Beiträge von Tschonko

    Hallo Lucky,
    na dann prost.
    Das hast dir verdient. Danke.
    Dass du Bergsteiger bist, hab ich gar nicht gewusst.... :D

    Straits: da sind die Beteiligungen auch interessant,
    man muss sich die beteiligten Personen anschauen.

    SMT Scharf: die hab ich in silver comp. mal vorgestellt.

    Die SMT Scharf Gruppe entwickelt, baut und wartet entgleisungssichere Bahnsysteme für den Bergbau und den Einsatz in Tunneln. Die Bahnen werden weltweit vor allem in Steinkohlebergwerken, in Goldminen sowie beim Abbau von Platin, Diamanten, Kupfer und Nickel unter Tage eingesetzt. Sie transportieren dort Material und Personal bis zu einer Nutzlast von 35t. Entgleisungssichere Bahnen sind die einzigen, mit denen untertägig in verzweigten Strecken Steigungen von mehr als 13 Grad bewältigt werden können. Die SMT Scharf Gruppe verfügt über eigene Gesellschaften in Deutschland, Polen, Südafrika und China, externe Mitarbeiter in Russland sowie weltweite Handelsvertretungen. Die von SMT Scharf entwickelten Bahnen zeichnen sich vor allem durch leistungsstarke Motoren, große erreichbare Transportleistungen sowie geringe Betriebs- und Wartungskosten aus. Mehr als 70% der Umsätze erzielt SMT Scharf in den rasch wachsenden Auslandsmärkten, wie beispielsweise Russland, China und Südafrika. Das Ersatzteil- und Reparaturgeschäft trägt rund 50% zum Umsatz bei. Durch die fortschreitende Ausbeutung von Lagerstätten werden wegen zunehmend schwieriger Verhältnisse hochtechnologische Transportlösungen im Bergbau benötigt. Der Markt für die gesamte untertägige Transporttechnik umfasst nach Unternehmensschätzungen 5 Mrd. bis 7 Mrd. EUR pro Jahr. Die SMT Scharf AG ist seit dem 11. April 2007 im Prime Standard (regulierter Markt) der Frankfurter.

    kennst die
    Schaut mir relativ günstig aus.
    Übrigens hab ich auch schon eine Affn Quelle... :D


    Den link hab ich auf smartinvest gefunden.

    Due diligence tours through the mining Industry

    * Dia Bras Exploration
    * Mexoro Minerals LTD
    * Paramount Gold & Silver
    * West Timmins Mining
    * Yale Resources

    Auf w..o wird die Paramount Aussetzunge mit den Geschichten, wie es dazu kam, behandelt, und zwar plausibel.

    Auch die vohergehende Seite des Links:


    so ganz unrecht dürft er nicht haben, der Sinclair.

    Bei Gammon ist auch der Zeitpunkt der Klage verdächtig.
    Scheint mir auch gesteuert.
    Die Klage im Herbst von Midas kann ich nachvollziehen.
    Aber alles nicht sooo wild...........

    Ein Artikel, der belegt, wie es derzeit läuft.
    Denen, denen schon was komisch vorkommt, die gehen in die großen Minen und gestandene mid tiers.
    Für Juniors (kleine Produzenten und die, die soeben anfangen zu produzieren, heißt es: "Geh, stellt´s euch hinten an"
    Fazit: biiiiittteee warten...... :D
    Und das neeervttt.............. :baby:

    Zu CDE: hab schon im Herbst g´sagt, um und knapp unter 4 ein Kauf.
    Aber da gibt´s jetzt noch mehr shares.
    Ist aber egal, weil dort das Geld mal hinwandert.

    Silver: The Last Great Thing - For Now
    posted on: March 02, 2008 | about stocks: CDE / DBS / SLV

    Silver, the most volatile substance on Earth aside from volcanos, is about to go parabolic. We've seen some nice gains so far, but silver is always the last horse out of the gate and it's always on steroids. Gold will continue to rise in US Dollar terms because it's the best barometer we have concerning credit/monetary inflation. Silver, however, is where the money will be made in March and April.

    Silver has much to recommend it long term - several critical tech applications - and it remains one of the very few affordable hedges against inflation that we'll most certainly face for several years. But it is the short term you need to consider, in part because we are in an investment environment that is demanding and immediate on both the attention and reaction scale.

    The two best, and simplest, ways to play silver are through an ETF and a silver developer and current producer. Physical silver is bulky, the markup is too great, and the resale is always - I repeat ALWAYS - marked below spot.

    The ETF(s) are PowerShares DB Silver Fund (DBS) and iShares Silver Trust (SLV).

    Each has something to recommend it, but either provides the practical investor with two advantages:

    1. Either can be traded in seconds from any equity account.

    2. Either charges a nominal management fee - much less than you would experience in either the physical buying or selling of silver.

    The only - and by far the best - equity I'd suggest is Coeur D'Alene (CDE). It has the best of both worlds, a current productive capacity that is increasing in value as silver increases and development properties that are very near actual production. My minimum take on CDE's Net Asset Value [NAV] is $7.00 - and that is conservative.

    Guter Artikel zu Minefinders:…r-production?source=yahoo

    GENCO goes UTAH..... :D

    Genco Makes Strategic Investment in Two Silver-Gold Mines
    Friday March 14, 2:22 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 14, 2008 -- Genco Resources Ltd., (Toronto:GGC.TO - News) announced today it has made a strategic investment in the ownership of two formerly producing silver-gold mines, Burgin Mine and Trixie Mine, and a concentrator plant, in Utah owned by Chief Consolidated Mining Company.

    Brian Mountford, P. Eng., a director of Andover Ventures Inc. (CDNX:AOX.V - News) and an independent mining consultant, has been involved in the assessment of Chief's assets for over the past two years. It is intended that Chief will continue to rely on his knowledge and experience with these assets. Mr. Mountford has advised Genco that, "I believe this is an outstanding group of properties with high grade mineralization and large scale targets. I am looking forward to being involved on a 'hands on' basis with these assets as they are developed."

    Terms of the Acquisition

    Genco's acquisition was made through the purchase of approximately 65% of the outstanding shares of Chief, a US publicly traded company based in Eureka, Utah incorporated in 1909, from Chief's largest shareholder, Dimeling, Schreiber & Park Reorganization Fund II, L.P. pf Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for a purchase price of approximately USD ($) 4.9 million.

    On closing, Genco's Chairman, Robert C. Gardner, was appointed to Chief's board of directors. As soon as the requisite US securities filings are made by Chief, it is intended that Genco will appoint a further two directors to Chief's Board. Chief's existing President, Richard R. Schreiber will remain as President and a director of Chief as will Steven G. Park. A third director resigned to make room for the appointment of Mr. Gardner.

    Plans for Chief's Assets

    Genco has entered into negotiations with Andover for the sale of all or part of its investment in Chief and its assets. Any agreement will be reached through the negotiations of independent board committees. It is contemplated that the transaction will involve the issuance of shares of Andover and a silver production royalty over all of Andover's properties, including its Sun polymetallic property in Alaska, with Genco having back-in rights and rights of first refusal over the properties and a pre-emptive right to maintain its pro rata share ownership.

