big on the property could come at any time.

    Will Kenrich bring the type of returns witnessed by Stikine shareholders? Well we can always hope, but in reality that would be pretty unlikely - but we do see a number of similarities between the two, as well as tremendous upside for Kenrich with a very active drill program scheduled for the Summer of 2008 and a gold market that many expect to heat up further from where we are currently – with numbers being thrown around of $1,200 to $1,500 an ounce for gold as the next milestone point.

    What we do expect is that Kenrich will be putting out plenty of news on the Corey property over the summer drilling season, as well as their other two high quality properties, their Coastal Copper and Bab’s properties, that we will in turn be sure to get out to our members as we track the progress of this junior miner with a big shot of getting to major status with one “swing of the pick”.

    The full profile, which covers Kenrich’s properties, drill results to date, management/geology team and detail on the Eskay Creek mine is now available at:

    Hallo heron,

    zu Urique ist hier am 12.4. auf Seite 154 einiges mit Karten etc.

    Golden Goliath nicht vergessen.

    Zu deiner Watchlist, hab ja auch einiges davon:

    Kimber: erstaunlich. Da bin ich jetzt leicht im Plus, was zwar nett, aber völlig uninteressant ist.

    Interessanter wäre es gewesen unten nachzukaufen..... :D

    SMR: da bin ich bei 1 rein wegen dem PP, wird sicher interessant heuer. Gehörte auch jetzt aufgestockt.... no cash

    PIK: die wird weiter laufen im Segment. Aber die haben schon fast 2 Mrd nach Merger, und nur 200 ?? Mille Cash. Das wird bei weitem nicht reichen.

    Ich bin raus, weil ich Geld brauchte...2 Monate hätt ich sie schon noch gern behalten...

    CMA: die wird jetzt gecovert, ist etwas undurchsichtig, da bin ich wiet hinten.

    AGI: ist super von der Mine, aber was die im letzten Bericht aufführten mit financing, d.h. da blieb überhaupt nichts übrig.

    Kenn ich zu wenig insgesamt, hab die aber im Beobachtungsbereich aber nicht to close..

    REX: orko management, mehr kann ich nicht sagen, eh schon öfterbehandelt hier..

    SNN: Management von Kings hat es sicher nicht verlernt. Wenn sie es mit palmareja gemacht haben, werden sie es hier wieder machen. Dauert!

    Die möcht ich auch aufstocken(entweder KMN, oder SNN dazu). Kann zur Zeit nicht

    Insgesamt stellt es sich so dar, wie in den folgenden Textzeilen:

    "wos muas ma ois glaubm bis das ma sogn kau i waas
    wo soit ma wos hiidrogn und wo is wos zum hoin
    wia fü muas ma wissn bis das ma glaubt jedn schaas........

    Hallo Eldo,

    wieder beim Salsa Tanzen..... :D

    Südamerikanische Tänze liegen dir eh, aber vielelicht statt Andenwalzer mal den Tango probieren.

    Könnte modetanz werden in den nächsten Jahren.

    Hallo Edel,

    klar ist das Ansichtssache, aber ich nehm ds sprchlich genau. Ich hab Physisches nicht im Depot.

    Da müsst man dann von Portfolio sprechen: und da kämen dann möglicherweise Immobilien auch noch dazu.... :thumbup:

    Also mein ich, wenn ich Depot schreib, nur Aktien...



    Mexico Mike zu Impact Silver: das wird wohl so circa stimmen...

    It looks like Doug Casey was a big part of the reason for the selloff in IPT, after he put the stock on his sell list this week. I guess that quick dump last week from $1.70 to $1.30 was Casey selling first, before alerting his paid subscribers, and that should serve as a warning to just what people pay for when they buy such advice, but that is also speculation on my part. Maybe he is really a Robinhood kind of guy and waited till his subscribers sold before acting on his own advice. I doubt it...

    I think Casey has many feathers in his hat to warrant some measure of respect, and his picks are better than many other advisors. But I think he has it sadly wrong about IPT.

    Keep in mind that my personal opinion is highly biased, since I have owned the stock for more than 3 years, I continue to buy on the dips, and I know management, and benefit from a paid advertisement on my website. I can also state however that I have a sound understanding of the junior mining sector and specialize in Mexico stocks, and I have personaly toured several dozens mines and exploration prospects in the last couple of years, including a visit to Zacualpan. I was posting about IPT long before Casey mentioned it, and I remain a staunch supporter.

    If Casey is concerned about a lack of compliant resources, perhaps he has missed the business model as presented by IPT management, where there has never been a high priority placed on proving up a resource because the geometry of the mineralization does not allow for a large resource without extensive wasteful drilling work. The rule of thumb for narrow vein mining is to drill for structure and drift for resource development, and IPT has performed exceptionaly well under that model.

    Casey also appears to lack patience. It is true that a small volume producer is not going to attract a premium market valuation. However, it is also true that the market DOES value growth and earnings. Year-over-year, IPT delivered impressive gains in production volumes, and has already set the framework to post incremental gains for at least the next 2 years. Also, development work has put in place the foundation to allow for additional resources to be exploited and new discoveries to be advanced. Unlike almost every other junior, IPT has been able to report a modest profit, even while all the other capital investment is underway.

    Why does this matter? The company is defining itself as a capable operator in the high-grade narrow vein environment. The track record is being established that consistent gains in both production and earnings are possible. The steady investment into additional infrastructure and production capacity means that IPT can grow beyond a low volume operator. One need only review the history of WRM/G to see how a small mine operator can grow to the status of a major given enough time and operating success. And time requires patience.

    It seems the market is willing to penalize IPT for doing exactly what the management said they wanted to accomplish. The critical point to consider, which Casey flatly fails to appreciate, is this:

    The modest earnings posted by IPT are not the objective.

