Beiträge von Tschonko

    Hallo Zwyss,
    interessante Einteilung.
    Kannst du mir zu Punkt 1 nur ein Beispiel geben? Impact ausgenommen.

    Zu Punkt 2: das war für mich der Grund FR zu kaufen, weil sie eben nicht von ganz vorne anfingen, sondern bestehende minen übernahmen.
    Schau dir minefinders an. Die haben seit 10 jahren das werkl (finde hier den Namen "Minefinders" wirklich aussagekräftig!) von der Pike an aufgebaut.
    Heuer startet Produktion. Was wurde da Geld "verbrannt"!

    ich respektiere deinen Ansatz, aber da hast du bei Minenaktien nichts verloren..... :D
    Da würde dir meine größte position CNQ schon besser gefallen.

    Hallo Heron,
    ich seh es so wie du. Nur sind da noch einiges an Schulden. San Martin ist noch nicht abbezahlt.
    Aber wenn die warrants heuer bedient werden, dürfte es sich ausgehen????
    Was meinst du zum Oremex Verhältnis?


    Report zu Yale:
    Howlett Research Corp. Publishes Research Report on Yale Resources Ltd.
    Tuesday April 22, 7:00 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 22, 2008 -- Howlett Research Corp. (, a boutique research firm led by Jeff Howlett, President, announced today that it has recently published a research report on Yale Resources Ltd. ("Yale") (CDNX:YLL.V - News) (Other OTC:YRLLF.PK - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) ( the past 1.5 years, Yale has assembled a portfolio of Mexican properties in world class mining districts. The large number of mineralized occurrences and small scale mining operations throughout their properties has dictated that a rigorous, systematic exploration program be followed. Over this time, literally thousands of samples have been collected and there have been several targets investigated by geophysics. This program has begun to bear fruit:

    -- Drilling is now underway at two initial targets at Urique North,
    -- Work at the past producer Verde Grande has resulted in a new geologic
    interpretation, a significantly greater strike, and potential for new
    processing methods (i.e., heap leach vs. traditional flotation),
    -- The company continues at Urique South to prioritize the (now 7)
    targets for later drilling,
    -- At the Carol property, sampling over wide areas in two skarn zones has
    yielded several high grade results -- further hand trenching indicates that
    copper oxides occur in each trench over 6 - 22 m widths.
    The full report can be found at…h_Yale_Report_4-21-08.pdf.

    Hallo Zwyss,
    ich hab zu den FR Zahlen am 18.4. kurz Stellung genommen.
    FR ist heuer sooo richtig spannend. Heuer kommt´s zum Ritt, in welche Richtung es geht.
    Zur Zeit wird alles erneuert und das kostet.
    La Parilla wird auch spannend. Die tragen zwar relativ wenig oz zum Gesamtergebnis bei,
    aber hier besteht sehr viel Explorationspotential.
    Sie haben Abschreibungen und schulden sind auch noch da.....

    Zu Szabo und Oremex: seine Idee eine oremex für eine FR zu kaufen, halt ich für eine Schnapsidee.
    Eher 3:1. Wenn übernommen, haben wir ca ein 10:1 Verhältnis.

    Hallo Milly,
    stimme dir in vielem zu.
    Noch besser als Optis wären wahrscheinlich CFD´s.
    Bei "minen" sollte man aber schon ein bisserl unterscheiden. Producer, solche die nur 43 er machen, um dann zu verkaufen oder reine Explorer.
    Und die sind das hauptproblem zur Zeit. Die oben genannte Yucon oder EXM, Garibaldi, UNO etc....
    Da hab ich zur zeit zu viel für meinen Geschmack.
    Aber übersehen ist auch verspielt..... :D

    Silberminen halt ich zur zeit nicht für teuer.
    Du musst eintrechnen, was für eine Mine, dass sie überhaupt läuft geld ausgegeben wird.
    Vergleich es mal mit einer Limo Fabrik.
    Da musst du auch zuerst alles hinstellen, bevor du die erste Flasche abfüllst..(doppelte bedeutung? :D )


    PS: In Paraquay haben wir nun auche einen linken Präsidenten.
    Equador wird ja zur Zeit kräftig rasiert....

    Exmin JV mit AmMex:

    Tom Szabo zu First Majestic und Fortuna Silver: spricht irgendwie für sich.
    Im Bericht von FR heißt es ja, keine größere Aquisition.
    Oremex hatte auch die Streiigkeiten mit der mex Anrainergemeinde.....
    Das letzte Update von oremex:…_tejamen_update.html?.v=1

    Okay, enough monetary B/S, I'd like to move on to some nuts and bolts. Or is it soup to nuts? Specifically, I would like to talk about a couple of silver producers that reported very good financial results yesterday. The first is First Majestic, one of my subjective favorite silver stocks, which has recently started to publicly emphasize its goal to become a senior silver producer. The latest operating results represent a solid step in that direction. Highlights include 3.1 million ounces of silver produced in 2007 (3.5 million ounces of silver equivalents, expected to grow to 5.5 million in 2008 and C$15.9 million in mine operating income excluding non-cash charges. With C$50 million in the bank and a fully-diluted market cap of C$375 million, this is pretty good but the valuation clearly relies on expansion of production in the future.

    So far so good, but listen to this. The company raised over C$45 million in an offering last month, something that was not necessary if the plan were to simply continue developing its 3 existing mines. Its Chalchihuites or other projects certainly aren't ready for that kind of exploration money, either, which brings up the possibility that First Majestic is once again on the hunt for major property (or small company) acquisitions. Unfortunately, there aren't many properties remaining in Mexico so First Majestic will probably have to bite the bullet and by some company kit and kaboodle. Fortunately, this is something First Majestic's president Keith Neumeyer seems competent and comfortable doing, given his diverse investment, finance and operations background.

    So, why don't we look around to see if there are any tasty targets that First Majestic could gobble up with its modest C$50 million war chest? Alas, the only one I could find is an unloved, downtrodden little company by the name of Oremex. Provocatively, Oremex has already sold a property to First Majestic during 2006 (in the La Parilla district) and still holds a small concession in the Chalchihuites camp where First Majestic has been poking around in an attempt to consolidate the district. Thus, the two sets of management likely have become well acquainted with each other already. Considering the paltry C$10 million fully-diluted market cap--despite the 50 million ounce inferred silver resource at the Tejamen open pit project--it's no wonder that Oremex recently adopted a shareholder rights plan. You see, if the surface rights negotiation at Tejamen can be concluded soon, the project might produce perhaps 3-4 million ounces of silver starting as early as 2011 or 2012. That production would be almost pure silver with minor gold credits, one of the few in the world this size (similar to Coeur's soon-to-be-shuttered Rochester Mine in Nevada). Given First Majestic's goal of becoming a senior silver producer and its largely unrecognized status as already having among the highest percentage of production from silver (which goes a long way to explain why the company is a subjective favorite of yours truly), Tejamen would fit in pretty well.

