Beiträge von Tschonko

    Jaaaa, bei diesen zahlen......, da brauch ich mich wenigstens nicht mehr wundern :D

    Der beginn hört sich ja noch gut an.....aber dann der Rest.....weniger und teurer

    Genco Reports Results for 2007
    Wednesday April 9, 4:26 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 9, 2008) - Genco Resources Ltd. (TSX:GGC - News) today announced results for the financial year ended December 31, 2007. Genco had another successful year reporting an operating profit from its Mexican silver mining operations of $132,618.The following table contains selected highlights from Genco's consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for the financial years ended December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2

    Genco hat doch heut tatsächlich einen weiten spread von 2,21 bis 2,54 gehabt.
    Waren gar nicht so schlecht die 2,2... :D
    Und wirklich gute Umsätze die letzten Tage.

    Zu Genco sollt man vielleicht noch sagen, dass denen das Manko noch immer nachhängt, weil sie jahrelang keine resourcen hatten.
    Aber das ist großteils Schnee von gestern.
    Interessant war auch intraday, dass sie sofort wieder zurückgepfiffen wurde, als sie über 2,5 ging.
    Wenn sie ein PP machen, muss sich das Management auf die Füß stellen.....


    schon gut, wenn man noch was zum Schlachten hat... :D
    Bin da auch am Überlegen.

    Hab begonnen so Charts reinzustellen um nachzuschauen, ob das noch weiter fällt od. schon am aufwärtstrend ist.

    Recht viel tiefer sollte es bei genco nicht mehr gehen als 2,2

    Bei EXN: werden die 1,5 geknackt, geht es dahin. Aufwärtstrend schon da.
    Der gefällt mir irgendwie.....

    Der schönste ist CBE siehe Cabo Thread.

    Und das beste, ich hab null Ahnung von Charts. Schau mir sie halt manchmal gern an und lies halt was..... :D

    AMC.TO schon wieder eine Meldung: da müsste es nun bald auch aufwärts gehen.
    Durchwegs gute meldungen, Startproduktion läuft.

    m.M. vergleichst du Kraut mit Rübern,,,,

    Genco würd ich mit great Panther und Impact vergleichen.
    Kann man natürlich auch mit FR vergleichen, dann rechne aber MC von GGC mal 4.
    EXN hab ich nicht genau im Kopf, aber da haben wir viel zinc u. Kupfer, da wird vielleicht mal AUN ein parameter
    Scorpio mit Sterling
    Orko ist nur Explorer kann man mit Silvermex vergleichen, wobei man hier Silvermex hochrechnen muss....


    könnt schon noch ein bisserl runtergehen, aber hier wird definitiv gespielt.... :D
    Persönlich glaub ich, dass die 2,2 halten sollten

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://bigcharts.marketwatch.c…gs=1&rand=6403&mocktick=1]

    im beitrag zeigt´s mir den chart an, in der Vorschau nimma.....also link, weil speichern auf compu freut mich nicht.
    Andere Möglichkeiten???


    Ich hatte ein Genco abstauberlimit (Nachkauf) drinnen und natürlich niiiicht rausgetan. (war gestern beschäftigt...)
    Heute zu 1,52€ eingelöst. Scheiiißeee!

    Es ist ganz einfach bei Genco:
    Insider kaufen, aber da wird massiv gedrückt, weil da wahrscheinlich ein PP anstehen wird müssen.
    Das selbe Spielchen hatten wir bei FR.TO auch schon, voriges Jahr z.B.

    Hier wird alles klar.
    Share Data April, 2008
    Shares Outstanding: 40,985,272
    Warrants & Options: 7,742,432
    Working Capital: $5,000,000
    Insider Holdings: 8,868,314
    Price April 2: $2.60
    52 Week High/Low: $5.00/$2.02
    Market Cap: $105,000,000

    Adera hat´s super gemacht, Milly fast so gut.....
    Aber das wird schon wieder mit dem gekko......