    The objective is to grow the company into a large producer capable of delivering steady growth. Steady growth requires regular investment and development work. Capital investment requires cash to fund the work. And therefore the relatively modest production and cash generated today are the reason that IPT is worth owning and holding. It is allowing all of the growth and development work to be funded without diluting IPT into oblivion along the way.

    I find it extremely odd that Casey would stick with MAI as a stock pick, when that company is a fine example of how investors get screwed by heavy dilution when spending gets too far out in front of cash flow. My intention is not to bash MAI, but just to contrast how inconsistent his approach seems to be.

    The other relevant fact worth considering is that IPT is one of the few companies that has successfully put a new mine into production in a short time frame, and they have accomplished this at least twice, with more coming soon. Those who wish to Pooh-pooh the accomplishments and current production level would do well to contemplate how quickly the company has shown it can grow.

    I bought more IPT this week. I will be buying more next week but I have chosen to be patient and strategic, since the market depth remains weak, and I suspect I will be able to add shares even cheaper if I sit on a bid. I am happy that the market has allowed me chances to sieze great stocks on deep discounts, and I have profited greatly from similar episodes in the past. When popular analysts issue sell reccos on good stocks, it usually marks the bottoms and creates exceptional gains for those that ignore the advice.



    gut, ich rechne das Physische nicht zum Depot.
    Ich hab da noch einiges im Dez. gekauft, das ist alles im Plus. Nicht zu reden von der Wertsteigerung einer kleinen Münzsammlung.
    Aber da zählt auch nur der reale Verkaufswert, den man erzielt.

    Das war exzellent, was zur Folge hat, dass du viel Cash hast.
    Take your choice! :D

    Rückschlagsrisiko: die nächsten Monate nicht, aber es hängt auch vom allgemeinen Aktienmarkt ab...

    Ein ganz hervorragender Artikel, ein"Unbedingt lesen"
    darin enthalten

    Gold: How low we go..

    Australian Gold Company comparison

    alles mit guten und selten zu sehenden charts.. :)…balspeculator-Issue16.pdf


    PG und MMM hast ja gut erwischt. (Meinst du nicht MSV.TO, erinnere mich an Minco Silver???)
    SRLM: aus reinem Sport verkauf ich die schon nicht, weil da hab ich noch nie Verlust geschrieben :D
    Aber gewinnen werd ich da auch nichts.
    Wenn die erste oz Angabe sehr niedrig ist, geht´s da noch mal runter.
    Aber auf Sicht von einem jahr dürfte es schon passen. 2,8 Mille oz werden´s nie....

    neben Hommelberg ist auch Redfern, der CEO von Mexivada zwischen 500 und 600 angesiedelt, ebenso silbernugget und ich (501)

    Wenn man unter die ersten 10 schaut, hat fast nur Tina ein ausgewogenens depot.
    Wenn man einen 500% Ausreißer dabei ja
    Mit einer vollen hose ist gut stinken...

    Und obwohl nur ein Auszug aus meinem depot spiegelt es den verlauf des ganzen Depots ziemlich exakt wieder.
    So um die Minus 30 heuer.
    Durch die Ölis schaut es ein bisserl besser aus...

    Im übrigen, was Hommelberg unter "Many advisors will tell you to avoid the juniors (or sell them if you own them) because of:"
    aufzählt, stimmt ja auf´s Haar.
    Nur braucht man deswegen JETZT nichts mehr verkaufen.

    Jedenfalls werden die nächsten 7 Wochen sehr wichtig für mich, weil ich die Gewichteln anders verteilen muss.
    Und wenn ich da wieder so danebenlang wie Anfang des Jahres,
    dann kann ich sch...(witzen) gehen....


    PS: Gammon mit update. Schaut gut aus.…ongoldaprilprod.html?.v=1

    Ich hab nur CNQ (die schrauben zur Zeit ATH in die Höhe) und ein bisserl OMV.

    Equity Opportunities in Natural Gas

    by: David Enke posted on: April 21, 2008 As a general rule of thumb, crude oil has traditionally traded at a 7-8 multiple to natural gas, or put another way, natural gas trades at a 7-8 times discount to crude. With May crude contracts hitting $116.69 a barrel, and May natural gas contracts at $10.587 mmBtu, is the traditional 7-8 crude oil to natural gas multiple breaking down, or will we see a correction soon?
    Given the current price of crude, natural gas should be trading somewhere in the range of $14.586 to $16.670. Does this continue to make natural gas an attractive trade? This really depends on two things.

    • First, do you believe the crude oil / natural gas multiple is valid, especially during a period of increased volatility?
    • Second, will crude continue its march to $120 and beyond, or at least stay above $100 per barrel?

    Given the beginning of the summer driving season, and the published supply and demand constraints, a price for crude staying over $100 a barrel through the summer seems possible. T. Boone Pickens, who had been short crude while expecting a short-term correction to $90 a barrel, has also reversed his short position. Even at $100 a barrel for crude, natural gas should approach $12.5 mmBtu on the low end when using an eight multiple.
    Recent natural gas finds will add relief, but this supply will take some time to materialize. Increased use of natural gas to fuel power plants, driven by both environmental concerns with coal and safety concerns with nuclear (both interesting plays in and of themselves), will put further pressures on natural gas supply.
    While futures are a way to trade natural gas, many traders have a bias or preference for equities. Fortunately, numerous stocks with natural gas exposure exist, many of which also include exposure to crude oil. A few of interest including the following:

    Anadarko (APC, $68.90, P/E 8.53, Market Cap 32.25B): Involved in exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas, with proved reserves of 8.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The company is buying back shares and paying down debt, with the stock price currently in an up trend.
    Apache (APA, $142.51, P/E 16.99, Market Cap 47.45B): An independent energy company engaging in exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas, with proved reserves of 14.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The company has a dependence on crude oil prices more than some purer plays, even beyond any multiples. The stock is currently in an up trend.

    Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ, $84.50, P/E 17.70, Market Cap 45.65B): The second largest oil and natural gas producer in Canada with proved reserves of 3.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Operating expenses have been a worry, and the stock is strongly levered to oil in addition to natural gas. The stock is currently hitting upper resistance, with a potential double top.

    Chesapeake Energy (CHK, $50.39, P/E 19.23, Market Cap 25.90B) An oil and natural gas exploration and production company with 10.879 trillion cubic feed equivalent of proved reserves. Chesapeake Energy is the second largest independent producer of natural gas in the U.S., and recently announced new natural gas discoveries. The company is expecting output increases of 21% this year, and 16% next year. The CEO, Aubrey McClendon, is also increasing his position in the company, purchasing another 1.5 million shares recently, raising his stock total to $1.2 billion. He also recently stated how the impact of the Fayetteville Shale could total $18 billion over the coming decade. Obviously, he believes the natural gas story, as well as his company's prospects. The stock is in an up trend.

    Devon Energy Corporation (DVN, $118.40, P/E 14.82, Market Cap 52.62B): Involved in exploration, development, production, and transport of oil and natural gas with proved natural gas reserves of 8,994 billion cubic feet and 321 million barrels of natural gas liquids. Recently, the stock is in a strong up trend.

    El Paso Corporation (EP, $17.62, P/E 11.48, Market Cap 12.35B): A natural gas exploration, production and transmission operations company, with an estimated 2.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalents of proved natural gas and oil reserves. The stock is nearing overhead resistance.

    EOG Resources (EOG, $134.17, P/E 30.67, Market Cap 33.14B): Exploration, production, and marketing of natural gas and crude oil, with estimated net proved reserves of 6,669 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The stock is in a strong up trend.

    Equitable Resources (EQT, $67.96, P/E 32.42, Market Cap 8.30B): Equitable operates an integrated energy company in the Appalachian area, with natural gas production, distribution, and transportation activities, with approximately 2,682 billions of cubic feet equivalent of natural gas. EQT is in a recent up trend.

    Noble Energy (NBL, $90.55, P/E 16.63, Market Cap 15.56B): Involved in exploration, development, production, and marketing of crude oil and natural gas in the U.S., with proved reserves of 3.3 trillion cubic feet. The stock is in an up trend after recently breaking out of a trading range.

    Petroleum Development Corporation (PETD), $77.14, P/E 34.47, Market Cap 1.15B): Involved in acquisition, development, production, and marketing with proved reserves of 593,563 million cubic feet of natural gas. The stock is in an up trend.

    Quicksilver Resources (KWK), $41.48, P/E 14.48, Market Cap 6.57B): Independent energy company engaging in acquisition, exploration, production, and sale of natural gas, natural gas liquids, and crude oil, with proved reserves of 1.5 trillion cubic feet equivalents of natural gas. The stock is in an up trend.

    Range Resources Corporation (RRC), $71.60, P/E 46.55, Market Cap 10.73B): Involved in exploration, development, and acquisition of oil and gas properties, with approximately 1,125,410 million cubic feet of natural gas reserves. The stock is in an up trend.

    XTO Energy (XTO, $67.57, P/E 19.14, Market Cap 34.48B): Company involved in acquisition, development, and exploitation of natural gas properties, with proved reserves of 6.94 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Recently agreed to pay $600 million for Linn Energy. The company also recently priced $2 billion in senior notes. The stock is currently in an up trend.

    Encana Corporation (ECA, $86.23, P/E 16.65, Market Cap 64.69B): Exploration, production, and marketing of natural gas, crude oil, and natural gas liquids. Largest natural gas producer in Canada with 13.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The stock is in an up trend.

    From the list, APC, APA, CNQ, CHK, ECA, EQT, and XTO seem to be on the radar of just about everyone as these stock are frequently mentioned by analysts on TV, in the print media, and discussed on the blogs. Most also have a growing P/E (each over 16, with the exception of Anadarko). Nonetheless, if the 7-8 multiple holds, those stocks levered more to natural gas, such as Chesapeake, could see even higher valuations.

    Die ist auch ziemlich zurückgekommen/eingegangen...

    Malachite has today lodged an ASX announcement confirming further good results from the Conrad Silver Project.

    Good Results Continue in Drill Holes 61 to 64

    [Blockierte Grafik:…001.png@01C8B119.3AEE1780]


    • Assay results received for four more drill holes
    • Additional high grade intersections in the Conrad Lode, e.g.:
    • CMRD63: 2.60m @ 430g/t Ag, 0.20% Cu, 8.95% Pb, 4.35% Zn & 0.10% Sn
    • This intersection extends known high grade mineralisation to 360m depth
    • Two drill rigs currently operating: One rig testing down-plunge from old workings in central part of Conrad Lode
    • Second rig at King Conrad following up high grade hit in CMRD16

    Malachite Resources NL (ASX: MAR & MAROA) advises that assay results for a further four drill holes at its 100% owned Conrad Silver Project have now been received. These holes are part of an ongoing drilling program, involving at least 10,000m of drilling in 2008, aimed at substantially upgrading the existing resource estimate for the project. The new results are expected to contribute significantly to that upgrade, especially with CMRD63 reporting high grade mineralisation as much as 360m below the surface.

    Managing Director, Garry Lowder, commented:

    “We are very pleased with the latest results, which seem to be fairly typical of the Conrad Lode. It is also nice to see well developed mineralised envelopes adjoining the high grade lode in holes 63 and 64, enhancing the potential for relatively low-cost, mechanised underground mining of this lode.”