    Now, please don't get me wrong, this is all pure speculation based solely on publicly available information and a bit of brain juice. Also, realize that Oremex is a risky stock as illustrated by the more than 50% decline in share price since I put it on my potential "Ten Bagger" list in late 2006 (does that make it a "Twenty Bagger" now?) But here is something to consider. Why not buy a share of Oremex for each share of First Majestic you buy or already own? That limits the risk in that you won't go crazy buying too much Oremex, and if it goes kaput you can mentally deduct the cost from your hopefully big profits in First Majestic. On the other hand, if Oremex gets bought out for a mere $25 million (not a remote prospect), you've made some respectable dough in a tough market regardless of what happens with the price of First Majestic. And if First Majestic does end up being the acquirer, it might not be a bad idea to roll the Oremex proceeds right back into First Majestic in order to leverage the presumably accretive results.

    Alright, let me move on to the second "silver" producer (no, Oremex wasn't it). It is Fortuna Silver, and I put the silver in quotes because the silver component of its current operation, Caylloma in Peru, is actually 25% or less as a percentage of revenue. Still, the 2007 results were impressive for the first full year of operations, producing 0.5 million ounces of silver and approx. 10,000 tonnes combined of lead and zinc (roughly 2.5 million ounces total production on a silver equivalent basis). Of course, when silver is such a small component of the product mix, it doesn't make sense to report silver equivalents, and Fortuna management to its credit has refrained from the practice. I note this hasn't stopped some gurus like Jim Dines from picking Fortuna Silver as their top pick for "silver" producers expected to benefit from a near-term rise in the silver price. I'll get back to this in a second, but first I will note that Fortuna generated C$19.0 million in mine operating income excluding non-cash charges during 2007 as falling zinc prices were partially offset by rising lead prices. Fortuna also had around $50 million in cash at year-end (probably higher now) and a fully-diluted market cap of C$225 million as of today. The market cap compares favorably with First Majestic on the basis of mine operating income, and arguably if First Majestic is undervalued then Fortuna is even more so.

    On the other hand, one possible reason why the market has assigned a fair and square lower value to Fortuna's 2007 operating metrics might be the mix of silver to base metal production: less than 25% silver for Fortuna whereas it's the reverse for First Majestic at more than 75%. Yet the base metal argument becomes less convincing when one realizes that Fortuna's current silver-poor ore mix is the result of a deliberate decision to mine the veins at widths that capture most of the lead-zinc (which is somewhat diffused) but substantially dilute the silver (which tends to occur in discrete bands). Caylloma has veins that are in fact very rich in silver: recent assays include 6,231g/t (around 200 ounces) of silver plus 10% combined lead, zinc and copper over an estimated true width of 1.5 meters. Such bonanza grade material is easily 80% or more silver by value and could be added to the production mix using selective mining methods without huge difficulty, though an increase in cost. If and when there is an improvement in the proportion of silver produced, this should transfer directly to the share price.

    Another reason for the relatively low valuation might be that Fortuna is still recovering from the silly episode of frantic buying that briefly pushed the share price to almost $4 on the basis of the Dines recommendation last November. Beyond this, we may also want to consider that the Caylloma mill had approached functional capacity toward the end of 2007 with any future significant improvements being dependent on more electric grid power being made available to the mine. This creates uncertainties about production growth in 2008 and beyond while the company's other project, San Jose in Mexico, is still in pre-feasibility stage. Yet as I've stated above, silver production can theoretically be increased at Caylloma, even if mill capacity has been reached, by varying or mixing the mining method(s).

    In addition, San Jose deserves some consideration as it has reasonable grades of silver-gold mineralization occurring over vein widths that might be amenable to bulk mining methods (essentially the same situation as Caylloma but with precious, not base, metals). Even so, the company has set just a modest target of 5.5 million ounces of silver equivalent production once both Caylloma and San Jose are humming along a few years down the road.

    Given that First Majestic already has plans for the same production level this year and then to continue advancing from there, we can perhaps start to see where the relative values make sense. Along these lines, maybe the most compelling difference between the two companies is that, self-admittedly, First Majestic plans to be a senior producer while Fortuna has more modest goals of becoming a mid-tier producer. There is nothing wrong with either, and of course some mid-tier producers have larger market caps (Agnico-Eagle) than some seniors/majors (Gold Fields). In my own opinion, however, First Majestic is right now the better pick of the two as a junior silver producer especially for investors/speculators who believe silver prices will outperform base metals in the future. Conversely, if you think base metals, particularly lead and zinc, will do better, Fortuna Silver might be the better choice for you.

    Putting my money and opinion where my mouth is, I already own First Majestic for the long haul, I don't own Fortuna currently but may consider it in the future (especially if I change my mind about silver and base metals, or Fortuna's mix of production starts to favor silver), and next week I will start buying Oremex to equal my First Majestic share position.

    Hallo Lupo,
    hast ein Glashaus zum Spargelzüchten?

    Schaust auf deine Wurzel? :D

    Jetzt weiß ich auch, was triple A phonetisch hergibt: Au, Au, Au... :D
    Kann ich auch empfehlen....

    Scheibenwischer kann man auch auf Video schauen.....

    Die Sendung vom 17. April wird in den Dritten wiederholt:
    Freitag, 18. April, 0.10 Uhr (BR)
    Sonntag, 20. April, 22.55 Uhr (BR-alpha)
    Montag, 21. April, 21.00 Uhr (rbb)
    Donnerstag, 24. April, 23.00 Uhr (NDR)
    Sonntag, 27. April, 20.15 Uhr (3sat)

    Na, wann hört die Minenscheiße wieder auf?


    Exmin kann ich nicht einschätzen zur Zeit, ist jedenfalls schwierig.
    Wenn sie Morris ganz zurückkriegen, ist das zwar gut, aber es kostet Geld.
    Und die 19% von Hochschild, aber ich glaub, die wollen das nicht verkaufen. Wären sie auch blöd.
    Außer sie wollen sioe noch mehr unter druck bringen.

    First Majestic Zahlen.
    Die schreiben auch 7 Mille Verlust, aber sind weiterhin sehr gut unterwegs.
    Das Geld floss ja in die infrastruktur der Minen, die werden richtig aufgemotzt auf den neuesten Stand,
    Also wird Value geschaffen.
    Vor allem das 4. Qu stimmt zuversichtlich.
    Keine größeren Aquiaitionen sind geplant, was heißt, weiter Ausbau vor allem von La Parilla, Keith´s "Baby". :D

    Schön wär schon ein Gewinn gewesen, weil es ein Signal gewesen wäre......
    Aber muss einfach kommen. Biiitteee warten, und das fällt schweeer..... :D

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: 2007 Year End Financial Results
    Thursday April 17, 3:09 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 17, 2008 -- FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (Toronto:FR.TO - News)(Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News)(Frankfurt:FMV.F - News)(WKN: A0LHKJ) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the annual financial results for the Company's year ended December 31, 2007. The Company's prior annual audited results were for the six month transitional year ended December 31, 2006, as the Company changed its fiscal year in 2006. The full version of the financial statements can be viewed on the Company's web site at or on SEDAR at The following are highlights from the year end and fourth quarter. Shareholders or interested parties are encouraged to review the complete financial statements for further details.

