Beiträge von Tschonko

    Hallo heron,
    ja es tut sich was.

    Was mich unheimlich beruhigt ist auch das,
    Wenn Silber steigt, wird eingekauft.
    Wenn Silber fällt, wird eingekauft.
    Und in den Tälern erst recht. Physisch mein ich.

    Wen könnte sich Fresnillo krallen? Kimber wär ein Kandidat.
    Wenn du Fresnillo WKN, Kürzel erfährst, bitte lass es mich wissen.

    Bei Impact und Silverstone solle s jeweilige Empfehlungen gegeben haben.
    Und ich muss es gerade verkehrt rum erwischen... :D…f2a467a007ffb8e9ed0#81844

    Ansonsten Stadtfest Wien, wieder mal Böck/Hirschal und die brennenden Herzen
    und das unvergleichliche "Kollegium Kalksburg"

    Folgende Zeilen vom Kollegium passen nicht schlecht zur jetzigen Situation (arme Deutsche! :D und es ist nicht aus der "Heazkaschbalboika", also Herzinfarkt Polka...)

    "wos muas ma ois glaubm bis das ma sogn kau i waas
    wo soit ma wos hiidrogn und wo is wos zum hoin
    wia fü muas ma wissn bis das ma glaubt jedn schaas
    und warum griagn nua de wos de wos eh niggs mea woin


    guter Bericht. Verkehrsanbindung etc.???

    Folgendes passt da gut dazu:…ommen_interessiert_718313

    Industria Penoles an mexikanischen Silbervorkommen interessiert
    EMFIS.COM - London 02.05.08 ( Die Industrias Penoles SAB wird in der nächsten ein IPO in London der Tochter Fresnillo Ltd. durchführen. Die Einnahmen aus dem Aktienverkauf, gut 900 Mio. USD, will das Unternehmen zum Teil in Expansion und Übernahmen investieren.

    Die Fresnillo betreibt in Mexiko die größte Silbermine der Welt. Dort soll nun die Produktion verdoppelt werden, um von gestiegenen Silberpreisen zu profitieren. Bezüglich der Expansion des Unternehmens verwies der CEO der Fresnillo auf die 300 Explorer die in Mexiko tätig sind. Von diesen könnte das Unternehmen dann bereits bekannte Vorkommen übernehmen.

    Das gehört eh her, ein paar Übernahmen, so als Signalwirkung... :D

    ja wär schön, wenn es so sein sollte. Könnt sogar so sein.

    EXM macht mir auch Sorgen. Größere, weil große Posi. Unter anderem! :D

    Gestern kauf ich Impact. Heut schmiert die ab. Keine Ahnung wieso. Waren gleich am Anfang so über 100t shares gehandelt.
    Hoffentlich gbt´s da keine schlechten Nachrichten.
    Wären natürlich Superkaufkurse.
    Zur zeit hab ich solche Scheißhausgriffeln, da kriagst einen Vogel.... :D
    Die Alternative wär Silverstone gewesen.......

    Wird Zeit, dass das glückliche Händchen wieder Gestalt annimmt.


    Bericht zu Kimber:

    Die sind heuer auch schon von 0,6 auf 1,5. Ähnlich wie Cardero, da geht auch die Post ab zur Zeit, von 1 auf 2,22.

    Impressive Intersection in Mexico By Ben Abelson
    30 Apr 2008 at 01:48 PM GMT-04:00

    CHIHUAHUA, Mexico ( -- It’s been a clean sweep of the past several years of history at Kimber Resources [AMEX:KBX; TSX:KBR], and a recent site visit reveals that the company may finally be close to hitting pay-dirt.

    After years of frustration, a revamped Kimber has in the past few weeks finally begun to explore its million-plus inferred Carmen target at depth – and has recently intersected the main mineralized structure at depth. While new Vice President of Exploration Marius Maré declined to go into details, citing the unfinished assay results, one geologist accompanying this correspondent on a recent analyst trip to the site suggested that the results, if positive, were of a sort that could easily double the current resource base.

    While Kimber’s broader Monterde land package has appeared attractive for some time, the company has been plagued over the past several years by management distractions, a fierce proxy battle and several leadership changes. With a new, competent management team fully in place since the fall, and drill rigs on site for the last several weeks, the market may finally be coming back around to the firm.

    Digging Deep at Monterde

    Mining took place at the Monterde project during the 1930s and 1940s, when a U.S. based company took out both base and precious metals to help the war effort. The miners targeted several extremely high grade ore shoots (with a minimum cutoff of 15 g/t gold). Since then, however, the historic underground mine workings and property had largely lingered until Kimber set upon them in the late 1990s.

     [Blockierte Grafik:

    El Carmen

    The idea behind the broad exploration of Monterde is nothing out of the ordinary – the historic miners and their older technology have left behind attractive deposits that can be exploited at today’s metal prices. Currently the most attractive of the deposits within Monterde is Carmen, which already hosts about 1 million ounces gold and 45 million ounces silver, the bulk of which is in the measured and indicated category. More than 400 holes have already been drilled on the property over the past several years to flesh out the resource, allow this year’s drilling to have a very specific emphasis.

    After an onsite tour of the mining camp and the property, Maré took time to explain the nature of the current 7,000-metre drill programme that’s ongoing at the site. The currently defined resource hasn’t yet been explored below depths of 250 metres, and this year’s drill programme hopes to find an exploitable resource at depth.

    Since beginning just weeks ago, Maré reports that two of the planned 18 holes (numbers 104 and 105 on the map pictured) have already successfully intersected Carmen at depth, and two of the ongoing holes appear to be making excellent progress. While he declined to speak further, the pending assay results could eventually prove to contain a company-making deposit for Kimber.

     [Blockierte Grafik:


    With the assay results due back from the lab within the next few weeks, it’s likely that any significant results could light a serious fire under Kimber’s shares, which have already recovered strongly from their lows around $0.60 this year to recently trade in the $1.50-range.

    Based on the results, another 5,000 metres of drilling may be ordered up for Carmen before year-end.

    But while these results are certainly encouraging, a fellow investor with a geological background also on site urged caution at extrapolating this to mean eventual development success. Due to the nature of the deep sulfides containing the ore, he said, the grades on the intersections will need to come out sufficiently high (above 3 g/t gold equivalent) in order for the deposit to be likely to prove economically feasible.

    Next Steps

    The new management team, in place since the fall, has so far been quite successful at getting Kimber up and active again.

     [Blockierte Grafik:

    KBX Camp

    New CEO Gordon Cummings has years of experience running large listed firms, and together with new CFO Lyn Davies successfully guided the firm through a small recent offering to fund exploration. More important, though, is Maré’s two-decades plus of geologic experience, including a stint on exploration projects in Tanzania with Placer Dome.