    The full announcement can be viewed on our website:



    Hommelberg mit Charts: siehe link…70-45fe-9265-f3aa227b35a5

    The Investment Case For Junior Mining Companies
    Part I: Technical View
    by Eric Hommelberg
    May 05, 2008
    Already sold your junior mining shares lately? No? Well better hurry then since juniors have nowhere to go but down. Why trust your hard earned capital to a bunch of liars sitting on empty drill holes? Why trust your hard earned money to entities that won't be able to raise fresh capital needed for ongoing exploration efforts? Don't you recognize that most juniors don't own anything but a few empty drill holes indeed? Don't you recognize that most juniors won't find anything ever since only one out of 2000 projects will make it to a mine? Why fool yourself in order to try to guess which project will make it to a mine? Don't you know the market is always right? The market has spoken, juniors should be avoided like the plague, don't you get it? Why else would juniors be trading these days as if gold were $330? Don't you agree that if $1000 gold can't lift the juniors that $2000 gold won't do it either? So if you don't own juniors congratulations, if you do own juniors then sell them while they're still trading above 0. Then invest your remaining money into entities that are producing since those are the only ones being profitable in a rising precious metals environment.
    Pretty encouraging statements right? Does it reflect my opinion about junior mining companies? Well sure enough the statements above are by no means a reflection of my opinion but unfortunately we're dealing with sentiment like this these days and many may wonder if this will ever come to an end. Even good drilling results can't lift a junior these days since sellers are all lined up to in order to cash in. We've seen plenty of examples lately whereby companies doubled over night upon stellar drilling results only to see them drifting back again to pre-discovery levels. So did we bet on the wrong sector after all? What should we do now? Sell, hold or add to our existing positions?
    Let's first start off with the popular bear tunes when it comes to junior mining sector. Many advisors will tell you to avoid the juniors (or sell them if you own them) because of:

    • Juniors are being shorted by Hedge-funds as part of a spread they play in the gold mining shares. They go long senior gold shares, short juniors thereby depressing the juniors to unimaginable lows

    • Juniors are facing difficulties in order to finance their exploration programs due to the on-going credit crisis. A junior that can't finance itself will bleed to death.

    • Juniors are facing sky-rocketing exploration costs which in turn accelerates the burn-rate of the remaining cash and therefore accelerates their way towards bankruptcy

    • Most juniors won't find anything since only one out of 2000 projects will make it to a mine. Trying to guess which projects could evolve into a mine will most probably lead to tremendous disappointments..

    • There are so many new companies and promoters that money from the usual small mining cap investors is diluted

    • The uranium boom and the ETFs are diverting plenty of money away from the (gold) juniors.

    Sentiment like this has pushed the junior sector towards incredible lows but it seems that there's light at the end of this long dark tunnel. I will deal with sentiment mentioned above in part II (Fundamental over view) but first I want to address the technical picture which is extremely encouraging. Undervaluation Juniors vs Gold reached its extreme in February this year. Since then the juniors didn't correct as much as gold (percentage wise) which has led to an increase of the CDNX/GOLD ratio (see also "Juniors - Buy Of a Lifetime". This is an encouraging sign since it means that the CDNX/GOLD ratio has bottomed out. All previous major BUY opportunities for juniors NOTEoccurred at such bottoms.
    it wouldn't surprise me to see another junior hype (over-valuation against gold) within 12+ months from now and yes, we definitely find ourselves in BUY territories right here right now. The only short-term uncertainty is how far gold could correct further from here on. Did we bottom out at $850? Or will gold correct further towards levels just below its 200 dma? Although I think that $850 has a fair chance to hold as major support we can't rule out a return to gold's 200 dma either which would translate itself into gold prices in the low 800's.
    The bottom line however is:
    Downside risk for gold has dropped below 10%! Downside risk dropping below 10% is good enough for me to start adding to my gold positions again. Remember, we already saw that GOLD/CDNX ratio bottomed out which means that if gold drops eg 10% the juniors (average, CDNX index) will be dropping less than 10%. So it's fair to say that downside risk for the average junior here is less than 10% as well.
    On January 25 I wrote my piece 'Juniors - Buy of a Lifetime' which suggested a major bottom must have been near for the junior sector based on the CDNX/GOLD ratio which had hit a 6 year low. Now after three months people are asking me when my prediction will come true since the juniors are still a bunch of lousy performers.
    Believe it or not but I'm encouraged of what I see since February this year. Let's first take a peek at the CDNX/GOLD ratio chart of January 25. The CDNX/GOLD ratio chart reflects the valuation of juniors against gold. A low CDNX/GOLD ratio translates itself into an undervaluation of the juniors against gold and a high CDNX/GOLD ratio translates itself into an over-valuation of the junior shares against gold. The chart below clearly demonstrated the deepest undervaluation of the junior shares since late 2002 which suggested a major bottom must have been near.

    Teil 2:

    The Silver Lining in the Oxide Zinc Project
    On the silver front, the aforementioned oxide zinc feasibility study progress update also indicated that metallurgical studies on the oxide zinc materials showed "better than 80% recovery of the contained silver." Previously, we had not been expecting any silver by-product in the oxide zinc project. If further work confirms the feasible recovery of this by-product silver, that could have big ramifications for the financing of the move to production.
    Last week, a deal was announced between Silver Wheaton (SLW) and Augusta Resources (AZC) where Augusta will sell to Silver Wheaton 45% of the payable silver from its mine, or about 1.2 million ounces per year for 18 years, starting in 2011, for a total upfront cash payment of $165 million. As explained on their web sites, companies like Silver Wheaton and Silverstone Resources (SST.V) have a business model of growth by pursuing such silver by-product stream deals. With good silver projects becoming more and more scarce, these companies are actively in the hunt for silver by-product streams
    If MMG could do a deal like this with one of these companies for the oxide zinc project's by-product silver, they might be able to finance the move to production without any dilution, especially if they choose the option of outsourcing the zinc refining (at least initially). Perhaps the biggest worry investors have about late-stage mine developers like MMG is about financing the move to production during a credit crunch. If MMG can do a deal that allows them to finance the move to production without dilution, while still keeping significant silver upside for shareholders from the north side, it would be an ideal scenario for current shareholders, and the stock would be worth a heck of a lot more.
    The beauty of MMG's zinc project is that they may be able to finance the move to production with little or no equity dilution either with the very low capex option of outsourcing the refining, which most zinc miners do (MMG has a big cost advantage because of their huge amount of existing infrastructure and the cheap processing of oxide zinc), or with a silver stream deal on the project's silver by-product, or both. That would be a very unusual situation for a world-class zinc project, and would give current shareholders tremendous upside.
    The Big Silver Upside
    Since our last update, in addition to some promising drill results, the announcement of ramping up to 4 drills working 2 shifts, and the implementation of an on-site assay lab to guide operations, MMG also completed a 3D evaluation of the silver and copper content of an initial block of mineralization on the north side based on the drilling compiled to date. This evaluation indicated that there are approximately 30 million ounces of silver and 30 million pounds of copper in this block for a rough total of over $600 million of gross value using current prices. There also is significant zinc and lead in this block, but the evaluation of that content is still in progress.
    This initial block is just a small portion of their prospective property. It covers only 600 meters east-west within the 1,100 meters east-west they've been drilling, within the 3,100 meters east-west they've been sampling, within the over 5,000 meters east-west of the historic mining district. In addition, they have 14,000 more meters west of the district that has similar geology, as well as other prospective areas. So this 600 meters east-west is less than 1/8th of the east-west length of the historic mining district, and less than 1/30th of the east-west length of highly prospective geology. It's really the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," with 2 shifts working "4 diamond drills, 3 percussion drills, channel sampling and geologic mapping," all guided by an on-site assay lab to efficiently prove up the rest of the iceberg.
    Given MMG's market cap under $80 million, this initial $600 million+ of gross metal value, which will be added to when the zinc/lead evaluation of the block is completed, is a great start to the evaluation of the north side mineralization, especially when combined with the several billion dollars of zinc in the oxide zinc project.
    With MMG considered to be just a zinc junior, with a world-class zinc project on the south side of the property, this huge amount of silver on the north side just in this initial block indicates that MMG is well on their way to establishing themselves as a huge silver miner, too. Since silver juniors get valued much higher than zinc juniors, MMG should be getting a very nice revaluation as the market recognizes the transformation of the company. Watch for far more drill results and more evaluations in coming months as this aggressive transformation progresses.>
    Unique Value
    With a world class zinc project being run by the same team that put the similar world class Skorpion zinc project into production a few years ago at historic low zinc prices (about 1/3 current prices), MMG clearly has enormous upside. Skorpion was valued much higher than MMG's current market cap when it got bought out by Anglo American (AAUK) upon completion of the feasibility study 8 years ago, at the trough of the metals bear market -- and they didn't have any silver. The oxide zinc project's silver by-product has the potential to allow MMG to finance the move to production without significant equity dilution, which would be a huge positive for current shareholders, especially during a credit crunch.
    Separately, MMG's big silver upside from their north side mineralization that they're very aggressively working to prove up could end up being worth many times MMG's current market cap. The aggressive work being done to prove the silver value has already shown significant value, and will likely prove up much more value in coming months.
    There's still much work remaining to be done on both projects, but it's clear that the work being done in coming months should add enormous value for MMG's shareholders. With the junior mining sector potentially recovering strongly from its doldrums in coming months, with zinc likely to start rebounding soon as the market begins to recognize the looming shortages, and with silver likely rebounding from its correction soon, the timing for MMG completing all this work to transform themselves into a near-term zinc producer and significant silver miner could be excellent.
    Best Time to Invest
    Some of the best returns in the stock market are made by investing in out-of-favor stocks during slumps in long-term bull markets, especially those that are improving their fundamentals by transforming themselves to increase shareholder value. The recent sector weakness has been a difficult period for junior mining investors, but we continue to believe that long-term investors in quality junior miners will be very well rewarded for their patience.

    Interessanter Bericht zu Metalline. Da könnte Silverstone zuschlagen.
    Der ganze Bericht ist zu lang also link mit unterlinks…ilver-lining?source=yahoo

    Metalline Mining's Silver Lining

    With the fears of global recession and the subprime-induced credit crunch, junior mining stocks have been clobbered in recent months. Investors have been liquidating whatever they can to get through this rough period, with even large producers taking big hits. As this article points out, "The juniors are in the midst of a fear-driven sentiment storm that is fierce and unforgiving... But eventually... those speculators positioned in the elite juniors should win legendary gains." Many investors have thrown in the towel on the sector, dropping some top-notch juniors to incredibly undervalued levels.
    We believe the big money will be made by those investors who take advantage of rough periods like this to accumulate the junior mining stocks with the best long-term outlooks. As this article points out, "A temporary slowdown [was] predictable: Each decade has some sort of pause. What will follow this one will be, we believe, an even greater boom - that will last for many, many years... For miners, the best is yet to come."