    Chief's Assets

    In its filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Chief has disclosed the following.


    Chief owns or controls approximately 16,000 acres of mining land in Utah and Juab counties in Utah. These properties include

    - the Burgin Mine, whose mining rights are held by Chief's 75% owned subsidiary Tintic Utah Metals, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, and

    - the Trixie Mine, held by Chief's 100% owned subsidiary Chief Gold Mines, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

    Of these 16,000 acres, approximately 6,000 acres are subject to being sold, as discussed below, pursuant to a Consent Decree with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Neither mine is currently in production but are subject to development efforts as further described below.

    Tintic Utah (75% owned subsidiary)

    Tintic Utah was organized in 1996 under the Colorado Limited Liability Company Act as a joint venture for the development of properties that Chief contributed to Tintic Utah.

    Pursuant to the terms of the Operating Agreement for the joint venture, Chief holds a 75% interest and Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. holds a 25% interest. Management of Tintic Utah is controlled by them through a Management Committee. Each member has a voting representative on the Committee and voting is in proportion to each member's respective membership percentage interest. A majority vote is required to approve a program and budget that describes the exploration, development, mining and other operational activities of Tintic Utah. As such, Chief will be able to determine the decisions of the Management Committee because it holds a majority of the percentage interests. However, the approval of a production program and budget for the development, rehabilitation and construction to bring the Burgin Mine back into production requires the affirmative vote of both Chief and Korea Zinc.

    Burgin Mine

    The Burgin Mine, located in the East Tintic Mining District of Utah, is owned by Tintic Utah.

    The Burgin Mine had previously been leased by Chief to Kennecott Corporation. It developed various mining shafts and other capital improvements previously on the properties, including underground access by means of the Apex Number 2 Shaft. After the Burgin Mine was removed from the Unit Lease in 1978, Chief leased the Burgin Mine to the Sunshine Mining Company in 1980. Sunshine rehabilitated the Apex Shaft, together with the connecting drifts and drill stations, at a cost of approximately $6 million. The Burgin Mine was returned to Chief in 1992.

    The Burgin Mine is not currently in production. Chief cannot proceed with production at the mine unless it can dewater the mine.

    Chief has applied for permission, as described further below, to appropriate water from the Burgin Mine and this application is currently pending before the Utah State Engineer. If the Utah State Engineer approves Chief's application, it may then begin construction of a water treatment facility to be used as the means for disposing of the water pumped from the lower levels of the Mine, enabling Chief to proceed with development and production programs. Although there were objections to Chief's application, it has been in negotiations regarding the terms of an agreement with the main objectors. The Utah State Engineer will issue a decision on the application and Chief would have the right to appeal any adverse decision to a court. Chief is unable to predict whether an agreement with the objectors will be signed or when the Utah State Engineer will render his decision.


    Tintic Utah also holds the rights to the concentrating mill (sometimes referred to as the concentrator). The concentrating mill was built by Kennecott when it was mining from the Burgin Mine under its lease.

    The concentrator, approximately 24,000 square feet in size, was built to process up to 1,200 tons of lead and zinc ore per day. Tintic Utah rehabilitated the concentrator over a several year period to include a precious metals (gold and silver) flow sheet. The total cost of the renovation was approximately USD ($) 1,900,000.

    Chief Gold (100% owned subsidiary)

    Chief Gold was formed to enter into a transaction with South Standard Mining Company and to hold certain of Chief's mining property in the East Tintic District of Utah. As a result of the merger of South Standard into Chief Gold in 1996, Chief Gold owns 2,200 acres of patented mining properties located in the East Tintic District of Utah, including the Trixie Mine.

    Trixie Mine

    The Trixie Mine is located 1.5 miles from Tintic Utah's concentrating mill.

    Chief began mining ore from the Trixie Mine in 2001, and began processing ore at the concentrating mill in January 2002. In March 2002, Chief encountered unstable mining conditions in the Trixie Mine and suspended mining and processing operations. Due to past safety conditions at the Trixie Mine, Chief is not currently operating the mine.

    EPA Settlement

    During 2001, the EPA placed Eureka Mills Superfund Site on the 'National Priorities List'. According to the EPA, samples indicate that, approximately 150 acres of soil in the Town of Eureka, Utah, the location of Chief's principal executive offices and operations, were contaminated with lead and, to a lesser extent, arsenic.

    In February 2005, Chief agreed to a judgment and Consent Decree against it by the EPA in the amount of $60 million which will remain in effect until it has complied with all the requirements thereof. However, as explained below, such judgement will be satisfied by Chief complying with its material obligations under the Decree, namely:

    - providing an annual report to the EPA each year for five years listing all insurance claims, the actions it is taking to recover the amounts and any recovery obtained until all such claims are exhausted;

    - using its best efforts to sell its property, other than any geologically prospective properties and the Burgin and Trixie Mines, and upon the sale of any such property, paying to the EPA 100% of the net sales proceeds up to $350,000 and 50% thereafter;

    - paying the EPA 15% of Chief's net income in excess of $2 million during any calendar year until February 2010; and

    - paying the EPA 15% of any proceeds in excess of $2 million from a sale of Chief or all or substantially all of its assets.

    Temascaltepec Mining Complex Operations

    Genco remains focused on the development and exploitation of its Temascaltepec Mining Complex and producing mines at La Guitarra in the State of Mexico, Mexico. These new assets are not expected to distract from the core values or corporate mission of Genco and its management but rather are expected to enhance Genco's prospect of near term production and add silver ounces to its portfolio.

    Genco is a primary silver producer in Mexico, whose core assets are multiple mining sites, including La Guitarra Mine located in its wholly-owned Temascaltepec Mining District of central Mexico.


    Paramount handelt in Canada, aber nicht in USA und D (SEC!!)

    Gammon hat schon wieder eine klage am Hals.
    Die vom Herbst ist auch noch nicht bereinigt..…in-lawsuit?source=i_email
    Gammon Gold Named in Lawsuit
    posted on: March 14, 2008 | about stocks: GRS

    After making gains on the strength of $1000 gold prices on Thursday, Gammon Gold Inc. (GRS) shares were down 9% in early trading on Friday morning. On Thursday night, the company that it has been named as a defendant in a statement of claim.

    According to Gammon, the plaintiff alleges that Gammon's 2007 prospectus contained misstatements with respect to production run rates and the adequacy of Gammon's internal controls. The plaintiff also alleges inappropriate option granting and is seeking an order certifying the action as a class proceeding and C$80-million in damages.

    Gammon Gold said the allegations are without merit.

    Rene Marion, CEO of Gammon Gold stated:

    The company has brought a motion asking the court to dismiss that claim as groundless and lacking merit and is awaiting a hearing on that issue. The company denies the plaintiff's allegations that it misled investors with respect to production run rates and considers the allegations in this claim to be without merit and intends to vigorously defend its position.