    Total Revenue for 2007 - $42.9 million
    Total Revenue for 4th Quarter - $11.6 million
    Mine Earnings (excluding amortization and depletion) $15.9 million
    Mine Earnings for 4th Quarter (excluding amortization
    and depletion) $5.3 million
    Positive Operating Cash Flow for 2007 (before working
    capital changes) $8.6 million
    Total Equivalent Silver Production for 2007 3,561,171 ounces
    Total Cash Costs per Silver Ounce for the year US$7.06
    Total Mining Costs per Tonne for the year US$42.96
    Cash in Treasury, currently $53 million

    - Sales revenues for the year were $42.9 million; an annualized increase of 68% compared to $12.8 million for the six month provisional year ended December 31, 2006.
    - Mine earnings (excluding amortization and depreciation) for the year amounted to $15.9 million, compared to $1.7 million for the six month transitional year ended December 31, 2006.
    - The Company generated cash flow from operating activities (before working capital changes) of $8.6 million for the year, compared to cash used in operations (before working capital changes) of $1.9 million for the six months ended December 31, 2006.
    - The Company currently has more than $53 million in its treasury, is generating significant cash flows from operations, and has sufficient capital to support its operating requirements for the foreseeable future provided it does not undertake any major acquisitions.
    - Total annual production for 2007 consisted of 3,561,171 ounces of silver equivalents, including 3,170,139 ounces of silver, 2,049 ounces of gold, and 2,924,146 pounds of lead.
    - The Company invested $18.9 million in capital expenditures on its mineral properties, a further $11.8 million on additions to plant and equipment, and an additional $4.9 million on acquisitions during 2007.
    - Net loss for the year ended December 31, 2007, was $7,230,122 compared to $7,588,195 for the six month provisional year ended December 31, 2006 (the prior audited period), representing a 52% decrease from the annualized prior year's net loss. The net loss for the year included non-cash stock-based compensation expense of $3,865,689, and a write-down of a mineral property of $1,703,591.
    - Sales revenues for the fourth quarter were $11,631,476, a 43% increase compared to $8,138,284 in the final quarter of 2006. Shipments in the final quarter of 2007 included 908,688 equivalent ounces of silver, an increase of 58% over the 574,547 equivalent ounces shipped in the final quarter of 2006.
    - Net loss for the quarter ended December 31, 2007, was $1,292,632 representing a 38% decrease from the third quarter's net loss of $2,070,082.
    - Silver production in the fourth quarter ending December 31, 2007, has increased to 1,008,299 equivalent ounces of silver, an increase of 7.2% over the prior quarter's production of 940,225 equivalent ounces of silver, and increase of 75% over the 574,547 produced in the quarter ending December 31, 2006.
    - Direct cash costs per ounce of silver for the year ended December 31, 2007, were US$7.06 per ounce, and for the quarter they were US$7.97 per ounce of silver, with the increase due to increases in energy costs, reagent costs, and increases in equipment maintenance costs. The Company has taken steps which are expected to positively impact cash costs throughout 2008.
    Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO, commented, "First Majestic continued its strong growth in revenues and mine earnings during 2007. With our recent financing and cash flow generated from our mines we are in a positive position to continue our growth through 2008 and into 2009. We are continuing toward our goal of becoming a senior silver producer and I am assured that with continued performance like we have delivered in 2007 that we will continue to add value for our shareholders."
    2008 Outlook
    As the Company continues to grow, we will focus on expansion of our mills. In 2008, management at First Majestic will focus on executing our business plan by continuing the ongoing improvements at each mine and achieving our production and resource targets.
    As a result of the work we completed in 2007, the additions to our management team, and the improvements made at each of our mines, we are targeting production of 5.5 million ounces of silver equivalent for 2008. We are very focused on the success of the company and improvements are expected to include: the completion of the flotation circuit at the San Martin, the replacement of the secondary crusher at the La Encantada, new filter presses at the La Parrilla, and we are currently reviewing expansion plans for our mining operations. We are in the third year of an equipment replacement program where 20 additional pieces of underground equipment are expected to be delivered and be operational this year. These deliveries include scoop-trams, underground trucks and jumbos. We expect this new equipment to provide more efficient underground operations.
    First Majestic anticipates that silver, gold, and lead prices will continue to be volatile in 2008 but will continue their upward trends. We expect all three of our producing mines to deliver positive cash flows from production, and mine operating earnings during 2008.
    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.
    Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

    Bei Exmin ist mir einiges nicht klar.
    Steigt Hochschild aus der exploration rund um Morris aus, ider aus Morris selbst?
    Die werden soo auch bald wieder Geld brauchen!
    Anstieg bei Morris significant, aber sehr viel wird es trotzdem nicht übers Jahr gesehen (siehe heronn post!)

    Exmin News:
    EXMIN Provides Moris Mine Update, Retains 100% Interest in Moris Exploration Project and Advances Strategic Alliance
    Wednesday April 16, 3:38 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 16, 2008 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to provide an update of the Moris Mine. The mine was purchased by EXMIN (30%) and Hochschild Mining Group, Plc. (HOC: LSX) (Hochschild) (70%). Hochschild is the operator of the mine and reports the following production and sales numbers for the project. In the first quarter of 2008, the Moris Mine produced approximately 6,530 ounces of gold and 14,000 ounces of silver. In the same period, the project sold approximately 5,600 ounces of gold at over USD$900 per ounce and approximately 13,000 ounces of silver.

    Q1 Q4
    Product 2008 2007
    Ore produciton (tonnes) 181,671 253,766
    Average head grade silver (g/t) 4.69 4.62
    Average head grade gold (g/t) 1.43 1.62
    Silver produced (koz) 14 11
    Gold produced (koz) 6.53 5.18
    Silver sold (koz) 13 6
    Gold sold (koz) 5.60 3.26

    Since the purchase of the Moris Mine, the operator has continued to expand the mine's resource. 634 metres of core has been drilled at the Eureka deposit and confirms the historical data. Also, Hochschild drilled 335 metres on the old heap leach pad and believes that about 29,000 ounces of gold production, or an additional year of operation, can be added by re-processing the original heap material. Current reserve and resource calculations do not include the ounces contained in the old leach pad material. The joint venture continues to drill and explore the potential of the surrounding 9,889 hectares included in the Moris Mine project land package...................

    Sehr lang!!!

    Silvermex Extends Strike Length at San Marcial to 3,500 Meters
    Thursday April 17, 6:30 am ET
    Trenching Returns 300 g/t Silver Across 22.1 Meters

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 17, 2008 -- Silvermex Resources Ltd. ("Silvermex") (CDNX:SMR.V - News) announces results of its surface and underground exploration programs on its optioned San Marcial Property in southern Sinaloa. Highlights include grades as high as 300 g/t silver across 22.1 meters and a higher grade section of 994 g/t silver over 2 meters. The surface and underground exploration program at San Marcial included geological mapping, surface channel sampling, drill core re-logging and road construction.Geological mapping (1:1,000) was completed over a 360 hectare area exposing 3.5 kms of strike length along the San Marcial vein system. This is an increase of 3 kms over the 500 meter area which contains the existing inferred resource of 14.26 million ounces of silver. Channel sampling of the surface exposures of the vein system and re-logging of 3,127 meters of core from previous drilling campaigns by prior operators were also completed. This program provided valuable information regarding the geologic history, nature of the mineralization and deposit model used to support the next phase of exploration. The next phase program will include a 5,000 meter diamond drill program with a principal objective of expanding the current resource.The San Marcial vein system outcrops intermittently for over 3.5 kilometers and varies in width from 2 meters to 35 meters. The system strikes NW-SW and dips between 55 degrees to 65 degrees NE. The host rocks consist of a volcanic sequence of andesitic composition. The hanging wall is composed of tuffs, ash flows and conglomerates with the footwall composed of tuffs, lava flows and a volcano-sedimentary sequence in the extreme southern portion of the claim block exposed by the historical workings. The volcano-sedimentary sequence in a very important marker as it is generally affected by a strong propilitization with 5% to 10%, disseminated pyrite associated with high grade silver, lead and zinc values.
    A total of 143 channel samples were collected from the various trenches and outcrops. The samples were forwarded for both assay and multi-element analysis by four-acid digestion method. The results confirm the high grade tenure of the surface mineralization and the continuity of the ore-shoot that hosts an inferred mineral resource of 14.6 million ounces of silver (2,310,000 tonnes grading 191.79 g/t Ag, 0.32% Lead and 0.66% Zinc). Five trenches are located along 400 meters of strike within the area hosting the majority of historical workings. The mineralization ranged from 300 g/t Ag across 22.1 meters to 994 g/t Ag across 2.0 meters. The mineralization remains open to the southeast. To the northwest the surface exposures of the San Marcial vein system are not as continuous but can be traced or inferred by an alteration zone that extends for more than 2.5 kilometers. These outcrops vary in width from 2 to 35 meters. While these surface expressions generally returned lower silver grades, the presence of indicator minerals (i.e. arsenic, antimony, manganese, lead, zinc and barium) allow us to infer the continuity of the vein system and the probability of higher silver grades at depth.