    Metalline Mining's Oxide Zinc Project Progress
    In our last update, we mentioned Metalline Mining's (MMG) "best of both worlds" status with a world-class low-cost zinc project as well as an aggressive silver exploration program. Since then, Metalline has updated their oxide zinc feasibility study progress, including the announcement of plans to drive the production decline to the center of the resource and test mining to back up the information in the paper feasibility study. In the current environment where many projects that hadn't done test mining (and a good number that hadn't even done a feasibility study) have encountered unexpected difficulties going to production, we believe this test mining will significantly reduce the risk of the project and make it much more attractive for financing and/or potential acquisition. Driving the production decline before the completion of the feasibility study will give the project a head start on the move to production, saving significant mine construction time later. It also will provide much better information on both the oxide zinc and the north side silver/copper/zinc/lead mineralization.
    The zinc feasibility study progress update also introduced an economic model involving selling their concentrate to existing refineries rather than building their own, which would eliminate the vast majority of the project's capex costs and accelerate the move to production. If the evaluation of this option proves fruitful, the economics would be extremely attractive in an environment of tighter credit. The operating costs would be higher with this approach, but still likely much lower than other zinc miners.
    On Monday, Metalline announced the hiring of a large international engineering team (which had worked on the Skorpion zinc project) to complete work on the concentrator plant studies by September in order to accelerate completion of the feasibility study, expected to be completed by the end of the year. In an environment where many mining projects endure repeated delays because of a shortage of qualified personnel, this news shows that management is aggressively moving toward timely completion of the oxide zinc feasibility study.

    Hallo Nugget,
    jetzt gilt es die Linien zu ziehen für den Rest des Jahres.

    Dabei gilt es einiges zu beachten. Wenn ich 40-60% wo hinten bin, wird es kein Renner mehr für´s Depot.
    Also raus oder aufstocken.
    Andererseits. Mit Kimber bin ich wieder plan und war auch schon 50% hinten. Die haben jetzt ein schönes Momentum und Drillergebnisse sind im Sommer zu erwarten.
    Die werden bei mir Anfang Juni frei.

    Nicht schlecht ist es auch, Steuerminusvorträge zu schreiben, dann kann man auch ein paar kurzfristige trades zum Ausgleichen hernehemn.

    Bei UNO ist in nächster Zeit nicht viel zu erwarten. EXM ebenso.
    CMA könnte was kommen.
    Garibaldi, kings minerals, Malachite, Silvermex, Yale, Arian, Newmac, von denen muss was raus.
    Wobei ich Arian ziemlich unten gekauft habe, jetziges PP war zu 0,25, ich zu 0,32.

    Bleiben wir am Ball, überstürzen muss man nichts.

    Von 21 auf 24 Mille erhöht. Nicht allzuviel.

    Silver Eagle Mines Announces Increased Resources
    Wednesday May 7, 3:15 pm ET


    Ich weiß nur, dass Mexico Mike einen Wickel mit OK hatte.
    Aber ich weiß nicht, worum es da ging.
    Dass sie kreativ beim Berichten sind, hab ich auch schon von anderer Seite gehört.
    Nur ich kann weder das eine noch das andere nachvollziehen.

    Gammon dürfte mit diesen Zahlen das Ruder endgültig herumgerissen haben:
    Jetzt in Qu 2 bestätigen:…ongold_finresq1.html?.v=1

    Genco wieder mit sehr weitem Spread 1,8 zu 2,31.
    Da kann man schön abräumen.... :D und das machen sie auch.

    Impact ist mir noch immer nicht klar.

    SMR.V wird heut geschnittert.......immer meine :boese:

    Als Trost war gestern CNQ auf ATH. Und da hab ich ziemlich viel.

    In nächster Zeit steht ein schönes Spielchen an.
    Aus drei mach eines. Also 2 raushauen und eine dritte verstärken.
    Um Vorschläge wird gebeten..... :?:


    beides sehr fragwürdig (EXN und RCT)
    EXN: zu 1,3
    ünd dann der Überhammer! also 1:1 ...auch selten! :D
    "Each Broker Warrant shall be exercisable at any time for one common
    share at $1.30 per share for a period of 24 months from the closing date"

    Warum mich die Finanzierung bei ECU so nervt?
    Weil man das nur macht, wenn man schon verdient.
    So hat man kaum Einnahmen und hohe Zinsen.... :wall:

    Gute news bei GPR: Base metal zone!!