    Kimber wieder 11%.
    Erholt sich gut.

    weiß wenig über Paramount, aber fake sind die nicht.
    Ist was für Samariter Eldo, der liebt die Siechen und Gebrechlichen.... :D

    Reagiert haben sie auch:

    Formation hat das Wasserrecht überwunden. Wichtig!
    Auch interessant, wie sie arbeiten wollen.
    Weiterer großer Schritt für Idaho....

    Formation Capital Receives Water Right Permit for Idaho Cobalt Project
    Thursday March 13, 12:07 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 13, 2008) - Formation Capital Corporation (TSX:FCO - News) announced today its wholly owned subsidiary, Formation Capital Corporation, U.S. ("the Company") located in Salmon, Idaho, has received a Water Right Permit from the Department of Water Resources of the State of Idaho for its proposed 100% owned Idaho Cobalt Project. The Company is very pleased with this latest advancement as it represents a significant development in the overall permitting process for the project.

    The permit will allow the Company to appropriate water from the Ram deposit which will be used in the milling process. Specifically, it allows the Company to pump water from the Ram deposit to the mill site, where it will be used in the milling and froth flotation circuits to produce a cobalt / copper concentrate. The concentrate will then be shipped to the Company's 100% owned Big Creek Hydrometallurgical facility, located in northern Idaho, for processing into high purity end product cobalt and copper metals.

    Engineering studies indicate the amount of water that will be pumped from the Ram workings will be more than adequate to satisfy the milling and concentrating requirements. In addition, the permit allows for the appropriation of water from the Sunshine Deposit, which is currently not considered in the Bankable Feasibility Study, as well as two locations on the Big Flat area where the millsite and other ancillary facilities will be located. Unused water will be treated and discharged in accordance with all state and federal water quality standards to will ensure no measurable impact to surface waters.

    "The issuance of this permit is a welcome move that demonstrates clear progress in the permitting of the project," said Mari-Ann Green, Chairman and CEO of Formation Capital Corporation. "As the first of the permits needed to open the Idaho Cobalt Project, this is a significant milestone. We are working hard to see the remaining permits issued in time to begin mine construction this coming season."

    Formation Capital Corporation is dedicated to the principles of environmentally sound mining and refining practices, and believes that environmental stewardship and mining can co-exist. The Company trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO.

    Formation Capital Corporation

    Mari-Ann Green, C.E.O.

    Der petaquilla drill ist ja nicht hoch genug einzuschätzen.
    Wird Folgeaufträge geben, nehm ich an.

    Bei Yahoo noch nicht als Meldung.
    Drilling für Spider und Freewest in Mc Faulds (Noront!)

    Halt ich auch für sehr ausssichtsreich.
    Immerhin über 2 Mille der Auftrag.
    Mar 11, 2008 10:45 ET
    Spider, KWG and Freewest Commence Drilling on Freewest Option Property McFauld's Lake Area, Northern Ontario

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 11, 2008) - Spider Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SPQ) "Spider" and KWG Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KWG) "KWG" and Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FWR) "Freewest" are pleased to announce the startup of a diamond drilling program on their jointly owned Freewest Option property (the "Property"), located approximately 15 kilometers southwest of the McFaulds Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") occurrences of Spider and KWG and approximately 3.6 kilometers northeast of Noront Resources Ltd.'s Eagle One Magmatic Massive Sulphide ("MMS") discovery in the James Bay Lowlands region of Northern Ontario. This diamond drilling program will initially be focussed near and around a previously discovered chrome-nickel-platinum group element occurrence in peridotite that has many similarities to the new discovery (Eagle Two) of Noronto Resources. Billiken Management Services Inc. has been retained to complete the field program under the onsite supervision of Dr. Howard Lahti, Billiken also advises that a diamond drill contract with Cabo Drilling Corp., has recently been awarded the diamond drill contract. The approved budget for the program is $2.4 million, to cost of which will be shared 50:50 between Spider and KWG.

    Nine separate SW-NE trending magnetically and electromagnetically rendered anomalies have been identified within the limits of the property, as described within an Interim report prepared by Scott Hogg and Associates of Toronto Ontario previously announced on February 22, 2008, most of which warrant additional follow-up. Of the nine conductors identified, six have been interpreted as having a NW dip, one has a near vertical dip and the other two are broader in nature. The latter two may be attributable to surface conductivity although there is some coincidence with magnetic patterns reflective of the underlying bedrock geology, so bedrock source for the conductance cannot be ruled out. Line-cutting has been completed over the entire property, ground geophysical surveying including magnetic, electromagnetic (VLF) and MaxMin electromagnetics is underway and completed on the western portion of the property in the vicinity of the initial drill sites, results of which will be used to plan additional drilling.

    Previous exploration work on the property included a diamond drill program resulting in the discovery of a layered chromitite bearing, nickel and platinum group element (PGE) enriched peridotite. A previous press release dated February 4, 2008 describes the analytical results. This chrome-PGE-nickel discovery was the first of its kind in the McFauld's Lake area of the Sachigo Greenstone Belt. The host peridotite contains variable amounts of magnetite as disseminations and seams and elicits a strong magnetic signature. The magnetic high has dimensions of 400 metres by 400 metres and due to both the dimensions, and the peridoitite setting similarity to Noront Resources Ltd's Eagle One MMS discovery located 3.6 km to the SE, as well as the newly discovered Eagle Two MMS occurrence, (located 2 km to the SE of Eagle One that also contains chromitite layering; this occurrence has become a very attractive exploration target for additional work directed at chrome-PGE-nickel mineralization. The initial focus of the drilling program will be to further investigate this Cr-PGE-Ni occurrence.

    The terms of the agreement with Freewest are disclosed in earlier press releases (see press release December 19, 2005, as well press release dated February 4, 2008). As stated earlier the initial field crew arrived on site in late January and commenced re-identification of the claim boundaries prior to starting a detail line-cutting program. A property wide grid with 200 meter line spacing is currently being established, initially focussing on the western portion of the property covering the peridotite in the vicinity of 2006 drill hole FW-06-03, where the grid will be detailed at 100 meter spaced lines. Line-cutting has progressed over this area and the geophysical operators will soon be starting the ground surveys that will include horizontal loop electromagnetic (HLEM), along with Magnetic and VLF electromagnetic ground surveying. Drilling is still scheduled to start during February, assuming all goes well with the geophysical surveying. The initial holes will test the layered peridotite and explore this exciting occurrence for its MMS potential. Interim maps produced from the recent Aerotem2 airborne survey have been reviewed and are currently being used to continue the planning of exploration for the remainder of the property. At present, eight other anomalies are apparent. The field operations and eventual drilling are currently under the auspices of Billiken Management Services Inc, of Toronto, Ontario.