    Tabellen und Rest hier:

    Hallo Lucky,
    naja, inzwischen haben wir das PP bei SRLM. Zu 2,4. Warrants zu 3,4 und 4,2?
    Link such ich mir jetzt nimma.
    Dein Chartbuch kommt übermorgen. Und ich bin sicher, g´scheiter macht´s mich nicht.... :D

    Hallo Auratico,
    endlich wieder ein wirklich guter Beitrag. Danke!
    Ich bin da zu mehr als 90% bei dir....

    Erklärung: Ist ja positiv, weil sie machen es nicht umsonst.
    Sie werden sich eindecken müssen. Sie wollen sie unten haben, um einzusteigen.
    Die wollen einfach nur verdienen, und sonst gar nichts....
    Wenn möglich dreifach.
    Klar, ist man im Nachhinein immer g´scheiter. Aber man kann Nachkarteln (heißt, das gelaufenen Spiel mit Möglichkeiten noch mal Revue passieren lassen.)
    Trotz Wissen´s/Ahnen über die Dinge, hat es mich erwischt, weil ich den zeitlichen Ablauf falsch einschätzte.
    Zusätzlich kommt ja noch dioe Finanzkrise hinzu.

    Aber da seh ich das 2. positive. Die sehen auch, dass mit Minenaktien Geld zu verdienen sein wird. und mit ausgesuchten wirklich wetrthaltigen Aktien.
    Also werden sie auch hier wieder investieren.
    fragt sich nur wann?

    Aber eines ist schon zu sehen, der verkaufsdruck hat nachgeladden. Wenn jetzt nocvh was fällt mit mickrigen Umsätzen ist das egal....

    Sie wollen auch PP´s, warum sonst geht Impact nicht..... Die brauchen nämlich keins. (siehe oben)

    Und wie du gesagt hast: Timing und das zweite ist Geduld: Und man sollte auch etwas Cash haben, dort nachzulegen, wo man es noch für sinnvoll erachtet.
    Und das ist auch was, was mir fehlt im moment. verkaufen will ich aber auch nur sparsam.
    Also hab ich im Moment die scheißkarte....
    Aber es ist im gegensatz zu früher schon öfters, nicht wirklich bedrohlich.
    Das kann sich aber noch ändern.... :D


    PS: Situation 05 war ähnlich....

    IMPACT Reports $2.1 Million in Operating Earnings for 2007
    Tuesday April 15, 12:01 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 15, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News; "IMPACT" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its results for the year ended December 31, 2007. The Company's consolidated financial statements include results from the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Project ("Zacualpan") which was purchased on January 16, 2006. For the year 2007, the Company's net earnings per share (EPS) were $0.01.

    2007 Restated 2006
    Canadian $ Canadian $
    Revenue 7,250,000 7,006,000
    Mine Operating Earnings(i) 2,071,000 2,407,000
    Income before Taxes 635,000 838,000
    Net Income & comprehensive income 287,000 506,000
    Earnings per Share - basic 0.01 0.01
    - diluted 0.01 0.01
    (i) Includes amortization and depletion of $768,000 in 2007 and $539,000
    in 2006.

    Average mill throughput during the year was 274 tonnes per day. Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2007 were $7,250,077. Mine operating earnings for the year were $2,070,931. Total tonnes mined for the year-end period are 99,918 tonnes or 31,745 tonnes (47%) more than previous year's production. On site operating costs were $44.15 per tonne, a decrease over the prior year of 26%. Production exceeded the prior year by a significant amount in most categories except silver, with mill throughput increasing over 40 per cent to 274 tonnes per day compared to 196 tonnes per day in 2006. This represents an 89% increase over production levels of 145 tonnes per day when the Company acquired the mine two years ago. With record high zinc prices during the summer months, IMPACT's management made the strategic decision to maximize zinc production by exploiting previously marginal zinc ore while preparing the higher grade silver mines for production. As zinc prices began to retreat, silver production was once again increased.


    2007 2006
    Total Tonnes Produced 99,918 68,173
    Tonnes Produced per Day 274 196
    Silver Production (ounces) 348,949 465,673
    Lead (tonnes) 601.03 375.43
    Zinc (tonnes) 976.07 725.20
    CAD$ direct costs per ton $44.15 59.55

    2007 was another exciting year of positive growth generated by successful exploration and development efforts, resulting in IMPACT ending the year in Mexico with three producing mines and control over two large mineral districts, Zacualpan and Mamatla, and a key presence in a third district, Zacatecas; all highlighted by extensive exploration, increased production and lower direct operating costs.
    During 2007, the majority of the mill feed was from mining of lower grade mineral at the Guadalupe Mine, where an intensive program of remapping and exploration is continuing underground. The Guadalupe Mine remains the lowest-cost producer in the Zacualpan district.
    Chivo is the new high grade producing mine at Zacualpan. During the fourth quarter, construction of the Chivo Mine access adit was completed; drifting commenced along the vein and in December; the first mill feed from stope mining was achieved, resulting in production levels of approximately 100 tonnes per day. A second adit approximately 60 meters vertically below the first is currently being planned. It is anticipated Chivo will provide a significant volume of higher grade silver feed to the Zacualpan mill in 2008 onward.
    The Gallega Mine, located just 500 meters from the Zacualpan processing plant, supplements production from the Guadalupe operation. Mining began on the high-grade Salvadora stopes and then expanded to the Lipton Vein and the recently-discovered San David Vein. In 2006, the San Ramon Mine, near Chivo, generated the majority of the high-grade feed for the Zacualpan mill. Operating costs increased and ore delineation became increasingly more complex, and mining stopped here in 2006. The Company will recommence mining at the San Ramon on a more selective basis in 2008.
    Importantly, the two mineral districts the Company controls in Central Mexico, the 125-square-kilometer Zacualpan silver district and the newly-acquired 200-square-kilometer Mamatla mineral district southwest of Zacualpan, have great exploration potential. This potential is being unlocked by IMPACT's exceptional technical team who took the Chivo mine from a raw prospect to production in less than two years. In 2008, IMPACT is continuing an aggressive exploration program with over 15,000 meters of surface and underground drilling budgeted, including a number of targets in both districts.
    In aggregate, the Company is well-positioned for 2008 with cash and term deposits of in excess of $10 million, which is in addition to funds generated by the current mining. IMPACT recently announced the purchase of a semi-portable 200-tonne-per-day mill, including all major equipment for US$700,000 which, once relocated, will give the mining group increased production capacity to 700 tonnes per day. The Company looks forward to growing by continuing to expand production through aggressive exploration and rapid mine development. The exploration budget for 2008 has been more than doubled in order to put some of the 700 plus known prospects at Zacualpan and Mamatla on a faster track to potential production and build mineral inventories for mining.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO
    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    Contact:Darrell Rader
    IMPACT Silver Corp.
    Corporate Development
    (604) 681-9501
    (604) 681-6813 (FAX)

    Zweimal Zahlen:
    Einmal Sterling, einmal Impact (und die verdienen wenigstens was!)