    Great Panther Drills 15.94 Metres @ 1,305g/t Silver and 4.60g/t Gold and Discovers New Base Metal Rich Zone in Guanajuato Mine
    Monday May 5, 12:22 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 5, 2008 -- GREAT PANTHER RESOURCES LIMITED (Toronto:GPR.TO - News) is pleased to announce that deep diamond drilling at the Company's wholly-owned Guanajuato Mine in Guanajuato, Mexico continues to enlarge the dimensions of the Cata Clavo with considerable widths of exceptionally high grade silver-gold mineralization and has discovered a new silver-copper-lead-zinc zone in the lower portion of the orebody.
    Drilling was highlighted by hole EUG08-015, which intersected 15.94 metres grading 1,305g/t silver and 4.60g/t gold in the Veta Madre zone. Four of 23 samples within this interval assayed greater than 7,000g/t silver and 28g/t gold with the highest grade sample being 0.25 metres grading 11,815g/t silver and 46.20g/t gold. A second intersection in EUG08-015 returned 254g/t silver and 0.72g/t gold over 5.20 metres, also in the Veta Madre.
    Significant widths of good mineralization were intersected in the Veta Madre Zone in hole EUG08-014 which was drilled up dip and off section to the north from EUG08-015. Hole EUG08-014 intersected 4.54 metres grading 166g/t silver and 0.48g/t gold and 2.28 metres grading 347g/t silver and 1.46g/t gold, both in the Veta Madre. Hole EUG08-013, drilled up dip and off section to the south from EUG08-015, intersected 0.32 metres grading 671g/t silver and 3.72g/t gold in the Veta Madre Zone.
    A new base metal rich zone was discovered at a vertical depth of 600 metres by core hole EUG08-016, which was drilled to test the Veta Madre zone at depth. This new zone, in the footwall of the Veta Madre, returned 71g/t silver, 0.93% copper, 0.29% lead, and 0.35% zinc over 3.10 metres, including a higher grade portion assaying 162g/t silver, 2.07% copper, 0.42% lead, and 0.39% zinc over 0.44 metres. This is the first time that any appreciable amount of base metals has been encountered in the Cata Clavo and is evidence of metal zoning as the depth increases. Future drilling will continue to test this new zone both up-dip and along strike. Highlights of holes EUG08-013 to 016 are detailed in the table below. Maps, sections and previous news releases can be viewed on the Company's website at
    Drill-holes EUG08-013 to 016 were all collared on the same section as holes EUG07-008 to 012 on the 345 level cross cut to test the down dip and strike continuity of the Cata Clavo, and all intersected significant mineralization with some zones demonstrating excellent widths. Drilling is ongoing and, to date, every hole in the deep drilling program at Cata has intersected good mineralization. Although widths and grades in the drilling are variable, as is typical of vein systems, the program is confirming wide spaced historic drill data that indicated the extension of silver-gold mineralization in this area for at least 170 metres below the existing workings and over a strike length of approximately 300 metres. Seven sub-parallel zones of economic grade have now been identified within a system of intense silicification, brecciation, and quartz vein flooding up to 60 metres in thickness.
    Samples were assayed by SGS at the Company's Guanajuato Mine site laboratory and diamond drilling was contracted to Canrock Drilling, of San Luis de Potosi. Robert F. Brown, P. Eng and Vice President of Exploration for the Company, is the Qualified Person for the Guanajuato Mine Project, under the meaning of NI43-101, and has reviewed these results. The Company's QA/QC program includes the regular insertion of blanks and standards into the sample shipments, plus ISO certified laboratory checks.
    Great Panther owns a 100% interest in the Guanajuato Mine Complex. Historically, the Guanajuato Mine was one of the largest silver producers in Mexico and encompasses the core of the Guanajuato District, which has produced 1.2 billion ounces of silver and 4.5 million ounces gold.

    Highlights of drill hole intersections:

    From To Width Width Silver Gold Copper Lead Zinc
    Hole # (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) Zone (%) (%) (%)
    EUG08-013 153.92 154.24 0.32 0.29 671 3.72 V.

    EUG08-014 134.13 138.67 4.54 4.09 166 0.48 V.
    148.70 150.98 2.28 2.05 347 1.46 V.

    EUG08-015 134.61 150.55 15.94 14.35 1,305 4.60 V.
    including 140.78 141.03 0.25 0.23 11,815 46.20
    and 141.36 141.81 0.45 0.41 11,100 40.50
    and 142.39 142.76 0.37 0.33 11,375 28.20
    and 146.93 147.51 0.58 0.52 7,610 31.80
    169.24 174.44 5.20 4.68 254 0.72 V.

    EUG08-016 268.70 271.80 3.10 1.55 71 0.01 Foot- 0.83 0.29 0.35
    including 271.36 271.80 0.44 0.22 162 0.01 2.07 0.42 0.39
    Robert A. Archer, President & CEO

    Was die aufführen, ist schon nicht mehr wahr... ?)

    Schieben den Banken das Geld rein. Minimum 11% im Jahr!
    Eine Mille im Jahr und was wollen sie mit den 10 mille anstellen?
    Davon steht nichts drin.....

    ECU Silver Arranges New Debt Financing
    Monday May 5, 9:59 am ET
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 5, 2008) - ECU Silver Mining (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or "the Company") is pleased to announce through a letter of intent that it has arranged a new $10 million debt facility with IIG Capital LLC ("IIG") based in New York.

    The debt facility will have a drawdown feature which will enable the Company to draw up to $10 million subject to certain terms and based on its cash requirements. The debt facility will have a term of 29 months commencing June, 2008 and will bear an annual interest at a rate equal to the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") plus 6% but not less than 11%. There will be no principal repayments required until November 30, 2009 following which principal will be repayable in equal monthly installments for 12 months. The facility will be secured by a first mortgage covering the current mining properties of the Company's Mexican subsidiaries. A structuring fee of 1.5% is payable to IIG.This strategic debt facility offers ECU Silver a timely and non-dilutive way to ensure it has sufficient liquidity to advance its exploration and development programs. The Company's objectives are to complete sufficient work to convert a meaningful portion of its potential into a mineral resource category with a view to providing an update to its N.I. 43-101 mineral resource report later in the year.
    Concurrent with this new facility, the Company has also arranged for an extension of its existing loan with IIG. Commencement of the existing monthly repayment schedule will be deferred by 6 months from May 29, 2009 to November 30, 2009. The interest on the restructured loan will be calculated at one-month LIBOR plus 6% but not less than 11%.
    For further information please visit [url='']