    Tschonko (bin wieder plan investiert......
    :D )

    bum, bum, bum.....kalashnikov

    Das war gestern Abend das beste Buuumm, bummm, bumm kalashnikov (das ist eine Nummer!), die ich je gehört habe.
    Schon von Bregoric und Kusturicas "No smoking orchestar" live gehört neben Boban und diversen.
    Ein Wahnsinn.
    2 Drittel des Publikums waren Serben oder sonstige Yugos, die natürlich mitsangen.
    Dadurch natürlich die ganzen hadern wie bubemara, mesenica...etc
    Das war eine party.......

    Der 20 jährige Marko, Bobans Sohn ist nun Orkestar Chef.
    Der hat wahrscheinlich das Ziel, der beste trompeter zu werden. Das stört ein bisserl.
    Aber der ist schon sowas von guuuutt.....

    Egal: ich hatte ein Genco abstauberlimit drinnen und natürlich niiiicht rausgetan.
    Heute zu 1,52€ eingelöst. Scheiiißeee!

    Es ist ganz einfach bei Genco:
    Insider kaufen, aber da wird massiv gedrückt, weil da wahrscheinlich ein PP anstehen wird müssen.
    Das selbe Spielchen hatten wir bei FR.TO auch schon, voriges Jahr z.B.

    Hier wird alles klar.
    Share Data April, 2008
    Shares Outstanding: 40,985,272
    Warrants & Options: 7,742,432
    Working Capital: $5,000,000
    Insider Holdings: 8,868,314
    Price April 2: $2.60
    52 Week High/Low: $5.00/$2.02
    Market Cap: $105,000,000

    Seit einiger Zeit hab ich nur noch Saugriffeln, was mir aber durchaus verständlich ist.
    Doppelter Saturn-Neptun.
    Aber da trifft man aber auch oft wirklich exakt Tiefpunkte....
    Aber ich nicht zur Zeit.


    bum, bum, bum.....kalashnikov

    so ähnliche Stimmung , ein 30 sec Ausschnitt

    Aber was hat man schon von einem erzähltem "Wiener Schnitzel"... :D

    guter Beitrag, danke.

    darauf werd ich noch zurückkommen bei "Depotstruktur"

    Schade, dass da niemand auf die "Chartidee" eingeht.
    FR war ja eine Ansage (siehe Samstag)

    AUN ist acch interessant mit der Shafter e Übernahme von SSRI.

    Arian Silver Corporation: Further Bonanza Silver Grades Intersected at San Jose
    Monday April 7, 2:00 am ET

    - 5.8m grading 509 g/t (16.4 opt) silver, 0.86% lead and 1.69% zinc

    - 2.1m grading 1,058 g/t (34 opt) silver, 0.65% lead and 1.17% zinc

    - 2.2m grading 644 g/t (20.7 opt) silver, 0.17% lead and 0.36% zinc

    - Bulk tonnage silver targets and several new vein systems discovered
    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire - April 7, 2008) - Arian Silver Corporation ("Arian" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AGQ - News; AIM:AGQ)(PLUS:AGQ)(FRANKFURT:I3A - News) is pleased to report further excellent results from its Phase-One drilling programme at its San Jose Property in Zacatecas State, Mexico. This 65-hole, 12,000 metre ("m"), programme was completed mid-March and has proved the continuation along strike of the San Jose Vein system between the Solidad and Santa Ana resource areas (see Press Release dated 3 March, 2008 entitled "Initial NI 43-101 Resource Calculation at San Jose"). The programme has also discovered several additional new veins within the San Jose Property.

    ECU und GOG auch wieder. Wieder relativ schwache Gehalte, aber hier zählt die Ausdehnung.

    Wenn bei den Juniors schon Flaute herrscht,
    dann lass ich heut anderswo die Post abgehen.
    Freu mich schon....... :] leider Tonqualität!

    Zum Probieren.... :D…oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=1

    Und als Highlight Boban in GUCA, jedes Jahr Anfang August........


    Scheint noch nicht ganz so weit zu sein......

    He bottom fisher,
    schön, dass es dir gut geht.