    This press release has been prepared by management of Spider Resources Inc. and has been approved for dissemination by Neil Novak P.Geo, President of Spider and a Qualified Person as such term is defined under National Instrument 43-101, who has reviewed and verified the technical information contained in this press release and has approved the contents of this press release. Spider Resources Inc. is a tier 2 Canadian exploration company, quoted for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SPQ. There are currently 301,184,917 shares issued in Spider.

    On behalf of the board of directors,

    Neil Novak, President and CEO

    bei Scorpio wird´s noch dauern. Die machen eine schöne Mineneröffnung im Juni, viel mexikanische Prominenz.
    GAM steht außer Frage, da beginnt es bestens zu laufen. Law suite ist halt noch anhängig.

    Bin da auf eine wirklich billige Goldproducer Aktie gestoßen. Schau sie dir mal an! Nicht so groß wie peak, aber immerhin gut 100 t oz

    Paramount: trading halt ????

    Exmin: die sorgen jetzt für ständigen news flow. Relativ wirkungslos, aber das kommt schon...

    EXMIN Resources Inc.: High Grade Mineralization and Three Mineralized Targets Drilled in 2007 at Moris Exploration Project Chihuahua, Mexico
    Thursday March 13, 11:33 am ET

    Sterling feiert in der Sunshine eine Party.....
    mit Governor und Bandl durchschneiden.....

    Gutes auch von Yale!

    Yale Completes Preliminary Metallurgical Studies at La Verde Grande
    Thursday March 13, 9:40 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 13, 2008 -- Yale Resources Ltd. (CDNX:YLL.V - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) is pleased to announce that preliminary metallurgical studies on mineralization from within the La Verde Grande Mine has shown that excellent recoveries can be obtained for copper and zinc. Bottle roll tests indicate that recoveries of 84.3 % for copper and 76.5 % for zinc are obtainable. Gold and silver recoveries were not part of this first test.

    The study was completed in Hermosillo by Consulores Entalpia who have acted as metallurgical consultants to many of the copper mines in Sonora, including Piedras Verdes (Frontera Copper), Cananea (Penoles), and La Caridad (Grupo Mexico). The study was performed on approximately 150 kg of material from the lower level of the La Verde Grande Mine, which had an average grade of 2.21 % copper and 0.68 % zinc. Historic metallurgical studies and production data have resulted in a wide variety of results with emphasis on either copper or silver depending on their relative value at the time and always involved the flotation of the oxide mineralization. The most recent, performed in 1981, studied the recovery of silver and gold by floatation with the recovery of copper from the tails. This resulted in total metal recoveries estimated at 81 % for copper, 80 % for silver and 60 % gold -- with no consideration for zinc.

    In bringing the metallurgical studies to current standards, a key component is to test the viability of a heap leach scenario for the La Verde Grande mineralization. A preliminary column test performed by Yale showed recoveries of 66.61 % copper after 30 days on 30 kg of 'run of mine' (no crushing) mineralization. The results of this initial test indicate that better recoveries could be obtained with a longer leach time and that recoveries may also be improved with crushing.

    Yale is awaiting recommendations for further studies to determine optimal parameters for heap leaching while also examining the economic viability of conventional milling and processing as an alternate processing route.

    "This is a critical step in advancing the La Verde Grande deposit towards feasibility as the combination of favourable preliminary metallurgy and high grades encountered to date together with record metal prices suggests that there is the real potential to define an ore body within the La Verde Project," stated Ian Foreman, P.Geo., President of Yale Resources.

    Die "grüne" Überflutung ist noch nicht bei den Minen angekommen.
    Wird sie auch nicht.
    Aber geht Fisch, geht Fleisch. :D

    Exmin update zu Morris: Produktion läuft.

    PP bei Kimber zu 0,75 mit warrants zu 1,25

    Und mit 1,23 sind wir fast dort. Nur wie geht´s weiter???

    Gute Ergebnisse bei Scorpio:…o_nuestra_senor.html?.v=1

    Und Gammon macht große Schritte: MFN übrigens auch.
    schaut richtig gut aus. Hoffentlich stimmt´s auch.... :D


    ...muss man eh sein, flexibel mein ich. :D
    Das haben sie so an sich, kurz und heftig.
    Das ist eh noch keiner.

    gute käufe. SVL siehe Bild
    Der WTM hechel ich auch immer hinterher.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…ties/MexicoProperties.jpg]

    Nochmals: Rohstoff Spiegel, diesmal sehr interessant.

    Der Arian hechel ich auch.......
    hier kommt sie auch vor.

    Surging Prices Spur Mexican Silverado

    By Andrew K. Burger - 09 Mar 2008 at 01:15 PM GMT-04:00

    BAKU, Azerbaijan ( -- Silver prices have also been climbing – 55%+ in the last 12 months. Some market watchers believe silver may be ripe for a further, sharp move upward as a large overhang of short positions is now deep underwater. Given the macroeconomic conditions, mark-to-market losses and margin calls, the scent of a massive round of short covering is in the air, and that would send silver prices up on a meteoric rise.

    Mexico and Peru automatically spring to mind when silver mining is mentioned. And there are a host of TSX-listed companies actively exploring and developing silver mining projects south of the Rio Grande. Working in Zacatecas State, one of the world’s richest known sources of silver ore, Arian Silver [TSX-V:AGQ] expects to bring its San Jose prospect into production by 2009. ECU Silver Mining [TSX-V:ECU] has made significant discoveries and has started processing ore from a group of seven mines in the Velardena district, another historically prolific source of gold, silver, lead and zinc.

    Surging Silver

    Silver prices were fixed at a mid-market price of $20.82 in London on March 7, having risen 7.7% in the past month. Rather than indicating the formation of a speculative bubble, recent price action and market conditions indicate that silver is in the early to middle stages of a secular bull market, according to Dublin’s Gold Investments. Prices have risen 330%+ in the last five years.

    “Another clear indication that silver is far from a speculative mania rather in the early to middle stages of a secular bull market was seen in the fact that silver had its largest daily gain on a closing basis in memory and yet despite this the open interest actually fell. Again showing that speculative longs have not entered the market rather it is speculative shorts that have been exiting their humongous short position which is causing the price to surge,” according to Gold Investments’ March 7 market letter.

    Gold Investments’ analyst sees signs that a massive short covering may be in the making. “…Huge and unprecedented concentrated short positions in silver are being forced to cover their shorts and buy back silver in significant volumes. We could see the commercial shorts forced to panic cover en masse creating a massive surge in the silver (and gold) price. This eventuality is looking increasingly likely, especially in the light of the very significant macroeconomic and systemic risks facing the U.S. and many western economies.

    “Silver has now surpassed the predicted high of most silver analysts in the world who have failed to realize the massive growing supply/demand imbalance in silver and how the humongous and unprecedented short position in silver would lead to prices being propelled to levels that may shock even silver's more bullish enthusiasts. This happens in most bull markets but will be a sight to behold in silver in the coming years.”

    Mining & Silver in Mexico

    Mexico is the world’s second-largest silver producer. Encouraged by 1990s changes in mining legislation that allow foreign companies to acquire 100% interests in mining operations, foreign miners helped pushed mining production to a record $7.2 billion in 2007, up from between $2-3 billion five years ago.