    A recent $6 million financing, plus the approximately $3 million cash in the bank, ensures that the company’s 2008 programme should be fully funded. Another 3,000 meters will be drilled on other prospective targets on the Monterde site.

    Based upon the results of this year’s drill programme, the next steps according to Maré could be a potential pre-feasibility study on the deposit. In other words, it all comes down to these assay results for Kimber.


    With a strong management team in place and a fully funded exploration programme, Kimber finally appears to be back on track for 2008. Any strong results from the at-depth intercepts in the next few weeks would wipe the slate clean on the company’s troubled past, and truly solidify Carmen as Kimber’s future.

    Nachtrag zu den FR Zahlen:
    Nach 3 Wochen (Jahresbericht 5,3 Mille oz) sind es nuir mehr 5,3.
    Das sollt nicht sein....

    Management at First Majestic is focused on executing the Company's business plan by continuing the ongoing improvements at each mine and mill and achieving its production and resource targets. Management remains very encouraged by the continued progress occurring within the Company and thus is presently anticipating 5.3 million ounces of silver equivalent production for 2008.

    Ansonsten passt es:
    The equivalent silver production for the quarter consisted of 895,358 ounces of silver representing a 5% increase from the prior quarter, 1,857,897 pounds of lead representing a 68% increase over the previous quarter, 240 ounces of gold representing a decrease of 49% and 318,539 pounds of zinc which represents the first zinc concentrates produced by the Company. During the quarter the combined recoveries of silver at the three different mills showed a decrease from 77% to 71% due to the start up of the Flotation circuit at San Martin, metallurgy and head grades. The overall average silver head grade in the quarter improved for the three mines increasing to 248 g/t of silver compared to the previous quarter of 240 g/t of silver.

    Genco, Sterling und Silverstone wurden geprügelt.
    Silverstone wurde vorgestern und gestern mit Miniumätzen runtergeholt.

    Silverstone Provides Q1-2008 Silver Sales
    Wednesday April 30, 12:48 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 30, 2008 -- Silverstone Resources Corp. ("Silverstone") (CDNX:SST.V - News) reports sales of 403,000 ounces of silver in the first quarter of 2008. Silverstone has forecast fiscal 2008 silver sales of 2,155,000 ounces. Sales for the quarter were slightly below forecast due to timing of shipments. Silverstone purchased Q1 - 2008 production at an average cost of US$3.98 per ounce. The cost of silver is fixed at less than US$4.00 per ounce through 2010.

    Q1 - 2008 (A) Fiscal Year 2008 (F)
    Ag (oz) Ag (oz)

    Cozamin 306,000 1,300,000
    Neves-Corvo Copper 97,000 540,000
    Neves-Corvo Zinc 0 90,000
    Aljustrel Zinc 0 225,000

    Total 403,000 2,155,000
    Note: Results for the three months ended March 31, 2008 will be
    reported in May 2008.

    Silver Sales Forecast (1)
    2009 (F) 2010 (F)
    Ag (oz) Ag (oz)

    Cozamin 1,500,000 1,500,000
    Neves-Corvo Copper 540,000 540,000
    Neves-Corvo Zinc 260,000 260,000
    Aljustrel Zinc 875,000 1,200,000

    Total 3,175,000 3,500,000
    (1) Silver sales forecasts are based on 2007 actual metallurgical
    recoveries of silver to concentrates at the various operations
    combined with forecast grades and production and existing
    smelter contracts for the different concentrates.
    Mr. Hugh Willson, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration of Silverstone, who is a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical aspects of this news release.
    Silverstone is a Canadian based public silver mining company with 100% of its revenue from silver production. More information is available online at:

    Intzeressant auch der Bericht von USA.V :
    Da gab´s ein 2 jahres low gestern.
    Der Bericht ist aber gar nicht schlecht.


    Hallo emoba,
    danke, dann ist ja alles klar.
    Ich rechne optimistisch: heuer bis Mai max. 200 t
    Dann Juni bis Dez sagen wir mal ohne Probleme 7 x 250
    Sind 1,75.
    Wären nicht ganz 2 Mille oz.
    Minus 7% net smelter an die Indios usw. sonstiger erheblicher Kosten samt bedienungen....
    Plus wird das keines für 08. Aber dann 09.... :D


    es wird wieder gefetzt.... :D

    Eigentlich sollte mal ein update kommen, wie es so läuft mit den oz aus der sunshine.
    2,8 für das ganze jahr, am Anfang immer weniger, 500 t oz sollten es schon sein.
    Ich wett, dass sie erheblich drunter sind.

    dann hatten wir ein PP zu 2,4. Ist das schon geschlossen?
    Auch nicht aufbauend für die Zeichner.

    Ich bin da drin, weil ich es wieder mal geschafft hab, vor einem PP zu kaufen... :D

    Bleib auch drin, weil auf Sicht von einem Jahr.....

    Sterling wurde und wird ja nicht umsonst angegriffen.

    Das sollte man auch lesen! (L a a a n g s a m! :D )

    Was sagt eigentlich de Motte dazu?


    PS: Heut wird die USA silver verprügelt.
    Wenn mir endlich mal wer die frage beantworten könnte:
    warum ist CDE aus dem valley raus???

    IMPACT Silver Announces New Discovery at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan
    Tuesday April 29, 2:45 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 29, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce a new discovery, the Los Reyes Zone, within the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District in Mexico. Recent drilling of this new discovery returned wide, mineralized drill intercepts within close proximity to the operating Chivo Silver Mine.LOS REYES ZONE
    Discovered through the ongoing regional surface and underground sampling program at Zacualpan, the Los Reyes Zone is located 4.5 kilometers southeast of the Zacualpan processing plant and 600 meters east of the Chivo Silver Mine. It is a thick vein system that trends parallel to the silver-rich Chivo Vein. On surface, Los Reyes is marked by a series of old mine workings. Highlights from the eleven-hole drill program include the following:


    No. (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    SECTION 1N (Sections listed from south to north, drill holes listed from
    west to east)
    Z07-42 111.2 4.5 2.05 0.64 262 0.09
    Including: 2.2 2.05 0.64 496 0.15
    Including: 1.1 1.67 0.44 717 0.27
    Z06-33 115.1 5.2 1.64 0.50 17 0.18
    Z07-35 194.9 1.1 4.35 1.28 25 2.21
    Z07-37 191.1 4.1 4.46 1.07 46 0.34
    Including: 0.6 17.80 4.62 135 1.24
    Z07-38 202.4 5.9 1.99 0.53 22 0.18