    Im übrigen les ich jetzt immer öfter, dass 4 große hedgefonds in die midcaps und Großen drin sind und die Juniors shorten.
    Dass das passieren wird, hab ich ja schon vor fast einem jahr vermutet. Dachte nu, das komme erst Ende 08, Anfang 09......
    Das ist ja nicht negativ an sich....

    Zu Impact hier weiter oben (Gestern) und im Impact Thread.


    Aus smartinvest: "TheSlowLane" über Impact Silver.
    In dem Reisebericht ist ein link enthalten zu den Foros von der Minenreise.
    Vor allem Sean ist manchmal recht gut drauf.... :D
    (Ausführlicher Reisebericht!)
    Fred ist der CEO, Darrell Rader und Sean Rakhimov von

    It was about two and a half years ago at the Cambridge House show in Toronto when I first heard about IMPACT. Coach had discovered this company and was dragging everyone who was unable to fight him off over to their booth to get the story. From this first encounter onward, my impression of the company is that it is run by a team that is highly experienced, extremely professional and laser-focused on building a successful business.

    Since that time I have had a chance to get to know Fred, Darrell and more recently, Sean. I would make a point of spending some time with them at each of the shows (Cambridge House, PDAC, New Orleans) to find out the latest. I bought my first shares at less than half a buck, but have periodically added at prices up to 1.66. By now, IMPACT is my largest silver stock position.

    Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Zacualpan to spend a couple of days touring their mining and milling operations and to survey some of the areas they are actively exploring. While I have always had the sense from what I have read and heard that IMPACT has considerable potential, when you actually see it in front of you, it is truly awe-inspiring. The work that is being done just to inventory all of the workings on their properties (now up to 600 KM2, counting concessions under application) has resulted in the identification of over 900 sites. They expect this number to easily exceed 2,000 by the time they are done, which will probably take another two years.

    After returning home, I wrote up a trip report to try to convey on paper at least a sense of what I had just experienced. I have provided a link to the report below. I would have pasted it into this thread, but I incorporated several photographs that I think help tell the story. The team at IMPACT seems to be reluctant to toot their own horn, despite their considerable accomplishments, but I have no such reservations myself.

    So, I hope you find this worth your time...enjoy!


    Neamman - I don't expect to see the third mill in production until 2009. I suppose it's possible that it could happen this year, but based on everything I heard, my expectation is for 2009. Getting their arms around what is on their property is like a python trying to swallow a blue whale. It will happen, but it takes time and is a bit of a stretch.

    I skimmed through some of the recent posts here and got the sense that there is a fair amount of frustration. Given the share performance over the past year or so, that's understandable. That said, there is a difference between stock price performance and execution on the ground. Any short time concerns I might have about the former are more than mitigated by my comfort with the latter. While the stock price might not be behaving, I believe that the company is putting the pieces in place that will build significant shareholder value over time. But it will not happen overnight.

    IMPACT has a couple of challenges which are probably already well-known. The first is that for the most part, their deposits are of a narrow-vein, high-grade nature. That means that drilling them out to 43-101 standards is expensive and time-consuming. This means that any analyst that looks at the company has to do extra work to understand and then tell this story. Given that there are a universe of hundreds of junior mining companies, I think most of them may be reluctant to make the effort.

    The next problem is that IMPACT is cash flow positive. Their production activities are funding their exploration activities. Most of the brokerages out there are accustomed to acquiring stock, warrants and fees by brokering private placements. The fact that IMPACT does not need to raise money is a negative, from the perspective of these, I mean, brokerages.

    So, I tell people that if they are looking for a quick flip or flash and sizzle, then IMPACT may not be their best bet. If they are looking for a trustworthy and capable management team that is focused on building long-term value, then it is certainly worth a look. It's not just that people have been LOOKING for silver for centuries in Zacualpan and Mamatla...they've been MINING silver for centuries there. The Spaniards would not have built huge mills in the middle of the wilderness just for the heck of it.


    Wenn wer Infos über das Fresnillo IPO hat, bitte merlden
    (siehe vorhergehende seite!)

    Aus smartinvest: "TheSlowLane" über Impact Silver.
    Fred ist der CEO, Darrell Rader und Sean Rakhimov von

    It was about two and a half years ago at the Cambridge House show in Toronto when I first heard about IMPACT. Coach had discovered this company and was dragging everyone who was unable to fight him off over to their booth to get the story. From this first encounter onward, my impression of the company is that it is run by a team that is highly experienced, extremely professional and laser-focused on building a successful business.

    Since that time I have had a chance to get to know Fred, Darrell and more recently, Sean. I would make a point of spending some time with them at each of the shows (Cambridge House, PDAC, New Orleans) to find out the latest. I bought my first shares at less than half a buck, but have periodically added at prices up to 1.66. By now, IMPACT is my largest silver stock position.

    Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Zacualpan to spend a couple of days touring their mining and milling operations and to survey some of the areas they are actively exploring. While I have always had the sense from what I have read and heard that IMPACT has considerable potential, when you actually see it in front of you, it is truly awe-inspiring. The work that is being done just to inventory all of the workings on their properties (now up to 600 KM2, counting concessions under application) has resulted in the identification of over 900 sites. They expect this number to easily exceed 2,000 by the time they are done, which will probably take another two years.

    After returning home, I wrote up a trip report to try to convey on paper at least a sense of what I had just experienced. I have provided a link to the report below. I would have pasted it into this thread, but I incorporated several photographs that I think help tell the story. The team at IMPACT seems to be reluctant to toot their own horn, despite their considerable accomplishments, but I have no such reservations myself.

    So, I hope you find this worth your time...enjoy!

    (Ausführlicher Reisebericht!)

    Neamman - I don't expect to see the third mill in production until 2009. I suppose it's possible that it could happen this year, but based on everything I heard, my expectation is for 2009. Getting their arms around what is on their property is like a python trying to swallow a blue whale. It will happen, but it takes time and is a bit of a stretch.

    I skimmed through some of the recent posts here and got the sense that there is a fair amount of frustration. Given the share performance over the past year or so, that's understandable. That said, there is a difference between stock price performance and execution on the ground. Any short time concerns I might have about the former are more than mitigated by my comfort with the latter. While the stock price might not be behaving, I believe that the company is putting the pieces in place that will build significant shareholder value over time. But it will not happen overnight.