    Der artikel ist aber laaaang....., dabei ist es die Kurzversion. :D

    Ich hab noch nichts abgeschrieben. Nur immer schaun, dass ich cashpositiv bin.
    Vom depot her bin ich 20% hinten.
    Wenn ich wenigr blöd wär, wären es nur 10%.....

    Kaufen kann man schon wieder, aber nur die, die schon ein bisserl einen Boden haben,
    und die die 200 er Linie aufrecht angehen oder zumindest waagrecht.

    Bitte beispiele bringen.

    Ich hab mal FR.TO. Da ist es noch nicht ganz soweit, schaut aber schon gut aus.... :D


    sogar sehr gelungewn.
    Sozusagen Erfolgsstory!

    Noch ein Artikel zu New Gold vom 25.3.

    Lassonde und Telfer können nicht anders...... :D
    Aber ruhig wird´s hier nicht zugehen....
    War bei Wheaton River auch kein ruhiges Flüsschen...

    New Gold, Abacus Combine Efforts in Afton-Ajax District

    By Jon A. Nones
    25 Mar 2008 at 04:22 PM

    St. LOUIS ( -- In a proactive approach to a potentially serious problem with overlapping properties, New Gold, Inc. [AMEX:NGD; TSX:NGD] and Abacus Mining and Exploration Corp. [TSX-V:AME] have agreed to cooperate in the Afton-Ajax Cu-Au district in British Columbia. With New Gold’s New Afton mine scheduled to come on-stream as early as 2009 and Abacus’ Ajax pits in 2010, the companies hope to catch more flies with honey.

    On Tuesday, the companies signed two Definitive Agreements, one between New Gold, Abacus and Teck Cominco and the other between New Gold and Abacus, addressing the co-operative development of their respective assets in the Afton-Ajax district. The agreements follow two Letters of Intent signed in Oct. 2007: the first to ensure that both New Gold and Abacus are able to freely develop their own assets in the area of New Gold’s New Afton Project; the second to ensure that any economic mineralization within and surrounding the past producing Ajax pits, is explored, delineated and developed in the most effective manner.

    “New Gold and Abacus own important assets in close proximity within the area of the New Afton mine site,” said Chris Bradbrook, President and CEO of New Gold. “In the long term this will be beneficial to the shareholders of both companies, the community of Kamloops and the long term development of mineralization in the district.”

    Through a transaction with Teck Cominco in 2007, New Gold acquired the surface rights to the land required to develop its New Afton Project, and the water pipeline that previously supplied the Afton open pit mine from Teck Cominco. Abacus, however, purchased the old Afton mill building, the surface rights surrounding that building and the tailings facility from the old Afton open pit mine from Teck in 2005. Some of the land purchased by New Gold from Teck Cominco lies between the old mill and tailings facility.

    According to the three-way agreement, Abacus will maintain the rights of access previously granted by Teck Cominco, as well as shared use of New Gold’s water pipeline, in the event that it develops a new milling operation. The deal provides New Gold with access from the Trans-Canada Highway to its New Afton operations over a small portion of the land that Abacus purchased from Teck Cominco around the old Afton mill building.

    Under the second agreement, Abacus has an option to explore and develop mineralization in the area around Abacus’ Ajax Mineral Claims, which are over a portion of New Gold’s mineral claims surrounding the past producing Ajax pits. Abacus must spend $2.5 million within 2 years and complete a preliminary economic study within 6 months following the 2-year period. If economic mineralization is found, the mine will be developed as a joint venture whereby Abacus would own 60% in the event of an open pit operation, while New Gold would own 60% in an underground operation.

    “These agreements enable us to move aggressively toward development of the Afton-Ajax Project,” said Doug Fulcher, Abacus President and Chief Executive Officer. “Abacus is focused on consolidating the Ajax East and West pits into one large-scale operation with a potential strike length of at least 1.5 kilometres.”

    New Gold’s New Afton underground mine is the more advanced of the two projects. The mine received approval by British Columbia for construction, operation and reclamation in early November 2007. In March, the company received a completed Feasibility Study coordinated by Hatch Ltd. (notably, the same firm to calculate the Galore Creek costs).