    Mining companies invested a record $2.2 billion in Mexico last year according to official government figures. With only 20% of the country explored, the Mexico Mining Chamber of Commerce forecasts that some $20 billion will be invested in the country's mines by 2012.

    Arian Silver on March 3, released an initial NI 43-101 inferred resource estimate for its San Jose property in the Tepal area of Zacatecas State. Results from only half the drill holes completed to date from 1.6 kilometres of a total estimated 12-plus km strike length from the San Jose Vein System returned an estimated 27.7 million ounces of silver, 64.6 million pounds of lead and 147.5 million pounds zinc.

    Results from an additional 34 holes, along with holes currently being drilled as part of the company’s Phase One programme, will cover a minimum 4 of a total 12-plus km strike length and will be modelled, reported and released in an updated resource statement later this year, according to company information.

    Arian’s wholly owned Mexican subsidiary, Arian Silver Mexico S.A. de C.V., holds an exclusive option to wholly acquire the San Jose Project. The Project concessions include the San Jose Mine, which was operated by a subsidiary of Penolés from 1973 to 1991 and then by Monarca, which operated the mine between 1993 and 2001. The mine was closed in 2001 due to prevailing low silver prices after producing more than 2 million tonnes of ore averaging 250 grams/tonne silver.

    An existing underground development ramp provides access to a 3-kilometre stretch of the San Jose Vein System. The western portion of the System, which extends more than 4 km, remains unexploited. Two other main vein structures are exposed and have not been explored using modern methods and tools.

    ECU Silver
    Akin to Arian, ECU Silver Mining is exploring and developing resources in a historically rich and productive region of gold, silver and base mineral resources. Working properties in the Velardena District in Durango State that include five historic mines the Company has been producing mineralized stope material and processing it into lead and zinc concentrates at wholly owned milling facilities - two milling operations at Velardeña and a wholly owned flotation mill in the Village of Velardeña. ECU in Q3 2006 completed a pyrite processing circuit for enhanced recovery of gold and silver.

    Management, in a March 4 media release, said that following metallurgical and processing tests of ore from its Santa Juana Mine, the company is now able and ready to zoom in on specific high-grade ore sections, refine mining methods and metallurgical process and take advantage of current market prices to finance ongoing exploration and development without further share dilution by resuming mining and milling operations at the Velardena mill. Ore processing has resumed and throughput is expected to reach 200 tonnes a day initially and 300 tonnes daily in Q2 this year.

    Working its three main Velardena District Properties in central Mexico’s Durango State – Velardena Main, Chicago and San Diego – while exploring a fourth, ECU Silver has expanded NI 43-101 compliant measured and indicated mineral resources 116% and inferred resources 121% in the past year. The company has amassed an NI 43-101 inventory from 32 mineral veins of 3.7 million tonnes (38 million ounces silver equivalent) measured and indicated, and 13.7 million tonnes (179 million ounces silver equivalent) inferred.

    Management sees the potential to increase this substantially by adding an additional 550 to 960 million silver equivalent ounces. Doing so would make ECU majority owners of one of the world’s largest gold and silver resources.

    Velardena Main property consists of four interconnected mines- Santa Juana, San Juanes, San Mateo and Terneras. ECU began exploring the San Diego property approximately 10 kilometres northeast in Q3 2006 together with Golden Tag Resources Ltd. [TSX-V:GOG] and recently released positive results from an exploratory drilling program being conducted on the Terneras vein off the San Juanes mine that was previously believed to be barren. ärgerlich die EXN.
    dafür haben sie im Vorjahr mehr gedrillt.
    In dem Bericht sieht man auch, wie wenig Silber die eigentlich produzieren.

    kannst dir heute schon einen washout vorstellen.... :D

    Den Rohstoff Spiegel find ich diesmal wieder mal interessant.
    Läuft hier ganz oben am Band...
    (Find keinen link, nur was zum runterholen, was ich eh schon gemacht hab.... :D)

    Sehr langer Bericht von Arian, nur ein kleiner Teil hier

    Arian Silver Corporation: Initial NI 43-101 Resource Calculation at Tepal
    Monday March 10, 3:00 am ET

    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwire - March 10, 2008) - Arian Silver Corporation ("Arian" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AGQ - News; AIM:AGQ)(PLUS:AGQ)(FRANKFURT:I3A - News), is pleased to announce the completion of a Canadian National Instrument (NI) 43-101 mineral resource estimate for the Tepal Property, located in Michoacan State, Mexico. The resource estimation has been prepared by international mining consultants, A.C.A. Howe International Limited.

    Highlights -

    - 1.18 million ounces of gold

    - 421 million pounds of copper

    - 2.58 million ounces of gold-equivalent

    - Initial inferred resource estimate from only 50% of the drill-holes completed to date

    - Resource areas open along multiple directions and to depth

    - Further resource calculation to follow once Phase-1 drilling programme is completed

    - Phase-1 drill programme to total 7,500 metres

    This initial resource estimate of 78.8 million tonnes (MT) containing 1.18 million ounces (oz) of gold and 421 million pounds (lbs) of copper is in the "inferred" mineral resource category and contained within two distinct mineralized zones (North and South Zones). Input data for estimations is from 31 verified historical core holes, and 23 Arian core holes drilled to an aggregate depth of 3,435.4m, completed by the Company up until December 2007.

    Results from an additional 15 holes sited within or with close proximity to the zones currently delineated by this estimate are not included in this resource statement. The results from these holes, together with holes from the on-going Phase-1 drilling, will be reported and modelled for an updated resource statement in due course. The resource estimates are summarised in the table below, and plans showing the extent of the resources can be viewed in the following two links:

    Tepal Long Section:

    Tepal Plan Map:

    Rest hier:

    Der Liebermann hat amal zu seinem Freund Billy Wilder g´sagt:

    "Man kann ja gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen möcht..."

    Dem schließ ich mich vorbehaltlos an. :D


    Drilling für eine sehr interessante Company.

    Cabo to Drill Up to 6,000 Meters for Minera Petaquilla S.A.
    Monday March 10, 9:00 am ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 10, 2008) - Cabo Drilling Corp.'s (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") Panama division has entered into a contract with Minera Petaquilla, S.A. to drill a minimum of 6,000 meters on their copper project in the District of Donoso in Colon Province in the Republic of Panama. Minera Petaquilla, S.A. is a Panamanian company that holds the Petaquilla copper concession.

    Petaquilla Copper Ltd. currently holds a 52% equity interest in Minera Petaquilla, S.A. and Inmet Mining Corps holds the remaining 48% equity interest. Teck Cominco has an option to earn 50% of Petaquilla Copper's interest in Minera Petaquilla, providing Teck Cominco funds all of Petaquilla's share of the cost of bringing the project to production.

    The Company will utilize two helicopter support Longyear Model 38 diamond drills on the project. The drills have been mobilized to the site and drilling has commenced.