    IMPACT has a couple of challenges which are probably already well-known. The first is that for the most part, their deposits are of a narrow-vein, high-grade nature. That means that drilling them out to 43-101 standards is expensive and time-consuming. This means that any analyst that looks at the company has to do extra work to understand and then tell this story. Given that there are a universe of hundreds of junior mining companies, I think most of them may be reluctant to make the effort.

    The next problem is that IMPACT is cash flow positive. Their production activities are funding their exploration activities. Most of the brokerages out there are accustomed to acquiring stock, warrants and fees by brokering private placements. The fact that IMPACT does not need to raise money is a negative, from the perspective of these, I mean, brokerages.

    So, I tell people that if they are looking for a quick flip or flash and sizzle, then IMPACT may not be their best bet. If they are looking for a trustworthy and capable management team that is focused on building long-term value, then it is certainly worth a look. It's not just that people have been LOOKING for silver for centuries in Zacualpan and Mamatla...they've been MINING silver for centuries there. The Spaniards would not have built huge mills in the middle of the wilderness just for the heck of it.


    Wieder 4 km....

    Cabo to Drill 4,000 Meters on Woodjam Property, BC
    Monday April 14, 9:00 am ET
    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 14, 2008) - Cabo Drilling Corp.'s (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") Pacific division has entered into a contract with Fjordland Exploration Inc. to drill approximately 4,000 meters on the Woodjam copper, gold and molybdenum project located in central British Columbia.
    The 2008 drill program will continue drilling at the recent copper-molybdenum discovery in the Southeast Zone (see Fjordland Exploration's new releases dated January 18, & March 13, 2008 and test other areas of the large claim group.
    The 44 square kilometer Woodjam Property, owned 60:40 by Fjordland Exploration and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd, is located in the Cariboo Region of B.C., about 50 kilometers east of the City of Williams Lake and 7 kilometers south of the village of Horsefly. The claims lie at low elevation, in relatively flat terrane and are easily road accessible and workable on a year-round basis.
    About Fjordland Exploration Inc.
    Fjordland Exploration Inc. is a Vancouver-based junior mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of gold and copper deposits. Fjordland is conducting exploration in British Columbia, Canada, which has excellent mineral potential. The Company has a 60% interest in the 44,413 hectare Woodjam gold-copper property, located in central B.C., and a 50% joint venture to explore 20 copper-gold properties (QUEST project) totaling in excess of 144,000 hectares in the Quesnel Terrane in central British Columbia. Shares of Fjordland Exploration Inc. trade on the TSX Venture Exchange with the symbol "FEX".
    About Cabo Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News)
    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.

    Hallo Lucky,

    Genau dort war ich nicht, aber daneben

    Naaa gut, i bin a immer "daneben"
    Die nächste Stufe wär dann "adabei".

    Das candlestick Buch hab ich mir schon bestellt, damit du Ruh gibst... :D
    Bei Nichtgefallen erscheine beim nächsten Treffen lieber mit Sturzhelm.
    Aber halb soo wild, dir zuliebe hab ich nicht hardcover bestellt...

    Bin am recherchieren, deshalb kurz angebunden.....

    Außerdem hab ich grad eine sehr alte Weinsorte, schon in Flasche, aber noch nicht für den Verkauf, getestet.
    Ein Roesler aus der Wachau. Ist ein Roter!.
    Hab fast ein schlechtes gewissen,weil der hätt noch ein bisserl liegen sollen...

    Sollte ich auch tun.... :D

    Gute Nacht und mach´s gut


    Coeur will weg aus Nevada (kein Zwerg siehe fett)

    Coeur d'Alene considers options for US silver/gold mine
    By: Liezel Hill - Published: 29 Jan 08 - 23:32

    Precious-metals miner Coeur d'Alene Mines is “reviewing strategic alternatives”, including a possible disposal, for its Rochester silver and gold mine, in Nevada, US, the firm said on Tuesday.

    While the mine's low costs and exploration potential were attractive, the group wanted to focus on its larger, longer-life silver projects in Mexico and South America, president and CEO Dennis Wheeler said in a statement.

    Rochester produced about 5,1-million ounces of silver and nearly 72 000 oz of gold in 2006, according to the company's website.

    Coeur d'Alene Mines operates two underground mines, in Chile and Argentina, as well as the Rochester surface mine.

    It is developing the San Bartolome silver mine in Bolivia, and recently took control of the Palmajero project in Mexico, where it is building a two-million ton a year processing plant capable of producing 12-million ounces of silver and 110 000 oz/y of gold.

    Interessantes IPO von Penoles: Spalten Fresnillo ab und behalten gut 70%

    Mexican silver giant plans London IPO

    [Blockierte Grafik:
    Picture by: Bloomberg News
    Demand for silver is driven by its uses in industry and jewellery fabrication, as well as by investors

    By: Liezel Hill
    Published: 11 Apr 08 - 15:04

    The world's biggest primary silver producer, Mexico's Fresnillo, which plans to list on the London Stock Exchange next month, expects to raise at least $900-million in an initial public offering, the firm said on Friday.

    Fresnillo plc will have a secondary listing on the Mexican Stock Exchange.

    The Fresnillo group, the company's operating subsidiary, produced about 34,4-million attributable ounces of silver, and some 280 000 attributable ounces of gold last year, making it Mexico's second-biggest gold producer.

    Fresnillo was formed to hold the precious metals assets of Mexican resources group Industrias Penoles, which is undergoing a corporate restructuring.

    The group owns three operating silver mines in Mexico, including the world's biggest primary silver mine, Fresnillo, two development projects, the first of which is expected to start production next year, and various exploration assets.

    The London listing would give Fresnillo access to the UK capital markets and allow it to be rated against other precious-metals miners, the firm said.

    “Fresnillo, the world's largest primary silver producer, will offer global investors exposure to not only significant current production but also growth potential,” said CEO Jaime Lomelin.

    The price of silver, which holds both industrial and jewellry lure, has risen steadily over the last few years, and touched $21,35/oz, its highest point since March 1980, last month.

    Fresnillo plans to double production, on a silver equivalent ounce basis, over the next ten years, as well as increasing its gold production, “thus further diversifying its precious metals asset base”, the firm said.

    Penoles will sell new and existing shares in Fresnillo in an initial public offering, and expects the new shares to raise about $900-million.

    The companies did not say how much Penoles expected to receive from the sale of existing shares in Fresnillo.

    Following the share offering, Penoles would own between between 75% and 77,3% of Fresnillo plc, depending on whether and to what extent an overallotment option was excercised.

    The money raised in the share offering would be used by Fresnillo to repay debt and fund growth.

    Penoles, which had been listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange since 1968, would retain a “significant portfolio” of base-metals exploration, mining, smelting and refining assets, as well as its inorganic chemicals production business.

    The group owns three operating mines in Mexico: Fresnillo, the world's largest primary silver mine, and Cienega and Herradura, both primarily gold mines, as well as a pipeline of projects.

    A further underground mine adjacent to the existing Fresnillo mine is planned and is expected to be a similar size to the existing Fresnillo mine. The company also anticipates starting production at Soledad and Dipolos, in which it holds a 56 percent stake, in 2009 and produce a peak rate of about 100,000 ounces of gold a year in 2010.

    In addition to organic projects, Fresnillo is looking at joint ventures as well as continued exploration and acquisitions in Mexico and potentially elsewhere in Latin America.

    In 2007, Fresnillo made a pretax profit of $161.0 million on sales of $647.9 million.