    The other holes in this program intersected lower grades. The holes were drilled on a 35 x 50-meter grid over a length of 200 meters. The zone is open for expansion to the northwest, southeast and down dip.
    Several splay veins branching off the main Los Reyes Vein returned significant assays from the drill program as follows:

    No. (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    Z07-42 26.7 1.0 0.35 0.14 260 0.07
    and: 94.0 0.5 10.05 2.09 338 0.05
    Z07-40 44.5 2.5 0.17 0.09 187 0.03

    37 Splay1 147.6 1.5 2.51 2.41 52 0.19
    Z07-38 90.4 1.0 4.35 1.05 139 0.07
    Z07-39 99.5 1.2 4.48 2.14 57 0.06

    With its close proximity to the operating Chivo Silver Mine, Los Reyes Zone could readily be accessed underground from existing mine workings. IMPACT's mine staff will evaluate the Los Reyes Zone for possible integration into the Chivo Mine plans.
    George Gorzynski, P. Eng. and Nigel Hulme, P. Geo., Qualified Persons under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, are responsible for the technical content of this news release. Drill core was NTW size (5.71 cm diameter) and BTW size (4.20 cm diameter). Half core samples were collected with a rock saw and tagged for identification. All samples were securely stored at the IMPACT base camp until shipment. A total of 5% assay standards and 5% blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2 mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30-gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10-gram split was analyzed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.
    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, the 200-square-kilometer advanced Mamatla Silver District and an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) who was the contractor for the drill program, owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.
    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.,
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    Hallo Lucky,
    das hab ich sehr wohl gelesen
    Optionen (v.a. Puts) auf EM-Aktien verkaufen
    Hast du skype? Schreib mir PN. Da müssen wir mal reden drüber. Ich kenn mich da nicht soo aus..
    CFD´s wären da auch interessant, obwohl, hat shorten jetzt noch soo viel Sinn?

    Hab mich wieder ein bisserl umgesehen, Mangementverbindungen und so...
    Will ja immer noch wissen, wann Blackcomb Minerals an die Börse kommt.
    Das selbe Team wie bei Orko und Orex Minerals REX.V

    Blackcomb hat ja ein JV mit Canasil CLZ.V

    und wen findet man da im Management
    Den Spitzengeologen von GG Art Freeze (Orko, Orex und Blackcomb)
    und auch Gary Nordin, der mir von Nevada pacific her was sagt.
    Lest einfach die BIO

    Weiters noch ein Blick auf Silvermex. Das wird heuer sehr interessant. Stehen da, wo Orko vor 2 Jahren stand und die Voraussetzungen sind nicht schlecht.
    Letztes PP zu 1.


    die senior sind mir schon zu gut gegangen.
    CDE ist sicher interessant auf dem Niveau...
    Da frag ich mich ja schon seit langem, wieso die aus dem valley raus sind.
    Weißt du was?

    ich rate auch von Mineninvestment ab.

    Minen sind letztendlich endlich.

    In der Vergangenheit war das Auftauchen solcher threads immer ein ausgesucht guter Termin,
    in Minen einzusteigen.
    Schauen wir mal,
    ob es diesmal wieder so sein wird.

    Ich rate übrigens weder von Mineninvests ab noch befürworte ich sie.
    Mir ist es schlichtwegs wurscht... :D

    Ich rate ja auch nicht vom leben ab.
    Leben ist ja auch letztendlich endlich...

    Und was kannst machen.
    Leben musst du es oder du drahst di ham.
    Aber da fehlt der Mut oder die nötigen kilos an Verzweiflung.

    "Ein jeder wartet liebevoll,
    auf des wos kana hot...."

    Also was soll´s...... :D


    Tom Szabo vom 25.4.:
    ahaa, stinkbid bei Oremex... :D

    Speaking of adding, I bought another 5,000 shares of U.S. Silver today at 55 cents. The shares have now reached an all-time low and this is a bit disconcerting given the imminent release of presumably positive 4th quarter financial results. Until I see those, I'm not going to buy anymore as 10,000 shares is more than enough of a risk on what could turn out to be a punt. I also bought a small position in Hecla today as I expect it to double from current levels (more on that later). I will be adding to this starter position on weakness. Finally, my "stink bid" in Oremex has not been filled yet but I am still looking to augment my First Majestic position with this small gamble on a share-for-share basis.

    A quick roundup of some other stocks. After exiting Southern Arc and Serengeti positions a few weeks ago I don't see much price impetus in the immediate future. Southern Arc may have some good drill results in a few weeks and I'll watch for those, but for now my focus has actually shifted to another stock, Canplats, that I've recently mentioned. The price of this one has finally started to come back down yet its Camino Rojo project near Penasquito in Mexico remains fairly exciting. I have not bought shares but I'm looking into it. I'm also mulling over Exeter near $4 as it seems to have found its legs and a slew of drill holes from its Caspiche discovery in Chile should be announced soon. Finally, I'm an observer of Silver Quest, a stock that has done particularly well in the past few days. The company has recently had to raise money at a lower price than it would like which has caused some dilution, but the financing was supposedly oversubscribed and the stock has been on a minor tear since then. The latest news out of this junior microcap silver explorer is the appointment of Exeter man Michael McPhie to its Board of Directors. The one thing I'll point out is that today's impressive price move was made on very little volume so there is probably going to be some retracement, but this might be one to keep an eye on especially if it falls back toward the 20 cent level.

    Da kann man sich einen netten 3 Minuten Film ansehen.
    Cash costs zu 310$. Ob das nicht mehr wird?

    Video Footage of Canada's Newest Gold Mill in Operation; Unique Insight Into Metanor's Operation "From Ground to Furnace"

    NEW YORK, NY, April 25, 2008 /Sector Newswire/ - Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX-V: MTO) (Pink Sheets MEAOF) is a new, debt free, unhedged, gold producer in mining friendly Quebec and the subject of video insight that shows Canada's newest gold producer in operation. With less than 73M shares outstanding, no debt, and infrastructure replacement value of approximately $140M; the current intrinsic value (ignoring gold resources, growth, and cash flow from production) is close to CDN$2 per share. Valuation metrics based on forward projected cash flow potential of Metanor's Bachlor Lake Mill operating at full capacity of 1200 TPD and generating in excess of 65,000 oz gold in 2009 suggests a substantial upside share price adjustment as Metanor continues to execute upon its goals.

    Direct video URL Flash format:

    Direct video URL Windows Media format:


    Kenneth J. Gerbino mit einem interessanten Artikel auf

    Big News on The Gold Stocks and Notes on The Juniors You Need to Know
    Apr 25, 2008

    Here is my assessment of the current gold share market.