    The mine is expected to cost $268 million to develop, with additional life of mine expenditures of $215 million. The company presently has approximately $218 million in cash and cash equivalents plus its short-term investments in ABCP of $153 million.

    The deposit has resources of 1.5 billion pounds of copper and 1.6 million ounces of gold and more than 3 million ounces of silver. Production could potentially start in 2009 at a rate of 11,000 tonnes per day for an initial 12-year mine life, producing an average of 82,000 ounces of gold (max. 100,000 ounces) and 78 million pounds of copper per annum with cash costs of negative $852/oz net of copper and silver credits.

    The study estimates annual cash flow averaging about $110 million with a maximum pre-tax cash flow of more than $120 million per year. The pre-tax net present value at discount rates of 0% and 5% is estimated at $614 million and $266 million, respectively.

    On the other side, Abacus expects to complete a new NI43-101 compliant resource estimate of the Ajax pits by June 2008, a preliminary economic analysis by mid-2008 and a feasibility study by 2009. The feasibility study will examine a 40,000 to 60,000 tonne per day surface mining operation at the project, with potential production planned to start up as early as 2010.

    The Ajax West property has a NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource estimate produced by Beacon Hill Consultants in 1988, which shows 1.18 billion pounds of copper and 1.1 million ounces of gold at a 0.20% Cu cutoff grade. The new resource estimate, however, will encompass recent drill results from both the Ajax West and Ajax East pits.

    In 2004, Abacus announced their first two NI 43-101 compliant resources for the DM/Audra and Rainbow deposits in the Afton area. DM/Audra contains total resources of 283.23 million pounds of copper and 203,186 ounces of gold, while Rainbow hosts 369.5 million pounds of copper and 133,400 ounces of gold at a 0.20% copper cutoff grade.

    Abacus has completed over 75,000 metres of diamond drilling to date in the joint venture area between the previously drilled Ajax West and Ajax East pits. The 2007 drill program will include over 50,000 metres of drilling and will move the project towards a planned 2008 feasibility report. Abacus expects to complete the drilling program by the end of March 2008.

    New Gold stock was last trading up 24 cents at $6.95 on AMEX, while Abacus shares were up 2 cents at 35 Canadian cents on the TSX-Venture Exchange. New Gold has 37 million shares outstanding with a current market cap of $253.4 million, while Abacus has 108 million shares outstanding with a quoted market cap of C$35.6 million.

    Hallo Lucky,
    erleichtert vielleicht das Anschauen.

    Artikel von
    man muss sich registrieren lassen. Ähnlich schmerzlos wie beim Augenarzt.... :thumbup:

    Alles recht mit der Tiefe, wird halt teurer.
    Ideal open pit und Untergrund.
    Und bei great panther muss man halt bedenken, dass sie relativ kleine Mill haben und auch gar keine viel größere hinstellen brauchen, weil es nicht viel bringt. Ähnlich wie bei Impact.
    Da tanzen auch bald Zahlen an. Bin gespannt.


    Great Panther Leaps Forward: This Year Promises Increased Production And More Silver Ounces In The Ground

    By Alastair Ford

    It’s a funny old business mining silver. Robert Archer, chief executive of Great Panther Resources, is somewhat bemused that as a producer sitting on top of 22.3 million indicated ounces on just one of several properties in the portfolio, his company is valued at less than others with no production to their names, who boast no more than inferred ounces. But then Mexico is a funny old place to mine. As Mr Archer says, it’s one of the most prospected countries in the world. So much of the ground has been walked, and so much of the surface has been scratched by historic and artisanal work, but as far as detailed exploration goes, activity has been a lot more limited. “The Spaniards didn’t have any diamond drills”, Mr Archer explains, “they would sink a shaft until they hit a vein, and then they’d follow it. In the twentieth century the co-operatives continued to do that. They never needed to do exploration”.
    Still there are some well-worked areas. Great Panther’s Rayas property, part of its larger holding across the Guanajuato mine complex in central Mexico, boasts what’s probably the largest diameter shaft in the world. No-one’s quite sure exactly how to verify this – a quick reference to the Guiness Book of Records proves unenlightening – but at first pass it looks more like a medieval crusader castle than a mineshaft. The ounces in the ground underneath might be fairly substantial too. Historically a billion - yes a billion – have already come out of Guanajuato, but Mr Archer reckons the property still holds the potential to yield up half a billion more. There’s plenty of work still to be done before that can be treated as a statement of fact rather than aspiration, of course, and Mr Archer makes no bones about it. “No one should be expecting us to drill this off in any short time”. For a start the likely mineralized area is over 4 kilometres long. The illustration of a football field to scale at the top right hand corner of the company’s schematics is actually rather lost in the comparative vastness of the overall property, which boasts a network of old shafts and workings right across it.