    About Inmet Mining Corporation

    Inmet is a Canadian-based global mining company that produces copper, zinc and gold. They have interests in four mining operations in locations around the world: Cayeli, Pyhasalmi, Troilus and Ok Tedi.

    About Teck Cominco Limited

    Teck Cominco is a diversified mining company, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Company is a world leader in the production of zinc and metallurgical coal and is also a significant producer of copper, gold, indium and other specialty metals.

    About Petaquilla Copper Ltd.

    Petaquilla Copper Ltd. is a mineral exploration company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol PTC. The Company holds 52% of Minera Petaquilla, S.A., a joint venture company developing a world class copper deposit in the Republic of Panama. Petaquilla Copper also owns 49% of the issued shares of Petaquilla Infrastructure Ltd., a company incorporated to manage and expedite the development of the power, port and related infrastructure in support of the Molejon Gold Mine of Petaquilla Minerals Ltd.

    About Cabo Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News)

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.


    John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President and CEO

    Bei CNU hast noch die 8% von JV partner Fortuna vergessen.
    Haben halt ziemlich eine Dilution gehabt, aber MC ist nicht so hoch: unter 25 mille C$.
    Die Dilution wird überhaupt zu wenig beachtet.
    Da heißt es dann, ja die waren schon bei 6 und jetzt sind´s nach jahren bei 3.
    Wie Gemein!!! :D
    Dabei haben sie doppelt so viele shares heraußen...
    (bezieht sich nicht auf eine bestimmete Mine... :D

    Oaxaca ist ein bisserl weit vom Schuss und nicht sooo sicher...
    gibt´s eine Präsi.......................

    Weiß nicht, wieviel du hinten bist, aber da sollte man nachkaufen, wenn Geld da und das depotgefüge nicht in Schieflage kommt.

    Zur Bewertung noch 2 links:
    Mining costs mit allem Drum und Dran

    und eine allgemeine Seite über Mining in Mexico:

    HUI: wenn der Gesamtmarkt mitspielt.
    Wie gesagt die großen sammeln Cash an, wie GG etc.

    Aber das nützt so Werten wie CNU, Garibaldi, Exmin relativ wenig.
    Da müssen andere Sachen passieren.
    Gute Meldungen etc.

    Die Verwerfungen werden hier beschrieben:
    Auswirkungen haben wir genügend......
    Aber die hier gehen dann nur in die Großen oder in ETF´s

    Advance Alert: Major Action We're Taking
    by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.

    Dear Subscriber,
    These markets are going wild, and we're responding with major action — a brand new set of recommendations Mike and I are going to issue within the next week or so.

    But if you think the recent market moves have been climactic, think again.

    The flood of money rushing out of paper assets like stocks and mortgages ... into foreign currencies, gold, silver, oil, wheat, platinum, and almost every commodity under the sun is just a trickle in comparison to the tidal wave we see coming.

    Just look at the big hits people are already taking on their traditional investments:

    Muni bonds are getting killed! People thought they were "safe." Not so. Some muni investments have lost more than half their value in a matter of weeks.

    Government-sponsored agency bonds like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Sallie Mae are now being dragged into the mortgage and loan catastrophe!

    U.S. home equity is vanishing! For the first time since the Federal Reserve started tracking the data in 1945 — more than a half-century ago — the equity in the average American home is now less than half of what is owed on those homes. Plus, nearly nine million families now owe more than their home is worth!

    Home foreclosures have just doubled to the highest in history! Even middle-class families with good credit and the ability to pay their mortgages are abandoning their homes in droves. Imagine what's happening to people who can't pay!

    Jobs are disappearing! On Friday, economists were expecting to see 23,000 more jobs for February. Instead, they were shocked by the news of 63,000 fewer jobs.

    The Fed is panicking! With the next Fed meeting just nine days from today ... and with most investors expecting — even demanding — at least a three-quarter-point cut, the Fed announced a whopping $200 billion in new dollars to be pumped into the economy. This is unprecedented, to say the least.

    U.S. dollar in freefall: Proving that global investors are not dumb — that they clearly understand this blizzard of horrific economic news means Washington will gut the dollar in the weeks ahead — they're already beating the greenback to a pulp.

    So with all these traditional investments getting smashed ... with the Fed pouring in hundreds of billions of more cash ... and with the dollar collapsing ... where do you think all that money is going?

    If your answer is commodities and foreign currencies, you're dead right! In fact, just in the last few days ...

    Oil blasted through its 28-year-old inflation-adjusted highs without so much as looking back, hitting an eye-popping $106 a barrel.

    Gold prices exploded higher, moving within $8 of the never-before-reached $1,000 mark.

    Copper exploded to a new all-time high of over $4 per pound.

    The CRB index is beginning to look more like the trajectory of a moon rocket than a mere price chart.

    The euro has surged to a new all-time high, while the Japanese yen continues on its way to its highest level in history as well.

    This is no mild-mannered inflationary spiral, my friend. Just compared to three months ago, the U.S. dollar buys 19% less in terms of commodities. Heck, at an annual rate, that's the equivalent to an inflation rate of more than 70%!

    The things you buy at the grocery store ... for transportation ... to heat and cool your home ... and every foreign-made product you buy at Wal-Mart is soaring in price.

    Now, for the good news: Opportunities to profit from this great super boom in oil, gold, silver, platinum, copper, food and other commodities are now far more accessible than ever before.

    Now, a whole new kind of investment vehicle makes going for huge gains in commodities and foreign currencies as easy as buying shares in IBM or Microsoft.

    I'm talking about exchange-traded funds — simple ETFs. And as I told you at the outset, Mike and I are getting ready to take major action to recommend our top choice of three of them within a week or so.

    We've posted a blockbuster report on this crisis on our website. Plus, our site tells you exactly how to jump in to harness these powerful forces. Just click here.

    Good luck and God bless!


    About Money and Markets
    For more information and archived issues, visit

    du machst deinem Namen alle Ehre......
    mir ist jedenfalls alles klar, was du schreibst.....

    danke, aber das mach ich auch, dass ich Sachen verkauf.....
    (am liebsten das, was aus der jahresfrist heraußen ist :D)
    Bin 08 hinten, also seit 1.1., sonst läuft´s nicht so schlecht.

    Insgesamt sind wir an einem blöden punkt zur Zeit.
    Kann ja jederzeit wieder ein washout einsetzen.....
    Drum hoff ich auf zwischenerholung beim Dow.... :D

    Die Majors verdienen ja schon wieder richtig Geld.
    Wenn sie genügend haben, gehen sie auf shopping Tour.
    Also das sind sie ja eigentlich schon, es wird ja verhandelt, dass sich die Balken biegen.....

    warum soll er mich interessieren, mach ja keine zertis.......
    Ist ja nicht so, dass ich nicht weiß, wo Silber steht....
    Zu viel Info macht deppat.... :D
    also mich jedenfalls....