    * The gold price is taking a much needed correction and bullion corrections are almost always severe and volatile and the shares follow.
    * Obviously gold coming down could mean less profits and cash flow for companies and this unnerves some holders to sell.
    * With major investment banks projecting a long term gold price of $700, some portfolio managers that usually invest in GE or IBM are thinking that this may be the start of a major downturn. They are therefore selling.
    * These managers don't understand that 95% of the mining analysts have never got it right on the metal prices the 35 years I have been investing in the mines. Analysts are conservative and they are cautious. They are usually from a geology or engineering background. What do they know about global economics? And if they are economists - god help us.
    * Lots of new money has come into the gold mining sector the past year and this is money that is not philosophically tuned into gold as money and most think the Fed can actually manage the currency and printing money is the normal thing to do. They saw gold going up and the stocks having positive momentum and this made sense for them to buy. When this momentum stopped they were ready to sell.

    Good News

    Currently there is plenty of money on the sidelines from gold share sellers that have been liquidating since November. There has been a 3-5 month topping formation in all the major gold shares (We will talk about the juniors later). Many of these sellers will most likely be back in the market for five reasons:

    1. They did very well getting out at higher prices and are now somewhat familiar and comfortable with the valuations and the companies and after a 20-30% correction that is obviously overdone, they will be anxious to get back in

    2. Worldwide food riots, and the globally-reported inflation numbers from just about every country is a leading indicator of higher consumer prices and hence higher gold prices. This is easy for anyone to understand.

    3. The financial situation with the banking system is without a doubt enough to convince even a small portion of these non gold bug portfolio managers that a small allocation to the gold miners is probably a good idea. Since they control tens of trillions of dollars, even a small portion in mining shares will eventually create a substantial market.

    4. There are also thousands if not tens of thousands of money managers and hedge fund managers that totally missed the first leg up of the gold market and the gold shares and have been patiently waiting for a correction to finally get in. These people are now aware of how bad the possible financial repercussions of the leverage and derivative craze could become and will certainly want some exposure to the metals and the shares. This correction will allow them an entry point.

    5. In March the PPI and CPI in the U.S. both annualized over 11%. This is a stat that money managers and global investors will not ignore. Inflation is heating up and the Fed is still lowering interest rates. Even establishment Fed lovers know that this means they should hedge a bit with some gold.

    The Market Right Now

    With the recent sell off in the gold shares this week plenty of short sellers, weak holders and investors that bought at the top are selling and creating a real wicked sell off. I would think that Friday the 25th or Monday the 28th will be the end of this sell off and a substantial rally could develop. The market is very oversold. If the sell off continues then it just means an even better entry point is coming up and probably very soon.

    The Juniors

    The Junior shares have been in the doldrums for two years and here are the reasons:

    * In the last three years there have been probably 3,000 new mining companies formed. Even with average $10 million market caps, this represents a $30 billion dilution to the junior market and a potential windfall to the promoters and insiders that are mostly dealing with moose pasture and geological dreams. Most gold bugs are suckers for a great gold story. So they sell 1,000 shares of a decent junior and buy a 1,000 shares of the moose pasture stock and when enough people do this the decent stock goes down and eventually the moose pasture stock collapses.
    * The Canadian mining industry was built on prospectors going out into the wilds with a mule and supplies for a season or so to explore and look for mineral traces on surface. This was high risk and speculators and investors for their grubstake were given a big piece of the action if anything ever developed. This tradition now continues but on a grander scale with the investment banks demanding cheap stock and warrants from the company for their own account and customers. The warrant kicker is now so prevalent in Canada that it has ruined the share structure of many small companies. Insiders sell the newly issued stock as soon as allowable and keep the warrant at no cost. If the deal works they have a free ride. But their selling kills most stocks.
    * Drilling rig shortages, assay backlogs and permitting etc. now can add 1-2 more years for a successful discovery to become a buy out or a mine. Time is money and these delays dilute the present value of the company.
    * Most management teams of small mining companies usually take very modest salaries. But they can own 2-3 million shares of stock at basically zero cost. They can't send their kids to college unless they sell some shares. They also can't wait 5-8 years for the mine they hope they will discover or for the ore body they actually have discovered to become a mine. When you are buying stock after a great press release the seller is most likely an insider.
    * After the last two years and lower junior stock prices people give up and start looking for larger companies. They then add selling to the market.

    Unfortunately all these factors have really hurt the junior sector so if you are not an expert you should be careful. Thinking of holding on to a loser means you will most likely have your capital die a slow death.

    Unless you own a junior mining company that is loaded to the gills with gold and silver reserves and resources you are in trouble. The ore body better be an economic ore body that actually without a doubt (almost) can become a profitable mine. The stock should be so undervalued that even the insiders are buying.

    Most hard money investors would be well served to use these rules:

    * Sell any stock that is issuing warrants with their next financing and tell your broker why and have him call the company as well.
    * Never put more than 5% of your money in exploration stocks unless it is an advanced exploration play with plenty of prior drill success.
    * Look for developmental companies that are within a year from bringing on new production. This is my favorite area for our Fund and one that you should pay attention to.
    * Make sure that even with much lower metal prices (gold at $600) the company will still sell for less than 15 times after tax cash flow per share.
    * Always look for companies with giant deposits that have economic grades. Even if the company is small, a big deposit gets attention.
    * I hate to say good management because almost all companies can make it look like they have good management. But good people make things happen not rocks.

    In the coming years one of the best sectors for investors will be the mining industry for reasons you already know about. Progress in China and India, paper money, derivatives, insane governments, debt, etc. all point towards much higher metal prices for perhaps a decade. Don't shortchange yourself. Stay with the companies that have the real goods in the ground.

    For other articles on gold, mining and the economy visit our archives at

    Apr 24, 2008
    Ken Gerbino

    Warrants haben auch einen Ausübungspreis, aber sie müssen eben nicht ausgeübt werden und sie können nicht fallen.
    Dazu kommt noch, dass kurz vor dem Verkauf (nach einem PP) man noch short geht.
    Das bringt erst die Mäuse.
    Das hat Gerbino nicht erwähnt.
    Soeben bei FR gesehnen, ich glaub auch bei Sterling war es der Fall.
    Bei 20-40% Minus kann man sich dann wieder eindecken.

    Dazu kommt noch, dass, wenn die Warrants dann frei sind, sie wieder abverkauft werden.
    UND: besonders heftiges shorten, wenn schon absehbar ist, dass eine company geld braucht....