    The initial focus for Great Panther will be deep drilling in the central block. That will immediately add ounces, reckons Mr Archer. What’s more new hirings have turned around what had been a slightly stuttering producing operation, such that in the year to December 2007, production from Guanajuato rose by over 350 per cent to over 710,000 silver equivalent ounces. This year, with a fair wind, it should hit 1.1 million ounces. At US$13.95 per ounce, net of byproducts, costs are fairly high, and the operation did in fact miss the company’s own targets, perhaps in some part explaining why Great Panther’s valuation isn’t all that Mr Archer thinks it should be.

    But across the company, the current quarter, he says, will be a record. Slap bang in the middle of the Sierra Madre, at the other producing asset, Topia, the company produced just under 630,000 silver equivalent ounces, at the much more reasonable cost of US$6.21 net. That should rise this year to 650,000 ounces, on a throughput rate of around 170 tonnes per day. And in the background, but moving ever closer to the fore is that aforementioned indicated resource of 22.3 million ounces. That’s derived from ongoing work on Great Panther’s third key asset, Mapimi which sits astride a main highway, and within hiking distance of a Penoles smelter. At the moment production is still some way off from Mapimi, but an in-house scoping study is underway, and the property continues to present attractive-looking anomalies so we’re a long yet from know the true extent of any possible economic mineralization. At some stage Great Panther will have to decide when to start progressing it towards production, but at the moment, with ounces coming out of the ground and cash flowing in, there’s plenty of time in which to make a considered decision.

    Tom Szabo mit einer Replik zu U.S Silver.
    Sterling Mining kommt auch vor..... :D

    Okay, enough BS, I'm going to discuss a silver stock today that I think may offer an unusual opportunity regardless of where silver prices are headed in the next 6 months. It is a stock I've mentioned before but I don't recall if I've ever discussed it as an investment opportunity. That, however, is exactly what I am going to do now. U.S. Silver is a relatively new company that acquired the Silver Valley projects of Coeur d'Alene Mines in mid-2006 for about $15 million in cash. These projects consist of the Galena, Coeur and Caladay Mines as well as surrounding exploration territory, which U.S. Silver has been steadily expanding.

    Before going further, I will mention the main negatives about U.S. Silver, and those are the share structure and dependence on recruitment and retention of skilled miners in order to meet production forecasts.

    The company has 250 million shares on a fully diluted basis, which is a very high number and is probably the result of management relying too much on investment banks. This slew of shares includes a substantial number that will become free trading over the next few months as well as tens of millions of shares that will likely be sold into a rising share price. My strategy for U.S. Silver includes a possible solution to dealing with this share overhang.

    The lack of skilled miners isn't unique to U.S. Silver, but it is particularly acute when it comes to underground, deep shaft stope mining as practiced in the Silver Valley of Idaho. New demands on the labor supply won't disappear soon, either, because local, regional and international mining operations keep expanding. For example, the neighboring Sunshine Mine just went back into production last December. While it may be true that U.S. Silver has been struggling with this problem for the last two years and will continue to struggle with it for the foreseeable future, the possibility that an upper hand has been gained is precisely why I am discussing the company now. Specifically, U.S. Silver has instituted an employee bonus pool tied to profits, which appear to be right around the corner. Miners are a fickle bunch but very practical when it comes to financial matters, so the prospects of working at a profitable mine for a lot of money is often the best recruiter.