    Energold Announces Strategic Acquisition of African Drilling Operation
    Monday May 5, 1:11 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 5, 2008) - Energold Drilling Corp. ("Energold") (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire the sub-Saharan Africa drilling operations of Clarity Mineral Services Ltd. ("Clarity"), a member of the Clarity Capital Group. The drilling operations are in Zambia, Namibia and Tanzania. These businesses operate in regions where Energold either does not currently have a presence or is lacking infrastructure. Through this purchase, Energold will acquire six diamond and reverse circulation drill rigs, with related support equipment, together with inventory and contracts. All six rigs are currently contracted. It is anticipated that these assets will give Energold the immediate physical capacity to further expand its operation throughout other parts of southern Africa in a timelier manner than traditional organic growth. Africa, with its lack of infrastructure and hard to access mining projects, is considered to be a significant area of growth in the drilling industry.
    In addition to purchasing the drilling assets, Energold is retaining the drilling operations teams and anticipates entering into a Management Services Agreement with Clarity to allow Energold to utilize administrative and logistics personnel and existing facilities. The purchase price for the transaction is $1 million, one-half of which will be in cash, the balance in 126,367 shares of Energold at a deemed price of $3.96 per share. It is anticipated that the acquisition will be immediately accretive to earnings.
    "We are very pleased with this acquisition as we anticipate it to be part of developing a long term relationship with Clarity Mineral Services. This purchase is in line with our growth strategy and will assist Energold in beach heading new markets without the traditional short-term drain on resources. These operations are an immediate fit and allow us to add quality crews and address down-hole supply shortages that could impact the growth rate of our African operations in the future," said Mr. Davidson, President and CEO of Energold.
    Clarity Mineral Services Ltd., is an African based, integrated, private mining house wholly owned by Jersey headquartered Clarity Capital Ltd. ( Clarity's international mineral team consists of 25 highly experienced technical and commercial specialists that thrive on founding and growing successful mineral companies in Africa and the Middle East. Clarity's current portfolio consists of 12 companies with operational offices in South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Clarity, with corporate offices in the UK, South Africa and Canada, strives to deliver extraordinary capital appreciation through responsible mineral exploration and development.
    Energold Drilling Corp. is a contract diamond driller servicing the mining industry. Throughout its operations in the developing world, Energold emphasizes an environmentally and socially sensitive approach to drilling. Energold holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO
    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    Contact:Darrell Rader
    Energold Drilling Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)

    So, wieder Englisch... :D

    Zu Fresnillo:
    die Mine liegt in Zacatecas, La Herradura in Sonora und La Cienega in Durango.

    Mögliche Targets von fresnillo kann man hier einsehen: Liste der Operatioenen von penoles.
    Dann Karte und Verstand....

    Penoles Silver Unit May Use IPO Proceeds for Deposits (Update1)
    By Brett Foley
    May 2 (Bloomberg) -- Industrias Penoles SAB, the world's largest primary silver producer, may use some proceeds from a share sale next week in London to buy companies that have deposits in Mexico.
    Penoles's Fresnillo Ltd. unit plans to complete an initial public offering to raise more than $900 million and start trading in London on May 9. About $150 million of the money raised will be spent on expansions and acquisitions, Chief Executive Officer said. The rest will be used to pay debt, he said.
    ``Our aim is to buy properties that can be upgraded,'' Lomelin said in an April 29 interview in London, where he was meeting potential investors. ``We think we have the technology to develop some properties that are not well operated.''
    Fresnillo operates the Mexican mine of the same name, the world's largest with silver as its primary product, which was first excavated by the Spanish in the 1550s. It plans to double output after silver prices quadrupled in five years, outpacing gold and base metals including aluminum and zinc.
    That expansion will come from the company's existing projects and doesn't take into account acquisitions, Lomelin said. There are as many as 300 so-called junior mining companies exploring for precious metals in Mexico, he said.
    ``Their intention is to find and then sell what they find to let others develop and open the mine,'' said Lomelin, who was previously CEO of Penoles for 21 years. ``We have complete knowledge of the value chain, from exploration to evaluation to development and operating the mine.''
    Three Mines
    Fresnillo mined 34.4 million ounces of silver from its three Mexican mines. Based in Mexico City, Fresnillo will sell new shares for $900 million and an unspecified number of existing shares. Penoles will retain 75 to 77 percent of the unit.
    Fresnillo may have a market value of $8 billion following the IPO, the Financial Times reported April 12. JPMorgan Cazenove Ltd., Citigroup Inc., UBS AG and Canaccord Adams Ltd. are advising the company.
    Silver for immediate delivery in London rose 1.5 percent to $16.44 an ounce as of 4:27 p.m. local time.

    Sage advice, padrone...... :D

    Sag, versteht den 4-Zeiler a Bayer noch?

    Weißt eh: "Wenn der Herrgott net will, nutz des gar nix,
    drah de um, bleib stumm, sag es warnix....."

    Das hat das "kollegium" ins Englische übersetzt... :D

    if jesus is busy
    »waun da heagod ned wü«
    text: ernst arnold, arthur kaps musik: ernst arnold
    engl.text: w.v.wizlsperger

    you think that the world is the best place to dwell
    but life isn´t easy between heaven and hell
    so take it or leave it it´s all up to you
    ´cause the meaning of life is just to go through

    so we hope and we strive tryin again and again
    but whatever we try is mostly in vain
    so don´t puzzle your head the conclusion is clear
    hold out to the end cause you´re forced to be here

    but if jesus is busy it´s useless
    don´t complain, stake your claim, don´t blow your fuses
    cause it´s always the same story until judgement day
    feelin high up in april an´ shot down in may

    if jesus is busy it´s useless
    don´t be cruel just stay cool hold your fuses
    keep your head high, don´t panic ´cause we all have to die
    yes´n jesus, he always knows why


    life gave me a lesson and i´ll give it to you
    it always goes differently than you think it should do
    so you never should say it has to! and i will!
    cause the lord will decide and you have to hold still

    don´t wrangle with fate just like donald duck
    don´t always envy another ones luck
    take things as they come keep on rollin´ your wheels
    the last word is spoken in heavenly fields

    but if jesus is busy it´s useless
    don´t complain stake your claim don´t blow your fuses
    cause it´s always the same story until judgement day
    feelin high up in april an´ shot down in may

    waun da heagod ned wü nutzt des goa iggs
    sei ned bös, ned neawös, sog es woa niggs
    renn ned imma fadsweifüd und kopflos herum
    weu da heagod waas imma warum

     [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.kollegiumkalksburg.…liedtexte/transparent.gif] [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.kollegiumkalksburg.…liedtexte/transparent.gif]