    Die Dilution möcht ich da garnicht erwähnen, weil sie nicht immer schlecht ist bzw. weil es nicht ohne geht.

    Besonders ärgerlich ist es, wenn man die Schweinsgriffel hat, knapp vor einem PP sich einzukaufen am freien Markt.
    Das ist mir jetzt das dritte Mal bei Sterling passiert.

    Ich kann zur Zeit weder was verkaufen noch krieg ich was...... :D


    Hallo auratico,
    das alles ist richtig.
    Aber warrants haben auch einen Preis, aber sie müssen eben nicht ausgeübt werden und sie können nicht fallen.
    Dazu kommt noch, dass kurz vor dem verkauf (nach einem PP) man noch short geht. Das bringt erst die Mäuse.
    Das hat Gerbino nicht erwähnt.
    Soeben bei FR gesehnen, ich glaub auch bei Sterling war es der Fall.
    Bei 20-40% Minus kann man sich dann wieder eindecken.

    Besonders ärgerlich ist es, wenn man die Schweinsgriffel hat, knapp vor einem PP sich einzukaufen am freien Markt.
    Das ist mir jetzt das dritte Mal bei Sterling passiert.

    Zusätzliches Ärgernis: wenn die warrants dann frei sind, wird wieder abverkauft.
    UND: besonders heftiges shorten, wenn schon absehbar ist, dass eine company geld braucht....


    IMPACT Silver Extends Strike Length of Chivo Mine; Drills 12.3 Meters of 6% Zinc and 2% Lead
    Thursday April 24, 4:37 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 24, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce that continued drilling on extensions of the Chivo Mine has significantly extended the trend northward and has intersected strong mineralization.The Chivo Mine, located in the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District in Mexico, achieved commercial production in early 2008 based on successful exploration over the past two years. The mine was put into production based on 21 drill holes and sampling of old workings. This news release reports on an additional five holes drilled on the northern extension of the Chivo Zone. Beyond these results, there have been a further 20 holes completed on both the northern and southern extensions of the Chivo Zone. Assays are pending. The main Chivo Zone remains open in all directions for further expansion.
    Highlights of the additional holes drilled on the northern extension of the Chivo Zone are as follows:

    No. (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    SECTION 1060N (Sections are listed from south to north, drill holes are
    listed from west to east.)
    Z07-49 157.5 8.8 5.62 1.64 62 0.14
    Including: 1.0 14.94 3.52 57 0.33
    Including: 0.2 29.50 5.83 70 1.13
    SECTION 1090N
    Z07-45 97.7 0.2 5.35 1.27 1,080 0.34
    Z07-46 127.7 3.0 8.40 3.56 274 0.26
    Including: 1.3 15.20 6.20 139 0.17
    Z07-47 124.4 12.3 6.03 2.05 105 0.14
    Including: 7.4 8.73 3.01 150 0.21
    Including: 1.8 15.59 5.85 369 0.34

    The deepest holes on both these sections were the widest and highest grade intersections leaving the zone open for expansion to depth and to the north. Drill hole Z08-49 was drilled at depth on the same section as drill hole Z07-08-11 (see IMPACT news release dated July 12, 2007) and extended the zone of mineralization an additional 50 meters down dip. Drill holes Z08-45 through Z08-48 were drilled on a new section 30 meters north of any previous drilling.
    On a deposit scale, the Chivo Zone is showing itself to be increasingly zinc and lead-rich to the north where these holes were drilled and silver-rich to the south where IMPACT has recently completed additional drill holes (assays pending).
    Chivo was discovered in 2005 when IMPACT crews found high-grade veins in old mine workings (see IMPACT news release dated September 7, 2005). Samples from the veins assayed 1,095 g/t silver and 0.38 g/t gold across 1.25 meters TW in the workings and 2,640 g/t silver and 1.36 g/t gold across 0.85 meters on surface. Subsequent drill programs consisting of 21 holes returned highlights of 937 g/t silver, 0.35 g/t gold, 1.88% zinc and 0.75% lead across 2.7 meters TW (Drill hole Z-06-10) and 378 g/t silver, 0.30 g/t gold, 4.25% zinc and 1.76% lead across 4.7 meters TW (Drill hole Z07-03) (see IMPACT news releases dated October 12, 2006 and July 12, 2007). To date, 41 drill holes have been completed on the zone (assays pending for 15 holes) and additional drilling is planned to begin in May 2008.
    Fred Davidson, President of IMPACT Silver, states, "Chivo continues to deliver wide zones of high grade mineralization with each step out in the drill grid. This drilling success is rapidly growing this zone and nearby zones to where we are now looking at the Chivo area as a second major mining hub in the district. With the huge land package we control and the exploration successes we are having throughout the area, we envision a future with multiple mining and processing centres spread over the entire district."
    George Gorzynski, P. Eng. and Nigel Hulme, P. Geo., Qualified Persons under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, are responsible for the technical content of this news release. Drill core was NTW size (5.71 cm diameter). Half core samples were collected with a rock saw and tagged for identification. Chip and channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces in old mine workings and from bedrock outcrops over a continuous representative interval using a moil and hammer. All samples were securely stored at the IMPACT base camp until shipment. A total of 5% assay standards and 5% blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2 mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30-gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10-gram split was analyzed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.
    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan, the 200-square-kilometer advanced Mamatla Silver District and a portfolio of projects with a producing mill at Zacatecas.
    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    wr ja bei First Silver dabei.
    Hat mich ein paar trades mit FR gekostet, das zu reparieren.
    Avino wär auch ein kandidat, aber die sind schon fast zu teuer. Ich glaub, die machen garnichts....

    Arian Silver Corporation: Private Placement to Raise Up to Cdn$ 3,000,000: zu 0,3 warrants zu 0,45.

    Die Rutsche ist weiter aktiv, bei mir sind mal die ganzen Gewinne vom Vorjahr weg..... :huh:

    Bob Moriarty hatz bei Yale angeschoben.....
    Der Foreman ist ein Guter ........