    U.S. Silver currently trades around 60 cents Canadian (it was as high as $1.50 last May) for a fully diluted market cap of $150 million at present. The low share price is probably deserved based on production problems and shortfalls due to the aforementioned labor shortage as well as the need to bring the mine infrastructure up to spec.

    Buying shares in U.S. Silver is a turnaround play like Gammon Gold (which just reported a disappointing update to its production outlook and mineral resources, and as a result, the stock has fallen back into a sell zone) and therefore is quite risky in that a turnaround may not materialize, or it may be delayed. Be that as it may, the 60 cent share price offers an attractive entry point assuming a 6 month hold. If the share price reaches $1.20 within 6 months (approx. 100% return), I will take profits (selling at least 50% of the position) because there is likely to be a pullback from that level as a large amount of private placement shares are sold into the market. Once a pullback is completed, there may be another opportunity to buy as long as the 6 month window has not closed.

    Why the 6 month window? Well, that is the timeframe I believe should reasonably be required to demonstrate whether or not management's most recent production goals for 2008 can be achieved. If yes, the share price should easily double. If no, the share price is likely to wallow at current levels and perhaps even somewhat lower (this is where the risk comes into play).

    The above is not a recommendation to buy or sell U.S. Silver or any other stock. It merely lays out a strategy that I plan to utilize in my personal trading/investing/speculating. Specifically, I am buying U.S. Silver in the next few days and will hold the shares until the earliest of: (1) September 30, 2008, (2) share price reaches $1.20, or (3) turnaround plan has floundered. Nobody gave me this idea and I'm gaining nothing from sharing it other than the discipline that comes with public disclosure. I may or may not update what happens to this trade but I will mention if I change something. If you do something similar to this, please be aware of the significant risks that accompany a strategy where the goal is a 100% return within 6 months.

    La Parilla wird immer größer, eine sehr gute Meldung, da kommt noch mehr.

    Aurcana wird primary silver producer.......

    Aurcana Acquires Near Term Silver Production Project
    Thursday April 3, 6:00 am ET

    Company Set To Become Primary Silver Producer
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 3, 2008) - Aurcana Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AUN - News; "Aurcana" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has agreed to acquire a 100% interest in the Shafter Silver Mine ("Shafter") from Silver Standard Resources Inc. ("Silver Standard"). Shafter is located in southwest Texas and is fully accessible via paved highway from El Paso, Texas. Shafter has an estimated measured and indicated resource of 21,000,000 ounces of silver and an inferred resource of 20,200,000 ounces of silver. This estimate is based on a previously prepared technical report for Silver Standard by Pincock Allen and Holt on the Shafter Silver Mine dated April 10, 2001 and filed on SEDAR June 3, 2002. A copy of the report is available on SEDAR ( under Silver Standard's profile. Details of the estimated resource are shown in the table below:
    Estimated Contained
    Resources Tons Silver oz./ton Silver Ounces
    Measured 658,000 9.89 6,500,000
    Indicated 1,427,000 10.14 14,500,000
    Measured & Indicated 2,085,000 10.06 21,000,000