    Unbedingter Lesestoff!
    Hat aber "valueman" auch schon des öfteren erklärt.....(die Minco Geschichte mein ich)

    Buying Gold to get Silver

    Bob Moriarty, Mar 6, 2008…iarty/moriarty030608.html

    völlig rihtig verstanden.

    Aber den rest auch lesen. Warum strong long.

    Schau DAU, voriges Jahr hatten wir im April mal 5,55 €, dann Mitte August 2,07.
    Jetzt waren wir lange unter 3 und sind bei 3,3.
    Sie eignet sich bestens zum Spielen.
    Meine grundposiis vom Frühjahr 05 rühr ich vorderhand nicht an.
    Dann hab ich erfolgreich meine First Silver Verluste durch Übernahme in Plusposi verwandelt und nun hab ich noch 2 trading Posis zu 2,84 €.

    Wohin möchtest schichten, das ist die Frage.

    Silberpreis: ist mir eher egal. Alles über 15 ist mir recht.
    War ja einer der ersten Silberprolos hier im Board :D
    Aber das war ich auch schon, bevor ich hierher kam.

    Du bist zur Zeit ein bisserl hektisch und verunsichert.
    Des wird scho wieda..............

    Ich bin mit meinem depot heuer auch hinten, was mich ärgert, weil ich schon im jänner ziemlich reingegangen bin, was sich als grober Fehler erwies.
    Das ist schwer zu korrigieren. (bei dem lausigen markt und bei besseren auch nicht, weil die % kriegst nicht mehr rein!9

    Außerdem hätt ich zum Jahresende noch einiges glattstellen sollen und mit Gewinnen ausgleichen.
    Dann hätt ich mehr Cash gehabt und stünde deutlich besser da.

    Soll kein Jammern sein sonder dient als Erklärung...... :D


    die in Zusammenhang mit MMg erwähnten West Timmins beobachte ich auch schon länger.

    Nächste woche wird echt spannend, wohin die reise geht.

    @dau, äre interessant, in welche Werte du umschichten würdest.

    wieviel hast dir die EXM kosten lassen?

    Die haben tatsächlich nur 100t aufgenommen....
    Karl achtet auf Dilution! Neu, aber ist mir recht.
    D.h. Geld von Morris ist im Anrollen.

    EXMIN Announces Completion of Warrant Exercise and Closing of Non-Brokered Private Placement
    Friday March 7, 10:07 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 7, 2008) - EXMIN Resources Inc. ("EXMIN") (TSX VENTURE:EXM - News), further and in addition to its March 10, 2006, press release, wishes to announce that, all of the 7,266,666 share purchase warrants with an exercise price of $0.20, as well as the 1,403,333 agent's units with an exercise price of $0.15 and their underlying warrants, which were issued as part as the March 2006, private placement, have now been fully exercised.

    In addition, and further to its February 29, 2008, press release, the Company is pleased to announce that, after receiving approval from the TSX Venture Exchange, it has raised $100,000 in cash on closing of a non-brokered private placement consisting of 333,333 units at a price of $0.30 per unit. Each unit consists of one common share and one half of a share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles its holder to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.50 per share until March 6, 2010. The shares are restricted from trading until July 6, 2008, as required by TSX Venture Exchange policies and securities law.

    About EXMIN

    EXMIN Resources Inc. is currently focused on the exploration and development of precious metal properties of significant merit in the Sierra Madre gold belt of Northwestern Mexico.

    umschichten ist eine Möglichkeit.
    Im Herbst werden vile warrants frei, da könntest du sie um einiges günstiger kriegen.
    Wir könnten allerdings im frühjahr noch einen peak bekommen.

    Warum strong long:
    da kommen immer mehr starke Hände rein.
    Heute werden fast 1,3 mille Aktien gehandelt, d.h. da kauft auch wer...... :D
    Das ist mehr als ein Achtel dieses PP.
    Heuer geht noch einiges in Besitz von FR über durch Ratenzahlungen von vorhergehenden Aquisationen.
    Aber wie schon gestern od. vorgestern bemerkt, FR wird weiter gespielt werden, eben weil sie sich so gut eignet.
    Ich mach da gar nichts, erst Ende April wird eine Trading Position frei.
    Von meinem Grundinvest: Finger weg!!!!!

    ECU: da kommt so viel zusammen, dass ich mir fast sicher bion, dass die heuer noch gehen wird/muss....... :D

    ECU Silver Confirms Eastern Extension of Terneras Vein
    Thursday March 6, 11:26 am ET
    - Terneras vein in new cross-cut yields 3.4 g/t Gold, 1,095 g/t Silver, 5.66% Pb, 6.06% Zn over 12 metres (39.36 feet) in length and over a total width of 1 metre (3.28 feet);
    - Vertical extension of eastern portion of the Terneras vein now confirmed over 450 metres (1,476 feet);
    - Confirmed the extension of the Terneras vein on the east side of the Tres Aguilas fault;

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 6, 2008) - ECU Silver Mining (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the latest assay results from a cross-cut extending from the San Juanes adit to the Terneras vein in which the extension of the Terneras vein was confirmed on the east side of the Tres Aguilas fault.

    Click Here
    In early January of 2008, the Company decided to continue the San Juanes adit and began working on a cross-cut aimed at verifying the continuity of the main east-west trending Terneras vein on the east side of the Tres Aguilas fault which intersects the Terneras vein. This work was based on interpretations from the 3-D geological model of the recent NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate announced on January 24, 2008. The Company is pleased to report the following results from this most recent work at the San Juanes adit.

    The Terneras vein was cut 200 metres below surface and has been followed, so far, along strike for 12 metres on the east side of the Tres Aguilas fault. The cut was sampled every three metres with the results shown below in Table 1. The table shows assay results for the three series of chip samples, the average of these chip samples and the average grade diluted over a one metre thickness, using nil values for the diluted host rock. The chip samples averaged 0.17 metres grading 7.11 g/t gold, 1,865 g/t silver, 13.01% lead and 9.04% zinc. Also shown in the table is a metallurgical sample for the entire 12 metre cut taken over a one metre total width which yielded 3.4 g/t Au, 1,095 g/t Ag, 5.66% Pb and 6.06% Zn.

    This confirmation of the strike and dip of the Terneras vein is consistent with the drill intercept reported October, 16th 2007, where 0.30 metres grading 2.70 g/t gold, 2,097 g/t silver, 0.55 % copper, 17.95% lead and 11.57% zinc was reported in hole SJ 14-02 approximately 256 metres below this recent cross-cut. As such, this cross-cut provides additional confirmation that we have found the eastern extension of the main Terneras vein. The cross-cut and previously reported drill intercept identify an initial 450 metres (1,476 feet) of vertical extension for the 12 metre lateral portion of the Terneras vein.

    Table 1 - Terneras Vein Eastern Extension - South Branch
    Sample # Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn %
    47572 0.30 5.8 886 0.14 6.81 8.80
    47599 0.12 4.14 3,949 0.52 30.04 5.76
    48604 0.10 14.60 2,303 0.31 9.98 13.72
    Average 0.17 7.11 1,865 0.26 13.01 9.04
    Diluted 1.0 1.23 323 0.05 2.26 1.57
    Metallurgy 1.0 3.4 1,095 0.15 5.66 6.06

    The calculated assays from the metallurgical test sample clearly demonstrate that the host rock carries significant values in precious and base metals. The metallurgical test sample graded much higher than the diluted average over the same width which used nil in the host rock. The metallurgical sample also gave recoveries of 90.4% for Pb and 86.2% for Ag in the lead concentrate with a further 8.2% of Ag and 82% of Zn in the zinc concentrate, with both concentrates being of very high marketable quality.

    This can only be explained by a phenomenon known as mineralized stratigraphical planes and are observed in the drift. Essentially, the mineralization extends along the sedimentary planes on each side of the Terneras vein, whereupon, small veinlets are extending for several centimetres on each side of the Terneras vein providing for good average grades to the whole metre section when including dilution.

    Readers are cautioned that until a prefeasibility study is completed, there are no assurances this latest mineralized zone will be economically viable.

    A further point of high interest is that the main cross-cut driven to test the eastern extension of the Terneras vein transected what was supposed to be a "barren" section. This section of the cross-cut was in fact not barren and the Company was surprised and pleased to have obtained the following results, shown in Table 2 below.

    Table 2 - Veinlets in X-Cut
    Sample # Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn %
    47525 0.12 1.40 180 0.03 4.38 6.20
    47576 0.15 2.00 204 0.03 1.07 4.23
    47577 0.12 1.70 2,385 0.41 2.97 3.45
    47526 0.15 1.00 1,016 0.24 2.52 3.20

    In that portion of the cross-cut, thought to be barren, several veinlets were cut that justify more investigation based on the grades shown above in Table 2 (for precious and base metals). The expectation both along strike and vertically is either to define a possible wide low grade stockwork type zone or to find "chimneys" along the same veins.

    Readers are cautioned that these veinlets may not extend much further than what is currently visible in our working.

    Michel Roy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said that: "As stated in October of 2007, the Company believed that a brand new area of exploration was now available in the eastern sector of the Terneras vein which had never been tested before. We are pleased to have confirmed the extension of the Terneras vein on the east side of the Tres Aguilas fault and the system continues to show tremendous continuity and robust grades which is typical of these extensive-type veins."

    Our exploration work will continue on the area surrounding the eastern extension of the Terneras vein. The work will include a continuation of the cross-cut further to the north in search of new veins. We will also continue drifting east along the Terneras vein to provide additional confirmation of the ongoing lateral extension of the Terneras Vein. We plan to also open a new drift to follow certain prominent veinlets where we anticipate that these veinlets are in fact indicators of the depth extensions of numerous old workings, which occur near the surface above our working area.

    All widths are true widths. Samples were assayed at the ERSA laboratory in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico which is currently in the process of being certified. Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

    ECU Silver Mining Inc. is focused on the exploration, development and mining of gold, silver and base metals at its Velardena District Properties in Durango, Mexico. The area includes five historical mines - Santa Juana, Terneras, San Mateo, San Juanes, and the San Diego mine. ECU is defining the "Mineralized Corridor" at Santa Juana and also further defining several higher grade narrow veins within the area. ECU's mission is to become a pre-eminent silver producer through the development of existing, and additional potential resources at Velardena.

    passt schon. Konnte das nicht so einordnen...... :D

    Puplava ist ja großer Aktionär bei Kimber.
    Da muss sie ja vorkommen.........
    Für CDE könnte sie interessant werden

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Worauf bezieht sich das von mike?

    wollen damit die bestehnden minen ausbauen.

    Negativ: mehr shares,
    Kurs wird aufgehalten.
    Aber heut schon 700000 shares.........

    Ich weiß, wie Neumayr tickt.......
    Der zieht seine Strategie durch.
    Wir hatten diesmal nicht, dass der Kurs vorher runtergeprügelt wurde und dass es dadurch billig wurde.
    Blackmont, die eine Studie verfassten sind dabei.
    Geld wird immer schwieriger aufzutreiben, da 45 mille einzusacken, spricht für FR.
    Zu beachten wird die Geschwindigjkeit des cash burns sein.
    Insgesamt wird value geschaffen durch Ausbau und Aufrüstung der bestehenden minen.
    Siehe auch Zacatecas meldung diese Woche.
    Jedenfalls kann man FR kaufen unter PP Preis.
    Richtig beuteln wird es sie, wenn es wieder mal so richtig abwärts geht und die shares frei sind.
    Aber das ist man hier gewöhnt.
    FR wird immer stärker auf der longseite.

    ah gehhh......
    wenn schon, dann würden sie wen übernehmen.
    a Geld ham´s braucht.....

    Mar 05, 2008 15:42 ET
    First Majestic Silver Corp.: New Issue-Approximately $45 Million

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 5, 2008) -


    First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic" or the "Company")(TSX:FR)(PINK SHEETS:FRMSF)(FRANKFURT:FMV)(WKN:A0LHKJ) has today entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by CIBC World Markets Inc. and including Blackmont Capital Inc., Cormark Securities Inc. and GMP Securities L.P., under which the underwriters have agreed to buy 8,500,000 Units ("Units"), from First Majestic at an issue price of $5.35 per Unit representing an aggregate offering of approximately $45 million ("The Offering"). Each Unit will consist of one common share (a "Common Share") in the capital of First Majestic and one-half of one Common Share purchase warrant. Each whole Common Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant") will entitle the holder to acquire one additional Common Share at a price of $7.00 for a period of 24 months from the closing of the Offering. The Company will grant the underwriters an option, exercisable up until 30 days following closing of the offering, to purchase up to an additional 15% of the number of Common Shares and Warrants at the issue price. Closing is expected on or about March 25, 2008.

    The Company plans to use certain of the net proceeds of the offering for the expansion of each of the mill capacities at the Company's three producing silver mines in Mexico, the La Parrilla, La Encantada and San Martin silver mines. In addition, certain of the net proceeds will be used for the ongoing development and exploration programs presently underway and for general working capital.

    Closing of the Offering is subject to certain conditions, including but not limited to, receipt of all necessary securities regulatory approvals, including the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

    The Offering is being made in all Provinces of Canada except Quebec and is subject to the approval of regulatory authorities. The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

    For further information please contact:, visit our website at or call our toll free number 1.866.529.2807.

    Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - First Majestic Silver Corp. - FR & FR.WT

    TORONTO, March 5 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market
    Regulation Services (RS):

    Issuer Name: First Majestic Silver Corp.
    TSX Ticker Symbol: FR & FR.WT
    Time of Halt: 3:25 p.m EST
    Reason for Halt: Pending News

    a schau her, gänzlich unerwartet....................................
    Vielleicht brauchens a Geld, ne, hab keine Ahnung
    Kann eigentlich nur gut sein....