    New Kid on the Block
    Bob Moriarty
    Apr 23, 2008

    I went to a gold show in Miami a few months before starting 321gold in 2001. There may have been 10 companies attending. There were so few visitors and so few companies interested in telling their story it played a big part in convincing Barbara and me to start our gold site. Either no one was ever going to invest in gold or silver mining ever again or it was the greatest opportunity in 5,000 years.
    It turned out to be the greatest opportunity in 5,000 years and in 2001 through 2004 you could throw darts and pick winners. Everything was flying, even the turkeys.
    Now we have a situation with record prices across the board in every commodity I can think of. Attending a gold show is like going to a revival. I think there are something like 3,000 juniors out there, most of them begging for attention.
    Take my word, the stories are compelling, there are some simply wonderful juniors, all wilting on the vine. It's hard to get the attention of anyone when you are standing in a room with 2,999 other people screaming at the tops of their lungs, "Buy me! Buy me!" So I spend a lot of my time traveling, visiting new stories, in an effort to help guys get their story out.
    So when I go to see some entirely new kid on the block and he has a story worth telling, it gives us great pleasure to visit the project, write about it and post it on the website.
    Other than the bats; I hate bats almost as much as I hate heights and I got both of them on this trip. Don't think that writing up gold projects is all pleasure; sometimes you have to wade through bat shit after climbing creakity wooden ladders.

    Yale Resources Ltd
    I met Ian Foreman, President of Yale Resources (YLL-V) on a trip to Tanzania two years ago. At the time Yale was working on a project on Namibia that never came to fruition. During 2006, Ian made the decision to move the focus of the company to Mexico.
    He's done well since then, assembling a host of properties across Mexico. I've seen him several times over the past two years and each time he said that he wanted me to come visit but not until he has something really interesting. When I saw him in Vancouver recently he indicated that it was time. He's got some barnburners.
    I went down a week ago and spent a couple of days, first near Hermosillo, and then we took a short flight into the Sierra Madres.
    I flew into Hermosillo and we drove an hour or so northwest to his Verde Grande project, part of the La Verde property. In mid-2007, Yale agreed to pay $1.6 million for a 100% interest in the 300 hectare La Verde property. Ian has staked an additional 2,000 hectares surrounding the original La Verde project.
    The property has 5 known past producing deposits of silver, zinc, copper and gold. It has an historic resource of about half a million tons of over $200 rock. Yale has averaged 1.54% copper, 57.9 g/t silver, 1.32% zinc and .12 g/t Au over 181 samples taken over 500 meters of workings.
    We climbed down through the 7 levels of drifts and 5 shafts. The place was filled with bats, the floor covered with you know what. You can catch a deadly disease from bat poop so we were wearing safety equipment and masks. I hate bats. But I hate climbing down ladders into old mines too, so this was a double header.
    The visit was well worth it. You can see the mineralization, it's that rich. It's copper oxide so there is a good chance tests will show it can be leached. When it was mined before, it was mined as an underground mine, the material was floated and the concentrate shipped. Ian wants to mine it as a bulk tonnage, open pit and leach it. If he can, the costs to go into production will be low and potential profit high.
    As I said, the rock is worth about $200 and there is a historical resource of about half a million tons. Yale's team wants to increase the tonnage through drilling to around 2 million tons and then go into production. $200 rock is about the same as 5-6 g/t gold and it's not earthshaking. And 2 million tons is tiny. But the idea of putting this puppy into production is brilliant.
    I've said it before, I'll say it again, anyone not planning on production at these prices should be using the land for moose pasture, that's all it's good for. Yale still has a tight share structure. If Ian could get this into production, he could use the cash flow to finance further exploration. That's simply brilliant and what every junior should be striving for.
    I like the La Verde property. The potential is wide open and if Ian used cash flow to finance exploration, certainly he is in a position to widely expand the resource and tonnage.
    The next day we flew into the wilds of the Sierra Madre. Yale is deep in the midst of big game country and Ian is carrying a high-powered elephant rifle. The Urique property is in the middle of the prolific Chihuahua-Sonora gold belt, bordered by the Goldcorp's El Sauzal 2.1 million ounce mine on the south and Kimber's 45 million ounce silver. 8 million ounce gold deposit on the north.
    The Urique property consists of 11 concessions over 28,800 hectares. Yale entered into a joint venture with Exmin in August of 2006 on the property. The terms of the JV call for Yale to spend $4.5 million over a five-year period and to issue 1.5 million shares to Exmin.
    Basically, Ian has purchased a rock solid project, not cheap. That's a really good idea if you like the future of silver and gold. I do. The company has spent most of the last two years funding the basic, grass roots work necessary on any good target. They now have a number of excellent drill targets.
    Yale is at the stage where the rubber meets the road. Geophysics and surface mapping indicate a 2.5-kilometer long, 2 to 9 meters wide structurally-controlled breccia area hosting 2 sets of prior historical workings. The target is called the Cerro Colorado target and drilling began early this month. Chip samples returned grades of 2.2 g/t gold and 150 g/t silver over 3 meters and 5.46 g/t gold and 35 g/t silver over 9 meters from another zone.
    This is the sweet spot of investing when you are buying juniors. They are lottery tickets. It is gambling. But the best time to buy the tickets is just before the balls pop out. At least you know if you win or lose. Yale is in the midst of a 1500-meter program in 12-13 holes. Some holes are already in for assay and I'd expect results in 2-3 weeks. Should the drill results match the chip samples, Yale is going a lot higher and quickly.
    Ian Foreman has done an excellent job of building a base of good projects in Mexico. He has committed to spending a lot of money on those projects and I approve. Far too many managers of juniors act as if all they are interested in doing is spending money and collecting a paycheck. Ian has bet his future on success. I fully support him. Exmin is currently the operator of the Urique project and this gives Yale technical and logistical support. If Yale hits, there will be lots of money from investors.
    Yale began in Mexico with a few silver projects near Zacatecas that are the result of a joint venture with Impact Silver. At this point, he is and should be concentrating on La Verde and Urique. His plate is full and we may be hearing the sound of his ship coming in. He can sort out the silver projects when he has more people on board.
    I was impressed enough with what I saw to buy some shares. Yale is not an advertiser. As a shareholder, naturally I am biased so you should take that into account. I asked Ian to only contact me when he has something red hot and I think he has it. Results will be out shortly.
    As an investor you earned your money and any profit is yours to enjoy should you invest wisely. It's your money, do your own due diligence.
    Yale Resources Ltd
    YLL-V $.175 (Apr 22)
    35.1 million shares
    Yale Resources website

    Die verdienen schon wirklich ordentlich: 0,31 per share.
    Dazu ordentliches working capital.