    Inferred 1,572,000 12.83 20,200,000

    The Company plans to commission a NI 43-101 compliant technical report to confirm the resource estimate.
    Shafter's past production history spanned the period from 1883 to 1942 when the mine was closed by the War Act. Total production during that period was 2.306 million tons of ore containing 35.153 million ounces of silver at an average grade of 15.24 ounces of silver per ton.
    All necessary infrastructure is in place at Shafter with a major power line and paved highway crossing the property, an electrical sub-station on site, a 320 metre shaft serviced by a 80 ton per hour hoist, 1,555 metres of underground development and an 800 ton per day conventional mill that was moved to Shafter in 2003.
    Aurcana will use the expertise and experience of its operating team, which successfully refurbished and restarted the La Negra mine in 13 months, to assemble the mill and re-start the mine at Shafter. The Company estimates that the Shafter mine could be in production in just over 15 months.
    "Acquiring the Shafter Silver Mine from Silver Standard Resources has significantly accelerated Aurcana's commitment to become an emerging silver producer," states Ken Booth, President of Aurcana. "We will now focus on identifying additional high quality silver assets."
    The acquisition terms require Aurcana to pay Silver Standard $23 million in cash; 15 million Aurcana common shares; and a $10 million convertible debenture paying a 3% coupon with a three year term and convertible into 6.62 million Aurcana common shares at $1.51 per share. Total consideration based on Aurcana's closing price of $0.64 on April 1, 2008 is $42.6 million. The acquisition is subject to the signing of a definitive agreement and a closing on or before June 30, 2008. The acquisition is subject to certain conditions including acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange.
    About Aurcana Corporation:
    Aurcana Corporation is a Canadian mining company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, symbol AUN. The 80% owned La Negra silver-lead-zinc-copper mine in Queretaro State, Mexico operates at 1,000 tonnes per day. The 100% owned Rosario silver-lead-zinc-gold mine in Sinaloa State, Mexico is advancing to commence production at a planned rate of 800 tonnes per day in 2009. The reader should be cautioned the Company has not completed feasibility studies confirming the projected production capacity for La Negra and Rosario or the feasibility of the Shafter Mine and there is no certainty the Company's plans will be economically viable. The Company is currently carrying out aggressive exploration programs at La Negra and Rosario in order to increase historical reserves and resources and with success this could lead directly to expansion of production.
    Ron Nichols, P.Eng. a Director and Vice President of Exploration for Aurcana, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this release.
    Ken Booth, President

    wo kann man denn Beiträge bearbeiten?
    Mich haut´s immer wieder raus und muss mich neu anmelden. Das war die Ursache, dass ich nicht bearbeiten konnte...
    Geht schon wieder.
    Aber das raushauen??

    Zusatz zwyss:
    die ganzen Minenarbeiten, Aufrüstungen werden immer teurer.
    Aber so wie du das darstellst, scheint es ja nicht zu sein.
    assets 14 mille. Das ist Vermögen.
    Verlust machen sie schon, aber nicht deine zahlen, so weit ich das gesehen habe.


    Hallo zwyss,
    mich wundert das gar nicht.....mehr.
    Schau dir die zahlen von Gammon Gold an.

    For the three-month period ended December 31, 2007 the Company reported sales of $39,699,932 compared to $34,381,498 for the same period in 2006. Net loss for the quarter was $20,728,989 or $0.19 per share compared to $3,291,590 or $0.04 per share for the same period in 2006.

    For the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2007 the Company reported sales of $152,058,628 compared to $64,235,896 for the same period in 2006. Net loss for the period was $101,313,968 or $0.90 per share compared to $25,308,401 or $0.29 per share for the same period in 2006.......

    Hab die übrigens verkauft, weil ich geld brauchte.
    Die schlechten News sollten jetzt zu 100% heraußen sein.

    Oder heute Sterling:
    Ist zwar kein guter vergleich, weil sie noch nicht viel produzieren.

    Wir haben einfach einen total beschissenen Markt zur Zeit...... :P

    Bandera versus Barnett lawsuit:
    Also ganz blick ich da nach Überflug noch nicht durch.....

    Sehr erfreulich, dass Yale/Exmin endlich Urique drillen......das freut mich sehr

    Ebenso beginnt Kimber auf monterde:…res_drill_montr.html?.v=1


    Bin da auch seit gestern dabei, in den fallenden Markt hineien....

    Neo-Wheaton Rebirth Clearer as Old Hands Merge Peak, Metallica & New Gold

    By Tim Wood
    31 Mar 2008 at 01:43 PM GMT-04:00

    St. LOUIS ( -- Today’s $1.3 billion all-stock merger of New Gold [AMEX:NGD; TSX:NGD] with Peak Gold [TSX-V:PIK] and Metallica Resources [AMEX:MRB; TSX:MR] presents a familiar scenario for natural resource investors. The most powerful mining capitalists in North America are assembling a metal operation using much the same model as Wheaton River Minerals. Wheaton emerged from the industry backwaters to become the effective controlling interest in Goldcorp, a company today worth almost $30 billion.