    JPMorgan Cazenove Ltd. is sole bookrunner and broker for the IPO.

    Hallo Lucky,

    danke für den Hinweis. ABER:

    wenn es bei El Sauzal funktioniert?

    "The Urique Project is located immediately north of Glamis's property and approximately 10 km north of the El Sauzal mine and extends 40 kilometers to the north where it borders the Monterde property (Kimber Resources).""

    Hier etwas über die Lage. In dem link kann man auch Geologie anklicken. Wenn das 10 km weg ist, dürfte das noch nicht in den Bergen sein, sondern wie El Sauzal in der Flussebene. Aber ich weiß es nicht. Warst du dort genau oder in der Gegend?

    Hat auch den Vorteil weil man nicht mehr tief bohren muss?

    ""The Urique Project covers or surrounds ten mineralized areas with past mining activity. Each of these areas is related to large mineralized hydrothermal systems that have the potential to host bulk mineable resources.""

    Zu dem Chartsbuch: das würd mich nur verwirren, denk ich.....

    Hallo edel,

    du hast das bestens gemacht mit den sl. Brauchst nur wieder reingehen kurz davor es ein Blinder sieht, dass es wieder raufgeht.

    Ich beneide dich um Cash. Hätt ich auch gern...... :D

    So sitz ich auf ner Menge Buchverluste zur Zeit. Aber sollte z.B. Urique etc. das Gebiet was werden, ist es mir wurscht.



    :D Ich möcht noch ein bisserl bei Golden Goliath bleiben, bzw. in einem Teil von Chihuahua,in dem viele bestehnde Minen sind und wo nun Kimber und Yale drillen. Kimber hat ja schon gut 90% Plus gemacht in letzter Zeit.

    The Urique Project consists of 11 concessions covering 28,880 hectares and is located in the prolific Sierra Madre gold belt of northern Mexico, which has a well known history of gold and silver discovery and production.

    Yale may earn up to a 75 % interest in the Urique Project by spending US$ 4.5 million on exploration and property acquisitions and issuing 1.5 million shares to Exmin over a five year term.

    About the Region:

    Numerous plus-one million ounce gold deposits have been discovered in this 300 km long region of southwestern Chihuahua: including Mulatos (Alamos Gold), Dolores (Minefinders), Ocampo (Gammon Lake), as well as the El Sauzal mine (Glamis Gold). The Urique Project is located immediately north of Glamis's property and approximately 10 km north of the El Sauzal mine and extends 40 kilometers to the north where it borders the Monterde property (Kimber Resources).

    The El Sauzal mine entered production in 2004 and was scheduled to produce 170,000 ounces in 2005. As of Dec. 31, 2005, the mine has proven and probable reserves of 15,821,000 tonnes grading 3.29 g/t gold (for a total of 1,673,000 ounces) and measured and indicated resources of 20,529,000 tonnes grading 2.73 g/t gold (for a total of 1,802,000 ounces) [source:].

    About the Property:

    The Urique Project covers or surrounds ten mineralized areas with past mining activity. Each of these areas is related to large mineralized hydrothermal systems that have the potential to host bulk mineable resources.

    Man beachte im Bild rechts die beteiligten Companies.

    Werden die drills was bringen, dann fliegen hier die Vögel (Flugzeit in Vögeln...)....... :D…rique-surroundings_lg.jpg [Blockierte Grafik:…rique-surroundings_lg.jpg]

    Eine sehr hoffnungsvolle Region. Und die zweite, die sicher startet, gutso freut das ...., ist das Idaho Silver Valley,

    wo man U.S.Silver und Sterling sehr billig einsammeln kann (nahe am 52 week low)

    Baby bulls zu Goliath:

    Golden Goliath (GNG:TSX-V) – Golden Goliath Released More HIGH GRADE MINERALIZATION AT THEIR URUACHIC CAMP PROPERTY – 6.7 g/ton Gold and 131.6 g/ton Silver over 10 Meters
    Golden Goliath backed up their release earlier in the week today with another release outlining more high grade mineralization at their San Timoteo target in the Uruachic Camp property in the Sierra Madre Mountains of central Mexico. Today’s release outlined more high grade mineralization with a 40 meter section grading 1.95 grams per ton gold (Au) and 56.8 grams per ton silver (Ag). Within that result a 10 meter section graded at 6.7 grams per ton gold (Au) and 131.6 grams per ton silver (Au). Using a conversation ration of 50:1 silver to gold this section is getting very close to 1/3 of an ounce per ton gold.

    These are tremendous results on their own, but what makes them especially promising is that this does not look to be a small vein, but the continuation of similar assays from drill results that are over 90 meters away laterally and approximately 200 meters vertically above these results. With a width of 40 meters measuring about 2 grams per ton (3 grams gold equivalent when you add in the silver) this could turn out to be a very sizable ore body - and justify a much higher valuation for Golden Goliath quickly.

    There is certainly more work to be done here, but the early indications look great. Also, the extent of this high grade find are still untested both laterally as well as at depth, so we could be talking even a bigger minable ore body outline here, and should know more soon.

    Golden Goliath still has pending assays from additional drill holes that could come out in the next week or two, so we are expecting the news to keep streaming forward from here.

    We have included the base table of the results for this most recent assay result below and a link to today’s press release which contains a lot of detailed results from the recent drill program. is Pleased to Announce a New Feature Available Exclusively to Members: CEO Audi-BULLS – In Depth Interviews with CEO’s of High Growth Oriented Small and Micro Cap Companies

    Earlier this week recorded the first in a series of CEO Audi-BULLS with Mr. Paul Sorbara – CEO of Golden Goliath. This interview is available as a streaming audio archive at the link below.
    Based on this week’s news, this interview looks to be very timely and we recommend everyone getting over and having a listen to this compelling rundown of Golden Goliath’s many value drivers. The interview covers Paul’s mining background and the history of Golden Goliath as well as rich details of each of the Company’s primary precious metal targets: Uruachic Camp, La Cruz, Chamizal and Corona.
    Here is the link:
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Also, here is a link to today’s full press release:
    About Golden Goliath
    Golden Goliath is a Vancouver based mining and exploration group that is developing a very large and historically prolific gold camp in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico known as the Uruachic Camp. The Uruachic Camp consists of 7 principle mineralized zones covering over 20,000 acres (approx. 32.5 square miles) of which the Company owns a 100% interest. The primary target areas in the Uruachic Camp include: Corona, San Timoteo, La Reforma, Nueva Union, Oteros, Las Bolas and Nopalera.

    Genco heute mit h/l von 2,3 zu 1,81. Geschlossen 2,22.
    Jetzt beginnt der Test der 2.

    Hab natürlich nichts verkauft. Hätt die 2. Portion nur gern etwas billiger gehabt.

    Und wenn ich Geld hätt, scheute ich auch eine 3. od. 4. nicht.