    Energold Announces Record Year-End Results
    Wednesday April 23, 12:20 pm ET

    Net Earnings Up 129% and Number of Meters Drilled Up 63%
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 23, 2008) - Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News; "Energold" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its results for the year ended December 31, 2007. Earnings for the year were $8,475,000 (2006 - $3,697,000), up 129 per cent from the 2006 earnings. Gross revenues were $26.2 million on 192,000 meters of drilling up 63 per cent from gross revenues of $16.5 million in 2006 on 118,000 meters of drilling. The Company also achieved record net earnings of $3.064 million for the fourth quarter ($0.11 per share basic) from continuing operations.
    Year-End Results Comparison (Canadian $000's except per-share amounts and
    meters drilled)

    December 31 2007 2006 Percentage of Change
    Gross Revenue (Note 1) 26,200 16,500 63
    Revenue Net of Direct Costs 10,600 4,700 125
    Net Income (Note 2) 8,500 3,700 129
    Earnings Per Share - Basic 0.31 0.17 82
    - Diluted 0.30 0.16 88
    Cash and Term Deposits 20,800 8,200 152
    Consolidated Working Capital 33,800 18,600 82
    Metres Drilled 192,000 118,000 63
    1) Represents only continuing markets.
    2) Includes $4.7 million from continuing operations, $2.5 million from
    gain on reorganization and $1.2 million from discontinued operations.
    Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires, for
    financial statement presentation, that the gain on reorganization and
    the discontinued operations be grouped on the income statement for
    earnings per share.

    The Company ended the year with a very strong balance sheet with a net consolidated working capital position of $33.8 million, an increase of over $15.2 million from its net consolidated working capital position of $18.6 million at December 31, 2006. Consolidated group cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year were $20.8 million, as compared to $8.2 million at year-end 2006.
    Gross margins remained amongst the highest in the industry and improved significantly despite the U.S. dollar decline during the year, while indirect administrative and amortization expenses, as a percentage of billable revenues, declined to 12.3 percent of revenue in 2007, compared to 15.0 percent of gross billings in 2006. As a result of the decline in the U.S. dollar, the Company is actively revising its contract rates to reflect the change. It is expected that most of the contracts will be on new rates by the second quarter of 2008. Inventory was increased during the year by $2.4 million in anticipation of continued growth as well as to avoid any potential supply shortages.
    The Company finds itself in a very strong minerals market with continued growth anticipated in the long term. With the combination of a decreasing number of large economic deposits being discovered and the demand for commodities globally, mineral exploration expenditures will continue to rise. The senior and intermediate mining clientele that represent a significant part of the Company's customer base have increased their 2008 exploration budgets from 2007. Over the last year, a number of the junior exploration clients have also raised substantial amounts that should fund their exploration programs through 2008 and beyond.
    Latin America has also been a very strong market for the Company's growth over the years and continues to be a significant source of revenue. With new rigs and additional contracts, the Company has strategically positioned itself for future growth in five continents. The early stage drilling segment of the industry is the primary focus; however, the Company is more than capable of exploiting the reserve and in mine drilling. Especially in the sector of frontier exploration over the last twelve months, the demand has certainly exceeded supply and with current commodities prices, the Company anticipates ongoing pressure for mobile drilling services during 2008.
    At the beginning of 2007, the Company owned a net of 17 drill rigs and by the end of the year, a total of 41 drill rigs, with eight more rigs scheduled for delivery in the first quarter and a further seven in the second quarter. By mid-summer, therefore, the Company expects to be mobilizing or have in the field 56 drill rigs, well on our way to achieving our target of approximately 60 rigs by the end of 2008, all 100 percent owned. It typically takes between two and four months for a rig to be mobilized into the field and we expect to see increased levels of production by the second quarter.
    The Company's rapid expansion of its drilling capacity is designed to respond to the very significant demand in its particular industry segment. The Company intends to remain primarily focused on its successful, highly-mobile drills that service frontier drilling. Almost 50 percent of all the new rigs being built have the capability of the new Series III rigs. Recent field tests with existing prototypes have provided upgrades that will continue to improve the Series III model overall performance well beyond the original design parameters of 700+ meters depth capacity. Combined with a program of redesign and retrofitting of older models, we anticipate improved performance capabilities from all our rigs in the coming year.
    Over the next two to three years, the Company is focusing its efforts on a number of key objectives, including increasing our market share. The Company plans to continue its high rate of investment in research and development in order to ensure it remains ahead of the industry, as well as expansion of its product lines to better serve its clients.
    The Company will be reviewing its 2008 year-end results on Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 10:00 A.M., Pacific (1:00 P.M. Eastern). Please dial-in through (416) 695 9745 / 800-355-4959. The webcast (audio only) can be accessed at: http://events.onlinebroadcasti…energold/042408/index.php and will feature management discussing the Company's financial and operational results and will end with a question-and-answer period.
    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially-sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    klar sind das Schmuftler (Oremex)
    Ich hatte die noch nie gottseidank... :D
    Nur FR könnte den Streit locker schlichten mit ihren Beziehungen.
    50 bis 100% wären schon drin.
    FR wird noch so ne billige Bude brauchen, wo man in ein zwei Jahren so an die 2 Mille oz rausbringen kann.
    Oder sie holen es von Chalchuites (siehe fett markiert)

    Bericht über FR…dend-payer-in-2010/1.html
    April 22, 2008
    If Everything Continues To Go To Plan First Majestic Could Be A Dividend Payer in 2010