    The New Gold brand is being retained in a deal that sees stockholders receiving one tenth of a New Gold share for each Peak share they own, and nine-tenths of a New Gold share for every Metallica share owned.

    According to a statement the new company is projecting gold production of 297,000 ounces of gold this year and 335,000 ounces in 2008 from operations in Australia, Brazil and Mexico. As with Wheaton, copper and silver by-product revenues will keep reported costs extremely low; at just $340/oz of gold according to the companies. The new company boasts an adequate mine life of around 10 years thanks to reserves of 3.2 million ounces of gold 65.3 million ounces of silver, and 986 million pounds of copper.

    Little surprise then that the stock prices for all three entities increased as the market digests a board comprised of Clifford Davis, Robert Gallagher, Pierre Lassonde, Craig Nelsen, Paul Sweeney and Ian Telfer.

    Lassonde and Telfer are the hinges here, just as they were with Wheaton. In the climate of the current credit crisis, their connections to mining’s financing aristocracy are especially valuable. Ironically, it may have been New Gold’s disastrous flirtation with collateralized debt obligations that opened the door more fully for the current deal.

    New Gold had to impair $50.1 million last year on failed investments in non-bank sponsored asset backed commercial paper.

    Take careful note of the involvement of Endeavour Financial and GMP Securities. Both firms were critical to Wheaton’s ability to funnel vast amounts of premium scrip to the institutional and retail markets. In an era when it is more difficult to raise competitive financing, an arterial connection to Canada’s money machine is imperative.

    Of course, the Wheaton team’s read of market sentiment was the foundation for all that jobbing: 1) that metal prices would continue to rise strongly; 2) that investors would pay a premium for companies able to achieve large percentage increases in output; 3) that paying takeover multiples frightening to competitors was not an impediment to future deals or stock ratings; 4) that investors could be promoted on a “gold company” that included base and other metals in its assets; 5) that low unit costs were an important psychological component of the story; 6) that exotic destinations and assets needed to be avoided; 7) that competent managers and operators wouldn’t have to fear being on the wrong side of a takeover.

    It’s notable that the deal does not offer Metallica and Peak shareholders the sort of premiums that have become de rigueur lately – the +30 percentage points that have had investors salivating about takeover wars. Metallica stockholders get just 13% more than Friday’s closing price and Peak’s shareholders get 15% more.

    Investors must be wary of assuming New Gold is Wheaton II on autopilot. That experience is unlikely to ever be repeated, and we would argue that the signal booster on Wheaton’s share price was the cash flow from its share in the Alumbrera operation. In 2003 it paid a hindsight’s pittance for one quarter of Rio Tinto’s [NYSE:RTP; LSE:RIO] share in Bajo de la Alumbrera. When copper prices starting multiplying a short time after the deal closed, Wheaton had the firepower to act more aggressively, and attract higher stock ratings.

    There is no obvious equivalent asset in the mix for New Gold. However, the dearth of significant new metal discoveries, and diminishing pool of companies available for resource investors to participate in, means New Gold will attract a takeover / merger premium

    Tut sich ja einiges heute:

    Super Merger: Peak gold, metallica und New Gold.
    Sehr gut für den ganzen Bereich.

    Gammon Gold und Newmac:

    72 Meter 0,4 Moly

    Gammon mit Zahlen:
    Inzwischen wieder gehandelt.

    Gammon Gold Announces Fourth Quarter & Year End 2007 Financial Results
    Monday March 31, 10:00 am ET

    HALIFAX, March 31 /PRNewswire/ - Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon Gold") (TSX:GAM and AMEX:GRS) announces fourth quarter and year end financial results for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2007.

    For the three-month period ended December 31, 2007 the Company reported sales of $39,699,932 compared to $34,381,498 for the same period in 2006. Net loss for the quarter was $20,728,989 or $0.19 per share compared to $3,291,590 or $0.04 per share for the same period in 2006.

    For the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2007 the Company reported sales of $152,058,628 compared to $64,235,896 for the same period in 2006. Net loss for the period was $101,313,968 or $0.90 per share compared to $25,308,401 or $0.29 per share for the same period in 2006.......

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