    Aurcana Intersects 8.15 Metres of 420 Grams Per Tonne Silver and 1.59 Percent Copper
    Friday April 11, 8:00 am ET

    Confirms High Grade Silver - Copper Zone in Cristo Rey
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 11, 2008) - Aurcana Corporation ("Aurcana" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AUN - News) is pleased to report high grade assay results from six diamond drill holes that are part of an ongoing 15,000 meter underground exploration program at its 1,000 tonne per day La Negra Mine, Queratero State, Mexico. The work has been focused in the Alacran - Cristo Rey area, where the drilling is confirming positive historical drill results.The intersections listed in the chart below confirm the presence of the Cristo Rey high grade silver copper zone which is a near vertical zone controlled by a felsic dyke (Cristo Rey dyke). Other significant intersections associated with the Cristo Rey dyke are presently interpreted to be part of the Luisa manto which emanates from the dyke at a shallow angle. Intersections of the Luisa manto are listed separately below. A number of additional promising intersections are thought to represent new zones, and additional drilling will be targeted at these areas in order to determine their continuity.

    Cristo Rey Zone - Assay Results
    Hole From To Length Silver Lead Zinc Copper
    Number (metres) (metres) (metres) (Ag) (Pb) (Zn) (Cu)
    LYA - 01 50.35 55.95 5.60 184.00 0.70 2.46 0.68
    Incl. 50.35 52.30 1.95 241.00 0.86 5.52 1.56
    LYA - 02 56.35 59.00 2.65 240.00 1.27 6.80 0.90
    LYA - 03 56.65 64.80 8.15 420.00 1.81 5.55 1.59
    LYA - 07 58.15 60.30 2.15 306.00 1.08 7.83 1.57

    Manto Luisa - Assay Results
    Hole From To Length Silver Lead Zinc Copper
    Number (metres) (metres) (metres) (Ag) (Pb) (Zn) (Cu)
    LYA - 02 86.70 89.60 2.90 202.00 0.84 2.29 1.24
    LYA - 04 62.15 64.5 2.35 350.00 4.00 8.97 0.37
    70.10 81.80 11.70 241.00 1.32 1.65 2.17
    Incl. 70.10 75.70 5.60 346.00 0.87 1.57 4.34
    LYA - 05 64.30 67.70 3.40 143.00 0.21 2.81 2.29
    LYA - 07 62.35 70.10 7.15 214.00 0.78 3.22 1.60

    New Zones - Assay Results
    Hole From To Length Silver Lead Zinc Copper
    Number (metres) (metres) (metres) (Ag) (Pb) (Zn) (Cu)
    LYA - 03 89.75 93.60 3.85 151.00 2.16 3.83 0.22
    173.60 177.90 4.30 101.00 0.40 4.83 0.62
    196.35 199.95 3.60 133.00 0.65 4.93 0.70
    LYA - 05 108.10 110.80 2.70 90.00 0.08 0.20 2.07
    LYA - 07 97.85 99.10 1.25 316.00 1.06 6.86 0.75

    The exploration program at the La Negra Mine is now emphasizing silver - copper rich areas such as Cristo Rey as a result of near record silver and copper prices. The Cristo Rey zone has now been intersected down to the 1900 level and along with the Luisa manto represents an area of well above average silver - copper values. An access ramp is already developed down to the 1970 level, and development work is continuing to advance the ramp for future production.
    About Aurcana Corporation:
    Aurcana Corporation is a Canadian mining company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, symbol AUN. Aurcana is an emerging primary silver producer with the acquisition of 100% of the Shafter silver mine, in Presidio County, Texas. Shafter is planned for start up in 2009 with silver production of 3.2 million ounces. The 80% owned La Negra silver-lead-zinc-copper mine in Queretaro State, Mexico, operates at 1,000 tonnes per day. The 100% owned Rosario silver-lead-zinc-gold mine in Sinaloa State, Mexico, is advancing to commence production at a planned rate of 800 tonnes per day in 2009. The reader should be cautioned the Company has not completed feasibility studies confirming the projected production capacity for La Negra, Shafter or Rosario and there is no certainty the Company's plans will be economically viable.
    Aurcana, together with its proven production team, is 100% committed to restoring and restarting the historical Shafter silver mine at the earliest opportunity. Additionally, aggressive exploration programs are being carried out at the La Negra Mine and the Rosario Mine in order to increase historical reserves and resources. With success, this could lead to further increases in silver production. Aurcana, while committed to its current projects, continues to seek and evaluate additional high quality, producing or near producing silver projects.
    Ron Nichols, P.Eng. a Director and Vice President of Exploration for Aurcana, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this release.
    Ken Booth, President

    hab es hier schon geposted. in der neuen Präsentation ist nichts mehr von 11 Mille drinnen.
    Sie haben, glaub ich, Grundstücke erworben.... :D

    Share Data April, 2008
    Shares Outstanding: 40,985,272
    Warrants & Options: 7,742,432
    Working Capital: $5,000,000
    Insider Holdings: 8,868,314
    Price April 2: $2.60
    52 Week High/Low: $5.00/$2.02
    Market Cap: $105,000,000


    In D werden heute mehr Stücke gehandelt als in Canada. Auch selten!

    Wie schon vor fast 2 jahren angekündigt.....
    am schönsten wird es, wenn Cabo für die abgespaltete Co drillt.

    Auf diese Property bin ich gespannt. wegen der hab ich Cabo häutsächlich gekauft 04.

    International Millennium to Drill Cobalt Area Property
    Tuesday April 8, 9:00 am ET
    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 8, 2008) - International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:IMI - News) has signed a drilling contract with Cabo Drilling Corp. for an initial 2500 meters of diamond drilling near the Waldman mine on its Cobalt Area Property in Ontario. The purpose of the program is to test several strong targets identified by a MMI (mobile metal ion) sampling program completed over the Cobalt Area property in the past year (see the Company's news release of January 10th 2008). The program is scheduled to commence April 15, 2008.David G. Mark, P.Geo, a qualified person under policy NI 43-101, reports that the locations of the drill holes for this initial program was determined by the MMI work done over three grids with most of the anomalous results occurring on Grid One in Gillies Limit North Township in close proximity to the Waldman Mine Shaft.
    Two former small producers are located on the Company's property and a further twelve former mines contiguous to and within 3,000 meters to the east of the IMMC drill project produced in excess of 100 million ounces of silver, along with cobalt, copper, and nickel. SMC (Canada) Ltd. currently has a mill operating 500 meters east of the project.
    Past production within these mines was mostly from arsenide silver/cobalt mineralization occurring in narrow, but very rich veins (in the thousands of ounces Ag per ton range). Consequently, MMI anomalies occurring in this area are strong drill targets. The anomalies range in strike length from 100 meters up to possibly 750 meters (production in the past was from veins with strike lengths varying from 30 to 100 meters.).
    The drilling program will also pursue base metal sulphide type mineralization which is known to occur in the area.
    The Cobalt Area property comprises some 620 claim units covering approximately 9,920 hectares located in Temiskaming District, Larder Lake Mining Division south of the town of Cobalt in northeastern Ontario. IMMC holds, either outright or under option, 100% interest in these claims, subject to royalty.
    The rocks that underlie the Cobalt Area Project include Archean aged mafic to felsic metavolcanics and Algoman granitic rocks overlain by relatively flat lying Huronian Group metasediments. A Nipissing aged diabase dyke and sill complex intrudes all of these rock types. Lamprophyre dykes and mafic to ultramafic diatremes intrude the volcanic and granitic rocks.
    International Millennium Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of polymetalic mineral properties in Canada and the Americas. To date, the Company has acquired and is exploring mineral properties in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada; Nevada, USA; and Sonora State, Mexico. Emerging mineral targets include silver, gold, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, lead, nickel, copper and platinum group metals.
    John A. Versfelt, President & CEO