    By Charles Wyatt

    When Keith Neumeyer, chief executive of First Majestic Silver, was announcing record silver production for the last quarter of 2007, he may have reflected that he’d made a shrewd move leaving First Quantum back in 2000. This is the African-based copper producer, of which he was the original and founding president, and also instrumental in the acquisition of the Bwana Mkubwa mine in Zambia. Since then he has grown First Majestic to the stage where it produced just over a million ounces of silver equivalent (silver plus lead) in the last quarter of 2007, while First Quantum is forced to contemplate its navel as Zambia introduces its new tax regime on mining and the authorities in DRC are review all contracts with the state mining company. On top of this First Quantum has apparently disclosed that it is suing its investment adviser, HSBC Bank over asset-backed commercial paper – the polite term for sub-prime mortgage rubbish - in which it invested US$11.3 million on the advice of the bank in July 2007.
    First Majestic has no such problems as it operates in Mexico which is mining friendly and has resisted any temptation to try to boost investment income. The company has three producing silver mines silver mines in Mexico - La Parrilla, San Martin and La Encantada - and has forecast that production from them will rise to 5.5 million ounces this year and that there will be a further significant increase next, and even more in 2010. And just to emphasize the fact that it has no sub-prime junk hanging round its neck the company has just raised C$45 million from a syndicate of brokers led by CIBC World Markets. Most of this money is going to be used to expand the mill capacities at the three producing mines, but some will be used on development work and exploration. It’s no wild guess to assume that these brokers would not have been involved in the fundraising if the company had already wasted some of its funds on poor investments.
    The development work just mentioned is continuing at all three mines in order to provide access to new areas, so that mining can keep pace with production as the mill capacities are increased. Thus reserve and resource development are given priority and in January six rigs were working at La Parrilla, three at San Martin and one at La Encantada. More have been added since then, and the total is now seventeen which, Keith says, is the most of any junior to mid-tier company operating in Mexico. It is interesting to note that Blackmont Capital, one of the brokers involved in the recent fund raising, reckons that La Encantada is the jewel in First Majestic’s crown with its resources having recently doubled to 63.7 million ounces of silver. A number of improvements have been made to the mill over the past year which will ensure that recoveries improve.
    Keith Neumeyer doesn’t miss many tricks, and he has also been carrying out evaluation and metallurgical testwork on the old tailings dams. The results indicate that a cyanide circuit would enhance the economics of the operation, and that it might be worth increasing throughput to 3,000 tonnes per day compared with the present 700 tonnes per day. Such a change would only cost $12 million and payback would be very quick. In fact Blackmont reckons that if these changes are made production from La Encantada could increase from an estimated 1.7 million ounces of silver this year to 4 million ounces in 2010.
    It is a similar story at La Parrilla, where mill enhancements are already starting to pay off. A year ago a new primary and secondary crushing plant was acquired. A new 800 tonnes per day cyanidation/flotation mill was added shortly afterwards. The upgraded mill is now running close to capacity and it can process both oxide and sulphide silver ores in two parallel circuits. This should support an increase in production from 1.56 million ounces of silver this year to 1.91 million ounces in 2009. The mine has plenty of life left in it, even then. The total silver equivalent resource now stands at 74.1 million ounces, but the new tailings dam should add a further ten years to mine life.
    All good news and the same goes for San Martin where an improved performance can be expected as a result of underground development and changes that have been undertaken at the mill. When we last wrote about the company we mentioned that it was the Mexican team under chief operating officer Ramon Davila that was key to First Majestic’s performance. Once the decision was taken at the end of last year to add a 500 tonnes per day flotation circuit in order to deal with the large sulphide resource, things moved fast. The components for this circuit were sourced and it was built by the team in two months at a cost of only $1 million. Difficult for anyone to beat that, as most of the steel parts were manufactured at the mine. A third ball mill is now ready for installation, and this should boost throughput from 1,000 to 1,200 tonnes per day next year with production rising to 1.84 million ounces.

    Then come the Chalchuites claims which are only 60 kilometres to the southeast of La Parrilla and comprise a contiguous land package containing four previously operated mines - Perseverancia, San Juan, La Esmeralda and Magistral. Exploration at Perseverancia and San Juan has been encouraging and a new resource can be expected to come in in the 20 to 30 million ounce range. Once this is in the bag it looks like onwards and upwards to a single plant handling ore from both mines at a rate sufficient to produce up to two million ounces of silver a year with significant base metal credits.
    Keith, speaking from Mexico, says that the only constraints on production for his company are the mills as he confidently expects to be announcing resources of 300 million ounces by the end of this year. Further improvements are therefore being carried out at the mills, and his personal target, not a forecast, is for First Majestic to produce 10 million ounces of silver equivalent in 2010. This would definitely warrant promotion to the mid–tier and justify the move from the Venture Exchange to a full Toronto listing earlier this year. At the back of his mind is the possibility of a dividend payment, but that would have to await confirmation of the earnings level if the production target is reached. Not many investors would be prepared to bet against Keith getting his way on this one.


    "wer als erster einsteigt, wird ohnehin am meisten verwässert"
    Muss man die so 5 bis 10 Jahre halten? :D
    Die besten Gewinne waren die, wo ich wirklich bald dabei war.....

    Die Yukon shareholder kriegen halt so ca 20 cts , wenn ich richtig gerechnet habe.
    Also trotz lukrativer Übernahme hat man hier mächtig draufzahlen können...

    Noch mal zu FR.TO.
    Sagt mir eine andere company die das in 2 Monaten durchzieht.
    Kostete auch ein Mille. Gut angelegt.
    Neues Level für den martin.... :D

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: Commissioning of Flotation Circuit at the San Martin Silver Mine
    Tuesday April 22, 10:58 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 22, 2008 -- First Majestic Silver Corp. (Toronto:FR.TO - News)(Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News)(Frankfurt:FMV.F - News)(WKN: A0LHKJ) is pleased to announce that it has completed the commissioning of a new flotation circuit at its San Martin Silver Mine in Jalisco Mexico. Historically, the San Martin mill, which has a capacity of 800 tonnes per day (tpd), has been processing oxide ores from the mine through a cyanidation plant to produce Dore bars. The addition of this 500 tpd flotation circuit will now allow the Company to take advantage of the extensive sulphide mineralization as defined in the Company's NI 43-101 report. The new combined plant at San Martin will now be capable of producing both Dore bars from oxides and lead and zinc concentrates from sulphides thereby optimizing the Company's silver production. The two circuits will be run on an alternating basis.
    Construction of the new flotation circuit commenced in December 2007 and was completed in February 2008. Construction was completed in record time of only 8 weeks with a total investment of US$1.1 million.
    The testing and final commissioning of the lead and zinc circuits took place in March and April and involved the systematic testing of all components, metallurgical and mechanical. This process was necessary to optimize the different parameters of the grade of concentrates and maximize recoveries of silver, lead and zinc. The first shipment of 160 tonnes of lead concentrate left the San Martin Silver Mine on March 28th and since then an additional 150 tonnes have been produced and is sitting in storage waiting to be shipped.
    The ongoing aggressive development and exploration program is continuing for the purpose of increasing both the oxide and sulphide Resources within the mine. As a large component of the Company's present NI 43-101 Resources / Reserves is sulphide ore and readily available for mining, a decision was made to build this circuit to optimize this operation. The next step in the Company's expansion plan at the San Martin Silver Mine is to add additional crushing and grinding capacity. Engineering design work is under way as well as a full economic evaluation in order to improve the economics of the operation. It is anticipated that within approximately 30 days, the Company will announce the outcome of this evaluation and the Company's go ahead plan.
    In addition to the mill expansion, a total of 7000 metres of underground development is planned and 29,600 metres of diamond drilling is scheduled for 2008. There are presently six drill rigs on site at San Martin. Five are operating, and one just arrived last week and will soon be in operation. Two additional rigs are scheduled to arrive within the next two weeks, bringing the total to eight drill rigs, four underground and four surface rigs. The result of this work will assist in increasing silver production going forward, and is expected to result in improved NI 43-101 compliant silver Resources. The Company anticipates the next NI 43-101 Report on the San Martin Silver Mine will be completed by July 2008. As a result of the addition of the flotation circuit, the sulphide Resources as defined in the Company's current 43-101 Report will also be upgraded.
    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.
    Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO